• 894 replies
    Here's the place to talk about our departed loved ones -- friends, family members, tour buddies, and others we've lost along the way.


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  • Randall Lard
    Unkle Sleazy February 1955 - 25 November 2010
    3 years since dearest Unkle Sleazy passed.doesn't seem real. Surgeon - Peter Christopherson Tribute Mix '25th November 2013 marks 3 years since Peter died, so it's time to re-post as the original link to this recording has expired. We all miss you Uncle Sleazy. Original post- dj-surgeon.blogspot.co.uk/2010/12/pete…ute-mix.html The first hour of my DJ set at Bleep43 on December 3rd was a tribute to Peter Christopherson, who died on November 25th. I chose tracks that either featured his voice, or that I especially connected with him. Many people have asked me about the set and if it was recorded, so I've decided to make it available. Recorded at Corsica Studios, London, between 11pm and Midnight on December 3rd, 2010.' Coil Vs. ELpH - pHILM #1 CoH & Coil - My Angel (Directors Cut) Coil - Moon's Milk Or Under An Unquiet Skull (Part 2) Coil - Various Hands Coil - Red Weather Coil - Cardinal Points Coil - At The Heart Of It All COH - Silence Is Golden (voice Peter Christopherson) Coil - Are You Shivering? Coil - Going Up Coil - The Hills Are Alive http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Christopherson http://thresholdhouse.com/ http://www.brainwashed.com/coil/ I still catch myself checking your Twitter page and Threshold House to see what you're up to. Only to realise that you're no longer with us in material form. Incredibly sad. You were/are still an incredible inspiration. An innovator. A true Artist. I miss you Unkle Sleazy, Randall Lard.
  • hockey_john
    God bless
    God Bless J F K. Happen to have worked in the house in Hyannisport many many times is like a museum of photos of a legend that was taken from this life time to early. love ya gg
  • Anna rRxia
    JFK: 50 Years ago A Nation's Hope & Ideals are Dashed
    Events to commemorate 50th anniversary of JFK assassination: Observances for Friday and beyond. Barnstable: -Wreath-laying ceremony at the John F. Kennedy Memorial. 10 a.m. Friday, in Veterans Memorial Park on Ocean Street, Hyannis. -Press conference at the John F. Kennedy Hyannis Museum. 10:30 a.m. Friday, 397 Main St., Hyannis. -Memorial Mass at St. Francis Xavier Church. 2 p.m. Friday, 347 South St., Hyannis. Boston: -Statue of John F. Kennedy to be open for public viewing. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday and Monday, State House. -Special Mass commemorating the assassination anniversary. 12:10 p.m. Friday, Blessed Sacrament Chapel, Cathedral of the Holy Cross, 1400 Washington St. -Online-only livestream of a musical tribute in Kennedy’s honor, featuring James Taylor, saxophonist Paul Winter, and the US Naval Academy Women’s Glee Club.1:30 p.m. to 2:15 p.m Friday, John F. Kennedy Library and Museum, Columbia Point, Dorchester. (www.jfklibrary.org). -Fiftieth anniversary exhibit starting Friday, running until Feb. 23. Artifacts on display for the first time will include a green beret left on Kennedy’s gave by a serviceman, the American flag draped on Kennedy’s coffin, and the saddle, sword, and boots carried by Black Jack, the riderless horse that followed Kennedy’s coffin in his funeral procession. John F. Kennedy Library and Museum, Columbia Point. Brookline: -Guided tours of Kennedy’s birthplace. 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, 83 Beals St., Brookline. -A walk from Kehillath Israel Temple to 83 Beals St., featuring speeches from religious and town leaders. A student from the Edward Devotion Elementary School, which Kennedy attended, will lead a song. 1:30 p.m. Sunday. -Memorial wreath-laying, 2 p.m. Sunday, 83 Beals St. Haverhill: -Memories of Kennedy from local and state officeholders in an opening ceremony. 10 a.m. Friday, North Essex Community College Hartleb Technology Center. -A panel discussion titled “The JFK Assassination: What Really Happened.” 11:30 a.m. Saturday, North Essex Community College Hartleb Technology Center. -Former Kennedy campaign volunteers Frank O’Connor, of Andover, and Ronald Martin, of Lawrence, share their experiences with Kennedy during his presidential and senatorial campaigns. 2 p.m. Sunday, North Essex Community College Hartleb Technology Center. Lowell: : -The University of Massachusetts Lowell orchestra will perform a free concert, with narration by State Senator Eileen Donoghue. 