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  • Eric Abrahamson
    9 years 3 months ago
    Eric Abrahamson At my age, it's already predetermined that I'm not going to go to all that trouble unless I like it. The glass is either half-full or half-empty. Nobody twisted my arm, put me in a headlock, and made me listen to it-I think it's cool. I asked my brother for money to go, and he gave me 2 tickets. My friend Billy "Buzzboy" Rose, "Wavy Gravy's adopted son", used to be a Grateful Dead roadie, he got me backstage at the first show I went to after I met him, so I think they're good to me. My other friend, Richie Shirley, from the Hog Farm, was in the backstage Crew, traveled around the country with them and sold official T-shirts, and his wife, Andrea, "Mom", the cook at Camp Winnarainbow, used to work in their office in San Rafael and they had an apartment there. I met Richie and Billy at Woodstock where the Hog Farm was the Security and the Please Force, so you kids who pan them, fuck you and your worthless idiot opinions. You've never even been there yet, if you ever get there, at this rate. I think they were the best rock and roll band that ever was, and the Rolling Stones was #2, and I've seen them both. Compared to what, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir? The technology is pretty good for playing in a stadium as big, new, and modern as that. They can hear everything you say and see everything you do, and my brother bought me a ticket way up in the back. In between songs this kid 10 rows down says, "Shoot him!" and I go, "I have a gun!" and immediately they started into "Loser", "If I had a gun/For every ace I have drawn/I could arm a town/The size of Abilene!" I don't like it when they get that personal, ad hominem, but I'm still a fan, because even if they ever had a bad day, they recorded plenty of *good* days, which can always happen, always *do* happen at least a little bit, and silicon is immortal. Great light show. The only problem is with the critics and nay-sayers, who have pre-judged it all instead of, "Judge not!"--like "prejudiced". They already don't like it, they were prepared not to like it--there is nothing the band could have done or could do that they would have liked or would like. It's against their religion. It couldn't be worse if they sang traditional Moslem hymns to Allah in Arabic. They probably know how. There was a day when *everybody* liked it, even my parents. They were the #2 top-grossing entertainment act for 2 years in a row; #1 was Bill Cosby, by concerts, not by record sales, by word-of-mouth, household names, I remember. Nobody listened to that thing about rock-and-roll being "the Devil's music", and if you play it backwards it says, "Hail, Satan!" In my opinion, the Church rejects dancing, "worldly", as opposed to gospel or spiritual music, commercial music, art, literature, drama, culture, one of the reasons, because it's linked in their mind with pagan religion, which certainly applies to the Grateful Dead. However, I would argue that when the Christians converted the Roman Empire and tore down the Pagan temples, later they incorporated some of the features of the pagan religions into their own, from what I've heard. For example, do they say that the gods and goddesses of the polytheistic pantheons of the ancient cultures like Greece, Italy, Egypt, Babylonia are really One, the Lord God of the Old Testament? Or it says on Wikipedia that the Lord God of the Old Testament was the war god of the Phoenicians, like Mars Hill, though I don't see why not the head god Jupiter, Zeus, Ra, or Aten, where Moses got it. Then the Christians say Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, the Trinity is One, with Jesus Christ being the Son, a bow to pagan polytheism, but just 3. But they also have the Virgin Mary, who some say is Mother Earth, lots of saints and angels, etc. They say the 30,000 Roman and Greek gods were angels and demons, it's confusing, but some of them were like the Christian God in some ways. For example, Zeus sounds like "deus", which means "God". Jupiter, the Roman for Zeus, has also the name "Jove", which sounds like "Jehovah", which is translated "LORD" in the Old Testament. I read that the Christians used features from the Eleusinian Mysteries of Demeter, the Earth Mother in the Mass, the table, I think, maybe cups, candles, etc. to attract pagans. Some of the saints represent pagan deities from other cultures, and now they become Christian. The Greeks and Romans also had animal sacrifices like the Jews in the Tabernacle and Temple. Lots of their gods had wings like the Jewish angels, like Cupid, Victory, and Iris, the Rainbow. Maybe Moses got the snake on the pole from Mercury's Caduceus, and Asculepius the healer. The Elysian Fields is similar to the Christian Heaven, and Hades to the Christian Hell. Of course, there are just as many differences as similarities. Online I saw a book by the Church Father St. Clement where he uses Ulysses tied to the mast not to hear the Sirens' Song in Homer's "Odyssey" as an example of successfully resisting temptation, "Epistle to the Greeks". Of course, the Pope and the Vatican have always been in Rome. The Father represents Odin from Norse Germanic neo-Paganism, and Thor Jesus in a way. The word "Holle", "hell", isn't in the Bible, it's in the Norse "Eddas". *Valhalla* was their "Heaven". They mixed it with the Jewish Old Testament, the Greek and Roman paganism, etc. They included some of the old Jewish Mosaic prohibitions. Religion has art, music, literature, architecture, and Greek religion was somewhat based on plays. The Old Testament Tabernacle and Temple had a lot of art, sculpture, music, and architecture, and the Bible itself really is man-made literature. They just want a monopoly and no competition, and to control the State. A lot of art, music, literature, architecture, and sculpture got it's start in religion and then some Christians object for those artisans to become commercial, to use it for money, because they want to control the money, which is