• 950 replies
    By suggestion, a place for the poets among us to post their words.


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  • free idea
    clown patrol
    clown patrol shooting bullets in the air well aware there's no one there it's just to scare you and if they say you are too scared they really think you're not scared enough to do anything. dropping water onto steam looks like another dead clown dream wearing carboard fire trucks around their wastes it's nothing you can taste; anyone feel like expendable guinea pigs yet? to the clowns you are and always have been. clowns lie until they believe it themselves now it is only you left to convince have confidence be reassured the clowns paint another face and prop another dictator into place; the effects of the fear are equal to the rays no fly zones and bare bones there's another set of clown faces waiting to sell you free energy just keep on with the party there's nothing left to see here. busses packed with teary eyes finally seeing through the lies but there is nothing but clowns enough clowns to go around it looks like a circus of the absurd drop a bucket here spray a hose there send a bomb down there does anybody really care no clowns here what you talking about clowns when some grows a pair enuogh to tell the truth you might ought to stand clear of the clowns slowing down the nightmare to a clowns crawl divert attention here put a few bombs there does that make you feel better there's enough clowns to go around now tell another silly joke that will make it better sometimes you just gotta laugh at the clowns
  • free idea
    like this one
    nice one,(or two), JS.
  • JerseySchwartz
    two new writings 1 Coversation and Contradiction 2 July 20 1969
    1 A simple conclusion brings us back to the beginning.Internalized reflection ridicules our mirrored accusations. Disturbed with regret, transparent resentment. What's better off left unsaid, hides in a sigh outside our selves. Difficult acceptance these shadows of seclusion, impressions reward a tear of solitude. There's nothing to be done, disappointed with the secret neither of us need to keep. Not the one who gave up, not the one who destroyed the dream. Because it's so, confuse the silence, silence is being poured from cup to cup. A Simple conversation leaves us guessing at the lessons of the heart. Do these after-thoughts resist the angry. Remember what happened to yesterdays' promise? To believe in something you must to trust someone. It's time to realize, everyday we're the same people we are. Reason the chance to compromise, forgive, and understand. A sense, at eye level it's easier to ignore then to look away. Playing a game of one rule contradictions, fairness my love, fairness, let go, break free. -------------------------- 2 We're the first to see the earth from the moon. From above we can see the world in its proper context. Now we know how the planet suffers and how its inhabitants response. Reach across the limitations lifting each other out of uncertainty. Globally we can embrace the similarities through out humanity. And understand how extremism reaps only destruction. We are the keepers the seas, are we the masters of the atmosphere? We become as one with the fields, turning hard clay into productive soil. The world works better when it works together. The earth moves closer as dignity breaks the chains. The globe is nature, as are the dreams of sentient creatures. The planet yields its nourishment fulfilling the intent of the seed and seasons'.
  • free idea
    it was the summer of '79
    I was at a partyat the JK school of disembodied poets while listening to Allen bewail my lady friend with an impromptu about her 'strawberries'; His girl groupies were massaging his torso, yes, his guy groupies were more notable but he did have his girl groupies too, and it all became a little nauseating for me; Nanao was nowhere to be seen, he could always be counted on to break up such scenes with his armpit farting noises and silly jokes, but not tonight; so I found my way out back onto the back porch, looking out the back side of the 'mall' street. I sat there, waiting for the 'star' clustering to subside, when who should join me out there but Ken himself. I was a bit shocked when he started to talk to me, and then as we talked about our favorite Boulder folk, my tai-chi teachers, Jane and Bataan, he began to pace back and forth on the porch much like a caged tiger, as he told me about this and that, and some about the other thing. I pinched myself a couple times, as he paced back and forth in the rhythm of his rhyme, it all fell in to place of, hey! I shut up, I wasn't going to do anything to shorten this moment, Ken walking back and forth like Neal on the railroad tracks. We liked the same things and the same people, so we continued on for about a half an hour, until the scene inside was less off-putting, then we went back to the party. Ken was a very sweet man, and had no pretense out there on the porch, we shared a moment, that I still carry with me today. Ken and Babbs, and the buttons on the table. It was the summer of '79.
