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  • Eric Abrahamson
    9 years 2 months ago
    Eric Abrahamson At my age, it's already predetermined that I'm not going to go to all that trouble unless I like it. The glass is either half-full or half-empty. Nobody twisted my arm, put me in a headlock, and made me listen to it-I think it's cool. I asked my brother for money to go, and he gave me 2 tickets. My friend Billy "Buzzboy" Rose, "Wavy Gravy's adopted son", used to be a Grateful Dead roadie, he got me backstage at the first show I went to after I met him, so I think they're good to me. My other friend, Richie Shirley, from the Hog Farm, was in the backstage Crew, traveled around the country with them and sold official T-shirts, and his wife, Andrea, "Mom", the cook at Camp Winnarainbow, used to work in their office in San Rafael and they had an apartment there. I met Richie and Billy at Woodstock where the Hog Farm was the Security and the Please Force, so you kids who pan them, fuck you and your worthless idiot opinions. You've never even been there yet, if you ever get there, at this rate. I think they were the best rock and roll band that ever was, and the Rolling Stones was #2, and I've seen them both. Compared to what, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir? The technology is pretty good for playing in a stadium as big, new, and modern as that. They can hear everything you say and see everything you do, and my brother bought me a ticket way up in the back. In between songs this kid 10 rows down says, "Shoot him!" and I go, "I have a gun!" and immediately they started into "Loser", "If I had a gun/For every ace I have drawn/I could arm a town/The size of Abilene!" I don't like it when they get that personal, ad hominem, but I'm still a fan, because even if they ever had a bad day, they recorded plenty of *good* days, which can always happen, always *do* happen at least a little bit, and silicon is immortal. Great light show. The only problem is with the critics and nay-sayers, who have pre-judged it all instead of, "Judge not!"--like "prejudiced". They already don't like it, they were prepared not to like it--there is nothing the band could have done or could do that they would have liked or would like. It's against their religion. It couldn't be worse if they sang traditional Moslem hymns to Allah in Arabic. They probably know how. There was a day when *everybody* liked it, even my parents. They were the #2 top-grossing entertainment act for 2 years in a row; #1 was Bill Cosby, by concerts, not by record sales, by word-of-mouth, household names, I remember. Nobody listened to that thing about rock-and-roll being "the Devil's music", and if you play it backwards it says, "Hail, Satan!" In my opinion, the Church rejects dancing, "worldly", as opposed to gospel or spiritual music, commercial music, art, literature, drama, culture, one of the reasons, because it's linked in their mind with pagan religion, which certainly applies to the Grateful Dead. However, I would argue that when the Christians converted the Roman Empire and tore down the Pagan temples, later they incorporated some of the features of the pagan religions into their own, from what I've heard. For example, do they say that the gods and goddesses of the polytheistic pantheons of the ancient cultures like Greece, Italy, Egypt, Babylonia are really One, the Lord God of the Old Testament? Or it says on Wikipedia that the Lord God of the Old Testament was the war god of the Phoenicians, like Mars Hill, though I don't see why not the head god Jupiter, Zeus, Ra, or Aten, where Moses got it. Then the Christians say Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, the Trinity is One, with Jesus Christ being the Son, a bow to pagan polytheism, but just 3. But they also have the Virgin Mary, who some say is Mother Earth, lots of saints and angels, etc. They say the 30,000 Roman and Greek gods were angels and demons, it's confusing, but some of them were like the Christian God in some ways. For example, Zeus sounds like "deus", which means "God". Jupiter, the Roman for Zeus, has also the name "Jove", which sounds like "Jehovah", which is translated "LORD" in the Old Testament. I read that the Christians used features from the Eleusinian Mysteries of Demeter, the Earth Mother in the Mass, the table, I think, maybe cups, candles, etc. to attract pagans. Some of the saints represent pagan deities from other cultures, and now they become Christian. The Greeks and Romans also had animal sacrifices like the Jews in the Tabernacle and Temple. Lots of their gods had wings like the Jewish angels, like Cupid, Victory, and Iris, the Rainbow. Maybe Moses got the snake on the pole from Mercury's Caduceus, and Asculepius the healer. The Elysian Fields is similar to the Christian Heaven, and Hades to the Christian Hell. Of course, there are just as many differences as similarities. Online I saw a book by the Church Father St. Clement where he uses Ulysses tied to the mast not to hear the Sirens' Song in Homer's "Odyssey" as an example of successfully resisting temptation, "Epistle to the Greeks". Of course, the Pope and the Vatican have always been in Rome. The Father represents Odin from Norse Germanic neo-Paganism, and Thor Jesus in a way. The word "Holle", "hell", isn't in the Bible, it's in the Norse "Eddas". *Valhalla* was their "Heaven". They mixed it with the Jewish Old Testament, the Greek and Roman paganism, etc. They included some of the old Jewish Mosaic prohibitions. Religion has art, music, literature, architecture, and Greek religion was somewhat based on plays. The Old Testament Tabernacle and Temple had a lot of art, sculpture, music, and architecture, and the Bible itself really is man-made literature. They just want a monopoly and no competition, and to control the State. A lot of art, music, literature, architecture, and sculpture got it's start in religion and then some Christians object for those artisans to become commercial, to use it for money, because they want to control the money, which is