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  • MarkintheDark
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    I like making bang-bang, dagnabit.
    I'd've been right there with Hunter T. shooting deer guns at propane cylinders if given the chance, or getting liquored up and playing a round of skeet-golf, or unloading the belt on the 50 cal at the old junk cars full of dynamite. Kaboom. "Hunter S. Thompson probably had a lot more than Mr. Popper does." No doubt, and bigger ones too. It's that whole "secret compartments in the car" thing that's a little freaky to me, and carrying so many around at once. With night vision goggles and a taser. Whatever. I'm bored. ********************************************* I have a sigfile! --> *********************************************
  • johnman
    did ya know, the police are not
    legally empowered to protect you? they can only show up after the i keep myself protected........................." when seconds count, the police are minutes away "
  • johnman
    that's what i love about you, tiger
    always willing to listen, and you always have a kind word and thought for others.......think i'll go have a cookie and cake sandwich, or, samich if you prefer...................................
  • TigerLilly
    Very interesting little tangent indeed johnman
    Can listen to any argument and perspective, so long as keep the respect that all have done so far here, with this potentially hotpoint topic.********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
  • johnman
    yes dear tiger (or tiger dear?)
    we can always agree to disagree, as americans we are allowed to do that, constitution says so. we should always respect the opinions of others anyway. i do lean towards pid's point....ain't nobody's business, including the government's so i don't go for registration. that just gives the bastards a list by which they can confiscate and that's the first thing a dictatorship does is disarm the citizens. so far we are citizens and not subjects. in order to legally purchase a firearm from a licensed dealer in this country you must pass a background check which is fine with me, keeps the things out of the hands of violent criminals,(murderers, rapists, etc.)but the common criminal is not gonna buy from a gun store or a gun show because of the background check done by the fbi with their database. they buy them off the street, stolen and otherwise. restrict normals citizens and the bad guys still get their guns.....i keep them for defense.....and pls don't believe everything you hear about the's mostly a group of people that believe in their right to keep and bear arms as guaranteed by the constitution. man i wish i had some cake....or a cookie.....or a cookie AND some cake. i think they promote non-violent acts. and i seem to remember reading about a pistol in jerry' s bust but that can't be cuz with the amount of dope he had he would have been locked up for a long long time. part of the community service he was required to do was put on a free show for the military. garcia band did a free show on board the uss carl vinson, where i was stationed at the time....unfortunately i had to fly home on emergency leave as my mother was dying....terminal brain cancer, so not only did i miss the show, i lost my mom as well.................guess i better quit ranting now....this tangent got rather large.
  • starsleeper
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    guns & roses
    I don't own any guns myself, but friends of mine do and they like to go deer and elk hunting. Gun sales have sky-rocketed since the election. I don't mind poppin off a few rounds once in a while. Hunter S. Thompson probably had a lot more than Mr. Popper does.
  • MarkintheDark
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    Thanks for looking, Frankly
    Coulda sworn I read that, though. ********************************************* I have a sigfile! --> *********************************************
  • Mr. Pid
    Guns and abortions
    I feel pretty much the same way about both these issues. If you're opposed to them, don't have one. If you think you need one of them, get one. Neither should be illegal. Ain't nobody's business but your own. People have an inherent right to defend themselves, and an inherent right to elect to reproduce. Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
  • Frankly
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    hi mark,...
    sorry,i have about every interview and report about jerrys bust and there is nowhere the word that there was a gun in the car."(recitation)..the officer saw that the number plate on garcias BMW was expired,he approached the car when he smelled something burning and saw that garcia had dropped a thing he tried to hide.the officer than found a briefcase on the passenger seat which,blablabla.........)this is from the original article in the chronicle,but in the RS too and others there was never the word about a gun.i think you must have fallen prey to a rumor.PEACE:-)(-:
  • TigerLilly
    and johnman pal
    we agree to disagree on this topic, I hope. Live and let live. Don't hold it against you that you support registered guns for private individuals, but I just cannot be pro n.r.a. Hatred of violence too deep for that.********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
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17 years 9 months
continuing the free-form from where we left it...
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17 years 9 months

anybody else ever think that Warren looks like Meatloaf with a guitar?? ( -; peace.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

thanks, man. cool article. muchas gracias, amigo! as a tangential aside, here are a few clips of Weir and Garcia talking aboout using accoustic and venues for them in a press conference they did before the radio City Music Hall run: and this!! man, Garcia had a great laugh!! peace.
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17 years 4 months

