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    By request, a gathering spot for Chicago-bound folks to connect and plan!


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    @ Boo Boo Buddy....
    Fire up.... I'll be webstreaming through nugs.tv... where's your seats? a BooBoo board will be in your inbox on return to RaChaCha.... bet you $20 you get a U.S. Blues.... summertime come and gone, my oh my oh my!!!! Enjoy the ride... they were shit hot and rocking!!!!!
  • geomeister
    Chapter 4.0hhh this must be the Break...
    So it was, and we happily let our ears partly decompress and made sure feet were semi firmly anchored to earth...these sandles were made for dancin and walking, ready set go... ...any tale of Indy would be incomplete without mention of the 009 mosaic, brought to you through and by our guide and resident local, Kurt, da Man... It seemed that our friend knew half of the folks in the house, and throughout most of the first set, half of them visited or promised to visit. Kurt knew friends from the 4th, 5th, 6th etc grades, and he and they and by proximity this cub got to hug, relive, recall, extrapolate on and other wise discuss the daze of yore and at hand. One friend John, seemed to be the senior friend from the 4th grade, and at the break, he was close at hand... ...before we could say which way, whiskers, he said, "Let's go up to the lawn, a friend of yours from the 7th grade is there." We started the long walk up the steps from the inner A sanctum, along the center aisle with the lawn on the right side and the big bowl bowels of Deer Creek seating to the left of us, passing countless deadheads and the like...turned at the center aisle of the lawn and headed up the slope...all... the...way...up...to the tip top...and then looked around for said friend...Kurt, being the more together of the pair of friends, said I dont have a clue who we are looking for, and I nodded, that makes 2 of us, of course...but John assured us we'd find the elusive buddy from childhood. Looking this way and that, no mysterious friend in site...the view was spectacular tho, and the sun was setting over the bowl and giving everything a magical glow that may or may not have been enhanced by anything in particular which may or may not have been going around in gusto... It became clear that the unknown friend had probably wandered away to do those things you find necessary at the break, and I saw the sun set, looked at the flash of color over yonder, and said, let's get back, the bands coming back soon i bet...so we did...and made it semi in time to use our nifty It's not a Bribe passes to the VIP lounge. The whole excursion was perfectly right-on...a mission to visit an unknown friend, a hike through the masses to watch the sunset from the top of the bowl, a chance to see the Whole Enchilada laid out in front of us...so thank you Kurt, thank you John, and thank you unknown and unseen friend...you made it happen... Meanwhile, back over there, a roar went up, lights went up, we lit up, and the band once again came on stage...Set 2 and the journey continues...for the music never stops...this little ditty does, tho, right here, on this Dot.
  • Boo469
    last day at the mine before blastoff
    oh, so hard to concentrate on the business at hand. The rails are patched, the sails shined, provisions stocked, fresh oil and ready to roll. reports from Saratoga to follow, stay tuned
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    awww shucks....you made me blush. Thank you, you're not too shabby yourself.
  • liketohike
    Good Morning Daydreamers!
    Wooo...you boys sure do know how to tell a good story! I will attest to everything these fellows have said. Really the only thing I can add is that this just might be the best group of folks I've ever met and I wouldn't want to spend my "Dead" time with anyone else! Virtual hugs to all!
  • geomeister
    Chapter 3.02468...aka "Who Do We Appreciate" or...
    ...are there two Dr Richies an da house? What are the odds of a Doctor Richie giving a miracle to a Doctor Richie? What kind of cosmic confluences and alignments have to occur for one to fly in from New Yawk, and one to cruise up from Memphis, each wandering their separate ways through the maze in a daze and end up after much twirling around and folderol making, end up face to face ten minutes before showtime, one with an extra ticket and one needing a Miracle? Dr. Richie, meet Dr. Richie...we expect miracles every day...for the cosmic confluences that occur at a Dead show are the stuff of legend and lore, the odds are perfectly in your favor, and who else deserves it more, other than you or me? The show, back to the show...for the Band Beyond Description or this 2016 version of it is on stage and we are a twinkling away from the first chords to today's Masterpiece. Cub reporting being what it is, with the pay and all being at that nickle and dime side of things, this particular version of the evening can and will not be the studious chord-by-chord breakdown of the show...sure, I could say they started with Minglewood, which left half of us wondering what the hell the song was because we are new to the scene, one quarter of us saying I am too old to remember the name of this song, and the other quarter saying I am too high to care...sure I could start that way...but the pay isn't good enough for that... Monday morning's edition of the Daydreamer Daily SunShineNews Dead-a-Gram comes gratis, as the best things in life are free or very expensive...results may differ, void where prohibited, and not available in states ending in Why.... So we left the Minglewood Blues to those still outside, and merge into the left lane, step on the gas, and roar into Cumberland Blues territory. Did Bobby sing better than John? Who is driving, please take the wheel.... Somewhere in all this, someone had thoughtfully brought some of those hand rolled thingies that get passed around so we can all share the same germs and build up tolerance...and as this intrepid reporter looked, ten thousand little glowing joy sticks suddenly started being shared between like heads, no-one missing a beat, and now, suddenly, there were no strangers, only family, and the brotherhood and sisterhood could not have been stronger if it had developed in the womb...I'm rambling now...sorry... No Wait, that's the next song! Ramble On Rose! Finally, three songs in, every living soul cranks it up and sings along with the bouncing rubber ball in the Heavenlies..."Did you say your name was?!" ... Bobby is belting it out, John, Jeff and even Oteil gets to belting it out...and in rapid succession Black Throated Wind, then Geeky's song of all songs Althea and then this silly Sailor Saint of Circumstance ditty are presented to us by a damn good band. Not the GD with John, Jeff, etc, not Bobby and the Midnites, not some take off band with a substitute lead guitar player, and certainly not the band many heard last year. This is a new band...one who has nothing to prove, one born of all silly circumstances, from an off the wall invite to play on a Late Late Tonite show. Folks, it's the real McCoy, complete with Birkenstocks and pajama pants. We have, presented for all to marvel at and party with, a real live rock and roll band that isn't shy, isn't feeling its way, isn't trying to mimic something. It is a new force, and one to be reckoned with...and those in attendance in Indy certainly did get a treat...a music journey that started over here, and rapidly ascended to about that level, then leveled off and the wooossshhh off we go into the wild smokey blue yonder...the set closer left us right at the perfect spot, as Bobby said, "we'll be back in a bit"... Come to think of it, so will I... cheers, The Break, where-in we get to do all the hikey we likey to do, the Interludes and Outerlubes of Deer Creek, and Set Two, as well as the famous Two Dollar Grilled Cheese Sandwiches, the Lot...and a Golf Cart Ride too? Who ever heard of a golf cart ride at a Dead show...this ain't the Masters..but wait...go feed the parking meter of life, let out Puppers she hasta pee...and stay tuned for the noon edition....all will be explained...and if you're still reading, the answer is 42. ...and now, a word from our sponsor, "It Depends"
