• 929 replies
    Was a student there at the time. Saw the JGB in Campbell Hall (76?),With collaboration from various kind folks in the Dead.net vining community, our own erickat prepared this handy guide explaining how vining works hereabouts. Many thanks to all involved, and vine on! --

    Dead.Net Vines - What It Is & How It Works

    (We're changing some things for 2009)

    BACKGROUND: The concept of a "vine" is music sharing through conventional means (e.g. mailing cd's or dvd's) with the sign-up list being on-line. The basic idea is that someone starts (seeds) a vine, made up of one or multiple shows,and sends it via mail to the first person who signs up. That person makes a copy for themselves and sends the ORIGINAL media on to the next person on the list. As more people sign up, it continues to grow and grow - hence the name "vine".

    MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Make sure you can deal with the media format. Many vines are


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  • dstache
    My final final post on the topic
    The real problem we have here is of vigilance. Someone kills a vine and no one notices for quite some time because no one is watching. The idea of official reseeders (actually unofficial reseeders would be a better moniker), would ensure that someone would be watching. As an incentive, the unofficial reseeders would be given prefered positions on the sign up lists. I don't see why people who agreed to perform this duty shouldn't be given a preference over people who don't. I'm not sure that we even need to do anything differently (other than post often and PM), but it seems like this topic has generated a lot of discussion and perhaps something should be done. I disagree re: waiting a week for people to respond to PMs. I think that vines move too slow as it is. I almost always get vines out within a day or two. In general, I think that one day for every DVD or WAV show that you receive is ample time. So, if you receive my 2 DVD SHN 73 Part 1 vine on Mon, you should rip and burn 1 DVD on Mon night and the other on Tue, and get the vine out on Wed. If you take an extra day or two because you were busy one night, or received multiple vines, no big deal. And if you have an emergency, by all means take all the time you need (please let us know). If you wait a week to hear back re: a PM, that is 4 or 5 MORE days it will take for the vine to move. Maybe that person shouldn't be bumped to the end of the line, maybe just dropped down one spot. But why should one person delay the vine for everyone else? I think that's the definition of selfishness, placing your time and happiness above that of the community. On a better and perhaps more interesting note, I will be posting Parts 3, 4 and 5, to the SHN 73 vine soon. The discs are ready to go. I want to allow a little time to lapse so that if the same people sign up in the same order, there won't be a delay as a result of receiving all the parts at once. These parts will go up to 9/21/73. I am going to cover some of the same ground as the William & Mary and Eurovine vines so that newcomers and others who didn't sign up for them can get all the shows at once, or at least on one vine with multiple parts. And finally, my last finally, I was wondering if people were interested in participating in a group project. It might help heal the wounds that surfaced over the past week. I was thinking we should do the same thing with 1977 as I am doing with 1973 (or at least 3/21-9/21). I want to gather and vine in SHN/FLAC format everything from 1977. In my possession, thanks to the great Rick mostly (that's thanks mostly to Rick, not meant to imply that Rick is ONLY mostly great, he is 100% great), I have 2/27, 3/18, 3/20, 4/22, 4/25, 4/26, 4/29, 5/1, 5/3, and 5/11, some with multiple versions. Off the top of my head, I would guess there are about 60 shows in 1977, so I have 1/6th of them already. Not to mention that we wouldn't be vining the officially released shows (5/19, 5/21, 5/22, 5/28, 9/3 (I think that is the date), 11/5 or 12/29) Of course, if we did this, we would go by SHN/FLAC signature number (or whatever that sbd.cotsman.11111 thing is called) but for now the dates are good enough. This would be a huge project, and would take a couple of months. And it would require the help of our bit torrenting friends, who already give so much. I've said it before and I will say it again, these guys, Rick, Bob and Cosmic Badger, give us so much. They don't EVEN sign up for vines anymore! They get joy out of giving to us. We appreciate their contributions immensely. I bet that a lot of people out there have a lossless show or two they have acquired in some fashion. With my 1/6, Iand your contributions, I bet we could get together 1/2 to 2/3 of the year without requiring the bit torrenters help. I would of course volunteer to receive the DVDs and put them together for the vines (again, in parts). And people who contributed would be the first to receive the vines. Are people interested?
  • Hal R
    on Official reseeders being the first three on the vine