7:30 p.m. Friday, Durgin Concert Hall, South Campus, 35 Wilder St. Springfield: -Three red roses will be placed at the foot of the John F. Kennedy memorial stone, and a memorial wreath will be placed at the foot of the eternal flame in Forest Park at 1 p.m. Friday. From 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., fees to enter the park will be waived. Remarks will be made by Mayor Domenic J. Sarno, US Representative Richard E. Neal, Hampden County Sheriff Michael J. Ashe, and master of ceremonies James Sullivan. ***** ****** ****** ****** ****** ******* A nation came of age and also died with the rise of this president and his untimely demise. Whether you subscribe to a plot or a lone nut or something in between it is hard not to see Nov. 22nd as a high tide mark mark in American history. That is, the tide came in and floated a lot of boats past the high water mark and on this date it left that high water mark in Dealy Plaza, Dallas, Texas. The tide went out and our country was never the same again. Indeed, in fifty years there has been a regression the planet will never, ever, recover from. Oh sure, there was ten years of of forward momentum that saw the landmark of African-American rights and the rise of the Free Speech Movement. The hippy culture and LSD left an indelible mark on the world the reverberates still today. But in some ways Moratorium Day in 1971, when 30,000 protesters to the Vietnam war were herded into RFK (in Washington DC) in a mass arrest marked the end of forward progress as measured by an NFL running back. Maybe that day was Earth Day in 1970. Maybe it was the Dead show with the Allman's at Watkin's Glen. Certainly there are several ways to measure the peak. But the high point was a youthful president that led a still-believing nation along the road to an America marking something better, something to be looked up to. Something to be emulated for a lot of tortured souls around the world rotting in the Gulag or some other third world hell-hole. The morals contest had clearly been won against the Russians and America was at the forefront of whatever could be positively imagined. And then meaner and smaller and greedier people stepped in and, hiding behind corporations, turned our world into a hellishly small and rotting stomping ground of waste and corruption and increasing extinction of life. ~ Joltin' John has left and gone away Hey, hey, hey! ~ (sorry Simon & Garfunkel)
  • sherbear
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    It was my Dad's birthday on the 17th of November and a moment for him... It's hunting season in New York and my Dad was an avid outdoors man; my family too. They hunted varieties of game and fowl. My Uncle an excellent Trapper and always cared for the wilderness til the day he died. A great example to anyone. It was a special and very exciting time for everyone when they came home with trophy buck. Then, the trim would hit the grinder with sage and pepper, sharpest knives cut strips of jerky and the comfort from the harvest settling in and around. With the temperatures ice cold outside the break down was bliss. Perfectly cold... Oh, just like today and tomorrow too. Perfectly cold...tomorrow, I am driving my nephew up into the hills to meet a very best and old friend of mine. He has some land that he said could be hunted on. It's so beautiful there on his farm, I worked for him bailing hay and doing chores. It will be great to introduce them, they will hunt this weekend there and maybe the next one too. There are alot of farmers up in those hills that I have been friends with, it will be hard not to visit them all. One of them named a cow after me, Sherry was a good cow and she knew her name too, all his cows had names, (by the way). I have my Sportsman Licence and am a great shot. I haven't hunted in sometime but have helped breakdown hundreds. Warm game is fresh game. My Dad would come home with a half dozen ducks or geese, he was a great shot! He had accuracy that was awesome, just awesome. Rabbits, pheasants, quail - perfection in sight with little or no damage. Hmmm, I like this Remington 770 http://www.remington.com/en/product-families/firearms/centerfire-famili… I will hope my nephew and his crew will bring one or three in from my friends farm, he will be shooting something like that one. This Christmas everyone should put a Remington under the Christmas for their loved ones. The opportunity will arrive when you can go with crew into the cold too. I hope you all will check out the Remington line and find one to love. It will be a part of your family. Treating it with superiority will come natural. Yep, best gift in 2013, to me, is a Remington, any style and stock. Ah...rambled a little bit but some how I know it was necessary, strange but um yeah. My Grandfathers and all the way back to the Indians in my family, they all had a treasured pieces, like I told you, it's family. The Woods, xo!