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    Just One Thing That I Gotta Say....
    ...but, I digress..... The whole Indy thing fell in my lap, after a little prodding from geopleasecometodeercreekmeister and the gentle persuasiveness of Devil's Friend, "don't be a pussy and just come to the f*cking show", a line right out of Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People, I scored a ducat in sec. B row T under face, a last minute miracle, the elusive room at the Cambria, which by the way was sold out and overbooked and a promise of a ride from King George in his chariot, I took the plunge. But wait a minute....you know you make me wanna shout! Dammit, there I go digressing again....a few days before the show, a fellow head in da Buff calls and asks if I can use a two in sec B row N, same section and row as Miami n Ozark btw as he can not make the trip due to work commitments...and those tix are gratis, so who is this mongrel dog to pass up A Nice Pair...Adam unloads his seats, becomes my wingman in all things illegal, immoral and fattening in those kickass seats, 2 rows behind pit center stage... So here we are about to enter the gates of heaven and I still have one in sec. B row T, walking around the lot with Ozark and Devil's Friend by my side, I happen upon a middle aged stoner, joint in mouth glassy stare and drooling, my kind of folks, I ask quietly "who needs a ticket?' Looking up he asks "how much?" I reply that we can talk money later, so I whip it out....the ticket that is, show it to him, and say, my friend I have been blessed in life, isthmus be your lucky day, he takes one look and says c'mon is this real? These things don't really happen...I assure him it is real,it is spectacular and it is free, and you have been miracled...sticking my hand in my pants again...get your minds out of the gutter perverts, I produce a I need a miracle button, provided to me by geopartyfavorsuprememeister and hand that to him as well....he asks what he owes me, I ask for a manly hug and the opportunity to have Matt and Adam snap a few photos, and most importantly the promise that he would pay the act of kindness forward which he eagerly agreed to. He obliges as Likey to Hikey looks on in awe and endless wonder, whilst biting her lower lip and trembling with excitement she like what she sees. (Hoo hah said in my best Pacino) Turns out said miracle recipient is a professor, a PhD in English at the University of Memphis and shares my name, he is a Rich as well and at end of the festivities gives Ozark and Miami his business card which I used to later fire off an email to him along with a picture of our exchange courtesy of Adam... So Devil's Friend and I pregame with brews and some hippie lettuce as Miami and Ozark wander off to the merch table.... It's moments like this that drew me to the culture that I am proud to be just a small part of.... What was that Sarge? "I need a woman about twice my weight....ride her like a surfer, ride her on a tidal wave..." anyway, time to take old leg humper for his morning constitutional.... Happy Summer children! I NEED A MIRACLE EVERY DAY!!!!!
  • geomeister
    ..but wait, if you act now...A Miracle!
    you might get one more pre-show story first...and we all need a miracle of one type or another. Richie, our esteemed dus briver of FTW lore and a righteous part of this Indy six-pack, had an extra ticket and is fixin on helping out someone who is need of one... He is strolling through the crowd with Adam our fearless packer of all things cold and combustible, ready to go in, and he stumbles across this gentlemen in dire straits...Oh No! Richie says, and a Miracle ensued. Lest I forget the details, or get the gist a bit wrong I will leave that part of the story to Richie... Meanwhile, the band starts strumming and we hustle to the A flank of Indy's Deer Creek, somewhere in front and under the pavilion...the other 2/3 of the Daydreamer six-pack had staked out Sector B, smack dab in the middle...as our friends take the stage and start strumming.... The Dead and Company have started to Paint their Indy Deer Creek Masterpiece! Descriptions of such a Painting would be far beyond this cub reporter's skill level...suffice it to say that on the morrow, time may be taken to describe in such inadequate terms as can be mustered, the succeeding three plus hours of musical melodies... As the weekend edition of the Daydreamer Daily SunShineNews Dead-a-Gram goes to press, rest easy...for we know the music never stopped... in this case, has found a new foundation. A band that has jelled. A band that knows what it might be capable of doing. A band that hops on the carpet and floors it...the story will continue, as the music never ends...
  • geomeister
    Chapter Two, the sixpack become three pair, and interlude, and
    Don't forget your towel..as this restaurant and Dead show at the Indy corner of the universe is one that leans towards the self sufficient side... One more thing, Agent 009 had previously left nice "Welcome to Your 30-Hour Spaceship Home" gifts at our hotel. A suspicious aroma gently wafted out from one...maybe a hint of something that could create the illicit smile of song and lore...so Richie and this intrepid reporter carefully accepted said gifts and awaited the possession of our hotel room keys...upon receipt, we eagerly took the elevator to the top floor, worked our way through a maze of corridors, found our collective rooms...adjusted our tinfoil hats and opened the packages. It was no coincidence we were adjacent to room 420...mine was 418, and Sir dus Brivers was 419 as i said earlier, cattycorner and readily available for a stumble-athon. Fun ensued as we discovered our new digs and dug into our gift packages, but you'd have to buy us a cold one for that part of the story... Ok the show...Agent 009 and I strolled through Participation Row, a couple of vendor booths, found some cold ale on tap, discovered a tight ass front gate agent for the VIP lounge who said we have no more wrist bands available and are sold out. Burns, busts, bummers and ripoffs, thwarted from one of our goals. Kurt, being a local, took that as a challenge and said to the cute but stubborn guardian of the gate to cold beers and clean toilets, "Honey, you've got a whole bunch of wristbands on your arm, Shirley you cant be sold out quite yet..how bout we give you 20 apiece for a couple of those wristbands on the top...how does that sound". The little lady at the gate suddenly realized she had extras, and gladly handed us two wristbands to the coveted VIP inner sanctum...this reporter looked at her and said in his higher than a kite and quite amazed voice, "Did we just bribe you?" She smiled and said demurely, "Why no, you just bought a couple of passes, step right in".... We heard the crowd start a roar and knew a part of a band beyond description would be taking the stage, so we hustled to our seats...and the next part of the Sunshine Daydreamer story continues...
  • JeffSmith
    Text-Free Zone
    Hey Rich, Just wanted to remind you that I can't text from up here in the hinterlands of west Texiz. No cell service. Nada! I know that's so "20th century", but I try to make up for it when I get out in "civilization".
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By request, a gathering spot for Chicago-bound folks to connect and plan!
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Coming right up.... BTW that was one reel big fish!!!! Creeping up the blind side, shinning up the wall stealing thru the dark of night Climbing thru a window, stepping to the floor checking to the left and the right Picking up the pieces, putting them away something doesn't feel quite right Help me someone, let me out of here then out of the dark was suddenly heard welcome to the Home by the Sea Coming out the woodwork, thru the open door pushing from above and below shadows but no substance, in the shape of men round and down and sideways they go adrift without direction, eyes that hold despair then as one they sign and they moan Help us someone, let us out of here living here so long undisturbed dreaming of the time we were free so many years ago before the time when we first heard welcome to the Home by the Sea
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10 years 2 months

