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  • Klangstone
    9 years 4 months ago
    Thanks for info, Blue, and for the namedrop. I agree with pretty much everything you said there. Luckily for me I have a hotel near the venue that includes parking. It saddens me about the money-grab for the parking situation (at both venues). Agree about the scene towards the end in the mid '90s too. It was hard to watch and see the degradation of the scene, crowds and how the newer deadheads were disrespectful of the venues and surrounding communities (and each other). One would hope that the scene will be better again now that the young disrespectful heads from the '90s are now grownup, and we are all so lucky for this last run that everyone will be right and make a whole new positive-vibe new millennium scene. If the Sunshine Daydreamers have any say in it, that is what will happen. We will make the scene better and rub off on those who need to be rubbed... "We can make it happen, yeah!"
  • blue mike
    9 years 4 months ago
    backup parking strategy
    Howdy folks, I’ve been lurking on this thread since the whole business started back in January, watching people come and go, watching the interaction between mkav, truckineric, Eyes of Rocklin, the 11, and of course our beloved alcalde, Master Klangstone. I see a fair amount of bitterness and trollish behavior, but mostly I see kind people looking to get together in celebration of that twinkle in the eye you don’t need to have been there to understand. You can hear it in the music. I was very fortunate to have been initiated into the Grateful Dead in October of 1969. A lot of people felt Pig was the leader of that band, and I think Jerry might have agreed. But Pig left that band, Jerry had to step up, and the music changed and survived, while other bands crashed and burned. I remember how we all felt at the “retirement” concerts in 1974, no one (including the band) knowing if we would ever do this again. We cried goodbye that night, and they stamped our tickets “The Last One” and gave them back to us. Wish I still had mine. It ought to be good for admission to one of these Farewell shows :-) They came back in ‘76 and played for almost 20 more years, carrying on the unabashed 60’s traditions through the dark Reagan years. We almost lost Jerry in ‘86, but he bounded back and we had a swan song of great concerts in the late 80’s. We did lose Brent in 1990, and I feel like the band, Jerry in particular, never recovered from his sudden death. I got off the bus in December, ‘94, after a particularly difficult parking lot scene. I have journal entries going back a year prior to that about how the music was no fun anymore, the audience full of mainstream, cell phone-wielding, clueless “Touch Heads”. I skipped Mardi Gras and saw Jerry for the last time at the Warfield on a pair of free tickets I won by being caller number nine on the Deadhead Hour. Thanks, David :-) I had decided to break my Dead fast and was about to buy tickets for September Shoreline shows, when Jerry died. In recovery and trying to stay clean. I decided to part with a piece of information I was going to keep “for locals only”, because it’s a limited resource, although I’m surprised it hasn’t come up on this thread yet — maybe it has, and I just haven’t seen it. It’s literally right in front of your nose if you look at a map of the Santa Clara vicinity. It’s no longer clear to me what gives me the right to keep information for myself and my friends, when it’s the people from out of town who really need it. They are exactly the folks scalpers are trying to get $200 out of for a place to park their car for 4 hours. Anyway: MINETTA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT IS JUST OVER 3 MILES FROM LEVI’S STADIUM. Tons of public transit access, plenty of long-term parking if you take your car, plenty of taxis for the short ride to the venue (unless we all try to do this) or you can take public transportation which runs right down Lafayette Street. Getting back to the airport after the show might be a little harder (200 taxis and 10,000 taxi seekers) but if I can’t make arrangements before the show, I’ll bet I can find some friendly Deadhead who wouldn’t mind making 15 bucks to drive three people 3 miles. Some might even call that walking distance ;-) I hope this has opened up some travel options for people, if only backup options. Of course they’ll play "Dark Star", though they may save it for Chicago, and Trey will do it understated justice. Laissez les bons temps rouler, gens. Maybe they’ll open the run with that one! Blue Mike
  • Default Avatar
    9 years 4 months ago
    Biking to Levi's?
    Anyone out there know if the bike trails north of Levi's are a good way into the stadium? If so, where is a good place to park and ride in? Thanks in advance!
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17 years 6 months
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Grateful Dead Original Members Add Two Dates To Final Concerts

April 10, 2015

The original members of Grateful Dead have announced two additional shows at Levi’s Stadium in Santa Clara, California on June 27th and 28th, as part of their “Fare Thee Well: Celebrating 50 Years of Grateful Dead” run. Along with the three shows at Chicago's Soldier Field on July 3rd, 4th, and 5th, the run will mark the original members' last-ever performances toget