  • free idea
    for Bear
    Crystal Blue Persuasion Eddie Gray, Tommy James, Mike Vale Look over yonder what do you see? The sun is a'rising most definitely A new day is coming people are changing Ain't it beautiful crystal blue persuasion Better get ready gonna see the light Love, love is the answer and that's all right So don't you give up now so easy to find Just look to your soul and open your mind Crystal blue persuasion mm-hmm It's a new vibration Crystal blue persuasion, crystal ... blue persuasion Maybe tomorrow when He looks down On every green field and every town All of his children and every nation They'll be peace and good brotherhood Crystal blue persuasion Crystal blue persuasion Crystal blue persuasion Crystal blue persuasion http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crystal_Blue_Persuasion
  • trailbird
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    can I tell?
    Time Miner3/6/11 One night the Panther came to me As I lay beneath the trees A predator both wild and free One pounce would be the end of me I got up on my knees Then time began to freeze There was a meeting of the minds That left me feeling hypnotized His eyes were pools of liquid gold I felt a spirit, very old A warrior from ancient lands Who said, "you soon will understand" At first my ears began to ring Then my head began to spin Next thing I know we'd left the ground And drifted up inside a cloud In this cloud visions appeared While from the distance something neared I heard the ticking of a clock And what I saw left me in shock There was a clock that had no hands An hourglass that had no sands I checked its face and wondered "how?" The only thing it said was "now" chorus Now - it's a train at the station Now - like the dawn of creation Now - it's a liberation Of universal mind Vision gone, we'd left the skies Still staring into Panther's eyes The Panther turned and walked away "Thank you my friend" was all I'd say Now - it's a train at the station Now - like the dawn of creation Now - it's a liberation Of universal mind
  • trailbird
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    thanks lamagonzo...
    but I can't play harmonica, and he's a much better singer than me, writer too. But I try.
  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    Sky Pilot, The Animals
    He blesses the boys as they stand in lineThe smell of gun grease and their bayonets they shine He's there to help them all that he can To make them feel wanted he's a good holy man Sky pilot.....sky pilot How high can you fly You'll never, never, ever reach the sky He smiles at the young soldiers Tells them its all right He knows of their fear in the forthcoming fight Soon there'll be blood and many will die Mothers and fathers back home they will cry Sky pilot.....sky pilot How high can you fly You'll never, never, ever reach the sky He mumbles a prayer and it ends with a smile The order is given They move down the line But he'll stay behind and he'll meditate But it won't stop the bleeding or ease the hate As the young men move out into the battle zone He feels good, with God you're never alone He feels so tired and he lays on his bed Hopes the men will find courage in the words that he said Sky pilot.....sky Pilot How high can you fly You'll never, never, ever reach the sky You're soldiers of God, you must understand The fate of your country is in your young hands May God give you strength Do your job real well If it all was worth it Only time it will tell In the morning they return With tears in their eyes The stench of death drifts up to the skies A young soldier so ill looks at the sky pilot Remembers the words: "Thou shalt not kill" Sky pilot.....sky pilot How high can you fly You never, never, ever reach the sky
  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    Love that Howl, Teller
    Are you the next Bob Dylan? You should get your ass to Madison right now and hand that out, sing it or play it, whatever man -- get it out there! Howl on dude!
  • trailbird
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    March to be Free
    Been praying for the people of the middle-eastWho want to live in freedom, want to live in peace And not just there but everywhere People getting tired of a world that's run by clowns Taking all the money, but soon they're going down Maybe we'll build a world that shares Time to come together, time to take a stand Time to lay the cards down, time to play your hand The winds of "change" are in the air Don't know what to do? Just wing it Don't care what you wear, just bring it Write a song of Hope and sing it Grab that Freedom Bell and ring it
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17 years 4 months
By suggestion, a place for the poets among us to post their words.
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17 years 4 months