We had so much fun! But it's always better when you catch some nice fish! Getting home to Seattle was more of an adventure than I was ready for on no sleep! Storms in CHI delayed us a couple times. Home at 2:00 AM. Off to work at 7:00! Karma keeps forgetting I am old! On the plus side the radio played a nice mix of Dead tunes on the boat!
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9 years 9 months

here fishy fishy fishy... Seventy-three men sailed up From the San Francisco Bay, Rolled off of their ship And here's what they had to say. "We're callin' everyone to ride along To another shore, We can laugh our lives away and be free once more." But no one heard them callin', No one came at all, 'Cause they were too busy watchin' Those old raindrops fall. As a storm was blowin' Out on the peaceful sea, Seventy-three men sailed off To history. Ride, captain ride Upon your mystery ship, Be amazed at the friends You have here on your trip. Ride captain ride Upon your mystery ship, On your way to a world That others might have missed. [Instrumental] Seventy-three men sailed up From the San Francisco Bay, Got off their ship And here's what they had to say. "We're callin' everyone to ride along To another shore, We can laugh our lives away And be free once more." Ride, captain ride Upon your mystery ship, Be amazed at the friends You have here on your trip. Ride, captain ride Upon your mystery ship, On your way to a world That others might have missed. Ride, captain ride Upon your mystery ship, Be amazed at the friends
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Green fish!!!....was the answer some schmuck gave for the first question on who wants to be a millionaire.... Stupid show..... The million dollar question was, What rock act won the first Grammy in the new category of best Hard Rock / Metal Album in 1988? No cheating please...... I been thinking lately about the people I meet The carwash on the corner and the hole in the street The way my ankles hurt with shoes on my feet And I'm wondering if I'm gonna see tomorrow. Father forgive us for what we must do You forgive us we'll forgive you We'll forgive each other till we both turn blue Then we'll whistle and go fishing in heaven. I was in the army but I never dug a trench I used to bust my knuckles on a monkey wrench Then I'd go to town and drink and give the girls a pinch But I don't think they ever even noticed me. Fish and whistle, whistle and fish Eat everything that they put on your dish And when we get through we'll make a big wish That we never have to do this again again? again? On my very first job I said thank you and please They made me scrub a parking lot down on my knees Then I got fired for being scared of bees And they only give me fifty cents an hour.
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10 years

...ah, I miss WXRT. I betcha' goin' fishin' all o' the time Baby goin' fishin' too Bet you life, your sweet wife Is gonna catch more fish than you Many fish bites if you got good bait Here's a little tip that I would like to relate With my pole and my line I'm a goin' fishin', yes I'm goin' fishin' And my baby goin' fishin' too I went on down my favorite fishin' hole Baby got myself a pole an' line Caught a nine poun' catfish On the bottom, yes I got him And I brought him home to my mom about supper time Singin' many fish bites if you got good bait Here's a little tip that I would like to relate Many fish bites if you got good bait I'm a goin' fishin', yes I'm goin' fishin' And my baby goin' fishin' too Baby brother 'bout to run me up outta my mind Sayin', "Can I go fishin' with you?" So I took him on down to the favorite fishin' hole Now what do you think that brother of mine did do? Caught a seven poun' catfish On the bottom yes he got him Took him home to mama he was real gone With his pole and his line He was goin' fishin', yes he goin' fishin' And baby goin' fishin' too Put him in the pot, baby put him in the pan Mama cook him till he nice an' brown Get yourself a batch o' buttermilk, whole cakes mama An' you put that sucker on the table and eat it on down Singin' many fish bites if you got good bait Well here's a little tip that I would like to relate With my pole and my line I'm a goin' fishin', yes I'm goin' fishin' My baby gone fishin' too I betcha' goin' fishin' all o' the time Mama goin' fishin' too Bet you life, your sweet life I gonna catch more fish than you Many fish bites if you got good bait Here's a little tip that I would like to relate With my pole and my line I'm a goin' fishin', yes I'm goin' fishin' And my baby goin' fishin' too I'm a goin' fishin', yes I'm goin' fishin' And my baby goin' fishin' too I'm a goin' fishin', yes I'm goin' fishin' And my baby goin' fishin' too
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9 years 9 months

I had no idea... I looked it up and whoah! Controversy! I just can't believe All the things people say, controversy Am I black or white? Am I straight or gay? Controversy Do I believe in God? Do I believe in me? Controversy, controversy Controversy I can't understand Human curiosity, controversy Was it good for you? Was I what you wanted me to be? Controversy Do you get high? Does your daddy cry? Controversy, controversy Controversy Do I believe in God? Do I believe in me? Some people wanna die So they can be free I said life is just a game We're all just the same Do you wanna play? Yeah, yeah, yeah Controversy, controversy Controversy, controversy Controversy, controversy Our Father, who art in Heaven Hallowed be thy name Thy kingdom come Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven Give us this day our daily bread And forgive us our trespasses As we forgive those Who trespass against us Lead us not into temptation But deliver us from evil For thine is the kingdom and the power And the glory forever and ever Controversy, controversy Controversy, controversy Love Him, love Him baby Controversy, controversy Controversy, controversy Controversy, controversy Listen, people call me rude I wish we all were nude I wish there was no black and white I wish there were no rules People call me rude I wish we were all nude I wish there was no black and white I wish there were no rules People call me rude (People call me rude) I wish we were all nude (I wish we were all nude) I wish there was no black and white (I wish there was no black and white) I wish there were no rules (I wish there were no rules) People call me rude (People call me rude) I wish we were all nude (I wish we were all nude) I wish there was no black and white (I wish there was no black and white) I wish there were no rules (I wish there were no rules) Controversy, controversy Do I believe in God? Do I believe in me? Let me tell ya Some people wanna die So they can be free I said life is just a game We're all just the same Don't ya wanna play? Controversy, controversy Controversy, controversy
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Just feed me a line , I'll bring the pole..... Well now, take down your fishing pole and meet me at the fishing hole We may not get a bite all day but don’t you rush away What a great place to rest your bones and mighty fine for skipping stones You’ll feel fresh as a lemonade a-setting in the shade Whether it’s hot, whether it’s cool Oh what a spot for whistling like a fool What a fine day to take a stroll and wind up at the fishing hole I can’t think of a better way to pass the time of day We’ll have no need to call the roll when we get to the fishing hole They’ll be you, me, and old dog, trey to do the time away If we don’t hook a perch or bass we’ll cool our toes in dewy grass Or else pull up a weed to chaw and maybe sit and jaw Hanging around, taking our ease Watching that hound a scratching at his fleas I’m gonna take down my fishing pole and meet you at the fishing hole I can’t think of a better way to pass the time of day
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9 years 9 months

This theme is lasting all day. Lazy yellow moon comin' up tonite, shinin' thru the trees, Crickets are singin' and lightning bugs are floatin on the breeze Baby get ready..... Across the field where the creek turns back by the ole stone road I'm gonna take you to a special place that nobody knows Baby get ready.....OooooooOooo You and me going fishing in the dark, Lying on our backs and counting the stars Where the cool grass grows. Down by the river in the full moon light, We'll be fallin' in love in the middle of the night Just movin' slow... Stayin' the whole night thru, feels so good to be with you... Spring is almost over and the summer's comin' the days are gettin' long Waited all winter for the time to be right, just to take you along Baby get ready..... And it don't matter if we sit forever and the fish don't bite Jump in the river and cool ourselves from the heat of the night Baby get ready.....OoooooooOoo [Repeat the CHORUS (x3)] You and me going fishin in the dark!
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I'd really like to know..... Here you come mama big as hell Tell you knew by way you smell So keep on truckin' mama Truck my blues away!!!!!! Now for some Reel Big Fish to close it out.... She called me late last night, to say she loved me so It didn't matter anymore I say she never cared And that she never will I'd do it all again I guess I'll have to wait until then And if I get drunk well, I'll pass out On the floor now baby You won't bother me no more And if you're drinkin' well, you know That you're my friend and I say I think I'll have myself a beer She called me late last night, to say she loved me so but I guess you changed her mind Well I should have known, it wouldn't be all right but I can't live without her So I won't even try... And if I get drunk well, I'll pass out On the floor now baby You won't bother me no more And if you're drinkin' well, you know That you're my friend and I say I think I'll have myself a beer Maybe some day, I'll think of what to say Maybe next time I'll remember what to do She looks like heaven, maybe this is hell Said she'd do it all again, she'd promise not to tell! And if I get drunk well, I'll pass out On the floor now baby You won't bother me no more She said It's okay boy cause you know We'll be good friends and I say I think I'll have myself a beer I think I'll have myself a beer Woohoo etc yeah yeah yeah woohoohoo Goodnight Irene, Goodnight Miami, Goodnight Nemo and all the fish at sea....
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9 years 9 months