also man-made. It belongs to the person whose picture is on the money, who owns the metal mines, the mints, and who coins the money. "Render to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's." There *is* no picture of God. Some of the Caesars, Roman Emperors, made the people worship them as gods. Constantine himself was Apollo the Sun-God before he was a Christian. Go figure. Another reason the Church may prohibit "drugs, sex, rock-and-roll, drinking, smoking, and cussing", besides Scripture, as well as art, music, literature, theatre, and culture, science, technology, medicine, "the works of men's hands", the prohibition on idolatry, "make no graven image","bow down to no graven image", well that's another one. *Another* one, "God has made everything sufficient, but they have sought out many inventions." But the Church wants the money that people spend on entertainment, art, music, literature, plays, to go to them. Maybe they *did* think they were all being guided by *God* when they were on LSD and they were deceived by the Devil, "caught in the Devil's bargain", "Satan Himself appears as an Angel of Light to deceive if He can the very Elect," but they were experimenting and they thought they were right. Maybe if you got psychedelic by fasting 40 days in the desert those are true, not Satanic, visions. I think they came true for some of them; potentially could have come true for a lot more. Ram Dass called them "entheogens, 'theo', Greek for 'God', 'God-manifesting', you see God, become One with God, become God". "I am That I am." "I and the Father are One." "If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father." "I said ye are gods; nevertheless you shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes." "We are as gods, and we might as well get good at it." The only psychedelic church I ever heard of was the Native American Church in New Mexico, who had a cross on the altar. They converted all the American Indians to Christianity, but they can still do some traditional Indian things they all (or at least some of them) like to do, just to preserve the culture for posterity. People are always interested in what happened in the past; it's valuable information. The price of Indian jewelry has gone up at least 100x in my lifetime, as it becomes more scarce, as they become lost arts, and they were better before the Wasichus came. There's that Jesse Colin Young song, "Before You Came", how great the Indians had it. A lot of pagan spirituality is a lot higher than a lot of Western spirituality; it's the same thing. If you call the Virgin Mary the Earth Mother, or Father God, Mother Earth, or the Yin-Yang, that's Paganism, or different forms of it, generally speaking. Freud in "Moses and Monotheism", says the Egyptian polytheism was better than the Egyptian monotheism, because when Iknaton switched them to Aten, the One God form of the Sun God Ra, he made Pharoah Iknaton at the top of the "pyramid", with all the ranks of nobles, courtiers, priests, and common people. With the polytheistic system, Isis, Osiris, all that, even though it's true what the Christians say, they worshipped animals, crocodiles, cattle, ibises, hawks, birds, elephants, lions, etc., as the Christians say, "brute beasts", power was more diffuse throughout society, less centered in the king. And he says they were more prosperous, too, with polytheism, that their society declined with monotheism, they overthrew Iknaton, called him a heretic, and restored polytheism. That was why one of the reasons Moses had to get out, to preserve the monotheistic concept somewhere else by founding a new religion. He was raised by the Pharaoh's daughter. There are traces of the Egyptian roots in Moses' writings; he uses the Hebrew word "Elohim", "gods", plural, for "LORD God", and "Thou shalt have no other gods before me," admitting they exist, but fighting them, and "Who is like unto Thee, among the gods?" "You're the best!" I don't know; I'm not a theologian. I just had a year of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Yale, and graduated from Mountain Heights neo-Pentecostal Bible College in 1974. I saw the Jupiter-Venus conjunction in Leo tonight, the same as the Star of Bethlehem. It was out for about an hour. Astrology is from paganism, too, and probably the Dead used an astrologer when they set up the stadium dates as a Christian joke, although who knows how forgiving the Christians can be about that. The Bible accuses those who "worship the host of heaven upon the housetops" and they said that meant the pagan Babylonian astrologers. But the Christians reject a lot of other things the Jews said, like the rule against pork. Maybe that verse condemns the Roman astrologers, too. I read that not only were the Romans, and Greeks, into that, but they had augurs, or prophecies by things like the flight of birds, which might signify things like victory or defeat in war, or they'd read the entrails of animals they sacrificed, like tea leaves, or "sibyls" at the Oracle of Apollo at Delphi would prophecy the future in poetry, Socrates had a "inner god" that told him what to do. The Christians say "abandon all that" and then years later when you're "mature in the Lord" it wasn't so bad, and won't really hurt you, "all things are pure to him who is pure", "nothing is unclean of itself", etc. This issue is "if __________ makes my brother to stumble, I will eat no ____________," "Blessed is the man who is not condemned by the thing he alloweth," and something about the "commandments of men". I'm going to write more on another post so it isn't too long.
  • deaded2
    9 years 2 months ago
    Hehe gardenamesX2 :) I was
    Hehe gardenamesX2 :) I was thinking just the opposite... direwulf isinmyhead I hope they play it next week!!! Don't murder me I beg of you don't murder me Pleeeeeeeeeeaaase don't murder me
  • Default Avatar
    9 years 2 months ago
    couldn't have said it better
    isinmyhead & direwulf
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Grateful Dead Original Members Add Two Dates To Final Concerts