Fly freeidea fly arms to the sky heart to the wind feet on the ground fly freeidea fly arms to the sky soul to the clouds feet on the ground fly freidea fly arms to the sky love to the earth feed on the sound
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Member for

16 years 2 months

When we talk this wayThe back and forth of good idea There is no separation now We are all together now Always were and always will be It just takes a little push And then we are all sailing free Is not that what we rightly have come here for Is not that what these guys showed us all to see Build the superstructure of musical form Build it slowly slowly Taking time and great care That all the pieces fit in just exactly perfectly And then you set off to climb Climb that superstructure into the sky And when you achieve and overcome And the top of the mountain you see You run right up without a second thought And fling yourself into the sky No need for flapping now Just think first thought And you are free
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17 years 4 months

A snowy day To sit and see laughing water dancing free on tye dye dreams the whiteness lay Feel the sky as snowflakes fly
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16 years 2 months

I won't even take your lifeWon't even take a limb Just unload my shotgun And take a little skin Well you take a silver dollar Take a silver dime Mix it up together In some alligator wine I can hear the drums Voodoo all night long Mister Charlie telling me I can't do nothing wrong lyics:Robert Hunter
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16 years 2 months

i got a few minutes, so ithink ill shoot from the hip not hold anything back now gonna really let her rip been keeping it all bottled up inside for so long now i might cry but i really need to let it all out theres something so large it cant be seen and something so small it cant be missed would you come if i call or would you run away and jump the wall see if you can get to the door before i fall you know those words you said they put me on the floor so i pick myself up and smile and say thankyou for all the things that you put me through and i thank you again for the way that you are cause without your lens my eye camera doesn't focus at all my friends cat her name is Rush she likes to sit in the tub and stare at me with her gold green glowing eyes she ducks her head to hide cause she knows that i can't see her if she can't see me then we play "string" for hours and hours on end
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16 years 2 months

Is Golden
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15 years 9 months

a small particle too small for the naked eyefloats through this timeless space... particle on top of molecule, now we've got dust gathered in outer space what a seemingless place was this dust sent through a black hole, to every beginning an end or should we assume that the the universe was prexistent before any matter now its time for time to fall into place how long has this space been when did it began this universe keeps to its laws (natures laws) only to expand upon its contents and their mass along with the gravitational pull that allows it to contract and expand proving that oneday in a point of of time this space was smaller than today Here comes the prime evil atom causing a great big bang among this small matter of what seemed to be dust was actuallyintended to be an egg releasing gases hydrogen, helium creating a much compounded world left for evolution to take its course this is where life comes into effect... answering the question how the universe began
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15 years 9 months

The heart has its seasonsdid you ever waken to the sound of street cats making love and guess from their cries you were listening to a fight well you know, hates just the last thing they're thinking of they're only trying to make it through the night i only want to hold you i dont want to tie you down or fence you between the lines i might have drawn life is not about how to surivive in the storm but how to dance in the rain there comes a point in ones life when you come to realize who matters who never did who wont anymore and who always will so dont worry about the people from the past theres a reason why they did not make it to you future my name is brittney, most call me lola...la la la la lola....im always gigglin and laughin, i try and keep a smile but sometimes it takes more than a smile to get by....im in college for massage therapy i've got 3 months to get my diploma if i wanna make atleast one show this summer....i love the gratefulness of the deads groupies...i have only met a few hippies, but the ones i have met have been amazing friends and great partiers!!....i met a dead head last summer....and ever since he's turned me on to the dead, i havent had anything else on my mind, except for touring this summer....only things arent given to you, you have to work for them, and i definately need a job, picked a bad time to look for one...with the economy down...but liqour sales are up!! if only they would legalize marijuana...that would bring the economy up out of this!! for sure...as long as the government can make money off from it, and tax the hell out of it...im a country girl.was raised on a farm around horses, and i spend most of my summer nights camping out by a campfire...i own a small trailer that sits in a campground surrounded by the potomac river...i live in west virginia...and im lookin forward to meeting alot of peace loving free spitits... i am planning on goin to atleast one show...i'd like to go to more....but i dont have a van....if i did, i'd be gettin a bunch of people together to come with me...if anyone lives in wv....close to me, i would pitch in for gas....but it would be nice to go with someone instead of drivin by myself....i have a myspace...lol who doesnt? my website is www.myspace.com/secret5lover
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16 years 2 months

Welcome to dead.net and 'poets corner' Love your words.
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16 years 2 months

Here Comes Your 19th Global Internet Meltdown (sung to the tune of "19th nervous breakdown--rolling stones) You're just the kind of guy people think of as strangely without care off on the fringes never say a word Unless you're spoken to but now you over did it, it started coming out of your ears And now you try but you just cant hide you better post don't look around here it comes here it comes here it comes here comes your 19th global internet meltdown you travel in style always smoke the kind but something just werent never right in your mind always had the best to eat and drink but every night you slept alone no one could comfort you until the day you knocked down the doors and threw out the sealameal you better stop dont turn around here it comes here it comes here it comes here comes your 19th global internet meltdown oh who's to blame that kids gone insane nothing seems to stop it, he goes right around the clock every time I turn around it just keeps on getting worse what can still be left certainly not your methedrine it really stole your mind and after you left in June everyone said it was way past time should a stuck with that short trip of dimethyltryptamine it would a put the hurt upon your mind but now you're just in the way of what is fine you better stop, put the pipe down here it comes here it comes here it comes here comes your 19th global internet meltdown here comes your 19th global internet meltdown here comes your 19th global internet meltdown
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15 years 8 months

