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  • Eric Abrahamson
    9 years 3 months ago
    Eric Abrahamson At my age, it's already predetermined that I'm not going to go to all that trouble unless I like it. The glass is either half-full or half-empty. Nobody twisted my arm, put me in a headlock, and made me listen to it-I think it's cool. I asked my brother for money to go, and he gave me 2 tickets. My friend Billy "Buzzboy" Rose, "Wavy Gravy's adopted son", used to be a Grateful Dead roadie, he got me backstage at the first show I went to after I met him, so I think they're good to me. My other friend, Richie Shirley, from the Hog Farm, was in the backstage Crew, traveled around the country with them and sold official T-shirts, and his wife, Andrea, "Mom", the cook at Camp Winnarainbow, used to work in their office in San Rafael and they had an apartment there. I met Richie and Billy at Woodstock where the Hog Farm was the Security and the Please Force, so you kids who pan them, fuck you and your worthless idiot opinions. You've never even been there yet, if you ever get there, at this rate. I think they were the best rock and roll band that ever was, and the Rolling Stones was #2, and I've seen them both. Compared to what, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir? The technology is pretty good for playing in a stadium as big, new, and modern as that. They can hear everything you say and see everything you do, and my brother bought me a ticket way up in the back. In between songs this kid 10 rows down says, "Shoot him!" and I go, "I have a gun!" and immediately they started into "Loser", "If I had a gun/For every ace I have drawn/I could arm a town/The size of Abilene!" I don't like it when they get that personal, ad hominem, but I'm still a fan, because even if they ever had a bad day, they recorded plenty of *good* days, which can always happen, always *do* happen at least a little bit, and silicon is immortal. Great light show. The only problem is with the critics and nay-sayers, who have pre-judged it all instead of, "Judge not!"--like "prejudiced". They already don't like it, they were prepared not to like it--there is nothing the band could have done or could do that they would have liked or would like. It's against their religion. It couldn't be worse if they sang traditional Moslem hymns to Allah in Arabic. They probably know how. There was a day when *everybody* liked it, even my parents. They were the #2 top-grossing entertainment act for 2 years in a row; #1 was Bill Cosby, by concerts, not by record sales, by word-of-mouth, household names, I remember. Nobody listened to that thing about rock-and-roll being "the Devil's music", and if you play it backwards it says, "Hail, Satan!" In my opinion, the Church rejects dancing, "worldly", as opposed to gospel or spiritual music, commercial music, art, literature, drama, culture, one of the reasons, because it's linked in their mind with pagan religion, which certainly applies to the Grateful Dead. However, I would argue that when the Christians converted the Roman Empire and tore down the Pagan temples, later they incorporated some of the features of the pagan religions into their own, from what I've heard. For example, do they say that the gods and goddesses of the polytheistic pantheons of the ancient cultures like Greece, Italy, Egypt, Babylonia are really One, the Lord God of the Old Testament? Or it says on Wikipedia that the Lord God of the Old Testament was the war god of the Phoenicians, like Mars Hill, though I don't see why not the head god Jupiter, Zeus, Ra, or Aten, where Moses got it. Then the Christians say Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, the Trinity is One, with Jesus Christ being the Son, a bow to pagan polytheism, but just 3. But they also have the Virgin Mary, who some say is Mother Earth, lots of saints and angels, etc. They say the 30,000 Roman and Greek gods were angels and demons, it's confusing, but some of them were like the Christian God in some ways. For example, Zeus sounds like "deus", which means "God". Jupiter, the Roman for Zeus, has also the name "Jove", which sounds like "Jehovah", which is translated "LORD" in the Old Testament. I read that the Christians used features from the Eleusinian Mysteries of Demeter, the Earth Mother in the Mass, the table, I think, maybe cups, candles, etc. to attract pagans. Some of the saints represent pagan deities from other cultures, and now they become Christian. The Greeks and Romans also had animal sacrifices like the Jews in the Tabernacle and Temple. Lots of their gods had wings like the Jewish angels, like Cupid, Victory, and Iris, the Rainbow. Maybe Moses got the snake on the pole from Mercury's Caduceus, and Asculepius the healer. The Elysian Fields is similar to the Christian Heaven, and Hades to the Christian Hell. Of course, there are just as many differences as similarities. Online I saw a book by the Church Father St. Clement where he uses Ulysses tied to the mast not to hear the Sirens' Song in Homer's "Odyssey" as an example of successfully resisting temptation, "Epistle to the Greeks". Of course, the Pope and the Vatican have always been in Rome. The Father represents Odin from Norse Germanic neo-Paganism, and Thor Jesus in a way. The word "Holle", "hell", isn't in the Bible, it's in the Norse "Eddas". *Valhalla* was their "Heaven". They mixed it with the Jewish Old Testament, the Greek and Roman paganism, etc. They included some of the old Jewish Mosaic prohibitions. Religion has art, music, literature, architecture, and Greek religion was somewhat based on plays. The Old Testament Tabernacle and Temple had a lot of art, sculpture, music, and architecture, and the Bible itself really is man-made literature. They just want a monopoly and no competition, and to control the State. A lot of art, music, literature, architecture, and sculpture got it's start in religion and then some Christians object for those artisans to become commercial, to use it for money, because they want to control the money, which is