Goodnight Daydreamers... Good vibes till tomorrow. Sittin' in the morning sun I'll be sittin' when the evening comes Watching the ships roll in Then I watch them roll away again, yeah I'm sittin' on the dock of the bay Watchin' the tide roll away, ooh I'm just sittin' on the dock of the bay Wastin' time I left my home in Georgia Headed for the Frisco Bay Cuz I've had nothing to live for And look like nothing's gonna come my way So, I'm just gon' sit on the dock of the bay Watchin' the tide roll away, ooh I'm sittin' on the dock of the bay Wastin' time Looks like nothing's gonna change Everything still remains the same I can't do what ten people tell me to do So I guess I'll remain the same, listen Sittin' here resting my bones And this loneliness won't leave me alone, listen Two thousand miles I roam Just to make this dock my home, now I'm just gon' sit at the dock of a bay Watchin' the tide roll away, ooh Sittin' on the dock of the bay Wastin' time
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14 years

Coffee is on... Hump day....let's get humpin' [Verse 1: Humpty Hump (Shock G)] All right! Stop whatcha doin' 'cause I'm about to ruin the image and the style that ya used to. I look funny, but yo I'm makin' money, see so yo world I hope you're ready for me. Now gather round I'm the new fool in town and my sound's laid down by the Underground. I drink up all the Hennessey ya got on ya shelf so just let me introduce myself My name is Humpty, pronounced with a Umpty. Yo ladies, oh how I like to hump thee. And all the rappers in the top ten-please allow me to bump thee. I'm steppin' tall, y'all, and just like Humpty Dumpty you're gonna fall when the stereos pump me. I like to rhyme, I like my beats funky, I'm spunky. I like my oatmeal lumpy. I'm sick wit dis, straight gangsta mack but sometimes I get ridiculous I'll eat up all your crackers and your licorice hey yo fat girl, c'mere-are ya ticklish? Yeah, I called ya fat. Look at me, I'm skinny It never stopped me from gettin' busy I'm a freak I like the girls with the boom I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom I'm crazy. Allow me to amaze thee. They say I'm ugly but it just don't faze me. I'm still gettin' in the girls' pants and I even got my own dance [Chorus:] The Humpty Dance is your chance to do the hump Do the Humpty Hump, come on and do the Humpty Hump Do the Humpty Hump, just watch me do the Humpty Hump Do ya know what I'm doin', doin' the Humpty Hump Do the Humpty Hump, do the Humpty Hump [Verse 2:] People say "Yo, Humpty, you're really funny lookin'" that's all right 'cause I get things cookin' Ya stare, ya glare, ya constantly try to compare me but ya can't get near me I give 'em more, see, and on the floor, B, all the girls they adore me Oh yes, ladies, I'm really bein' sincere 'cause in a 69 my humpty nose will tickle ya rear. My nose is big, uh-uh I'm not ashamed Big like a pickle, I'm still gettin' paid I get laid by the ladies, ya know I'm in charge, both how I'm livin' and my nose is large I get stoopid, I shoot an arrow like Cupid, I use a word that don't mean nothin', like looptid I sang on Doowhutchalike, and if ya missed it, I'm the one who said just grab 'em in the biscuits Also told ya that I like to bite Well, yeah, I guess it's obvious, I also like to write. All ya had to do was give Humpty a chance and now I'm gonna do my dance. [Chorus] [Breakdown:] Oh, yeah, that's the break, y'all Let me hear a little bit of that bass groove right here Oh, yeah! Now that I told ya a little bit about myself let me tell ya a little bit about this dance It's real easy to do--check it out [Verse 3:] First I limp to the side like my leg was broken Shakin' and twitchin' kinda like I was smokin' Crazy wack funky People say ya look like M.C. Hammer on crack, Humpty That's all right 'cause my body's in motion It's supposed to look like a fit or a convulsion Anyone can play this game This is my dance, y'all, Humpty Hump's my name No two people will do it the same Ya got it down when ya appear to be in pain Humpin', funkin', jumpin', jig around, shakin' ya rump, and when the dude a chump pump points a finger like a stump tell him step off, I'm doin' the Hump. [Chorus] Black people, do the Humpty Hump, do the Humpty Hump White people, do the Humpty Hump, do the Humpty Hump Puerto Ricans, do the Humpty Hump, just keep on doin' the hump Samoans, do the Humpty Hump, do the Humpty Hump Let's get stoopid! [Chorus] Oh, yeah, come on and break it down [Outro:] Once again, the Underground is in the house I'd like to send a shout out to the whole world, keep on doin' the Humpty Dance, and to the ladies, peace and humptiness forever
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10/31/15 MSG core 3 no Phil, Mayer, Burbridge n Chimenti billed as Dead and Company.... Have seen clips of Mayer with Bobby n Phil....to quote Bobby Z... I'm gonna let you pass...first show? Let's see how this materializes..... I miss Trey..... ;-)
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17 years 4 months

I already miss Trey too.
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10 years 2 months

Sequels never seem to capture the magic do they??? Michael Caine regarding "Jaws 4." Caine famously quipped, "I have never seen it, but by all accounts it is terrible. However, I have seen the house that it built, and it is terrific!"
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9 years 9 months

Count me in! I knew I was ready to go on tour. Now the boys are too! Get in the groove and let the good times roll We're gonna stay here till we soothe our soul If it takes all night long Come on and let the good times roll We're gonna stay here till we soothe our soul If it takes all night long The evening sun is sinking low The clock on the wall says it's time to go I got plans, and I got plans for you I tell you exactly what we're all gonna do It might be twelve o'clock and it might be three Time doesn't mean that much to me Ain't felt this way since I don't know when Might not feel this way again It might be six o'clock and it might be eight It don't matter that it's getting late We're gonna make the band play one more song Get in the groove if it takes all night long All night (all night) All night (all night) If it takes all night (all night) You know it might take all night long (all night) All night long (all night) All night long (all night) (continues) Get in the groove and let the good times roll We're gonna stay here till we soothe our soul If it takes all night long
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14 years

and then there were three.... Holly n Matt....if you haven't yet...YouTube Mayer sitting in with Phil at TXR....had to close my eyes, watching him made me very unsettled...maybe he had the jitters? I dunno...his playing was just ok I guess but it was very awkward, kinda like when I saw Napoleon Dynamite for the first time.... Think the show was week before Santa Clara mid June.... If you don't like the way they make 'em in the city Cause they taste too strong the dang paper ain't pretty Roll your own roll your own You'll leave the ready rolls behind when you finally find a roll your own. There's the raspberry strawberry pretty red wine Besides tasting good you're gonna have a nice time Roll your own roll your own You're gonna have a nice time I ain't lyin' roll your own. Well, the first time you try it you're gonna cuss and shout 'Cause the paper keeps tearin' and the stuffin' falls out But don't give up 'cause after a while You'll be smokin' right on with a big ole smile Roll your own, roll your own. When you finally get the hang of rolling your own You'll want to share it with a friend let 'em pass it along Roll your own roll your own You won't smoke so dang much when you finally get the touch So roll your own. You'll leave the ready rolls behind when you finally find A roll your own... Now we are on a roll.....
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9 years 9 months