April 10, 2015

The original members of Grateful Dead have announced two additional shows at Levi’s Stadium in Santa Clara, California on June 27th and 28th, as part of their “Fare Thee Well: Celebrating 50 Years of Grateful Dead” run. Along with the three shows at Chicago's Soldier Field on July 3rd, 4th, and 5th, the run will mark the original members' last-ever performances toget

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9 years 7 months

Man, it's already happening. Besides the idiots paying thousands of dollars on eBay for no view tickets, this one beats all: Get this! Someone paid 30 dollars for a GDTS TOO rejection letter. A frikkin' REJECTION LETTER!!!! Do you believe this? These idiots are keeping our prices high, dumbasses. And there's another reject letter that people are actually bidding on right now. Unbelievable, WOW!
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Member for

12 years 10 months

Looks like only three sales on eBay today and the tickets available on Stubhub are actually going up. Patience, grasshopper. :-)
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Member for

16 years 5 months

Bingo BobLoblaw !! Spot on-dude... Klang-man, get a tank of O2 bro and just relax... It's March 24th...100+ days from the show. There is not one physical ticket in anyone's hands. That would be, repeat, not a one. Life's nuts dude and s**t happens. Rest assured when tickets arrive in people's mailboxes, I'm quite certain there will be a "roof's on fire" spree of ticket sales. A June frenzy. Pay to play or go home - that's the deal, if you want it to go down or not. Until then bro, harness then release those negative energies. Just not here, please. I, like you, am in need of tix to all three shows. But my airfare is done, hotel is booked, and we've assembled an amazing group of SD'ers whom all share the same wonderful spirit. To close.... "Smile, Breathe, and Go Slowly" (quote by Thich Nhat Hanh)
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17 years 3 months