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Member for

16 years 11 months

What a day in history on the cusp of the beginning of these historic Grateful Dead shows.The ruling of the Supreme Court, the out of nowhere singing of Amazing Grace , at the ceramony of the reverend killed in South Carolina church, from the president of the United States and one of the murders that escaped from the prison in NY was killed by police today. And I just saw the White House lit up in rainbow colors. The first time in history anything like that has happened. I'm not gay (not that there is anything wrong with that) but the president singing Amazing Grace and all brought a tear to my eye.Heavy things happening in these United States today on the cusp of the beginning of the end. Stay safe and dance and enjoy this weekend in Santa Clara my fellow Dead Heads!! I know I will!!
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Member for

16 years 11 months

Safe passage to you Eyes and Mr. Klangstone too. We were raised in a lions den!!
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Member for

9 years 8 months

by security. Nice while it lasted. Truckin'; Alligator; Uncle John; Cumberland
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16 years 11 months

I'll tell you what. This weekend is gonna be the start of something really really good my friends!
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Member for

9 years 6 months

So many images, thoughts, and feelings from 25 years of Grateful Dead concerts. Tom sitting on the steps of the Oakland Arena in tears, his New Year’s Eve ticket counterfeit and confiscated at the gate. I sat down and put my arm around him. He hugged me back, turned, buried his face in my shoulder and sobbed uncontrollably. I kept telling them that it was okay, man, but we both knew better. He shooed me away and I got back in line. 15 minutes later a madman was jumping on my back, screaming in gratitude — someone had overheard Tom’s story to me, and after I left, wordlessly handed him a free ticket. Dancing at Winterland, watching the dark stars form and dissolve behind my eyelids, an arm slipped into mine and gave my hand a squeeze. I squeezed back, assuming it was one of our group saying hello — speaking was discouraged while the band was playing. When I opened my eyes, I saw that the person whose arm was still intertwined with mine was not of our group, but she was completely naked, and very relaxed about it. She was lovely, but I was preoccupied with the music and also kind of shy. We smiled at each other, let go hands, and she walked away into the crowd. 150 Deadheads camping out for a week in the park across the street from Henry J Kaiser. Smuggling in a reel to reel tape deck after removing the motor from a wheelchair and casting the taper in plaster and bandages. The moment in the parking lot in December of ’94 when I’d seen too much nastiness and not enough fun, and got off the bus. All of these stories are linked in some way by the concept of community. It was the community who took care of Tom, our larger community of trust which allowed that woman to be naked in a crowd of strangers and to touch me without fear; it was most certainly a functioning community in the tent city at HJK, or it never could have cohered and survived. It was the pain of ruptured community which drove me off the bus. I live in San Francisco, so people came to my place to visit and see the Dead, and maybe get a souvenir of the City. My house was the center of that little node. I always felt community was what drew people so powerfully to the Grateful Dead experience, an intimacy missing from our lives. Community is what I looked for after Jerry died. I was lucky enough to fall into the rave scene for a while, a pretty good substitute. I think community is what we hope to find at Fare Thee Well — each other in each other’s eyes, strangers stopping strangers… And we will find it, because it is our heart’s desire. Some of us have years of history and tales to tell about “a band beyond description”. Others of us never heard Jerry play live and wonder if these shows could be a taste of it. The Real Thing, the legendary Acid Test band. You bet they could! I think it was a place in time we cannot conjure again, yet here we go, on our way to Terrapin Station. All aboard!
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17 years 2 months

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Member for

17 years 2 months

I've been seeing two planets in the sky for the past few nights, and tonight I looked them up online just to see which ones they were. Venus and Jupiter are in conjunction in Leo and you can see them until mid-July. All of the astrology sites say it's a good sign. While I was trying to find the article below to copy here, I googled more than one article which claimed that the Biblical Star of Bethlehem at the birth of Jesus Christ was also Venus and Jupiter in conjunction in Leo (I swear, you can google it yourself). They say that Jesus and Venus are "The Bright and Morning Star", and that Jupiter is King of the Gods and Ruler of the Romans, represented by Augustus Caesar, who was then having some kind of celebration. I think he was being "Pater Patria", or something like that, Father of His Country. Leo the Lion is ruled by the Sun, also signifying king somehow, and its' brightest star is Regulus, one of the brightest stars in the sky, whose name means "great king", the word "regal" has the same derivation, they say referring to the Roman Emperor and to Jesus. To throw in my own two cents, as a non-theologian, I read somewhere that Jupiter (Greek, "Zeus", like "deus", "God") is also called "Jove", which sounds like "Jehovah", the name of Jesus' Father, the Lord God of the Old Testament. The Greeks thought the planets moved in circles and were therefore eternal. Love, Luck and Leo: Jupiter Venus Conjunction 2015 6.22.2015 Leo Love More great planetary combinations are in the works with Jupiter and Venus gearing up to collide in the playful sign of Leo. The 2nd part of June will just keep on getting better. The two most beneficial planets of the Zodiac are gearing up for their annual play date and we’ll all be able to tap into their good fortune if we want to. A Jupiter Venus conjunction 2015 is in the works. At the tail end of June, Jupiter and Venus will touch each other and not only throw some extra optimism our way – but create some beneficial twists as they play. Now don’t forget that Jupiter and Uranus are also working together nicely. Their influence will still be in play when sweet little Venus joins in. If you’ve been waiting for “just the right time” to do something big or need a little “help factor” from the universe to succeed in your goals – then this lucky planetary combination could be just your ticket. The energy peaks on June 30, 2015 but will start to ramp up a few days prior. Jupiter and Venus are my favorite planets because they are just plain lucky. Given that they are operating in the sign of Leo—their good energy is about to shine BIGGER and BRIGHTER. Sounds fantastic right? I’m totally with you
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15 years 6 months

