• 1,225 replies
    If you'd like to know where to find something, how to use a particular feature, or why something doesn't seem to make sense, ask here! We'll do our best to help.


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  • peterVsenior
    dead store ordering
    I live in the UK and recently ordered daves picks 4 and other items from the store. I received no communication regarding dispatch and after sending several emails to customer service who always told me they had passed them onto the relevant dept for action, but I never got a reply. In the meantime I received an email informing an item on my order was cancelled but with no excplanation. I telephoned in the end and was told by someone called Zoe that the reason my order was cancelled was because international orders are not accepted. When asked why I could place a confirmed order and be quoted international postage she could not answer. Can someone please explain is this true and why is this allowed to occur. It is strange to encourage international business then not accept it. peter
  • Anonymous (not verified)
    Default Avatar
    where is the JAMoftheWEEK?
    sweet niblits, where is the jam of the week?
  • marye
    what browser/device/OS are you seeng it in? I'm not seeing this.
  • stuman
    Default Avatar
    so whats up with
    this search bar that only seems to show up on dead.net ? T on the bottom of the screen it has an X on it but will not go away ..
  • bcboot
    Store is working great!
    Glad to see the store up and running with more music in stock Plus a 20% discount to boot!Finally got to order the Rotterdam 5/12/72 cd set today, so excited to hear the Dark Star on that one. Peace, ~bc.boot
  • marye
    glad it saw the light...
  • Jason Wilder
    Default Avatar
    Shippinig Charge: Watch Each Card You Play
    So, I'm trying to buy my Dave's Picks 2012 Subscription, and on the site, when it lists your cart, it says there is Dave's Picks free shipping, and -$11.95 is subtracted from your order total. But then, when you actually go to checkout, your $11.95 reappears on your bill. Watch it folks, it looks like free shipping, but it isn't. EDIT: I went back a second time, and now it is working properly and giving the discount. Never mind.
  • marye
    if you're having download problems
    please tell us the OS and browser you're using. Thanks.
  • wilfredtjones
    hey bOne
    How tech inclined are you? Do you know your way around a computer? How many computers do you have? Do you have a buddy whose computer you can try? I was having trouble at first until I downloaded Firefox. About the third day they fixed the problem so IE works now. Make sure everything's updated. I have to admit, this website works better in Firefox.
  • b0ne
    30 days of dead
    tried 3 different browsers all month everyday and i can only save the first 2 seconds of every song. any 1 have any ideas? can listen to them fine but just cant save :((.
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17 years 1 month
If you'd like to know where to find something, how to use a particular feature, or why something doesn't seem to make sense, ask here! We'll do our best to help.
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16 years 7 months

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17 years

Thought was crazy too, at first. Would be nice to know again who's posting these fabulous photos.********************************** It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine
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Member for

15 years 4 months

anyone know when presale tickets get mailed out?
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Member for

15 years 5 months

Good Morning, wondered if someone knew when the pre-sale tickets would mail. I ordered tix a week later on regular sale date & rec'd those weeks ago. Thanks...Ron
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Member for

15 years 4 months

Will jimmy herring be playing with the dead
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Member for

17 years

Sometimes people post a series of photos and I notice if I comment on one of them it removes it from the series and takes it to the top of the latest post list, disrupting the original series. Is there a way that the person posting the series can note on page that it is part of a series of say, five and a way that the viewer can easily look at the series?Also, someone here in one of the forums mentioned some topics being buried beneath other topics. Is there a list of all forums? Perhaps I am just missing some obvious accessibility but there are certain forums that haven't been posted in, in awhile and I would like to go back and read. For example I am always looking for a good book to read and if I dig around I could probably find that book forum but I would love a big old list. Peace & Music from old Docks here, on dialup, in more ways than one. Again, Peace
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Member for

16 years 6 months

If users who upload photos that are a sequence would include a sequence number in the subject line it might make it easier for other users to follow that sequence, especially if the upload user's identity would return to the fan photo page layout (hint, hint.) If you go to a user's page all their uploaded photos can be found there. Regarding the forums, if you look at the top of left side of any page you should see a nav section titled "table of contents." The sixth major item from the top is the doorway to all forum topics regardless of how recently anyone has posted in them. It will take a little poking around to figure out where everything is as there are many nooks and crannies holding the melted content. Sorry, couldn't resist. Perhaps if there was a page structured like an exploded tree of links to all forum topics (sort of like a site map) it might make it easier for users to find specific topics more readily. Dialup? Ouch. I feel your pain. Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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17 years 1 month

that "melted content" does rather rule the day. For example, you'll find almost as many people looking for tix in Tix Offered as people with tix for sale. So discussions are not always where you expect to find them. Hence you may find that search feature in the left-had bar useful also. E.g. if you want to find all discussions involving the Gorge, you can do a search for "The Gorge" and it'll bring up everything with the reference.
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Member for