The boy needs some practice... that can be done. I will admit he wouldn't be my first choice but, his enthusiasm enspires Bob so... I'll give him a shot. Have you watched Bob and John on the late late show...he doesn't seem as awkward there. There's talk on the street; it sounds so familiar Great expectations, everybody's watching you People you meet, they all seem to know you Even your old friends treat you like you're something new Johnny come lately, the new kid in town Everybody loves you, so don't let them down You look in her eyes; the music begins to play Hopeless romantics, here we go again But after awhile, you're lookin' the other way It's those restless hearts that never mend Johnny come lately, the new kid in town Will she still love you when you're not around? There's so many things you should have told her, but night after night you're willing to hold her, Just hold her, tears on your shoulder There's talk on the street, it's there to Remind you, that it doesn't really matter which side you're on. You're walking away and they're talking behind you They will never forget you 'til somebody new comes along Where you been lately? There's a new kid in town Everybody loves him, don't they? Now he's holding her, and you're still around Oh, my, my There's a new kid in town Ooh, hoo Everybody's talking 'bout the new kid in town Ooh, hoo Everybody's walking' like the new kid in town There's a new kid in town There's a new kid in town I don't want to hear it There's a new kid in town I don't want to hear it There's a new kid in town There's a new kid in town There's a new kid in town
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9 years 9 months

6/13/15 after show Bar Jam at Terrapin Crossroads. John's getting into it. I think he did have the jitters earlier. Big shoes to fill. Trey was nervous too...
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14 years

...the vibe will always carry on....the faces and names will change....unfortunately but inevitably.... the fact that the MSG show, which will be the first and likely the sloppiest of Dead and co. ala Santa Clara 6/27, may not be one for the record books....it will sell out in minutes because all of the east coasters who missed out on Chicago want in, understandably so....Mayer is a proficient player, but not my cup of tea....seems self conscious and stiff....Billy said he and Mickey want to explore more drums....that is fine.... I applaud Phil for doing his own thing....and having the integrity to honor the meaning and spirit of Fare The Well.....the final performances.... If I go downstate at all, it will be to the Cap on 10/31.....much smaller venue with great sound, not in Manhattan.....no crowds, cheap hotels....etc.... With that said Miami, if you want, I will get you n Matt tix as promised.....contact me privately....email or text... Just keep in mind, if the rumors of a tour are real, you may get to see them in your back yard....like the Dead and Phil n Furthur......if they come to Da Buff, I will be there with my contingent..... And I leave you with this..... Ohhhh, it hurts so bad, but I just gotta do it...... I hope they play this....cowboy style....with Mickey on the Train horn..... We got the afternoon You got this room for two One thing I've left to do Discover me Discovering you One mile to every inch of Your skin like porcelain One pair of candy lips and Your bubblegum tongue And if you want love We'll make it Swim in a deep sea Of blankets Take all your big plans And break 'em This is bound to be a while Your body is a wonderland Your body is a wonder (I'll use my hands) Your body is a wonderland Something 'bout the way the hair falls in your face I love the shape you take when crawling towards the pillowcase You tell me where to go and though I might leave to find it I'll never let your head hit the bed without my hand behind it you want love? We'll make it Swim in a deep sea Of blankets Take all your big plans And break 'em This is bound to be a while Your body is a wonderland Your body is a wonder (I'll use my hands) Your body is a wonderland (I'll never speak again... I'll use my hands) Damn baby You frustrate me I know you're mine, all mine, all mine But you look so good it hurts sometimes Your body is a wonderland (I'll never speak again... I'll use my hands) Your body is a wonder (I'll use my hands) Your body is a wonderland (I'll never speak again... I'll use my hands) Your body is a wonderland ;-) Sign language....
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9 years 9 months

DAMNIT!!! I hate that song. I wanted to be excited for something. Maybe this isn't it. Matt has never been to NYC and to see it on Halloween would be cool. Now I dunno. It is far...and If you're not going... I just want to hold onto the magic longer. They hung a sign up in out town "if you live it up, you won't live it down" So, she left Monte Rio, son Just like a bullet leaves a gun With charcoal eyes and Monroe hips She went and took that California trip Well, the moon was gold, her Hair like wind She said don't look back just Come on Jim Oh you got to Hold on, Hold on You got to hold on Take my hand, I'm standing right here You gotta hold on Well, he gave her a dimestore watch And a ring made from a spoon Everyone is looking for someone to blame But you share my bed, you share my name Well, go ahead and call the cops You don't meet nice girls in coffee shops She said baby, I still love you Sometimes there's nothin left to do Oh you got to Hold on, hold on You got to hold on Take my hand, I'm standing right here, you got to Just hold on. Well, God bless your crooked little heart St. Louis got the best of me I miss your broken-china voice How I wish you were still here with me Well, you build it up, you wreck it down You burn your mansion to the ground When there's nothing left to keep you here, when You're falling behind in this Big blue world Oh you go to Hold on, hold on You got to hold on Take my hand, I'm standing right here You got to hold on Down by the Riverside motel, It's 10 below and falling By a 99 cent store she closed her eyes And started swaying But it's so hard to dance that way When it's cold and there's no music Well your old hometown is so far away But, inside your head there's a record That's playing, a song called Hold on, hold on You really got to hold on Take my hand, I'm standing right here And just hold on.
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14 years

Reframe your expectations, be excited for life, for living, breathing, for Matt, the birds, the bees, the trees, and all things mundane.... which we all take for granted much too often.....Chicago and our group of dreamers has given me the opportunity to reframe my life, my goals and my expectations........the anticipation of FTW, the new friends, you included !!! have made my life a better place.... NYC, where I grew up is a fine place, it's expensive, it's fast, it's chaotic and it's definitely not Chicago....no judgement passed there, it was excellent....but they are very different experiences..... Talk to Matt, NYC must be experienced....at least once.....hell you will probably even get a Werewolves....you know, their bodies are a wonderland.....exceptionally hairy, but whatcha gonna do? If you decide to go, .let me know and I will get you the tix...promise.... and now for your listening pleasure and introspection .....some Crack the Sky..... Well, I was talking to a mirror image of what supposedly was to be me; and The eyes and the nose and the insignificant clothes supported the testimony. He said, "You're doing fine, you know. You've got an okay mind, you know. And I would hate to see you throw it away. You'd better hold on. Hold on. Hold on." I was telling him I was a bit fatigued about my life, both present and past; And when I recalled my thoughts of ending it all with an overdose of gas, He said, "You're doing fine, you know. You've got an okay mind, you know. And I would hate to see you throw it away. You'd better hold on. Hold on. Hold on." Hold on Hold on Hold on
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9 years 9 months

