• 929 replies
    Was a student there at the time. Saw the JGB in Campbell Hall (76?),With collaboration from various kind folks in the Dead.net vining community, our own erickat prepared this handy guide explaining how vining works hereabouts. Many thanks to all involved, and vine on! --

    Dead.Net Vines - What It Is & How It Works

    (We're changing some things for 2009)

    BACKGROUND: The concept of a "vine" is music sharing through conventional means (e.g. mailing cd's or dvd's) with the sign-up list being on-line. The basic idea is that someone starts (seeds) a vine, made up of one or multiple shows,and sends it via mail to the first person who signs up. That person makes a copy for themselves and sends the ORIGINAL media on to the next person on the list. As more people sign up, it continues to grow and grow - hence the name "vine".

    MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Make sure you can deal with the media format. Many vines are


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  • dstache
    My final final post on the topic
    The real problem we have here is of vigilance. Someone kills a vine and no one notices for quite some time because no one is watching. The idea of official reseeders (actually unofficial reseeders would be a better moniker), would ensure that someone would be watching. As an incentive, the unofficial reseeders would be given prefered positions on the sign up lists. I don't see why people who agreed to perform this duty shouldn't be given a preference over people who don't. I'm not sure that we even need to do anything differently (other than post often and PM), but it seems like this topic has generated a lot of discussion and perhaps something should be done. I disagree re: waiting a week for people to respond to PMs. I think that vines move too slow as it is. I almost always get vines out within a day or two. In general, I think that one day for every DVD or WAV show that you receive is ample time. So, if you receive my 2 DVD SHN 73 Part 1 vine on Mon, you should rip and burn 1 DVD on Mon night and the other on Tue, and get the vine out on Wed. If you take an extra day or two because you were busy one night, or received multiple vines, no big deal. And if you have an emergency, by all means take all the time you need (please let us know). If you wait a week to hear back re: a PM, that is 4 or 5 MORE days it will take for the vine to move. Maybe that person shouldn't be bumped to the end of the line, maybe just dropped down one spot. But why should one person delay the vine for everyone else? I think that's the definition of selfishness, placing your time and happiness above that of the community. On a better and perhaps more interesting note, I will be posting Parts 3, 4 and 5, to the SHN 73 vine soon. The discs are ready to go. I want to allow a little time to lapse so that if the same people sign up in the same order, there won't be a delay as a result of receiving all the parts at once. These parts will go up to 9/21/73. I am going to cover some of the same ground as the William & Mary and Eurovine vines so that newcomers and others who didn't sign up for them can get all the shows at once, or at least on one vine with multiple parts. And finally, my last finally, I was wondering if people were interested in participating in a group project. It might help heal the wounds that surfaced over the past week. I was thinking we should do the same thing with 1977 as I am doing with 1973 (or at least 3/21-9/21). I want to gather and vine in SHN/FLAC format everything from 1977. In my possession, thanks to the great Rick mostly (that's thanks mostly to Rick, not meant to imply that Rick is ONLY mostly great, he is 100% great), I have 2/27, 3/18, 3/20, 4/22, 4/25, 4/26, 4/29, 5/1, 5/3, and 5/11, some with multiple versions. Off the top of my head, I would guess there are about 60 shows in 1977, so I have 1/6th of them already. Not to mention that we wouldn't be vining the officially released shows (5/19, 5/21, 5/22, 5/28, 9/3 (I think that is the date), 11/5 or 12/29) Of course, if we did this, we would go by SHN/FLAC signature number (or whatever that sbd.cotsman.11111 thing is called) but for now the dates are good enough. This would be a huge project, and would take a couple of months. And it would require the help of our bit torrenting friends, who already give so much. I've said it before and I will say it again, these guys, Rick, Bob and Cosmic Badger, give us so much. They don't EVEN sign up for vines anymore! They get joy out of giving to us. We appreciate their contributions immensely. I bet that a lot of people out there have a lossless show or two they have acquired in some fashion. With my 1/6, Iand your contributions, I bet we could get together 1/2 to 2/3 of the year without requiring the bit torrenters help. I would of course volunteer to receive the DVDs and put them together for the vines (again, in parts). And people who contributed would be the first to receive the vines. Are people interested?
  • Hal R
    on Official reseeders being the first three on the vine
    this seems to really complicate things to me. In so many ways that I don't have the time to list them all. Hey, I really appreciate all the work everyone is doing for this but I am wondering if what is more of a "people problem" is being analyzed as a systems problem. Sure lets figure out what works best but keep it simple, please. If this gets too complicated I am sure that some of the steady viners may leave, it becomes too much on top of lives that are already very busy. No matter what we do to fix the system it still remains that there are unreliable people. I know that we now will be going through a weeding out of black hole viners and that should improve things around here quite a bit. Also folks have gotten excited and signed on but not taken the responsiblity of it. I see that as time passes that most of those inthe Vineyard will be the responsible viners. I am also wondering if there are so many vines lately and they come so fast that it gets overwhelming for people. Too much signing up and we can't control when they come to us. I know I have gotten that way several times but have dug myself out in due time. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
  • fluffhead042
    Default Avatar
    nice idea dstache....
    "One final thought, a suggestion really. Perhaps we could accept volunteers to be official reseeders. These people would be allocated the first 3 positions on every vine. Maybe 10 people could be official reseeders. And if something happens to the vine, one of the official reseeders reseeds it. This would be a good way for viners who don't regularly seed vines to contribute. This would also avoid having to ask the original seeder, who already put in time and effort, to reseed. And perhaps this would solve the problem here of a few bad apples stealing a bunch of vines. The official reseeders would know who killed the vine they had to reseed and would be on the lookout for that person on other vines." I think this is a great idea....it enlists a "Vine Police Force" of sorts, it'll help out....I'm starting to get concerned about MitD, I hope he's ok "In a bed, in a bed, by the waterside I will lay my head. Listen to the river sing sweet songs, to rock my soul."
  • pomo1
    The only problem with requiring a PM is that some people don't come on the site every day. I believe that passing people if they dont respond in 3 or 4 days is way too restrictive. Also, the fact is that not everyone will be diligent in sending out PMs. Since I dont think tracking my vines is very labor-intensive, I suppose either way is a valid method. In other words, if a person PMs his addy within a short period before he is due to receive it, there is no need to PM him. If not, send a PM, but I would wait a week before passing over, especially if the viner has an established track record. Either way, I think we should discard sending addresses at the time we sign up. That method no longer works. As far as re-seeding, I dont believe that we need official reseeders or to reserve spots. However, I totally agree that the original seeders should not be the ones to re-seed. I believe that there are enough good souls in the vineyard that valid requests for re-seeds will be fulfilled. I know that there are a number of stalled vines from Dstache's list that I will be happy to re-seed, once we get a new topic set up. ( I know: there goes POMO beating that same dead horse!) "One watch by night, one watch by day If you get confused, listen to the music play"