I tend to say some off the wall things, as you've all gathered I'm sure ,but..... Do ya'll ever feel like you belt out a GD lyric, or line daily ?? It just comes to mind so often for me & I think : Man some folks in the Dead family would sure know where I was coming from. Even if it's cheezy nonsense. It's mainly The Dead & Arlo for me, when I said " TYPICAL CASE OF AMERICAN CASE OF BLIND JUSTICE" to my ( then) new boss at the Courthouse, I felt like an idiot, but I HAD to say it :) PEACE
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17 years 4 months

Okay, so I Fawked up the quote, but I think I still got my point across ~ HELLS BELLS !!!
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17 years 7 months

I am the same way. I recite a daily GD lyric in my everyday talk,its just a way of life. I think my head is full of GD music so when I speak it just comes out sometimes. My kids think Im crazy, some says I am some says I ain't hehe see ... well I may be but happy too! Love you rider!! If you get confused listen to the music play! Peace,Gigi
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17 years 8 months

I was in a meeting last week at work, and someone said the phrase "no scour, no dry" a couple of times in a row. I'm not sure exactly what possessed me, but I started singing "No scour no dry" to the tune of "No Woman No Cry"....subvocally, I thought, but I guess maybe louder than I thought. My boss looked at me for a second and said, "Bob Marley, right?" We all had a good laugh...and I was impressed that I was singing well enough for someone, anyone to recognize the melody.
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17 years 7 months

my problem is that when i sing out a line or two i can't help but dance a there i am at work and were just chit-chatting about where we are from then my co worker said i was born in arizona..well i couldn't help but to ask rasied in a lions den? i start tapping my feet and bobing my head next thing i know everyone is looking at me as if i had two heads...i just can't sit still when i hear good tunes even when it is in my head... let your life proceed by its own design
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17 years 8 months

My Mom used to have this saying..."Sing at the dinner table, cry before bedtime." I never really knew if this was a subtle first shot at getting me or my siblings to shut up (or face the consequences!), or if it really was some kind of superstitious goobledygook. It was her fault that we all sang in the first place. She was always singing to the radio, singing without the radio, and we were always singing along with her. I couldn't sing worth a lick after my voice changed, but it doesn't stop me to this day. I love to sing! Anybody else ever hear of this? How about our Canadian friends? Mom came from the far northern reaches of Maine, near the border, grew up speaking French. Some strange translation? Or was she really a lot more sly than I've given her credit for?
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17 years 8 months

"Laugh in the sunshine Sing, cry in the dark Fly through the night Don't cry now Don't you cry Don't you cry any more La da da da Sleep in the stars Don't you cry Dry your eyes on the wind La da da da da da" Hunter
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17 years 8 months

Cilantro Moon Organic Market in my town is boomin' You'll find all condiments separated in factions Got your chili sauce, your Heinz in an A-1 room Salsa satisfaction They got em packaged up for love when it's sunny Tater tots, licking nuggets Playboy Bunnies Pop one in your mouth, it's too hot for me And roll a joint, gonna roll it in honey Cilantro moon, spicy for all I feel the heat, SHIT! I spilled it all Cilantro moon, fill the jar Beats eating Taco Bell in the car With the flatuation, I want to cry Veggie Nachos, bean burritos, oh my! Breaking wind by and by... oh, never mind... ( -;
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17 years 8 months

That my Mom was paraphrasing Robert Hunter? Or that his Mom gave him the same crap as mine? (Probably the latter, as my Mom was doing the singing/crying thing in the early 60s).
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17 years 8 months

For the link to the Jerry/Elvis article. I remember seeing that issue of Musician on a newstand, Jerry and Elvis staring right at me. As a big Costello fan, I was floored by the two of those guys together, and it was the only copy of Musician that I ever bought. Rereading the article, it's amazing what kind of real natural co-interviewing that's going on between the two....the "Musician" interviewer barely got a word in. Makes me really, really wish that Jerry was still around to be on Elvis' "Spectacle" show. It would have been a classic.
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16 years 11 months

please forgive me, I gotta let it out: 50 days I'm sober 50 yes indeed I used to be hung-over Now I'm spinnin free Oh I just want to hug you And do my part for change See hope replacing fear Till only love remains So move on old man winter It's time for spring to bloom It's gonna be a good one The Dead are coming soon
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17 years 8 months

WildStrings!!! Am GLAD you let that out!********************************** It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine
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17 years 9 months

when putting up the lyrics from Birdsong, I was just giving an alternative lullaby song... nothing intended about you or your mom per se in particualr. (-;
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17 years 9 months

hmmm hmmmmmmmmmm hmm v.
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16 years 11 months

