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  • Eric Abrahamson
    9 years 3 months ago
    Eric Abrahamson At my age, it's already predetermined that I'm not going to go to all that trouble unless I like it. The glass is either half-full or half-empty. Nobody twisted my arm, put me in a headlock, and made me listen to it-I think it's cool. I asked my brother for money to go, and he gave me 2 tickets. My friend Billy "Buzzboy" Rose, "Wavy Gravy's adopted son", used to be a Grateful Dead roadie, he got me backstage at the first show I went to after I met him, so I think they're good to me. My other friend, Richie Shirley, from the Hog Farm, was in the backstage Crew, traveled around the country with them and sold official T-shirts, and his wife, Andrea, "Mom", the cook at Camp Winnarainbow, used to work in their office in San Rafael and they had an apartment there. I met Richie and Billy at Woodstock where the Hog Farm was the Security and the Please Force, so you kids who pan them, fuck you and your worthless idiot opinions. You've never even been there yet, if you ever get there, at this rate. I think they were the best rock and roll band that ever was, and the Rolling Stones was #2, and I've seen them both. Compared to what, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir? The technology is pretty good for playing in a stadium as big, new, and modern as that. They can hear everything you say and see everything you do, and my brother bought me a ticket way up in the back. In between songs this kid 10 rows down says, "Shoot him!" and I go, "I have a gun!" and immediately they started into "Loser", "If I had a gun/For every ace I have drawn/I could arm a town/The size of Abilene!" I don't like it when they get that personal, ad hominem, but I'm still a fan, because even if they ever had a bad day, they recorded plenty of *good* days, which can always happen, always *do* happen at least a little bit, and silicon is immortal. Great light show. The only problem is with the critics and nay-sayers, who have pre-judged it all instead of, "Judge not!"--like "prejudiced". They already don't like it, they were prepared not to like it--there is nothing the band could have done or could do that they would have liked or would like. It's against their religion. It couldn't be worse if they sang traditional Moslem hymns to Allah in Arabic. They probably know how. There was a day when *everybody* liked it, even my parents. They were the #2 top-grossing entertainment act for 2 years in a row; #1 was Bill Cosby, by concerts, not by record sales, by word-of-mouth, household names, I remember. Nobody listened to that thing about rock-and-roll being "the Devil's music", and if you play it backwards it says, "Hail, Satan!" In my opinion, the Church rejects dancing, "worldly", as opposed to gospel or spiritual music, commercial music, art, literature, drama, culture, one of the reasons, because it's linked in their mind with pagan religion, which certainly applies to the Grateful Dead. However, I would argue that when the Christians converted the Roman Empire and tore down the Pagan temples, later they incorporated some of the features of the pagan religions into their own, from what I've heard. For example, do they say that the gods and goddesses of the polytheistic pantheons of the ancient cultures like Greece, Italy, Egypt, Babylonia are really One, the Lord God of the Old Testament? Or it says on Wikipedia that the Lord God of the Old Testament was the war god of the Phoenicians, like Mars Hill, though I don't see why not the head god Jupiter, Zeus, Ra, or Aten, where Moses got it. Then the Christians say Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, the Trinity is One, with Jesus Christ being the Son, a bow to pagan polytheism, but just 3. But they also have the Virgin Mary, who some say is Mother Earth, lots of saints and angels, etc. They say the 30,000 Roman and Greek gods were angels and demons, it's confusing, but some of them were like the Christian God in some ways. For example, Zeus sounds like "deus", which means "God". Jupiter, the Roman for Zeus, has also the name "Jove", which sounds like "Jehovah", which is translated "LORD" in the Old Testament. I read that the Christians used features from the Eleusinian Mysteries of Demeter, the Earth Mother in the Mass, the table, I think, maybe cups, candles, etc. to attract pagans. Some of the saints represent pagan deities from other cultures, and now they become Christian. The Greeks and Romans also had animal sacrifices like the Jews in the Tabernacle and Temple. Lots of their gods had wings like the Jewish angels, like Cupid, Victory, and Iris, the Rainbow. Maybe Moses got the snake on the pole from Mercury's Caduceus, and Asculepius the healer. The Elysian Fields is similar to the Christian Heaven, and Hades to the Christian Hell. Of course, there are just as many differences as similarities. Online I saw a book by the Church Father St. Clement where he uses Ulysses tied to the mast not to hear the Sirens' Song in Homer's "Odyssey" as an example of successfully resisting temptation, "Epistle to the Greeks". Of course, the Pope and the Vatican have always been in Rome. The Father represents Odin from Norse Germanic neo-Paganism, and Thor Jesus in a way. The word "Holle", "hell", isn't in the Bible, it's in the Norse "Eddas". *Valhalla* was their "Heaven". They mixed it with the Jewish Old Testament, the Greek and Roman paganism, etc. They included some of the old Jewish Mosaic prohibitions. Religion has art, music, literature, architecture, and Greek religion was somewhat based on plays. The Old Testament Tabernacle and Temple had a lot of art, sculpture, music, and architecture, and the Bible itself really is man-made literature. They just want a monopoly and no competition, and to control the State. A lot of art, music, literature, architecture, and sculpture got it's start in religion and then some Christians object for those artisans to become commercial, to use it for money, because they want to control the money, which is