• 907 replies

    So, we've all had some great conversations interrupted by that misbehaving chatroom lately. Mr. Pid wrote a great song on the subject...

    Feel free to pick them up again here. Or report your more surreal episodes of being booted for misbehaving. 


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  • JumboJo
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    Love always finds a way.
    Thus, We as a Group will always be able to express ourselves. Send your love messages out into the Universe, and it will reach the intended People. We, are unique. We love and accept each other for the greatness and the flaws like any stone. we are solid. We share like minded thoughts that always brought us back to the music, and love for each other. Luv Boston Jo.
  • johnman
    Hi 2G,
    's hapnin'?
  • GratefulGigi
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  • ripple70
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    i would be
    deeply upset if i witnessed anything but kindness within this family,but maybe i am just naive of course people will disagree that is healthy we have our own veiws etc Its really important for us euro deadheads to connect with our stateside brothers and sisters that is where it all statrted and this is the only way we can be part of it and really feel like family.For those who are moaning complaining being negative about the chat its simple just dont go there. peace and love to you all including the moaners. Ripple70.
  • mona
    the problem with the chat is technical rite?? compared to oither chats deadnet is wonderful.! never seen so many come together and spread such joy :) seen the ppl who didnt exactly get along at least kept trying to.and johnman u NEVER can sound mean! MWA! ~dont it always seem to go u dont know what u got till its gone~
  • Canyon Critter
    Here's My Take on the Chatroom
    Gagalive went Kapoooey with no warning....alot of us that called this place home really miss it, and it was really a great way to meet friends. There was ALOT of drama no two ways about it there, some people just can't stand attention grabbing is my idea. But at the same time ALOT of good kind people with great conversations were there too. That being said, ChiBear and I were talking about this over the weekend, I also think that alot of the he said/she said, name calling, whining, I'll show you, I'm writing admin must have been something really hard for our Marye. To get those childish emails, while working hard to keep this site going, must have been tough. Basically, it is a wonderful tool for connecting and sharing with friends. A few were using as a way to lash out, and get attention. I personally miss it alot, but looking @ it from the point of view of the site operators, I think I'd be hesitant to bring it back too. Anyway, just my 2 cents...carry on. ♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥
  • ripple70
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    when there was
    a chatroom it was there, it was an option if you dont like it dont click it alot of good folks miss that place and much love to ya all hopes ya get it back soon.
  • playdead
    chit chat
    I liked the opportunity to converse with other like minded folks. Too bad a few bad apples ruined the the conversation. Catch you all on the flipside. "Emancipate yourself from mental slavery...none but ourselves can free our minds"
  • johnman
    well dave..
    Alot of us called the chatroom home, and it's the same as any place else...if ya don't like it, ya stay away. Everything else that deadnet has to offer is still here, with or without the chatroom...and please understand, I'm not trying to be an ass, so I hope my comments are not being taken that way..
  • smiley dave
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    personally glad the chat is down hope it stays that way.
    All the Hate and Fighting is and was a joke. Need to move a bit Further in life.(PUN INTENDED)I find it much better using the Dead net with so much to offer besides . School yard games. And Clicks we are all one till it comes to being different than your not cool, Like us. Get over it. Do For Other's you Will Feel Better!!! Guaranteed
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Member for

17 years 9 months

So, we've all had some great conversations interrupted by that misbehaving chatroom lately. Mr. Pid wrote a great song on the subject...

Feel free to pick them up again here. Or report your more surreal episodes of being booted for misbehaving. 