I thought racin' was my life... Racin's not my life. I dont mean to seem ungrateful for life or beauty or wonder and amazement. it's just that: It's not because I missed out on the thing that you had to start. Maybe I had too much too fast. Maybe I had too much too fast. I just feel like a lost sailor right now. Coming back to reality after Fare Thee Well isn't going well. I need a fix-Jonesin' real bad. It's just that reality here has so little of the magic I felt, nothing will ever be the same. I used to get into politics and activism but I cant stomach those struggles anymore. I need to move to where the climate suits my clothes. And I really need to see the Daydreamers again. Well you gassed her up Behind the wheel With your arm around your sweet one In your Oldsmobile Barrelin' down the boulevard You're looking for the heart of Saturday night And you got paid on Friday And your pockets are jinglin' And you see the lights You get all tinglin' cause you're cruisin' with a 6 And you're looking for the heart of Saturday night Then you comb your hair Shave your face Tryin' to wipe out ev'ry trace All the other days In the week you know that this'll be the Saturday You're reachin' your peak Stoppin' on the red You're goin' on the green 'Cause tonight'll be like nothin' You've ever seen And you're barrelin' down the boulevard Lookin' for the heart of Saturday night Tell me is the crack of the poolballs, neon buzzin? Telephone's ringin'; it's your second cousin Is it the barmaid that's smilin' from the corner of her eye? Magic of the melancholy tear in your eye. Makes it kind of quiver down in the core 'Cause you're dreamin' of them Saturdays that came before And now you're stumblin' You're stumblin' onto the heart of Saturday night Well you gassed her up And you're behind the wheel With your arm around your sweet one In your Oldsmobile Barrellin' down the boulevard, You're lookin' for the heart of Saturday night Is the crack of the poolballs, neon buzzin? Telephone's ringin'; it's your second cousin And the barmaid is smilin' from the corner of her eye Magic of the melancholy tear in your eye. Makes it kind of special down in the core And you're dreamin' of them Saturdays that came before It's found you stumblin' Stumblin' onto the heart of Saturday night And you're stumblin' Stumblin onto the heart of Saturday night
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14 years

Ya know....hanging around here and the SD.com site is a safe harbor....while your ship prepares to sail.....where, that's up to you..... we make our own magic....if we choose to.... FTW was a Grand Parade..... Nothing Dead affiliated will ever top it for me, they were not the best of shows by any stretch of the imagination, but they will always be the most memorable.... not because of the core 4 but the people, those in the park, those in the stadium, those on the streets...like minded folk....and we are everywhere.... Love comes to you and you follow Lose one on to the heart of the sunrise Sharp distance How can the wind with its arms All around me Lost on a wave and then after Dream on on to the heart of the sunrise Sharp distance How can the wind with so many around me Lost in the city Lost in their eyes as you hurry by Counting the broken ties they decide Love comes to you and then after Dream on on to the heart of the sunrise Lost on a wave that you're dreaming Dream on on to the heart of the sunrise Sharp distance How can the wind with its arms all around Me Sharp distance How can the wind with so many around me I feel lost in the city Lost in their eyes as you hurry by Counting the broken ties they decided Straight light moving and removing Sharpness of the colour sun shine Straight light searching all the meanings Of the song Long last treatment of the telling that Relates to all the words sung Dreamer easy in the chair that really fits You Love comes to you and then after Dream on on to the heart of the sunrise Sharp distance How can the sun with its arms all around Me Sharp distance How can the wind with so many around me I feel lost in the city Gotta pick yourself up, dust yourself off....and start all over again.... just call me Merlin....
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Member for

16 years 5 months

Stubhub already has the MSG tix listed for up to $5,000.00 each for 100 level. Holy smokes will it never end? I want to take my kids to this one as it is only a 2+ hour drive from home and my daughter specifically asked me to go, but that means 5 tickets together. I already have a pair of Phil tix for Halloween and the night before, so I thought about selling the Halloween tix and buying MSG for the entire family, and maybe just Jill and I going to Phil on the 30th. I hope I can get 5 MSG tickets together. I'm not a John Mayer fan and would actually rather see Phil, however my daughter heard about the show and asked me to take her. As she put it "John Mayer is my future husband, he just doesn't know it yet." Ahhh Teenagers,..I can hardly take her and not my two boys. I'm not looking forward to the spinning wheels and que's again!!!! Thanks for letting me vent. Sorry I've been out of touch as of late, just busy trying to get back to reality and now it appears I may be in for another dose of Hilarity! Good luck to any and all who may be trying to get tickets. Until then if anyone from the spreadsheet is going to Peachfest next weekend in Scranton, Pa. drop me a line. There's a few nice deals on tickets for that on Cashortrade.org. All my contact info is on the SSDD Spread. Love you guys and gals.
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14 years

Tix are not available yet and to my knowledge, aside from private boxes there which are licensed, the only presale will be AmEx on 8/10... I did hear a ticket limit of 4 though, so I would not guarantee 5 in a row....Mayer is not my fave either, but think he would fit the bill for the show....me thinks if they tour though as reported they will hit Wilkes Barre and Buffalo as prior dead tours did....they are markets that will sell out.... Enjoy Peach Fest.....was there in 2011 and had a mighty time....ABB, Mule, Trigger Hippy and TTB in particular...but Cabinet was outstanding as a newcomer.......
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16 years 5 months

Yes, I agree Cabinet's good, I went to school with Jamie, the drummer. I have been seeing them for quite some time now. They also have their own festival Here on Montage Mt. in May, called the Susquehanna Breakdown. You should give it a whirl next spring. It's quite good! Like a Bluegrass festival feel to it. My daughter played at it the first two years representing Marley's Mission.I shot video of her as well as Cabinet's set and Terrapin Flyer's set last year, however, I haven't had a chance to synch the audio with the video yet. I know the Dead tickets aren't available yet, but that doesn't seem to bother the secondary market, as they already have them listed. I will try to obtain tickets for my family and keep Phil in my back pocket as plan B. I hope you are correct about the tour/ Wilkes Barre possibility. And Buffalo would be ideal for you. I did read where Bobby was quoted as saying it was late in the year to try to pull a tour together, but that's what they were going to try to do. I wonder how much will be East Coast?
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14 years

Think it all will be east coast....like maybe 10 or 12 dates.... My sons band is opening for Cabinet in Buffalo this September at a club downtown.....gonna be quite the party... Definitely interested in the Susquehanna Breakdown, maybe check out Coopers Seafood as well....
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9 years 9 months

I had to go for a walk and get some air. The University proveds great green spaces as they recognize the human need for such. The trees in the breeze can usually make it ok. It has been too long since Matt and I went hiking, over a month now. It has been too hot and the woods are full of ticks and chiggers right now to even attempt it. I guess we will go to a local festival in September called Schwagstock, this is #46 for them. The schwag are a Dead tribute/cover band who do a really good job. The festival is at a river outfitter called Ozark outdoors. Also in September is the STL Cardinals Dead tribute night where you get a t-shirt with all the dates the Dead played in St. Louis. And on the front is a Stealie with the cardinals logo on it. Hopefully Dead and Co come to the Midwest. Maybe they will gain other members too... I started working in orthopedic oncology one year ago and I think it is starting to take its toll.
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14 years