Every day my eye awakensReflecting dreams lost slumber Waking, fabricating time My perceptions illuminate in the light of your space Every visage ethereal grace Penetrating my heart is in rhythm A motion brought to my attention We put ourselves in this place Heaven knows all other worldly systems Not to exclude your own The static lining of your position A permissive act of will We are lost in this place With all the potential for altered states Do not get lost in yourself We are other worldly Every day is latent energy For the stewards who are sleeping Delicate, shimmering waves My hands hold the sphere which ignites in space Every second lost is gained Bringing back around my intentions Like clockwork I am reminded We should take care of this place
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16 years 2 months

Every body else seemsTo have something better to do tonight So now it's just me and you babe It's just me and you Sitting on this pile of rocks Got our sweaters pulled up tight Cause its time to pull the pets in Yeah its gonna be a three dog night Sitting in front of the fire Thinking overtime on how to lift you higher But in the end it comes to this It really doesnt matter how hard you try In the end it will all be revealed It will be seen that we never left the sky This earthly dream to wonder why We left the campfire to wander Out of body experience Is the only true experience In body experience is a Straight up lie
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15 years 9 months

I have traveled through a timeless universe of rippled skies, over seas of churning color to traverse the ranges and valleys in a single brushstroke. I have seen the faces in the wood and journeyed into the black hole of chain link. I have stormed the fort and stood in the shoes of many a dying soldier. I have run through the dark woods, dodging trees and shadows, chasing the glimpse of a fleeting thought. I have felt the ground move like the belly of a fat man laughing at two boys flying head over heels into manhood. I followed my mind into my soul to find these unreal realities which were hiding behind prejudice, shame and fear in brilliant shades of peace, love and good will.
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16 years 2 months

You must start right to end rightYou can't rise any higher than the source If you set your sights on matter Spirit will be nowhere to be found Starting with feet firmly planted on infinity Insures success from the very outset What is there to die If nothing has ever been born Always resting in action Ideas shining brightly Like a light in our Father's eye It was a backwards thought That has seemd to keep us trapped For so long Graduation day in the temple Grasping the pebble's Out of Master's hand Now is time to leave The temple grounds To wander. Watering the garden and moving along.
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16 years 2 months

All touches All One embraces Many Everything fits into Nothing
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16 years 2 months

The sound of the snow plows Growling through the city streets Laying down the plow with a metallic concussion I felt it in my bones three floors up Walking through the city neighborhoods The sounds of car tires compressing powder, Dogs barking carrying through back yards The scritch scritch scritch of the Snowshovel on amacite Surrounding you, wherever you go Someone is digging out. When that city dumptruck plow hits the road, it sounds like a bomb And then hard scraping with sparks flying And inside it all The sound of snow falling on snow.
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16 years 2 months

High Time Lyrics By: Robert Hunter You told me goodbye How was I to know You didn't mean goodbye You meant please don't let me go I was having a high time Living the good life Well I know The wheels are muddy Got a ton of hay Now listen here baby 'Cause I mean what I say I'm having a hard time Living the good life Well I know I was losing time, I had nothing to do No-one to fight, I came to you Wheels broke down, the leader won't draw The line is busted, the last one I saw Tomorrow comes trouble Tomorrow comes pain Now don't think too hard, baby 'Cause you know what I'm saying I could show you a high time Living the good life Don't be that way Nothing's for certain It could always go wrong Come in when it's raining Go on out when it's gone We could have us a high time Living the good life Well I know
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16 years 2 months

I still enjoyWatching dogs play In the snow My little muffin has Passed beyond us now But I still enjoy Watching dogs play In the snow They rip and tear And bound and flow The entire time Throwing out tons of snow Like a wake behind them As they tear on unaware Of how much joy That they might bring Outside of my front window Fifty days away from Spring No, they don't know How much I still enjoy Watching dogs play In the snow.
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16 years 8 months

Be happy with what you have , because Death awaits you, and when you accept that you are alive forever.
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16 years 2 months

Verily, verily, I say unto you, If a man keep my saying, he shall never see death.
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17 years 4 months