also man-made. It belongs to the person whose picture is on the money, who owns the metal mines, the mints, and who coins the money. "Render to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's." There *is* no picture of God. Some of the Caesars, Roman Emperors, made the people worship them as gods. Constantine himself was Apollo the Sun-God before he was a Christian. Go figure. Another reason the Church may prohibit "drugs, sex, rock-and-roll, drinking, smoking, and cussing", besides Scripture, as well as art, music, literature, theatre, and culture, science, technology, medicine, "the works of men's hands", the prohibition on idolatry, "make no graven image","bow down to no graven image", well that's another one. *Another* one, "God has made everything sufficient, but they have sought out many inventions." But the Church wants the money that people spend on entertainment, art, music, literature, plays, to go to them. Maybe they *did* think they were all being guided by *God* when they were on LSD and they were deceived by the Devil, "caught in the Devil's bargain", "Satan Himself appears as an Angel of Light to deceive if He can the very Elect," but they were experimenting and they thought they were right. Maybe if you got psychedelic by fasting 40 days in the desert those are true, not Satanic, visions. I think they came true for some of them; potentially could have come true for a lot more. Ram Dass called them "entheogens, 'theo', Greek for 'God', 'God-manifesting', you see God, become One with God, become God". "I am That I am." "I and the Father are One." "If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father." "I said ye are gods; nevertheless you shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes." "We are as gods, and we might as well get good at it." The only psychedelic church I ever heard of was the Native American Church in New Mexico, who had a cross on the altar. They converted all the American Indians to Christianity, but they can still do some traditional Indian things they all (or at least some of them) like to do, just to preserve the culture for posterity. People are always interested in what happened in the past; it's valuable information. The price of Indian jewelry has gone up at least 100x in my lifetime, as it becomes more scarce, as they become lost arts, and they were better before the Wasichus came. There's that Jesse Colin Young song, "Before You Came", how great the Indians had it. A lot of pagan spirituality is a lot higher than a lot of Western spirituality; it's the same thing. If you call the Virgin Mary the Earth Mother, or Father God, Mother Earth, or the Yin-Yang, that's Paganism, or different forms of it, generally speaking. Freud in "Moses and Monotheism", says the Egyptian polytheism was better than the Egyptian monotheism, because when Iknaton switched them to Aten, the One God form of the Sun God Ra, he made Pharoah Iknaton at the top of the "pyramid", with all the ranks of nobles, courtiers, priests, and common people. With the polytheistic system, Isis, Osiris, all that, even though it's true what the Christians say, they worshipped animals, crocodiles, cattle, ibises, hawks, birds, elephants, lions, etc., as the Christians say, "brute beasts", power was more diffuse throughout society, less centered in the king. And he says they were more prosperous, too, with polytheism, that their society declined with monotheism, they overthrew Iknaton, called him a heretic, and restored polytheism. That was why one of the reasons Moses had to get out, to preserve the monotheistic concept somewhere else by founding a new religion. He was raised by the Pharaoh's daughter. There are traces of the Egyptian roots in Moses' writings; he uses the Hebrew word "Elohim", "gods", plural, for "LORD God", and "Thou shalt have no other gods before me," admitting they exist, but fighting them, and "Who is like unto Thee, among the gods?" "You're the best!" I don't know; I'm not a theologian. I just had a year of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Yale, and graduated from Mountain Heights neo-Pentecostal Bible College in 1974. I saw the Jupiter-Venus conjunction in Leo tonight, the same as the Star of Bethlehem. It was out for about an hour. Astrology is from paganism, too, and probably the Dead used an astrologer when they set up the stadium dates as a Christian joke, although who knows how forgiving the Christians can be about that. The Bible accuses those who "worship the host of heaven upon the housetops" and they said that meant the pagan Babylonian astrologers. But the Christians reject a lot of other things the Jews said, like the rule against pork. Maybe that verse condemns the Roman astrologers, too. I read that not only were the Romans, and Greeks, into that, but they had augurs, or prophecies by things like the flight of birds, which might signify things like victory or defeat in war, or they'd read the entrails of animals they sacrificed, like tea leaves, or "sibyls" at the Oracle of Apollo at Delphi would prophecy the future in poetry, Socrates had a "inner god" that told him what to do. The Christians say "abandon all that" and then years later when you're "mature in the Lord" it wasn't so bad, and won't really hurt you, "all things are pure to him who is pure", "nothing is unclean of itself", etc. This issue is "if __________ makes my brother to stumble, I will eat no ____________," "Blessed is the man who is not condemned by the thing he alloweth," and something about the "commandments of men". I'm going to write more on another post so it isn't too long.
  • deaded2
    9 years 3 months ago
    Hehe gardenamesX2 :) I was
    Hehe gardenamesX2 :) I was thinking just the opposite... direwulf isinmyhead I hope they play it next week!!! Don't murder me I beg of you don't murder me Pleeeeeeeeeeaaase don't murder me
  • Default Avatar
    9 years 3 months ago
    couldn't have said it better
    isinmyhead & direwulf
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Grateful Dead Original Members Add Two Dates To Final Concerts