  • dstache
    my final thoughts
    I definitely am not sending bad vibes anyone's way. I hope that the worst offenders are just jerks, and have not suffered any real tragedy. I second birdsong's belief that seeders put a lot of love and time into creating these vines. It is indeed offensive when someone kills a vine. PMing the person who is after you when you receive a vine to confirm the person is still active and that you have the correct address will alleviate some of the problems. It isn't a panacea, but I think it is the best thing we can do. We should all TRY to post when we receive a vine, when we send it out and to whom, and when we are having problems that delay our sending the vine. I am in favor of smaller vines. I broke down the 10 DVDs of 73 into 5 parts, both to get the most music to the most people in the shortest possible time and in case a reseed somewhere is necessary. Much easier to reseed 2 DVDs than 10. One final thought, a suggestion really. Perhaps we could accept volunteers to be official reseeders. These people would be allocated the first 3 positions on every vine. Maybe 10 people could be official reseeders. And if something happens to the vine, one of the official reseeders reseeds it. This would be a good way for viners who don't regularly seed vines to contribute. This would also avoid having to ask the original seeder, who already put in time and effort, to reseed. And perhaps this would solve the problem here of a few bad apples stealing a bunch of vines. The official reseeders would know who killed the vine they had to reseed and would be on the lookout for that person on other vines. Whatever our problems are, they really aren't that bad. There are a ton of great vines that are available. New people shouldn't be deterred by what is going on here over the last few days. we're just trying to clean house a bit. Newcomers are always welcome.
  • fluffhead042
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    I think it's a good idea....
    To compile a list like that....it helped me out.I think the idea of tracking a vine until it gets close to you prior to sending an address is waaaaaayy too complicated and labor-intensive...I can't see the purpose there.... just PM'g next in line for their address once u get the vine is the best way to go...it's a lot simpler that way...we go on to post that we've recvd it anyway, we can then just PM the person next in line for their address....no PM response in 3-4 days you're bumped to the end of the list....at the time of the PM (addy request) if the next person in line's situation has chgd they can let the sender know and the sender can revise the list accordingly....that way we aren't blindly mailing a vine to somebody weeks (usually months) after their initial signup....too much changes in everyones lives during that wait (computer probs, life, travel, relocation, show acquired elsewhere, etc).....the proposed method will ensure they're being sent to the right place, and most importantly, to a person who still wants it and is prepared to turn it around in a few days to their fellow music lover.....This idea seems virtually flawless from what I can tell...what do you guys think? The method we're using now would work seamlessly if we were circulating Classical Compositions amongst prestigious Harvard grads..not Dead shows between Deadheads...and tracking a vine for months until you're 3 away and then sending your address is not feasible for anyone with a full schedule (work, family, etc.)...it's just too much. "In a bed, in a bed, by the waterside I will lay my head. Listen to the river sing sweet songs, to rock my soul."
  • Exploratory Da…
    Wow. Not sure where to start. dstache is an American Socrates. Well, that "most wanted" list is bound to get some attention by shining the bright glaring lights of scrutiny in their direction. They are now under attainder. Well, maybe not. This is a hobby. While I take it seriously and try to fulfill my social contract with each of you, I understand things do happen to folks. I can't sit here and condemn anyone because I myself may "disappear" some day due to family issues and unexpected contingencies. My thoughts and prayers go out to pkpotter, Hal, and MITD. I do have MITD's personal e-mail address. I e-mailed him about 2 weeks after he went AWOL with no response. Remember this folks--he ventured out into the snow & ice to the public library to post updates when his community was without power due to the ice storm. Something bad happened (family, job loss…etc). I think folks should be forgiven, as stated above, when they "confess their sins" to the community. Anyway, dstache's metaphorical descriptions of murder, crimes, and suspects sure conjures up a good "who done it" murder mystery. :0)
  • Birdsong1969NJ
    I advocate love, and understanding for all my Music loving
    Sisters and Brothers, but I do believe it's time to stop worrying about hurting peoples feelings. When I seed a vine and someone is careless and it is killed it hurts my feelings. Needless to say most all of the Vineyards "Most Wanted List" have never seeded a vine. I honestly have been hesitant to seed. I have my 20 years so far that needs part 2 + corrected flac of part one. I will be seeding this soon, but it makes you hesitate when you see so many stalled, lost or dead vines. The 1979 part 1.5 Loving Rhino vine was a lot of work by more people then I. It was nurtured, grown and improved along the way and WAS A VERY COOL VINE and now it's dead because someone did not give a shit. The Stones Vine is the same way. I say call them out and absolutely DO NOT SEND THEM ANOTHER VINE UNTIL THEY MAKE IT RIGHT WITH THE COMMUNITY, PERIOD! If I sit on a vine, by all means call me out. Life stuff happens, babies, illness, whatever. That stuff totally gets a pass with just a simple post, but just being plain selfish and inconsiderate is just bullshit in any type of situation. "Say you'll come back when you can Whenever your airplane happens to land Maybe I'll be back here too It all depends on what's with you."
  • JackstrawfromC…
    One last comment (then I'll shut up - maybe) :-)
    I've stated from the very beginning that there is absolutely no disdain towards MitD or anyone else for that matter. I just wanted to raise the issue to a higher level of awareness to please stop sending vines to these folks until we hear from them. That's all. Since he was on pretty much every list, the lost vines snowballed very quickly. Same with a couple other folks... Although dstache's list is incredible to say the least, it still doesn't address non-Grateful Dead vines. There are some ABB, Stones, The Dead, etc vines missing also. The situation is actually worse than what dstache's list shows. But when it is all said and done the bottom line is that I am wishing the best for our missing Vineyard friends. "Escaping through the lily fields, I came across an empty space. It rainbow then exploded, left a bus stop in its place. The bus come by and I got on, thats when it all began. It was Cowboy Neal at the wheel of the bus to never ever land"
  • fluffhead042
    Default Avatar
    it's pretty clear...
    where my problem lies... Northern New England Wish Vine: must be a mistake, I'm not even on the list Valentines Day Dead Vine: mailed, failed to post sent Repatriation Vine #1 13 from 70: mailed to dpwstldeadfan in May, failed to post sent Merriweather PP 6/30/85: sent to OneGratefulDad, failed to post sent ****I have since posted accordingly in the applicable topics with the exception of the Northern New England Wish Vine for obvious reasons**** "In a bed, in a bed, by the waterside I will lay my head. Listen to the river sing sweet songs, to rock my soul."
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17 years 9 months
Was a student there at the time. Saw the JGB in Campbell Hall (76?),With collaboration from various kind folks in the Dead.net vining community, our own erickat prepared this handy guide explaining how vining works hereabouts. Many thanks to all involved, and vine on! --