Klang ... no one was/is more ticked than I about how the ticket debacle went down. Fortunately the note I wrote after being slapped down for both Chicago and Merriweather was either censored or went into oblivion because I did not "reply" to anyone. Since then, I see very positive signs that the market is NOT what the dbags gambled on. I already have a face value pavilion ticket for Merriweather (via eBay) and I see lots of tickets that are going nowhere for Chicago. Panic is on our side now as sellers will have to start dropping prices as those willing to pay the current prices have dwindled. It will take months, but I can see signs pointing in the right direction. The dbags do NOT want to go, they will cave. Personally, I will not pay more than face plus TM fees. Being on this bus was never easy and getting to the show is part of the experience. Personally, I'm planning a nice bike ride out to Chicago (I am on the opposite coast from you). Even if you can't do that, they do have refundable airline tickets and Southwest will give you a credit even when they won't refund your money. Hang in there. At this point there is nothing to lose ...
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11 years 4 months

Don't worry about the flight, one thing that I will offer if tix come to both of us late in the game and you cannot get a flight to Chicago for a reasonable price, fly into somewhere in like Montana and I will drive down to get you and we can drive across to the shows man. I get the pressure and the nervousness - we can make it work man; just relax.
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Member for

16 years

If people are buying rejection letters on E-Bay, I better start looking in the attic, 'cause I know I have a few vintage denials from failed mail order attempts....I might make a killing on them. even though I got those letters, I still went to the show and got in. I only ever got shut out once, but it was a Phish concert and I got there well into the first set, It was a last minute kind of thing. Even then I had a blast with some kind folks in the lot. .......................Namaste
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16 years

Hope this can help someone out,...been sending these to Klangstone, but I don't think he's interested in the whole bidding thing,..I'm sure these won't stay cheap long, Seller says they already sold once, but the buyer backed out, so he dropped them back to face to start auction over. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Grateful-Dead-3-Day-Pass-Fare-Thee-Well-Soldier…
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9 years 7 months

Blast me if you will but there is always gonna be a down side. Yes with all this optimism and positive vibe at an all time high here, you have to accept the skepticism and pessimism is going to be here too. You can't have it all roses all the time that everything is beautiful and there are no thorns. I am no worse a place today than I was yesterday or 4 weeks ago. This is a place for opinions and facts. Fact: people on e-bay are being idiots, that's all I'm saying. As far as the Santa Clara thing, yeah I guess I am taking it personal, if I offended anyone I apologize. Just me venting and trying to cope. I will tone it down a bit to keep the peace.
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9 years 7 months

@properlejdi: a MAGNANAMOUS offer man, I won't forget it. Sorry tfonts I know my ramblings aren't what you what to read here, but it is a free country and I can't help my emotions sometimes. My joys I experience greatly and my sadness and frustration just as greatly. And I really appreciate the work you and the others are doing on the SD front and still want to be a part of it, although it may not seem so. The lack of communication regarding the SC shows, Bill's premature leak (or slander), it's just got me all frazzled. I will come out of it. People are buying at stupid prices, rich bastards are buying them I expect. It is just so disgusting. Hard to swallow.
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9 years 7 months

They all end too high. I try to talk them down via messaging, one chick was stuck with an overpriced ticket and was scalping to break even or so she said (having bought scalped multiples, not much compassion for that) Then there was the seller that didn't get his buy it now price of 425 when I bid for 300. I was the highest bidder yet the jackass pulled his ticket before closing. He probably realized he was selling for far below market value and still not selling. Not sure what this means, maybe it is good? I can't tell, I'm more than beyond confused by all this. (not giving up though, "down but not out" as the proper lady once put it)
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9 years 6 months