also man-made. It belongs to the person whose picture is on the money, who owns the metal mines, the mints, and who coins the money. "Render to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's." There *is* no picture of God. Some of the Caesars, Roman Emperors, made the people worship them as gods. Constantine himself was Apollo the Sun-God before he was a Christian. Go figure. Another reason the Church may prohibit "drugs, sex, rock-and-roll, drinking, smoking, and cussing", besides Scripture, as well as art, music, literature, theatre, and culture, science, technology, medicine, "the works of men's hands", the prohibition on idolatry, "make no graven image","bow down to no graven image", well that's another one. *Another* one, "God has made everything sufficient, but they have sought out many inventions." But the Church wants the money that people spend on entertainment, art, music, literature, plays, to go to them. Maybe they *did* think they were all being guided by *God* when they were on LSD and they were deceived by the Devil, "caught in the Devil's bargain", "Satan Himself appears as an Angel of Light to deceive if He can the very Elect," but they were experimenting and they thought they were right. Maybe if you got psychedelic by fasting 40 days in the desert those are true, not Satanic, visions. I think they came true for some of them; potentially could have come true for a lot more. Ram Dass called them "entheogens, 'theo', Greek for 'God', 'God-manifesting', you see God, become One with God, become God". "I am That I am." "I and the Father are One." "If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father." "I said ye are gods; nevertheless you shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes." "We are as gods, and we might as well get good at it." The only psychedelic church I ever heard of was the Native American Church in New Mexico, who had a cross on the altar. They converted all the American Indians to Christianity, but they can still do some traditional Indian things they all (or at least some of them) like to do, just to preserve the culture for posterity. People are always interested in what happened in the past; it's valuable information. The price of Indian jewelry has gone up at least 100x in my lifetime, as it becomes more scarce, as they become lost arts, and they were better before the Wasichus came. There's that Jesse Colin Young song, "Before You Came", how great the Indians had it. A lot of pagan spirituality is a lot higher than a lot of Western spirituality; it's the same thing. If you call the Virgin Mary the Earth Mother, or Father God, Mother Earth, or the Yin-Yang, that's Paganism, or different forms of it, generally speaking. Freud in "Moses and Monotheism", says the Egyptian polytheism was better than the Egyptian monotheism, because when Iknaton switched them to Aten, the One God form of the Sun God Ra, he made Pharoah Iknaton at the top of the "pyramid", with all the ranks of nobles, courtiers, priests, and common people. With the polytheistic system, Isis, Osiris, all that, even though it's true what the Christians say, they worshipped animals, crocodiles, cattle, ibises, hawks, birds, elephants, lions, etc., as the Christians say, "brute beasts", power was more diffuse throughout society, less centered in the king. And he says they were more prosperous, too, with polytheism, that their society declined with monotheism, they overthrew Iknaton, called him a heretic, and restored polytheism. That was why one of the reasons Moses had to get out, to preserve the monotheistic concept somewhere else by founding a new religion. He was raised by the Pharaoh's daughter. There are traces of the Egyptian roots in Moses' writings; he uses the Hebrew word "Elohim", "gods", plural, for "LORD God", and "Thou shalt have no other gods before me," admitting they exist, but fighting them, and "Who is like unto Thee, among the gods?" "You're the best!" I don't know; I'm not a theologian. I just had a year of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Yale, and graduated from Mountain Heights neo-Pentecostal Bible College in 1974. I saw the Jupiter-Venus conjunction in Leo tonight, the same as the Star of Bethlehem. It was out for about an hour. Astrology is from paganism, too, and probably the Dead used an astrologer when they set up the stadium dates as a Christian joke, although who knows how forgiving the Christians can be about that. The Bible accuses those who "worship the host of heaven upon the housetops" and they said that meant the pagan Babylonian astrologers. But the Christians reject a lot of other things the Jews said, like the rule against pork. Maybe that verse condemns the Roman astrologers, too. I read that not only were the Romans, and Greeks, into that, but they had augurs, or prophecies by things like the flight of birds, which might signify things like victory or defeat in war, or they'd read the entrails of animals they sacrificed, like tea leaves, or "sibyls" at the Oracle of Apollo at Delphi would prophecy the future in poetry, Socrates had a "inner god" that told him what to do. The Christians say "abandon all that" and then years later when you're "mature in the Lord" it wasn't so bad, and won't really hurt you, "all things are pure to him who is pure", "nothing is unclean of itself", etc. This issue is "if __________ makes my brother to stumble, I will eat no ____________," "Blessed is the man who is not condemned by the thing he alloweth," and something about the "commandments of men". I'm going to write more on another post so it isn't too long.
  • deaded2
    9 years 3 months ago
    Hehe gardenamesX2 :) I was
    Hehe gardenamesX2 :) I was thinking just the opposite... direwulf isinmyhead I hope they play it next week!!! Don't murder me I beg of you don't murder me Pleeeeeeeeeeaaase don't murder me
  • Default Avatar
    9 years 3 months ago
    couldn't have said it better
    isinmyhead & direwulf
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Grateful Dead Original Members Add Two Dates To Final Concerts