The events now upon us find me nostalgic for my first dip. As a teenager, I'd been (literally) wearing out grooves in my LPs and finally had a chance to see them. Those two days at RFK stay with me all these years later. Yesterday I found some great photos of those sweltering summer days and I pointed to the baking crowd 15 yards from the stage and told my wife that I was in there. I will never, ever forget getting off on that Sunday and feeling those first majestic notes of Morning Dew that crackled through every fiber of my Being. Lordy. All these years later, about once a month when the night is just so, I put on my good ol' green label, crackly Dark Star on the 'table, turn out the lights, crank it up, and -- even though I've listened to those 17-minutes a thousand-thousand times -- am somehow transfixed as if was the very first. No money to attend these shows, but wishing everyone a great time. They have shaped our lives and lifted our spirits in ways large and small. Thank you, Ace, Billy, Mickey, and Phillip. Play your best, and leave us with smiles as you've done so many times. I miss that bus. But, damn, my life will forever be richer for having gotten to ride the sucker.
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9 years 7 months

You will just need to go to http://www.mlb.com/concert/dead50/ Once you are there you will see a button to View the shows two hours before the show begins. You will need to log in with the email address you provided and the password you created. Show times are 7PM PST for 6/27and 6PM PST 6/28 for the Santa Clara shows and 7PM CST for the Chicago shows, with a pre-show at 6PM CST just for the Chicago shows. For those who are lucky enough to be attending any/all shows - HAVAGRATEFUL TIME! Safe travels. See you from the other side.
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Member for

16 years 11 months

Sit down roll over stand up shout out or lay down cause the GRAteFuL dEad are here!!
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Member for

12 years 9 months

Attending OR not attending, the FTW Shows may WE all have a GRATEFUL SATURDAY,& to those attending the FTW Shows; May you have a GRATE time as you visit Jack Straw with Bertha, while Playin in the band with the Other One drinking red grenadine & Ripple while twirling on your way to Terrapin Station however it Looks Like Rain, better go find some shelter in the Brokedown Palace, while you're there hand Scarlet a Begonia & help her find Franklin's Tower in Tennessee & when you get there you'll find Jed hanging out with a Wharf Rat who no longer imbibes in Pearly Baker, Might as Well go find Jimmy & Row your way to Santa Clara but then you run into a Lost Sailor who is looking for a little Money Money however you cant give him any because you're Saint of Circumstance & you're looking for the Promised Land, so you're finally at Levi's Stadium & you encounter many folks looking for a Miracle every day, you can't help them though but you tell them Help is on the Way, so Blow Away grab your ticket watch everybody get wicked, it's now time to Jam with the Estimated Prophet as your time has come to listen to the river sing sweet songs to rock your soul, the journey is finally over watch out for the Weather Report otherwise you can't Let It Grow, the Star is Dark that's ok because you're Johnny B. Goode & you're GRATEFULLY DEADICATED to the ONLY band that does what they do keep us Dancin' in the Street, while we Smile, Smile, Smile. HAVE A JAM OF A GOOD TIME, Peace!!!!!!
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Member for

9 years 11 months

Anyone lucky enough to catch the soundcheck or know if it was uploaded anywhere? Have a grate show beautiful people!
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9 years 7 months

heard St Stephen into the eleven about three times last night. Sounded great from outside venue. We stayed about 30 minutes but they practiced about 60-90 minutesThe entire staff at my hotel are wearing tye dyes today and giving away cheery Garcia ice cream. Long strange trip indeed!
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Member for

9 years 11 months

Sounds like a Grate place to be! Happy for you and everyone else taking part in the show! Keep your "Thought jewels polished and gleaming!"
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Member for

14 years 10 months

Final tally: 73 entries, 32 different songs. 73 - hmmm. Wonder if that means anything?? Everyone have a blast tonight. Enjoy the music and hug somebody!
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Member for

17 years 4 months

somebody, who I seem to recall being Jay Blakesberg, posted it (along with some great photos) on Facebook. I'll see if I can find it, but someone else may beat me to it.
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13 years 7 months