also man-made. It belongs to the person whose picture is on the money, who owns the metal mines, the mints, and who coins the money. "Render to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's." There *is* no picture of God. Some of the Caesars, Roman Emperors, made the people worship them as gods. Constantine himself was Apollo the Sun-God before he was a Christian. Go figure. Another reason the Church may prohibit "drugs, sex, rock-and-roll, drinking, smoking, and cussing", besides Scripture, as well as art, music, literature, theatre, and culture, science, technology, medicine, "the works of men's hands", the prohibition on idolatry, "make no graven image","bow down to no graven image", well that's another one. *Another* one, "God has made everything sufficient, but they have sought out many inventions." But the Church wants the money that people spend on entertainment, art, music, literature, plays, to go to them. Maybe they *did* think they were all being guided by *God* when they were on LSD and they were deceived by the Devil, "caught in the Devil's bargain", "Satan Himself appears as an Angel of Light to deceive if He can the very Elect," but they were experimenting and they thought they were right. Maybe if you got psychedelic by fasting 40 days in the desert those are true, not Satanic, visions. I think they came true for some of them; potentially could have come true for a lot more. Ram Dass called them "entheogens, 'theo', Greek for 'God', 'God-manifesting', you see God, become One with God, become God". "I am That I am." "I and the Father are One." "If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father." "I said ye are gods; nevertheless you shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes." "We are as gods, and we might as well get good at it." The only psychedelic church I ever heard of was the Native American Church in New Mexico, who had a cross on the altar. They converted all the American Indians to Christianity, but they can still do some traditional Indian things they all (or at least some of them) like to do, just to preserve the culture for posterity. People are always interested in what happened in the past; it's valuable information. The price of Indian jewelry has gone up at least 100x in my lifetime, as it becomes more scarce, as they become lost arts, and they were better before the Wasichus came. There's that Jesse Colin Young song, "Before You Came", how great the Indians had it. A lot of pagan spirituality is a lot higher than a lot of Western spirituality; it's the same thing. If you call the Virgin Mary the Earth Mother, or Father God, Mother Earth, or the Yin-Yang, that's Paganism, or different forms of it, generally speaking. Freud in "Moses and Monotheism", says the Egyptian polytheism was better than the Egyptian monotheism, because when Iknaton switched them to Aten, the One God form of the Sun God Ra, he made Pharoah Iknaton at the top of the "pyramid", with all the ranks of nobles, courtiers, priests, and common people. With the polytheistic system, Isis, Osiris, all that, even though it's true what the Christians say, they worshipped animals, crocodiles, cattle, ibises, hawks, birds, elephants, lions, etc., as the Christians say, "brute beasts", power was more diffuse throughout society, less centered in the king. And he says they were more prosperous, too, with polytheism, that their society declined with monotheism, they overthrew Iknaton, called him a heretic, and restored polytheism. That was why one of the reasons Moses had to get out, to preserve the monotheistic concept somewhere else by founding a new religion. He was raised by the Pharaoh's daughter. There are traces of the Egyptian roots in Moses' writings; he uses the Hebrew word "Elohim", "gods", plural, for "LORD God", and "Thou shalt have no other gods before me," admitting they exist, but fighting them, and "Who is like unto Thee, among the gods?" "You're the best!" I don't know; I'm not a theologian. I just had a year of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Yale, and graduated from Mountain Heights neo-Pentecostal Bible College in 1974. I saw the Jupiter-Venus conjunction in Leo tonight, the same as the Star of Bethlehem. It was out for about an hour. Astrology is from paganism, too, and probably the Dead used an astrologer when they set up the stadium dates as a Christian joke, although who knows how forgiving the Christians can be about that. The Bible accuses those who "worship the host of heaven upon the housetops" and they said that meant the pagan Babylonian astrologers. But the Christians reject a lot of other things the Jews said, like the rule against pork. Maybe that verse condemns the Roman astrologers, too. I read that not only were the Romans, and Greeks, into that, but they had augurs, or prophecies by things like the flight of birds, which might signify things like victory or defeat in war, or they'd read the entrails of animals they sacrificed, like tea leaves, or "sibyls" at the Oracle of Apollo at Delphi would prophecy the future in poetry, Socrates had a "inner god" that told him what to do. The Christians say "abandon all that" and then years later when you're "mature in the Lord" it wasn't so bad, and won't really hurt you, "all things are pure to him who is pure", "nothing is unclean of itself", etc. This issue is "if __________ makes my brother to stumble, I will eat no ____________," "Blessed is the man who is not condemned by the thing he alloweth," and something about the "commandments of men". I'm going to write more on another post so it isn't too long.
  • deaded2
    9 years 3 months ago
    Hehe gardenamesX2 :) I was
    Hehe gardenamesX2 :) I was thinking just the opposite... direwulf isinmyhead I hope they play it next week!!! Don't murder me I beg of you don't murder me Pleeeeeeeeeeaaase don't murder me
  • Default Avatar
    9 years 3 months ago
    couldn't have said it better
    isinmyhead & direwulf
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Grateful Dead Original Members Add Two Dates To Final Concerts

