Body Block
// pull in news from "50th Anniversary" feature type taxonomy
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Grateful Dead Original Members Add Two Dates To Final Concerts
April 10, 2015

The original members of Grateful Dead have announced two additional shows at Levi’s Stadium in Santa Clara, California on June 27th and 28th, as part of their “Fare Thee Well: Celebrating 50 Years of Grateful Dead” run. Along with the three shows at Chicago's Soldier Field on July 3rd, 4th, and 5th, the run will mark the original members' last-ever performances toget
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my bad joke
I'm sorry guys, I have just read all about the mail order, ticket master, cid, aftermarket and thought i would throw out the mail order for tapers tickets. all is good my friends, i'm sure they sold out fast.
Sending you blanks
I think sending blanks for tapes is going for =$450 a show
lets get back to regular scheduled programing
OK, back to the topic, no one has tickets.
lets get back to regular scheduled programing
OK, back to the topic, no one has tickets.
Disc Golf deadheads?
Any disc golfers out there on this forum?
I had a good night last night. Placed 3rd in my local Wed. night singles tournament. Got a few ducats for having fun and partying whilst throwing discs.
On the way home (tuned into my favorite local HD radio station) and they played Good Lovin' from Shakedown. I always liked that version; slower, calypso feel, nice tom-tom fills by Mickey and a great Bobby Vegas vocal. Not too much "vegas" but just right. I was screaming along at full volume right along with Bobby. Great shit man!
106.5-2 on the FM dial. Subterranean is what they call themselves. No commercials and great mix of rock. They like to play the dead and play a lot of deep album tracks, some hits and everything from oldies to psychedelic sixties to 70s-80's rock to blues to Alternative. I love this station, best ever radio station IMO. Played Sugaree on the way to work this morning...
Ok, I was totally going ape-shit there for a for who I would give tix to? Well if reg didn't have tix, he would be #1 and then Clowny since - well the dude seems pretty cool and honestly wants to be there...HOWEVER if I were you (and I know you have golden tix Jeff-ma-man), I would totally give them to me!!! :D
im not saying who, but what night
if you had tix, what night would you give up to a friend
I would dump the Friday - warm up show, likely filled with the kind of hiccups that are prone to a show that size...PLUS you will have awesome fireworks on the Saturday (4th) and the big finale likely with a stirring, tear filled tribute to the fallen members of the yeah. I figure that the 3rd of July would be the least exciting...however the most people there to try their luck in the parking lot for that miracle.
If I had an extra... be able to give a miracle, it would be to someone from here. I couldn't even get any of my so-called friends to take an interest in going to these shows. So I was by my lonesome in trying to get tickets. The wife is not even interested.
So it would go to a forum member that has my back. And there have been a quite a few cool people here that have stuck up for me.
Seriously, this is moot point though when I can't even get a single ticket for myself.
It's kinda funny, I ask almost everyone I meet, friends, strangers, whoever. "You like the dead? You going? You know anyone who's going? You know anyone who knows anyone who's going?" I sound like a broken record. bbrok, en, ken, rec, cord...
I'm a social leper....not a single person that I hang or work with have a clue....Dead...what? July? Chicago? land of the lost here....
Hope you n Proper Lady get what you deserve.....
Mmmmm bop....bop bop!
properledji... a girl? Not that it matters and can be hard to tell from just chatting.
Deadhead chicks are cool! Twirlers always enhance the show...
Hey you clown....
Listen stoner...don't read in to this....let prop offer the explanation....God I'm feeling dirty....Prop is a righteous dude... Unless I misread this....right prop? There is a logical explanation to props name and it is quite chivalrous!,,,
Peace.... Out!
Klang and Reg...
Er yeah I am a guy. As I explained to Reg, when I was living in ex-Yugoslavia, a girl I dated called me a proper lady because I didn't try to sleep with her when I first met her...and in a slavic language 'ej' sounds the same as 'ay' in english..AND since no one in their right mind would use a handle like that, usernames are super easy to get what you want - and I don't even have to try to remember what numbered name I am on which site!
heh heh - does create a whole-lotta confusion though with for friends not understanding...gents, I am an island in the south pacific...probably the one beside the island the US used to test nukes on (the one BESIDE Bikini) my only friend was lost at sea! Honestly, I do have a buddy into them, and we were going to go together, but well, the obvious happened - everyone else smiles and nods politely...
though can I still Twirl?