April 10, 2015

The original members of Grateful Dead have announced two additional shows at Levi’s Stadium in Santa Clara, California on June 27th and 28th, as part of their “Fare Thee Well: Celebrating 50 Years of Grateful Dead” run. Along with the three shows at Chicago's Soldier Field on July 3rd, 4th, and 5th, the run will mark the original members' last-ever performances toget

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9 years 7 months

Be more than happy to buy from you
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Member for

17 years

It does seem that one venue for one last show leaves a lot of us out. It would have been nice to have the venue an open field of a couple of miles around so that we could have all danced one last dance together ... I tried mail order and online and sat on the phone for one hour hitting redial... Enjoy the ride my brothers and sisters as I wave good bye ...
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Member for

9 years 8 months

Well I still have the hotel res. Not much bargaining power but hey, you never know...(if anyone is interested in discussing it) :-( (boo-hoo)
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Member for

9 years 7 months

I was signed in to ticketmaster, I'm a regular customer, and for 2 hours searched and waited and searched, and no tickets, but the secondary market is flooded with 1000-3000 dollar tickets! That's bull shit!
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Member for

9 years 7 months

I was signed in to ticketmaster, I'm a regular customer, and for 2 hours searched and waited and searched, and no tickets, but the secondary market is flooded with 1000-3000 dollar tickets! That's bull shit!
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Member for

12 years 11 months

Is there any one out there that got there e-mail today Feb 28 2015???????
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Member for

11 years 1 month

if so, im guessing it will be the same fiascco with tix, it would have made a lot of sense to do 3 separate 2-3 night runs. East coast, Soldier field and west coast, announced all the same time.
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Member for

9 years 7 months

fwiw... my screen has been spinning since the beginning and the facebook "f recommend" box shows "456". Another session's f-count is at "501"...
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Member for

12 years 9 months

Kinda odd that the page is showing links from the end of december. FACEBOOK December 31, 2014 A NEW YEARS MESSAGE FROM MICKEY HART read more on facebook» December 30, 2014 THIS DAY IN '77... HAPPY HOLIDAYS. HTTP://YOUTU.BE/YQZP8IHYFS8R read more on facebook» December 23, 2014 R.I.P JOE COCKER HTTP://YOUTU.BE/BRZKUVJHKGK read more on facebook»
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Member for

9 years 8 months

All 3 days showing no ticket match when you search (not high volume, try again) Scalpers rein supreme, and watch the thousands of dollars (10s of thousands, 100s of thousands etc.) change hands for thees shows now. There ought to be a better way...a high percentage of true fans suffer and don;t get to go while the scumbags get rich off the other rich people and on the weak-minded...
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Member for

10 years 6 months

I like the Dead's version of The Wheel much better.
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Member for

9 years 7 months

Hello,IF I had extras, I would find a true fan and ask them questions such as their first show? Favorite show & why? What is shakedown? What was the last name of Donna & Keith? Name all former keyboard members? Name of Jerry's guitar? etc...Then, you know they are real deal... Awaiting Mail Order w/ Slim, but hopeful chance....:) :) Owen Quincy, Ma
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Member for

