Campus Stadium, U.C.S.B., Santa Barbara, CA. Poster.
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One of my first with wegge
One of my first with wegge was this the one with warren zevon too And that crazzy sound gun thing zooming by
bless dangerous doug and danno
just a dream we dreamed one afternoon long ago
Though I'd seen them before, this is the one that cemented a lifelong love affair. Cops on horses and Angels alike keeping the overnight lineup at bay. Finally into that field to see that fabulous sound system that looked more like a Martian heiroglyphic. Came alone but ran into school pals Neil and Mike a couple dozen feet back stage center. Mike kept asking when the dot would take effect then became strangely quiet: we glanced down to see his white knuckles grasping the portable chair arms lest he fly off into the sky. Watch out for Neil's dancing elbows! Jerry/John's bluegrass band & lovely Maria (seen her a dozen times since). Thumpin' US Blues opener and that sound clear as an overhead crack of thunder, or pin drop stuff on Let It Grow outro. Warm white sun in a big blue sky with yellow AirCal jets taking of from SB airport in the background. Whenever I come back to the States and Calif, I still glance off the freeway towards UCSB and still feel the power (ditto for Ventura Fairgrounds)!Jackson
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