- Post reply Log in to post comments971 repliesmaryeJoined:Shut out of the show you just have to see? This is the place to see if anyone's got extras.
- Brown BerthaJoined:looking for tickets
celebrating 40th summer seeing shows. 1st, Blossom Music Center, June 1983. This could be the last time! Have my 78 microbus loaded up and heading to the Gorge tonight. Still need tickets. Can anyone help me out? email me @: mabian@aol.com. ( that's right, its an aol account, Ive got the last one in America)
Shut out of the show you just have to see? This is the place to see if anyone's got extras.
Looking for 1 for Friday night. Only night I can make it. Have lodging at the Congress Hotel (six min cab ride to Soldier). Willling to buy all the grilled cheese you can eat and provide you with a bed. Please...
Looking for tickets. Need for 4 tickets 2 for Saturday and 2 for Sunday. Online scalpers suck! They should of offered tickets to people by email from this site. Then those people could help others get tickets. More for the fans and less for scalpers.
Looking for tickets. Need for 4 tickets 2 for Saturday and 2 for Sunday. Online scalpers suck! They should of offered tickets to people by email from this site. Then those people could help others get tickets. More for the fans and less for scalpers.
College student searching for my one chance to see the Dead. A buddy and I are hoping to road trip from sacramento out to chicago, one ticket to the july 4th show would leave me forever grateful.
I have a 3 day set of tickets that are behind the stage I would like to TRADE the July 4th ticket and 1 more ticket for either Friday or Sunday (your choice) for 1 July 4th ticket anywhere in front of the stage.
I give you two tickets behind the stage and you give me 1 ticket in front of the stage.
I know you may be able to wander around but I'm not taking the chance to be separated from my young son. I am only willing to TRADE.
I have many friends who were shut out to pass my extras on to so I will not be selling them.
You must be able to prove you are a Dead Head and not a scalper or broker.
looking for preferably 2 tix for one or all nights but if i c an only get one that will do too and will be passed on to my GF if you have an extra shoot me a msg on FB ( Ej Savage Kelly ) hell shoot me a msg and say hi even if you dont have tix :)
GL everyone and smile smile smile tix or not
Two tickets for all nights or just one at face or a little above for me and my wife.i will be in chicago tickets or not true fan. Did all you could do to get some. Mail order first day. I was standing outside when the post office opened, no dice. Was on ticketmasters at 930, what a bunch of crap. Stub hub is anti dead to me and will never in my life get my money. But on a positive. I love all you dead family! Congrats if you got tickets. Maybe will we all get a chance to dancing In the streets in chicago!
Willing to put up someone in my hotel room (Marriott O'Hare) if that same someone will SELL me ticket(s) for face value. Yes that's right! FREE ROOM to anyone who will SELL me a ticket or tickets to one or more of the shows. Looking for a "view ticket" (not a "no view" ticket)
Thank you for considering picking me for your miracle...
Sincerely a "true" deadhead,
P.S. I have the room for all 3 nights July 3,4,5.
unfortunately we all seem to be looking and not many are willing to give up except for the stub hubbers trying to make a killing on something that should have been a great last ride for all of us true heads, that being said i also have a room 2 miles away from the stadium and looking for two tickets willing to put people up, im sure this is a long shot at this point, but we did buy our tickets for the grateful ball after party which should be a great time, there are still tickets available for that event, and me and my bro will be making the most of our time in Chicago, and hope you all do to.
peace and love,
Well, I won't be making the trip without a ticket. TOO MUCH HASSLE AND COST. So, at this point it looks like I won't be going.
Patience my brother...hold the room and pray to whoever you pray too...don't pray for a ticket, but pray for what's meant to be...miracles do happen....I don't think Mail Order is done just yet, no facts just a gut feeling....Re listened to the Golden Road this am, for the second time I heard, the bulk of rejections have gone out already, meaning anyone in limbo has a shot, and GDTSTOO reclaimed a bulk of seats from Ticketbastard....
I ain't always right but Ive never been wrong...
good luck to all in limbo
That's awesome news! I don't have a turn down letter or email:) however my envelope was postmarked the 21st as I live in the woods if Maine..
Hey man! Sorry I misspelled your user name on the other thread.
Yeah I am still popping in here checking it out and begging for tickets still.
Planning on getting a haircut now (told myself I wasn't gonna cut it until after Chicago if I went).
Weird, the ticketbasterd website now says "! no tickets right now" for each show and still says See Tickets for the 3 day pass. They are really screwing up by not saying "NO Tickets available" for the 3-day pass.
Might mean there are more tickets that will be released at some point. Hard to trust anything that TM states, however...
I am waiting for the band to announce that they will put speakers and a screen outside the stadium for the parking lot - and sell tickets of course which currently on StubFuckers is ~$200 per night...so for the same price as a scalper ticket (cuz those will go up once a screen is announced) we can have the same view as those inside with no view...but we are in the parking lot!!! :) so does that mean that there is no frisking or confiscation of alcohol?