April 10, 2015

The original members of Grateful Dead have announced two additional shows at Levi’s Stadium in Santa Clara, California on June 27th and 28th, as part of their “Fare Thee Well: Celebrating 50 Years of Grateful Dead” run. Along with the three shows at Chicago's Soldier Field on July 3rd, 4th, and 5th, the run will mark the original members' last-ever performances toget

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9 years 7 months

I tried to get 4 tix to Saturday in Chicago by mail order and was shut out. I just got Shut out for SC as well. Was gonna take my wife and 2 oldest kids who are in college and never got a chance to see Jerry or the band. Hopefully, Chicago prices come down to reasonable level.
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9 years 7 months

big bump in #'s and bit of a drop in prices for SC today was earlier today 6/27 1937 $281 6/28 1784 $215 3 day 869 $695 7/03 1916 $287 7/04 1918 $337 7/05 1867 $380 now 6/27 2842 $241 6/28 2719 $185 3 day 872 $695 7/03 1926 $315 7/04 1910 $325 7/05 1866 $373 simulcast tix go on sale may 5 which should help even more
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Member for

14 years 9 months

Fuck the Dead and the 50Th. They started this bullshit with their countdown last year and ended it with SC fuckshow. yes I was shut out of the SC lotto but only asked for $59 tix. no fuckin way I will pay the $'s to see this sorry excuse for a Dead show.Also fuck the bands bullshit letter to the DEADHEADS! Too much much trouble to play shows I guess..... much more fun to Fuck people on the way out to the bank...
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16 years 5 months

Thanks for the knowledge... IMO, the movie theatre simulcast will flop. 4th of July weekend last place I want to be is inside where you can't have a smoke, cocktail, and a bite to eat. Shapiro has to do a PPV so folks can party at home, with their friends, and crank it up. My two cents...
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16 years 11 months