April 10, 2015

The original members of Grateful Dead have announced two additional shows at Levi’s Stadium in Santa Clara, California on June 27th and 28th, as part of their “Fare Thee Well: Celebrating 50 Years of Grateful Dead” run. Along with the three shows at Chicago's Soldier Field on July 3rd, 4th, and 5th, the run will mark the original members' last-ever performances toget

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9 years 7 months

I hope to meet you in the parking lot. We are a peaceful loving community. Can't wait to see all the smiles. And, please, let me apologize in advance for accidentally spilling anyone's drink. ;o)Jill-o Sandy, UT
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Member for

9 years 7 months

You didn't see me unless you looked in the taper section,I have a sweet high def recording from Highland Bowl in Rochester if you need a copy drop me a line, not too many other tapers that day, 3000 heads in a nice natural theate. we have been there for them
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Member for

9 years 8 months

If your MO's haven't been returned by this point I would think you still stand a damn good chance of getting in. BE HAPPY about that. The door's flung shut for the rest of us. You're one of the lucky few that has a shot at getting in for actual ticket price. Don't be excruciated by it, be happy about it!
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Member for

11 years 5 months

Ok I a starting to feel a bit better now, and yes, that beer is always the best. Outside the drum circle, waiting for the paper to slow down and the afterglow to drift into the dawn. It was with my fellow heads that I thrive - that and the music (ok well the music is a HUGE part!) I am still actually considering just going to hang out in the parking lot - one last time. That or go see P&F play his (possibly last) birthday show at Terrapin...either way, know we are all one family and we will survive. Peace
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Member for

15 years 9 months

If we stand a good chance...great.. tell us...!! It's that easy.... takes 2 seconds.... Why is this so hard...
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Member for

16 years 6 months

Where have all of you been for the last 20 years? 2009, 2003, 2000, 1998 etc - this band has played venues a fraction of the size and didn't sell it out. Of course this was not exactly foreseeable. Demand hasn't been like this for 25 years if ever. Checking out some of the forum "joined dates" and personal experience off site, I can't help but notice that some of the most fever pitched angst and venom is being posted by folks who just came out of the wood works after this event was announced. Maybe you were "there" back in the day but where have you been for the last 20 years? As for blaming the band and internal organization - shame on all of you who are doing this for dealing in misinformation and simple character assassination. Much of what you condemn is a sad reality of the modern concert industry and something this band and the internal organization are bound to cope with given their current status and scale in the industry. You grossly oversimplify the reality of the matter to suggest its a conspiracy to fleece the masses by the 4 guys and their hired guns. They don't need this, your money or the headache that comes with it all. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if they themselves were wishing they hadn't agreed to do this. Nobody is stealing your money, nobody from within the organization is trying to make a money grab and the accusations amounting to all of this are just out of line. A little perspective please ..... How about Gainseville for the next Dave's Picks release? Oh that's right, there are only about 16,500 of you that are interested in that.
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Member for