Dead.Net Vines - What It Is & How It Works

(We're changing some things for 2009)

BACKGROUND: The concept of a "vine" is music sharing through conventional means (e.g. mailing cd's or dvd's) with the sign-up list being on-line. The basic idea is that someone starts (seeds) a vine, made up of one or multiple shows,and sends it via mail to the first person who signs up. That person makes a copy for themselves and sends the ORIGINAL media on to the next person on the list. As more people sign up, it continues to grow and grow - hence the name "vine".

MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Make sure you can deal with the media format. Many vines are

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17 years 6 months

to make it easier on Marye, so she doesn't have to search through all the postings here, we are not signing up for vines until they have their own forum topics
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17 years 9 months

maybe we should include a little reminder in the proposed vine about not signing up until vine has its own topic, at least until the new system is more settled. Just a little suggestion-- I don't want to piss off any of the seeders--I love you all!!! "Let there be songs to fill the air."
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Grateful Dead 9/2/83 Boise Pavilion - Boise State University – Boise, ID SBD “Citizens of Boise submit or be conquered.” - Phil Disc 1 Set 1 1. Wang Dang Doodle [6:20] > 2. Jack Straw [5:23] ; 3. They Love Each Other [7:38] ; 4. Mama Tried [2:43] > 5. Big River [6:00] ; 6. Brown Eyed Women [5:28] ; 7. New Minglewood Blues [7:39] ; 8. Big Railroad Blues [7:12] ; 9. Looks Like Rain [10:26] > 10. Deal [9:27] Disc 2 Set 2 1. Help On The Way [3:00] > 2. Slipknot! [8:10] > 3. Franklin's Tower [14:06] 4. Estimated Prophet [13:02] > 5. Eyes Of The World [12:23] > Jam (1) [3:11] > Disc 3 1. Jam (2) -> 2. Drums > 3. Space [10:06] > 4. Throwing Stones [7:54] > 5. Goin' Down The Road Feeling Bad[7:54] > 6. Black Peter [8:17] > 7. Sugar Magnolia [8:36] Encore 8. Baby Blue [7:02]
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17 years 9 months

12th May 74 sbd sachs14th may 74 sbd Murphy 17th may 74 sbd Gustin 19th May 74 Sbd 21st may 74 Sbd Weir Shn/flac files on 2 dvd's full details on another message signups 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spanish Jam
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Grateful Dead -- University of Nevada -- Reno, NV May 12, 1974 Source: MSR>C>DAT>CDRs>EAC>SHN Disk 1: 1. Promised Land 2. Sugaree 3. Mexicali 4. Tennessee Jed 5. Jack Straw 6. Brown Eyed Women 7. BIODTL 8. China -> 9. Rider Disk 2: 1. El Paso 2. US Blues 3. GSET 4. Must Have Been the Roses 5. Bobby McGee 6. Deal 7. Around And Around 8. Mississippi 1/2 Step Disk 3: 1. Truckin' -> 2. Nobody's Fault Jam -> 3. The Other One -> 4. Mind Left Body Jam -> 5. Row Jimmy 6. Big River 7. Ship Of Fools 8. Sugar Magnolia Notes: Previously Uncirculated :) I have purposely failed to include set designations. DeadBase IX listed Set 2 as starting with China Cat. My ears, however, don't hear BIODTL closing down set 1. The post-song tuning after BIODTL doesn't suggest to me the close of a set (why tune up if you're leaving the stage?). Similarly, the tuning after Around and Around doesn't suggest to me that this is the end of the second set (as listed in DB IX) either . . . \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Grateful Dead 5/14/74 Adams Field House Univ. of Montana Missoula, MT MSR>cassette>DAT>CD-R>TAE>shn Note: There is a splice in China Doll Disc 1 1st Set 1. Bertha 2. Me & My Uncle 3. Loser 4. Black Throated Wind 5. Scarlet Begonias> 6. IMHBTR 7. Jack Straw 8. Tennessee Jed 9. Mexicali Blues 10. Deal 11. Big River 12. Brown Eyed Women Disc 2 1. Playing In The Band 2nd Set 2. US Blues 3. El Paso 4. Row Jimmy Disc 3 1. WRS Prelude> 2. WRS Part 1> 3. Let It Grow> 4. Dark Star> 5. China //Doll 6. Promised Land 7. NFA> 8. GDTRFB Encore 9. OMSN \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Grateful Dead May 17, 1974 Vancouver, BC 6/26/00, updated source: A. Gustin and J. Ashley report this could be the SBD cass master>1 cass> DAT>1 cass gen> DAT version noted on Tiedrich's site (had been marked mSR>DAT>CDR>TAE>SHN) Enjoy! Andy Gustin gustin@leland.stanford.edu disc 1 1. Promised 2. Deal 3. Race is On 4. Ramble On Rose 5. Jack Straw 6. Dire Wolf 7. BIODTL 8. Loose Lucy 9. Big River 10. Roses 11. Mexicali Blues 12. Row Jimmy disc 2 1. Playin -set 2- 2. US Blues 3. Me & My Uncle 4. Ship of Fools 5. Money Money 6. China > Rider 7. Greatest 8. Sugaree disc 3 1. Truckin> 2. Nobody's Fault> 3. Eyes> 4. /China Doll> 5. Sugar Magnolia f: 9-11-73 6. Half Step 7. Playin \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ **Remastered** by thir13en Productions Grateful Dead 1974-05-19 Memorial Coliseum Portland, Oregon Bodhi asked me to do this one, he felt it was a good candidate for a remaster. Not really being much of a fan, I was hesitant to even go down this path. But one, it would be an understatement to say he's been very open and supportive of me sharing my stuff here, and B it would give me chance to give GD an honest chance, which I've never really done. Well...it sounds really nice! lol Even though I've got an incredibly wide scope of musical tastes, these guys (and this style) just doesn't seem to have a place in there. But it certainly doesn't mean I couldn't give it some proper remastering love either. You can decide that for yourselves. If it was just a gift to Bohdi, then that's just fine with me too. Source was decent, but certainly showed some of it's age. I did some tweaks to the spectrum (Waves REQ 4-band), light compression (Waves R-Comp), slight warmth enhancement to the low-end (BBE2 lo-contour) and digitally maximized with the Waves L3 Multimaximizer. Explore or ignore. Peace, M Disc 1 1. //Half-Step 2. Mexicali Blues 3. Big RR Blues 4. BTW 5. Scarlet Begonias 6. BIODTL 7. T Jed 8. Bobby McGee 9. Sugaree 10.Jack Straw 11.IMHBTR 12.El Paso 13.Loose Lucy Disc 2 1. Money MOney 2. China Cat Sunflower 3. I Know You Rider 4. Promised Land 5. Bertha 6. GSET 7. Ship of Fools 8. WRS Prelude 9. Part 1 10.Let It Grow 11.Wharf Rat Disc 3 1. Big River 2. Peggy O 3. Truckin' 4. Jam 5. Mind Left Body Jam 6. NFA 7. GDTRFB 8. OMSN 9. US Blues PRE-13 SOURCE INFO ----------------------------------- Master Soundboard Reel > PCM > DAT> CDR many copies in circulation are missing Tennessee Jed, Me & Bobby McGee, Sugaree, Jack Straw, IMHBTR, El Paso and Ship of Fools. This transcription is complete. EAC'ed / SHN'ed by Scott Clugston 12/24/01 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ GRATEFUL DEAD Edmundson Pavilion, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 5/21/74 SBD (shnid=2597) patched with AUD (shnid=10150) DISC ONE 64:47 set one-a: 01 Me And My Uncle 3:15 02 Brown Eyed Women 5:54 03 Beat It On Down The Line 4:02 04 Deal 5:06 05 Mexicali Blues 4:31 06 It Must've Been The Roses 6:27 07 The Race Is On 3:13 08 Scarlet Begonias 6:36 09 El Paso 5:26 10 Row Jimmy 9:13 11 Money Money 5:01 12 Ship Of Fools 6:02 1/ total time: 56:14 DISC TWO 69:10 set one-end: 01 Weather Report Suite Prelude > 1:08 02 Weather Report Suite Part One > 5:03 03 Let It Grow > 10:50 04 China Doll 5:43 set two-a: 05 Playin' In The Band 46:27 total time: 69:16 DISC THREE 62:43 set two-end: 01 U.S. Blues 6:55 02 Big River 4:53 2/ 03 Stella Blue (aud) 8:23 3/ 04 Around And Around (aud) 5:10 3/ 05 Eyes Of The World > 13:49 4/ 06 Wharf Rat > 9:43 07 Sugar Magnolia 9:47 encore: 08 /Johnny B. Goode 4:02 total time: 61:23 SBD SOurce (shnid=2597) MSR>C>Dats>CD>EAC>SHN>.WAV>Samplitude2496: retracked, normalized (added +1.8 dB) > SHN, CD. Playin' has no Cassette gen, and is patched w/26 sec of AUD at reel flip. AUD Patch source (shnid=10150) AudMC > WAV > SHN Sony ECM18N mics > Sony 152SD deck, recorded by Pat Lee, hand held mics in right balcony Patches SHN > WAV > CE Pro (patching) > sector boundary correction (CE Pro & shntool v1.2.3) > SHN V3 encoding (shntool) by Charles Wier SBEs fixed manually and with shntool, as the crowd is cut between most songs on both the SBD and AUD master. Transitions are smooth, but not continual due to missing crowd. Minor cut at beginning of JBG also cut on AUD and could not be patched. 1/ patch beginning ~0:13.8 w/ aud; 0:12.6 of silence removed from end 2/ trim silence from end 3/ patch w/ aud; -2 dB to R ch & trim/fade crowd 4/ 10 dB boost to R ch fadein for 1st 5 secs (barely detectable) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spanish Jam
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17 years 2 months