WTF,FTW. Can somebody please help me feel better about this and rationalize this somehow?! If I am reading Fathom Events correctly I have a great chance of getting shutout at the theater too?!?! Wow this is such a wonderful opportunity. If I understand this correctly instead of people being able to stream the show through their house or internet with friends and family at big hootenannies all over the country I'm going to have to battle yet another ticket sale to get a chance to hear the shows as they happen in a friggin' movie theater?! The only theaters in my area that participate in "Meetup At the Movies" is a small local theater and there are a ton of deadheads in Western, MA so tickets even to that will be limited especially with the amount of people who got shutout of the venues. This is not looking pretty or even homely, in fact its getting downright fuckin' ugly. I DO NOT want it to but my mind can't help but drift to thinking Shapiro just keeps adding opportunities he knows will sell out so that it raises demand and he can just keep shuffling everybody into the next ticket line until EVENTUALLY everyone WILL get to get in but only after he has figured out a way to maximize and turbocharge his cash-rake for maximum efficacy. I mean seriously what is he going to say; "Oh man! Due to "unexpected demand" the movie theaters are all sold out! Now we will "try" and find a way to do an online simulcast. Thanks for the support and love everybody!" In the words of Bubbles the Sage this getting "fuckin' Greeeasy."
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9 years 5 months

So I was shut out of all 5 shows, so it looks like the secondary market..my first show was July 4th bonner springs Kansas 1990..I wanted my last to be July 4th 2015 Soldier field. I caned that Idea and want to buy two nights in Santa Clara only, no Chicago How long should I wait and how much should I pay to these scumbag scalpers?..I am only going with no obstructed view 1 ticket for each night GA,100s or 200s Don't say face Value I do not think they will drop that low
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16 years 11 months

The whole simulcast in theaters is crap. Who the hell wants to sit in a theater with sticky floors and stinky seats where you cant have a beer or something else in a mall on 4th of July?? LAME. Pay per view would be the way to do it imo.
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17 years 3 months

It's obvious that things went down that no one will ever fully understand. Resellers with blocks of good (and bad) seats larger than the maximum allotment? Even if they have untold minions on their side, how are all their seats contiguous? Heads getting seats -- each and every one a great thing -- but seemingly also biased on the cheap side of things. How, why, who knows ... and, at this point, who cares. Personally, I still believe a lot of these resellers are going to get stuck and I have nothing but time to wait them out. If they eat them that's cool too. But I hope (and know that) no one will get off the bus for what this fiasco has become. We're not on this thing for one show, or two shows, or a hundred shows, it's more than that ... way more. This shit makes living amongst the "english" (to cop a line from an old movie) tolerable. Always has, always will. What's going down here cannot change that (even if you want it too!). That said, I think it's quite reasonable for folks to speak their mind. Being on the bus does not mean blind obedience, but rather just the opposite. Standing up for what's right, calling BS when you see BS, and letting someone know you know when they are peeing on your shoes. Smiling through adversity is the only choice when the shit goes down, but that does not mean ignoring the crap. To me it's more of a, "hey, I can take whatever shit you dish out," but I'm still gonna let you know I think it's shit. Silence serves only to sanction. On the bus for all of my teenage and adult life and nothing, I mean, nothing can get me off. It's my goddamn bus anyway. Sorry for the length of this rant. I feel better now.
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10 years 10 months

For everyone getting all twisted about tickets....Please keep in mind Jerry Garcia will not be there,repeat Jerry Garcia will not be there. It's nice the "core four" (I think Jerry and Pigpen may be bothered be the exclusion) are padding the retirement fund but it's a cover band. ....Don't sweat the small stuff ....and this is small. Enjoy the memories, tapes, cd's videos etc this is just a money grab
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10 years 10 months

For everyone getting all twisted about tickets....Please keep in mind Jerry Garcia will not be there,repeat Jerry Garcia will not be there. It's nice the "core four" (I think Jerry and Pigpen may be bothered be the exclusion) are padding the retirement fund but it's a cover band. ....Don't sweat the small stuff ....and this is small. Enjoy the memories, tapes, cd's videos etc this is just a money grab
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9 years 6 months

It's up to you. Buy the seat you want at the lowest price you find out there. Or don't buy one. It can't be the first time you (or the other cats out there) have experienced a sold-out show, is it?
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16 years 11 months

Remember. That's the way UESNYC sees it.
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14 years 9 months

