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  • free idea
    free from suffering
    May the world be free from suffering Positive thoughts to all in need Listen to the music play!
  • TigerLilly
    For each and every one who needs them (do too, can admit it) Also wanna add here let's put our minds together and call Buddy Plant back to us. Or at least that he contacts one of us. Take care, BP, wherever you are, we love and miss you. ********************************** It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine
  • GratefulGigi
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    Sending out positive vibes to....
    all who need them!Peace,Gigi
  • gdhead99
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    In need of work!!
    I know this economy stinks, but you have one thing going for you that I know of, you seem like a person who "thinks outside the box" as evidenced by your taste in music, so use that skill now when you need it the most! Start now to volunteer at where you want to work. Write letters to specific people in Human resources depts detailing your skills and be prepared to do whatever they want to get you in the door. There are some jobs out there, but companies are not posting them because they will be socked with a million replies, plus they have other staff doing the job now so the longer it takes to hire, the longer they get to keep the money....In a nice way, mention to them that this overload on current employees only breads contempt and the work the others usually do may suffer, and the tasks they are taking on they might not do with the care you would devote to it. Check the obituaries to see where someone worked who passed away, then wait a week or so and send a letter (not mentioning the loss) just a quick note with an offer. Also, tell everyone you know you are looking.....Have your resume ready to roll....Know with all certainty that your dream job is coming your way, then listen to the music and wait.....follow through.......and I bet you will be posting in a few months at how wonderful things went. Best of Luck to you .......although you won't need it...look inside and then project outside..... Much love
  • gdhead99
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    MY MOM
    So sorry to hear about your mom. It is good news it has not spread. My uncle and grandmother both had the lung operation, my grandmother's had spread but the operation bought her uncle was not so lucky. I just read your post that you lived near or in Erie, PA. I moved from NH to Erie in Feb last year. I was so lonely there and although I liked my apt and the lake sure is beautiful, I missed my family, the ocean and thought there were no deadheads, so at the end of summer, I moved back to NH. I sincerely hope everything goes well for your mom. Please know I will keep her in my prayers and send good wishes your way, since we were kinda like neighbors even though we didn't know it haha. God Bless
  • Gypsy Cowgirl
    wishing your mom the best! Hoping they catch the nasty beast before it spreads....xoxoxo Gypsy Cowgirl
  • Steve-O
    My Mom
    Her Pulmonary Dr., diagnosed her with lung cancer, but with all the other tests he determined it has not spread anywhere else yet. He said it is operalble with a high success rate!! Her next step is to meet with the Surgeon to see if she is able to go through such a surgery, and to answer any questions she might have to help her make a decision on what to do. With your help, hopefully she will be a good candidate for the surgery and will choose to go that route, otherwise her pulmonary Dr. said it will spread rapidly.Peace
  • TigerLilly
    Australian fire victims
    I suspect that these poor folk who lost everything could use a massive dose of our collective vibes. Am vibing them strength, hope, and as much warmth (no pun intended) as I can********************************** It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine
  • Steve-O
    ++++ vibes
    To Kas, Sandy, and Dave, also to you gypsy cowgirl. Hold it together for your friend.Peace
  • marye
    thank you all
    my back is much better, I'm walking around like a regular person again, and so I send all those beams back out to those who need 'em!
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17 years 9 months
Need 'em? Got 'em to share? Post here.
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Member for

16 years 7 months

herbie, come home. "She could be hanging round a steel mill Working in a house of blue light Riding a getaway bus out of Portland Talking to the night"
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Member for

16 years 4 months

Lame! Maybe it was the rich kids living up on Skyline Blvd. going on a midnight jaunt. Karma will catch up to the perpetrator....Why would you do that to our wonderful Mary? Well I'm glad to hear that the other things worked out though. May the four winds blow you safely home Subaru! _____________________________________________ Will you come with me? Once in awhile you can get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right!
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17 years 3 months

Long may you run , straight home to mama !!
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Member for

17 years

Glad to hear Rex is doing well, I hope your car is returned soon so you and the dogs can go cruisin again!
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Is more important that Rex is recovered, but I hope your hairy Subaru find's her way back to her rightful place. Hope the thief develops a sudden allergy to dog hair!********************************** It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine
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16 years 5 months