15 years 9 months

"They don't need this, your money or the headache that comes with it all. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if they themselves were wishing they hadn't agreed to do this." At this point in time, speaking for myself and most likely many others... this feeling is mutual...
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Member for

11 years 5 months

+1 million. I will say that Elvis at GDTS was always in communication with me and honestly was a huge help. The boys should not be who your anger is directed to - it should be the fellow heads that got their mail order lottery wins that turned around to scalp them. Personally I am #3257 of 16,500 and would LOVE to hear either a killer '68 show - like say 3/16/68 (with a 14 minute Alligator!) or perhaps say another '76 gem like say 06/10/76 with a 22 minute Help/Slipknot!/Franklin's...oooo. I listen to those and think, why won't Mr Lemieux clean those up?!?!? I figure good things come to those who wait! (except Soldier Field tix - those go to those that are greedy and rich!) sorry a backhanded rant...peace!
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Member for

14 years 7 months

Request Update Request ID: 1035351 Hello , This email is an automated notification. This mailbox is monitored for unsubscribe and privacy related requests only. Please do not reply to this e-mail, as we are not able to respond personally to messages sent to this address. If you wish to contact us, please do not reply to this message but instead email support@wmgecom.com to contact us. Your privacy is important to us. To learn more about how Warner Music Group collects and uses personal information, please visit our Privacy Policy web page. Sincerely, Warner Music Group P.S. For your reference, the following is the original message you sent us: ========================= My story is following you since teenage years, many shows in the day and after, buying more than 80 releases, an 18-year old daughter that only got to hear Bobby (with Phil and Mickey) in vitro at Shoreline in 1996, and a huge disappointment with how shabbily we were treated trying to get tickets today. Maybe it really is time for you guys to hang it up. Way to go out!! Then again, it did really all end in 1995 didn't it? At least I have helped support your retirements for years by lapping up anything GDM farts out. No more. Thanks for the memories (they really were good) and fare thee well.
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Member for

9 years 7 months

I believe i was the last post of who got the congrats email at #410, does anyone have a higher number reply? just trying to help those in limbo know where it is at. it was on Feb 27th 5:00 eastern time peace
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Member for

12 years 11 months

Unfortunately, the disgruntled folks are now hearing it from the people that consider this Fare Thee Well fiasco to be standard acceptable faire. I have no problem with the fact that Heads can agree to disagree on this account, and would be happy to voice my displeasure for how this went down elsewhere. Perhaps someone can give me Phil's e-mail address and I can take it up with him instead of stating my opinions on the band's web site. And for the record, I've supported the band and its survivors for the last 33 years to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars and many sparsely-attended shows. Ask Bobby about the Ratdog show at Sunlight Ski Resort where no one showed up. He was tickled pink. I think a poster named Brooklyn said it best earlier. We probably shouldn't have been surprised by this because the enduring members of the band have made some questionable decisions in the last twenty years, and my overlay to her opinion is that universally those decisions were not made with the fans in mind. I guess I have a high tolerance for band drama, but for some reason reached my limit with the way this swan song was conceived and handled. In the end, it's no biggie to the band. Some Heads like me will realize this scene no longer suits our needs and will stop buying all the merchandise and paying attention to the day-to-day developments of the band members. It won't affect the other ones at all. The fan community will survive, as will the memories, and that will suffice. All good things come to an end. For me, it came to an end earlier than I had desired and with a tarnish that will leave a sore spot in the abdomen forever. I hope those of you that make it to the shows have a high time. I'll likely opt for a weekend cycling trip in the Rockies or Sierra.
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Member for

9 years 7 months

Anyone consider that the Scorsese movie/documentary will show up to film this Chicago circus? Check out the original grateful dead movie, found one on youtube...skip to minute 51. It's a trip to hear the discourse and banter among heads back then....Anyone who was there at that particular show or know for a fact that they appear in the original movie?. It would be cool to see you there on my screen!
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Member for