The point is I've been going to shows since 77 and have gotten into every show I went to except Lehigh University, Stabler Arena in 80 something....Many times without tickets but always confident I would score them AND DID! you have no chance of that happening at these shows unless you are willing to pay at a MINIMUM of hundreds of dollars which is total bullshit to see what's left of the Dead. It was never a problem seeing Furthur etc etc.Again the whole process is bullshit and the remaining band members are tarnishing their legacy. Want it back???? Play some fuckin shows......
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16 years 11 months

Times have changed man.
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14 years 9 months

Aint that the truth man...........
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Member for

9 years 6 months

Get off of it people! well said alligator wine > "It can't be the first time you (or the other cats out there) have experienced a sold-out show, is it?" The past is the past man, yea 11 you got into every show. Now you're feeling the pain that so many heads over the all those years who have been shut-out of shows!! If you were ALWAYS confident and DID always get tix, then why is it wavering now. The 2 percent of tix [yes a ridiculously low amount of tix compared to the 210,000 tix they sold for Chicago alone] on the secondary scalper market, pale in comparison to the opportunity that there will be some good brothers and sisters unloading miracle tix or at least face-value!! if you have been paying attention to the word in the deadhead community, the demand for SC shows is low and there will be tix to have. some people are letting SC tix for reasonable $ to get Chicago tix! So, if you are so masterful at getting tix, get out of your funk, send out some positive flow and confidence [Believe] and maybe, just maybe, you'll get into all 5 shows!! other than that, wallow in your self-pity and quit bringing everyone else down into your dark world!!
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9 years 6 months

So what is so hard to understand? The guys are stepping back. It's a farewell weekend. Playing at the last place they played when they were The Grateful Dead - but they didn't know it was the end then. It's for their closure. It's not a tour. It's a shame that we all did not get tickets, but it's surprising that so many cats seem to feel entitled to get one. We all agree that prices are insane and insulting on the secondary market. It's the scalpers who are shameless money grubbers - not the band. It's your choice to buy or not to buy. Either go or don't go.
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Member for

9 years 6 months

I don't agree with the BS decision to do the theatre simulcast! Provide Webcasts online for heads to watch it on their terms and plan their own parties with friends!! If it isn't about the money Shapiro, then make it fair and reasonable for all!! At this time, I will give him the benefit of the doubt, cause we don't know yet > maybe that idea will come to fruition!! Anyway, love to all my faithful brothers and sisters, who keep it positive in the face of changing times and no tix!
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9 years 6 months

THE GRATEFUL DEAD’S BILL KREUTZMANN AND JERRY GARCIA’S ON TICKET SCALPINGBy MITCH MANZELLA June 4, 2009 Kreutzmann: I hate that scalping thing. It's one of my pet peeves. It's legal robbery. There should be a law against it. I'm not going to mention names, but the bigwigs in the business, the promoters—whatever you want to call them—one of them now owns a ticket company, and they were going to try to take a whole lot of tickets and scalp them, and we got them to stop that. It's asking our fans to pay too much money for something that really should almost be free. Garcia always said, “Music is so good for you, it should be free.” That's a famous Jerry quote. It's a sore subject with me. Our ticket prices are 80 bucks, and that seems like a fortune to me. I mean, in today's market, “Am I buying food for my family or gas? Am I taking my kids to school, or am I buying outrageously expensive tickets?” It doesn't make much sense to me. Crawdaddy!: What did the band do to curb that? Kreutzmann: They were going to scalp a very high number of tickets, and we cut it way, way down. The whole idea is that you're taking money from people that you shouldn't be taking money from. You want to give them something. It's simple. We got ’em to bring back a whole lot of the tickets. Way more than half. So we did a pretty good job with them. — Crawdaddy Magazine, May 22, 2009
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Member for