So if I did get a golden tic, would anyone of you guys mind if I showed up in a tank top and loose sun dress and twirled with no underwear? Sounds like some of the shows in the early 70's... :D
Hey, you're the one who called her/him/it the Proper Lady. I must have missed the boat on that joke. No matter...
Sorry properledji for calling you a girl...(I'm so confused...)
It is pronounced Proper Lady since the 'ej' in slavic languages is pronounced as an 'ay' sound in English...making sense now? :)
Sorry to hear that moose...
Welcome to my world.
But misery LOVES company, and there is a lot of company here.
You can twirl...
...but I think most of us would prefer you keep your underpants ON...
got no problem with the dress though if it suites your fancy
undies were invented for a good reason
...and personally, I'm grateful.
You guys crack me up.
not proper
But then you wouldn't be a "proper" lady!
Proper ladies always keep their undies on in public.
OK, I've rambled on enough. Gotta get back to work (UGH!)
Peace out everyone:
Good luck to those in need,
have fun to the rest indeed.
Other fun things to do in Chicago, not yet mentioned...
Lincoln Park Zoo - it's free! Garfield Park Conservatory (a seriously cool place, especially the Fern room). Any of the museums on the campus; the Planetarium, Shedd Aquarium, Field Museum of Natural History (my personal fav) and the Museum of Science and Industry.
Also free -- Grant and Millennium Parks. Take selfies in the Bean! Walk the beautiful Lurie gardens. Splash in that weird fountain with the huge faces (unless like me, it gives you the creeps.)
The Maxwell Street market. Farmer's markets all over town.
If you get outside the city, the Chicago Botanic Garden is a world-class facility that should not be missed. Admission to the garden is free, but the parking fee is high. But, if you have a love of flora, it's worth every penny. There is a (expensive) café, and you could easily spend an entire day.
Eat (except, resist the Billie Goat Tavern, it's awful.)
Chicago *LOVES* its neighborhood festivals, and there are bound to be plenty over the holiday weekend.
(One area where Chicago sorely lacks nowadays are Fourth of July fireworks. We used to have an awesome Third of July display, but they cut that out a few years ago for budgetary reasons. There will still be fireworks off Navy Pier worth viewing, but a shadow of the former display.)
the bean!
oh yeah...the Bean is nice. I was in Chicago for a wedding last 4th of July (ironically) and we hung out there for a bit. It is really cool, plus the island of green in the midst of the city is very welcome.
Friends and relatives in Chicago tell me "no way" to get a ticket for the Dead other than secondary market. No local access at all.
re: not proper
hmmmm touché. Well played kind obviously haven't gotten the film for Sunshine Daydream a previous poster said - watch out for the dude on the tower; it is hypnotizing...acid is a helluva drug.
Ok I gotta do some work too - back to my daydreaming. Peace
From batch #170 last night to #374 this early am
Wow. It's like they were sending out emails all night long. Batch #374 was sent at 5:31am. A lot of people received emails today as KristineD has stated.
Also, many more people received rejection letters today. Most postmarked 3/9. Some as far as Rhode Island. Saw some others today postmarked 3/4.
Some guy posted... "No letter. Holy hell. Is the email coming tonight? Did I even put my email on the card? Is my letter sitting on the floor in the post office, gathering dust since 1/20? Does my breath stink? Why am I here?.....still in limbo. Emmaus PA"
Kudos to GDTSTOO
No email, no rejection. I might have to finally break down and pay the $6 on one of my MO's to see if it was cashed. No regrets or complaints.