11 years 5 months

I posted this earlier but will do so again since well - it makes me feel better. @BobLoblaw (an alias I use a lot - awesome name) if you want a map to cycle through the Canadian west for something different, drop me a line and I would be happy help plan out a trip that is equally amazing as yours down south - but much cheaper! And now for the OP... Well all - seems like I am not the only head who was shut out - at least I can say that I saw them once upon a time...most HERE can say that too (which is a good thing). A couple things about the scalpers, this is a function of supply and demand. There is no supply and massive demand, wherever this occurs, we will have people taking advantage of the system. If GDTS did what Phil does for his shows, scalping would be non-existent. You need to show up and show id - all tix are will call and non-transferrable. So the lucky sods who got GA tix either pit or floor, who are selling them for upwards of $15k per, well, we reap it. Next, and probably most disheartening, is that the boys themselves don't see a penny off these crazy prices. They are ones doing all of the work (they and the crews obviously) and the people getting rich off of no work at all are quietly debating whether they even go if they can clear $60,000 per night for their pit tickets...for only $400 up front. I think the worst thing of all though - is that there will be very few people in tie-dyes, tripping and dancing to the boys for one last time on the floor. At these prices, it will be suits and the kids from Palo Alto (now) who can afford it. EDIT: Maybe I am harsh to judge those who pay $2-10k for a ticket as not heads. Perhaps they are more of a head than I will ever be; or perhaps they are just huge fans with a lot more money. I guess I have no right to question those that can pay this kind of blood money to see the band we all live and breath by. As I said, I am just bitter that I don't have millions of dollars to not notice the kind of money being asked (and I do very well for a living - but not that well). I'm bitter - but this is just the stages of grief I am afraid, yesterday was pure sadness. I was in a Charlie Brown mood all day. Roadking brightened my day for a bit, but he gave them to someone else - he is a good man and did what he had to do (no bitterness there). I am sure that there will be a moving commemoration to the boys that have been lost over the years on the 7th as they drop the curtain for one last time. I, will only get to imagine it. I am sorry for the rambling but I am finding this somewhat cathartic since my wife and friends are tired of hearing me rant. To those of you lucky heads going - eat some paper and dance for me and more importantly, enjoy the splendour that is the Grateful Dead. My friend, whom I was going to go with looked at the prices and said something that made me laugh yesterday..."Jerry will be so mad with what is going on, this is so NOT the Grateful Dead, in fact, I'm willing to bet he will be so disgusted, he won't even show up" A little tongue in cheek, but maybe it was a good thing he isn't around to see what the institution he was a key part of has become.
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9 years 8 months

I caught that Gainsville show and then my friend and I hitch hiked to Atlanta to the Fox. No tickets for the Fox but right when we got out of the van that picked us up..scored tickets! Great shows and I have some awesome photos of both Jerry and Bobby. Will pm to you if you're interested. What year was that...you know I have had so many beautiful memories of the shows..the folks I went with..the one I met..the adventures along the way. Sure hope I get tickets for Chicago..still in limbo and love the band. Have since my first show
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16 years 11 months

Cash or exotic trades for your extra! I can get you an tiger. Do you want an tiger?
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13 years 7 months

sounding weird, but despite getting mail order...I should be thrilled, I was thrilled on Thursday, but after CID Friday and seeing Ticketmaster and now E bay and Stub hub, I am sick...maybe I need to leave this forum and carry on with life...and live in the past.
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Member for

9 years 7 months

I am so pissed off at myself for my squandered youth! If Iwould have buckled down and worked instead of following a band around the country since '76, I could afford a ticket, damn!
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Member for

9 years 8 months

Still in limbo on mail order, but the angst here is disturbing. Since when did heads develop this over evolved sense of entitlement? This is last chance to hang out with our "tribe" and see our favorite musicians. We all knew we couldn't all get in, and more shows wouldn't have changed this. Running all the tix through gdtstoo would have eliminated some scalper activity but look at the number of available tix available and you'll realize this is not a significant percentage of the seats. You would still only have had a 40% chance at best. The scene at the shows is not going to be what you remember. It will have elements of that memory but this will draw people with big money, celebrities and wannabes because it's the "last show". Justin Bieber will probably be there with his entourage. If you don't get in, it doesn't stop you from attending some gathering of like minded music lovers, watching a simulcast (I'm sure there will be one)!with really good sound and having a great day. So let's all dispense with the whining, conspiracy theories and bitterness. Figure out the best way you can enjoy these last shows and stop complaining about what you didn't get. This it, there won't be any second chances.
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Member for

