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  • cheese
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    3 out of 4 ain't bad
    I also had tons of trouble getting on to the ticket sale site this morning. when i finally did get on, trying to buy tickets for 4 different locations, i was rejected at checkout. the message was that i had timed out!! huh????? i wasn't the one taking so long!! it was so incredibly frustrating. i ended up getting shut out of msg :( but was successful securing tix for buffalo, nassau coliseum and shoreline. happy 'bout that, but still hoping for the way, if this was the "presale", does that mean the "regular" ticket sales have yet to happen? if so, when?
  • maybeyouknow
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    come on ....
    were all a little outraged at the way shit has gone down and is continuing to go down but guys please some good vibes would be excellent these guys are important to all of you no matter how pissed you may be so all the people who are angry find that one show that changed your life and listen to it 3 times in a row ,everyone psyched about tour 2009 try and spread some happy vibes and well make the best of this odd situation hope to see you all in the parking lot and dont stay mad at the boys for too long they will come to their senses
  • annieandshane
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    c-ville va
    had a relatively easy time getting good seats for the Charlottesville va show. cmon down south yall.
  • DooDahDan
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    I'm Out
    I checked at 11:55 am to see if I could pre-load my "account" information with mailing information and my credit card number and, to my surprise, was placed in the "waiting room" because there was already "high demand." I thought the whole process was supposed to kick off at high Noon EST. After waiting for an hour in the "waiting room" I got in. Tried every permutation to get 4 tickets to MSG. No luck, so I bailed around 1:30 frustrated and pissed. To add insult to injury, I got an email from at 1:46 pm saying the pre-order started. WTF? I'm done with this band. $100/seat for a Jerry-less Dead is not worth this much hassle. What started out a long time ago as a cosmic adventure has turned into a money-grab. Can't say I blame any artist for wanting to make some duckets to provide for retirement/kid's future but there was a point in the not so distant past where the true fans could pay a fair price and get tickets by filling out a 3x5 index card, a money order and an envelope (and the old system kept Dead office people employed). This band has turned into one giant cluster f*ck since Jer checked out. I would rather take the $100, buy 4 DSO tickets and a round of drinks for my friends, hear a great show, and be happy. I'm out. Nice knowing you.
  • kimberly1
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    it happens because the
    it happens because the "brokers" have agreements in place with the venues.
  • joetroy
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    Pre-sale flop . . .
    I am truly disappointed with the way the pre-sale went down. I would have thought that if anyone could have provided a fair ticket-buying experience it would have been the Dead "organization" and their ticket vendor. Turns out they can't; like every other shyster promoter out there, my experience today was actually the worst experience I've EVER HAD in buying pre-sale tickets. I've had much better experiences through Ticketmaster and Live Nation (who knows . . . they're probably both at the root of this debacle anyway) and that ain't sayin' much. Take a gander at how many tickets are being sold by scalpers already! How does that happen?! It happens because the "safeguards" that were in place did nothing but safeguard the STATUS-QUO, thereby allowing every scalper out there to get the lions' share of every good seat available, and freezing out the rest of us! Have The Dead forgot those of us deadheads who have been with them since the beginning?! It sure feels like it. I had an incredibly frustrating time in my attempt to purchase tickets - I just wanted ONE ticket for each of the couple of shows I wanted to attend - and it turned out way too confusing, convoluted, and skewed to make it worth the $115 cost for a seat and a date I really didn't want and to which it took an hour-plus to finally achieve the end result [without being bumped out, frozen out, or otherwise timed-out as I had throughout] before I was able to complete my purchase. My first Dead show was 33 years ago. If today was any indication of how the future of the Dead's ticket distribution will look like, then this May 2009 will be it for me. It's just not worth the aggravation, cost, and disappointment, where the system allows those who are honest fans to get beaten over by scalpers once again. There . . . I got that off my chest. PS:Thanks for so many incredible shows! Disillusioned words like bullets bark as human gods aim for their mark make everything from toy guns that spark to flesh-colored Christs that glow in the dark it's easy to see without looking too far not much is really sacred. B Dylan
  • kimberly1
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    my story
    so after banging my head into the monitor from 12-1:30, i bailed. came back at 6PM, and after waffleing about the price and the seats, the wife just said stop bellyaching, and buy them! chaching! got a nice little nassau/msg/hartford run lined up!
  • MarkintheDark
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    "Don't they know half the band is dead"? ROTFLMAO
    Too funny. So how do these eBay people manage to get such great seats? I was right there and couldn't get even get the stupid site to work. It's a scam, I tell ya, an inside job by those evil "musicsomeday" people. Follow the money! ********************************************* I have a sigfile! --> *********************************************
  • tomharp
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    speak with wisdom like a child
    After days of despair over extortion ticket prices, officially condoned scalping in the guise of "VIP packages", a totally fucked up on line ticket sale process and lack of accurate information, I was explaining the situation at the family dinner table. My wife said "Don't they know the economy is in the toilet"? To which my eleven year old daughter chimed in "Don't they know half the band is dead"? Maybe you had to be there, but sometimes a child can put things in focus. Thirty plus years of shows and I am terribly disillusioned at this moment, but the laugh my daughter gave me took away some of the edge.
  • SunshineDel
    No more live shows for me...
    I spent an hur trying to get logged in before I finally got in. Then I was put in a holding patern for around 30 minuits before the connection was dropped. I tried to get back in for another 15 minuits before I had to return to Life. Now I log back in and only the show that I can get to is sold out. I guess it's just a sign! It was kind of wierd that all of the good seats are being sold by a ticket scalper! $350 per ticket, give me a break! Personally I would have had to work to get the $95 that they wanted for the other seats. Oh well, I will just have to wait for the video.
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16 years 6 months

