Body Block
// pull in news from "50th Anniversary" feature type taxonomy
$news = views_embed_view('story_lists', 'block_50news');
echo $news;
Grateful Dead Original Members Add Two Dates To Final Concerts
April 10, 2015

The original members of Grateful Dead have announced two additional shows at Levi’s Stadium in Santa Clara, California on June 27th and 28th, as part of their “Fare Thee Well: Celebrating 50 Years of Grateful Dead” run. Along with the three shows at Chicago's Soldier Field on July 3rd, 4th, and 5th, the run will mark the original members' last-ever performances toget
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Attention Limboheads!
Being in limbo is bonding, just like being a Head! We should all meet up in Chicago and have a good laugh about this 4th of July weekend! Love you all in limbo. Just like your mommma said, good things come to those who wait!
I'm going to hit the sack after checking e-mail one last time an let the universe dictate my fate. I believe we will get the tickets we are hoping for somehow!
Mail order will be filled...:), :), :)
#435 (whatever that may mean), one envelope, 3 M.O. (One per day), 2 tickets per day, weeks of agony at the mailbox...Priceless!
Fortunate in Arizona
After suffering the same mega-stress as the rest of you, waiting for any news of my fate, constantly checking email the past few days and dreading opening the mailbox down the street every day, I was so fortunate to receive "Congratulations" email #399 at 10:55 PM MST last night (which I foolishly read at 2:45 AM when I woke up for a few minutes and naturally didn't go back to sleep since I was so excited!)So yes, there are definitely other heads in Arizona, and GDTS TOO is working late at night to get the emails out.
Two tickets to each night; I am taking my son who has always wanted to go to a Dead concert but was too young when Jerry passed (or should I say he is taking me since he was the one who first called and invited me to go when the concerts were announced). My first concert was early 1971, and the Dead are essential to my life, like the rest of you!
I wish everyone best of luck with the rest of the mail order and TM tomorrow!
Congrats Doc Bill
It's nice to hear good news. Enjoy the shows with your son. Rock on!!
How do you find out if MO is
How do you find out if MO is cashed?
For those going Ticketmaster route....
I miss Jerry.....
Reach out your hand if your cup be empty....if your cup is full, may it be again!
Good luck grateful gals and guys....
Ticketmaster down?
"No permission to access / on this server." Is this Finland only or does everyone has the same? I got in earlier but not anymore.
eBay, scalping etc
Remember that auctions are subject to manipulation and not necessarily representative of the market.
There are always exceptions to the rule and a handful of consumers willing to pay over market value.
Just hold tight and don't give in to the extortionists. The tickets will come for those who are persistent with all efforts and insistent that the opportunists not be unjustly enriched!
no e-mail
no e-mail no MO cash and no return. i know GDTS has work hard but please when you are done sending out pink slips please tell us ASAP thank you.i know will hope for web cast.all deadheads good luck today for lucky ones have the fun of your life.the ones in limbo like me there is hope and good luck.What a long strange trip it has been.
A little humor
If you are at a Grateful Dead show, what is the difference between a scalper and a rose? Nothing. The pricks are on the outside.
Almost time
Less than an hour to TM. God the suspense is killing me. woke at 5am this morning i was so anxious Definatly should have skipped that 2nd pot of coffee. Good luck to all fans.
There may be a day when the hearts of man fail.
But it will not be this day!
A little humor
After seeing a StubHub four-pack of floor seats listing at $14.5K, I needed a little laugh...thanks !!
T minus 45 minutes to see if I get "pricked" now a third time (pre-sale, CID and TM).
Best mojo and fingers-crossed for all !!
3 day pass
If you get three day, do you get one ticket for all three days or three ticket.In other words, could I mail my buddy the day I cant go and I go other 2 days.
good luck to all in limbo
no goldenand still no pinkie
life goes on
Makes me wish I had a pair of
Makes me wish I had a pair of tix, sure could use the money,can't believe it's worth it to people to see these(1show) incredible the hype surrounding these shows, Now all these shows are sold out ,they can announce shows leading up to the last time ever or maybe a tour after, minus a drummer.
3 day pass
I believe it is a three day pass. I am not sure. Sorry.
T minus 23 minutes.......
aaaaahhhhhhh man! Here we go.............good luck everyone!!!!!!!!!
Ebay $7000 a pair
Funny I remember not going to a show in Providence RI ( maybe '86 or '87) because someone I knew had paid $30 for a tix & I didn't want to pay that much & wound up not getting in,taking my chances outside before the show. How times have changed
don't give up
sometimes only trying to get one ticket will get you in faster than multiple tickets, one is better than none.
4 Winds - Part 2
For anyone reading this right now - may the 4 winds blow a ticket safely home to you in 10 minutes when TM opens. I have been blessed with an email and want to share good vibes with all still trying to get to the show. I'll see you all there!
Be Kind
had the same thing happen on one computer started over, and its just spinning keeps refreshing itself and saying 15 minute wait or more. other computer says same thing but its at 12 mins down from 45. third computer has the same 15 minutes or more due to higher traffic than usual. dorsnt seem to be going anywhere. says to not leave page or process starts over. anyone actually seeing a soldout message yet. it must be by now! wayching these continual spinning messages is about to fry my brain....just want to know if theres reason to even still be trying? goid luck!
This is such typical bullshit! Somehow only scalpers are the ones to walk away with tickets while the fans get f@#ked! I'm pissed! No dice with MO, no dice with CID and no dice with TM.I need 4 for the 4th...pretty please!!!
find seats for me
click on this and it does nothing, just refreshes, does not go to the seating chart, does not do anything.
Miracles are possible
I just got two tickets in 100 level reserved for July 4th on Ticketmaster. Fingers crossed for those of you still on Ticketmaster waiting...
is this done yet??? anyone see anything saying sold out? seems it must be by now....these spinning balls are rediculous! just want to know if theres any reason to sit here and watch this. by the way, i did have one computer end and say they could not process my request right now, started it over and have three screens with three spinners! they should have put a live show playing in the background to go with these spinners!!! bout to go back to bed! good luck folks!
Willing to Trade?
For anyone who may be lucky enough to have 2 extra tickets for 7/3 only (haha) - I have two nights reserved at a downtown hotel (7/2 and 7/3). Would love to work out some sort of trade off. Oh, and I booked before hotel prices went through the roof.
Still hoping here in Annapolis...
The Ticketmaster wheel goes
The Ticketmaster wheel goes round and round..............
ticketmaster spinning
got down to less than a minute wait time on one computer, than goes back to one minute, back to less than a....holy s#*+. just scored three for the first night! unbeleivable...aparently there is still reason to be trying. scored at 10:46 CST. PEACE.
Help on the way?
No mail, No email, No MO, No TM.
But I don't remember if I included my mail in my mail order!
Guess I keep waitin' for a miracle until June!
They really are going out like assholes! Fare Thee well asshole!
Oops, old article, disregard :)
Why in the world would Ticketmaster have the same onsale date/time for so many events? AC/DC, Godsmack, Barenaked Ladies, Grateful Dead, all at once??…