Klang, don't stop venting. After all, your e=venting is what go tyou several offers for tickets that may never materialize. That includes my offer, which still stands should it ever materialize, and properlejdi's offer to pick you up. If he picks you up, I'll burn and send you a fresh Black Sabbath Asbury Park 1975 bootleg for your driving pleasure. Ever hear it? One of my favorite shows: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpBBUMjo8Ng
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17 years 3 months

It's good for ya and you are right, call 'em as you see 'em. I have used eBay for years and you could get a psychology doctorate trying to find any rationality with regard to what goes on "in there." It's just a microcosm of the nuthouse we inhabit every day. Good luck to ya ...
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Member for

12 years 10 months

I've complained plenty and defended everyone's right to complain since day one in this thread. I'm gonna defend that right for Klang as well. At least we don't have Svengali the forum cop in here anymore telling everyone that you can only post positive things. It's life man. There are ups and downs and there are legitimate reasons to be pissed or frustrated sometimes. In the end, Klang, I have no doubt that you will be dancing by your aisle seat with a side view of Phil. The journey may be a roller coaster but you'll get your ticket. Besides, you've already beaten the scalpers. Do you think they got thirty new Sunshine Daydreaming friends in the course of a month? Maybe you'll find direction, around some corner where it's been waiting to meet you.
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12 years 8 months

... How much ya think I can get for a print out of mine? Lollz. Wtf, over...
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12 years 8 months

... Having bought and sold animation art, production and seri-cels, a/w/a rock posters, t-shirts, & other memorabilia over the years on E-bay I am no longer amazed by the dumb stuff that goes down there. I sold a Reba Macentyre crew t-shirt for $1200 to a crazed fan a couple years back. 'Ain't it crazy..." Got 4 left. Anybody interested? ;)
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Member for

9 years 7 months

Since we heard news of Santa Clara its hard to sit still still keep on checking 50.net and internet very anxious just like all of you.... I understand fellow heads frustration...peace..keep posting dead friends
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13 years 7 months

I was there... I'm looking through a Hole in the Sky!!!
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16 years 5 months

Looks like another "source" confirming the news, yet still no official announcement from the band or promoter. http://www.sportsbusinessdaily.com/Daily/Closing-Bell/2015/03/23/Dead.a… The Grateful Dead have extended their “Fare Thee Well” tour to include two concerts June 27-28 at Levi’s Stadium, according to sources. The Santa Clara performances join the July 3-5 dates the group initially booked at Soldier Field. The Dead originally planned for the Chicago concerts to be the only shows celebrating their 50th anniversary, but the huge demand for tickets led to promoter Peter Shapiro adding more dates. The Levi’s Stadium concerts mark a final homecoming for the Bay Area band.
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15 years 8 months

Klang, I was bidding on that same $425 ticket as you. i was above your bid at $400 and he still didn't take it. At this point I'm going to be very picky. It was a pretty good seat. If I end up here watching via streaming, It'll be fine. Steve
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Member for

12 years

If there are going to be other shows these 3 will .. May be like the past when tickets were everywhere on the ground. Doubt actually on the ground more a reference to years ago. Not sure where this feeling comes from but I get the sense tickets to these shows are going to a lot easier then we think. So many people wont want to eat them the day of show.
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Member for

9 years 7 months

YES! ...I'm seeing nowhere through the eyes of a lie.
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9 years 7 months

No worries! I don't expect to win any bids on ebay. Just playing the field and hoping to get lucky that an auction ends in my favor. Exploring all possibilities...
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Member for

9 years 7 months

NO new information, the powers that be see it fit to hold that information from all of us. That is the same original source: Don Muret
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Member for

9 years 6 months

has it right, the scalpers never saw this coming, $signs clouded their vision, if the heads hold out tickets will be available, and $30 for a reject? are copies ok? your choice pink or white, but the rare white one starts at $50
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Member for