  • Anna rRxia
    Lou finally made it
    To that dirty boulevardRIP Lou Reed I loved your New York Disc
  • unkle sam
    valium would help that crash
    Lou Reed passed today, another of the artists that coloured our lives. If there is a wild side in heaven, I'll bet most of our lost soul brothers are walking it.
  • marye
    I saw them one time when they came through town
    though I can't remember if it was the Fillmore or the Great American. Ol' Shane was in rare form. RIP Mr. Chevron.
  • Parkas4Kids
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    Philip Chevron
    June 17, 1957 to October 8, 2013 "Following the release of the Pogues' 1984 debut album Red Roses For Me, he was invited to join the band on a short-term basis as cover for banjo player Jem Finer's paternity leave. He then took over as guitarist following MacGowan's decision to concentrate on singing—thereby becoming a full-time member of the band in time for the recording of its second album, 'Rum, Sodomy and the Lash'. He also played the banjo and mandolin on Pogues recordings. In June 2007, the Pogues's website announced that Chevron had been diagnosed with oesophageal cancer. In early 2008, the website announced that Chevron had recovered, and, to his surprise and joy, his hearing had returned to almost pre-treatment levels. By 2009, Chevron had fully recovered from both the cancer and the resulting chemotherapy provided by the National Health Service in the UK. In May 2013, it was announced that the cancer had returned and it was 'lethal'. Chevron died on October 8, 2013 in Dublin, Ireland from oesophageal cancer at age 56." Borrowed that from Wikipedia, but I thought it was a pretty good yet brief overview of Phil Chevron's career. Not sure if anyone here is a fan of the Pogues, but my wife and I managed to catch the band the last time they were in Baltimore, which was during their Parting Glass Tour. Phil was the easiest band member to spot: he looked exactly like a leprechaun.
  • Anna rRxia
    General Giap, Vienamese Soldier Hero
    General Giap died at the age of 102 yesterday in Vietnam. His strategies were instrumental in bringing the country independence from French Colonial rule and more tenaciously from the fangs of America that were then foaming the venom of anti-communist ideology. Giap's tactics became fundamental in the playbook of people's struggles everywhere and were based on organization of the peasants to act as one organism which was an absolute imperative when fighting a vastly superior enemy that has advantages in every category except morality. If one looks at America's greatest sniper, Chris Kyle, it can be seen that he had more than 150 confirmed kills by 2008 in Iraq. He died in 2012 at the age of 35 due to a violent confrontation. General Giap was responsible for deaths of more than one million American, French and Vietnamese soldiers yet lived to the peaceful, ripe old age of 102. I only mention this from the point of view of karma, which many probably do not believe in but I find worth mentioning in the context of this man's life and culture. Giap's motivation was one of love for his country and his people and his perceived need to liberate them. It was a pure motivation that endured in a long and happy life. Klye, a Texas good'ole boy whose main mission in life seemed to be playing whack-a-mole with his sniper rifle on the barbarian heathen Iraqis, died of a violent gunshot wound from a PTSD-fatigued former American soldier. The contrasts here are vivid and huge. I wish I could say RIP General Giap but it is not in me to celebrate generals in the thrall of war. I am anti-war, no matter the cause.
  • unkle sam
    jj cale
    passed away Friday, he had suffered a heart attack. Words can't express this feeling, a legend in his own time. Another artist in the soundtrack of my life has left us, fare thee well my brother.
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17 years 9 months
Here's the place to talk about our departed loved ones -- friends, family members, tour buddies, and others we've lost along the way.
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14 years 2 months

