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  • Golden Road
    The Future of Food
    Anyone see this movie? Anyone? I'm curious and may rent via NetFlix. "All energy flows according to the whims of the Great Magnet. What a fool I was to defy him."
  • TigerLilly
    In and Out
    As promised to marye. Is a comedy, starring Kevin Klein, Matt Dillon, Joan Cusak, and Tom Sellick. Kevin Klein is a schoolteacher, who is engaged to Joan Cusak (who is brilliant in this film, her adventures make me pee my pants). Matt Dillon is a former student who "outs" Kevin Klein at the Oscars. As you can imagine, a whole hooplah ensues (is a small conservative town where everybody knows everybody). There are episodes in this film that made me laugh until I had tears in my eyes. There is a scene of Kevin Klein trying to be macho that is a real comedic gem. And I will say no more than that, in case you decide to see it.
  • Golden Road
    My Cousin Vinny
    Forgot about this one but it's on one of the cable premium channels today, which reminded me. "All energy flows according to the whims of the Great Magnet. What a fool I was to defy him."
  • TigerLilly
    Damn fine story
    Batman!!!!!!!! Am glad to read that both you and that creature ended your encounter unharmed. Perhaps it had some message for you??? Perhaps you have passed some initiation test, and are now in the secret Bat brotherhood? Or perhaps he came to cleanse your house of some malignant insect spirit? The vision of some guy charging around his house in the middle of the night, equipped with Lacrosse gear just cracks me up.
  • Golden Road
    The End
    I awoke and noticed the sky was now fully illuminated by a hidden sun that sulked behind the dark horizon. The living room looked like a psychedelic Chucky Cheese experiment that had gone terribly wrong. Pastel colored pens littered the floor, a child’s motley and ragged stuffed bear hung precariously from a valance over the window that looks out to (what will one day be) our private garden and a fluorescent colored ping-pong ball lay in the middle of the kitchen floor. Ping-pong ball??? Where the hell did that come from, I wondered? I hadn’t actually seen the winged Ozzy Ozbourne of Death leave via the open door but after the anti-aircraft barrage I had done an extensive search of the house for the bat, going to each accessible room and it’s corners like a S.W.A.T. officer in a low production movie “clearing” them nervously, holding a baton type Maglite (the one with like 12 “D” batteries that weighs 30 lbs.) and the smaller version of the lacrosse stick (and helmet, of course). I repeated the sweep of the house several times and had declared an “all clear” to myself. I had won! It had taken a slightly longer time but all was righteous in a world where humans sat atop the pyramid of the Animal Kingdom. Immediately upon my personal declaration of victory, I ingested 75 mgs of Benadryl to accelerate the sleep process and re-started my movie. That had been little more than an hour ago but why was I awake again? The bliss of success faded faster than my rising fear and adrenalin as I spotted the furry vampire making, once again, it’s way around my living room! FUCK! This struggle had accelerated from a chance encounter between human and beast to a personal competition, which involved bragging rights between two social members and their respective groups. Bats are planning to take over the world, I reasoned. I was merely part of a twisted test scenario and perhaps the destiny of much more would be at stake if I failed, again. There are circumstances when we are pushed to our limits that define the nature of true grit. The sort of experiences that separate the preverbal “men from boys” in life that define timeless and vintage conflicts that ultimately pit the characters of fictional stories against real life dilemmas. What the heck did Chris Farley and David Spade do in that movie, “Black Sheep”, I asked? I ran to the closet and grabbed one of our large beach towels and used my wife’s nursing tape to affix it to the handle of the long pole version lacrosse stick. The other end, I attached to a formidable sized broom and using all my strength I held it open like some deranged version of a character cobbled together from Mad Max and William Wallace and charged the bat as it flew around the living room, timing my assault to corral the beast and force it into the office where I could, at least, confine it from the larger area which it had inhabited the past several hours. It sensed the onslaught and darted (as planned) into the office. I quickly slammed the French doors and barricaded them with the large (and heavy) beach towel at the threshold. Now to go outside, open the window and let nature (finally) take it’s course. Outside, I realized that I had not unlocked the window from the inside prior to my ingenious plan. Drats! Having locked myself out on at least one occasion since moving to this house, I had learned (the hard way) that these window locks are impenetrable to the old fashioned methods of defeat. I realized I would have to enter the office to put an end to this war, once and for all. Back inside, I “suited up” and cracked the door to see if I could detect a time when I could make my way inside without allowing the creature to escape. I detected no motion and after a few moments I slipped into the office, closed and LOCKED the door behind me. This struggle would end here, one-way or other