Since I am relatively new around here and have extensively sampled the wares, I thought it was time to seed my first vine. I was lucky enough to receive this show as a gift from Oroboros, so THANK YOU Tim!!!! I know that we all discuss peak years and '73 is certainly one of those years, and 5/26 certainly was one of those magical shows. The band is tight and the sound is crisp. This is a Miller remaster--he is the king!! Grateful Dead - May 23, 1973 Kezar Stadium - San Francisco, CA Recording Info: SBD -> Master Reel -> PCM -> Dat Transfer Info: Dat -> CD -> Samplitude Professional v9.02 -> FLAC (4 Discs Audio / 2 Discs FLAC) All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller charliemiller87@earthlink.net March 20, 2007 Patch Info: Sony Stereo Mic -> Cassette Master (Sony TC-124) supplies: Row Jimmy (3:31 - 4:51) China Cat Sunflower (3:15 - 3:45) The Other One (9:31 - 9:53) Notes: -- All disc changes are seamless -- Patch source recorded by Gene Taback and supplied by David Minches -- Patch source pitch corrected - it's better, but not perfect -- Numerous background noises removed in SBD, but some still remain Set 1 d1t01 - The Promised Land d1t02 - Deal d1t03 - Jack Straw d1t04 - Tennessee Jed d1t05 - The Race Is On d1t06 - Sugaree d1t07 - Mexicali Blues d1t08 - Row Jimmy d1t09 - Looks Like Rain d1t10 - They Love Each Other d2t01 - Playing In The Band Set 2: d2t02 - Tuning d2t03 - Here Comes Sunshine d2t04 - El Paso d2t05 - Loser d2t06 - Beat It On Down The Line d2t07 - You Ain't Woman Enough d2t08 - Box Of Rain d2t09 - China Cat Sunflower -> d2t10 - I Know You Rider d2t11 - Big River d3t01 - Bertha d3t02 - Around And Around Set 3: d3t03 - Mississippi Half-Step Uptown Toodeloo d3t04 - Me And My Uncle d4t01 - He's Gone -> d4t02 - Truckin' -> d4t03 - The Other One -> d4t04 - Eyes Of The World -> d4t05 - China Doll d4t06 - Sugar Magnolia Encore: d4t07 - Casey Jones First one to PM me your address and you will be the first to get your hands on this one!
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Member for

17 years

These instructions are at the top of each page in this topic New VINE Process (changes for 2009): 2. Post your vine info here (without signup list) - maybe include a note reminding people not to sign-up until it has its own topic. No early sign-ups - Any sign-ups before the vine has its own home will be ignored
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17 years

Note - this will be a small 3 cd audio vine - an official MOTB (Mouth Of The Beast) Release. Please wait until it has a home before signing up. Thanks MotB Release: #0008/16bit Release Date: February 5th 2007 Band: Grateful Dead Date: March 7, 1981 Venue: Cole Field House Location: College Park, Md. Source: Audience FOB Recording Media: Maxell UD-XLII 90 min. Lineage: Nakamichi CM700's > Sony TC-D5M > MAC Transfer: MAC > Nakamichi DR-1 > Grace Design Lunatec V3 > S/pdif > WaveLAB 5.0 > wav Taped by: B. Glassberg Transfer by: A. Egert Mastering by: C. Ladner DISC I - SET I 01 crowd/tuning 02 Alabama Getaway > 03 Greatest Story 04 Dire Wolf 05 Me And My Uncle > 06 Big River 07 Candyman 08 C.C. Rider 09 Jack-A-Roe 10 Passenger DISC II - Set I (cont'd) 01 Bird Song > 02 Looks Like Rain > 03 Deal Set II 04 crowd 05 Aiko Aiko > 06 Lost Sailor > 07 Saint of Circumstance > 08 Jam > 09 Rhythm Devils > DISC III - Set II (cont'd) 01 Jam > 02 Truckin'> 03 Black Peter > 04 Around & Around > 05 Johnny B. Goode Encore: 06 One More Saturday Night Mastering Notes: Tape flip in d2t02 - Deal (03:15-03:22) cross fade patched from Jim Wise FOB-Sennheiser recording, Mastering with Adobe Audition 2.0 (Waves Z-Noise (learn mode on 5 s blank tape patch, threshold 3/reduction 23) & Izotope Patch Source: Lineage: AUD (Senn 421 mics > SonyD5 > MC > CD > ? > EAC > SHN) Taper: J. Wise
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17 years

in no particular order .... 1. I spent some time in East Tennessee (Knoxeville) in "twenty aught three" (2003) or so, and found this incredible radio station (which happens to also be available on the web) http://www.wdvx.com/ check it out - they have several feeds, including itunes shoutcast & do alot of great great music - lots of bluegrass, but also "americana" - very eclectic. 2. I've inquired of Marye about the possibility of non-standard live show vines (Tom Waits, Kings of Leon, Seldom Scene, Dan Hicks) - just wondering if there would be any interest in these. I've been looking for some some Seldom Scene - i was fortunate to see them live several times - and i heard Mike Auldridge (dobro) died - and thought how great the music was - and should live on. Of course, it would depend on an OK from Marye. That's about it - I love you guys & really appreciate how you all have taken the initiative here - it's what is needed.
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17 years 1 month

It's Buffalo Springfield! Listening to that CSNY now and then vine really got me in the mood. Neil Young Stephen Stills Richie Furay Dewey Martin Jim Messina Bruce Palmer Disc one 01 Introduction 0:41 02 Go and Say Goodbye 2:40 03 Mr. Soul 6:27 04 Bluebird 9:18 05 Pay the Price 5:32 06 Nobody's Fool 4:11 07 My Kind of Love 4:21 08 Good Time Boy 3:32 09 For What It's Worth 3:30 10 Rock 'n' Roll Woman 4:13 11 A Child's Claim To Fame 2:36 12 Nowadays Clancy Can't Even Sing 4:50 13 Uno Mundo 2:32 14 For What It's Worth 3:30 15 Bluebird 12:13 16 Epilogue: On the Way Home 2:14 Tracks 1, 8, 9: Long Beach Arena, Long Beach, Calif. 5/5/68 Tracks 2 - 7: Teen and Twenty Club, Huntingdon Beach, Calif. 8/11,12/67 Tracks 10 - 15: Market Hall, Dallas 4/20/68 Track 16: Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco 12/67 Disc Two 01 Nowadays Clancy Can't Even Sing (demo) 3:00 02 Do I Have to Come Right Out and Say It (alt) 3:08 03 "Raga 1" (unreleased) 1:29 04 Mr. Soul (alternate take) 2:40 05 My Kind of Love (alt) 2:33 06 For What It's Worth (Smothers Brothers) 2:58 07 Down to the Wire (alt) 2:31 08 Bluebird (extended mix) 9:11 09 Sell Out (demo) 2:36 10 For What It's worth (Monterey Pop 1967) 2:57 11 Nowadays Clancy Can't Even Sing (Monterey Pop 1967) 3:33 12 Rock 'n' Roll Woman (Monterey Pop 1967) 4:06 13 Bluebird (Monterey Pop 1967) 4:24 14 A Child's Claim to Fame (Monterey Pop 1967) 2:00 15 Merry Go Round (alt mix) 2:07 16 Uno Mundo (alt mix) 2:06 17 49 Reasons (demo) 2:32 18 Roads of Plenty (barn rehearsals 1988) 4:22 19 Stills Boogie (barn rehearsals 1988) 3:29 20 Bluebird (extended mix, alt) 9:30 Honestly these are not the best recordings, but there isn't a lot of live stuff around. Most of the songs have some flaw in them somewhere. They generally start out good and fade out towards the end. It sounds like someone is plugging and unplugging something into the recording equipment. They will still make exellent additions to the vines.
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17 years 9 months