In memory of Maya Angelou, thank you, you will be at the top of my summer reading list. Peace to all.
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12 years 7 months

So sad to hear that Rik Mayall died yesterday morning. Without a shadow of a doubt, one of the world's finest comedians. To witness him on screen or on stage at full throttle was truly something special. "Fireball creativity" is absolutely right. Commenting after his accident which left him in a coma for five days - "I beat Jesus Christ," he said. "He was dead for three days at Easter. When I crashed it was the day before Good Friday, Crap Thursday, and I was technically dead until Easter Monday - that's five days ... beat him 5-3." The world burns less brightly today.
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12 years 7 months

Although this was only one of many shows Rik graced, it was one of my all time favorite comedies. Rik Mayall as Rik and Ade Edmondson as Vyvyan the violent punker were over the top. and following in that same vein: "There were times when Rik and I were writing and we almost died laughing. They were some of the most carefree stupid days I ever had, and I feel privileged to have shared them with him. And now he's died for real. Without me. Selfish bastard." -Ade Edmondson
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10 years 7 months

We can make a prayer pillow using our lost loved ones clothes. We can design it from our own creativity and can place a front pocket to keep a notebook and our favorite pen. It will give us some warm feelings when our arms long to hold our loved ones.
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17 years 3 months

Heres to Jerry your music continues to soothe my soul, brings tears to my eyes and makes me happy all in one crazy glorious way that nothing else can do. Such a long long time to be gone and a short time to be there.
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17 years 8 months

Some of you may remember Jimi C, who was a regular here for a while. Sad to report that he died peacefully yesterday after a long fight with cancer, during which he remained brave and good humoured to the end. I know his very European ironic and offbeat style was sometimes misunderstood by some here, but he was a dear sweet funny man who will be greatly missed. Tiger Lilly also formerly of this place) got to visit Jimi in England in July, which meant a lot to both of them. Sad.
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17 years 9 months

Robin really made us laugh. What a gift he was. And is. As Bobby said after Lowell George died (in 1979, he dedicated the GD's second set at the Portland Raceway to Lowell) "he was good while he lasted". The Truth is realized in an instant, the act is practiced step by step.
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16 years 5 months

Funniest man who ever lived, fastest mind in the world, I don't believe in what they all say about suicide, I know you are in Heaven. Lots of thunder last night, it was all the angels laughing.
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16 years 5 months

Good while he lasted. A very sad day indeed, Bob Weir cancels all remaining 2014 concerts and 2015 Jamaica show with furthur. You will be missed Bobby, it must have been difficult for you to reach this decision, who has been touring and playing on the road for 50 years. I know that playing in the band is your life and without it we hope you can find peace and stay with us for many many more years. As I have said before, I don't care if you never play again, just please take care of yourself for your own sake and that of your family, they need you more than any of us fans. I do not want to see your name on this thread now or in the near future.
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14 years 1 month

Our Captain of Laughter has left us all a bit depressed, wish he could've left us laughing but depression is rough. I could tell you all about it but it would just make you depressed. I'm just a believer that things will get better
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17 years 9 months

So sorry to learn of the passing of this guy, whose sax work on Gerry Rafferty's Baker Street is one of my favorite things of all time.
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17 years 9 months

Thanks for noting this marye. R.I.P. RR
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16 years 5 months

RIP Rock Scully, what a guy. The heart of Gold band must have needed a manager. Jerry, John and Rock together again.
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16 years 5 months

Our poet has left us."It doesn't matter who you love, or how you love, but that you love." The flight plan for today is smooth sailing to the promised land. "like a steam locomotive, rolling down the tracks....."
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16 years 5 months

passed away yesterday of complications from a heart attack. One of the originals, founder of Big Brother and the Holding Co. and helped get Janis her start. Thanks Sam.
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9 years 11 months