With this loss of nothingness, we leave these surroundings a selfless breath Moment to moment, act to action these ordinary acts of spirit. Preconceived necessity accepting initial images as self evident remnants Penetrate the night air, witness to a seclusive detachment. Refractive aspects of beginnings have denied a closed outlook Tears absolve, this anonymous refulgence. Destroy our transparent cage as liberation takes us to its center of definition The participants simplify the inevitable, here forth throughout the darkness dismissed. Interrogated spectrums of decision Entropic conception, individualized inclusiveness See ourselves internalized upon the mind Of these eyes learning to master the pure view, Solitude a natural state of neutrality, waiting, beginning's bring beginning's upon the hands. Shadows in waiting surfacing upon the foreground fade, making it difficult to look away Twilight dissipates, making it difficult to discriminate Solitude in its natural state of neutrality, native lanterns on night table Familiar shadows of cerulean companionship surfacing in a foreground Visualized upon the approach, ready to be seen, close enough to actualize Quite as a hospital eventually the bedside struggle Improves unto a condition foreseen as a continuum complete. Relinquished the voicing falling silently out of mind Into a formless neutrality, beholden unto a firmaments eternal repletion. After-sight, inner-light, distant stars internalized upon the heart. Let heaven be seen, let heaven be beholden.
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17 years 4 months

These days are a riddle The heart plays the fiddle Watching me step to the road Catching my eye All those passing by Nothings for sale I say in a sigh As these long nights collide days slowly pass by A candle alight in my eyes Could it be words that Turn the next page A jewel for your crown This babe Turning of age Forms of tomorrow Not yet Taken their shape I could contain What the mystery Can't shake Or a farewell to thee Before the big quake
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16 years 2 months

To Lay Me DownLyrics By: Robert Hunter Music By: Jerry Garcia To lay me down once more, to lay me down With my head in sparkling clover Let the world go by, all lost in dreaming To lay me down one last time, to lay me down To be with you once more, to be with you With our bodies close together Let the world go by, like clouds a-streaming To lay me down one last time, to lay me down To lay me down, to lay me down To lay me down one last time, to lay me down To lie with you once more, to lie with you With our dreams entwined together To wake beside you, my love still sleeping To tell sweet lies one last time and say goodnight To lay me down, to lay me down To lay me down one last time, to lay me down
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17 years 4 months

We got the banks and the cars and the credit cardsTimes are getting kind of hard Saw the early morning news What are we gonna do? The Nikkei and the S&P And what that means to you and me Listen to the talking heads And figure out what they said About the bailout Got the bailout blues About the bailout Got the bailout blues If you need another billion We'll try to see what we can do No credit for this and none for that We been charging this and that Lots of talk of doom and gloom Predicting things that might come true Tealeaves and the voodoo stick Spin the wheel, take your pick Listen to the talking heads And figure out what they said About the bailout Got them bailout blues About the bailout About them bailout blues If you need a few more billion We'll look and see what we can do We just need a hundred billion Why not make it an even trillion We'll keep taking what your giving We're just trying to make a living The CEO can work it out With the boys out in the house They didn'y fly, they took a cab To see how much they could grab It costs a lot for luxury There's not much left for you and me Listen to the talking heads And figure out what they said About the bailout Got them bailout blues About the bailout Got them bailout blues And if you need a lotta billions We'll try and help you with that to And if you want an even trillion We'll take a look at that for you Bailout Blues alley: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HbwlwFXKArw ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Walk into splintered sunlight Inch your way through dead dreams to another land" Robert Hunter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Ray, a drop of golden sun"
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16 years 2 months

Just to hear that Stella Blue just One more time This one is October 28 Nineteen seventy nine
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16 years 2 months

Not Fade Away Lyrics By: Hardin/Petty I wanna tell you how it's gonna be, you're gonna give your love to me, I wanna love you night and day, you know my love not fade away. You know my love not fade away, not fade away! My love is bigger than a Cadillac, I try to show you but you drive me back, Your love for me has got to be real, your gonna know just how I feel. Our love is real, not fade away, not fade away!
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16 years 7 months

yo yo wuz up? Hello my friends I hope your doin fine Maybe chillin on the herb or groovin on the wine Or maybe, your just glad to be alive With nothin left to do but smile smile smile The President, he is a stimulator The CEO on Wall St. a money fornicator Congress, they are the great debators And things are gonna CHANGE!, sooner or later Unemployment up the DOW been goin down We have ourselves a crisis just take a look around Hold on, I think I hear a sound !Happy days are hear the Dead are back in town Have a grateful day
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16 years 2 months