    this seems to really complicate things to me. In so many ways that I don't have the time to list them all. Hey, I really appreciate all the work everyone is doing for this but I am wondering if what is more of a "people problem" is being analyzed as a systems problem. Sure lets figure out what works best but keep it simple, please. If this gets too complicated I am sure that some of the steady viners may leave, it becomes too much on top of lives that are already very busy. No matter what we do to fix the system it still remains that there are unreliable people. I know that we now will be going through a weeding out of black hole viners and that should improve things around here quite a bit. Also folks have gotten excited and signed on but not taken the responsiblity of it. I see that as time passes that most of those inthe Vineyard will be the responsible viners. I am also wondering if there are so many vines lately and they come so fast that it gets overwhelming for people. Too much signing up and we can't control when they come to us. I know I have gotten that way several times but have dug myself out in due time. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
  • fluffhead042
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    nice idea dstache....
    "One final thought, a suggestion really. Perhaps we could accept volunteers to be official reseeders. These people would be allocated the first 3 positions on every vine. Maybe 10 people could be official reseeders. And if something happens to the vine, one of the official reseeders reseeds it. This would be a good way for viners who don't regularly seed vines to contribute. This would also avoid having to ask the original seeder, who already put in time and effort, to reseed. And perhaps this would solve the problem here of a few bad apples stealing a bunch of vines. The official reseeders would know who killed the vine they had to reseed and would be on the lookout for that person on other vines." I think this is a great idea....it enlists a "Vine Police Force" of sorts, it'll help out....I'm starting to get concerned about MitD, I hope he's ok "In a bed, in a bed, by the waterside I will lay my head. Listen to the river sing sweet songs, to rock my soul."
  • pomo1
    The only problem with requiring a PM is that some people don't come on the site every day. I believe that passing people if they dont respond in 3 or 4 days is way too restrictive. Also, the fact is that not everyone will be diligent in sending out PMs. Since I dont think tracking my vines is very labor-intensive, I suppose either way is a valid method. In other words, if a person PMs his addy within a short period before he is due to receive it, there is no need to PM him. If not, send a PM, but I would wait a week before passing over, especially if the viner has an established track record. Either way, I think we should discard sending addresses at the time we sign up. That method no longer works. As far as re-seeding, I dont believe that we need official reseeders or to reserve spots. However, I totally agree that the original seeders should not be the ones to re-seed. I believe that there are enough good souls in the vineyard that valid requests for re-seeds will be fulfilled. I know that there are a number of stalled vines from Dstache's list that I will be happy to re-seed, once we get a new topic set up. ( I know: there goes POMO beating that same dead horse!) "One watch by night, one watch by day If you get confused, listen to the music play"
  • dstache
    my final thoughts
    I definitely am not sending bad vibes anyone's way. I hope that the worst offenders are just jerks, and have not suffered any real tragedy. I second birdsong's belief that seeders put a lot of love and time into creating these vines. It is indeed offensive when someone kills a vine. PMing the person who is after you when you receive a vine to confirm the person is still active and that you have the correct address will alleviate some of the problems. It isn't a panacea, but I think it is the best thing we can do. We should all TRY to post when we receive a vine, when we send it out and to whom, and when we are having problems that delay our sending the vine. I am in favor of smaller vines. I broke down the 10 DVDs of 73 into 5 parts, both to get the most music to the most people in the shortest possible time and in case a reseed somewhere is necessary. Much easier to reseed 2 DVDs than 10. One final thought, a suggestion really. Perhaps we could accept volunteers to be official reseeders. These people would be allocated the first 3 positions on every vine. Maybe 10 people could be official reseeders. And if something happens to the vine, one of the official reseeders reseeds it. This would be a good way for viners who don't regularly seed vines to contribute. This would also avoid having to ask the original seeder, who already put in time and effort, to reseed. And perhaps this would solve the problem here of a few bad apples stealing a bunch of vines. The official reseeders would know who killed the vine they had to reseed and would be on the lookout for that person on other vines. Whatever our problems are, they really aren't that bad. There are a ton of great vines that are available. New people shouldn't be deterred by what is going on here over the last few days. we're just trying to clean house a bit. Newcomers are always welcome.
  • fluffhead042
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    I think it's a good idea....