Mike Schnieders, known by many as just "Schnieders", who many of those on tour have known since he was a child touring with his father, passed away Monday the 16th at 1:30am from heart failure and breathing complications. He was 32 years old. He'd endured two heart surgeries in the past year and had fought so hard to stay with us. He attended countless shows in his life and practically lived on lot for long periods of time, wherever the music was playing was home to him. You are his family and so I wanted to pass this along to you and to everyone who was hoping to see him in July. He will be with us in spirit all weekend you can be sure. He was buried with many roses and multiple sets of wings and attended by hundreds of family and friends. Thank you all who came to the funeral and have extended your love during this tragic time. We love you more than words can tell, Mike. Gratefully yours, Whisper/Liz (wife of mike Schnieders)
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10 years 1 month

I didn't know Mike personally, but we all know/knew his spirit and we are collectively saddened at your loss. He will be remembered and honored at our gathering in Chicago. From the Sunshine Daydream family to you, our heartfelt condolences go out to you and Mike's family.
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12 years 6 months

My prayers go out to all the family of the recent airliner that went down in the Alps . now saying was intentional. I pray the loved ones who lost family members find some peace and rest without the tragic thoughts if even for a minute.
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10 years

It's hard to think of how frightened the passengers must have been. Even harder yet, to think how that will haunt their loved ones. Fare you well...
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16 years 5 months

passed away from a massive stroke on Monday, the 13th of April. This was very sudden and unexpected. He had just played golf on Friday and all was well, went to bed and never woke up. They kept him alive on the machines until Monday, and pulled the plug on that morning and he passed. I will miss him, he was a great guy. nuthin left to do but smile, smile, smile...
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12 years 6 months

I am real sorry to read your post. Passed away is such a gentle way of saying we lost someone. Again sorry keep the faith your not alone in this world .
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10 years

Sorry brother peace to you and your family
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16 years 5 months

for the great vibes and condolences, our love will truly not fade away.
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17 years 3 months

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17 years 4 months

A bluesman has died. A bluesman named BB King has passed on. RIP
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16 years 1 month

ALOHA NUI LOA--until we meet again----Riley "Blues Boy" King---morphed into B.B. KING----a true legend!!!! Now the Thrill is really gone.......Mahalo B.B. for the blues who inspired & influenced many.....
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17 years 3 months

Almost Six months since we spoke. Since a lot of things, everything. You are loved madly, missed so badly,11:11 always... Forever... Each Universe, shine on you crazy diamond. Soon come. This life and longer. I do so miss your face.
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12 years 6 months

Always breaks my heart when someone posts here. as you know sisterearth your in my prayers for you and your 11:11
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10 years 1 month

Remembering Bill Graham...he passed from the earthly bonds on October 25, 1991, doing what he wanted to do...promote performers organize benefits and throw festivals. According to Wikipedia, "Graham was killed in a helicopter crash west of Vallejo, California on October 25, 1991, while returning home from a Huey Lewis and the News concert at the Concord Pavilion. Graham had attended the event to discuss promoting a benefit concert for the victims of the 1991 Oakland firestorm" I was working for BGP (Bill Graham Presents), catering at the show in the SF Bay Area the day he died, and what had started as a joyous gathering quickly transformed into a very sad afternoon and evening. We were shocked, floored, and all left shaking our heads at the loss...true to form, the shows "must go on" and that evening they did. The GD had a series of four shows at the Oakland Coliseum two days later, and as I recall there was a large photo of Bill on a huge easel and black sash, complete with funeral wreath, stage right, silhouetted with a spotlight all evening all four days. Over the five years I was affiliated with their organization, Bill would pop in just about every show. He always attended the GD shows, and made his rounds like he was at home. He would sometimes grab a taste of what was being served, look over the back stage setup, and sometimes even checked out the stockroom shelves we set up with all the show's foods, spices and accessories. He seemed to care about the little details and always said hi to the workers....especially his own friendly "security" staff, known universally as "The Bluecoats" for their distinctive powder blue vests. You did good, Bill. Thanks for your life-long dedication to promoting live music. Rest in Peace, and long live the music you loved.
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15 years 11 months