The Music Never StoppedLyrics By: John Barlow Sun went down in honey And the moon came up in wine You know stars were spinning dizzy Lord the band kept us so busy We forgot about the time They're a band beyond description Like Jehovah's favourite choir People joining hand in hand While the music plays the band Lord they're setting us on fire Crazy rooster crowing midnight Balls of lightning roll along Old men sing about their dreams Women laugh and children scream And the band keeps playing on Keep on dancing through to daylight Greet the morning air with song No one's noticed but the band's all packed and gone Was it ever here at all? But they kept on dancing
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16 years 2 months

There is something in your wayThere is something in your way There is something in your way That says love Love Love is what it says I can read it Letters big and bold Love is what it says There is some kind of thing about you There is some kind of thing about you There is just something about you That says love Love Love is what it says Simple words in simple letters Spells love
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16 years 2 months

My Sisters And Brothers Lyrics: Charles Johnson I want to say to my sisters and my brothers Keep the faith When the storm flies and the wind blows Go on at a steady pace When the battle is fought and the victory's won We can all shout together, we have overcome We'll talk to the Father and the Son When we make it to the promised land If we walk together, little children We won't ever have to worry Through this world of trouble We've got to love one another Let us take our fellow man by the hand Try to help him to understand We can all be together For ever and ever When we make it to the promised land Our bible reads Thou shalt not be afraid Of the terror by night Nor the arrow that flies by day Nor for the pestilence That walketh in the darkness Nor for the destruction That waiteth in the noonday hour If we walk together, little children We won't ever have to worry Through this world of trouble We've got to love one another Let us take our fellow man by the hand Try to help him to understand We can all be together For ever and ever When we make it to the promised land This world is not our home We are only passing through Our trail is all made up Way beyond the blue Let us do the very best that we can While we're travelin' through this land We can all be together Shaking a hand When we make it to the promised land If we walk together, little children We won't ever have to worry Through this world of trouble We've got to love one another Let us take our fellow man by the hand Try to help him to understand We can all be together For ever and ever When we make it to the promised land When we make it to the promised land children Make it to the promised land children Make it to the promised land children Make it to the promised land When we make it to the promised land sisters Make it to the promised land children We can all be together, forever and ever When we make it to the promised land If we walk together, little children We won't ever have to worry Through this world of trouble We've got to love one another Let us take our fellow man by the hand Try to help him to understand We can all be together For ever and ever When we make it to the promised land We can all be together, forever and ever When we make it to the promised land
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16 years 7 months

I woke up this morningAnd lit up a smoke I turned on the t.v. The news-caster spoke She said everything Is going to hell And when it might change No one can tell And then she smiled Said "have a nice day" And don't let this evil Darken your way So I decided To head for the hills Let mother nature Comfort what ills And up on the mountain I set it all free Then said a prayer For both you and me Time keeps on ticking Like waves on the sea Let's make sure our future Makes good history It's all-right When you walk in the light Let the rain fall from above And be surrounded by Love
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16 years 11 months

That is truley beutiful !! almost brought a tear to my eye .. Thank you !!
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16 years 7 months

I wrote it on guitar in about an hour shortly before I posted it. Appreciate your comment. Listen to the river sing sweet songs to rock my soul
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17 years 4 months

Been playing on the corner, longer then before the casino closed down.Longer then the second oldest profession was thrown out of the theater and into the streets. Generations before the redevelopment turned the theme park into miniature Memphis. The story of your life is in that model. Can't pull you a ticket, you've got to pay to stay. Can't take you on at the pass line. Can't break even on you doing community service. Cold kitchen, empty shelfs, we gambled away the hunger. Never forget, there's nothing in their pockets. Happiness carries a price, balancing the struggle for perfection. The place in the shade you work for, being successful and well tanned. There's more room now that everyone else got out of the way. According to the golden rule, something had to happen. We all knew better for folding, redeemed through a complicated assumption. Logic at best is problematic, second guessing a first solutions categorization. Suspending a well needed intuitions inevitable conclusion. Gravity is secure, so go the dominoes. Stacking boxes in the corner by four, leveling chips on top. Protecting the elders, attending to youth, maintaining children. Deny them rice and meat, waste a noodle, kill a monk. Planning stage of product placement, divine item, sacred luxury. Selling the sizzle, power holds the zero, the best performances go unnoticed. Agreeing to bring down the final stage. They don't have to explain why they play it their own way. Those moves guarantee constant resolve, although progress is slow. The cards are dealt, the bets are placed. An attempt to reward the honorable, obtainment down the line, on the turn. It's a problem you shouldn't have to solve without luck. The lights go down, The curtains close. On the piss prayer for the rainmakers wishing well. Losses in the flood, carried away on a flush filled river Blind aggression, the elimination of common sense, out bluffing a pair of twos.
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16 years 8 months