and SOON. I unlocked the window and wrenched at the sill to open the upper half of the double hung pane but it wouldn’t budge. The effort had attracted the attention of my combatant and it swooped down toward me in several “dive bomb” attempts to rattle my nerve as I rattled the glass by hitting the frame several times with my palm, hoping the damn thing would break free of whatever kept it from opening. Finally I opened the lower half of the window and retreated to the confines of a small hallway that leads to our back room, which was at one time, a covered porch that was converted to indoor space some years prior to our purchase of the home. As I waited, the bat flew by near the ceiling level occasionally flying up to the closed section of window and veering away before repeating a circle of the small room. I couldn’t tell if it was toying with my hopes or attempting a bid at it’s own retreat. After several moments of repeating this dance, the bat again decided to take a rest and perched on the interior of the brick wall that extends from the living room to the office, which is the same wall containing the window. It looked over at me with it’s tiny pig nose huffing for oxygen and a sense of what I might do next. I could see it’s beady black eyes, it’s brown/black fur and the leathery skin of ears and wings drawn taught as it converted itself to a wall crawling contortionist. The beast was quite amazing and I felt a slight hint of admiration for it, bordering on compassion. It was looking directly at me when I blurted out, “For the love of God will you please leave my house!?! Go out the window, NOW!” It immediately flung itself airborne and made two or three low level circles around the office, one time flying into the cubby I occupied, causing me to hit the carpet in fear, before darting out the window and into the first rays of the suns direct light. I rushed over and slammed the window shut breathing a sigh of relief as I flopped into the computer chair. I took off the helmet and gloves, dropping them like a 1st grader home from the first full day of classes as I sloughed back to the couch. The Benadryl had taken it’s toll on me and having opted for a Seinfeld season 8 DVD instead of my chosen flick, I almost immediately fell into a twilight between sleep and a foggy conscience state. I said a short prayer that my enemy had found safe passage back home when my wife appeared at the hallway’s entrance, holding both our Yorkies with a puzzled look (all three of them) and asked, “What the hell happened in here?” “Just a bad case of insomnia,” I replied as I gathered my pillows and headed down the hall for bed. I had had enough of Bat Country. "All energy flows according to the whims of the Great Magnet. What a fool I was to defy him."
  • TigerLilly
    am on the edge of my seat!!!!!! PLEASE DO continue, G.R. And in the meantime will try to decide whether you have earned the Poe award for dark and suspenseful literary efforts, or the Bats in the Belfry award-or BOTH!!!!!
  • Golden Road
    This is Bat Country!
    Last night, after my evening shift, I lay down on the couch and prepared for what has become a rather routine ritual watching of "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas". As I settled in to a comfy position with my favorite pillows, I became blissfully aware that I might not be awake past the opening scenes. Soon, my dreams and reality swirled together and I fell into a light sleep. The next thing I remember hearing was the line, “We can't stop here. This is bat country!” I opened my eyes to see one of these winged devil birds flying right at me! I’ve often had the experience of my dreams combining with reality as in the fabled ringing of the alarm clock becoming something other than reality as one dreams but this was fucking ridiculous (sorry Izzy)! As my senses restored me to this partition of reality, I squinted in the dim backdrop of TV light (and through a small opening in the blanket I now had securely over my frightened head) to render further visual confirmation of this winged menace. In the flickering light of the various changes in movie scenes I could see the bat as it fluttered about the room silently, it’s transmuted form mocking the laws of physics and it’s echo locating chirps mocking my fear as it swooped down around me in a passing circular flight pattern. I’m an animal lover but when it comes to bats, I draw the line. I’m not saying I want them dead nor do I dismiss their benefits in terms of insect control but respect does not directly translate to the cuddle love I feel for other members of the mammal species. I mean ‘c’mon they’re 4-5 oz of pure terror! “Poor bastards, wait ‘till you see the goddamn bats….” The clock indicated 0220 hrs. and I intended to make quick work of this ferocious but small brained little enemy and be back in La-la land before the next whole hour. I had had some runs before with these pesky spawns of Satan, twice in cabins while on vacation. The trick is to open windows and doors so they can make themselves scarce, hopefully in short order by keeping them flying. Left to their own time schedule, bats can become unwanted freeloaders overnight, especially during the hottest nights of summer. Once they get the message they aren’t wanted, they begin looking for the Great Outdoors (wink). No need for violence or fly swatters, just easy work for a (now certified by this site) Super Genius. While my family slept safe in their beds, I