Body Block
// pull in news from "50th Anniversary" feature type taxonomy
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Grateful Dead Original Members Add Two Dates To Final Concerts
April 10, 2015

The original members of Grateful Dead have announced two additional shows at Levi’s Stadium in Santa Clara, California on June 27th and 28th, as part of their “Fare Thee Well: Celebrating 50 Years of Grateful Dead” run. Along with the three shows at Chicago's Soldier Field on July 3rd, 4th, and 5th, the run will mark the original members' last-ever performances toget
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stop being played!!
stop playing this ticket shenanigans. It's just like the commerical with the old dude and the fishing pole with the dollar at the end.
go to second #15.
Santa Clara
Have folks seen this?…
Dear Jerry
Sorry to hear, guys. I'm relieved I decided MD is too far to go. I just finally got my mail order rejection last weekend and don't think I could have taklen another one today.
P.S. I thought it was "proper jedi."
I wish...
I wish I were a Jedi, then I could use the mind trick on these pricks to sell me a ticket for LESS than face (no one here - the scalpers)...
as for me, I am going to skip over my 350+ tapes today (as a form of protest) and listen to something else...I am even going to close my tab to LMA...take that!
@proper Lady
Been groovin to some righteous Justin Bieber here my man....
And the kids they dance and shake their bones......
If indeed the Fead decide to do Santa Clara, some shut out would be happy but the poor bastards who paid for Dear Jerry or Chicago hailing from the left coast , some gonna be hella pissed! Maybe the scalpers can eat those up too....and make it unfair for everyone!
Peace Prop!
Its ok...
Ok so this boycot has me getting re-acquainted with Ween...Poor Aaron Freeman (aka Gener). We miss you and Mickey playing together...those of you who don't know Ween, get past the silly lyrics and listen to the music...amazing. Also major Deadheads too - see the song So Long Jerry...
Stay well Aaron and make it north - same to you Deaner!
GD "Always blew the big ones"
It has been widely stated by the Band itself that they always blew the big gigs.But I forgot which ones, besides Woodstock and Egypt, they are referring to.
Anyone out there know which shows fit into this category, according to the band?
I say this because there has been talk about the Fare Thee Well event being another "Big one". So, will they continue their tradition of blowing this one too? Or will the they finally, in their 11th hour, conquer their career long inability to "rise to the occasion" and finally perform well in such a big event?
(and I understand that this is not GD, being that Jerry is not there)
hehehheh hhhehhehh
blew the big ones...hehhehh
rise the occasion and perform...hehhehhh hehhehh, hhehheh
Woodstock might have been a big one. but it was ok
Eygyptyt sounds fine to me.
As long as they don't play Wave to the Wind (PUN ALERT), FTW will be a fine bunch of gigs.
that's strange
I have a disc of Monterey, and they sound ON to me
love deadhead opinions.
Wave to the Wind...
One of the worst written songs I've ever heard. UGHHHH...
That song seriously sounds like some SNL parody skit thing.. so bad.
I forgot about Monterey.
And I agree, FTW will be great. But I am just referencing what the Band has said for years (i'm not actually giving an opinion myself), and since this is another "Big One", I just thought I would entertain the idea a little bit and see what people thought. Much more fun to talk to you guys then work, especially on a Friday afternoon!!!!
Money Orders Cashed-Should I be concerned or excited?
Should I be worried if my Money Orders were cashed and I didn't receive an email confirmation? They were cashed on the 5th?
Working (not) Dead
I wonder if there will be a 1st quarter GNP productivity impact from FTW (and GDTSTOO and MO and TM and VIP and LIMBO)
The Band and the Fans..
obviously have different opinions about those "Big" shows. Not surprised that the artists themselves have a unique critical eye towards their own stuff.But I was reading some stuff Jerry said the other day from an old Relix magazine (Spring 1993) about how some shows he thought they played awful, and then when he listened to the recording, he actually changed his mind and thought it was pretty good. He didn't really have an explanation for why that was the case for him.
Eye of the beholder right? The same show can be considered the best ever by one person and the worst ever by another.
blew the big ones...
I went home from july 8 '95 feeling sad and forlorn, sure something was wrong. US Blues was a train wreck.
i too left 7/6/95 thinking it might be the last time. of course this was a day or two after the deer creek debacle and the band was tired, pissed and I think JG was a few months too late getting into rehab. I'm still glad I caught that one and the one in Pittsburgh 6/30/95. I would probably still be kicking myself if I passed on that tour.
Soldier US Blues
I remember that 95 show very well, and at the time I felt like Jerry was sending a message to fans that he was not happy with them. Well, after the Deer Creek gate crash (in which he also received a death threat) who could blame him?On the US Blues encore, I remember him nodding back during each vocal part and only singing part of it.
But then the next night it seemed like he got his message across and he was going to give it his all one more night.
18th row for that one. Probably like $30 ticket. $30 might get me a snow cone in the lot this year.
But the So Many Roads during that last show. Man, that was something.
Thank you for responding...
It is just such a large sum of money...
I'd rather remember...
...say, Althea at the Rosemont Horizon when Jerry's notes sounded to me like crystal rain falling from heaven.
There was a drums at the Rosemont, too (I forget what year, the venue was fairly new, then) it literally felt like the ceiling would come down around our ears.
and the year we got an 8th-row-center love letter from the GDTS.
Lovely memories. Productivity? Eh, what's that?
Nice Work KristineD...
SO love that about Deadheads. All about vibe and positiveness flowing through...Walk away from the bad, and enter into a new scene...