Althea, Brown Eyed Women, Truckin’, Uncle John’s Band, Alligator, Cumberland Blues, Born Cross-eyed, Cream Puff War (many times), St. Stephen > William Tell Bridge > The Eleven (many attempts at WT > The 11), Lovelight, Space, Drums
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Member for

9 years 3 months

Not looking forward to the end, but does anybody have an idea of how long the Santa Clara shows are going? I am going Sunday night - starts at 6pm.... Wondering what time it will finish up....
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9 years 3 months

Anybody else not receive login information on how to access and view the webcasts? Getting slightly concerned.
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Member for

13 years 7 months

go to mlb.com create account with email you paid with, name your password, and confirm, 2 hours prior to show go to dead50.net click on watch log on and Bobs your uncle....
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Member for

16 years

all shows are supposed to be 5 hours so that's midnight tonight and 11 pm sunday night enjoy!! i can't wait! bret
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Member for

12 years 10 months

If i want to watch the two SC shows on youtube on my smart TV, can anyone help, i have scrolled around and can't find it? thanks to you if you can help
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Member for

13 years 7 months

Don't know that option Dead50.net has instructions
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9 years 3 months

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Member for

9 years 10 months

Is anyone else still waiting for Ticketmaster tix for Chicago? I leave for Chicago on Tuesday and Still do not have tix for 2 of 3 shows. I guess Shapiro has done what he said to TRY to squash the secondary market, but it is causing undo stress those of us legitimate heads with tix going to the show. What about those of us leaving early in the week? Total BS...thank you Ticketmaser and whoever else is responsible
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Member for

13 years 7 months

Call Monday...they can get them to you at will call
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Member for

9 years 7 months

I'm local, and I just got mine via USPS yesterday.
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Member for

9 years 6 months

I hope you have a really grate show.!.
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Member for

13 years 11 months

Does anyone know if we can take 35mm cameras to Levi or where I can find out? I figure if you can tape you should be able to shoot photos? Thanks
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Member for

9 years 6 months

Yes, Mr. Mayor, may a thousand angels kiss your Head as Jerry's spirit hovers over us all. TAPERS AHOY!! Now Hear This: radio station KFOG at 104.5 MHz FM in San Francisco (North Bay) and 97.7 in San Jose (south Bay) will broadcast the ENTIRE CONCERT both nights starting 30 minutes after the encore. Just like the old days, indeed ;-). I suppose I could record it digitally, but tonight it's time to clean my heads and find some virgin blank cassettes. Alligator, yes! Also, the two bright stars you see in the west after sunset, getting closer each night, are Jupiter and Venus — the "benefics" or lucky planets. Venus is brighter. The conjunction is in Leo, a particularly fortunate place for it to occur, so the next couple of weeks should bring some very creative energy and positive changes; the Supreme Court ruling is a good example. The date of conjunction is July 1, but the strongest effects from an astrological aspect are often felt several days before or after exactness. "The spiral light of Venus rising first and shining best"... BTW, does anyone know where the idea or statement came from that these shows are supposed to be five hours long? I've been to a lot of Dead shows; maybe four hours at certain shows in the 70s, but never five — to the best of my recollection ;-) If they do intend to play for five hours, I think that implies some guests.
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Member for

9 years 3 months

You do not need a promo code. You will just need to go to http://www.mlb.com/concert/dead50/ Once you are there you will see a button to View the shows two hours before the show begins. You will need to log in with this email address and the password you created. Show times are 7PM PST for 6/27and 6PM PST 6/28 for the Santa Clara shows and 7PM CST for the Chicago shows, with a pre-show at 6PM CST just for the Chicago shows. Fare Thee Well
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9 years 7 months

I'm too old for an all nighter! Gratefully, SiriusXM.com to my rescue!
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17 years

Just purchased the Youtube stream. Here we go! I wish I was I there. Only 5 days until I fly into Chicago. The 3 days of work next weak will be rough. I'm there in spirit! Enjoy everyone!
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Member for

13 years 7 months

With ya brother... listening to Boomtown Rats.... Up all night.....
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Member for

16 years 2 months

How did you pay for you tube? My screen just says requires payment but I can't figure out how to do that.
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13 years 7 months

Dead50.net Option three
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9 years 3 months

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17 years

on the right I clicked on the 19.99 amount and I paid with PayPal. Are you logged in with Gmail?
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Member for

15 years 9 months

Love and peace to you all tonightStay high on the music-it's what has brought us all to this magic place!! will be with you in spirit watching the webcast tonight and with all you all in person in Chicago keep on dancin!!!
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Member for

9 years 6 months

I'm at the login but it is not accepting it. It is the username that I created too, right?Been on hold with customer service for 50 minutes, this is a fiasco!!!
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Member for

17 years

maybe you need to set up payment in your account first? My paypal was all set up and it was just one click.