The band says Happy New Year with an announcement of almost twenty shows in April and May.  More details to come!

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16 years 4 months

Heck I just might have to volunteer for Rothbury this year....let me tell you it's one of the best! And I might just have to tour the whole shabang this year. Yet everytime I do this, I feel the lull period just before the tour...Damn I have no more money left! Oh well, maybe I'll go sell some Veggie Burritos and Gooey Goo Balls in downtown Naperville, IL Just kidding! That would be a joke, I tried this experiment (of non-deadshow vending) once in college at the Super Bowl...didn't work out so hot. But hey at least I'm enjoying the ride! _____________________________________________ Will you come with me? Once in awhile you can get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right!
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16 years 2 months

Rothbury? What is this Rothbury you speak of? Phil me in please! "That song Do the Hokey-Pokey scares me.....What if that IS what it's all about?"--George Carlin
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Check out the home page. Rothbury is a 4 day camping festival with Bob Dylan and The Dead (There only summer appearance thus far scheduled) among others, at Rothbury, Michigan over the July 4th weekend. Check out the homepage for links to the Rothbury web page. It is promised to be "sustainable camping" but it is anything but (see my post two pages ago).
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16 years 2 months

Ticket orders which include the April 12th show will ship at the end of the week of March 23rd.Once these orders ship, the rest of the tour will ship shortly thereafter. Therefore, ticket orders with shows in May will receive their tickets earlier than our regular 2 week window. Once tickets ship you will receive an email confirmation of your shipment along with the tracking number for your order. NOTE: IF YOU HAVE MOVED or would like to have your tickets shipped to another address, changes to addresses can only be made prior to the receipt of the e-mail notice of shipping by replying to this e-mail immediately with the new shipping information. "When it comes to humility, I'm the greatest!" - Bullwinkle Moose
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16 years 2 months

When I first came on here, I posted a somewhat cynical comment about this "mail order" thing that the Dead has been doing for years. I may have said something like "its for people without credit cards". I am an avid music goer and control freak when it comes to tickets. There's no good seat I can't obtain. Except for this one. Anyway, I'm glad someone politely came on this message board and humbled me, that has been a tradition for years among followers of the Grateful Dead. I took that advice and skipped the online presale, decorated my letter for a day, made sure my money order was perfect and handed it to my local mailwoman. All I can say is that this is a great day. The tickets arrived for the Denver show and they are beyond belief. I love this band and what is doing. Next thank you note will be directly to them. I may even send a "real" letter. See everyone in Denver!
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16 years 3 months

gdtstoo rocks! thanks for letting us know that denver ticks are on the way.
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16 years 2 months

Just my opinion but, the reason they make us wait so long is because they don't want the scalpers to scalp.... Think about it......Moye-
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16 years 2 months