9 years 8 months

My balls are still gyrating on TicketMaster – Do I have a chance at this late hour? I’m maliciously suspicious; yet, feeling deliriously delicious.
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Member for

9 years 8 months

Aint got a hope in hell, that's my belief
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Member for

9 years 8 months

I have 4 windows still searching for tickets the last 90 minutes. Have not been booted out yet. still hoping.......
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Member for

16 years 7 months

i am a true fan. alaska man on vacation in vietnam, i spent two hours last night trying get any vip i could and not luck. i have been working ticket master for two hours and no luck ivansbacon@hotmail.com i need a miracle .
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9 years 8 months

The heat, the cost....... Listened to the '09 Rosemont Horizon (aka Allstate - Chicago) shows recently. The band sounded tentative (a lot) like they didn't remember the songs. I think Phil might have been addressing that when he said "we are humbled, at least this brings the community back together if you know what I mean" (or something like that). The '02 Alpine reunion ticket demand was sky high. In '03 the band sold 20,000 or so a night playing a lot of non-traditional venues. In '04 the band booked the traditional places like Alpine and Deer Creek thinking the sales trend would continue - it did not. In '09 they were just about right booking places like Rosemont Horizon (for 1, then a 2nd night), the Spectrum, etc. But '09 did not see near the ticket demand we are witnessing now. I'd like to think that the scalpers wind up eating a bunch of tickets and Soldier Field winding up with 10% of the seats (in various locations) empty. That would make the stadium more comfortable to be in. Anyway, I released my hotel - I'm not giving the secondary ticket market a dime. And by the way, within an hour of Ticketmaster sale start Stubhub saw postings of 500 additional tickets for sale. If you purchased extras to sell to cover the cost of your own then you are not a Deadhead. Not even a wantabe. You are scum.
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Member for

13 years 11 months

Can't believe that this so called greatest band who have survived solely on the support of their fans and this is the kick in the a.. You give us. Wow what a great way to celebrate 50 years give the scalpers the ride of their life. Hope all of you sleep well at night knowing it should have all been mail order only you guys have gone commercial all the way. What a way to give back. Really disgusted with how this all played out.
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Member for

12 years 11 months

i don't think the boys had anything like this to happen it is the pamoters the got there hands on this.
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Member for

14 years 9 months

Thanks. However this whole thing blows. On top of all this BS and stress, todays email from GD PRODS encourages us to "let the band know how much they mean to you" ! What a crock! why doesn't "the band lets us know how much we mean to them" and do a reasonable amount of shows for the heads. I don't blame ticketmaster or the scalpers for this mess! it was entirely caused by the boys! 3 shows for the whole country???????? For the very last time!!!!!! WE all want to be there and are just trying to get there! only 180,000+/_ will get to see the band after 50 freakin years! some celebration.
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Member for

15 years 9 months

An email update from Frankie and the gang later today would be nice. Are Emails still going out, and if so, for how many more days? Please let those of us still in limbo know whether or not to move on...
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9 years 8 months

Unconfirmed, but posted on the RatDog Forum site... Only tickets on the sides and behind the stage were available today on ticketmaster. Some of the tickets are listed as NO VIEW. Everyone wanted to just get in, so the NO VIEW tickets sold. But this will be a security and confort issue to be sure. The Dead has never set up in a football stadium (or hockey arena for that matter) in a way that allows seating behind the stage - and this ain't U2's 360 tour. All night long people will be trying to get to the seats facing the stage. Security will be tested over and over again. The Chicago Park Board will respond to this by closing beer sales early and maybe not selling beer at all for nights 2 & 3.
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Member for

16 years 7 months

i keep on doing the same thing expecting a different result. insane.
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Member for

9 years 8 months

Agree, please GDTS please give us a status update and include deadlines and process for getting money back from uncashed MO's if we don't get hear anything either way. Won't let go until I have some closure, thank you. Happy for all the heads that have positive news!
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Member for

13 years 11 months

What were the final Ticketmaster prices for "Side of Stage" and "Behind The Stage" tickets?
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17 years 4 months

Only tickets on the sides and behind the stage were available today on ticketmaster.
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Member for

9 years 8 months

For nose bleed, cheapest on e-bay that I can find so far.
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Member for

9 years 8 months

Sold already ... hee-hee
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Member for