You never cease to amaze me! Forget the quality issues, this is classic stuff. I feel like breaking the rules and signing up before Mary starts the topic.Thanks! "Let there be songs to fill the air."
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Sorry guys, I'm having a few, uh, back issues and moving much too slow. Like my 86-year-old father in fact. But I'll get there shortly. And yeah, re the Buffalo Springfield vine, yow!
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16 years 7 months

Hi! ...Cole Field House 3/7/81, second post after Kezar Stadium. Hope you're feeling better. Cheers! MarkintheDark ********************************************* **************This space for rent***************** *********************************************
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16 years 7 months

You have the forum created, just not the link from here. I was slow on the "refresh". ********************************************* **************This space for rent***************** *********************************************
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17 years 9 months

Get better soon Marye, I feel for you, having been dealing with it and a numb knee and leg since mid december. Take care, many people here rely upon your supreme guidance. pk
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17 years 3 months

well this is my second try at seeding a nice vine , let`s see what happens .. I have cheked the vinedex and official releases ,ect .. and I did`nt see this anyplace ... this is on two cdr`s so converting not needed ...the sound quality is pretty good considering when it was taped ... Please no sign up`s yet ,, Pending Dead.nets Goddess Marye .. Primal GD GEMS - Assorted 1966 Grateful Dead SMRs>DAT>3x>Delta DiO 2496>Soundforge 7.0>WAV>CD Wave Editor>FLAC CD #1 Possibly 2/12/66 - 7"reel 1/2 track at 7.5 IPS: Viola Lee Blues Don't Ease Me In Tastebud "Longshoreman's Hall 1st Night" - 7" Reel 1/2 Track @ 15IPS: Beat It On Down The Line Schoolgirl>You Don't Love Me>Schoolgirl (original reel cuts) Unlabeled Reel: Pigpen Raps Billy, Bobby, and Pigpen> New Orleans (sort of an attempt) Twist and Shout CD #2 "Longshoreman's Hall 3rd Night" - 10" Reel 1/2 Track @ 15IPS: It's A Sin Viola Lee Blues Midnight Hour Beat It On Down The Line Blues Jam (with Jorma and Jack) Note: reel runs out before the end Pauley Ballroom #2 (no date) - 10" Reel 1/2 Track @ 15IPS: You Don't Have To Ask - Phil Talks About The Move To L.A. Viola Lee Blues (some static at start of song) I Know You Rider Midnight Hour (plug pulled) There are also a couple of short digi noises during the blues jam. The dates and locations are as marked on the boxes of master reels. Let's leave it to the Deadhead historians to figure it all out for accuracy. A GEMS production -+-+- www.shnflac.net -+-+- December 2006 ps.. I will begin working on some CSNY from the Lopez`s LBOE vine ..next week ..
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16 years 7 months

Hey now! The following is a summary of vines that have withered away, disappeared, whatever. Not a complete list by any measure. Note that I'm not pointing fingers or calling people names, just trying to identify, locate and get some of them moving again. There are a few viners that are missing along with the vines and who knows what their issues are? You may want to be careful if one of the missing viners (or somebody you aren't sure is currently active) is after you, however, and PM them before mailing a vine to them. Wait a few days for a reply and if you don't receive one then skip to the next person. Several other vines that were lost have been found and are moving again, and many other vines have been reseeded. Thanks to all the reseeders! If you see any errors or have any info please let me know. If there are vines you think should be added (especially ones that are already past me, I don't check on those much), PM me and I'll look into it. And if you want to step up for a reseed, well Jerry bless you! Cheers, MarkintheDark, self-appointed Vine Dick. ****************** Vines that have been recently (or are being) reseeded: 1) 1971 Tour Vine: not a reseed, but this vine has reappeared after a long delay. 2 DVDs, no CDs 2) GD/NRPS '70 Vine: being reseeded by richard, should be moving along in the near future 3) Valentine's Day 1988 Vine: reseeded by stuman and is moving along 4) Bits 'n' Pieces Vine: reseeded by pkpotter and Oroboros and is moving along 5) Progressive Rock Vine: reseeded by MarkintheDark and is moving along 6) Winterland October '74 Vine: in the process of being reseeded by richard 7) Merriweather Post Pavilion 7/1/85 Vine: reseeded by erickat and is moving along 8) Hollywood Palladium '71 Vine: reseeded by Birdsong1969NJ and is moving along 9) Autzen Stadium/Eugene OR Vine: reseeded by pkpotter and is moving along 10) The PERRO Tapes Vine is suspected as being lost in the mail, but the last viner that had it has offered to reseed if the vine doesn't turn up soon. 11) Augusta '84 Vine: reseeded by MarkintheDark. ****************** Missing vines summary (as of 02/03/09) 1) The Jerry Solo Acoustic '82 Vine: appears to be MIA again, last seen joneb sending it to Irie333 on 1/7. PM'd Irie333 a few times, no reply; she is now being contacted through other channels. This vine is apparently popular among the USPS, and only made it through four people since its last reseed before disappearing again. 2) Eurovine #4: MIA since chinacat503's car was broken into last summer, and it's never been reseeded. Another unfortunate loss. *02/04 update: no change. Anybody got the DVD? C'mon, it's just a single DVD, I'll send you the blank and a postage-paid envelope! (there's not enough old'n'Dead around) 3) Gruga Halle 3/28/82 Vine: MIA since 10/1, last seen On The Road Again to That Nice Hippy Guy, PM'd both on 11/22. TNHG says he sent addy a couple of times but has received nothing; OTRA hasn't responded to PMs, and I sent him another 12/6. *02/04 update: still no reply from On The Road Again. Somebody mentioned they could reseed this, but I don't recall who it was. 4) Keith's First Few Months Vine: MIA since 8/25, last seen with von dingle. No reply to PMs to vd. This was a great big vine (several DVDs full) and has never been reseeded. 02/04 update: still missing/not reseeded. 5) Autumn '72 Part 1 - Sept Vine: MIA since 9/12, last seen thomasdbll to toddsnc, PM'd both on 11/22. Todd never received it and thomasdbll hasn't responded to either PMs or emails. 02/04 update: no change, vine is still kaput. 6) St. Louis 8-4-82 Vine: That Nice Hippy Guy, bless his heart, reseeded this vine as well but it may be MIA again. Chasmo posted he received it 12/24, but no further info. PM'd chasmo end of January but haven't heard back; maybe there's still hope for this one. 7) October '72 Vine: MIA since late June '08, Estim8ed to von dingle. Figure it disappeared at von dingle like the KFFM vine. Never was reseeded. *02/04 update: no change. 8) Carrierdome 10-20-84 vine: Last seen TNHG mailed to redgrenadine on 10/14. Heard back from redgrenadine (via email, not PM since red "hasn't been frequenting dead.net much"). He never received the vine. *02/04 update: Vine is still missing, has not been reseeded as yet. There's a bunch of other vines that are inactive, maybe not lost but just reached the end of their lists and have been idle for many months. ********************************************* **************This space for rent***************** *********************************************
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17 years 9 months