began opening windows and the front door to make an easy egress for my winged nemesis. Now to sit back and wait and as I did so, I realized something. This was truly bat country! There were hordes of these creatures in my new neighborhood verified by myself on several dusk walks since moving here. Not to fear, this won’t take long…….. Several hours later found me donning a lacrosse helmet along with a two varying length “sticks” of the same sport and gloves from my sons’ left over sporting goods supplies that I had managed to obtain while maintaining my own hide intact, no thanks to my winged adversary that, no doubt, had emerged straight from Hell itself. This “Thing” had become amused at being quite capable of reeking pure terror at my expense. Wherever I went, “It” followed (with the great outdoors being the exception). Three times I had been expelled from my own abode and had “It” been in possession of opposable thumbs, I’m quite convinced I’d have been knocking at my wife’s bedroom window for re-entry. With every window in the house available to the creature now open, there were ample opportunities for a quick snack to this free loading winged rodent, as it terrorized it’s host while the insect masses not yet eaten alive, unwittingly descended upon my once pristine living room. Preferring what was left of the air conditioned air in the house, the bat reneged on dozens of close calls to exit via one of the many open portals, instead choosing to flutter ever closer to my person each time it vacated one of it’s choice perches at either of the rough brick interior walls we have in our living room. While perched upside down as it rested, the bat could be seen twisting it’s little nose at me while it’s snickering voice mocked my efforts. “Poor bastard”, that line must have been meant for me, written by a man who clearly knew the extent of his enemy’s cunning. As the wee hours of night were about to become shattered by the first rays of dawn’s early light, my opponent took an extended rest perched on one of the interior brick walls that run perpendicular to the front door, with it’s opening to freedom only several yards away. I assessed my options in the respite of my office which I had accessed during the lull by doing a barrel roll over the couch (catching my ankle on the hard wood of the large coffee table’s corner) and sprinting (despite the intense pain) the remaining distance as my enemy rested, all the while amused by my panic stricken antics, I’m sure. As my back was shoring the closed French doors to the office behind me and my chest heaved to suck in precious oxygen, I looked around the room for anything that might aid me in a “cattle drive” effort to rid my dwelling of this vermin, once and for all. After failing to imagine a “McGuiver” bat eviction device concocted from paper clips and spare parallel computer cables, I spied a basket containing my Yorkies’ stuffed animal collection (which they never play with ‘cause they would have to be put on the floor for such activities - which never happens – they spend their entire lives being held like babies). On the desk above was an old plastic drinking cup containing about 50 disposable ink pens garnered from half a lifetime of attending conventions, hotels and various other activities resulting in the receipt of promotional novelties. Whether due to the tightness of the lacrosse helmet, the summer’s late heat wave or the delirious desire to re-enter Sleep’s dark and silent gate, I found myself standing behind the doors to my office armed (literally) with about 8 or 9 small sized stuffed animals, a fist full of cheap Bic pens and a plan to become a human anti-aircraft Gatling gun, in an effort to drive away the fury weasel out the front door. So, in an older, fatter and nearly balder version of John McClane, I burst through the doors yelling, “Yippeee-ki-yay motherfucker!!!!” as a barrage of sophisticated weaponry was dispersed in the direction of my unwitting enemy. To be continued…… "All energy flows according to the whims of the Great Magnet. What a fool I was to defy him."
  • c_c
    deleted Caddyshack scene
  • c_c
    "So I jump ship in Hong Kong
    "So I jump ship in Hong Kong and make my way over to Tibet, and I get on as a looper at a course over in the Himalayas. A looper, you know, a caddy, a looper, a jock. So, I tell them I'm a pro jock, and who do you think they give me? The Dalai Lama, himself. Twelfth son of the Lama. The flowing robes, the grace, bald... striking. So, I'm on the first tee with him. I give him the driver. He hauls off and whacks one - big hitter, the Lama - long, into a ten-thousand foot crevasse, right at the base of this glacier. Do you know what the Lama says? Gunga galunga... gunga, gunga-galunga. So we finish the eighteenth and he's gonna stiff me. And I say, "Hey, Lama, hey, how about a little something, you know, for the effort, you know." And he says, "Oh, uh, there won't be any money, but when you die, on your deathbed, you will receive total consciousness." So I got that goin' for me, which is nice" "Bark like a dog." "Freeze Gopher!" ---- Carl Spackler
  • unbrknchain
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    Bill Murray.....
    "Hey, no ones using this cart! I think I'll take a quick drive down the street and have a drink." LOL
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17 years 9 months
Let's talk movies!!
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17 years 8 months