I just can't imagine how tedious a job this has been for the last 50 days at GDTSTOO. Think about it. 50 days of going through envelope, after envelope, after envelope, opening, checking for proper information, cross referencing money orders with requested ticket prices, inserting, resealing, stacking, confirming 1 in 10, coordinating confirmations with seat locations, sending out emails, double checking emails and bounce back emails, answering emails and calls from all kinds of people, and then hearing so many complaints of what a bad job their doing... I think I would have gone crazy. I probably would have lit a bundle of letters on fire.
I have to give GDTSTOO a ton of credit. Yeah, it's an out of date process in the world of instant gratification, but thank god someone was willing to do it. Otherwise, a shit load of more tickets would have went into the usual system. Regardless of whether I get tickets from GDTS or not, I'm going to send them a big THANK YOU once they're accepting emails.
Ok..I'm hooked...I just can't help it...
I took off of work tomorrow to try for tix for the MD Dear Jerry show. Geez...I'm a glutton for punishment! I am gunning for tix and HOPE and PRAY I get them!
Chicago is still naggin at my purse I pay the high prices ??? Well, I have decided that I will wait to see if the reseller prices go down (I HOPE SO!!)
I really wanted Chicago, but I'll take MD...either which way: I'm going to one or both!
Wish me luck guys...I hope I don't come up empty handed like the past three tries!!!
Extra believe it if you need it
Got an extra ga pit pd 750 with ins from ticket broker for 7/3 but shockingly scored my own CID vip ticket for 7/3 for myself sect 140 front of section. Looking for a buyer not another scalper to buy my pit ticket. Anyone..... If you don't need it just pass it on...Pickup on 7/3 at Chicago Hilton to make sure legit both ways.
Sorry sis can afford the 750
Goal from here now is buy the cheapest ticket(s) can score , I've always been poor seats fella guess stick with was I know
Is there true to weir not wanting a web cast
Hope not for the unlucky folks
Thanks for reply. Likely to just take a friend or one of my kids but thought after all we've all been through this ticket might be appreciated more by a true dh not wanting to be left off the bus. That is why I bought it so early in the first place-- I knew the odds were way against me going the traditional route with 3 shows over 3 nights at a medium sz venue and all of us wanting to be there! I'm sure I hope I will find someone who can reimburse for what I pd-- esp since crazy scalpels are charging in the thousands for Pit tix. Twirl on. Best wishes to have a miracle find you!!!
Another email 5 mins ago
GD50 Limbo, reports still coming in, no batch#
*crosses fingers*
Share in the music and beauty
Counting down the days to feel the song and comminity again. NFA!!! I'm not letting the melodrama of ticket prices or whos playing guitar ruin the beauty and scope of it all. It is the music, simply. I am curiously excited how some tunes will evolve. See you there!!!!
Question for anyone
Does anyone here reading these posts know why back in 1982 at the Portland Cumberland county civic center 9 17 1982 Know why Brent had no microphone that night? Always wondered why after so many years and shows I had not eve witnessed anything like that. Is not like he looked or seemed sick on that tour was at all those shows. Never happened again or before. Maybe not the form to asks this but figure these forums are getting so much attention someone might know answer. Hope so, and good luck to all
Please, grateful dead think about doing a tour, even if it's a small one because I tried my best to get tickets but it was impossible. I would like one last chance to see you all as well as bring my mom to her first dead show. Please think about it, I know many other deadheads are wishing and hoping for the same thing. Forever grateful
Re: Scarlet Bee's Extra
Hey Scarlet Bee, I'd gladly take that extra for my son, who saw two of the last shows at Soldier Field in '95 as a 4-year-old. Like most here I've struck out across the board. I'm looking mainly at cheaper tickets but would love to get the boy up front for one show. Will PM you as well. Thanks.
dear jerry
Good luck to all going after tix today! Let's hope for better than TM.
Re: proper...
... And my techie/nerd ass has been reading it as "properly Jedi" all this time ;p
"Feel the farce, Luke."
"Now why are they singing about Boticelli's knees?"
such the loser
Shut out AGAIN!!!!!!!! @&^%!!!! WHAT THE FUCK??? Seriously I fucking quit...glad I could spark debate about my username though...