NOW which tix are better??? No view? or parking lot?...
Hi All, Not sure if this is the correct forum...but I am looking for a hotel room (need to be able to switch rez into name, or add name) or apartment rental during the shows. I managed to get a tickets from Ticketmaster (shocking, I know!!!), but the rooms are pretty elusive. If anyone can't make it and needs to get rid of one please PM me. :) Cheers!
You just have to search. Trust me, there are more available rooms than there are extra tickets.
I have a room but will only share it for a ticket or 2 or 3. The room will be free if someone will sell me face value tickets.
A place to stay was the easiest part of this fiasco.
Getting tickets, obviously the hardest...
Prices will come down. Ticket brokers are propping the prices up. I found one that is dropping price daily until they sell. Hopefully they drop all the way to face value. Then I'll be a happy camper.
Interesting article on how brokers raise prices...tactics.
need 4, July 5th. i'll throw in a rt. airfare for 1Looking for 4 tix for July 5th (Sunday ) @ face value. Must be field or lower level full view. And i'll pay for 1 rt. Airfare ticket from wherever you are ( in the continental U.S. )too chicago and back. For 1 person
Hey guys, first post here. I was extremely lucky and got a single 3 day pass (behind the stage, but still). None of my other buddies got tickets however so I'm looking to trade my Friday for Sunday (preferably) or Saturday. My seat is sec 253, row 20, seat 3. I'm not looking for a better view, anywhere inside is fine.
For those looking for a room, we have an extra room at the Wyndham Grand Riverfront, about 2 miles away. Our traveling party got much smaller after Ticketmaster so we no longer need this room. I would like to use it to sweeten a trade, but if that's not necessary I can transfer it to whoever needs it.
I selected UPS ground for shipping method, so my tickets should be in hand soon. I live in Alabama and my choice would be to meet somewhere in the south to trade in person before getting to Chicago.
Still looking for tickets to 1 or more shows.
Have hotel room for all 3 nights, willing to discuss ANY type of trade or negotiation for tickets (other than scalped tickets)
Keeping the faith alive ...
Hey all,Just looking for 1 ticket for myself to see the band. I have hotel booked and ready to boogie. Please help out with a face value ticket anywhere in the stadium.
Burning Man is sold out. The Grateful Dead is sold out. Screw the scalpers! I have an extra Burning Man ticket. Do you have extra Grateful Dead tickets? I’m thinking a straight up trade. One $380 Burning Man ticket (good for all 7 days of the festival) for one each of the three Grateful Dead shows, July 3, 4 & 5 (of any level - $59 and up, just get me in the door for each of the shows). And depending on your tickets, I may even be able to throw in a Burning Man parking pass (worth its weight in gold this year). So, if you have the extra Grateful Dead tickets and you really want to go to Burning Man, I have an extra Burning Man ticket and I really want to go to all 3 of the Grateful Dead’s final shows…let’s talk.
I know that at this point, neither of us will actually have tickets in hand, but I have purchased my tickets through Ticketfly, I have the confirmation numbers and I will receive tickets in June. Assuming you do as well, we can agree to the trade and then when we actually get the tickets, we can discuss the logistics of the trade. There are many, many burners who can and will vouch for me. I make this offer out of a genuine love for both Burning Man and The Grateful Dead and an overwhelming desire to avoid scalpers and profiteers.
Love & Respect,
~ Stevolution
Looking for Saturday night, or anything. Message me if you have any extras.
Please help a fellow deadhead with 1 ticket to 1 show at face value.
Just looking for fair deal, I have a hotel room willing to share with whomever has a ticket they can sell me.
Thanks and rock on!
THAT is a deal and half...I am pretty sure you just went to the top of the list for anyone on the fence about whether they want to sell a ticket for a fair value...beats anything I have (sadly just $$$).
Good luck man!
I am a young deadhead. never saw jerry, just further and rat dog many times. I would love an opportunity to see any show any day. hook a brotha up.
Like others, seeking one last miracle. Face value is a miracle for this one.
If someone gets a line, or a method to reasonably priced tickets, PM me. Have friends going to Chicago who got MOs and would love to join them. Haven't seen them in many moons.
Thanks, My friend. I wish you luck as well.
Looking to trade a great seat with a perfect view on Friday July 3rd for the same or similar seats for Sunday July 5......
Still looking, I will pay up to 2 times face, can supply motel room, transportation from anywhere near Virginia, ride from airport whatever it takes. I will feed you too if it will help, just can't miss this one after 37 years on the bus.
Cash for 4th or 5thCan supply transportation to & from airport
Pretty please with sugar on top
Does anyone have two lawn seats they are willing to sell me? I tried and I tried but no luck today. Last time I saw the boys was May 27 - 28, 1995, Sam Boyd Silvewr Bowl in Las Vegas.