Well said Geomeister!! A very nice tribute to a great man and visionary. Peace to all our friends out there.
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16 years 5 months

Chef and best dad I know Kurt Koerwitz is asking Family to help support his best friend and chef Mark Malars family of a beautiful caring Mom and 3 children. He was taken too soon from Pancreatic Cancer. So if you're a chef or deadhead or ever made a grilled cheese PLZ kick down a buck or two. TY! (~);-) https://www.gofundme.com/xpfxaw2s
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12 years 6 months

Today would of been my girl Gina's 46th birthday. Wish I had the chance to kiss your forehead one more time little one. God Bless you and you family. Forever a bright light in this crazy world in which we live. Much love
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9 years 6 months

Just reading the New York times , so funny that commercial makes me think of Anthony my grandpa ! Also heard about the guy crushed in his car by that 17 storie crane in NYC , my heart gos out to all Who LOST people ,may all of them REST IN PEACE ☀️
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8 years 11 months

In 2014 one of most innovative blues/rock guitarist's to ever pick up the instrument , went on to His final resting place. A true native of the state of Texas , who influenced countless others, also with disregard for racial discrimination.Mr John Dawson Winter paved the way for more acceptability and appreciation for blues and it,s child Rock n Roll.I only had the honor of seeing Him perform live way back in 1980 at the Woolman Skating Rink in Central Park,N.Y.C.This show was a barn burner and He played a wide selection of classic tunes as well as real hidden gems from the His treasure chest of signature tunes.Never Mind Johnny B. Goode, Johnny Winter was always good for the preservation of soul,mind and spirit.May He forever Rest In Peace!
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12 years 7 months

Ronnie Corbett - 4 December 1930 – 31 March 2016 A man was marooned on a desert island. One day a beautiful woman arrives in a wet suit. 'When did you last have a smoke?' she asks. 'Five years ago.' So she gets out a cigar and he smokes it. She unzips her wet suit a bit and says, 'When did you last have a drink?' He said, 'Five years ago.' So she gets out a bottle of Scotch and he has a drink. Then she unzips her wet suit a bit more and says, 'And when was the last time you played around?' He looks at her in amazement and says: 'You're not telling me you've got a set of golf clubs in there?'
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12 years 7 months

Ronnie Corbett - 4 December 1930 – 31 March 2016 A cement mixer collided with a prison van on the Kingston by-pass. Motorists are asked to be on the look-out for 16 hardened criminals.
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10 years 5 months

Discovery of RC was inevitable given my love of Britcoms (or, more accurately, adoration of that dry, intelligent, satirical, innuendo-laced, and seemingly inimitable species of humour appropriately native to a people who worship tea, exalt mere toast, treat sunshine as a newsworthy event, and recklessly pluralize things ("maths"?). I digress; last year, I purchased a multi-zone DVD player JUST so I could watch the Complete 2 Ronnies collection I found on ebay (actually I had to pay for it). For the uninitiated, take quick utube detour!/bloody hell, K
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10 years 1 month

....and another one bites... RIP Merle Haggard, ya done good. Don't let those who proceeded you push you around...you earned your spot in the band. And to pass away on the same day you were born: that's a true musician's way to end a riff. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQA3x3GpBF0
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11 years 9 months

Merle was a giant. I was actually going to make a point of going out to see him when he rolled through town this year. Never did. Ahhhhh man. Bummer.
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16 years 5 months

I couldn't find my own words .. What an incredible life to celebrate.."A week ago dad told us he was gonna pass on his birthday, and he wasn't wrong. A hour ago he took his last breath surrounded by family and friends. He loved everything about life and he loved that everyone of you gave him a chance with his music. He wasn't just a country singer.. He was the best country singer that ever lived." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKuc4nfJByc&feature=share