Your efforts are totally appreciated. It looks like the Boston Tea Party 1969 Vine is also MIA. "Let there be songs to fill the air."
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Member for

16 years 10 months

Thanks for that hard, tedious work. You are unofficially deputized as the unofficial Lost Vine Detective. That list was so long, I had to do a word search to see if I was listed as a perpetrator. I figured I was not since the posse had not come-a-knockin'.
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16 years 7 months

...before a vine gets added to the list. I don't send out the nag PMs until I see a vine hasn't moved in at least a couple of weeks, and I send add'l PMs to people who don't reply. That's why my out box has a pile of PMs to Billy S. PM'd emily and W&W about the BTP vine, forgot to add it before I posted the list. Thanks pomo1. Cheers, MarkintheDark ********************************************* **************This space for rent***************** *********************************************
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Member for

16 years 8 months

I think you should consider running up the GDP flag putting MITD on the payroll! I think he needs a job. "Circle songs and sands of time, and seasons will end in tumbled rhyme, and little change, the wind and rain."
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Member for

17 years 8 months

I guess I will go ahead a reseed the jerry solo vine. Im gonna try really hard to keep that one alive for everyone, and also the St. Louis 82 vine again if it needs it. "You know the one thing we need is a left handed monkey wrench....."
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Member for

17 years 8 months

So to make up for sending the 93 by request vine to the wrong person here’s another vine. I know it would have been just as easy to burn 3 audio discs for 8/4 but I decided to give the whole flac thing a try. This is my first shot at burning flac discs so let me know if anyone has problems. This will be 5 cds of flac files all together Grateful Dead Beacon Theater New York, NY June 15, 1976 - Tuesday Source: Betty Cantor 7" two track reel w/DBX-1 @ 7 1/2 ips> PCM501ES @ 44.055 kHz PCM501ES analog out>DBX-1 decoder> analog in PCM501ES analog out>Dat @ 48 kHz Jace Crouch’s original source WBOTB DAT via trailmix and Tim Deibert Patch Source: (shnid=#10307) Sony TC 153 Sony ECM 99A Mikes > Cassette x 2 > DAT Transfer: Panasonic SV-3700 > Cardas cable S/PDIF > Edirol UA-5 > USB > WaveLab @ [32bit float / 48kHz] Mastering: In WaveLab with Waves L3 Multimaximizer Rate Conversion with r8brain to [16bit/44.1kHz] > CD Wave > TLH > Flac Transfer and mastering by Bill Koucky November 26, 2008, Green Mountain Bros. 1st Set: 1. Promised land 2. Sugaree 3. Cassidy 4. Candyman 5. The Music Never Stopped 6. It Must Have Been The Roses 7. Looks Like Rain 8. Tennessee Jed 9. Let It Grow > 10. Might As Well Time: 84:14 2nd Set: 1. Tuning 2. Saint Stephen > 3. Not Fade Away > 4. Stella Blue 5. Samson & Delilah 6. Friend Of The Devil 7. Dancin’ In The Streets > 8. The Wheel > 9. Sugar Magnolia > 10. Scarlet Begonias > 11. Sunshine Daydream Encore: 12. Johnny B. Goode Time: 94:42 To Burn to 3 discs: Disc 1 s1t01 – s1t08 65:06 Disc 2 s1t09 – s2t06 77:25 Disc 3 s2t07 – s2t12 36:28 Grateful Dead 8/4/1976 Roosevelt Stadium Jersey City, NJ SBD>Cm>Reel>Lucid AD2496>CD>EAC>SHN (Tape Flips Patched w/(FOB) Shure Mics>Cm>Dat>CD) (parts of set 1 patched from video soundtrack) from Charlie Miller via Patrick Clifford with many thanks (my source for the show was bob wagner - cm) Disc 1 (79:25) Set 1: Sugaree (14:42) New Minglewood Blues (10:39) Row Jimmy (12:21) Big River (7:04) Loser (11:10) Looks Like Rain (7:50) They Love Each Other (8:56) The Music Never Stopped (6:39) Disc 2 (73:17) Set 1 continued: Scarlet Begonias (15:26) Set 2: Help On The Way--> (6:34) Slipknot--> (10:49) Franklin's Tower--> (12:16) Dancin' In The Streets--> (14:42) The Wheel--> (5:42) Samson & Delilah (7:45) Disc 3 (61:43) Set 2 continued: It Must Have Been The Roses (8:52) Not Fade Away--> (6:50) Drums--> (3:58) The Other One--> (16:43) Ship Of Fools (8:36) Sugar Magnolia (12:03) Johnny B. Goode (4:36)
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17 years 8 months

Trevor! A nice Betty Board and Charlie Choice. I'll look to sign up for these when Marye's ready to out these out. Thanks! "when life looks like easy street, there is danger at your door"
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16 years 7 months

...you should screw up more often! ;^) (Those two '93 vines starting up together confused several people, and I can think of a few other cases of misaddressed vines just in the last month - and that's without involving confusing screennames) They look to be killer shows, now I'll have to live by the computer all weekend to catch the signup list early. gotta hate that! Cheers, MarkintheDark ********************************************* **************This space for rent***************** *********************************************
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17 years 8 months

Great, Im sure that you guys will like them. Ive actually had them ready to go for awhile. Just had to wait until things slowed down a little before I started it. Peace, Trevor "You know the one thing we need is a left handed monkey wrench....."
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Member for

17 years 9 months

I was going to cut back for awhile, but I cannot resist anything from 1976!! Thanks.If I sign up early enough, I will de-flac these for those Viners still living in a flacless world. "Let there be songs to fill the air."
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Member for

17 years 6 months

Our good friend and fellow viner Hippy signed up for a vine on another site and offered me the opportunity to help him put together a vine of the music here. I received 2 DVDs filled to the brim with killer shows from early '69, one of my favorite eras, and perhaps the greatest. Of course, there are the usual hiccups, cuts, fadouts, etc that must be expected from this era. But this is Grade A primal Dead. Thanks to Hippy for allowing me to help him. I grade most of the shows here as A- SBDs, with the notable exception of 2/14, which I grade as a B SBD. The vine will be 2 DVDs of the following shows in SHN/FLAC format: (Disc 1) 1/17, 1/24, 1/25, 1/26, 2/2, 2/4, 2/5, 2/6 and 2/7; and, (Disc 2) 2/12, 2/14, 2/15, 2/21, 2/22, and 3/15. As always, please stay behind the line until your number is called (in other words, wait to sign up until our friend marye creates a forum for this offering). Enjoy!
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Member for