It might be neat if The Dead would wear little video cameras on their heads in concert. It would be neat to look up at the big screens and see what they're seeing sometimes. It would also be cool on DVD. Nothin left to do but smile, smile, smile
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17 years 8 months

yes. i need a miracle. please offer prayers, beads,or anything to your icon of choice for me. i have been out looking for a job in my field since i got back in town( about a month or so now). every interview kind of crashes and burns when i mention that i am currently living in a halfway house until i get work. ARRRGGHHHH!!! I've worked steady for my whole life and now, pshhht, nuthin'. just keep me in mind when y'all light the next candle, or whatever. thanks and happy monday.peace nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile
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15 years 11 months

the scene is bleak. everyone's dopesick and neglected. normally i would go anyway. but this year, given the ridiculous ticket prices and the general hopelessness on lot, my daughter and i are going to disney world instead. thanks boys for finally making me grow up and see how it really is just about money. this time ill use that money to make positive lasting memories instead of fattening the boys wallets in these tough economic times. cant try and save my kidz cause its like quicksand. ALL FOR NAUGHT. The message got mixed up in this newest generation of wannabe-lot gangster kids from white upper class suburbs touring on daddy's credit card. Enjoy the money you make from them, can't blame you for takin the custies for all their worth. But what about the family? The families that travel and live and love together? Throw them in with the uber-custies and you come up with a helluva lot o addiction/custody problems. Was this the purpose of the creation of the Grateful Dead? Its not fun anymore. Hasn't been since Jerry died. And you can take that to the bank. Signed, One of a growing number of disillusioned/non-participating former fanz of the grateful dead experience AND environment--you are losing your base boys
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17 years 9 months

gypsy soul, my dear, oh Trish.... my sister, my lovely sister: please keep the faith. what will be will be, and anyone who has prejudices about someone else's life/abode/lifestyle/circumstances, well, may I saythat in the long run you don't wanna be with them for all too long... I understand you need the paycheck andd the work, and I am so sorry to hear assholes are in your view and their attitudes and discrimination is in your life. I feel your plight, and the plight will take flight and be replaced by joy and love. keep on keeping on, it WILL work out. love and peace, cc
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17 years 8 months

I never quite got into the whole Bobby as Harrison Ford in the Fugitive look... Should Weir shave?? image hosted by or maybe Weir would just say... 'face' facts, man. I got a beard now.
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Member for

17 years 4 months

Nice to see you around ! I'm so sorry your having such a time & it makes my blood boil thinking of the Jerks out there. Positive Job finding Vibes headed your way! You are in my prayers. PEACE
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17 years 8 months

Have a good new life, share the LOVE!
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17 years 2 months

i know it sux...i've been outa work almost 19 months now....not trying ta scare ya,........just keep the faith....alota people here know i've been strugglin'......just gotta keep hopin' and, if yer a mind to, prayin'. sumpin' 'll come up............
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17 years 9 months

i can always count on my family here to make me smile and feel loved. bless ya and thanx nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Have fun at Disney World. I myself prefer going to see the Dead with a group of friends all of whom have been following the Band since the early 70's. To each their own. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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17 years 9 months

yeah and them GD shows with Donald Duck were always a blast... ( -;
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17 years 8 months

glad to see you back here, take care of yourself and hang in there If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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17 years 7 months

Going out to Gypsy Soul!!Best of luck to you ,Grate to see you back!! Peace & Love Gigi
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16 years 1 month

Keep the faith girl, I spent 2 months looking for a job, putting in 5 applications in a day monday through friday and finally found a crappy job at a pasta resteraunt. It may be a crappy job, but im finally gettin caught up with bills. You'll find a job soon, I got this positive vibe for you. Keep ,your chin up, it will all work out. Peace- Moye
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Member for