13 years 7 months

I did both, got a career, busted my ass, incurred massive debt from education n road trips and followed them, doesn't make the situation better...
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Member for

13 years 7 months

At least Justin Bieber can dance.... :-) anyone who doesn't get it, see YouTube Hitler reaction to Dead 50th reunion video...priceless and foreshadowing!
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Member for

12 years 11 months

on facebook Micky Hart had something to say and check out the comments from the Deadheads.
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Member for

14 years 8 months

long strange trip this whole thing is fascinating. It shows how truly awesome the Grateful Dead are. All this time later, and so many people are majorly connected to the GD universe, and want to connect with it en masse. Condolences to those shut out. It's a true shame. Congratulations to those with tickets. You will participate in history. A pox on scalpers. Y'all be scum. Just wait till the actual events. LUNACY will ensue. God bless the Grateful Dead. Keep releasing!!! I'll buy 6/10/73 within 5 seconds of availability.
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9 years 8 months

July,3,4,5= Plenty of tickets availableThe Core Four=SOLD OUT The Fans= REAMED OUT The Fans#2=DROPPED OUT
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Member for

11 years 5 months

I don't do facebook either but went to look - basically Mickey said they are working to figure out a way for everyone to see the show. Stay tuned. I now again have a flicker of hope (possibly in vane) but it is hope none the less. The people commenting basically had nothing good to say - very ungrateful...one DID have a great suggestion - big screen in the parking lot! those of us outside would have the time of our lives not dancing with Mr Facebook himself! (Since he and his ilk are the only ones that can afford tix now) but dancing to the Dead as we remember!
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Member for

14 years 8 months

If you can't get tickets, make the FTW weekend truly special for you. Go to a remote location and listen to GD shows. As I recall from the Jerry Memorial, I think Mickey says something like, "What are you going to do with this?", meaning now that the GD have ceased being a real-time entity, what will you do with "the energy"? Spread the GD spirit in your own way if you can't get tickets. Be creative. Be part of the shows' magic by making your own magic. Dead Freaks Unite
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Member for

9 years 8 months

Thanks for the "hitler" link, that made my day
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Member for

13 years 7 months

thanks...at least they will try to make the scene accessible to those who care...
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13 years 7 months

at least Donna isn't supposed to be there! ;-)
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Member for

9 years 8 months

For all of those of you who think that the Dead are and were "holier than thou", explain something to me........................ The band used to do mail order to give heads an early crack at good tix, to keep them out of the college/frat boys hands, not the scalpers, they didn't want dead tickets, there wasn't that much of a resale value then, they kew since mail-order what this was going to be and did nothing to keep the secondary market at bay, and I assure you THEY ARE COMPENSATED FOR DOING SO!!!!!!....................But you"true" heads explain something to me, if the band is so "scene conscious" so much as to send a letter to the fans to basically "chill out", don't show up with out a ticket......then why the FUCK would they play I FOUGHT THE LAW in Orlando 94 as an encore WHILE GATE CRASHERS WERE BEING TEAR GASED OUTSIDE< BY HELICOPTERS. Is that asking to calm down or ENCOURAGEMENT??????? YOU TELL ME YOU SELF RIGHTEOUS FUCKS!!!!!!!! THEY LIKE AND ENCOURAGE THIS CIRCUS LIKE ANY OTHER VEIN ASSHOLES. How will y'all defend that? And by the way i was inside that show with money i earned from a JOB.
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Member for

9 years 7 months

I retired backwards, had fun while young following till the end, used my pell grants to fund tours went on to earn a bachelors and now I work till I die, wouldn't trade it, it's all still up there for me to recall now and again.....
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Member for

11 years 5 months

wow man - I mean wow...We're all mad we got shut out, but wow. Relax a little, go for a walk, smoke a bowl something dude. Regroup. Life will go on. There are still Phil and Friends tix for his birthday show at Terrapin...I mean wow...
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Member for

13 years 7 months

at least we have memories...carry on my wayward son! We all took different paths but obviously we are in the same place....could be worse...
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Member for

9 years 7 months

I am still in limbo so still have hope. It has been very stressful and it is getting to a lot of us, but everything will shake out and all will be fine
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Member for