12 years

Even if the rumors of other shows are only rumors it should make for buying tickets cheaper. But then again these are different times with so much advance notice we have people paying the prices asked online. Even if Jerry were to be playing these shows in 1981 1982 form I would not pay the price in advance, we all know the hype is why people are selling tickets at such insane prices. Also realize it is tough holding back and not buying. If history teaches us anything hold off and pay at last minute. So many shows over the years were just like this and I never got shut out Never.... ACTUALLY missed 1st set of new years 1984 only but was let in by a security guard minutes before midnight.
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Member for

12 years

Before the show at the San Francisco civic we were told by a security guard that he would leave front door ajar just before midnight and only for 5 or so minutes. Having walked around and around being bummed out we gave the door a pull at about ten of midnight and sure enough we were in. Another odd part of that New years was during shakedown st. opener someone put speakers in the street and many of us thought they would have an outside listening area like at the Greeks over by the tennis courts. Well after Shakedown they pulled the plug on the street speakers. So finding away in became a major situation. Point is we will find away no matter.
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13 years 7 months

Hey when Jerry was alive I got a GA ticket to Rochester War Memorial show night of the gig for $7.50.... You are absolutely correct...these are different times, supercomputers with innumerable network connections make it virtually impossible for any poor schmo even with hi speed internet to compete, these rat bastards connect to TM etc at like a 300:1 ratio. I preferred standing in line overnight for the box office presale, sales capped at 4 per head, and only the diehards got in...Zeppelin 1975 and 77 MSG runs....spent 72 hrs in line to score 3 of 7 shows, didn't scalp a single one...and it was cash only! Alas, the times they are a changin'
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9 years 6 months

It could get very ugly in the show. On a normal night without behind the stage seats sold, people want to get to the stage that have poor or high up views. Here, there will be 10k plus more people, with no view thinking just get in to the show and go anywhere. Security could be overwhelmed and it could get scary for those down in the GA or Pit getting pushed up to a fence. Any thoughts on this scenario, or am I just wrong??
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Member for

16 years 5 months

Actually, Dire, you're not out of line with your thinking. My head's gone there too,namely because while there are a lot of what I'll refer to as "seasoned" heads out there, I have a feeling there will be a lot of posers and newbies too. Last thing any of want to see is headlines the day after about "out of control crowds at Soldier Field." Hopefully, the more seasoned heads won't be Old and In The Way after all...
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16 years 11 months

I do not want to hear one, two, three TAKE A STEP BACK for old times sake. Not only do I not want to see folks hurt, I don't want the band to stop playing. I have a feeling security will be prepared for idiots though. A possibly scarier scenario are folks passing out in the heat of July and crammed bodies in the pit. I hope that will not be the case. Bring your hats folks. Sun screen, hydrate, dance, and repeat.
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13 years 7 months

Standing on shaky ground with this topic...Guarantee this shindig will bring some bad press.....having served on the damage control front lines in Albany and knowing the crowd will likely be well in excess of seating/standing there's bound to be some dirty business...only hope is at the cost of these tix the idiots will stay away however there are screw ups in every crowd....best to have eyes up our asses and watch out for our brethren in Jerry...party hard but party safe.... when in doubt...play Dead and take a step back!
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Member for

9 years 7 months

If the shows were in my backyard and I could easily drive to the venue, then waiting to the last minute to get tickets would not be a problem. But coming from NorCal to unfamiliar territory in a completely subjective and unpredictable scenario (like no other dead show has ever been) is another story altogether. I need some level of certainty for this adventure. I plan to pick up 1 ticket by any means possible as soon as possible to ease my mind then I can wait it out like everyone else for possible additional days. I would like to get in all 3 but at least 1 gets me committed to taking the trip. Thanks everyone for having my back, and with some luck and persistence it will hopefully prove victorious. Until then, hanging on with the pins and needles still attached...
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9 years 7 months