17 years

A friend & co-worker who quit her job, sold her house, and moved to Alaska - because the time was right & it was what she wanted to do.( I used to tease her by calling her "you lean" (instead of Ei Leen) She left in late January, and should be arriving in Alaska sometime soon, I would think. - but then it's such a little car, with so much stuff... and such a long way to go all by herself - brave woman! Grateful Dead - June 19, 1980 West High Auditorium - Anchorage, AK Set 1: d1t01 - Alabama Getaway -> d1t02 - The Promised Land d1t03 - They Love Each Other -> d1t04 - El Paso d1t05 - Tennessee Jed d1t06 - Cassidy d1t07 - Althea -> d1t08 - Looks Like Rain d1t09 - Far From Me d1t10 - The Music Never Stopped Set 2: d2t01 - China Cat Sunflower -> d2t02 - I Know You Rider -> d2t03 - C C Rider d2t04 - Peggy-O d2t05 - Lost Sailor -> d2t06 - Saint Of Circumstance -> d2t07 - Drums -> d2t08 - Space -> d2t09 - Wharf Rat -> d2t10 - I Need A Miracle -> d2t11 - Bertha -> d2t12 - Good Lovin' Encore: d1t11 - U.S. Blues 6/20/80 - Grateful Dead West High Auditorium Anchorage, AK Set 1: d1t01 - Tuning d1t02 - Jack Straw -> d1t03 - Franklin's Tower -> d1t04 - Mama Tried -> d1t05 - Mexicali Blues d1t06 - Friend Of The Devil d1t07 - Let It Grow -> d1t08 - Althea d1t09 - Easy To Love You d1t10 - Tuning d2t01 - Lost Sailor -> d2t02 - Saint Of Circumstance -> d2t03 - Deal Set 2: d2t04 - Alabama Getaway -> d2t05 - Greatest Story Ever Told d2t06 - Ship Of Fools d3t01 - Estimated Prophet -> d3t02 - The Other One -> d3t03 - Drums -> d3t04 - Space -> d3t05 - Not Fade Away -> d3t06 - Black Peter -> d3t07 - Around And Around -> d3t08 - Johnny B. Goode Encore: d3t09 - Don't Ease Me In Grateful Dead West High Auditorium Anchorage, AK June 21, 1980 SBD + AUD Matrix Mix (60%-SBD/40%-AUD) Disc 1 01 [14:48] Sugaree > 02 [07:49] Minglewood 03 [07:04] Candyman 04 [03:00] Me And My Uncle > 05 [06:07] Big River 06 [08:03] Loser 07 [03:37] Lazy Lightning > 08 [06:01] Supplication 09 [04:17] Far From Me 10 [07:55] Ramble on Rose 11 [08:38] Feel Like a Stranger TT [77:18] Disc 2 01 [04:36] Big Railroad Blues 02 [07:53] Samson & Delilah 03 [11:41] Terrapin Station > 04 [13:51] Playin' In The Band > 05 [07:51] Drums > 06 [04:13] Space > 07 [09:07] Truckin' > 08 [09:36] Stella Blue > 09 [09:09] Sugar Magnolia Encore 10 [04:38] One More Saturday Night 11 [06:07] Brokedown Palace TT [88:41] **requires a 90 min CDR**
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16 years 7 months

That is just too cool (figuratively *and* literally speaking, I guess). You go, girl. Wish I had the balls to do something similar (don't think Alaska would be involved, though, I'm sick of ice and snow). Cheers, MarkintheDark ********************************************* **************This space for rent***************** *********************************************
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17 years 1 month

These are some of my favorite shows! Those two and 7-8-78 have a permanent residence in my cars passenger seat. (im kind of messy)
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17 years 9 months