13 years 7 months

Me and Mrs. Peakshead are still waiting/looking to buy two for 7/5/15, but we would "settle" for 7/4/15. Sincere congratulations to those who scored for June. I really hope our friend Klang did......he has worn his heart on his sleeve these last few months. The supply for Soldier Field tix definitely exists, but the price point the sellers seek will never be realized. No Deadhead is going to ever shell out four figures for a ticket to anything. MAYBE if Uncle Bobo introduced them and Pig blew some tunes, but even then, I don't think so. And that would require two resurrections !! The music will never stop. Moaning here about how these shows were handled serves no purpose. I'm not looking through rose-colored glasses, but I think Bill, Mickey, Bob, and Phil have done right by us with these five dates. This is as much FOR them to say goodbye as it is for US. I do not believe they are all primarily motivated by money, and they never have been. I'm just thankful I was in Cooperstown on 7/14/13 ( Cumberland > Casey at the Bat > Cumberland !!) and in the Garden on 9/18/87 (Jerry beaming while singing La Bamba) and the other seventy-odd times I saw them. Quit bitching and remember your own good times. Peace.
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17 years 3 months

And enjoy that SC show (and hopefully all the rest). Be with you in spirit, and hopefully in person.
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Member for

15 years 8 months

We..ALL know Jerry nor Pig is there..but the vibe/music/excitement still remains..something to be said about that..I'm sure Jer would even smile and say..wtf...have a GREAT TIME!
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15 years 8 months

The boys are trying to do right...you can argue it's about the money, but what one of you wouldn't want a little of that? I LOVE that the Core Four is putting it back together for one more ride. I LOVE the fact that they are bringing Trey on board, Jeff and Bruce..shit, if any of these guys were playing at your local place..you'd be there right? They would love to find a place that we could all be at..but it's not going to happen. Finding two places with over 60,000 fricken seats is the best, EVER, attempt at pleasing THE (love the CAPS lock:)....fans..hope everyone can enjoy the songs, the love and the..summer. DEAD FOREVER..
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17 years 3 months

the band and what survives of the organization sees dime one from the secondary market, so I can't imagine any truly reflecting soul would lay the money grab argument at their feet. There simply is no upside for them. Until these shows are over, I will remain optimistic that anyone who wants in will get in. The music and vibe suffers not one iota either way. This too shall pass.
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16 years 11 months

Listen up all the heads out there blaming Bob, Phil, Mickey and Bill "the core four". It's not like they sat around one night and picked who would and would not get tics for these five shows. They wanted to do something for the music and the fans. You read what Bobby said in an interview early last year, "Something needs to be done to honer the music at the very least". Remember they are musicians/artists. They are NOT promoters or marketers or managers. They are musicians and all they wanted to do was to get together one last time for us and them and the music to honor it. This aint no money grab as I have heard time and time again from some of you. What?, you really think Bob Weir and Mickey Hart and the other ones got with their financial advisors and mapped out the best way to screw their fans while making a ton of money for their grandkids?? Come on now. They just want to play together one last time and do it responsibly and yes maybe make a few bucks ( not in my opinion the main reason) and then let it be. YES certain things could have been done better but I really think the organizers were caught off guard with how much in demand these shows were going to be. Stop blaming the band cause you didn't get a ticket! When Santa Clara tics go on sale at ticketmaster you might be surprised how easy it will be to get in. Peace.
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16 years 11 months

Listen up all the heads out there blaming Bob, Phil, Mickey and Bill "the core four". It's not like they sat around one night and picked who would and would not get tics for these five shows. They wanted to do something for the music and the fans. You read what Bobby said in an interview early last year, "Something needs to be done to honer the music at the very least". Remember they are musicians/artists. They are NOT promoters or marketers or managers. They are musicians and all they wanted to do was to get together one last time for us and them and the music to honor it. This aint no money grab as I have heard time and time again from some of you. What?, you really think Bob Weir and Mickey Hart and the other ones got with their financial advisors and mapped out the best way to screw their fans while making a ton of money for their grandkids?? Come on now. They just want to play together one last time and do it responsibly and yes maybe make a few bucks ( not in my opinion the main reason) and then let it be. YES certain things could have been done better but I really think the organizers were caught off guard with how much in demand these shows were going to be. Stop blaming the band cause you didn't get a ticket! When Santa Clara tics go on sale at ticketmaster you might be surprised how easy it will be to get in. Peace.
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Member for

17 years 3 months

Agreed. One question though ... what will go on sale on the 20th? Why would the ticket software reject buyers from the "mail order" and then put the tickets on sale generally? I'm having trouble wrapping my head around that one.
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Member for

