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  • MarkintheDark
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    It's OK if the vines show up in "Recent Posts"...
    ...which as the default should show all recent posts of any type. Being able to sort the Vineyard posts out of the way would certainly make getting to the other Recent Posts topics easier. Don't know if that would help threads "stay alive" though, if people aren't bothering to click through a few pages of recent posts to get to a certain discussion topic, and don't bother to learn how to navigate the site I doubt they'd learn how to use the "Filter by Type" function to get the Vineyard posts out of the way. Navigating directly to specific topics (without going through Recent Posts) appears to be difficult for some people - I don't think some people even realize they can tunnel through the hierarchy from "Forums" -> (category) -> (subcategory). The pathway to some topics is hard to find, as well. Getting to "Spinnin', spinnin' free - the sequel" is an example - you have to go to "Dancin' in the Street", then to "Spinnin', spinnin' free" and go to the last page of that topic to catch the link to the "sequel". I've found bookmarking specific topics to be helpful. I've also learned to love the search box when trying to quickly get to a specific topic. There's a lot of topics to begin with, easy for things to get lost or misplaced. Like this thread, which seems to be more appropriate to the Admin Questions & Discussions topic, or maybe Topic & Feature Suggestions. I'm guessing there's not a lot that could be done with the Private Messaging system, which is the big improvements that would make me smile. Being able to sort by "received from" or "sent to" usernames would be sweet, being able to create folders would be nice too. All in all, the site is easily worth what I pay for it. Cheers, MitD ************************************** *The white zone is for loading and unloading only* **************************************
  • cosmicbadger
    as requested some clarification
    Well a year or so ago there was a constant turnover of discussion topics, they tended to attract a bunch of around 10 or 20 posts and then slip away only to re-emerge later. Opening the first couple of pages of the recent posts list gave you a very quick picture of what folks were talking about and you could pitch in when you liked. There were always up to ten lively discussions going on. Now more than 90% of the first 5 pages of recent posts are vines. Any new discussions that get started just fall off the list in hours before others can pick them up and join in. So a lot of the fun forums just dry up. Just look in the list of forums and see how many have stagnated. I really don’t think it is because people do not want to post on forums any more; they just don’t know about them. As I mentioned when I posted in November and others have now repeated, the neatest fix could be to stop classifying vines as forums or even to make a separate space for vines. Maybe I am wrong in pinpointing this as the cause, but I do think it is a shame that so many of the discussion forums have stagnated
    Personally, I don't have a problem with .........
    .....the vines showing up in the recent posts section. I constantly "rediscover" vines that I passed by the first time simply because a lot of chatter starts and I want to see whats up. Also, once I type this comment and hit "Post", doesn't this topic move to the top of the list? I really think that the major news topics, like new releases, tours, interviews, etc. are usually displayed on the front page of the site anyway. However, I do agree that there is a lack of discussion from time to time on topics that deserve a little more attention. I don't really know the answer to that one. It is hard to say who should decide which topics are important. For instance, I really enjoyed the squirl discussion even though I didn't see that one coming. As stated above, I don't really feel the need to open the posts " when somebody posts photos of the ticket stub for every show they've been to", but I do enjoy the little suprises that constantly floor me on this site. I know I have not offered a solution here, but I am glad to be able to add my two cents. Peace - David
  • marye
    thanks, this is useful
    I'm looking into the separate-category option, which I think is doable. Please keep these comments coming, they're very helpful. Thanks!
  • Mr. Pid
    Climbing arms of ivy wrapped around the forum posts
    There can be no doubt that the vines are the most heavily used forum topics, and I think that's the rub here. If there was a way to categorize vines as something other than forum topics, then the Filter By combo at the top of the All Recent Posts page could be used to filter them out for those who are interested in topics other than vines, or to include only them for those so inclined. WRT new items in forum topics, once upon a time the Forums tree pages contained validly constructed URLs to both the "new" items (meaning posted since the user's last visit to that topic) as well as the last item posted in that topic and the poster of same. While the All Recent Posts page had similar looking URLs, they were improperly constructed, meaning that they did not support the necessary pagination to arrive at the page containing the items tagged as #new. As such, you would always end up on the first page of posts in that topic if you followed them. In any event, none of that functionality survived the move to the new hosting provider, and I suspect that it's not only Badger that misses it. I know I don't have his bandwidth constraint issues and I would certainly welcome not having to do the mental math required to figure out which post on which page is actually the first one in that thread that I haven't yet seen. Not that it's really all that taxing, mind you, just kind of annoying to have to deal with. For users with limited bandwidth I could readily see how it would get very old very fast. While there are many of us who obviously do our level best to keep up around here, I suspect that many of us are not bereft of other worthwhile endeavors, and that substantially improving the facility of navigation would likely be seen as a welcome enhancement by all. Not that I'm purporting to speak for anyone else here, just voicing my suspicion. Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
  • MarkintheDark
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    Could "Vineyard" topics be made a separate type?
    I'm one of those that usually monitor "Recent Posts" to keep up with the vine topics, and occasionally use the "Filter by type" to narrow down the posts (like when somebody posts photos of the ticket stub for every show they've been to). Incrementing through pages can be time consuming. Would it be possible to have "vines" made into a separate type, so they can be eliminated from a Recent posts listing of Forum Topics using the "Filter by type" function? ************************************** *The white zone is for loading and unloading only* **************************************
  • marye
    thanks Badger, I will pass this on
    I think some things are more fixable than others, but I'm not sure which are which. To address in particular the issue of the Vineyard: please deconstruct the problem for me a bit as to how it is allegedly killing off the thoughtful discussions. Is this simply a matter of Recent Posts running heavily to vines? If so, surely people scroll down and on to the next page in search of topics that interest them rather than simply ignoring anything that's more than four hours old. No? While I heartily agree that the navigation could be a lot better hereabouts, I'm not seeing the particular issue here, but this is no doubt because every day, usually several times, I do exactly what's described above and hence find and follow the recent discussions. Now I also recognize that people have different navigation styles, because when I occasionally put a vine somewhere else than in the Vineyard (an issue that's simply irrelevant to the Recent Posts navigation style) I hear about it within minutes. So some people go straight to the Vineyard, and I don't see how that adversely affects the discussion. So if there's a problem to be solved here, can we define it a bit more precisely? Thanks.
  • cosmicbadger
    well meant suggestions revisited
    On Nov 24 I posted some friendly ideas here about how to tweak a few things to make the site better. Well apart from the very nice feature about Billy K, there has not been much change I can see. NAVIGATION The really annoying navigation glitches have not been fixed...surely the 'go to most recent post' issue is not hard to fix and it would make such a difference, especially for those of us who are bandwidth challenged. It takes so many clicks and waits to get to where you want to go that it is a real disincentive to go looking for things. If the tech people can find time to make clever flash graphics and secret messages on the front page then why on earth can they not find time to fix something that folks have been quietly requesting for over a year?????? MOST RECENT POSTS and VINES I am sorry, but the Vines are now so totally swamping the recent posts that all other discussions are rapidly lost. The only ones that manage to surface on a regular basis are Spinning Free, Positive Vibes and the Faiths and Beliefs one, I have tried a few times to revive others but without success (and I think others have too). I have given up posting anecdotes, stories and jokes because the threads just die. It is not as if there are not enough people here, there are many more. You all know that I am a big supporter of the Vineyard, but it really does need a separate space here. It is a real shame we are losing all those other fun threads. I appreciate the desire not to rock the boat on the vines, but they are hardly a secret are they..and maybe it would be better if they are a little less obvious on the site. FEATURES Well it was nice to see Billy here, but what about the others? There is a big feature on the Dead with interviews etc in Relix magazine this month, but still nothing here. Is there a problem? I keep coming back here, because I have friends here and have had so much fun here, but I am increasingly wondering why I bother. Well if it is time for the old guard to step aside and accept that things have moved on then so be it, but I think we are losing something precious in the process. I said in November that I did not think my comments would make any difference... ..I would still love to be proved wrong CB :-(
  • Frankly
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  • pkpotter
    cc's dvd reward program
    Yes, and a little cherry garcia on top too!
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17 years 9 months
This is the place for announcements about stuff elsewhere on the site.
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17 years 9 months