9 years 7 months

To say that they have never had seating behind the stage is incorrect. I recall a couple of shows at the Rosemont Horizon (aka Allstate Arena) that had seating behind. It was actually a pretty cool scene. My old, tired and in-the-way butt would rather have a seat behind, than to stand in the pit.
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Member for

9 years 8 months

2 TIX Fare Thee Well: The Grateful Dead with Trey Anastasio - 3 Day Pass 7/3 $22,015.00 or Best Offer Hee-hee Sorry folks I am delirious right now and terribly bummed. Really?! $22K...
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Member for

12 years 11 months

I never thought anything would turn me against the Dead, but this whole fiasco may be the catalyst. I wouldn't even want to go at this point even if I scored a "Miracle Ticket." Perhaps I will chill out and alter my viewpoint in the future but this disappointment and disgust comes from the gut. I echo the thoughts of the poster that said it would have been better for the Dead to ride off into the sunset with no 50th celebration than to pull a stunt like this. I think Bobby said it best--he's doing this to honor the music. That's a pretty self-absorbed viewpoint in my opinion. Only Phil seems to at least give lip service to the fans. I guess most become old curmudgeons at some point and why should we expect members of the Dead to be any different? Oh right, because they supposedly stood for something.
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Member for

9 years 8 months

Thanks for the correction. I only saw 16 shows with Jerry from '81 to '94 and a few after that. I was assuming way to much that all were similar in configuration. - Best wishes.
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Member for

11 years 5 months

i kept trying on three screens constantly getting kicked and retrying...changed what nights and how many tickets everytime. finally 46 minutes in...i scored 3 to the first night way the f up in the phil zone just inside by three seats side view. cost- 226.00! ill take it! section 440. see ya there!
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Member for

9 years 8 months

Good job and good for you! You know we are all a bit jealous here though...
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Member for

9 years 8 months

any emails coming in on this 28th day of February? Still in Limbo, lost out on TM "obi wan kenobi, your our only hope" (P.L.)
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Member for

9 years 7 months

Hello fellow TicketBastard haters, My girlfriend and I were on two separate laptops and hers, after an hour, got us two section 320 for 7/4. I want to miracle sonmeone, but here's the honest catch: I need a place to crash lol. Tell me your story, let me know the truth and why you want to go and how you can help me out. I'm coming from Detroit and REALLY don't want to drive 4 hours home lol. Peace, and remember there's still some good ppl out there. I don't want anything but a floor to sleep on, ride and good conversation. I'm a professional, 33 years old, first and only GD show was the second Palace show in '95. Been to tons of non-GD shows. I wouldn't be here if I haven't.
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Member for

9 years 7 months

To MiracleMan -- Check some of the posts on the CDI (ick) page. There was a girl offering B&B for one ticket, a few days ago. To Jazzin' -- best wishes back atcha!
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Member for

10 years 3 months

This is a very weird day. So glad to hear the success stories and very sad for those still without tickets. I was one of the 90% that didn't connect with GDTSTOO ("KAA-BLOO-EEE!"). With only slow satellite connection speed here in the middle of nowhere, I drove 250 miles (each way) to El Paso for yesterday's CID sale. Also enlisted my wife, sister and nephew in other cities and states. Between us, only one was able to purchase a package. As it turns out, not one, but two "Grateful Dead: Steel Your Face 3-night CID Experience GA Field Travel Packages for 2" (JWMarriott - King Bed) were inadvertently purchased. I need to sell one of these packages. I refuse to scalp this package at a predatory price, but I still need to recoup my costs (Face Value + service fee + 600.00 mileage, motel, time off, etc.). If you are interested send me a PM. PayPal would probably a good way to do a transaction.
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Member for

17 years 3 months

What a sad way to end this trip...anyone knew the demand would be huge but it seems no one was prepared. I am certain scalpers got more than their fair share of the tix. I have nothing against scalping...if you don't want to pay it...don't. However I do have a problem with a band who professed for decades that they got more from the fans than the fans got from them, and then made so few tix available in the fairest forum of GDTSTOO. oh well...just give me my money back. If they're only sending out 410 or so emails, figure out how to return the MOs.not a lot of jam band options here in DFW but I'll continue to catch Forgotten Space when I can...they actually sound better than many of the recordings of the various versions of post GD lineups I've heard.
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Member for