16 years 10 months

Thanx for the tip on search but it seems there arent any answers so far to that question.The closest Ive seen is mail out dates 2 weeks before show ...not specific to the Gorge.............I will get by
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Member for

15 years 5 months

What is there like 514 pages on deadnet? Why could'nt you give each page a specific number, alphabetical order the topics and maybe have a spot on the home page for search topic {like google} to access topics or pages quicker. If you could remember a specific number, it would be much easier to relate a number with a topic.Just my opinion, Phatmoye
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17 years 1 month

the really short answer to that is that while we're looking at ways to make the place a bit more navigable, the fact is that the software on which this site runs is seriously deficient in dealing with some of these issues and some things are more fixable than others. Also, there IS a search function right there on the left, right above My Dead.net, which should help somewhat. But believe me, we're aware of the situation and trying to do what we can.
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17 years 1 month

also, some folks have suggested bookmarking topics you like, and you might find that a useful workaround.
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Member for

15 years 7 months

hey now, I was wondering if you could tell me who I might speak to about volunteering on spring tour.I trained with Calico. I passed out garbage bags in the rain with her at Alpine 89'. Whatever I can do to help make shakedown street a safe and fun experience, sign me up.I remember when the only way I knew what day of the week it was by my ticket stub. I couldn't wait to get to a dead show just so I could change my clothes.
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15 years 5 months

Is anyone used to the two week prior to show shipping from Music Today? I just want to make sure I'm getting the tic's I bought as I'm not used to waiting to just before a show to get delivery. Is this the regular way they do it? WE'VE WAITED A LONG TIME FOR THIS TOUR SO I'M A LITTLE NERVOUS! WE LOVE YOU JERRY
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15 years 3 months

Is there a email address to report bootleg GD items on eBay to? I buy licensed GD items and sell on eBay and there is a ton of counterfeit GD items that I sell being reproduced in China and Thailand and being sold on eBay. Looking for someone to report these to. Thank you
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17 years 1 month

I'll pass this up the line and see that it gets to the right person, thanks much.
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Member for

15 years 7 months

I am looking for a contact for Press Passes, any guidance since I can't find a management contact? Thanks for help. Peace & Blessings Doc
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Member for

16 years 6 months

That's almost as funny as this: Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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Member for

16 years 10 months

Greetings.... I know Ive asked this already....sorry....but...I did pre sale through GDTS for the Gorge...first day faxed in request....still nothing has been charged to my card ...I am going to be on the road in the next few weeks and hoping to see some action or update on the charging process for that show...I dont mind waiting for tickets as long as I know my order has been processed. Any word on when this might happen? Thanx!!!!!!!
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Member for

17 years 1 month

Not having ordered Gorge tickets, I can't speak to the status, but you might get a more direct answer by going to the GDTSTOO.com site and contacting the ticket ladies directly.
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Member for

15 years 8 months

Why am I laughing so hard at Mr. Pid's Video response to the DoctorTrip? Just a question. _____________________________________________ Will you come with me? Once in awhile you can get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right!
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Member for

15 years 8 months

I've been running real slow hooking up to dead.net lately. I've done alot of work trying to speed it up with the puter. Is Dead.net really busy or is it my puter?_____________________________________________ Will you come with me? Once in awhile you can get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right!
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17 years 1 month

the new releases and whatnot are drawing quite a crowd and things are a bit slow. This will probably take care of itself, but it's not you and we're aware of the issue. Thanks!
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Member for

16 years 10 months

Greetings.... I just received this reply from GDTSTOO...... We will start processing the Gorge in the next couple of weeks. You should be ok. On Mar 24, 2009, at 3:28 PM, Hope this helps anyone interested!!! gonna be a long long long crazy night!!!!
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17 years 1 month

I'm sure this will be a huge relief to many!
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15 years 6 months

Are cameras allowed? SLRs? professional gear? Sorry if this is the wrong place for this question - any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks! (looking forward to the MSG show and seeing Bob and Phil with the Allman Brothers tomorrow)
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Member for