That I have really bad taste in movies....Mosquito, Eight Legged Freaks & of course the best movie of all Dawn Of the Dead featuring the first Zombie Baby!! Gotta love them zombies...dead at heart and in mind lol brains!!!! Life's too short to be blue...
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17 years 8 months

...yep- 2001 A Space Odyssey. (stanley kubrick rocks.)
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17 years 8 months

I have to say that Repo Man is up there for me. Clerks, Full Metal Jacket, Tommy Boy.And who can forget The Grateful Dead Movie!!!!
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17 years 9 months

CCJoe, I can't see your attachments (here at work, right now) so I'll have to wait 'till I get home to see what you posted but NOTHING is bigger than The Big Lebowski, the greatest movie ever made! I learned in mechanical drawing class (many years ago) to avoid being redundant and I've probably over applied that concept in other areas of life that may require more direct communication. So indeed TBL would be, by default, # 1 on my list. I've also been avoiding putting some of the other movie titles we had on the previous board, to allow our missing commrades time to post up themselves. That had been one of my favorite threads before we moved. "This aggression will not stand, man....."
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17 years 9 months

I feel how you feel, GRTUD. yeah, I didn't really feel like repeating myself again either... where is the archive with all of our old posts?? but this shit: I will put in again. very cool folks, and funny as shit. by the by, it has NOTHING to do with that other rabbit. peace.
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17 years 8 months

Is this for real? I am going to try it as soon as blockbuster gets Wizard of Ozz back in..Roger Waters was a trip last week at the Hollywood Bowl..
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17 years 8 months

I'm the Dude so that's what you call me...or his Dudeness or el Dudarino, if you're not into the whole brevity thing.....I"M BACK!!!! YEAH!!!! Looks like they got the situation worked out with comcast email addresses so I'm back to being GRTUD and it feels gooooood. The Dude Abides!
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17 years 9 months

"Before you step on board Sir, your name I'd like to know" "Already know what I need to know Name, address and phone number, Lord And just how far to go Looking for a chateau"
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17 years 8 months

Tommy Boy is an awesome movie! One of my all time favorites.'Cmon ya'll this was a good thread on the old boards. Anyone seen the new "Pirates" movie? How 'bout the new "Die Hard" that comes out today? "What we seem to have here, is a failure to communicate!"
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17 years 8 months