Miracles do happen!
Shut out on pre-sales and today for tickets. Looking for that miracle of any 2 tixs for Dear Jerry. Will pay cost plus all fees.
I haven't been able to see The Dead since 1986 and my husband has never been to a concert, let alone the whole Dead experience. We'd prefer handicapped seating (I have multiple sclerosis) but can do regular seating. We'd prefer Sunday but will do whatever we need to do in order to go on any day. Can't afford to pay much over face value, which seems to be the obstacle we're unable to overcome.
Can't believe that the scalpers even bought out all the handicapped tickets in a matter of minutes.
Was shut out on both mail order and online. Looking for two tickets for the 3rd or 4th for the 50th and/or two for Dear Jerry. Willing to pay the standard fees above face value.
Scalpers are such a drag. I refuse to pay them any money. Just called a CL guy who has 9 lawn tickets for Dear Jerry and wants $150ea. Question, how is it that he has 9 tickets when you can only buy 4. And he said "Oh, I think I only have 9 left". How many did he start out with? I had five computers loged in on ticketfly and my little guys only walked half the way before they sold out.
Hate to miss either of these events. Hopefully there are still some Kind people out there. Back in the day I always sold my extras at face value. I even gave a ticket away in the parking lot at Buckeye Lake, either 93' or 94. Mircles do happen everyday! Needing one now.
Peace, Enlightenment and Scouting
I'm a little puzzled about these Chicago shows. I've been following the Dead and going to shows since the 70s. I rarely wasn't able to find SOME reasonable way to get into a show, but like many, I mail-ordered and lost in Chicago. So what are the options now? Get scalped and pay $1200+ per show to get in ...or... hope for a miracle? This doesn't seem like the way the Dead would want to wrap things up, having so many loyal followers getting shut out.
I know they're getting old and don't blame them if they wish or need to retire. It's just that we went from a fairly accessible and great-to-hear Further band to this very LAST CHANCE series of three Dead shows that sold-out in a heart beat. I can deal with missing them in Chicago if Further will be touring again. If not, then paying over a grand to get into to at least one of the Chicago shows is probably worth it.
These ARE the last shows, right? No more Further even? How about Rat Dog? Did I read that Phil said he's done performing or touring after Chicago?
Greetings fellow deadheads,
I had the wherewithal to book two rooms at the Hilton Magnificent mile on the North side of downtown but not to mail order; was to busy. Anyway the rooms are normally about 300 a night on a normal weekend. I am hoping to trade the room which is 2 double beds for 2 tix each night and am willing to negotiate.
Good Luck to all brothers and sisters!
Klangstone (I want to call you my buddy despite never having met you) has moved to the front of the line for possible miracles a) by being cool and b) constantly making sure people know he needs a ticket...I gave up after the first week of my double shut down because, well I suck...
So here I go (again)...I am desperately seeking one ticket to any night (or all nights) to Chicago. I have been granted a miracle to go see the Dear Jerry shows after being shut out there (story of my life) and was so close to getting a Sunday ticket for face, but only asked for one so the tix went to someone willing to buy all four...that said, I will happily take two, but really only need one (if there are two, the second goes to Klang) but suffice it to say - we are desperate and hoping our brothers and sisters can help us out in anyway shape or form.
If I were to get a ticket, then I would be tempted to drive down with a high end espresso machine to replace the old grilled cheese with some real coffee...provided the Koolaid doesn't cloud my judgement...Some great roasters in Chi-town so likely some amazing coffee to be brewed for my fellow heads here!
(I don't have much to offer) :?
for some reason, decent coffee seemed to be sadly absent from the scene back in the olden days (when the venue had it at all, it was pretty awful, and for some reason lot vendors didn't really go in for it. But they would've been mobbed, at least by me and my friends...) As it was, we consumed a whole lot of chocolate-covered coffee beans at shows.
Had no luck with mail order. No luck with CID packages. And no love from ticketmaster. Would love to go general admission but will be stoked to be in anywhere. Will pay the fair price and can throw in some head candy. So many roads to Chicago...
Hi GD Sugar Daddy,
If you have any tickets, I have a room and flight, but no tickets, missed getting them. I would be very grateful to purchase some from you or anyone you may know who has some. Need 2 for each night if possible, but anything will do.
I fear there is little hope as the available tickets seem to be in the hands of those who do not understand what the whole scene is all about. Nevertheless, I would love to throw myself into the queue of those who have been shut out and would like to be otherwise. Looking for one to any or all Chicago and one for Merriweather. I will even provide transportation if you don't mind sitting on the back of a Harley (tongue in cheek, but have at it if you want to squeeze onto a little tiny seat pad). To those who are in, hope you have a Grate time. Dan