9 years 10 months

Veteran of 220 shows if you count Jerry band and Ratdog..First show Colgate 1977, My wifes first show 1971. I love and remain DEADICATED. The Dead shape my life view. Our taper group mailed in one packet for the three shows in Chicago. We still have not heard back…no worries..the four of us, one from Seattle, one from New York, one from California and me from Colorado were eager to see the anticipated live streaming. My three friends would fly to Colorado/4 Corners area for the anticipated live streaming (in the event that we got shut out). Anyway, now we hear that there will be in a simulcast in a theatre. The closest theatre to me for Alpine is over a 5 hour drive. Those of us who live rural are screwed. Also sitiing in a movie theatre..come in. Allow us to be in the privacy of our home, streaming the concert, partying with more than popcorn…who is the BOZO running this show. My three friends have alrerady bought their tix to fly to me..if we can't see the show in my house, we will hike Chaco Canyon, Sand Canyon, Mese Verde, and remember when, but we wont sit in some stale movie theatre..Is this an economic decision..if so a bad one…ice scream cone in the forehead if you ask me! Please give us live streaming option…PS Phil I play bass..Phil me up.
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Member for

11 years 5 months

Dude, check whether the money orders have been cashed or even contact Elvis at GDTS..if you are in limbo, chances in you and your friends should be booking flights to Chicago...so get your taping gear ready. Everyone has heard by now except those that either didn't put an email address on their cards or bunged it up somehow...but at the very least you should've gotten your money back if you were getting a pinkie. Good luck
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Member for

16 years 11 months

You will never stop sleazy scalpers. They don't care about the scene. They are not true heads is my answer but the band members are not to blame for that. As for the 20th, I thought I read tic master on sale date was April 20. I guess I misunderstood something. I corrected my post. Thanks.
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14 years 9 months

Bobby said as I recall something about "burying the hatchet" and playing together to honor the music. All I have been saying and will continue to believe is they "the Band" wanted to play they should be playing shows! if they DONT WANT TO then don't play! That's their right and I respect it. They don't owe me SHIT.Fine they made a miscalculation on demand for the Chicago shows, everybody makes errors in judgment. Since then they have permitted this to continue to be handled poorly in every aspect and that they are responsible for. Personally I can afford to buy what ever price ticket I want and travel however I want and stay where ever I want BUT I am not playing/paying into this total fuckshow. its even crazier now....Lets go to a movie theater for 3 nights in a row, 5 hours each night over a holiday weekend! "have a real Goodtime....." Remember that GD Productions started all this BS with their countdown last year and got everybody ramped up. GD Productions operations have been out sourced to Rhino and its all merchandising now which the Band benefits from and tacitly endorsed. So please don't tell me they are unaware and being taken advantage of. Everybody LOVES the band...why cant they love us back.....instead of pissing off half the community judging by posts here. If its that bad between the boys that they cant stand playing together any more then they shouldn't have played at all!
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Member for

15 years 8 months

StubHub isn't the only place with lots of tickets at outrageous prices - check this out: http://www.ticketability.com/ResultsTicket.php?evtid=2548333&event=Fare… We are lucky enough to be going to Chicago so getting shut out of SC was a bummer mostly because we used to live in Santa Cruz and one last party with our Bay Area friends at a show would have been very cool - but we will be in Chicago so we are still happy. I do hope the prices come down for those of you who really want to go to SC - it's a shame so many tickets are being scalped. take care, connie
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Member for

16 years 11 months

My point is that if most of the people complaining here that did not get tickets had indeed GOT tickets those same people would be praising the band. It seems that these people did not get what they wanted and are now blaming the band for it. I got shut out of several New Years Eves but did not blame the band for it. I think the fact that these are supposedly the last ones are a big reason why people are so bent out of shape. I still love the band and their fans!!!!
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Member for

9 years 11 months

The Grateful Dead has blessed us with so much for so many years and am so thankful for all they have done and what will be. The Music will outlast and out shine all the BS
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Member for

