Body Block
// pull in news from "50th Anniversary" feature type taxonomy
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echo $news;
Grateful Dead Original Members Add Two Dates To Final Concerts
April 10, 2015

The original members of Grateful Dead have announced two additional shows at Levi’s Stadium in Santa Clara, California on June 27th and 28th, as part of their “Fare Thee Well: Celebrating 50 Years of Grateful Dead” run. Along with the three shows at Chicago's Soldier Field on July 3rd, 4th, and 5th, the run will mark the original members' last-ever performances toget
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As I PMd, I am in need, but I think we all here agree that if anyone is to get a shot at a tic, it should be Klangstone. He has been on a crazy emotional roller-coaster ride and just wants to be there and pay a fair price for it;
Don't think you should give it away oh-wise and pedigreed descendant of geomeister, but get your money back; you are more than paying it forward.
To quote Jerry who stole it from....
As Proper Lady said.....
Offer to Mike @ aka Corporal Klanger.... I mean KLANGSTONE....
He is a righteous dude, and I really wanna meet that friggin clown
I'm sure he'd offer you a reasonable sum to cover your expenses.....
Then we got to work on my Lady friend Dave....
I'll find my way
I'll find my way - bra (doing my best Phishead impersonation),
$20 a hit bra; no deals bra...heh heh $10 for a 'loon man, no deals bra!
It depends...
....On the phase of the moon. ;p
"I got the schizophrenic blues. No I dont. Yes I do." - Cosmic Dave
That directed at me?
Heh heh - couldn't be more right...thing is my couple of days off did me some good. I am peace with not going now. I was in a super bad place and wasn't functioning, but I am ok now (I think). I can also change plans at the drop of a hat too since I don't live SUPER far from Chi-town; it is a day drive but that is not crazy in the scheme of if come June the rats leave the ship, then I will be there, if the stars align, then I will be there, if nothing comes through, I won't be and thats ok;
Example - I FINALLY cashed my GDTS money has been what? a month? I am letting go's all good
Rochester now, had to get educated.......but I can pack a kind basket
The things...
We need the most come without actually looking for them, they just fall into our laps...
Giving up the worry not only soothes the soul, but let's the stars align as they are meant to, not the way we wish they should be arranged...
Hang in there Lady....
That Donna needs a 900 number....
Miracles are happening hourly in this community...Keep your eyes open, remain kind (you are) and good things will happen...
Got a MO miracle
For that I am truly humbled....
Keep your options open...
I will look out for you my WNY native brother...
Shit if not we can go to Moe down at BB Kings that weekend
Make believe it's Broadway Joes
Be good!
Re: geo-location
Currently in Boise, ID. Grew up just outside of Rochester, NY, migrated to Crazy-fornia for college, then moved to Dallas for work.
sorry, it just sucks having tickets dangled, never could reach it, just slips away when I try
@ rrrrgrrrrr
no, no not you. GDTSTOO, TM, Shapiro and the aholes on ebay, It is reaaallly tough to be in limbo still
You people really are the best! I cannot say if I have ever been treated so kindly by people I have not even met...yet.
With EVERYONE here on my side how can I lose? I think even if I lose, I have won.
So humbled and touched by all you kind folks.
Now, just need the information machine regarding Santa Clara to kick into gear.
I am still focused on Chicago and still will be even if SC happens and I get tix to it. I will never live it down if I don't get to the SD picnic. I am so looking forward to meeting and partying with y'all.
At this point I don't see myself not making it to this gig, hoping for the positivity to turn into a bonafide (and confirmed) trip to Chi-town!
Not that limbo
got my pinkie on 3-10, but I figure I'm still golden and will be there, just dont know the circumstances of my tickets, yetI'll be there dreaming........
Oh yeah, Broadway Joes. Sonic Garden! I did however, spend many an evening sipping pints at Mr. Goodbar.And the Friday free food happy hour was a great bonus!
Hey now! Nothing will end a 3 day show faster than crashing behavior that leads to anyone being hurt! Seriously people posts like this are not helpful for scene mentality--especially talking about jumping over walls etc. Grown up deadheads need to set the tone here. We want to enjoy the party one last time peacefully. Pass it on...
Right back at you....
Gives me PTSD from the Who in Cincinnati and Dead 95.....
Damn, I'm all in, but not ready to lose my family over this....
Problem is, when it's mentioned, it gives people ideas.....
TAKE A STEP BACK heads and trustifarians....please
Don't need negative press at this scene, I'm off duty for this run of shows...
Those who know me know what it means...this shit was ugly from 91-95.....
Don't want to revisit it...
Going out proud....GRATEST story ever told.....