you gotta keep livin' the faith when the wind's in your faceand you got the weight of the world on your brain. try to see the bright side, lookin' from the dark side try to pull the sun out of the rain. keep on livin' the faith when you can't find a friend and you need somebody to defend you. a silver lining will turn your sky blue, and God will find a angel just for you. keep on livin' the faith when you're not sure it;s there and you just can't say another prayer break the last straw,knock down the wall nobody said that life was fair.
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16 years 8 months

DeliverTell of the time you saw your shadow Deliver The time is high Roll on away, Roll on with the rolling thunder. Cruel water falls Again. Deliver, Tell of a tale that no one knows of. Deliver And say goodbye. What you meant to say, Was that the game is just beginning What you meant to say Is at an end. Deliver, By word of mouth and slow quotation. Deliver, And wonder why. Just another way. Just another broken mirror. Just another way, To make a mend!
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Member for

16 years 2 months

its not rocket science we don't have to kid ourselves if we dont get a grip and pull together and start to love one another for real soon enough it will be the ones with all the guns and money who will be telling us when to duck and when to run, and when to take cover.
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Member for

16 years 2 months

row row row your boat gently down the stream merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream
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Member for

16 years 2 months

I will point my finger at the moon: Mostly, beings look intently at The tip of my finger and say, "Beautiful Moon". But you, grasshopper, You have gazed beyond my finger To see the reflected golden inner light Of the mental palace of ease and calm, Before education, prior to conception, Primeval being is yours for all of eternity. Go on, go out and point your finger to the moon So that others may also see its beautiful light Do not become discouraged, grasshopper, When they also stare at your finger tip and say, full of passion, "Beautiful Moon". I was once also called grasshopper, as you are now, And one day you will call another, grasshopper. And they will call you, "One beyond who sees the moon".
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Member for

17 years 4 months

Your're only as free As much as you can afford You're only as free As much as you can horde You're only as free As much as you keep from the theif No, You're only as free As you let yourself be You're only as free As the man who writes your check You're only as free As the size of your deck You're only as free As the money you're owed No, You're only as free As the rows that you've hoed You're only as free As the house across the street You're only as free As the shoes on your feet You're only as free As long as paradise is yours No, You're only as free As long as you remember it's her's
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Member for

16 years 2 months

Sitting solidly in heavenWatching hell pass before my eyes I know it is merely illusion But I still can hear the cries It doesn't distract me from my prayer Nor lead me from my goal To arrive at the answer to why From perfection I may have strayed There is still no one who can say But while I yet appear to be here Let us sit and discuss the day Planting the seed of our thought In sacred soil unshaken unstirred Sitting solidly in heaven Watching hell pass before our eyes To know we are all fully enlightened And in every present moment, to Act that way.
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Member for

16 years

Meant to Be~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sitting up restless, it came to me one night... Love, dreams, and wonders is all that I could see, Cuz I saw you...you came to me, a radiant vision full of light... So strong, so beautiful, I struggled to be set free... Blinded eyes were opened, now I see cuz you came to me and said 'baby I love you, stop messing with my head' Some call me crazy, but I know it'll turn out right.. There no way I ain't gonna fight... Hold on baby bear... Cuz we found a love that is very rare Hold on.... Just know how I feel the emptyness inside some how it just don't feel right When I can't hold you through the night But Hold on while I sing you this song Lovin you so much can't be wrong Your not just another fish... in the sea, in the sea Sail away with me and We'll be gone Sail away with me and We'll be gone.... We'll be together for eternity, just hold on a little and you will see That a love like this was only meant to be! I hold you so dear in my heart God why does loving you run so deep Like a bear curled up in sleep All I know is that we need to kindle an new spark Like it always was from the start I love you so much Trishy Bear The love I have can go anywhere If I have to follow you to the edge of the earth A love like this is full of worth You mean the world to me I know our love can set us free! You opened my eyes, now I see! Call me crazy, call me wrong...I don't care, my love for you is just too strong Hold on baby bear... Cuz we found a love that is very rare Just know how I feel the emptyness inside some how it just don't feel right When I can't hold you through the night But Hold on while I sing you this song Lovin you so much can't be wrong Your not just another fish... in the sea, in the sea Sail away with me and We'll be gone Sail away with me and We'll be gone.... We'll be together for eternity, just hold on a little and you will see That a love like this was only meant to be! HOLD ON! _____________________________________________ Will you come with me? Once in awhile you can get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right!
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Member for