9 years 7 months

So many opined that Chicago was a poor venue for these shows, and that the west coast would have been a so much better choice. If that were the case, you'd think there would be more Chicago-Santa Clara trades offered. It seems to be almost completely the other way 'round. Everybody wants to be in Chicago. Could be because those will be the last, could be because of the holiday. "One way or another", it appears that Chicago is the place to be. Your thoughts?
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Member for

13 years 7 months

for east coasters Chicago is easy peasy...one hour plane trip from upstate NY, i think the late announcement, financial restrictions for those committed to Chicago already, the holiday but I don't believe that is primary... but really Chicago may be the last time...I don't know... Hey can you watch my dog for awhile...
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9 years 7 months

I'll have to ask the calico princesses... eh, girls? Um, they say "No." 'specially not one THAT size.
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Member for

13 years 7 months

thats a discriminatory remark, its the way God made him...he is a true gentleman...but he is a dog, after all ... Right Sarge....Awooooooooooooyeahhhhhhhayyyyahhhhh... sorry Donna on the radio, he does Donna Karaoke.... how many felines in you brood? we have Sarge, Gus a Norweigan Forest cat and Eddie a Maine Coon... Grate Pyrs do love cats and children though.... hate trucks, buses and the man in the yellow hat...or any hat for that matter....
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Member for

9 years 7 months

man o man, you got the best animules, ever! That is one pile 'o fur! How often do you go thru vacuums? The handsome fellow in my avatar is Stanley. He and his brother-by-another-mother, Oliver (a huge orange and white bag 'o fur with a hitler mustachio and some MC ancestry) were the light of my life for about 15 years. They have both gone on to kitty heaven, Stan in 2011, Ollie the year after (a truly gawd awful time.) I miss them each and every day that goes by without them. Since Cain pointed it out, I can't see that picture of Stanley without looking right at the mark-o-jerry on his handsome head. The current queens of my household are a pair of insanely calico-ed sisters, adopted from a shelter 3 Christmases ago. When they were babies, they had a lot of light grey in their coats, and they looked like little Australian shepherds. Thus, Waltzing Matilda (matty) and Sydney Australia (syd) came to rule the roost. Syd is smart a whip, Matty is... well, pretty. They're a joy to have around (shhh... there is a new kitty toy coming in the mail today)
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Member for

9 years 7 months

SC not looking too bad. yesterday 6/27 2842 $241 6/28 2719 $185 3 day 872 $695 7/03 1926 $315 7/04 1910 $325 7/05 1866 $373 now 6/27 5020 $131 6/28 5191 $112 3 day 871 $755 7/03 1919 $315 7/04 1902 $325 7/05 1852 $373
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Member for

13 years 7 months

well...I love animals, probably more than people...vacuum daily, on my second Dyson in 3 years...the bag vacs fill up in a single pass...went bagless. started with Oscar a coon, Rudy just fat but loving, Leonard king of Maine coons, all 3 in Kittie heaven, and now have these 3 fur balls or fuzz nutz.... looking forward to make your acquaintance in Chitown...thats for helping the SD cause...we all drive the bus....it takes a Village and we have quite a good population... time to furminate... peace kid...getting ready for my boys CD release party tonight...
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Member for

9 years 7 months

yeah, I would never hit the theater either for the same reasons you state. For 5 hours no less. Lets hope the scalpers don't realize that.
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Member for

9 years 7 months

I wouldn't dis the band. Music industry has always been the artists and the bloodsuckers who feed off them. It's the ole "Hey, you're a great band. I'll let you play in my stadium if I get 70% of the proceeds.", "I'll make you a star, but I want 80% of sales and the rights to your music.", etc.
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Member for

16 years 11 months

Its because they are the last run of the last shows. If it was reversed and SC was happening on July 4th weekend SC would be more in demand. Simple logic
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Member for

14 years 9 months

I get it. The whole process is not what was in the past and never will be.
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Member for

16 years 11 months

I'm wondering if the volleyball net will be set up at the SC shows behind the soundboard. Cal Expo shows used to have games a couple hours before show time and your team could win tics to the next nights show. There is plenty of room on field at Levi. Good ol' laid back West Coast. Looking forward to SC!!...and a COLD beer. Happy Friday everybody!!