17 years 1 month

historically still cameras including SLRs have never been a problem and video cameras almost always have. However, I would check with the venue as different ones have different policies.
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Member for

15 years 8 months

Has anyone received the tickets that were ordered online in January through dead.net? Albany and Worcester are three weeks away and still no tickets.
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Member for

16 years 11 months

Howdy! I do not have tickets for any shows on Spring Tour (yet) and just won a ticket to Roseland for this Monday! Yippppeeeee!!! I am wondering what the taping policy is for Monday's shows and the rest of the Tour??? Thanks! Brother Antonio (^_^)
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Member for

15 years 5 months

I ordered tickets for Buffalo and Izod the first day theybecame available from this site. I still have not received them - is this normal the shows are coming up soon. Help thanks joe
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Member for

17 years 1 month

I get the sense that they are shipping the hard tix out really late to prevent scalping, but you should have them in plenty of time. There's a lot of discussion of this in the various venue topics, so you might want to compare notes with people over in the relevant venue topics (e.g. Meet Me in Buffalo).
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17 years

I never recieved any alets and/or messages on friday 3/27 about shows on Monday 3/30. Did not hear about them till I logged in after 9:00pm. Just wanted to make sure I am signed up, which i thought I was ,, for all future announcements. Peace
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Member for

17 years

Same thing kind of happened to me...I didn't get the email announcement until late Saturday night and by then when I went to click on the link it said it was no longer available. So I know I'm signed up, just didn't get the email until it was too late.
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Member for

17 years 1 month

if in doubt, sign up for the email list again. Also, if you're already signed up and didn't get the notice, check your spam filter, because misbehaving spam filters have been known to grab vital messages!
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Member for

17 years 1 month

Hey Marye.....Can we still send private messages on here?? I found an old friend on the user list and would love to know how to get a hold of him. His user name is Cassidy Dodge. Thanks ...Chris
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17 years 1 month

if that's his user name and he doesn't have messages blocked, you should be able to send him a PM; just go to his profile page and click the Send A Message link.
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Member for

17 years 1 month

I must be blind or dumb cause I cant see send a messge link on his profile page. Under heading PERSONAL MESSAGES it says "block messages " thats it. ...chris
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Member for

17 years

Hey... I think I got it now. I went to edit my account and I had not checked the box " allow pM's " I guess. When I now pull up his profile I can write him a PM. THANKS !!!! ...Chris
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15 years 3 months

i have knit a sweater with what i hope looks a lot like a stealy on the back its not a print of the image or copy or reproduction its a knit sweater and i would like to sell it its highly impressionistic and im wondering if this is breaking the law as far as the image copyright is conserned
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16 years

I would like to know if GDTS sends out an e-mail before they send off the tix or do they send them out and they show up at the door??? I'm still waiting on 2 for 4/22 in Wilkes-Barre. From the Western Union in Ottawa here they do not do any american money orders so I sent a canadian money order. Know I relize that they asked for american money orders only and with the exchange I could be short by 2 or 3 dollars with our dollar falling since Jan. It will be a true miricale if the folks at GDTS can fix my order up and send some sweet tix. Any experiences out there with GDTS fixing things like this???
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Member for

17 years 1 month

I would go to the GDTSTOO site and take it up with the ladies directly. Someone posted the latest mailing status in the tour topic, and I think Wilkes-Barre is just now in process, but I could be misremembering.
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Member for

16 years

Thanks Marye, I have been asking and the latest word they tell me is that they have mailed my tix!!!! I can't believe it after I royaly screwed up my order, they made it right and have sent my order out. I allready have tix through Consider it Dan but with these now I can bring my 19 son who worked the winter on the ski hills out in BC and is coming back for the summer. I will now be stalking the mailman for a couple of days. LOL Fare Thee Well
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Member for

17 years 1 month

the GDTSTOO folks are indeed a very nice bunch.
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15 years 5 months

I was just wondering what this whole vine deal is? Can someone please send me a PM and explain................ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ May the Four Winds Blow You Safely Home... I Miss Jerry
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17 years

subee03deadhead, go to the Vineyard >New Vines forum and read the introduction there. All will be revealed ( I hope). Then you can start signing up. If it is not clear feel free to ask again over there.
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17 years 1 month

the New Vines 2009 topic! Excellent and detailed instructions there.
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17 years 1 month

Seems like mine take days to post. Am I doing something wrong or what?Peace