please send me a PM with your order details and I'll see if we can resolve this. Sorry for the hassle.
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12 years 6 months

Hello fellow Deadheads am new to this site. anyone going to the further shows in Oregon
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12 years 6 months

Are there any deadheads in Salem that are interested in starting a band or just jamming? I play guitar and banjo though I am just learning the banjo. email me if entersted porter.m78@gmail.com
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Member for

16 years 2 months

Hi Mary E, Is the store going to be adding in all the music that was available before the format change? There used to be a huge selection including all of the Europe 72 individual shows. I sure would like to order the 5/11/72 Rotterdam set. ~I am confused, just want to hear the music play!
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Member for

16 years 2 months

Hi Mary E, Is the store going to be adding in all the music that was available before the format change? There used to be a huge selection including all of the Europe 72 individual shows. I sure would like to order the 5/11/72 Rotterdam set. ~I am confused, just want to hear the music play!
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17 years 9 months

even in the digital world, moving things from point A to point B takes longer than one would like. I mean, some things may be out of stock or discontinued in the normal course of things, but the fully stocked Store will be back. Thanks!!
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15 years 2 months

I think it was a delight and easy to use and looked beautiful. Deadnet Central seemed like a plain vanilla experiment and the current format is more commercial and more poorly displayed and harder to use, not to mention more tracked (though not overly so) by those web sleuths. I guess Rhino still gets to give itself an award for best rock band web site but I sure wish we had the old format back.... Ahh well, you never know what you have till it's gone.
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16 years 6 months

Hi, Maybe you do but I don't see it yet. But if you don't, can dead.net have a locals specific segment where local heads can connect in their respective communities? It would be great to see who is tuned in here in Edmonton, Alberta.
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15 years 2 months