    To compile a list like that....it helped me out.I think the idea of tracking a vine until it gets close to you prior to sending an address is waaaaaayy too complicated and labor-intensive...I can't see the purpose there.... just PM'g next in line for their address once u get the vine is the best way to go...it's a lot simpler that way...we go on to post that we've recvd it anyway, we can then just PM the person next in line for their address....no PM response in 3-4 days you're bumped to the end of the list....at the time of the PM (addy request) if the next person in line's situation has chgd they can let the sender know and the sender can revise the list accordingly....that way we aren't blindly mailing a vine to somebody weeks (usually months) after their initial signup....too much changes in everyones lives during that wait (computer probs, life, travel, relocation, show acquired elsewhere, etc).....the proposed method will ensure they're being sent to the right place, and most importantly, to a person who still wants it and is prepared to turn it around in a few days to their fellow music lover.....This idea seems virtually flawless from what I can tell...what do you guys think? The method we're using now would work seamlessly if we were circulating Classical Compositions amongst prestigious Harvard grads..not Dead shows between Deadheads...and tracking a vine for months until you're 3 away and then sending your address is not feasible for anyone with a full schedule (work, family, etc.)...it's just too much. "In a bed, in a bed, by the waterside I will lay my head. Listen to the river sing sweet songs, to rock my soul."
  • Exploratory Da…
    Wow. Not sure where to start. dstache is an American Socrates. Well, that "most wanted" list is bound to get some attention by shining the bright glaring lights of scrutiny in their direction. They are now under attainder. Well, maybe not. This is a hobby. While I take it seriously and try to fulfill my social contract with each of you, I understand things do happen to folks. I can't sit here and condemn anyone because I myself may "disappear" some day due to family issues and unexpected contingencies. My thoughts and prayers go out to pkpotter, Hal, and MITD. I do have MITD's personal e-mail address. I e-mailed him about 2 weeks after he went AWOL with no response. Remember this folks--he ventured out into the snow & ice to the public library to post updates when his community was without power due to the ice storm. Something bad happened (family, job loss…etc). I think folks should be forgiven, as stated above, when they "confess their sins" to the community. Anyway, dstache's metaphorical descriptions of murder, crimes, and suspects sure conjures up a good "who done it" murder mystery. :0)
  • Birdsong1969NJ
    I advocate love, and understanding for all my Music loving
    Sisters and Brothers, but I do believe it's time to stop worrying about hurting peoples feelings. When I seed a vine and someone is careless and it is killed it hurts my feelings. Needless to say most all of the Vineyards "Most Wanted List" have never seeded a vine. I honestly have been hesitant to seed. I have my 20 years so far that needs part 2 + corrected flac of part one. I will be seeding this soon, but it makes you hesitate when you see so many stalled, lost or dead vines. The 1979 part 1.5 Loving Rhino vine was a lot of work by more people then I. It was nurtured, grown and improved along the way and WAS A VERY COOL VINE and now it's dead because someone did not give a shit. The Stones Vine is the same way. I say call them out and absolutely DO NOT SEND THEM ANOTHER VINE UNTIL THEY MAKE IT RIGHT WITH THE COMMUNITY, PERIOD! If I sit on a vine, by all means call me out. Life stuff happens, babies, illness, whatever. That stuff totally gets a pass with just a simple post, but just being plain selfish and inconsiderate is just bullshit in any type of situation. "Say you'll come back when you can Whenever your airplane happens to land Maybe I'll be back here too It all depends on what's with you."
  • JackstrawfromC…
    One last comment (then I'll shut up - maybe) :-)
    I've stated from the very beginning that there is absolutely no disdain towards MitD or anyone else for that matter. I just wanted to raise the issue to a higher level of awareness to please stop sending vines to these folks until we hear from them. That's all. Since he was on pretty much every list, the lost vines snowballed very quickly. Same with a couple other folks... Although dstache's list is incredible to say the least, it still doesn't address non-Grateful Dead vines. There are some ABB, Stones, The Dead, etc vines missing also. The situation is actually worse than what dstache's list shows. But when it is all said and done the bottom line is that I am wishing the best for our missing Vineyard friends. "Escaping through the lily fields, I came across an empty space. It rainbow then exploded, left a bus stop in its place. The bus come by and I got on, thats when it all began. It was Cowboy Neal at the wheel of the bus to never ever land"
  • fluffhead042
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    it's pretty clear...
    where my problem lies... Northern New England Wish Vine: must be a mistake, I'm not even on the list Valentines Day Dead Vine: mailed, failed to post sent Repatriation Vine #1 13 from 70: mailed to dpwstldeadfan in May, failed to post sent Merriweather PP 6/30/85: sent to OneGratefulDad, failed to post sent ****I have since posted accordingly in the applicable topics with the exception of the Northern New England Wish Vine for obvious reasons**** "In a bed, in a bed, by the waterside I will lay my head. Listen to the river sing sweet songs, to rock my soul."
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17 years 9 months
Was a student there at the time. Saw the JGB in Campbell Hall (76?),With collaboration from various kind folks in the Dead.net vining community, our own erickat prepared this handy guide explaining how vining works hereabouts. Many thanks to all involved, and vine on! --