In general deadheads are less "stage crazy" than fans of other bands. Many of us are happy behind the stage, or in the halls. I think if security can handle the rush of fans for the stones or U2 or whoever is the big thing with the kids, if they can handle that they can handle us. We tend to be polite, we tend not to require being right in front. We do not cooperate with silly requests like a teenage security guard trying to block off a section of obviously empty seats, but in general we cooperate and avoid aggressive confrontation. If we do not Bobby will ask us to take a step back. We do what we want up to a point, but we avoid violent confrontation or even somewhat firm security requests. So no, I do not foresee a problem once inside the show.
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16 years 11 months

Seriously, will anyone still be standing? It is near my hotel though....... House of Blues Chicago moe., Creative Entertainment Group (CEG Presents), and Summer Camp Music Festival are excited to announce a three-night run, July 2-4, at House of Blues in Chicago, IL. This series of moe. concerts will include a regular evening show time on July 2nd, and late-night performances on July 3 and 4 after the Chicago Dead shows. The band is looking forward to witnessing and honoring the historic moment taking place in Chicago, both as fans and as musicians. A very limited number of pre-sale tickets go on sale through moe.ticketing on Thursday, March 26 at 12pm CST: July 2nd tickets July 3rd tickets July 4th tickets Tickets go on sale to the general public on Saturday March 28 at 12pm CST. House of Blues Chicago has a 4am curfew.
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9 years 7 months

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16 years 11 months

I used to see these guys when they were playing bar room floors in Buffalo. Oh, the grand old days. I also used to walk 3 miles in the snow to get a beer at the bar. Uphill both ways mind you!
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Member for

9 years 6 months

My two cents:I have a strong assumption that they're going to do right by the OVs (obstructed viewers). Honestly, I think some of those OV seats are probably better than some of the "view" seats, especially the nose bleeds at the opposite end of the arena. Those NBs (nose bleeders) won't be able to see much at all. The NBOVs, on the other hand, will be looking right down on the boys. So I think when push comes to shove, I may be swimming against the gerain to crash the OV section, asssuming I get in. Also, while the GA Pit section will be awesome, I assume that the stage will be 10' - 12' high, so the pit will be 10' - 12' below the stage. Doesn't mean that I wouldn't want to be there, but I just don't think it will be overly crash-worthy. GA Field will be the hot pace to be (hence the larger ticket price).
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13 years 7 months

Broadway Joes!!!!
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9 years 10 months

Instead of selling my 3 day extra for face to a good bro I'm giving him and two other kind heads a miracle for a night each. For Karma and the music's sake please do the same if any others holding an extra.
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9 years 6 months

Not sure what the layout will be. The diagram puts the stage on top of the 100 level sections that would be behind the stage and they didn't sell any 100 level seats behind the stage. I have no idea, but the no views could be some of the best seats. You can't see much of anything from most of the seats. People on the stage will be dots. https://seatgeek.com/venues/soldier-field/seating-chart/chicago-bears-3… https://seatgeek.com/venues/soldier-field/seating-chart/chicago-bears-3… IMO, some of the worst seating is along the sides, even at the lower levels, because of the sound imbalance between left and right ears. for example 134, you'll be likely standing at 45 degree angle to face the stage. https://seatgeek.com/venues/soldier-field/seating-chart/chicago-bears-3… I'm wondering what is going to separate the field from the pit. Seems like the crowd would just sorta merge together without something like an 8 ft high fence. Also, I don't see much of barrier or drop from the 100 level seats to the field. Looks like you could just swing over and drop onto your feet.
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9 years 6 months

Broadway Joes, I used to sound for a couple bands and also played there many a night!!!
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9 years 6 months

Broadway Joes, I used to sound for a couple bands and also played there many a night!!!
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13 years 7 months

Where you hail from?
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12 years 8 months

Which one? Lol
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11 years 4 months

Jesus there are two of you!?!? :)
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Member for

9 years 7 months

Wow, I wish I had your problems... (ha-ha) Congrats on getting to go, however, it sounds like it might be a fun time...
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9 years 6 months

hope not...