Film studies is kind of a hobby of mine. It would take too long to list all of my favorites, and if you asked me tomorrow, my list would look very different. Here are a few of my favorites in no particular order: NASHVILLE (Robert Altman-1975) Arguably Altman's masterpiece (Macabe & Mrs. Miller and Short Cuts being the other "great" Altman films), and one of the great movies about America in the '70's It also speaks presciently about the world today as well. "It don't worry me", indeed. RAN (Akira Kurosawa-1985) Kurosawa is my favorite director, and all of his films are favorites of mine, but this is simply one of the greatest films of all time. Kurosawa re-imagines Shakespeare's King Lear in 16th century Japan. The hubris of man. Shot entirely in deep focus with drenching color, this film is beautiful to look at as well. The first major battle scene was Spielberg's inspiration for the opening of Saving Private Ryan. Of course Kurosawa's films have always inspired western directors: Lucas used Hidden Fortress as the basis for Star Wars, Yojimbo was remade into A Fist Full of Dollars, The Seven Samarui was remade into The Magnificent Seven. THE THIRD MAN (Carol Reed-1947) Post War Berlin. Intrigue! Surprises! Mystery! Weird camera angles! Orson Welles, a ferris wheel, and the coo coo clock speech! Also a killer zither musical score (that's right, I said a killer zither score!) MODERN TIMES (Charlie Chaplin-1936) My favorite Chaplin film. This is one of the funniest movies you'll ever see. The mix-up in the prison when The Tramp accidentally get high on cocaine is hilarious. The first time I saw it I almost peed my pants. AMARCORD (Frederico Fellini-1973) I am not that big a fan of Fellini, but this film knocked my socks off. A sentimental, funny, and hallucinatory remembrance of growing up in early Mussolini Italy (The title means "I Remember"). DISCREET CHARM OF THE BOURGEOISIE (Luis Bunuel-1972) Bunuel was the king of film surrealism, and social criticism. Also recommended by Bunuel: The Exterminating Angel, Un Chien Andelu and L'Age D'Or (The last two were made with Salvador Dali in 1928 and were banned for like 60 years. Andelu has the famous shot of a woman's eye getting sliced.) THE WILD BUNCH (Sam Peckinpah-1969) If you like shootouts in your westerns, it doesn't get any better than this. BRAZIL (Terry Gilliam-1985) Gilliam's wacky and epic masterpiece. A funny and surreal fable about the emptiness of"modern" life. Make sure you see the director's cut. RAGING BULL (Martin Scorsese-1980) The most visceral character study I've ever seen. It is a damn perfect film. THE NATURAL (Barry Levinson-1984) Adapted from the brilliant Bernard Malamud novel, this film mixes motifs from classical mythology with American and baseball mythology. It works better than you might think. Yo Soy Boricua!
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17 years 8 months
Permalink I had the great opportunity years back to see almost all of Kurosawa's films, some that I really liked: Drunken Angel (1948), The Quiet Duel (1949). Stray Dog (1949 Scandal (1950) and there was another I liked called Dodeskaden (1970) about a semi retarded boy who loved trains... I just read on the above link website, it was panned by the Japanese critics and Kurosawa attempted suicide because of that. fuck the critics, I thought it was great. and Scorcese is the master of American film in my book, almost everyone has seen Goodfellas, but I also really like After Hours. peace.
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Hey CC, I really like After Hours too. One of Scorsese's underrated films along with King of Comedy.As for Kurosawa, the Japanese critics were always hard on Kurosawa because his films were thought to be too "western." Yojimbo is essentially a Samurai western. His favorite director was John Ford. Anyway, he didn't do much in the '70s after his suicide attempt. He did get funding from the USSR for the little seen Dersu Urzula. It's really a good film. Well, his comeback was spurred by Scorsese, Lucas, and Coppola personally funding 1980's Kagemusha, which was something of a dress-rehearsal for Ran. Incidentally, Scorsese makes a cameo in Kurosawa's 1990 film Dreams. It's a beautifully strange film. He literally filmed his dreams. Interesting. Yo Soy Boricua!
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17 years 8 months

has anyone ever seen to live ad die in L.A.? it has a car chase scene that is up there with bullitt(another classic) and french connection(yet another classic)...did steve mcqueen ever make a bad movie? lebowski is in the coen triple play of raising arizona and fargo..."I'll take these here Huggies and any money that you might have in the register."
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17 years 9 months

yeah, I think he showed a bit too much of the under-belly of post war Japan is another reason, unfortunately my 'source' for free sub-titled Kurosawa films dried up years ago but it was great while it lasted.... I saw most of his early stuff, but not too many in the 70's or 80's genre. I always prefered his modern set films, especially the ones with gangsters or evil do-ers. but I dug Yojimbo, too. have you ever seen any Japanese Yakuza fims? (a lot were made in the 1970's) many are kind of cheesy, but they are an interesting sub-culture. I'll try to find 'Dreams' peace.
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17 years 9 months

Great movie! One of my favs as a kid. I saw this at the movie theater and really felt like I was in that car going up and down the hills of SF. Years later when I actually went to SF I could appreciate the thrills all over again. "This aggression will not stand, man....."
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17 years 8 months

In case anyone was wondering, I'm logged in as Golden Road because someone brought to my attention a 1987 Philly Spectrum concert was dated incorrectly and I posted a comment from my experience which was slated to be removed. I logged in as my new, old, new self only to find that a PM had been sent to that effect. I simply forgot to log out and in as my new, old, new, old self. In case anyone was wondering (I really wasn't trying to fluff the image of this thread....) "Who the fuck are the Knutsens?"
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17 years 9 months

laying in bed, I finally remembered this movie, the counterfit money movie. I was going nuts, kind of confusing the title in my mind with Less Than Zero, which is another really cool movie (but a much better book) by the by... glad to see, GRTUD, you are back to your old self... bite the bullit on that one, if you would. peace.
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17 years 8 months