I kindof treat this forum as if I was in a Dead parking lot scene. I'll wander around, engage other Deadheads in fun topics, get some laughs in, ask some questions, give or get some advice, help someone out if I can, walk away from a bad vibe, find new scenes to enjoy... a virtual parking lot scene...
a virtual parking lot scene...
without the smell of grilled cheese. The memory of the heads selling spaghetti from the back of their bus in Tinley Park never fails to make me smile, smile, smile.
(I always hear "Rabbit" along with Velveteen :-))
Don't get too excited folks, but...
Get very excited!…
Information has just been sent to HYPE from a very-well connected source in the music industry, who would like to remain anonymous.
Rumor has it, The Grateful Dead will very soon be announcing two more shows the weekend before Fare Thee Well in Santa Clara. We at HYPE are kind of hoping Warren Haynes will join the band as their frontman for these shows.
In my opinion, Santa Clara makes more sense in general for a Fare Thee Well showcase. I mean, The Grateful Dead were born on the West coast and were always primarily, a West coast band. The only significance Soldier Field has to the GD, is that its the last venue the guys played with Jerry Garcia before he passed a couple weeks later. I do grant that some significance, but the West coast just has far more history with the band.
For real Grateful Dead fans who have been disheartened by the ponzi scheme that is Fare Thee Well, this might come as some relief. It will be interesting to see what happens ticket wise, with these two shows. I’ve gone ahead and recorded the ticket prices as of todays date. We will keep you all updated on whether not ticket prices drop due to this announcement.
What do you guys think of all this?
blowin the "big" ones
Was a show at Shoreline in the 80s (no idea of the year), but it was the summer equinox, and I think it was the first time that the dead were simulcast live. They had sound issues , and I can remember Bob kicking his amp (multiple times, and not with love). Show got much better in the 2nd set, but this is one they thought they had "blown"
totem / hype
hopeful but doubtful I can get tickets. feel like Eeyore now but what the heck, I'm conditioned to it after FTW and DJ 0-fers.
I am sure there will be unbelievable demand from all the west coast heads, whether or not they tried for Chicago or Md. It's just a numbers game...millions want tens-of-thousands of tickets. And it's not like you can wait til next year. So, yes, I'll spend time obsessing over these, too, even though this feels like giving positive reinforcement for inappropriate behavior.
I'll try.
What about the East Coast?
I think east shows would be so better. The pull is there...Anyways, I think warm up shows In a small venue on the west coast are a good idea. I'm really hoping for lots of guests in Chicago. Not to be a trey basher, but I'd like to see some variety over the 3 days. Warren, Chris Robinson, Santana, etc. And go-go girls!!!!!
totem / hype
Couldn't have worded anything different or better mkav. Hate to think of myself as Eeyore, but.....
trey. santana. warren or "D...none of the above"
I always though Mark Knopfler would fit in well. I don't think he ever has but it would be a cool sound...or even Robert Cray, or Robert Bradley. I think any of these 3 would be a wild twist and make a great jam.
Thrown up a couple times
Starting to think that the conspiracy theorists are right...I knew it was bad but didn't know all of this was going on...Jerry is waiting for all of the band and his "widow" on the other side
I am officially done buying stuff I think. I have been buying the DPs for years and the Road Trips, always kinda thought on this website the went a little too Gene Simmons and Kiss-like making Steal Your Face everything, but now I have thrown up a couple times from this.
When did greed take over? So sad.
Thoughts on West Coast shows
Just a pipe dream, I know, but since they have (or are working on) a database of everyone who sent in for mail order to Chicago, then wouldn't it be great if they made the West Coast mail order only (NO TICKETMASTER) and gave everyone who got shut out of Chicago a priority mail in date? Then a second mail in date for the rest of the seats?
This would have the added benefit of opening up trading power for west-coasters who got Chicago tix with East/mid coasters who get California tix.
I'd start an online petition for this if I thought anyone would listen. But alas I'm afraid it will be more of the same. At least I'll be able to drive an hour and hope for a decently priced ticket outside after the show starts.
seeing red...great idea
they could certainly sell out with ZERO marketing budget, and such a sale would be in the spirit of what we all, through our rose-colored memories, recall the "old" or "real" Grateful Dead.
But, based on the alacrity(NOT!!!) with which GDTSTOO has handled everything, this concert better be in 2019.
Fourth Day of July, 2015
1st Set (as you'd like it)
Jack Straw
They Love Each Other
Lazy Lightning/Supplication
Uncle John's Band>Playin'
1st Set (as you may get it)
Hell in a Bucket
Wave In the Wind
Victim or the Crime
Some version of Fluffhead
Let's Hope and Pray they work off the 2014 Greek and Vegas playbook.
I sit at home...
I like to sit at home and make flower bouquets and listen to Joni Mitchell...DR ROCK!
I used to ride on a white horse...
and shoot clay pigeons. "One, Two, three, four, five!", just like that.
Before that...
And the other thought. The second thought, the warrior thought, the hard thought, the final thought is that we ain't many. In any given situation there's going to be more dumb people than smart people, we ain't many.
true that!
one of the wisest things my mama taught me...there's going to be more dumb people than smart people, we ain't many.
Even if she didn't say it quite that same way.
On the bus...again
That was Kesey by the way at Uncel Bobo's funeral...I will say that this whole debacle keeps making me want to get off the bus since Jerry started hating it around '74 and it seems to have gone totally sideways these days...and then there are people like rgergelis, that make me still hope for what we stand/stood for...peace brother. I hope we can share a drink and some of your stories (I will be an avid listener).
Santa Clara
Rumors starting to grow wings. Levi Stadium anybody??
looking for tickets for 2021 SPAC, 2 Mansfield shows, and Hartford
The tree of might just may have the most beautiful yet strangest creatures I've ever seen.., jesus Christ.. bring the sunshine