Good to get out....clears the cobwebs.....Don't you agree? This is the fourth time that this song appeared here, not for lack of creativity, but because it's is such a fucking awesome song..... Home is where I want to be Pick me up and turn me round I feel numb - born with a weak heart I guess I must be having fun The less we say about it the better Make it up as we go along Feet on the ground Head in the sky It's ok I know nothing's wrong... nothing Hi yo I got plenty of time Hi yo you got light in your eyes And you're standing here beside me I love the passing of time Never for money Always for love Cover up and say goodnight... say good night Home - is where I want to be But I guess I'm already there I come home - she lifted up her wings I guess that this must be the place I can't tell one from another Did I find you, or you find me? There was a time Before we were born If someone asks, this where I'll be... where I'll be Hi yo We drift in and out Hi yo Sing into my mouth Out of all those kinds of people You got a face with a view I'm just an animal looking for a home and, Share the same space for a minute or two And you love me till my heart stops Love me till I'm dead Eyes that light up, eyes look through you Cover up the blank spots Hit me on the head Ah ooh Good night Irene, Miami, Scranton PA and all the ships at sea.....
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9 years 9 months

Hey Merlin, Arthur here...thanks for the lessons. The world gets to me... You poisoned my sweet water. You cut down my green trees. The food you fed my children Was the cause of their disease. My world is slowly fallin' down And the air's not good to breathe. And those of us who care enough, We have to do something... [Chorus:] Oh... Oh What you gonna do about me? Oh... Oh What you gonna do about me? Your newspapers, They just put you on. They never tell you The whole story. They just put your Young ideas down. I was wonderin' could this be the end Of your pride and glory? [Chorus:] I work in your factory. I study in your schools. I fill your penitentiaries. And your military too! And I feel the future trembling, As the word is passed around. "If you stand up for what you do believe, Be prepared to be shot down. " [Chorus:] And I feel like a stranger In the land where I was born And I live like an outlaw. And I'm always on the run... And I'm always getting busted And I got to take a stand... I believe the revolution Must be mighty close at hand... [Chorus:] I smoke marijuana But I can't get behind your wars. And most of what I do believe Is against most of your laws I'm a fugitive from injustice But I'm goin' to be free. 'Cause your rules and regulations They don't do the thing for me [Chorus:] And I feel like a stranger In the land where I was born And I live just like an outlaw. And I'm always on the run. And though you may be stronger now, my time will come around. You keep adding to my numbers, and you shoot my people down. [Chorus:] (3 times)
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14 years

Can't get the last word in edgewise, can I? This is for you.....Ellie Mae..... Ain't no use to keep taking abuse From a friend who isn't kind A friend in need or a friend that you need Who can help you through the troubled times So reach on out and take a hold of my hand And let me know that your ready to go There ain't no dues and you can leave your blues behind And have a little peace peace of mind Give me some peace, Peace of Mind There comes a time when your friends go blind And thier words become diseased They threaten your life with the blade of a knife And set you down upon your needs Make no mistake for your very own sake Heres a little word for now Take off your shoes and let your thoughts be kind And have a little peace, peace of mind Peace Peace of Mind... make us feel better Some folks you find speak a mighty good line They charm you all the way They take you along on a sweet sweet song Then they steal your heart away But blessed be the one who can understand why People have to act that way Cause if I knew I wouldn't even want to say But have a little peace, peace of mind Give me some peace, Peace of Mind Everybody wants Peace, Peace of mind Peace Peace of mind All we need is some... Peace.
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9 years 9 months

You can have it after this... Had to do it cause it's true... Where would I be without you? (and I noticed the switcheroo) This is for the Original Dus Briver. AKA rrrgrrr Thank you for being a friend Traveled down the road and back again your heart is true you're a pal and a confidant I'm not ashamed to say I hope it always will stay this way My hat is off, won't you stand up and take a bow And if you threw a party Invited everyone you knew You would see, the biggest gift would be from me and the card attached would say, Thank you for being a friend Thank you for being a friend Thank you for being a friend Thank you for being a friend If it's a car you lack I'd surely buy you a cadillac Whatever you need, anytime of the day or night I'm not ashamed to say I hope it always will stay this way My hat is off, won't you stand up and take a bow And when we both get older With walking canes and hair of gray Have no fear, even though it's hard to hear I will stand real close and say, Thank you for being a friend (I want to thank you) Thank you for being a friend (I want to thank you) Thank you for being a friend (I want to thank you) Thank you for being a friend (I want to thank you) Let me tell you about a friend (I want to thank you) Thank you for being a friend (I want to thank you) Thank you for being a friend (I want to thank you) Thank you for being a friend And when we die and float away Into the night, the Milky Way You'll hear me call, as we ascend I'll see you there, then once again Thank you for being a friend Thank you for being a friend (I want to thank you) Thank you for being a friend (I want to thank you) Thank you for being a friend (I want to thank you) Thank you for being a friend Whoa, tell you about a friend (Thank you right now, for being a friend) Thank you for being a friend (I wanna tell you about a pal, and I'll tell you again) Thank you for being a friend (I wanna thank you, thank you, for being a friend) Thank you for being a friend
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14 years

it's your party and you can cry if you want to..... don't, it's way overrated..... -'What you gonna do when you get out of jail? ' "I'm gonna have some fun" -'What do you consider fun? ' "Fun, Natural Fun." I'm in heaven With my boyfriend, my laughing boyfriend. There's no beginning and there is no end. Time isn't present in that dimension. He'll take my arm When we're walkin', rolling and rocking. It's one time I'm glad I'm not a man. Feels like I'm dreaming, but I'm not sleeping. I'm in heaven With the maven of funk mutation Clinton's musicians such as Bootsy Collins Raise expectations to a new intention No one can sing Quite like Smokey, Smokey Robinson Wailin' and skankin' to Bob Marley Reggae's expanding with Sly and Robbie Ipsimama... Ipsimama All the weekend Boyfriend was missing I surely miss him The way he'd hold me in his warm arms We went insane when we took cocaine. ...[foreign language]... Bohannon Bohannon Bohannon Bohannon Bohannon Bohannon Bohannon Bohannon Stepping in a rhythm to a Kurtis Blow. Who needs to think when your feet just go? With a hiditihi and a hipitiho Who needs to think when your feet just go Bohannon Bohannon Bohannon Bohannon Who needs to think when your feet just go Bohannon Bohannon Bohannon Bohannon James Brown, James Brown James Brown, James Brown If you see him Please remind him, unhappy boyfriend. Well he's the genius of love He's got a greater depth of feeling Well he's the genius of love He's so deep This is not a contest....no one wins.....it's lifes journey......
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9 years 9 months

According to the words over my high school entrance. this is not a contest, correct, more like a support group. Hi, My name is Holly and I'm a Dead Junkie, goin through withdrawls. Welcome to DA, we have a 12 step program. 1st step, Sarge pass the bone. Now when you're feelin' low And the fish won't bite You need a little bit o' soul To put you right You gotta make like you Wanna kneel and pray And then a little bit o' soul Will come your way Now when your girl has gone And you're broke in two You need a little bit o' soul To see you through And when you raise the roof With you rock and roll You'll get a lot more kicks With a little bit o' soul And if your party falls 'Cause there's nobody groovin' A little bit o' soul and It really starts movin', yeah! Now when you're in a mess And you feel like cryin' Just remember this little Song of mine And as you walk through life Tryin' to reach your goal Remember what I say 'bout A little bit o' soul And if your party falls 'Cause there's nobody groovin' A little bit o' soul and It really starts movin', yeah! A little bit o' soul A little bit o' soul A little bit o' soul Goodnight Daydreamers, Sarge and Merlin. Lesson #4 begins tomorrow... Sweet Dreams
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17 years 8 months