In no particular order...A Perfect World, Shawshank Redemption, Green Mile, Apocalapse Now(of course), any Stanley Kubrick, any John Belushi, Caddyshack, The Hustler, Requeim for a Heavyweight, Easy Rider, Vanishing Point.
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17 years 8 months

less than zero the movie was really bad but the book was something out of left field. bret easton ellis's writing style is something that must be taken with a grain of sugar...american psycho was a twisted book and a decent movie...dawg, do you like the apocalypse redux? i think that some of the added scenes really improve an already great anyone a michael mann fan here?
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17 years 9 months

I wouldn't say the movie Less Than Zero was 'bad' I dug it, I dug it a whole lot more than American Psyco the film, but I loved that book. but what film was ever better than the book?? I know I might get some shit for this, but Da Vinci Code the film was 'better' in so far as easier to follow... and faster to the punch. that said, the times that I read it, twice, I really really drunk both times... and jet lagged. I remember reading it in Prague; drinking real Budweiser beer and in Cambodia drinking Angkor beer... I have liked M. Mann ever since Miami Vice the TV show, Heat was pretty cool, did you know he wrote some of the Starsky and Hutch episodes... and I think some of the Dan Tanna Vegas! shows. Apoc Now the directors cut was cool, not that many extra scenes as I remember... back to this: what film was ever better than the book??
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17 years 8 months

Apoc Redux is cool, I like it, it didn't take anything away from the original I always watch deleted scenes on movie DVD's and more often than not I think they should have put them in, it certainly would make you feel like you got your moneys worth at the theater if the movie was 20 minutes longer.
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17 years 8 months

Two that I can think of. 2001 - A Space Odyssey and MASH. Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes.) Walt Whitman-Song of Myself
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17 years 9 months

I know I'll get MAJOR shit for this but, I liked "Fellowship of the Rings" better as a movie than book. To me the book was drowning in descriptive adjectives and micro textures narratives. I know, I know, it was amazing but to me, BORING as well. I've had insomnia for years and when I was in high school, I used to read the first chapter when I couldn't sleep. Made Hemmingway seem like a casual observer. The Dude Abides!
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17 years 8 months

MAJOR SHIT for GRTUD. The Fellowship books were an amazing long term detailed epic adventure and built a fantasy world with all those great characters. The trilogy wasgroundbreaking. I enjoyed the movies but thought they relied too much on constant adrenaline highs and violence. Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes.) Walt Whitman-Song of Myself
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17 years 9 months

I happen to like constant adrenaline highs, with donuts preferably (but I'm with ya' on the violence). Just typing the original post was a pure rush! I'm working on one to piss all the Star Wars people off next. This aggression will not stand, man!
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17 years 8 months

I've known GRTUD for years! Know him better than he knows himself, infact. With a bit of luck, his life was ruined forever. Always thinking that just behind some narrow door in all of his favorite bars, men in red woolen shirts are getting incredible kicks from things he'll never know. He's been ranting for years about such nonsense. Bobby's bands are boring, Lord of the Rings book was boring, etc., etc. I remember thinking 'Jesus, what a terrible thing to lay on someone with a head full of acid'. Hal, you're dead on with your interpertation of The Rings Trilogy being a total psychedelic journey into the psyche of the "civilized human mind". No movie could do it justice in less than 4 hours. GRTUD I'm warning you! No goddamn posts about Star Wars unless it's more honorable than this "Rings" shite, for fuck sake! If you so much as utter "Space Balls" so help me.......don't tell me these things. Not now man. "That poor fool! Wait till he sees those goddamn bats!"
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17 years 8 months

Golden Road, the enlightening thing about it is that both you and GRTUD likeI to bowl, drive around......and have the occasional acid flashback. Whose are better? That may be the key. I don't not want to cncourage or unleash this Star Wars beast you speak of. Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes.) Walt Whitman-Song of Myself
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17 years 9 months

Star Wars (older stuff) was boring... original 1977 genre I mean. except for Return of the Jedi. I never saw any of the new stuff. go on, shovel on the shit. I am an original series Star TREK fan. that series rules. I never watched more than 10 minutes of the next generation... so what, I am a purist. Here is an analogy test; Golden Road is to Next Generation as GRTUD is to: a) Space Balls b) Star Trek (with Bill Shatner) c) Killer Klowns from Outer Space d) Space Cowboys answers must be in the form of a question. peace. ( -;
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17 years 9 months