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Member for

16 years 5 months

Thank You Marye! Excting to know. The icons r fun and the prankster censor. Cant wait to see the next level :)
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Member for

15 years

Hows the new chatroom treating evrbdy?Is it as good as the old one?I havent had the internet time to commit to it.......
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Member for

16 years 5 months

its been really nice. good ppl no drama :) just some tech issues.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

at least the drama has taken its business elsewhere...
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Member for

17 years 8 months

the new chatroom has been very kind and amiable, and DRAMA FREE!!!!!!!! :) YIPEEEEEEEEEEEe********************************** I am not young enough to know everything. Oscar Wilde
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Member for

17 years 9 months

some folks have been reporting trouble getting into the chat room, as in, their logins and passwords don't work, or things hang up in various weird ways. Strangely, this happened to me in the recent past, and it went away today. What changed is that I upgraded to the most recent version of Firefox. Therefore I'd suggest you might try updating your browser if you're having this problem, and trying again. Ya never know. But I have also reported this issue to our technical wizards.
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Member for

17 years 2 months

stupid keyboard..
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Member for

17 years 9 months

at least they're not posting spam in Japanese in the chat room. Yet, anyway...
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Member for

16 years 5 months

whats up with the chat? For 2 days u get "page not found". Have PPL asking about it it is missed. Hoping it is under construction and is a good thing :) PLZ let us know.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

that this is related to some site maintenance that happened on Friday. I've reported it to the intrepid techs, and am hopeful they will be able to deal with it when they return tomorrow.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

the chat room is working fine now. If this is not the case, please advise.
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Member for

17 years 2 months

bein' Jerry's Bday, and all.....I just missed GC, I mean by mere seconds, and waited around...but no-body else came in, so, I went to facebook, but I don't dig the chat there AT ALL. I'll try again periodically. Maybe folks will be there on the 9th, cryin' on each other's shoulders, missin' you know who.....
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Member for

16 years 5 months

No post, no forums, no chat and a CAPCHA. Whats up??
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Member for

17 years 9 months

I'm not seeing what mona's seeing...
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Just to let all my CR buddies know that I am not avoiding you. I have been unable to get into the CR for several months now, for technical reasons I do not understand. It is not a problem at my end, I have tried with different computers, settings, changing names, changing passwords etc. Apparently the tech people know about it, but they have a lot of other more important glitches to clear up so I have to wait. Maybe I did something bad in the CR?? Hope not. Please know that I miss you, especially on these long cold lonely evenings and when I am on the road. I hope to be back some time. Happy Midwinter Festival of your choice Badger
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Member for

17 years 8 months

you are missed in the chat, and looking foreward to you making it back in there!
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Member for

17 years 8 months

you are missed in the chat, and looking foreward to you making it back in there!
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Might as well use this space for something useful. Let's see, Tiger Woods won his first championship in over 2 years. Goooooo Tiger! I hope he comes back for the last of his prime of his career. Age 49 is the last year a golfer qualifies for the pro tour. Thereafter they are relegated to the still very lucrative Champions (Seniors) tour. If Tiger (now 35) can win 10 more majors and 25 more championships he will set the high water mark for golfers for probably the next century, if not forever (100+ wins in the regular season). Moral turpitude is reprehensible and not to be condoned, but in this most difficult of games, a true great like Woods can make it a small asterisk in a rather large biography of one of those they call "The Greatest".
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Member for

17 years 8 months

But yeah, I don't see what his personal life has to do with his sporting skill.
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Member for

17 years 2 months

Tiger, as well as a select handful of others can play in any PGA Tour sponsored or co-sponsored event they want for the rest of their lives. Tour grants lifetime exemption for anyone with 30 or more career wins. Golfers do not become eligible for the Champions Tour until they are 50, but they are not precluded from regular Tour events just because they are 50 or older. And yes, I'd like to see Tiger fulfil his potential as well, and I think he will. Only Nicklaus and Snead have more career Tour wins, and only Nicklaus has more professional Majors. Tiger should be able to eclipse both of those marks. As for his off-course behavior, it is unfortunate but let's face it, he's no Michael Vick, and thank goodness for that!
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You can tell I'm a duffer, though I like to watch
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Member for

17 years 8 months

What's up with it this week?
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Member for

17 years 9 months

I have filed an inquiry. A lot of things seem to be behaving oddly.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