17 years 9 months

I heard a rumour that the Dead will trot out "It's a Small World After All" and play that somewhere during the tour. A guy who works on their soundcrew told me it's being rehearsed. Apparently, Weir can't this tune out of his head after going to Disneyland recently. This is Weir's home movie from that ride in Disneyland: (rare footage) you kind of have to watch the whole thing, but Bobby points the camera back at himself about 3 times during it, just a glimpse of him 'going to hell in a bucket but at least he's enjoying the ride' you can hear his distinctive laugh a few times and his resonant voice. I think he says, though it is a bit garbled, 'hey you know, it really is a small world after all...' ( -; now thatyou have seen it, I reckon'you can't get that tune out of your head either. yuk yuk yuk. ok, let's put it back on track here: 100$ ??? I mean, after all, how long is a Dead concert gonna be? Shit, those free shows on 3/30 were a total rip-off, they only played like an hour at the first two places. and what, like 90 minutes or so at Roseland... What are the Dead, in colusion with the subway company? forcing some people to have to ride from place to place to see all of the shows. I think it was all an Opec conspiracy during the late 70's, a few thousand deadheads on the road, DRIVING from place to place... think about it. seriously. I think the Dead should have had a Tour Pass ticket, all shows, all venues, for $500. INCLUDING free gas coupons, enough to drive a big ass diesel tie-die bus from place to place AND all the veggie burritos you can eat at every show. (bathroom use will not be free, however, and it will be 2$ per tinkle, and 5$ per dump) you know, people might think 100$ is a really 'high' price for a Dead show, no discounts available!! well, that is not entirely true, didn't some of the venues offer cheaper seats behind the stage? but, in reality, whatare we talking about? MAYBE 2 or 3 hours of music. do we count drumz/space as music, I don't think so.... now, on the other hand, a whole day and night of entertainment at Disney can be had for these prices: Disneyland Tickets - Prices List prices for Disneyland tickets listed below are valid as of January 1, 2009, according to the Disneyland web site. One Day, Single Park Admission to one park only These Disneyland tickets are available at the resort ticket booth or by calling 714-781-4400. Not available online. Children $59.00, Adults $69.00 You can also buy this ticket through CalActive with transportation included, but be aware that it's far from the cheapest way to get to the park, costing over $30 per person more than tickets alone and with a restrictive schedule that would not allow you to stay for the fireworks or evening parades. One Day Park Hopper You can visit both parks on the same day. Children $84.00, Adults $94.00 No advance purchase discount. Order online through Disney only. CHILDREN UNDER 3 are FREE!!!!!!! but, children over the age of 10 are priced as adults... but there are, in fact ways to save money buying your tix to Disneyland!! Go on your birthday, Disney is free for you!! Off season, even cheaper! ah, to each her/his own. ( -; no offense intended to anyone, just joking around. please find your joy in any way you can. serious disney discounts available on disny's website, you can get in for as little as 41$ per day if you buy a 5 day pass or something like that.. major Dead tix discounts to many of the old shows the Grateful Dead played are here, but you can't actually 'see'them play: archive. org now THAT site is a value for your money! ( -; yuk yuk yuk. peace.
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17 years 7 months

For the most amazing night of my life!! Those 3 Dead shows Monday night in NYC were awesome, I will never forget it!Thanks for the memories I will cherish them forever <3 Peace & Love,Gigi
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17 years 8 months

My wife just called and in her best shaky, shaky voice told me that she was feeling extremely ill. We're supposed to be driving from NC to Maine very early Friday morning, so I was sitting there thinking, oh man!, when she let out the "April Fools!" on me. She's a very wicked woman.
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17 years 7 months

Good for her! :)
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17 years 7 months

that was to 80's even for me ....i finished high school in what the f***
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17 years 8 months

Just wondering what the orginal meaning of the Dancing Bears or Dancing Skeltons whats the history on them? Thanks
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17 years 8 months

that is just too much, I haven't laughed this hard for a long time. No wonder I seemed like such an outcast in the 80's. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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17 years 2 months

the bears were on the cover of "bears choice" and the skeletons are "truckin" like "mr. natural".....................i think
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16 years 1 month

THATS GREAT MAN!!!WOW!! WEIR!!! LOL Killer 89 The Other One too man!! Peace- Moye
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17 years 8 months

yes i got a job. not doing what i used to do(medical stuff), but working in a home building company as a finisher/cleaner. it's not too bad. i am very GRATEFUL, and enjoy it so far. thanks to all of you for your thoughts and words of encouragement. you ARE my family. peace and light nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile
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Member for

17 years 9 months

great news gypsy. Good for you. As for the video, I think it must be Bob's personal "We Build This City on Rock 'n' Roll" (shudder)
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17 years 8 months

good for you, gypsy soul! good for you! happy to hear the good news. keep smilin' image hosted by peace.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

well done, marye. noww that song will be in my head all day... 'we built this city on rock AND... Roll...' I'll go ask Alice for my money back for that album. yuk yuk yuk. ( -;
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16 years 1 month

Back in 94, I can remember thinking to myself, man this is so cool!! Then I thought to myself, how can I wrap this moment up and take it home with me for everyone to see? Or rather, how can I meet cool people like everyone thats dancin and smilin around me? Tryin to explain it to nondead heads and others was virtually impossible. Well, the answer to my question is here on It's hard to find kind good hearted souls in the world these daze. But I found a buttload here on, So how do you bottle up the show and take a piece of it with you? The answer is DEAD.NET!! Thank you all and thank you dead members! Peace- Moye
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17 years 9 months

play for change . com next project: Ripple with "Sken is a Hen, USA" ( -;