I find it sad that people are so addicted to Facebook that they have to make it a destination from this website. Facebook is collecting and collating every single word and fact you spit out. "So what," you might say. "I'm not doing anything wrong or I'm ashamed of. I have no skeletons in the closet and am always pleasantly surprised when people find me.". Did you ever think that Facebook, a publicly traded corporation, may be scooping data to sell to Lexus-Nexus, the premier sleuth out there. Perhaps you might have a few bucks and kids in school. Somebody does a search on you and Facebook info. collected with many other public records gives would-be kidnappers all the info. they need to snatch your kid for ransom. Maybe you are well-loved in your community now but use to be a bully without eve being aware of the old meaning of the term and somebody had been nursing a grudge all these years and now uses Facebook to find you and get revenge for something hideously silly, liked you knocked the books out of her had in 5th grade. There used to be a warning about how dead.net could track you. Laughable. No horror stories so far but I'm just waiting for the moron who bought his assault rifle in the parking lot of a gun show along with uranium depleted bullets after putting a GPS tracker on your car so they could take you out for not letting them dervish with you at the Frost in '83.... So have fun on Facebook kids, I'm sure I just paranoid!
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17 years 9 months

Never put anything online that you wouldn't want to see on the front page of the New York Times. That, of course, was before Facebook, which caused another wise person to remark that the only Facebook privacy policy you need to know is: If It's Private, Don't Put It On Facebook.
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17 years 9 months

Okay, folks.... We THINK that the long-missing pages of Tapers Section have been restored, notably many pages from 2008-2010. And from what we can tell, the links work, too. However, heads up that in some cases the pages have different names than they used to, so older links and bookmarks may break. If you encounter things not working on the TS pages, please send me the particulars. Thanks and happy listening to the restored tunes...
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17 years 4 months

I haven't bought a cd from a mall in years it's either from this web site or amazon it seems. I happen to be on the fye web site and ducks picks 16 is available via pre order. With a release date of 9.2.14. Do you know if it will be a down load as well. I have it already but what a great show. I was hoping all the dicks pick series would make it to down load like road trips.if I posted in the wrong spot forgive me I am forum retarded.
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Member for

13 years 4 months

Over the last few years, the DiP series has been rereleased an issue or 2 at a time in reverse chronological order by Real Gone Music (with a single exception so far, being volume 10 and the legendary 12/29/77 show) and sold through a variety of online retailers...I think I've picked up 6 releases that I was missing in that time (most recently the bodacious '73 show(s) on vol.18). Alternatively, all 36 installments are available for purchase in downloadable form on iTunes - so, knock yourself out! Incidentally, #15 (NEXT!) is the one I've been awaiting since this protracted rerelease process began...Englishtown...WOOT!!! (I like my physical media)/ good head's up post gd12 - no matter where it got hung!, kate
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Member for

13 years 4 months

This morning, at 0525 EST, I made the impossible decision to euthanize my best friend and golden retriever Tate. He was only 5 1/2 yrs. old, but he slept by my bed, ran with me, went on daily hikes, swam in deep water with me, accompanied me on all errands, was well known in town to neighbors and merchants, and slept at my feet in the office when I took him to work. I note that our unprecedentedly successful thread on this forum in tribute to DaP11 has now been deleted, though I dearly wished to express my goodbyes to the "core" group of posters who made it thrive; you will not hear from me for some time as I recover from this incomprehensible loss. Thank you for your friendship. And please, say a prayer, send some good vibes, or just think of me and my lost Tate once in awhile. I will be back in due time./sincerely, kate
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17 years 3 months

Sending prayers your way for sure.
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17 years 9 months

Golden Retrievers simply want to make us happy and will go to any lengths.I used to have a golden, his name was Zoot (Allures- Zappa reference) and he had a brother Garth (Gimble- Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman reference). Those boys were always in competition for the petting and the attention, or to jump off the dock to catch the Frisbee or to chase down a ball. It is so difficult when time to say goodbye to those friends. I am sorry for your loss. May Tate be retrieving that big Frisbee in the sky. The Truth is realized in an instant, the act is practiced step by step.
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17 years 9 months

As a few folks have pointed out, there were difficulties over the weekend getting files uploaded properly. This is now fixed and they're going to their appropriate destinations. We're working on the best way to get in touch with the folks for whom this did not work in just exactly perfect fashion, so stay tuned for the fix on that, but meanwhile, go for it (and let us know if you have trouble). Thanks!
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15 years 9 months

Thanks! will you be in Chicago?
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17 years 1 month

Before I jump in to listening mode and am gone for all intent and purposes for the rest of the evening, I wanted to note a teeny glitch in my happiness: As I was attempting to rip my discs to iTunes on the computer, the third and final disc reported there are no song titles out there on the 'net to sync up with the songs on the disc. Not a huge deal, since there are only 5 songs and the names are right there on the disc and the sleeve. It's probably just a typo somewhere in the coding by whoever puts those titles up there to hook into the songs as they rip to the hard drive. As I said, "teeny glitch." I'm outta here, headed for the Finger Lakes.
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