This is a huge problem too. Scalpers get their hands on great seats early on and then have months to make their best deals with them. However, this is made more difficult for them when they can't promise to the buyer that the seats they're selling are actually in hand at the time of the transaction. It may be a bit nerve-wracking to normal consumers like us, but this policy has been established with us in mind. A couple of years ago, I contacted the Boston Red Sox Web site after I was shut out during their annual "Sox Pax" ticket sale in December. Four-game packages for 32 games were up for sale on their site, complete with the virtual waiting room that we saw during the pre-sale for Dead tix this year. I'd gotten into the system, placed my order and had been kicked out before I could complete the purchase. I explained all of this in my email and asked if the folks at would email me when the rest of the games went on sale. Instead, I got an email from the team's front office, asking me to call them back, which I did. The guy at the other end of the conversation apologized for the inconvenience and asked me what games I wanted tickets for and where I wanted to sit. I protested that the games I wanted to go to were all sold out, but he explained that the Red Sox have some of their staff people monitor eBay during the Sox Pax sale, to see if their tickets come up for sale there on the same day. If they do, the Red Sox cancel the sale! So, I was able to buy four seats to four games in '07, right behind home plate! Sometimes, just sometimes, the system works for us. "When it comes to humility, I'm the greatest!" - Bullwinkle Moose
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15 years 11 months

True greensboro will be crowded. That means a huge shakedown. I got my fix and my tix
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16 years 2 months

Communication is key - if they would state up front that they want to hold on to the tickets until the last second to avoid scalpers then I am totally cool with that. But when musictoday doesn't say anything, then we are left to speculate and that leads to rumors and to frustration etc.... "When the smoke has cleared she said, that's what she said to me. You're gonna want a bed to lay your head and a little sympathy"
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16 years 2 months

Glad to hear you got your tix and things worked out well for you! What section are you in? We're gonna pitch a ball Down to the union hall We're gonna romp and stomp till midnight We're gonna fuss and fight till daylight We're gonna pitch a wang dang doodle all night long Shine On! Saint Stephen
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16 years 5 months

Got my tkts today for Albany .... and killer killer seats, floor, section 1 row 16..... thanks so much to GDTS TOO. The few times I have gotten great seats it was always from mail order, looks like the folks there have pulled it off again for meThanks again
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16 years 2 months

BIG GRINS!!! See everybodys tickets are arriving as show get closer.... "Theres a band out on the highway,Their high steppin into town, Its a rainbow full of sounds, and it's fire works, calliopes and clowns, And everybodys DANCIN!"
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16 years 5 months

just got an email from musictoday, presale tickets will be here sat. or Mon. They are in the ups system and heading this way, can't wait, 16 days till greensboro.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

I got the email too. I had managed to opt out of the default 2nd-day UPS shipping to the cheaper USPS shipping...without timing out the transaction. Given the way the presale went, the gods were smiling on THAT move. So MusicToday gave me the tracking number and a link to UPS! Which showed my tracking number to be invalid. Jumped onto the USPS website, used it there, and low and behold, left Charlottesville VA last night. I should have it by Saturday, since I'm just a state away in NC..right? Nothin' left to do but smile, smile, smile! See y'all at the show!
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16 years 2 months

This is all great news. A lot has been written here about the ticket buying process becoming too complicated. Part of that is due to how sophisticated scalpers have become. The demand for tickets has grown too, but the older, classic acts tour fewer and fewer days a year, which really squeezes the market as well. I've bought tickets from MusicToday in the past and they've always come through. You just have to wait a bit - but they get to you. "When it comes to humility, I'm the greatest!" - Bullwinkle Moose
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16 years 2 months

Feels like spring is hear! Nice and sunny out today. Shows are gettin closer. Seems like the days between just flew by. Won't be long and we'll be shakin our bones to some good ol' grateful dead tunes!! "Wrote a letter, mailed it in the air, you may know my fella, i gotta a friend somewhere!!!"
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17 years 8 months

I received my Albany tickets the other day from GDTS TOO and was pleasantly surprised to see, what I believe to be, front row seats. They are FLR 3, Row A. According to seating chart they looked great. Rock on.
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16 years 2 months

Phil, Bobby and Warren are scheduled to appear on the ABC TV show, The View on Monday, where they're expected to play at least one tune. I'm not clear as to whether this broadcast will be truly live, or whether it was taped on an earlier date. What information I've been able to glean though indicates that this will be a live broadcast from NYC on Monday AM. The View is taped live at 11AM (East Coast Time), Mon-Thurs. "When it comes to humility, I'm the greatest!" - Bullwinkle Moose
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15 years 11 months

Got word from friend about text message from Dead going out in NY area
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16 years 2 months