Dead.Net Vines - What It Is & How It Works

(We're changing some things for 2009)

BACKGROUND: The concept of a "vine" is music sharing through conventional means (e.g. mailing cd's or dvd's) with the sign-up list being on-line. The basic idea is that someone starts (seeds) a vine, made up of one or multiple shows,and sends it via mail to the first person who signs up. That person makes a copy for themselves and sends the ORIGINAL media on to the next person on the list. As more people sign up, it continues to grow and grow - hence the name "vine".

MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Make sure you can deal with the media format. Many vines are

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He could turn into a regular "Vineslut", you never know....... "Circle songs and sands of time, and seasons will end in tumbled rhyme, and little change, the wind and rain."
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16 years 7 months

It's not like fluffhead is next up on 57 vines, you know, he's just signed up on them. I'm currently signed up on a total of about 35 active vines (and I wish marye'd hurry up so I can be first on a few more ;^D ), I'll send out a few tomorrow and have four more coming at me. fluffhead420 appears to turn vines around pretty quickly. And that "no permanent address" statement is a little misleading I think, he's not a transient, the dude is just moving and he did warn us to PM him for his current address (which is a pretty smart thing to do anyway, always, just to make sure a viner is still around). Doing a change of address form with the post office should get the vines to him OK. (fluffhead, don't let me down now!) Let's not get aggravated about problems that don't exist yet. And I'm going to hate myself for this, but to quote a wise old viner: "I've read some pretty restrictive rules on other sites & even though we have some hiccups here now & again, it's a much more free & open environment" Cheers, MarkintheDark (erickat check my PM, some interesting information.) ********************************************* **************This space for rent***************** *********************************************
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I suppose I am not one to talk. I will say he will be busy if he has more vines in the garden than mark, whose vining is amplified by consuming copius amounts of the finest and most exqusite blends of coffee beans grown in the known world.
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and let us know what was up we would be talking with him and not about him. Fluffhead, I hope you see this and chime in. Thanks. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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with a reminder that issuing edicts in the Vineyard is kinda not her thing. That said, I'd favor keeping an eye on the situation and seeing if there actually IS a problem before we worry about solving it. There's a pretty wide variation on the speed with which different vines arrive and get turned around, so who knows, it could all just work. Speaking personally, I find ONE vine more of a bottleneck than I would like!
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I will address the Neil and other vines shortly, thank you.
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...there are worse potential issues than fluffhead, whose only mistake I can see was being considerate enough to let us know he was moving. There are other viners signed up for as many vines as fluffhead, and there are viners that are only signed up for a few and they still manage to fuck up. Many of those vines on the list erickat compiled are small, single DVDs, single shows, multiple shows on single DVDs. A few aren't even currently very active, and he's mailing one out tomorrow. He posts when he gets them and he posts when he sends them. Maybe he already introduced himself, I'll have to look at those "Introduce/Meet me" forums and see. If he would like to take the time to check in this forum and say hi, I would suggest the following opening remarks: "Hi! My name is fluffhead420 and I'm happy to be here. Why are people starting to sound like buttholes?" Cheers, MarkintheDark ********************************************* **************This space for rent***************** *********************************************
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Hit "post", meant to hit "preview". Oh well. ********************************************* **************This space for rent***************** *********************************************
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And I would like to add that erickat's concerns are important. He has enlightened my musical life and the lives of many others here, always there to help, and ask's for nothing but respect for the music and the vision, which is also the band's vision, that the music is there to be shared. This is the definition of a noble cause. It is a large commitment of his time and energy and above all his spirit and as such, needs to be respected amd appreciated in order for the garden to flourish. Fluffhead, if you are reading this, which we hope you are, please understand the concerns. The concern is over your ability to contribute to this sharing, and not getting in over your head. The more all of us work at keeping the garden flowing, the longer it will be here, and the longer it is here, the more time there is to enrich our lives with these treasures. We are all very happy to see you here, and I think we all love that energy, just understand why there is concern. We have all done our share of reseeding and it's like waiting for the asparagus to get just exactly perfect, and wahla....it's gone, have to replant.
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17 years 9 months

regarding this topic. I think that many of us with the vineyard don't want to produce vinegar but wine, which is why we get a little jumpy and concerned. Many missing vines, many have to be reseeded to continue, and often a person does get in over their heads (me recently when I was juggling 6 vines, yikes! Don't want to do that again.) Reminds me of the old daze trying to dub off tapes of shows for many friends and just over committed, especially following a show or a great trade (that is in the days of tapes). I empathize in wanting to maintain this space (getting hot?) but keep open to other viner's approaches and temperments. It is disconcerting to think that we would lose track of someone with a heavy investment in the vineyard, as this has happened on several occasions. Reseeding that Winterland '74 vine, or that May '72 Europe vine (once or twice) is a daunting task, but fulfilling to keep everything moving. I just don't want to be responsible for a constipated vine (pardon that visual) and want to have everything stay 'regular' (ok, I will stop). But I agree with the sentiments above, want to keep vines flowing (damnit) and am concerned when I see potential problems 'trouble ahead, trouble behind' (intentional dead reference and unintentional in that other realm). Hopefully, people watch what they sign up for and have an idea of when the deluge arrives on how to dig out, but the concern is that each person continue to return back to the vineyard what the Dead so generously shared with us these last 30 years. End of my (sometimes disturbing) diatribe. I must go mental floss. The Truth is realized in an instant, the act is practiced step by step.
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17 years 2 months