Some great 90's shows but as has been stated here recently the tone set by 90's shenanigans at the shows was embarrassing. I enjoyed tours 70's -90's but somewhere near the end the scene turned sour. Not 100%, but enough to wish people would shape up and show the younger ones the way. If these last 3 nights are to represent the true community of the Dead as well as the music sans our beloved lost members now "pushing up daisies" as Bobby so Weirly said, we need to represent ourselves as who we really are. No gate crashing. No stage crashing. No behavior that makes us DH's look like assholes. Nothing left to do......but smile smile smile. Enjoy the show, twirl, and share the love. Oh and please invite me to the Pic-a-nic!!!!
Scarlet ....
Be you dude or Dudette ...come over to Sunshine Daydreamers crowd, introduce yourself and details will be provided by the Grand Poobah!
I am pretty sure you can invite yourself to the pic-a-nic!!! I don't think any one is going to refuse a fellow head from showing this rate, forget shakedown (at the current parking prices, I think the VW buses will be replaced by BMW and Merc SUVs) - how fucking funny would that be?!?
"forget grilled cheese, try my free range turkey on a spelt, rosemary focaccia smothered in organic cranberries and roasted gouda...we don't sell beer anymore; how about some San Pellegrino?"
Just bein' real yo
Looking at the prices people are shelling out for these shows, I am not thinking I am too far off...
Granted though, as I typed that, I was thinking how awesome that sandwich would be...I should make dinner
NO crashing
have not read the entire thread to get full context but could not agree more...we need to behave ourselves. i for one don't want to be the butt of jokes for the national media, nor do any of us want a show cancelled or cut short because of an ugly scene. oh well, nuff preaching.
if you're in enjoy it; if you're not, don't give up hope.
7/3 obstructed but cheap
Watch this one but don't bid til last minute. Ya never know... Wouldn't mind coming to the Pic-a-nic,...Grant Park? or elsewhere? Itinerary? Would love to hang with like minded individuals. I scored an Air B&B within walking distance. I'm on east coast, so I'm usually late to the conversation. Anyway, whether I meet you on the outside or the inside, I'll be "So Glad You Made It!"…
Prayers to family
This is sure not the rite forum to write this but it gets a lot of views so hoping many of us can pray for peace in the hearts of the loved ones who lost family members recently in the Alps plane crash that now is being reported as deliberate . Sorry to throw a wrench into our happy tickets search times . I do hope we can send good vibes the family's way.
re: Germanwings Flight 9525
hockey_john: I'm glad you made that post, brother, as I pass along overwhelming condolences to their families and friends. Sadly, I heard the translation of the French Public Prosecutor's description of what went down and it's some of the most bone-chilling audio you'll ever hear.
Godspeed to us all and grant us safe flights up and back to Chicago.
Flight 9525
Amen on the prayers and +1 on the condolences for sure!
A moment of silence please...
grew up in hamburg(oxymoron?) when? I graduated '75. and yes Sonic Garden at B'way Joes, I did sound for them there many times..
Crashing, inside or outside, can bring on a bad scene quick, '77 Rochester folks got broken ribs and had to go over the rail, you can hear it on Dicks Picks Jerry Bobby and Phil all telling the croud to chill, Lucky for me I had a short chick in front of me and my hands on the rail I held off the croud and she was my cushion.
That was a week before the Who in Cinci...
Jerry would have liked Hamburg-ers
Well, JGB never did play the Erie County Fair grandstand, but dammit, that is the birthplace of the hamburger. Not the birthplace of Haasgen Dazs, but Jerry would have liked that. Actually, that is one of the best damn county fairs I've ever been to. Well Boo, I didn't graduate until 1987. I was around the music scene though so we probably crossed paths at some point.
Random Observation
I made an hour drive yesterday, and saw a Have a Grateful Day license plate cover, a 4Runner covered in skull stickers, a DARKSTR license plate and a Jerry hand on another car's rear window. I normally see one Dead reference per month in my neck of the woods. It's catching fire, I'm tellin' ya! Fare thee well--the band as we know it perhaps, but the vibe is still strong in the community. Ok, back to our regularly scheduled programming....
Gathering of the vibes
Yet ANOTHER East Coast festival...
re: another source confirming Santa Clara
What a clueless joker who wrote that article on HYPE Music Festivals.
"In my opinion, Santa Clara makes more sense in general for a Fare Thee Well showcase. I mean, The Grateful Dead were born on the West coast and were always primarily, a West coast band."
Really? ...and were always primarily, a West coast band.
Zero cred to that writer. Wish I had the 53 tie-die banner that hung in the rafters of The Spectrum in Philly. Most shows there than any other venue - period. Not to mention all the NJ, NY, & Mass shows.
What a jackass...
Okay - venting over.
made sense
What he said made sense to me, but what do I know? I'm a westerner...
not rivals
No rivalry here, just a difference of geographical opinion.
We are on the same team still, right TF?
looking for tickets for 2021 SPAC, 2 Mansfield shows, and Hartford
The tree of might just may have the most beautiful yet strangest creatures I've ever seen.., jesus Christ.. bring the sunshine