17 years 4 months

This birthday, senses reap, the breath of birth. I am my ancestry, looking out over the open garden. Infinite aspects, unfurled in endless loss of cover. Simply reliving seasons, memories in the rain of understanding. Years of dreaming, eyes filled, I can see Clouds part, mist lifted into shafts of sunlight. Wheel of existence, movement, hearts rhythm. Shed the grave name, in a birth of senses, infinite breath. The grave name, the name I carry through life. Rebirth, ash, sighs, accepting the urn of remains. A cup of rain, drink from a handful of rain. Earth beset,this rest eternal. Someday the past will retire. As we grow into the calling wind of final liberation.
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Member for

16 years 2 months

my favorite word is wow
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Member for

16 years 2 months

I love the smell of drums/space in the morningIt's sounds like a parade is going by There is the sound of a child swinging On a very loudly squeaking swing And I can't tell if it is in the music Or coming from outside my window Someone walks by bouncing a basketball And it folds into the rhythms from the stereo I walk into the other room as a bus rounds the turn and its like a bass bomb, no that was a bass bomb and now here comes Jerry's guitar, crawling like a snake up the broken stone steps of a castle's tower with the top blown off so you can see the sky, and its a moonless night; you can see the planets each with its own color and the constellations get up and play around the sky until the sound of a dump truck firing at the moment the green flash hits you from the horizon line dawn wipes them away but you know they are still there but you go home anyway take a shower and as you come out into the morning rays, you think to yourself I love the smell of drums/space in the morning
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16 years 7 months

Lone elk grazing in a dawn-lit misty mountain meadowDarkness sees the light approach and hides among the shadows I sit on a carpet green of grass and wild-flowers While butterflies go dancing by rejoicing in sun showers The rapids in the creek sing out in three-part harmony With snow-melt from the source it rushes on with youthful glee A raven glides on by hitching a ride upon a thermal And at the core of every thing resides a love eternal The sun sinks low and alpenglow illuminates the peaks I see the light and hear the truth that Mother Nature speaks
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Member for

17 years 4 months

The most powerful gift A connection to the spectrum light infinite. Tears of silence meld into a clarity of peace and understanding. Now the moments are left to strengthen a faith. A re-belief the joyful interactions will remain As more then memories for the sharing. Together Our heavenly orchestra perfects their art of healing, community and consciences. Kindness, is compassion as shade Welcomes their proper place under the soothing ease of a willow tree . Please accept us as we reach to be with you. II Love Prevail. As the flag of understanding was unfurled upon the highest plateau. For the townsfolk, friends and all good people to gather. Dancing in the spectrum of watercolor response. Emotions closer as a last tear goodbye prevailed in love. Of all that fundamental seraph can teach while in this life.
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Member for

16 years 10 months

People often speak in reverent tonesabout the speed of Light. I am not so easily impressed, when obviously Dark is faster than Light. You want proof? Well, here you go. Where ever Light goes, Dark is already there. I'm more impressed by the power of Light. Where ever Light goes, Dark leaves, and only comes slinking back in when Light moves on. Dark may be faster, but Dark is a coward. Light is bold, and emboldening. And it's in no particular hurry. Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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Member for

16 years 2 months

It is safe to come out nowthe skies are all clear the lions and tigers and bears have all gone home to count their cake and we are left to crawl out of these holes in the ground unseen, rubbled craters, smoking earth; razed by the last administrators. It is safe to come out now, you thinkers, you poets, you dreamers; the scary faced clowns have left the stage muttering dark thoughts over their shoulders they slink off into the ignominy of history but we still too shaken to believe are stuck in the language of yesterday. It is safe to come out now, you can draw, dance, freely speak your mind. In fact it is highly recommended For we will need your best dreams To dream our way through this next stretch of road. It is safe to come out now, All is clear.
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Member for

16 years 11 months

Is wow, wow man . Beutiful words folks !! I love these poems you guy`s are fantastic !! Thank you all !! Peace and sunshine to all ..