Bobby and Phil - along with Bill O'Reilly - are scheduled to join Baba Wawa, Whoopie Goldberg, and Elisabeth Hasselbeck on ABC's The View on Monday morning. Check local listings. "When the smoke has cleared she said, that's what she said to me. You're gonna want a bed to lay your head and a little sympathy"
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15 years 11 months

Rumor floating around is free show in Battery Park, TV show, then PM at small venue.
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16 years 2 months

And yep, 11 A.M. on ABC, Bob Weir and Phil Lesh.NICE>>><<< "Theres a band out on the highway,Their high steppin into town, Its a rainbow full of sounds, and it's fire works, calliopes and clowns, And everybodys DANCIN!"
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16 years 2 months

This is all so exciting... We are getting closer ... "When the smoke has cleared she said, that's what she said to me. You're gonna want a bed to lay your head and a little sympathy"
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Member for

16 years 4 months

Thanks for the info all!_____________________________________________ Will you come with me? Once in awhile you can get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right!
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17 years 9 months

I heard same rumors for Monday. "One watch by night, one watch by day If you get confused, listen to the music play"
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16 years 1 month

Got my tickets today for Wilkes Barre. THANK YOU GDTS, TOO!!!! Great seats. In all the years I've gotten tickets from them, they've never let me down. Muchas garcias!!! See you at the show!
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16 years 1 month

Just received an email and that stated my Greensboro tickets are on the way via UPS and what do you know, the tracking number actually worked....I should have 'em Monday....Does anybody know if they requrie a signature?
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15 years 11 months

Can anyone share the details of the shows on 3/30?
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16 years 2 months

Got my Denver ticket today - despite a foot of snow! Sec CCC row 13 - SMILE! SMILE! SMILE! We're gonna pitch a ball Down to the union hall We're gonna romp and stomp till midnight We're gonna fuss and fight till daylight We're gonna pitch a wang dang doodle all night long Shine On! Saint Stephen
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17 years 9 months

because hey, I got it, so I think if you've got a account you got the message.
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16 years 2 months

from the email I received at 6:26 pm tonight"As a special thanks to our email and text alert subscribers, below is a link to an online form where you can enter for a chance to win tickets. The winners will be randomly selected and then notified via email."
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I got an e-mail time-stamped 12:24am on 3/28 with the link to enter. Clicked on the link and the pages said sorry, entry had expired! That is not kind! Why has the entry expired so quickly??
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16 years 2 months

You had to enter before 9PM East Coast time. I got the message when I came 9:20PM. Ah well... It's still a very cool thing for the guys to do for the fans. "When it comes to humility, I'm the greatest!" - Bullwinkle Moose
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No biggie. It is a nice thing to do.
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16 years 2 months

What a great way to show 'fan appreciation'...sure wish I could get to NY (from Chicago) by Monday, or I would've entered. It's too bad that with all the money-hungry scalpers out there, they can only pull this sort of thing off on VERY short notice. If you don't live in NY, ya gotta be ready to fly fast! For those of you lucky enough to win tix- Have a great time!!
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16 years 2 months

GRIN ON ;)......... Tickets are arriving..... "Theres a band out on the highway,Their high steppin into town, Its a rainbow full of sounds, and it's fire works, calliopes and clowns, And everybodys DANCIN!"
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16 years 2 months

Just saw the rehearsal stuff they have on u-tube, Man the guys sound like they're ready to go again! Everybody's real positive and already sounding great(wait till the ball gets rollin!!!) Cant believe I had to give my ticket/show money to a lawyer!! NEED A MIRACLE FOR WORCESTER 4/18-SEND ME TWO TIX-I'LL BE YER BEST FRIEND......:-)
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17 years 8 months

Whow.. freeekZ! Iwon one to Roseland! email came in little after noon.. ok gotta get a flight like real quick and wife says no way she can go on such short notice from work.. crap anyone got a good mind-meld I can do on her like real quick!?
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Member for

17 years 9 months

I am going to Gramercy and Roseland!!! I will fill you guys in on Tuesday. "One watch by night, one watch by day If you get confused, listen to the music play"
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Member for

16 years 2 months

Have fun you guys! Yes and please give us details! "When the smoke has cleared she said, that's what she said to me. You're gonna want a bed to lay your head and a little sympathy"
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Member for

16 years 4 months

So awesome to the winners....hope you have a twirlin good time! It will be a grateful time no doubt. Keep us updated!_____________________________________________ Will you come with me? Once in awhile you can get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right!
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16 years 2 months

Just got my tickets for denver...still waiting and hoping for a miracle on an email for Mondays show.