So is that chat room finsihed for ever? Does dead net want to get rid of it? I spent months shut out of it and despite messages via MaryeE nobody fixed it. Now the whole thing seems to have vanished. If it is closed for good then please let us know. thanks
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Member for

16 years 5 months

Marye thanx for all you do. We know its beyond your control. What makes it sad is each time it goes down the less come back and then new ppl come on and goes down again and then we lose them. Almost makes it not worth it because the ones there do try to work hard to build it back up again. So i agree with badger. Just let us know if the chat is dead.If so rhino has lost a special part of Dead.net
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Member for

17 years 8 months

I agree with both of them. Just tell us please.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

our intrepid tech team has a chat room set up and ready for testing. Send me a PM if you'd like the link.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

I would not go so far as to say that everything is just exactly perfect, but the current version of chat appears to be at least somewhat functional, so please go check it out and report issues you may encounter. Thanks so much! Link is http://www.dead.net/chat. Onward, furthur, etc...
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Member for

10 years 1 month

Is it true that an old extension cord last used in the Wall of Sound is responsible for the periodic crashes of the chat room?
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Member for

10 years 3 months

They sell every other style! What about a 50th Anniversary Special Edition duct Tape?
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Member for

10 years 1 month

Is an awesome idea....sell them on Shakedown Street!
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Member for

16 years 2 months

my lawyer assures me this social anxiety experiment of perma chat crash is both cruel and unusual and you can expect a letter from him much sooner then the denied "pink slip" letter your chat karma will get you from gdtstoo! -throws a fit-smashes computer monitor-cuts himself repeatably on the testicles-screams-cries-begs-pisses himself -calms down ok, ok, im ok, just alittle anxiety, loss of control from chat crashing, im fine now, its back up, im sorry, im sure itll stay up this time, im sure, oh no...no NO NO NO....AgggagaggrrrrrrggrgrgrrrrrrraaagaaghahHHHHHH! Where is my story geooooOOOOOOOOOOOO I hope you have enjoyed this comedy skit brought to you by super bowl 49!
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Member for

10 years 1 month

Simmer down, Sir Ant, or we'll turn this bus around. Stop me if you've heard this one...except you Marye. you get to listen, or feed the puppies or whatever.
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Member for

10 years 1 month

okay, where were we...oh yes, in the foothills of the Sierra Mountains, in the County of Calaveras, a quaint small town called Angels Camp, population around 5000 or so, at at the Frogtown Fairground that Mark Twain wrote about in his book, The Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" By the way, the Hells Angels, long before Altamont, way back in 1957, roared in to that small town and took it over, and scared the bejeebus out of everyone, and effectively shut down the downtown for around 20 years every year,the weekend the Frog Jump took place...but I digress, because this story is not about Frogs, or Hells Angels, it's about the Grateful Dead and a small but pretty cool chapter in their touring lives...one which I was so very fortunate to be a part of...
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Member for

10 years 1 month

So Bill Graham booked the fairgrounds to have a massive Grateful Dead concert, right in my backyard...as I lived in Columbia, which was right across the Stansilaus River (which is now a reservoir-waahhh), a stones throw from Angels Camp. We all used to raft that river back in the day, and it was majestic. Friends of the River was founded to save that river, btw, which ultimately failed, not for lack of trying tho. FOTR did end up saving the Tuolumne River and making it wild and scenic, and that's a good thing. The GD may have thrown some money at FOTR through their Rex Foundation...but this story is not about the river, or our environmental fight in the 70's to save it... So roll back the clock to 1987, summer, August, about a hundred degrees in the shade, with 25,000 hippies rolling in to this paranoid town (Angels Camp) to celebrate the last blast of partying before school started, etc...August 22, 23, the end of the west coast summer tour, but the start of our journey... Deadant, you still with us?
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Member for

16 years 2 months

*pets his three-legged frog* more story more story waaaaa