2001... also... even though the book was excellent... and even though king didn't like the original, but instead went on to make a LAME remake... "the (kubrick) shining".
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17 years 8 months

Here are two that I think are a tie, both equally good. Blade Runner and the book Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick from which it was adapted. Also Clockwork Orange a tie, I remember it being a difficult read because of many words that were made up for that world, but in a way that was kind of cool. Two of my favorite movies. And I told GRTUD that Lord of the Rings movies were too violent? I still stand on what I stand on. See quote below. Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes.) Walt Whitman-Song of Myself
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17 years 9 months

300Pans Labyrinth Transformers The new Harry Potter Shrek 3 Saw II and III The Simpsons .......a few movies I'd like to see made.... The Hobbit - Directed by Peter Jackson Halo Blade 4 - or/and a continuation of Blade The Series
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They could make you very happy...
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?????Killer Klowns from Outer Space?!?!?!?!?!?!? Most definitely! "Bazooko's Circus is what the whole hep world would be doing Saturday nights if the Nazis had won the war. This was the Sixth Reich."
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17 years 8 months

You're not wrong, you're just an asshole! And the analogy thing is all wrong too, man. What the fuck are talking about? What is, Star Trek (w/Shatner)? That's the correct answer! Just calm down, man. "All the Dude ever wanted was his rug back."
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Member for

17 years 9 months
Permalink are. Oh and in the tie category, I'd have to say, "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" or The Vegas Book, as it was often referred. Interesting that we are here discussing two books I really never thought would become movies (Fellowship of the Rings and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas) because I just couldn't picture in my mind how it would come about. The Vegas movie had all kind of social / cultural baggage to drag across a country's mindset that was shifting faster than presidential canidate's stand on gay marriage and tax cuts. I was surprised that it wasn't a crime just to buy tickets! This irrational fear of addiction is very ironic considering the ape that's now on the monkey's back. One Ring to rule them all..... "All energy flows according to the whims of the Great Magnet. What a fool I was to defy him."
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Member for

17 years 9 months

GRTUD,correct in the analogy. Golden Road, you got a split personality or something?? just when you think you have a person figured out, they go ahead and do something confusing, and illogical!! ( -:
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Member for

17 years 8 months

That guy's a freak! What's all that crap about Vietnam? What does anything have to do with Vietnam? The Dude Abides!
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Spock: I love you, however, I hate you. Alice 210: But I am identical in every way with Alice 27! Spock: Exactly. That is exactly why I hate you, because you are identical. (Both the androids slump over in confusion) Spock: Fascinating. Kirk: Is there anyone on this ship who even remotely looks like Satan? Spock: I am not aware of anyone who fits that description, Captain. Kirk: No, Mr. Spock, I didn't think you would be. Kirk: The boundary layer between what and what? Spock: Between where we were and where we are. Kirk: Are you trying to be funny, Mr. Spock? Spock: It would never occur to me, Captain. ( -:
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Golden Road, did you decide you didn't "bowl, drive around......and have the occasional acid flashback." since GRTUD does the same? The Fear and Loathing movie was a real trip, watched it the same night as Naked Lunch. That really twisted my mind. Like a psychedelic Creature Feature. I invite you to try it some time. I saw Hunter Thompson speak/spew/smoke/drink back in the day at the University of Iowa. We spoke for a short period. I cannot reveal what we discussed. This site may be monitored. He autographed a dollar bill for me. I still have it. This Golden Road/GRTUD assemblage is messing with my mind Calling ground control. Where is the light at the end of the tunnel? Where is the lost chord? Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes.) Walt Whitman-Song of Myself
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Member for

17 years 8 months

That's what you have for sure, Hal R......all I can say is, WOW! I'm sure you will treasure the experience with HST. He was a damn fine American, as well a (real) Dr. of Journalism (unlike our evil friend, Golden Road - or should I say, "Fiend"). He actually means well, I've known him for as long as I can remember - quite harmless in fact. We've been through quite a lot of interesting experiences together. I can honestly say, he was there when no other dared venture with me. I'm not sure what he's angling at these daze but I'm sure we'll just have to stay tuned to find out...... CC Joe, weren't those Star Trek scripts awesome! I mean the transcendental quality spilling out, all over prime time America! It doesn't get any better than that, man. We should ask for a "TV" sub-section to this thread (or just make one right now). The Dude Abides!