9 years 8 months

Im not mad about no tics, i always knew it was a numbers game, so disappointed yes, angry at that....no. But on the other hand I am highly disgruntled, and hugely let down by the bands handling of this, and frankly just must be a WHOLE LOT SMARTER than some of you who genuinely believe that they have tried their best at this, keep fans in mind la la la. Fact+many misfortune events have unfolded, FACT=none have gone fans way to the the bands/promoters benefit. AGAIN NOT SOUR GRAPES ABOUT NO TIX.........WHAT PART OF THAT DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND????????
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Member for

13 years 7 months

there's always hope my friend...one of 2 family mail orders in limbo here...just hate having the $ tied up.... Everyone needs to chill and pray for just a little light.
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9 years 8 months

IF You were the band would you, or would you not address the ticket cluster at least once, and holding on to peoples cash for over a month now. That could be accomplished daily with an iPad in someones lap while taking a shit break from opening envelopes. JUST SAYIN
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9 years 7 months

I was lucky enough to acquire 2 3-Day Passes. Now, I have many worthy long time fans and friends that would like to attend the shows with me. I am very grateful for what I have received, and want to be fair, friendly, and generous with the additional pass. Does anyone know for sure how these passes can be 'distributed'? Can I take three different friends to the 3 different shows, all using the same 3-Day Pass? Anyone? Very Grateful - Very Lucky - Want To Share The Love Aaron :^)
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9 years 8 months

Of course my posts seem bitter, if you've bothered to read them, you probably understand. They are harsh, sarcastic, and rude on purpose to GAIN ATTENTION. The fact is I realize its a bunch what i think vs what he/she thinks........the thing is, most people telling me to chill out probably have the opposite of my views on this situation. But respond to my theories or "conspiracies with debates and they can be debated.........but words like love, peace, KARMA, chill aren't ways to defend ones views IN THE REAL WORLD!!!
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11 years 5 months

No worries man, we all are dealing with it in our own way. I think I am resolved to go hang out in the parking lot and maybe try to sell Mark Zuckerberg and Bieber a beer in the parking lot! I'll hang up my cardboard sign and keep looking for tix - if not, I'll join the drum circle and have fun! That is what it has always been about anyway! I love this family.
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9 years 8 months

you will most likely get six tickets 2 for each day. but if not no id is required. if you can find it in your heart help one person you don't know out and put a single tix up on the tix wanted thread.
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Member for

9 years 7 months

I was lucky enough to get 1 for each night from crappy ticket master and I am pretty sure I wasn't the only one.all the conspiracy theories are just sour grapes. The band didn't give the scalpers tickets, the scalpers just used their money and influence like they do for every major event.
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9 years 8 months

since you volunteered, ill use you as an example, to prove my point. no one ever said no tix sold. just sideview and behind were actually sold, that is unless, you are going to be the first person to post with a ticket gained through ticketmaster that isn't a side or back or bears? So whats the BIG ANSWER,............WHAT SECTION DID YOU GET?
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Member for

9 years 8 months

Ok, you said your rude and everything else to GAIN ATTENTION. You got it. I agree with 80/90 percent of what you said. I understand your frustration. I can't say I live the life. Hundred's of show. Listen to the music everyday. I have a different life and only been to six shows. What I don't understand, is why the dozen or more post with attacks. You made your point, but you continue to be rude to people who want to voice an opinion. Everyone here has a right to give their two cents. Lots of things happen between 1/20 and 2/28. There are some opportunities here. Please continue with your opinions. Please do not attack others who have their own opinion. Still waiting and chilling in NYC........ I do want to score with my mail order. While I have two for 7/4. I want to return the miracle. A buddy gave me a miracle in Philly. Want to do the same with someone else. Keep the spirit alive. Peace out.........
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Member for

11 years 5 months

Actually I have a question: what kind of internet connection do you have? I suspect you have an ultra high speed connection say around 100 MB/s and were able to connect quickly. I only have 25 MB/s and despite being really fast (with three other people) we were locked out - and our wait time initially before being kicked out was 2 mins. My thinking is that the people who beat TM had really fast connections...may be wrong.
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Member for

9 years 11 months

Based on what I know was offered on Ticketmaster, CID, Bears fans presale and mail order, there are still 20,000 tickets un accounted for. Go look on the secondary market. There are no 200 level seats offered outside of the Bears Club tickets. Weird.... but may offer a glimmer of hope.