Hey all,I have personally sent him 3 or 4 vines and I generally check to make sure that people receive and then send them out, and so far so good. I am inclined to agree with Mark on this issue. It isn't like he will get them all at once, but he will hit some rough patches and have a tough time. Lets just hope that he communicates with us when that time comes. I think when new people join up, like I did a few months back, we have to give them the benefit of the doubt until they do mess up (you all did this for me, but then again I didn't sign up for every vine). I understand that it is a slippery slope and this could just hit him all at one time, and cause a bottleneck of EPIC proportions.
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...and drink some of whatever PK's having. He always sounds way more relaxed, has that positive attitude. Viola'! (asparagus, tho', yuck) ********************************************* **************This space for rent***************** *********************************************
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16 years 8 months

Mental floss, but my head exploded. First of all I responded to this subject without doing my homework and I owe Fluffy a big apology because he has been nothing but up and up. I think if there is open communication and people respond to arrivals and departures (as Fluffy has done) and if they post that there will be an address change (as Fluffy did) we should not be so quick to hack people on a public forum. In the past when people are unresponsive and don't respect the system here we have let them know. I think until something actually goes wrong I will not be so quick to judge (even if your name is a Phish song ;0D !!! ) New mantra: Reseeds are going to be a way of life until all vine'ers go to that big Dead Show in the sky! "Circle songs and sands of time, and seasons will end in tumbled rhyme, and little change, the wind and rain."
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God save the child who rings that bellIt may have one good ring, baby, you can't tell One watch by night, one watch by day If you get confused, listen to the music play I do not know fluffhead420 but I do know dead heads and for the most part we all stuck together. So far he has not caused ANY problem other than making some of us uneasy. (Is that not one of our jobs? To make conventional thinkers, uneasy.) I has almost baled on this whole vine thing when I saw a brother being railroaded over something he has not done. If he proves us wrong then that is the time to get riled up. We have to love each other more than ourselves. Your words have much greater inpact than you can ever imagine. Peace (please take a few minutes and think about what that valediction means) Rick
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Greetings Friends,Here is a vine of epoch proportions. This vine came to me from my friend "The Bus" (Jerry Side). Its original names are garcia_1961-1967_project and garcia_1969_1970_project. Now the Bus is a very generous sort of guy with a driven desire to put into circulation every known source of our music. It is in that spirit that I offer up this vine. It will be **DVD ONLY** (3 dvds worth) in shn/flac format. I am truly sorry that I cannot convert it into WAV but time, desire and recourses do not permit it. Some of these gems have been seeded here and are active vines. If you already have them you do not have to copy them. Please enjoy the music and one and other Peace Rick jg61-07-xx.jgf.aud.vernon.17381.sbeok.shnf jg62-06-11.shhs.aud.glassberg-jupille.12004.sbeok.shnf jg62-06-11.shhs.aud.glassberg-sirmick.motb.87474.sbeok.flac16 jg62-06-11.shhs.aud.glassberg-sirmick.motb.88262.sbeok.flac24 jg62-06-11.shhs.aud.unkown.13040.sbefail.shnf jg63-02-23.wb.aud.mogol.4501.sbeok.shnf jg63-05-04.jgsg.fm.unkown.13993.sbeok.shnf jg64-03-06.bmb.sbd.backus-wagner.17914.sbeok.shnf jg64-03-07.bmb.sbd.loy.20752.sbefail.shnf jg64-03-07.bmb.sbd.loy-hythloday.35142.sbeok.flac16 jg64-04-14.jg.aud.slabicky.92079.sbeok.flac16 jg64-07-xx.mmujc.fm.terrapin64.12696.sbeok.shnf jg64-xx-xx.bmb.sbd.loy.24073.sbefail.shnf jg64-xx-xx.bmb.sbd.loy-hythloday.35145.sbeok.flac16 jg64-xx-xx.wb.terrapinstation.17838.sbeok.shnf jg67-xx-xx.jg.interview.89961.sbeok.flac16 jg69-02-19.jgdn.sbd.goodbear.4500.sbeok.shnf jg69-02-19.jgdn.sbd.lai.6390.sbeok.shnf jg69-02-19.jgdn.sbd.unknown.20918.sbeok.shnf jg69-02-19.jgdn.sbd.unknown.35270.sbeok.shnf jg69-02-19.jgdn.sbd.unknown.82039.sbeok.flac16 jg69-09-06.ja.sbd.xxxxx.sbeok.flac16 jg69-10-28.jgf.sbd.lepley.12687.sbeok.shnf jg70-10-21.jgf.sbd.cipollina-38f.84329.sbefail.flac16 jg70-10-21.jgf.sbd.unkown.13534.sbeok.shnf jg70-11-20.jgf.fm.pinkrobert.76324.sbeok.flac16 jg70-11-20.jgf.fm.tamarkin.76325.sbeok.flac16 jg70-11-21.jgf.fm.kiefe-cotsman.16378.sbeok.shnf jg70-11-21.jgf.fm.tamarkin.77475.sbeok.flac16 jg70-12-15.jgf.sbd.gems.34711.sbeok.flac16 jg70-12-15.jgf.sbd.sirmick.28368.sbeok.flac16 jg70-12-15.jgf.sbd.unknown.6388.sbefail.shnf jg70-12-17.jgf.sbd.unknown.6389.sbefail.shnf jg70-12-20.jgf.sbd.tremblay.4499.sbeok.shnf jg70-12-27.jg-nrps.fm.ted.26583.sbeok.shnf jg70-xx-xx.jgf.fm.38f.xxxxx.sbeok.flac16 jg70-xx-xx.jgf.sbd.dodd.16143.sbeok.shnf
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17 years 3 months

besides from Ricks post of a new vine in the new vines forum , is this now the forum for the courts of vine non-sence ? IMO as long as fluffhead keeps us up to date on his address and we pm folks before sending vines out (like we should do with newer folk) . let it ride and lets all hope for the best .. if i can add there has been some vet`s of the vineyard that had problemes loosing vines when they moved .. shit happens , let`s just hope for the best .. This is just my two cents worth .. take it for what you think it`s worth .. Please try to have a nice peaceful day !!
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Garciazilla! ********************************************* **************This space for rent***************** *********************************************
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16 years 7 months

Hi! In an earlier post I mentioned "people starting to sound like buttholes". I just wanted to make sure that y'all knew that was putting it a little strong, it just felt like a mob was starting to gather. I know sometimes my PMs don't read like they sound in my head when I type them, as type-written words don't convey my sly humorously sarcastic tone of voice and so don't accurately reflect my devilish charm and boyish good looks (or maybe that's boyish charm and devilish good looks, I always forget which it is I have). In any case, sorry if I hurt anybody's feelings by my sounding like a, you know, butthole (which looks like this: ( * ) ... haha, a butthole smiley!) Nighty night MitD ********************************************* **************This space for rent***************** *********************************************
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17 years 9 months

Yeah, well, like our friend grdaed73 always says...nothing livens up a party like talking about politics, religion and vining. ;))Good luck fluffhead,keep us posted !
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Member for

16 years 10 months

Looks like the vine vigilantes are busy. I have only been here since May 08. It appears to me that some folks come here with unrealistic expectations. The reality is that you have be here for the long haul to get some good music. You can't pop in here and expect to get everything you sign up for in a week. It may take months. It took 7 or 8 months for me to get the Summer '82 vine. I think some folks come in and find out it takes a long time and leave. Anyway, I am pleased to announce a new vine coming soon. It will be one vine with 2 shows--1 show from 1994 and 1 show from 1995 (both digital soundboards). Although a lot of heads say this was the worst period, these are really hot shows. Jerry does not flub the lyrics here as he does in many other '94 to '95 shows. These are some of the very best of this period.
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17 years 3 months

Let`s get back to what we are here for ,, Lets vine on !! Let the good times roll !! Peace , Hope everyone has a sweet day !!
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16 years 11 months

Please don't dominate the rap, jack, if you've got nothing new to say.If you please, don't back up the track this train's got to run today. I spent a little time on the mountain, I spent a little time on the hill I heard someone say "Better run away", others say "better stand still". Thanks to those who seem to know me albeit a short amount of time and have supported me-or at least given me the chance I deserve...I do appreciate the weary and their concerns but worry not...this is not and will not be an issue with me...as Mark stated, I am not a transient, quite to the contrary, I am an insurance agent and have been for 6 years here in AR...Recently I was given an opportunity to relocate to which I accepted...The post office forwards mail for 6 MONTHS, but that too is not much of a factor as I will certainly inform you guys of my new address as soon as I know it...I take this (music/vining/my fellow neighbor) seriously and absolutely will NOT let anyone down...I am fully aware I am signed up for a copius amount of vines, but they certainly aren't going to be coming all on one day...again, don't worry...if there is a problem, then worry and take the necessary actions to preserve this great thing but I can assure you there won't be any problems...all good things in all good time ...let there be songs to fill the air BTW, I am not a big Phish fan, they're ok, but barely in my top 10 Vine on...worry free -Josh "In a bed, in a bed, by the waterside I will lay my head. Listen to the river sing sweet songs, to rock my soul."
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16 years 11 months

Eric, once again...I do appreciate your concern and contribution...but you need to revise your list...I have recieved and turned around about 5 or 6 of the vines on the list you so meticulously compiled...all in what I would deem to be a timely fashion...I even added a lil extra fruit to them for those after me on the list. With you not knowing me personally, me not being on the vines for too long, and your said contributions I can see why you are concerned...and that's why I have spoken to you via PM a couple times addressing this issue clearly not to your satisfaction. Once again, even if people happen to send vines to my old address the good ol' US Mail will fwd them to my correct address for **6 months**...Hopefully your worries have been alleviated and you can now worry about things that are actually a problem in your life.No harm, No foul...and there won't be. Much love and peace. -Josh "One way or another, one way or another, One way or another, this (your) darkness got to give." "In a bed, in a bed, by the waterside I will lay my head. Listen to the river sing sweet songs, to rock my soul."
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16 years 7 months

Happy to have you here, man. There's been a few bad experiences here in the not too distant past that resulted in vines disappearing, some people are sensitive to the issue. Between that and the sometimes slow pace of vine progress folks were just trying to head off potential problems. I don't think you'll have any problem keeping up. Enjoy the noise! MarkintheDark PS you staying in Arkansas? (He's an insurance agent, why did that make me laugh? Must've been the screenname, I had dreadlocks in my mental image) ********************************************* **************This space for rent***************** *********************************************
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Thanks for writing here. I feel more reassured about the vines now. Please note that anything I wrote about this were not directed at you personally, (I have not had contact with you before) but were attempts to keep the vineyard process moving and not bottleneck. Enjoy the vineyard. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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Member for

17 years 9 months

next vine will hopefully, if i have figured it all out ok finish off 74 , so keep those eyes peeled it will be posted soon Bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spanish Jam
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16 years 11 months

I'm in AR now, I went to an interview in Dallas last weekend, it felt successful but time will tell...Dallas is a nice city...it captures and combines the southern vibes of AR with the big city I was born and raised in (Fresno, CA)LOL, yeah, no locks here, clean shaven, I see how the name may seem a tad misleading though-it's an lil homage to "The Family". I'm a modern day Deadhead (25 yrs old), never seen 'em live...I was turned on through Tribute bands (The Schwag, DSO, etc.), I never truly *heard* music until Dead tunes...I merely listened...it has changed my life in more ways than one...all positive....thanks again for defending me Mark, and at least giving me a chance to screw up before judging me...unlike a few others. That's super cool and definitely show's great character. -Josh "In a bed, in a bed, by the waterside I will lay my head. Listen to the river sing sweet songs, to rock my soul."
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16 years 11 months

It's all good in my book. "In a bed, in a bed, by the waterside I will lay my head. Listen to the river sing sweet songs, to rock my soul."
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16 years 7 months

...DFW takes the term "big city" to a whole new level, you darn near change timezones just driving crosstown. Nice folks, though, and you can't beat the food. And trust me on this: any way you could possibly screw up I have done before, and can probably point out at least one other viner that has done it as well ;^) Best of luck with the new endeavor, MarkintheDark ********************************************* **************This space for rent***************** *********************************************
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Member for

16 years 10 months

I just can't help feeling warm and fuzzy. Welome fluffhead. My sister lives down there, and they have rip-roarin' thunderstorms. I am thinking about changing my screen name to Exploratory Data Analysis Dead. But I stopped in my tracks because it would cause mass confusion with all the vine sign-up listings out there. Am I getting off topic? Well, look for the '94 / '95 vine to be posted sometime when MITD is not looking. :-)
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16 years 7 months

Just to put those vicious rumors to rest: I am *not* sleeping with the moderator. (although, I'm sure a guy could do worse) And one more thing: I'm *always* looking! Bwahahahhahahahahhahaa! Cheers, MitD ********************************************* **************This space for rent***************** *********************************************
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17 years 1 month

**Opener for The Grateful Dead**RFK Stadium, Washington, DC June 26, 1993 Jerry Garcia guests on lead guitar 01. All This Time 02. Why Should I Cry For You 03. Synchronicity 04. Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic 05. Roxanne 06. Fortress Around Your Heart 07. Love Is Stronger Than Justice 08. Penny Lane 09. Purple Haze 10. Bring On The Night > When The World Is Running Down 11. Walking On The Moon >Consider Me Gone >Been Down So Long Notes: Sting was the opener for The Grateful Dead. Recorded by a member of The Dead's lighting crew. A nice full soundboard direct recording. Jerry Garcia sits in toward the end of Sting's set. This will be an audio cd, and I will include flac files for those who use them.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

I didn't know there such a delight. Wonderful & thanks!! The Truth is realized in an instant, the act is practiced step by step.
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17 years 1 month

anyone has the Grateful Dead concert for that night. Maybe Sting plays with them also.
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16 years 7 months

I was kind of disappointed, but at least he decided to play different songs for the last show. The setlist details here at dead.net don't mention Sting sitting in with the band at RFK, neither does the Compendium, but Bruce Hornsby did play accordion with them for the whole show! ********************************************* **************This space for rent***************** *********************************************
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17 years 3 months

Sting did`nt sit in with The Dead at RFK I was there ,he just opened for the Dead and his sound was really low from what i remember .. " where does the time go "
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16 years 7 months

Data was taken from signup lists and postings stating "received" or "sent" so there may be some errors. Number per viner is intended to show vines signed up for but not yet received, however I need to double check a few so these numbers may include vines that the viner has currently (most have been corrected). Several vines are long-dead and some are more recently MIA, but I've included those signup lists anyway. I've missed a couple of viner names and some absent viners are still listed, but I think I've got the major sluts. PM me with any questions/error reports, and as always... Enjoy! Viner # Vines 60 erickat 1 59 Marshun 1 58 Oroboros 1 57 Pajak 1 56 Rangerjoe 1 55 southertam 1 54 caroline 3 53 Grateful Gooner 3 52 greatfullygreatful 3 51 LIG71 3 50 NJ Ripple 3 49 richard 3 48 Row Timmy 3 47 iknowurider 4 46 playdead 4 45 Ursa Minor 4 44 GD GRW 5 43 gdhead77 5 42 chasmo 6 41 stephen in PA 6 40 bear549 7 39 brewster boy 7 38 emily-j 7 37 wolff 7 36 boxen 8 35 tigger 8 34 Canyon Critter 9 33 dstache 9 32 grdaed73 9 31 rambelinbearisgrateful 9 30 free idea 10 29 pabogoniagirl1 10 28 jimbojones1138 11 27 ripple1974 11 26 Estim8ed 12 25 Tommo 12 24 joneb 15 23 ejjd 16 22 boise83 17 21 Dead Man Telling Tales 17 20 LoneStarDarkStar 17 19 deadheadben 18 18 Jimmy C. 18 17 TxJed 18 16 PAPPYPGH 20 15 pkpotter 20 14 Pomo1 21 13 Exploratory Data Analysis 24 12 JackstrawfromColorado 24 11 DarkStarr1971 26 10 That Nice Hippy Guy 27 9 toddsnc 28 8 stuman 34 7 Birdsong1969NJ 36 6 Unclejon 39 5 Hal R 41 4 MarkintheDark 41 3 Arkdeadhead 49 2 fluffhead420 51 1 gratefulmikes 58
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16 years 7 months

I left out sakparadise w/7, and Duplojohn w/3. Also, on the count for me I included vines I have here, so I'm down to 37. Shoot, dropped out of the top five. Still a bigger slut than Birdsong, though. Faster, too ;^) Finally, before I hear about it: that one vine showing for erickat is the Ratdog vine, which has been missing for quite awhile. I just hated leaving erickat out. Here is where erickat is The Man, *seeding* vines: The Ultimate Vine Seeder Countdown 13) Gr8fulTed 1 13) Greg McFarlane 1 13) Hal R 1 13) Billy S 1 13) Arkdeadhead 1 13) tripper 1 12) stuman 2 12) pkpotter 2 12) On the Road Again 2 12) operator 2 12) gdhead77 2 12) Hunter 2 11) JolleyRedGiant54 3 11) Unclejon 3 10) Exploratory Data Analysis 4 10) D00Dah 4 9) dstache 5 9) Ursa Minor 5 9) Tommo 5 8) Birdsong1969NJ 6 8) cosmicbadger 6 7) richard 8 6) yamadog 9 5) Oroboros 13 5) Lopezz 13 4) That Nice Hippy Guy 15 3) LTAPilot 18 2) sunshine-daydream 20 1) erickat 27 I've left out a few "joint ventures" (so to speak). Sunshine-Daydream may win out with number of shows vined, some of his vines are monsters - sorely missed monsters, too :^( . Reseeds have also been disregarded. Corrected the "ranking" number so ties have the same, should've done that on the vine slut list but who really cares. Thanks for the shows, guys. MarkintheDark ********************************************* ****Will work for blank discs & postage**** *********************************************
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17 years 9 months

someone has time on their hands Bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spanish Jam
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17 years 9 months

after i have finished 74 what year would you like next Bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spanish Jam
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17 years 9 months

which monsters are soreley missed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spanish Jam
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Member for

17 years 6 months

How about some Berkeley shows, August 1971, May 1982, and/or May 1983? Or what about the not-already-vined shows from the Spring/Summer 1990 tour? Thanks Bob!
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Member for

17 years 2 months

As I have added about 75 gb to my external in the past 2 months. I have to say that I didn't think that I would be a bigger vine "slut" than Mark. I must admit, at least I keep good company!!! :)