I'm not sure if this is the right place or not, and if not please excuse me and forgive me. This is my husbands account, and I know how much he liked looking around on here, but I have a problem. Billy's been in and out of the hospital since late October, and he's been in a sort of a funk for the last couple of months. I was wanting to find something to cheer him up, so I ordered some things for him in the "store" on this web site. It's been almost 2 weeks, and haven't received anthing, and I can't get anyone to reply to me when I send a message to customer service. Is there a specific person I can contact to see what the hold up is? Billy is such a lover of anything that has to do with the Grateful Dead, and me myself, well I guess I'll never understand it. I guess in a way, opposites do attract. See us standing together, and I've been told no one would believe that we were together. Anyway, if anyone here could lead me in the right direction, I would be forever thankful. Shannon
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17 years 7 months

i haven't been around i a while spring tour and all. Just want to send out healing vibes to all who need them.Lojack vibes to marye for her dog hair collection...(i collect dog hair in my camry)
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Member for

17 years 2 months

first lemme say what a thoughtful person you are to try and find something that you know your husband has an interest in.....not everyone is so lucky to be in that type of relationship. prolly all you can really do is go to the home page here and click on store, which i'm sure you have done as you placed an order. i f you go to the bottom of the page you will find help and customer on "help" for instructions.....good luck..i have had problems with some orders and others went thru without a hitch.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

if you can figure out how to send me a Personal Message (see the My Inbox option on the left), give me the order number and any other details and I'll try to help straighten this out.
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Member for

17 years 3 months

I missed that part , so glad that Rex is doing good !! I`ll send some +++ vibes to Billy s !! Hope he gets to feelin better to !!
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Member for

17 years 2 months

funloving would be grate to send a LOT of good vibes to Tommy Chong (Chech n'Chong) who serves a pretty f...g time for weed.anybody remember "BIG BAMBOO":-) surely Dr.roachclip wont,....but send him all you have on good vibes to give...............
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Member for

17 years 9 months

You sound like a grate other half. I hope you get some help at the store.Peace
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Member for

17 years 8 months

I finally have the energy to login here and tell everyone thank you for caring about me when I was so hurting and lost. I have to say it again, "You are really good people". Peace, Music & Many Good Vibes Returned to Everyone Here..................docks of the city (the old Embarcadero)
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Member for

16 years 1 month

Hey Now Friends I am asking for some good vibes for my teenage son, and my whole community. Sorry if this is long-winded. My son has always loved the GD music I played (constantly) - I sang him to sleep (badly) with Ripple when he was a baby & he used to make me rewind Fire on the Mountain and play it over and over when he was about four. He had always said how bummed out he was that he would never get to see the Grateful Dead and have that experience. So when the current Dead tour came around we got some cheap "at least I'm in the show" tix for Albany and Sunday in Worcester. We had a fantastic time. Both shows were fun and he said the Scarlet Fire on Sunday was one of the happiest moments of his life. On Monday that good vibe was shattered. As we were driving home to our small town he received a text message informing him that a friend of his had taken his own life over the weekend. My son was / is devastated. He says that the greatest day of his life was followed by the worst. He can't make sense of it, and neither can I, or anyone else in our community. This was a brilliant, talented, well-liked kid, and nobody can understand how this could happen. So I'm calling out for a cosmic hug for my boy... but also my whole town, and the family of the boy who took his life. I can not begin to imagine what they are going through. Peace to all ~ hug your kids...
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Member for

16 years 7 months

Hey Mornduvt, I will keep all of you in my thoughts
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Member for

17 years 2 months

Warm healing thoughts for you, your son and your whole town. I hope your son's friend at least found the peace he was seeking. Pay attention to your friends, folks. You never know when that funny snort, that odd glance, that moment of wry introspection is really a signal of Something Deeper. Just because it's usually nothing serious doesn't mean that this might not be that one time when all they really needs is a genuine smile from a friend to get them back in the game. Smile on your brother, and your sister, too. Try to love one another right now. Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

A big hug goes out to your boy. Some things in life I guess are never meant to be understood.Peace
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Member for

17 years 9 months

so sorry to hear this, and comfort to all who loved this kid.
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Member for

17 years 2 months

i can't can't....i'll say an extra prayer for all of you. what a monumental bummer....healing vibes to you and yours.........
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Member for

16 years

Light, prayers and healing hugs to your son, family - all the families! I am sorry.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Your poor kid! Peace and healing vibes to your son, the family, and your entire community. Such a thing is bewilderingly painful, I KNOW. Strength to you too, to be there to support your son, but sounds like you got that aplenty!********************************** It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine
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17 years 7 months