I thought I was the only one in the world anymore who had even HEARD of them. I can remember their being at a campus event in a venue that generally had bad cover bands who butchered the stones and other popular rock acts of the time. We did not know what to make of these guys, except they were different, and good! I don't recall specifics, as that was long ago...
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14 years

Hey now mkav..... Crack the Sky were a staple on WNEW-FM in the mid 70's.....love them, still play regularly in Baltimore.... They aren't as well known as Queen, but they should be....they are just as good......still making music as well.....check out their live release....Alive and Kicking Ass.....amazing And that's why we are the Dreamers....we have a common bond.....music......
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17 years 8 months

amen.thanks for the tip on Crack the Sky...I literally have not heard anything of them in nearly 40 yrs...when I was still in Baltimore
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10 years 2 months

For me there will never be anything like FTW. The music was amazing! The stadium was lit as if from an eternal flame. But as I ponder my experience I only remember the music as it relates to the people. Thousands swaying to Ripple in perfect time. SDD family all around me. Teaching me about the music. Sharing the vibe. Becoming family... Althea hugs and high fives! Locking eyes with Chuck walking up the stairs then they start playing Built to Last... Listening to the music. Sharing the vibe. Family all around me. I want to thank each and every one of you.. For sharing the music For sharing your time For catching my tears For sharing my joys I think I'm a Dead Head I know I miss Jerry I love you all!
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Geeky you are indeed correct, once you are part of it you can't go back. We are a unique breed. Kind, tolerant, accepting. The spirit of Jerry is still alive and well.... As long as we allow it to be so..... As Neil said.... First time I heard "Lie A Rolling Stone" I felt that magic and took it home Gave it a twist and made it mine But nothing was as good as the very first time Poetry rollin' off his tongue Like Hank Williams chewin' bubble gum Askin me "how does it feel?" Rollin down the road in a dream of mine Two lane tour through a state of mind. Singin in the place where I first saw Roy Playin that place gave me so much joy Flash bulbs poppin' at the stage door Brand new song with familiar chords All the time lookin for somethin' new Walkin with the devil on a twisted road Listenin to the Dead on the radio That old time music esed to soothe my soul If I ever get home I'm gonna let the good times roll Coffee is on.....
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10 years 2 months

Coffee's on...Friday morning sun coming up...Just me and the pups rocking this morning... Hey ! Mr Tambourine Man, play a song for me I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to Hey ! Mr Tambourine Man, play a song for me In the jingle jangle morning I'll come followin' you. Take me on a trip upon your magic swirlin' ship My senses have been stripped, my hands can't feel to grip My toes too numb to step, wait only for my boot heels To be wanderin' I'm ready to go anywhere, I'm ready for to fade Into my own parade, cast your dancing spell my way I promise to go under it.
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9 years 9 months

Good morning beautiful people, glad to have everyone aboard this makeshift raft. I got a song it ain't got no melody... I'm gonna sing it to my friends. Will it go round in circles?
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14 years

And a glorious Friday it is indeed....More coffee.... Let's let the Cyrkle have the floor.... I should have known you'd bid me farewell There's a lesson to be learned from this and I learned it very well Now I know you're not the only starfish in the sea If I never hear your name again, it's all the same to me And I think it's gonna be all right Yeah, the worst is over now The mornin' sun is shinin' like a red rubber ball You never care for secrets I confide For you I'm just an ornament, somethin' for your pride Always runnin', never carin', that's the life you live Stolen minutes of your time were all ya had to give And I think it's gonna be all right Yeah, the worst is over now The mornin' sun is shinin' like a red rubber ball The story's in the past with nothin' to recall I've got my life to live and I don't need you at all The roller-coaster ride we took is nearly at an end I bought my ticket with my tears, that's all I'm gonna spend And I think it's gonna be all right Yeah, the worst is over now The mornin' sun is shinin' like a red rubber ball Oh, oh, oh I think it's gonna be all right Yeah, the worst is over now The mornin' sun is shinin' like a red rubber ball
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Member for

9 years 9 months

Blue Skies, sunshine, birds are singing... Marvelous, simply marvelous darling! doo doo-doo doo doo doo doo When I think back On all the crap I learned in high school It's a wonder I can think at all And though my lack of education Hasn't hurt me none I can read the writing on the wall Kodachrome They give us those nice bright colors They give us the greens of summers Makes you think all the world's a sunny day I got a Nikon camera I love to take a photograph So mama don't take my Kodachrome away If you took all the girls I knew When I was single And brought them all together for one night I know they'd never match my sweet imagination Everything looks worse in black and white
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Member for

14 years

At least we settled on a topic.... As time goes on, I realize Just what you mean To me And now, Now that you're near, Promise your love That I've waited to share And dreams Of our moments together Color my world with hope of loving you
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Member for

9 years 9 months

I like this topic, good for a Friday. This one's a two-for... Nights in white satin, Never reaching the end, Letters I've written, Never meaning to send. Beauty I'd always missed With these eyes before, Just what the truth is I can't say anymore. 'Cause I love you, Yes, I love you, Oh, how, I love you. Gazing at people, Some hand in hand, Just what I'm going thru They can understand. Some try to tell me Thoughts they cannot defend, Just what you want to be You will be in the end, And I love you, Yes, I love you, Oh, how, I love you. Oh, how, I love you. Nights in white satin, Never reaching the end, Letters I've written, Never meaning to send. Beauty I'd always missed With these eyes before, Just what the truth is I can't say anymore. 'Cause I love you, Yes, I love you, Oh, how, I love you. Oh, how, I love you. 'Cause I love you, Yes, I love you, Oh, how, I love you. Oh, how, I love you.
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Member for

10 years

Going where the orange sun has never diedAnd your swirling marble eyes shine Laughing Burning blue the light Bittersweet the drops of life Memories only fading Fancy colors Fancy colors All we ever did see When we're down at the sea We see things so very clear at the sea Fancy colors Fancy colors All we ever can do The morning covered with dew We do things so very fine in the dew Fancy colors Fancy colors All we ever do hear But whether we're here or there We hear things so very fine when we're there
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Member for

14 years

When evening fallsShe'll run to me Like whispered dreams Your eyes can't see Soft and warm She'll touch my face A bed of straw Against the lace We believed we'd catch the rainbow Ride the wind to the sun Sail away on ships of wonder But life's not a wheel With chains made of steel So bless me Come the dawn Come the dawn Come the dawn Come the dawn We believed we'd catch the rainbow Ride the wind to the sun And sail away on ships of wonder But life's not a wheel With chains made of steel So bless me, oh bless me, bless me Come the dawn Come the dawn Come the dawn Come the dawn
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Member for

10 years

Why are there so many songs about rainbows And what's on the other side Rainbows are visions But only illusions And rainbows have nothing to hide So we've been told And some choose to believe it I know they're wrong, wait and see Someday we'll find it The rainbow connection The lovers, the dreamers, and me Who said that every wish Would be heard and answered When wished on the morning star Somebody thought of that And someone believed it Look what it's done so far What's so amazing that keeps us stargazing And what do we think we might see Someday we'll find it The rainbow connection The lovers, the dreamers, and me All of us under its spell We know that it's probably magic Have you been half asleep And have you heard voices? I've heard them calling my name Is this the sweet sound That called the young sailors? The voice might be one and the same I've heard it too many times to ignore it It's something that I'm supposed to be Some day we'll find it The rainbow connection The lovers, the dreamers, and me