• 907 replies

    So, we've all had some great conversations interrupted by that misbehaving chatroom lately. Mr. Pid wrote a great song on the subject...

    Feel free to pick them up again here. Or report your more surreal episodes of being booted for misbehaving. 


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  • GratefulGigi
    Default Avatar
    Test chat room is gone
    I went to check it out and it was gone! I Hope the chatroom comes back soon! I promise to misbehave too, really I do.
  • grdaed73
    just kiddin'
    i can't sing.
  • grdaed73
    yes yes
    that sound just like it, thx so much! my son works at hollywood video, i'll have him find it for me. christie and scott huh, i was close :) now, how about that TV apperance? shindig,naw it was countrywestern show. but BIG thanks to you docks of the city and stella blue, you have restored that partitiion of my harddrive:) and that is exactly how i'm seeing garcia looking... as i break out into baba striesand MEM OR REIS from the corne..........
  • grateful daddy
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    Yes, it was Petulia
    The Dead make a few appearances. One trippy scene in a club of them playing Viola Lee. Another where Julie Christie is being loaded into an ambulance. Jerry in the backround with, I believe, his captain trips hat on. Jerry pre-beard looking like on the cover of the first official album. Couple more plus some good scenes of SF. It used to run once or twice a year on tv. I would look every sunday in the tv guide section of the paper to see if it was playing that week. This was before cable so it wasnt to difficult to look up channels 2,4,5,7,9,11,13 and a few fuzzy UHF's. Havnt seen it in years now.
  • Central Statio…
    chat room move?
    Does anyone know anything about plans to move the chat room back to the main site? Chats are a bit few and far between in the experimental room, since the number of participants is very limited. Looking forward to the change, so everyone who wants to can yak.
  • docks of the city
    the dead in a movie in the sixties ....hollywood....vague to me
    Someone somewhere in here wrote about a vague memory of the dead being in a movie in the sixties. Well, their vague memory became my vague memory....a couple flashes of the dead in golden tones of light, Jerry's dark beard. I think it was called Petulia with Julie Christie and George C. Scott. I looked it up. Thanks for another "flash from the past" as they used to say on KDIA-AM, the soul of the bay out of Oakland who just kept pumping it out and keeping it real. Dancin' in the Streets
  • fchtrading
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    Dylan and the Dead...
    thought you all might dig this site: www.howtolistentodylan.com
  • fchtrading
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  • Sunshine-daydr…
    They didn't play 11th and unfortunately i wasn't there i have the Fillmore shows, and they are on there way to St louis with the winwood vine Bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spanish Jam
  • grdaed73
    can't wait2hear
    watching archive.org patiently, it will come soon, meanwhile i'll download the filmore shows, ahh 5-8 just finished and down comes 5-9. hmmm no post from bob 5-11or5-12, were you there,bob? thats a spanish jam!
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Member for

17 years 9 months

So, we've all had some great conversations interrupted by that misbehaving chatroom lately. Mr. Pid wrote a great song on the subject...

Feel free to pick them up again here. Or report your more surreal episodes of being booted for misbehaving. 

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Member for

10 years 1 month

First off, Deadant, take a chill-pill, as I've got a few months to hammer away and tell you the story you so eloquently requested a few days ago(before the Seahawks crashed and burned in that wee little football game on Sunday); And Marye, thanks for putting up this pseudo-use-when-necessary-because-the-chat-line-crashes area...cause I think it might be a politically correct place to tell this story; I was bonafidely (new word, Deadant) starting to tell this story when the chat crashed twice...so if the story police are monitoring this bit of cyberspace, it is legal, necessary, and altogether appropriate to continue it here. DeadGeek said the chat crashes if you type too fast, or walk and chew gum at the same time, or whistle Dixie in Boston... PS, Any of you other Deadheads reading this story, start at the bottom where Deadant whines and work yourself up, or go take out the recycling or build a house of cards, cause this old deadhead might ramble on, just like the rose Jerry sang about. ....our story continues...25,000 deadheads roll into town, and where can they stay on this dusty mountainside...onsite, of course, but where does the band stay? In the Motel 6 at the corner? No, I think not...for they are Rock Stars! They gotta be cooler than that. How about a wilderness resort, run by hippies who stepped back in time back in the early early 70's and bought a bunch of land way out in the middle of no-where...Sure, that's the ticket. And the roads are winding dirt bumpy narrow and almost non-existent, so you can kiss the limousines goodby, as a long bed pick-up couldn't traverse those roads. I know, Jim said, let's helicopter them in and have them land over there, next to our tomato garden and corn-field. It'll be cool! And that, my friends is the beginning of how the Grateful Dead hooked up with some long time, laid back hippies, not ne'er-do-wells, but certainly some were nefarious but still kind folks, and started a catering company out of a couple of pot and pans with two or three world-class chefs who had found out about the mountain hide-away, took said catering company on the road with a bunch of dead-heads and hangers-on, and built a small but casual and friendly empire, called Avery Ranch catering, and catered to the good old Grateful Ded as their personal chefs for the next five plus years... Who is Jim you might ask, and what was Avery Ranch, and did they/we/I have fun, did the bus run well? Did Bobby really want 6 bottles of Montrachet' Chardonnay,1989, no other year, no other brand, did Jerry like hot-dogs, who wanted the Apple Pie the most? What about the mountain of M & Ms? And Nilla-Vanilla wafer at 2 AM, are you kidding me? Those stories may or not be told as others remember them, but for me, I gladly hopped on that bus and rode, drove, pushed, sang and danced my way along that ride for a good five years, and I'll share some of those with you if that's alright, just to pass some time while we wait for tickets....more later, ok? Peace...G
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16 years 2 months

How can i chill with these awesome stories! I am sorry. I type a character that is more colorful then he actually is) I love your stories, they are appreciated, as is your advice, tempo and beat. I promise I am calm/chill and relaxed as can be. I like to create an air of situation in words to break some of the mundane minutes of my day tis all. I take advantage of this internet and sometimes fill it with challenging/immature material, on purpose, but not with the intent to elicit anything negative. Though I could see how that could be. Chill I shall, as i patiently await the next chapter with baited text)
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10 years 1 month

Hey oh fine Ant- I take your chat and comment shenanigans with all good grace, well-being and twinkle of spirit, as I'm sure that's how you mean it. Perhaps I can match my mundane-ness and willy-nilly-but-never-chilly posting with yours...we will see, as we continue "...going down the road feeling baaaaddddd" (which is good). Tis a grateful day...be well...till later...gotta mine salt all day. G
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17 years 9 months

the shakedown cruise/beta test of our new improved chat room. We're hoping it proves a bit more stable than the old one. Check it out and let us know how it's working for you. Thanks!
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9 years 9 months

Where are the Florida DeahHeads? :) You know the saying "Maybe it was the roses"?
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17 years 9 months

seems to have been too much for the chat room, which is currently MIA. I've got a note in to the tech folks. Thank you!