a giant hug to all who knew this boy. My prayers go out to his family and yours.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Mornduvt Our thoughts are with you and your son. Speaking from 20 years experience of listening to my wife Candy(PHd and currently has 3 people on suicide watch) work with many who thought life would be better if they ended it--It won't be. Your friends and parents will never get over it. The pain many think goes away by taking that step comes back and hurts those that really care multiplied uncountable times. Perhaps suggesting that your son become a student counselor to work with fellow students may bring something meaningful and helpful out of this tragedy. Watch the movie "Ordinary People" and talk about it .Your son probably also may harbor feelings of anger at his friend and perhaps feels guilty about it. I am going to sound harsh and if I offend don't take it personally.- Suicide is a selfish act. It is one thing to be in terrible physical pain 80 years old with nothing to look forward to. Adolescent suicide is usually an act of anger towards those people which the child is having a conflict with. It may be no fault of the child and unfair (in the case of bullying) however killing one self is not the answer.It most cases therapy or a very brief hospital stay and willingness to work on improving things would be far better. Sometimes chemical imbalances may account for the depression but not always. If you want to talk off line let me know. And the road goes on forever.... BobbaLee
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17 years 9 months

for all those Subaru-come-home beams. After a saga that would well exceed the parameters of the Positive Vibes topic, the duly found and repaired dogmobile will be home on Monday. It wouldn't have made it without you.
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Member for

17 years 4 months

I lost my father-in-law that way, the week after Jerry died. It has to be even harder when it's a young person, someone who, given more time, may have learned to cope. I was nearly killed by a drunk driver (0n my way to see GD at Cal Expo in '84) and still can't walk right, etc. While we may be scarred, we can't stop. The good moves us forward and we learn.
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Member for

17 years 7 months

gladd to hear that i hope tou are well insured for any if everyone can focus and help me find my marbles..i lost them back on tour some where...
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Member for

17 years 9 months

took dogs to dogpark this morning, passed smog and got new registration this morning. Now has big red Club on steering wheel. Will keep an eye out for noonie's marbles in case they rolled west.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

I got one of your marbles. Must have gotten on a plane somehow. Can I keep it please? Need all the marbles I can get.********************************** It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine
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Member for

17 years

that's great! Very happy for you and the doggies.
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Member for

16 years 1 month

Many thanks to all for the kind words and warm feelings... I could almost hear your voices in the darkness, and I absolutely could feel the vibes... and I leaned on them, and they held me up. Over the past month I have been blown away by the power of the positive pull of this community we share - in a way I had forgotten in the past decade as I got older and I admit... lost touch... I thank you all for helping to see all of us through this hardship - and for showing one old head that it wasn't just a dream after all... I love you all. And I am glad Marye's car came home too... ...& I have been trying to post this all morning, but I think my server is not cooperating - so my apologies if it pops up six times...
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Member for

17 years 3 months

so nice to know you got your wheels back !! Sure the dogs are happy too !! ruff ruff let`s go cruisin` mom ! oh yea , no sign of any loose marbles here , but will keep an eye open ..
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Member for

15 years 11 months

If you or anyone you know may have witnessed ABUSE by the Chicago police the evening of 05-05-09 at (night of Allstate Arena show in Rosemont), you are urged to call attorney Goeffrey Fieger at 248-355-5555 and leave info with Robert Giroux. You can also call the Chicago division of the FBI at 312-421-6700. This is Rabbit and I can be reached at 419-215-0577.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Got a message from Rider that Geeky's in the hospital and doing poorly. Sounds like she needs a dose of our loving vibes. Beks, get better and come back!********************************** Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society. Mark Twain
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17 years 7 months

Sending out positive vibes to get well soon! Hang in there girl!! Love & Peace,Gigi xoxoxoxxo
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Member for

17 years 9 months

feel better good vibes to geeky!peacen'love tc
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Member for

17 years 2 months

oh man........THAT brought my good feelin's down a notch......all good vibes gather with geeky...NOW!!!!
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Member for

16 years 2 months

Love love you so much Geeky and all our talks. Get better get better find a will find a way. Good vibes hugs kisses and good thoughts! XOXOXOXOXOXO
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Member for

17 years 8 months

GGGGGGGGGGGGGGggeeky.........all good vibes for you darlin... sorry to hear you in a bad place ((((((((((((((((hugs eternal )))))))))))))))))))))))) so the allways there when needed ---------------------{-@ -----------------------------{-@ ------------------------------------{--@ -----------------------------{-@ -----------------------{-@ :-) Love and good feeling always Poconochuck
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16 years 7 months

Keeping you in my thought.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

thinking about you and about you getting better really soon!
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17 years 7 months

and warm squishy hugs going out to geeky
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Member for

17 years 2 months

pls send good vibes to all our troops far from home...hoping the will ALL come HOME SOON where they matter WHY they are where they are.
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17 years 8 months

for helping us remember those who are so far away from home. Also may the spirits of all those who died in war be at peace. Don't ever forget our veterans. And civilian wartime deaths as well. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake