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    9 years 2 months ago
    Listened to KFOG replay and the mix had Trey so out front I couldn't hear the rest of the band. Could just be the radio replay, but I wanna hear Phil, Bobby and the rest of the band. Can't wait to see it at the movie theater on Friday (and maybe Saturday and Sunday)
  • goverlid
    9 years 2 months ago
    Write on, Bros. Stephen & Eric!
    Thanks for my morning eye-opener!!
  • Eric Abrahamson
    9 years 2 months ago
    Fare Thee Well Grateful Dead, Pt. 2
    Watch 'em knock 'em dead in Chicago. I must've gone to at least 100 shows. The first one was in 1966 in the Golden Gate Park Panhandle, or the Furthur Fesival at San Francisco State College, whichever was first. I actually felt like Phil was addressing me personally when he made his speech at the end and thanked everyone for coming out, because I tried to get tickets to as many Phil Lesh and Friends at Terrapin Crossroads shows as I could. He came up to me there and let me say, "Hi," which rock stars don't have to do. However I couldn't afford to follow Bobby around like I used to, and he always lets me know, which is flattering that he invited me. He sang a song about losing money, which is true. He sang some other songs which might have been directed at me, and I instinctively responded by singing along. Then, at the beginning of the last song, "Fare Thee Well, My Honey", "Brokedown Palace", I thought he was like, he wanted me to sing along, so I did, and then he ended it abruptly, got in line with their arms on their shoulders, did their bow, and it was over, but I'm planning to see the live stream of all 3 Chicago shows at Terrapin Crossroads. When I went to UCI in 1987, my dad gave me $100,000/year, an apartment in grad student housing, a car, and a bunch of credit cards on his account. They tracked me into the Information and Computer Science major. Then he came down and took some of the credit cards back, and my sister took all 6 of my Irvine Meadows Grateful Dead tickets. Like William Burroughs wrote, "When did they ever give anything that they didn't take back if they could, and they always could!" and he went to Harvard. I went out and bought 6 more, at the inflated price of $50, for $300, and canceled the aftershow party at my apartmnent I'd posted on the Well. Because of losing the credit cards, I got a bad grade and had to go to CSUB. Laurie Senit moved in, and life was pretty good. We lived across from the campus in an apartment complex with 4 swimming pools and 4 jacuzzis, the 2nd best in town. My parents bought me a brand-new Toyota Tercel. Then my mom said, "We're going to send the two of you to Hawaii. Pick out a hotel from this brochure." I picked the Big Island because I'd been to Maui, and the Kona Hilton because the Dead liked Hiltons. In nearby Paradise Cove the scuba boat captain claimed he was on a first-name basis with Jerry. When Jerry died the Rolling Stone article said his house was in Kona, which I didn't know, and gave the name of his dive shop. I called information and the dive shop, they said it was across the street from the Kona Hilton, and Jerry probably did used to go scuba diving at Paradise Cove. They were showing videos of him scuba diving tonight. That's why I wanted to do it, but I had to do it straight, not being a rock star. I proposed to Laurie on the beach in Kona. We stopped at my parents' house in San Francisco on our way home. My dad, James Abrahamson, had 3 restaurants, Pam Pam East on Geary and Taylor, Rosebud's English Pub next door, and Biff's Coffee Shop on 28th and Broadway in Oakland, and he sold institutional furniture, commission contract sales, for Thonet and American Chair Co., and later Serta Mattress, in the Merchandise Mart on 10th and Market. My mother, Lucille Abrahamson, was elected to the San Francisco School Board twice, two years as President, worked in Mayor Dianne Feinstein's Office of Childcare, and was appointed S.F. Human Rights Commissioner by Mayor Frank Jordan, the former Police Chief. I told them we were engaged and my Dad said, "Don't marry her, I can't afford it. We sold the restaurants to Mama's, they went bankrupt, didn't pay, we went to court, the judge fined me $160,000, and they wanted me to declare bankruptcy." My little brother said later it was his half-partner, Bill Munro, the manager's fault. He abused the help, especially the head cook, who really ran the place, the union went on strike, won so many benefits they had to go out of business and sell it. Munro had cooked the books, the judge saw it, and hence the fine. My dad said it was because I had spent too much money on Grateful Dead concerts, but I don't think that was correct, although I may have spent too much money. They wanted me to go to this psychiatrist in Bakersfield, Dr. Perelli-Minetti, who was a nice man. He said the Grateful Dead was OK. He was always telling me expensive restaurants to which to take Laurie, like where he took his wife, and encouraged me to spend lots of money on her, buy expensive dresses, jewelry, etc, so I thought it was OK. He gave me Risperdal when it first came out, in 1994. We didn't really go to that many Grateful Dead concerts. My dad didn't like the Grateful Dead and Bill Graham for other reasons. When I first got back from the New Mexico Hog Farm after Woodstock, I tried to turn him on, he thought about it for a minute and decided no, he was afraid to get busted, he was too square to get on the bus. Later he said that Bill Graham had applied to join their Jewish men's club, the Concordia-Argonaut, on Van Ness and Geary, and that he was going to vote against him. Not only was he a hippie, and made his money that way, but he was an orphan, an immigrant, and a Holocaust survivor. What it really was is that Graham was more successful than him in the role of Jewish businessman. My brother moved to Mill Valley, said he saw Graham's house and was impressed. Graham made more money than all of them, and he started as a hippie, and that filled squares like my dad with jealousy, anger, envy, and rage. My dad said, "I wish the Grateful Dead were dead," in his outrageous way. When Bill Graham's helicopter crashed on the way home from the Concord Pavilion and they had his funeral in my dad's temple, Temple Emanu-el, my dad said, "I hope it didn't hurt the helicopter!" He even hated them during the Haight-Ashbury and helped the City Fathers drive them out of town. My family was spending a lot of money at first, and I thought they were encouraging me to emulate them. When he first gave me the $100,000/year, the credit cards on his account, and sent me to UCI, my dad was acting like he could afford for me to buy anything I saw that I wanted. Then he told not to buy anything over $200, and I complied. They were all spending lots of money. He had 2 new BMW"s and a new Mercedes-Benz. He and my mom went on a temple tour of Eastern Europe and stayed in the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, she said it was a five-star hotel. My sister went to Yale after me, in Art, then got a Masters in Art Education at Stanford, an Ed.D. at Harvard, a J.D. at Cal, got a job in the White House as Assistant Chief-of-Staff to Vice-President H.W. Bush in the Ronald Reagan White House and then Founding Chairman of the Barbara Bush Campaign For Family Literacy (me at UCI) in the President H.W. Bush White House. There's a photo of her and Vice-President H.W. Bush having an audience with Pope John Paul in Sweden, and she is shaking hands with the Pope. That dress must have cost something, not to mention the travel. In her closet I saw hundreds of French gowns, and more shoes than Imelda Marcos. She met this guy from the Council of Foreign Relations in Washington, D.C., a USC Professor of International Relations, Jonathan Aronson. He went to Harvard and Stanford in Political Science, and his father was a rich St. Louis banker. They bought a mansion in Bel-Air near the Reagans', put in an Italian marble bathtub, baby grand piano, swimming pool, his self-portrait in the living room, pirates' table, Persian rug, and he drove a Jaguar S3. He said, "We're going to Paris for 2 weeks," "I'm going to Thailand to speak," and they had their son's Bar Mitzvah in Bali, so they didn't hold back on the spending. They took the whole family, including me, to the Club Med in Ixtapa, but they went bankrupt because I spent too much money on Grateful Dead concerts! My brother spent $2000 of my dad's money for a Rolex watch to keep up with the other Oshos and flew back and forth to India every few weeks for years. They flew me there, to Europe twice, and to Hawaii twice. I guess my dad was having problems, and he asked me to spend less money, but he didn't really communicate that I should spend less money because he was having financial problems. I was spending too much money on Laurie. So I ignored him. So he took away some credit cards, and I kept spending at the same level. I couldn't comprehend that commission contract sales is an up-and-down business. Then two new credit cards, each with a $5000 limit, came in the mail. I should have sent them back, but I couldn't resist the temptation. Soon I realized that I couldn't let my dad find out about them, because he would take them away, too. I set out to get revenge on him for taking away my credit cards by charging even *more* money. The first thing I did was take Laurie to the most expensive restaurant in Los Angeles, Spago's, $140 for salmon for two. Then the 2nd most expensive, Palms in West Hollywood. Then dresses, jewelry, and when we went to Hawaii we did the same thing with the recreation. Maybe *that's* what drove my dad into near-bankruptcy, not the Grateful Dead concerts. We really didn't go to that many. I just spent a lot of money on her. She just liked to go to movies, comedy clubs, country-western dance halls, miniature golf, roller skating, she was always thinking of something. They cut my allowance from $100,000/year to $40,000/year, my sister and brother-in-law, Joan and Jonathan, became "trustees of your trust fund", keep the Blue Cross PPO. They took away all 12 of my credit cards and defaulted on them, leaving me in debt to the credit card companies for $15,000, with bad credit to this day, since 1993. They raised it up to $60,000 and I moved to New Mexico, near the Castagnas who used to live at the Hog Farm. Alberto asked me to call my mother, father, sister, and brother-in-law and ask each of them for $10,000 for a liver transplant for his Hepatitis C because his job as Director of Taos County Ambulances, working his way up from paramedic and EMT, didn't have good insurance. They said no. Maybe that's what set 'em off. They asked me to go to a psychiatrist, who dismissed me. Then Laurie wanted me to come back to Los Angeles and move in to her apartment. They wanted me to find another psychiatrist. I found psychedelic therapist Dr. Robert Newport online at the Island Group in Santa Cruz, referred by Bruce Eisner, but my sister fought with him and he lost his license for prescribing medications, including Risperdal, without seeing the patients. I called him and he said, "Did your sister let up on you yet? I'm not a psychiatrist any more, I'm a painter." So they took me to Dr. Lisa Fine, who also gave me Risperdal, which gave me diabetes. Laurie got it too, from Seroquel. They found the diabetes when a cardiolgist wanted to do an emergency heart surgery,an angiogram and an angioplasty. My brother drove my sister-in-law's Ford Escort to L.A. from Sedona. They said they were going to give it to me. He showed it to me and said, "This is your car." They said they were going to give it to me after the surgeries, but they changed their mind and never did. My car had totally broken down at a job interview in Irvine just a few days before my appointment with the cardiologist, who decided I was going to have emergency heart surgery. When I recovered I stopped by at some friends from the Cubensis shows and they talked me into starting going to shows again, to the Phil Lesh and Friends show and the Ratdog show at the Wiltern, and the Ratdog show at the House of Blues. I'd told Richie on the phone I'd stopped going to shows when Jerry died and he'd said, "I did too." They had a picture of them with the 4 original members in an airport on the way to a concert called The Dead. After that, this psychologist Eric Asa-Dorian from the Life Adjustment Team, probably a drug rehab, they said her mother called, shows up in our living room, posing as a Deadhead, except with more, better tickets than me. Then they got me to go to LAT and I never knew it was a drug rehab, it was disguised as marriage counseling or something. In the end they took the $60,000/year except for meds, medical bills, Anthem Blue Cross PPO, SSI, and put me in Brentwood Manor board-and-care home for two years, I think illegally, before I had learned how to treat the diabetes, so it had developed another complication besides the heart disease, metabolic syndrome, diabetic neuropathy, or diabetic nerve pain, or "burning feet". When they moved me out of Laurie's apartment 12 years ago with the Comcast that was the last time they let me have cable, except for a brief period. No police, no arrest, no charges, no hearing, no trial, no sentence, no jail, no prison, no due process. No evidence or proof that *I* ever did anything wrong, as far as I'm concerned, frames and smears I've never heard, let alone allowed to answer. I said I'd sue all of them for $2 billion for attempted murder, elder financial abuse, false imprisonment, psychiatric torture, medical malpractice, emotional anguish, pain and suffering, and my attorney, Bruce Margolin, who'd been Timothy Leary's attorney (I went to a fundraiser they had at Timothy Leary's house in Beverly Hills when he was running for State Senator), said, "Where'd you get the $2 billion?" so $200 million is more in the range, I think. I had to get a job selling Sprint phones B2B to small businesses in the South, work my way out of there and get some financial aid from Cal State East Bay. I'd been a junior Computer Science major at Cal State Northridge when I was living with Laurie before the surgeries. And Tina Kimmel, a Cal Ph.D. in Social Work I met at the New Mexico Hog Farm after Woodstock got my sister to give me a $68,000 annuity that my dad left me, so that was pretty good, so I got to go to Monterey and Camp Winnarainbow, and they're paying for a lot of things now. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it. I'm still a senior Computer Science major and pre-law. Afterwards Alberto died, I called Richie from the board-and-care, he called my sister, I called him back, and he had terminal liver cancer. Alberto flew out and carved his tombstone, and he picked out wood for Tinker to make his coffin, but my sister wouldn't give me $100 to visit him at Camp Winnarainbow before he died. Steve had died of hep C. Then Hunter Thompson committed suicide. When I was going to the LAT psychiatrist to whom they forced me to go, I emailed Cap'n Skypilot to post something I could show him on his office computer, and he wrote a story about a man whose parents he said were responsible for the death of Ken Kesey and the assassination of JFK. When I got up here Vince Welnick committed suicide. I ran into Lou Todd, then he got sick and died, and then Tinker, who I once saw drive the Furthur bus. Charlene said her landlady wouldn't rent her house anymore, she moved in with her daughter; her other daughter got accused of murder, and she didn't do it. Laurie's elementary schoolteacher friend's apartment caught on fire and they blamed her. My Deadhead lawyer friend said his SUV caught on fire. I can't figure out the reason for all this. I would be interested if anybody, especially with legal knowhow, had any helpful advice. I'm thinking of appealing to my Yale classmates, to see if any of them are big-time lawyers yet, and I don't think any Democratic politicians have seen it, since most of them don't have email addresses. They were telling people I was dying, but the doctors said my numbers were good, so you can't die from controlled diabetes, maybe it was just wish-fulfillment. And Jerry famously died of a diabetic heart attack in a drug rehab, maybe someone got ideas. While I was in Brentwood the lawyer sent me a copy of the trust instrument where my parents had initialed that when my mom dies, the inheritance, which it originally says was divided into thirds between me, my brother, and sister, they rubbed me out and divided it in half between my brother and sister. She'll get my mom's house worth about $2 million, and she has a $4.3 million house in Bel-Air, and a house in Telluride, and my dad bought my brother a house in Sedona. I was living in Laurie's apartment. My brother will get my dad's commercial property in Oakland, a tire and party store. And there's some money they'll divide in half. Eric Abrahamson Yale University Class of '71 Pierson College
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17 years 6 months
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<? // pull in news from "50th Anniversary" feature type taxonomy $news = views_embed_view('story_lists', 'block_50news'); echo $news; ?>

Grateful Dead Original Members Add Two Dates To Final Concerts

April 10, 2015

The original members of Grateful Dead have announced two additional shows at Levi’s Stadium in Santa Clara, California on June 27th and 28th, as part of their “Fare Thee Well: Celebrating 50 Years of Grateful Dead” run. Along with the three shows at Chicago's Soldier Field on July 3rd, 4th, and 5th, the run will mark the original members' last-ever performances toget

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9 years 7 months

RGERGELIS, there was another Chevette sharing story a while back on this forum. Don't remember who it was from, but it made me laugh and think of you (and you're fine vehicle)...
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9 years 6 months

Since Oakland isn't a coveted event and Fare Thee Well is the most coveted event in TM history, I went with Staples center as it's a known coveted venue. Btw, The Who is playing like 100 shows. You could also look at baseball tickets for Wrigley. There are more tickets for many single days than any one day of the Fare Thee Well. Yada yada No matter how you spin it, at the very least there are no more than the average amount of tickets for Fare Thee Well in the after market. Thus, blaming anything other than bum luck is unwarranted. When you look at low availability of seats with a view compared to seats with obstructed or rear view, it's plain to see the scalpers got a majority of their seats through the on sale. It would also lead me to believe that like Gans reported, a majority of the good seats went to GDTS. I don't think it is a fluid situation. I don't think you're going to get much more info than what is already out there. I'm not pretending anything. I know what I know. You can call it arrogance, and I'll call it a history of knowledge in my field of work. You won't see me telling a mechanic how cars are fixed, a chef how to cook, or a pilot how to fly a plane. I'm not berating anyone. No capital letters. I'm completely calm. I'm just calling a spade a spade. People have the right to make up excuses for why they didn't get what they wanted, and I have the right to call them whiners while stating some statistics, quotes, etc. You're right, I can overlook their comments if i so choose, and you can overlook my comments. Feel free. When someone says I'm saddened I didn't get tickets, I have sympathy for them. I don't have sympathy for people making things up, attacking the band, blaming GDTS for giving them a chance at tickets but offering no promises, and the other comments about how this is shitty event for various reasons. Are you still trying to get tickets Bob? Are you going to the event to have a good time regardless if you get tickets? I hope so. I am. I can't wait to see old friends. I'm also excited to see some old dead shirts and some new designs. Since t-shirts were my primary sling over the years, I'm excited to see what's going to be on the lot. I wonder if Jaspar or some of the other old heads with semi-famous designs will create any new work. The official Dubois logo/poster is pretty cool, but I think he's done some better stuff in the past. I wonder who they're going to have commission some of the other posters. I've never seem Emek do a dead poster, but I'd love it if he did something. Emek is the best. I'm not into pins, but I'm sure they'll be a ton of those as well.
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9 years 6 months

I think you'll get tickets, man. I've already seen friends hooking up friends and working it. I even have one friend who said he may sit with his buddies in the upper-deck one night and miracle his extra GA field. Things like that are going to happen. Some people are going to get lucky, and others are going to work it (finger in the air, talking to everyone, getting in a day early, etc) to find tickets. Then there will be some souls that are sadly just left out. Hopefully, they have a pay per view nearby. Like you said, it's going to be a circus. Stay positive and I bet you'll have a blast.
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16 years 11 months

I think the core 4 conspired this whole thing. They planned 3 shows and conspired to sell more tickets behind the stage to piss people off. This was all planned with Snufalofagus to piss off the Grouch. That's right! Who hell wants to get in that wanted to? I think the whole idea to cut a deal with TM to fill more mail orders is terrible. They should have just let bygones be bygones and returned more MOs than they did. Now they will put screens up behind the stage and in Grant Park to rub it in the face of every one with shitty seats and no tickets. I hope the spaces ship lands during space and they they all fly that seed to a new home and play again. Get out the tinfoil hats and tune in Tokyo. ???? Shhhhhh, they are listening
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13 years 7 months

ok so the core 4 are in on it, Shapiro, Trey, Hitler as well, Christ his video predicting Armageddon re the Dead 50th ....I'm fine with all that, but not Snuffleupagus....please, not Snuffleupagus!!!!
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9 years 6 months

This girl went to a Dead show with terrible tickets. She could barely even see the stage. Once the show began, she noticed an empty seat waaaaay in the front. She slowly made her way towards the stage, dodging ticket checkers left and right, and finally reached the empty seat. She was so close that Bobby could have spit on her. At the set break, she told the guy next to her that she couldn't believe that someone had given up such an incredible seat. The guy said, "Well, my wife and I had tickets to this show together, but she passed away." She said, "I'm so sorry. Couldn't you find someone else to come to the show with you, a friend or a relative or something?" The guy replied, "Nah. They're all at her funeral today."
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9 years 6 months

This girl went to a Dead show with terrible tickets. She could barely even see the stage. Once the show began, she noticed an empty seat waaaaay in the front. She slowly made her way towards the stage, dodging ticket checkers left and right, and finally reached the empty seat. She was so close that Bobby could have spit on her. At the set break, she told the guy next to her that she couldn't believe that someone had given up such an incredible seat. The guy said, "Well, my wife and I had tickets to this show together, but she passed away." She said, "I'm so sorry. Couldn't you find someone else to come to the show with you, a friend or a relative or something?" The guy replied, "Nah. They're all at her funeral today."
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12 years 10 months

You are absolutely berating people. Look back at what you wrote--you are basically telling people that don't have something positive to say to STFU and get out of here. That's pretty arrogant in my book. If you can't bring yourself to consider the myriad suggestions people had for the band, GDTS TOO, and the powers that be, to better handle what was a very unique situation with a very unique group of fans, then you certainly won't understand this whining that you so often refer to. People have plenty of legitimate negative viewpoints that go beyond "aw shucks, I didn't get a ticket." Anyway, I'm moving on from this conversation. Enjoy your travels and maybe I'll see you in Chicago if I end up going. I still have my plane ticket and a lot depends upon whether my friends and I can get show tickets. Right now, we have none. Shucks. ;)
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13 years 7 months

that's not a joke, its a lifestyle, thanks for sharing!
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9 years 6 months

It's one thing to be griping about a situation when you wouldn't be able to do any better. Entirely different when you could do it better. This falls into the later case. It was and will continue to be a cluster. Massive numbers of fans are completely shut out, but they didn't need to be. That's the worst part about it. It's not the scalpers making cash doing nothing or how notification was handled. Those are problems in themselves, but the real story is how lady luck shined so brightly on so many with 3 day passes while leaving many many others out in the cold. Even those not as greedy who asked only for a single show. To me that's just not right. I haven't heard a single story yet of a 3 day pass holder offering up a day to some unfortunate soul and I doubt that I will. Today's people aren't like that. Modern fans aren't like that. GDTSTOO, CID, TM, and the powers that be made this what it is. That's undeniable.
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9 years 6 months

I've got one. I heard it from a caller to Tales from the Golden Road a few weeks ago. I guy walks into a brain bank to get a new brain since his was old and worn out. The salesman shows him 3 brains for sale. The first is the brain of a famous architect. It's going for 100k. The second brain is from a successful businessman, and it's going for 150k. The salesman shows the guy a third brain that is going for 500k. The salesman says it's the brain of a Phish Head. The prospective buyer says, "I don't understand. Why is the brain of the Phish Head so expensive?" The salesman replies, "well, it's never been used." The caller to the radio show was a dead head, but admitted that he was phish head as well. He just thought it would play into the Trey hysteria of some dead heads.
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9 years 8 months

Another day without the dreaded pinky.....c'mon email!
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9 years 6 months

Someone just posted on GD50 Limbo on Facebook that WU confirmed his money orders were cashed on March 4th. He has not received an email, and he wished everyone else out there in "limboland" good luck.
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12 years 10 months

no pinky no e-mail MO not cash the only other thing leaveing my e-mail off card people if you get your pink from this day on and MO cash please post it thank you.
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Member for

13 years 7 months

.......and I'm not going to put on any airs on Rue Shakedown Avenue. My wife and I got rooms on 1/20/15 for two nights at a reasonable rate, then shut out of CID and TScammer. We're keeping the hotel, waiting for prices to come down, and going anyway if they don't because logic tells me there will be tickets galore in the lot Friday and Saturday. In my experience, a ticket into a Dead stadium show pretty much means you go/dance/stand/sit where you want. Maybe it will be a little tough to get on the field, but I doubt it. Behind the stage? Obstructed view? Just move so you can see !!!!! There is nothing wrong with any of the subset of Deadheads that are swarming Chicago. This Independence Day weekend won't be the end of the scene, but it may be one of the last chances for all of us to get together to celebrate. Like families, we only see each other at weddings and funerals. This is like a wedding. A big one. A good one. Open bar. Three day reception. Thanks for the travel tips, as Mrs. Peakshead and I have never been to Chicago. The closest my touring days came to it was Alpine. Once all of us without tickets get them (and we WILL get them), the anticipation will begin, and I'm hoping the negativity and cynicism will wane. Peace.
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17 years 2 months

how many dead heads does it take to change a light bulb? none...they never change them...they just talk about how good the old one used to be. nothin left to do...
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9 years 7 months

no money orders and no email.
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9 years 6 months

Where is the best place to hide your money from a dead head? Under the soap. How many dead heads can you fit into a Volkswagen van? All of them.
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9 years 6 months

I'm a reporter for the Columbia Chronicle, the student paper at Columbia College Chicago, and I'm currently working on an article about the final concert at Soldier Field. I was wondering if there were any Deadheads out there who'd be willing to talk about their love for the band, and thoughts on the farewell show. I'm focusing on the recent announcement regarding tailgating at the show and your love for the band. My deadline is Thursday afternoon so, if anyone on here would like to be interviewed for the article, just email me here: shall@chroniclemail.com
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Member for

9 years 7 months

My measly hotel room too far away did not stand up to the expensive suites and closer rooms at nicer hotels for the trade market. I had 1 in 1000 chance that someone would want that specific hotel. I apparently picked the wrong one to barter with, well it wasn't supposed to be bartered but what I thought I wanted for my trip to be the most affordable. People trading are those who have tickets and only trading when they get exactly what they want. Unfortunately, it's still the highest bidder with goods, services, better, BIGGER rooms and lavish this and lavish that. I certainly went the wrong way about it from many angles. I missed the CID and didn't try because I thought the price was too high and I could plan my own trip the way I wanted it. I did not have any idea what was gonna happen at TM (and the presales that we didn't get). Not repeating anymore that which has been already said on that issue. I am worried now about not making the plane reservations then later not being able to get them or be charged exorbitant airfare should the unheard of happen and I get a golden ticket. I guess it is a decision of piece of mind.
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Member for

9 years 7 months

...I ordered Veneta finally (a couple days ago). It will be nice to see/hear quality video of them in the vintage years. Should arrive any day now, really looking forward to watching it with a good beer and whatnot. Are there any others from earlier than this ('72)? The Grateful Dead movie is the earliest I have seen besides Festival Express. One thing this whole thing with FTW has brought me is the feeling of belonging with other dead heads and a renewed interest in listening to, watching and experiencing the dead IN ALL ITS FORMS.
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9 years 7 months

Thanks for the Proper links, man!
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Member for

9 years 7 months

Grateful Dead 6-21-71 Chateau d'Herouville Herouville France That's what I'm talking about. Anything earlier like 1970 or 1960's? Any footage from Woodstock?
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11 years 4 months

the after dark thing is awesome - they dosed the shit out of everyone there...so all of these stuffed shirts wearing suits and smoking jackets tripping balls...the acid storm troopers strike again! The woodstock footage is out there, but it is kinda crappy...www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6Ai3ckWh2s there is another one of the whole set - but again man, they were just droolin as they were playing...the koolaide was a little strong then...Billy is just GONE...and for as bad of a show as they always say it was, I gotta admit, it was one of my fav's for a while - just raw and a 45 minute lovelight...does it get any better...with Babs rambling at the beginning...there's a third coast...
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11 years 4 months

Here is one I haven't seen before (and I am a major connoisseur of the really early stuff) www.youtube.com/watch?v=zq8sp6WF3bQ crazy man...it was the same trip as the recording for the "Two from the vault" album and the music obviously is not synced with the video but wow.
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11 years 4 months

Oh how I would've given up 3 day floor tix to see Pigpen just once...www.youtube.com/watch?v=EE75sHrj7NQ that guy was just awesome and Jer was just on fire following him (or was it the other way around?) God they were so energetic and on fire then...
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Member for

16 years 11 months

Amazing! Good for you. I'M glad to see happy, positive posts here. We are turning that corner and leaving this ticket mess behind us. Anyone else get THE email or score tickets? Like others have said, tickets will be available after folks have them in hand. I wouldn't wait until ShowTime though!
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Member for

16 years 11 months

Watch out for the guy up on the pole. It is awkwardly entrancing.
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Member for

15 years 8 months

How can tell a deadhead has been staying at your place? ..He's still there.
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Member for

9 years 6 months

Bummed out. No impending miracle. Got my pinkie (postmarked March 5) with MO. Fare thee well to all ticket holders. Maybe see you in Chicago, but looking doubtful..
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Member for

9 years 8 months

About a month ago I emailed the folks at gdststoo, then late last night I checked my phone and saw an email from them, I was holy crap here it is, I'm getting confirmation on tickets. To say I was stoked waiting for my email to load would be an understatement. Well I open it and it was, one of there old auto responses saying that there might be a few lingering confirmation emails going out but for the most part everyone has been notified, I'm like wtf! Talk about kicking someone when their down, c'mon guys! Still in limbo
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Member for

14 years 8 months

and svengali, I use soap every day. Harrumph. you can always tell a Deadhead, but you can't tell 'em much.
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Member for

9 years 7 months

MadSwanDisease's post about a deadhead staying at your place-he's still there-reminded me of an episode of L.A. Law. The wife was divorcing the husband because he was always having deadheads he met at shows stay at their house. He had no job but used her income to follow the band. His response to her was, "Hey man, you're the one who turned me onto the Dead in the first place." She replied, "Yeah, 15 years ago! But I've moved on." Spoiler alert: By the end of the episode she found her old tie dye dress, had a change of heart, and they made up.
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Member for

13 years 6 months

There are quite a few comments on this thread so I thought I'd throw this out there. I've been trying for quite some time to check the Wikipedia discography off my list and am very close. One thing I've not been able to find anywhere are the 2 last downloads - the Road Trips Full Spectrum Shows 11/5&6/79. Anyone have any idea where you could get these ?
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Member for

17 years 2 months

you,too, have probably heard this one...I have taken a lot of good-natured ribbing over the years from my non-Dead friends, and this is by far the most commonly told joke: Q: What did the Deadhead say when the drugs wore off? A: Man, this band SUCKS!! (I know they ain't gonna learn what they don't wanna know, but this is still pretty funny). Sorry if it offends.
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Member for

12 years 8 months

They don't screw in light bulbs, they screw in vans in the lot. And, one more for Uncle Bobo: How many promoters does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Just the one, but he's gonna' need a crew of 800. RIP Bill. Best boss I ever had.
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Member for

17 years 2 months

funny. that is a new one for me. I'll add it to my list and borrow it from you.
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Member for

9 years 6 months

Good jokes. Keep 'em coming. Congrats, Phitz3516!! That's awesome! Hopefully, a few more are on the way. There was a second post on fakebook last night with an email time stamped at 8:44 pm, batch #159. "Gotta stay positive" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-z5_JVng_w
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12 years 8 months

There's a long series of 'em that have gone 'meme' in the stagehand and technical world of touring music & theatre. Guitar players? 3. One to do the gig & two others to say 'I coulda done that -so- much better!" Bass players? Just the one. Holds the bulb and lets the world revolve around him. Drummers? Don't know. Never found one that knows which way to turn the damn thing. Teamsters? Nine. You Godda' problem wid dat, buddy? Stagehands? Don't know. Let's wake em up and find out. (Same punchline for bus & truck drivers too) Sound guys? Not my department, man. Now shut up and let me mix. Lighting techs? It's not a bulb!!! Its a LAMP!!! There's a similar series based in the symphony & classical music universe as well. ;p
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Member for

11 years 4 months

For those of you like me that won't be getting in to the shows, just remember there is a bright spot out there - at least Donna isn't supposed to be there! (Kidding I love DJ - at least the well mixed and toned down DJ from the mid to late 70's; the early 70's DJ was like a crow!) OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHH YEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!! I hope she opted not to participate instead of missed the memo...her and TC. And for those of you who comment it's cuz its the original 4...remember that Mickey was NOT an original member - he joined later...so by those standards, MH shouldn't be there either!
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Member for

17 years 2 months

Thanks..like it
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Member for

12 years 4 months

If one letter/number in an email address was wrong...it actually could've been received in some cyber-oblivion junk mailbox and not the intended "winner of tickets" mailbox...does that email even get noticed in the "bounce-back" list
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Member for

12 years 10 months

No pink no MO cash and still void and no e-mail the only thing i think now is left e-mail off of card or letter got lost.So any one that got tickets from GDTSTOO please post if you got tickets and they have not cash your MO and the ones i would like to know is Western Union MOs thank you so much??????????????also i might have put e-mail in trash thinking of everthing love you all.