9 years 8 months

No fan club presale, pink slip 10 days ago . Presale for Bears Club members, What The ****. No tickets through box office or outlets. Ticket Brokers/Resellers/Scalpers had thousands of tickets on many different sites days ago some with interactive maps with sections, number of tix and prices. Craigslist Chicago had ads for tickets this week . Shoulda handled this whole thing differently. Maybe with mail order limit of 2 tickets per show per person more fans could of gotten in. Ticketmaster; well was down to 1 minute wait then up to 7 down to 5 then it stayed there for an hour plus. Not even close to the old days. Got to think that these "brokers" secured there tickets weeks ago with large amounts of cash for envelopes filled with tickets. Hey now this is Chicago which was just voted most corrupt city in America.
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Member for

16 years

Chicago, July 3rd 4th and 5th the RIPOFF DEAD live, in person NO Jerry NO Love NO deadheads allowed NO drinking, drugs or dancing Lost one round but the price wasn't anything but a knife in the back, and more of the same... Brought to you by the same fools who destroyed our scene in the 90's and endorsed by the remaining members. The design will be the core 4 laughing at a large crowd on one side and a huge pile of money on the back. All joking aside, this is a pretty hard pill to swallow. No final Dead show for the rest of us. I've got to let that sink in for a while, NO FINAL DEAD SHOW.
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9 years 7 months

I've been reluctant to share a comment. Really torn, joy for those attending, please dance for me. Anybody wanna a help a head?
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Member for

15 years 8 months

i have a room at a hotel down 2 miles away from the venue, but sadly me and my buddy were not able to get tickets but would be willing to share if you had 2 extra tix
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Member for

17 years 3 months

I know most of us have been wondering just how many mail order tix were available. Generally speaking, Ticketbastard does not allow a band to hold back more than 10% of tickets for pre-sale or fan club. This is something they put in place a bit less than ten years ago in response to Pearl Jam and String Cheese Incident. Both bands had built such a robust fan club ticketing system that it threatened to eliminate most Ticketbastard profits. It was said a few days ago that only 1 in 10 got picked for mail order... so that sounds consistant with my experience. We did mail order and haven't heard back either way... so we went online this morning and got tix... with 5 computers and one of them got through. If you are looking, DO NOT BUY now from the secondary market. My guess is at least a third of those tickets sold today were to scalpers. Prices will go up for about a month, and then start dropping off. Right now, start chasing lodging. That will be the biggest challenge ** or, and some more fun for you who hate Ticketbastard. They allow employees to log in to any show and buy tickets for anything for 15 minutes before they go onsale to the public.
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Member for

9 years 7 months

For these past few weeks I’ve been doing just like everyone else… “pac’in the halls and climbin’ the walls.” It’s been a damn sure stressful ride. But at this point I got to get off this train. Like most of you I didn’t get tickets. And I will not feed from the hand of the scalper. So I will hold out some hope that the bandmates will get wind of this craziness and make a case to have the show(s) broadcast in some form or another (web-cast, t.v. pay per view… whatever). It would be a ceremonious way to end their 50 years. I read that, in the New York area, promoter Peter Shapiro is planning to simulcast at the Capitol Theatre and Brooklyn Bowl. Looking into doing the same in other areas too. Not the same but it is an option. “Clank your chains and count your change and try to walk the line.” For the price of what it might have cost me to travel, attend the show, board, etc. I have a multitude of ways I can spend those thousands of dollars and celebrate that 4th of July weekend. Jerry truly would be laughing at all this chaos and sighing at the greed of those who are only interested in the money aspect of this whole venture. At this point there is a part of me that okay with not attending. “The grass ain't greener, the wine ain't sweeter either side of the hill.” Here’s hopin’ some of you will also come around, and settle down easy.
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Member for

12 years 11 months

Went to mail box no pink and money orders.No e-mail TM was a joke just don't know why everything is gone and lots of sights have lots of tickets for LOTS OF MONEY???????
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Member for

9 years 8 months

...no responses to my PMs... I'm dyin' here..................
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Member for

9 years 8 months

90% of the tix were gone before today 10% mail order presales, packages, PSL holders, season ticket holders, band affiliates and stadium employess and their families and friends, local big wigs, they got 80% loyal fans were left with 10% of the remaining tickets to be sold today on TM add in that, 90% of today's tickets were grabbed by scalpers so there you go, that's where the tix went of course these are my extremely rough guesstimates but you get the idea
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Member for

15 years 8 months

got a room from Friday until Monday but was not able to get any tickets, looking for 2 willing to share the room. just throwing it out there to see if anyone is interested. message me if you or anyone you know may want to help out a fellow head. peace and love