Grateful Dead - June 8, 1974Coliseum Stadium - Oakland, CA Recording Info: Set 1 + Encores: SBD -> Master Reel -> Reel -> Reel -> Wavelab -> FLAC Set 2: SBD -> Master Reel -> Dat -> Wavelab -> FLAC Re-Mastering Info: FLAC -> Adobe Audition v1.5 -> Samplitude Professional v10.2 -> FLAC (3 Discs Audio / 2 Discs FLAC) Re-mastered By Charlie Miller charliemiller87@earthlink.net February 4, 2009 Patch Info: Sony ECM250 -> Master Cassette -> FLAC (shnid=94594) supplies: U.S. Blues (complete track) Big River (complete track) Ship Of Fools (complete track) Playing In The Band (17:00 - 17:20) Sugar Magnolia (complete track) Notes: -- All disc changes are seamless -- This is a re-master of shnid=97182 -- Thanks to Joe B. Jones for his help with the pitch correction -- Thanks to Matt Smith, Pat Lee, Jamie Waddell and David Gans for the SBD -- Thanks to Bob Menke for the AUD source -- I cleaned up some flaws and pitch corrected some tracks Set 1: d1t01 - Tuning d1t02 - The Promised Land d1t03 - Brown Eyed Women d1t04 - Me And Bobby McGee d1t05 - Scarlet Begonias d1t06 - Mexicali Blues d1t07 - It Must Have Been The Roses d1t08 - Me And My Uncle d1t09 - Tennessee Jed d1t10 - Greatest Story Ever Told d1t11 - China Cat Sunflower -> d1t12 - I Know You Rider d2t01 - Around And Around Set 2: d2t02 - U.S. Blues d2t03 - Big River d2t04 - Ship Of Fools d2t05 - Playing In The Band -> d2t06 - Wharf Rat -> d2t07 - Playing In The Band d3t01 - Eyes Of The World d3t02 - Sugar Magnolia Encore: d3t03 - Casey Jones -> d3t04 - One More Saturday Night ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Grateful Dead Iowa State Fairgrounds Des Moines, IA 6/16/74 - Sunday Per Andy Lemieux, the source of this is as follows: Set 1: MSR>C>DAT>CD Set 2 & 3: MSC>DAT>CD (except for patch in Wharf Rat which is MSR>?>DAT>CD) DISC ONE [70:06] set one-a: 01 [08:04] Bertha 02 [04:16] Mexicali Blues 03 [08:56] Row Jimmy 04 [05:53] Beat It On Down The Line 05 [09:22] Scarlet Begonias 06 [08:00] Black-Throated Wind 07 [08:39] Sugaree 08 [05:27] El Paso 09 [06:10] It Must Have Been The Roses 10 [05:14] Jack Straw note: splice in Bertha at 4:05; splice in Sugaree at 2:25. DISC TWO [56:49] set one-end: 01 [10:24] China Cat Sunflower > 02 [05:39] I Know You Rider 03 [04:48] Around And Around set two-a: 04 [06:35] U.S. Blues 05 [03:17] The Race Is On 06 [15:24] Eyes Of The World > 07 [05:01] Jam 1 > 08 [05:37] Big River DISC THREE [59:03] set two-end: 01 [29:19] Playing In The Band set three-a: 02 [08:17] Tennessee Jed 03 [03:07] Me And My Uncle 04 [06:00] Deal 05 [06:11] Greatest Story Ever Told 06 [06:05] Ship Of Fools DISC FOUR [46:22] set three-end: 01 [07:11] Truckin' > 02 [05:15] Nobody's Fault But Mine Jam > 03 [04:03] Jam 2 > 04 [04:41] Jam 3 > 05 [09:43] Wharf Rat > 06 [08:14] Goin' Down The Road Feeling Bad encore: 07 [07:14] Casey Jones note: splice in Wharf Rat at 2:51 Based on Alan Fink's patched version: ...I used Steve Windsor's notes from his version: ...to verify and make the fixes myself. I also made several additional fixes, including... -- Removed two additional pops from Eyes Of The World at 14:35 and 15:10. -- Patched the splice in Wharf Rat with MSR>?>DAT>CD. Even after patching, it sounds like there may be a small chunk of material missing. -- Removed four additional pops from GDTRFB at 6:41, 6:43, 6:45 and 6:47. -- Patched the start of Casey Jones with alternate MSC>DAT>CD source. -- Retracked each disc so that tuning follows songs at the end of tracks. Kudos to Alan and Steve for their hard work. Thanks to Andy for the patch material for Wharf Rat. Sean Cribbs, 10/22/2004 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 20th June 1974 Sbd Clugston no infi file ******************************************************************** Audience Devotional Tree Round 17 - March, 2003 GRATEFUL DEAD Wednesday, June 26, 1974 Providence Civic Center - Providence, RI Audience Recording AudMC > WAV > CD > EAC > SHN Recorded by Jerry Moore near the rear of the floor, close to center axis with Sony ECM-99 Stereo mic (on metal pole) > Sony 152 deck. Maxell UD-120 cassettes, with Dolby B ON. Analog > Digital by David Minches January, 2003 Master Cassettes played back on Nak Dragon > ART DI/O > HD > Cool Edit 2000 > Feurio (CD) EAC & SHN by Noah Weiner February, 2003 EAC > MKW Audio Compression Toolkit (shn) DISC ONE [52:29] set one-a: 01 [02:36] crowd & tuning 02 [06:49] Big River 03 [05:54] Brown Eyed Women 04 [04:32] Beat It On Down The Line 05 [09:30] Scarlet Begonias 06 [09:38] Black Throated Wind 07 [10:11] Row Jimmy 08 [03:19] Mexicali Blues DISC TWO [59:31] set one-end: 01 [01:34] crowd & "technical malady time" 02 [06:10] Deal 03 [04:23] The Race Is On 04 [09:03] Mississippi Half Step Uptown Toodeloo 05 [06:51] El Paso 06 [08:41] Ship Of Fools 07 [01:19] Weather Report Suite Prelude > 08 [04:25] Weather Report Suite Part One > 09 [11:05] Let It Grow > 10 [06:00] It Must Have Been The Roses DISC THREE [54:55] set 1.5: 01 [22:17] Seastones set two-a: 02 [02:05] crowd & tuning 03 [06:02] US Blues 04 [03:33] Me And My Uncle 05 [02:28] Jam > 06 [13:14] China Cat Sunflower > 07 [05:16] I Know You Rider DISC FOUR [70:13] set two-end: 01 [01:11] crowd & tuning 02 [01:06] Beer Barrel Polka tuning 03 [13:40] Truckin' > 04 [02:12] Other One Jam* > 05 [15:20] Spanish Jam** > 06 [09:53] Wharf Rat > 07 [13:56] Sugar Magnolia encore: 08 [12:55] Eyes Of The World *begins with brief Drums and Bass solo **dissolves into long space jam ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Grateful Dead 6/26/74 Providence Civic Center, Providence, RI Source for disk 1: SBD>MR>C>DAT>CDR Contributed by Skankweed Source for discs 2,3: MSR > Reel > 4xDAT > CDR (HHB CDR-850) > SHN (EACx2) Contributed by John Oleynick (previous d1 from this source had problems, was withdrawn) Disc 1 ---- Set 1 ---- 1. Big River 2. Brown-Eyed Women 3. Beat It On Down the Line 4. Scarlet Begonias 5. Black-Throated Wind 6. Row Jimmy 7. Mexicali Blues 8. Deal 9. The Race Is On 10. Mississippi Halfstep 11. El Paso 12. Ship of Fools Disc 2 ---- Set 1 Continued ---- 1. Weather Report Suite Prelude > 2. Weather Report Suite Part 1 > 2. Let It Grow > 3. It Must Have Been the Roses ---- Set 2 ---- 4. // U.S. Blues 5. Me & My Uncle 6. Jam > 7. China Cat Sunflower > 8. I Know You Rider Disc 3 ---- Set 2 Continued ---- 1. Beer Barrel Polka Tuning 2. Truckin' > 3. The Other One Jam > 4. Spanish Jam > 5. Wharf Rat > 6. Sugar Magnolia ---- Encore ---- 7. Eyes of the World _____________________________________________________ Grateful Dead Boston Garden, Boston, MA June 28, 1974 - Set I Source: SBD>MR>DAT>Sonic Solutions>CD>?>EAC>SHN EAC'ed / SHN'ed by Tom Snider, Jr. 07/25/2002 Thanks to Jeff Cook for sending me the cd audio of this fine first set. 01. Mississippi Half Step-> 7:29 02. It Must Have Been The Roses-> 4:59 03. Jack Straw 5:16 04. Beat It On Down The Line 3:24 05. "Gold Plated Reconing" 0:40 06. Deal 5:02 07. Mexicali Blues 3:21 08. Tennessee Jed 8:02 09. Me And Bobby McGee 5:30 10. "The Sound Of Time Passing" 1:58 01. Loose Lucy 5:02 12. El Paso 4:21 13. Sugaree 7:03 14. Around & Around 5:22 Total Play Time: 1:07:36 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 30th june 74 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spanish Jam
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17 years 9 months

certainly at the top of my list of shows I'd like to see released... I'll try to get all these up later on today. Thanks!
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Sunshine came softly through my window today..... Some of the tunes from Providence 6/26 are on Dick's Picks #12, disc 1 and the start of disc 2. This sure gets a lot of spin time at my place: reference China Cat > Know U Rider thru Sugar Magnolia with a rare encore - Eyes of the World!! What a great month June was in 1974. When's David going to have a David's Pix, or is the Rhino deal the only game in town?
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16 years 7 months

Will the "officially released" songs have to be omitted, or can the show remain complete since it's an audience recording? ********************************************* **************This space for rent***************** *********************************************
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16 years 7 months

This one's hosed, at least half of it is. dammit. ********************************************* **************This space for rent***************** *********************************************
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Member for

17 years 2 months

.....I need the first set of 6/28 so I have the complete show (can you hear the whine??). Mind left body jam needs its first set sister!!!! We can at least seed that......just a suggestion. :)
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Member for

17 years 9 months

If its an aud it's not normally considered an officially released recording and that's fine. When vined shows include the odd song from a compilation or bonus material or filler, that normally gets through DP 12 includes the whole of set 2 of June 26 except for Me and My Uncle and US Blues. It includes the whole of Set 2 of June 28.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

ok will pull it, i was trying to get all 74 stuff out there - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spanish Jam
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Member for

16 years 7 months

Wait and see what marye sez, it's probably OK to vine the stuff that's not on DP 12 - there's a couple of other vines that just omit the DP'd sets, at least we'd be able to piece together the complete shows. Speaking of complete shows, there's a rumor via Sirius of an upcoming release - anybody hear about it? Thanks for the potential vine Sunshine-Daydream! MarkintheDark ********************************************* **************This space for rent***************** *********************************************
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Member for

17 years 9 months

SD I suggest if you do anything you just pull the offending tracks from set 2 of June 26 as plenty of folks may like the first set and are probably desperate to get yet another Me & My Uncle and US Blues!
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Member for

17 years 9 months

it is the Ally Pally shows that are going to be awakward Bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spanish Jam
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Member for

17 years 9 months

I already vined the 'missing bits' compilation from Ally Pally in the Europe '74 Vine. Its quite good as the text file contains detailed instructions how to reconstruct the shows using the DP material.