- Post reply Log in to post comments344 repliesmaryeJoined:It has been pointed out that in our haste to set up regional enclaves, we neglected our neighbor north of the border. We herewith remedy this sad oversight. Heads of Canada, this is your clubhouse!
- schumertourJoined:WeAre Here And Everywhere Marye!!!!
Hey Now fella Northern headz!!!! I hail from and returned to the beautiful city of Montreal. It served as a great launching point for many Northern (Hamilton) and Northeastern (Albany Boston Buffalo) launching point for 10 known illustrious shows starting on 3.24.91 at the ripe age of 15 and sadly ending on 6.15.95. How I miss those days, everyday! But thank goodness for the internet and it’s endless golden nuggets of bliss!!! I had to take out an ad in the back of relix to trade tapes and now have thousands of hours of sbds and YouTube to keep me content, which I always have been! My intake is just more than ever. Of some things not others.... one love
- Over The BorderJoined:Keeping it a-LIVE in VictoriaWe will be presenting Victoria's best Dead tribute band with a full Sixties-style analogue light show on September 29.Canadian Beauty plus Acid Rain Light Show, September 29 @ Victoria Event Centre 1415 Broad Street, Victoria. Doors 8:30, tickets $15.00 from brownpapertickets.com/event/3442201
It has been pointed out that in our haste to set up regional enclaves, we neglected our neighbor north of the border. We herewith remedy this sad oversight. Heads of Canada, this is your clubhouse!
love your comments! Canadian Dead songs....I've sent this link to my cuz in BC.....will tell him to join up......No, I don't speak or read French, but I can learn...........
Does anyone know if I can park an RV @ or near HSBC
See you at the show
Je demeure à Montréal depuis 35 ans déjà. Je travaille à la Place des Arts (un complexe de 5 salles de spectacle) comme technicien de scène spécialisé en éclairage. Je suis entre autre chef-électrien en second à l'Opéra de MTL.J'espère qu'on pourra échanger des commentaires sur nos spectacles respectifs. A bientôt.
C'est drôle Richard, car mon frère est chanteur d'Opéra et il travaillait avec l'atelier de l'Opéra de Mtl il y a 3 ans. Il a chanté plusieurs fois à la Place des Arts, plus récemment dans "Pearl Fishers" - son nom est Phillip Addis, baritone. Sa femme, Emily Hamper, accompagne les chanteurs au piano. Maintenant il voyage à qqpart de nouveau chaque mois, ce qui est un défi avec un enfant d'un an. J'aime ta carrière en éclairage. Je suis musicienne aussi, mais de la musique rock/reggae/funk, etc...
version très kitch (décor, costumes) appréciée des amateurs. J'espère rencontrer ton frère lors de son prochain passage à Montréal. As-tu des enregistrements de ta musique? On pourrait en faire un "vine".
Bonsoir Kirsten, j'ai lu sur "Dancin'" que tu as de très bonnes informations pour avoir beaucoup de plaisir cette fin-de-semaine à NY. Mon épouse Marjelaine et moi seront là aussi. Au plaisir de se rencontrer. Je te souhaite un miracle pour Uniondale. Nous en souhaitons un pour MSG.
D'ici ce temps-là, essaie de dormir! ; )
Salut Richard,
Ce sont des bonnes nouvelles - on devrait se rencontrer pour parler en fr. à NY! Il parait qu'il y a des billets pour MSG d'après la discussion sur DeadNetCentral:
Bonne chance!
Crystal Journey has arrived in the United States for a 14 city tour along with seeing the Grateful "The" Dead 7 times in NY, NJ, DC, NC and VA. It was a very smooth and peaceful border crossing, a BIG smile from the pretty woman in the booth asking where we were going? to see the Grateful Dead I yelled with excitement. Photos and news will be updated as I have internet access. All Crystal Journey dates are on the performances page. Special FaceBook video on my fan page http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/pages/David-Hickey/36486326581?ref=ts
David Hickey
Paiste Gongs and Quartz Crystal Bowls Sound Journey
Wow... very nice music David. Any chance of a pre dead parking lot performance???
Un bon samaritain nous a proposé 2 billets à prix coutant que nous nous somment empressé d'accepter. J'aurai les billets à Uniondale. Trouvons un coin de rue pour se rencontrer si possible. Marjelaine et Richard.
Il parait que vous avez trouvé vos billets pour MSG - Félicitations! On va s'embarquer sur le Ship of Fools avant le spectacle et on va essayer de rencontrer d'autres heads au Blarney pub pres de MSG. Aussi, j'aimerai aller à Uniondale avant, sinon pour le parking...
a tantot
All Canadian Heads going to the April 21st Buffalo show,
Only 6 days to go!!! I can't beleive its about to happen. Long live the Dead.
If you see me say hello. I'll be in the jean shirt with paint splatter up the front and the Steel Your Face logo on the back. The picture here is the shirt as a work-in-progress. It now has more colour and pops.........
Still playing after all these years.
Enjoy the show,
Playing in the Tower with Eyes on Fire in El Paso with a Cat
Got my tix for 4/22 through Condider it Dan now STILL WAITING for the GDTS tix.Only two more days of mail until I leave man am I sweating now. It would be something to have $250.00 go down the drain EH? Back in 85 the mail order tix from GDTS came in the day we left for Saratoga Springs show. I NEED A MIRICALE (mail delivery) Wish me luck pleaseeeeeeeeee.
I can't go anymore to this show and don't want the tix wasted! I have 4 that need use. I'm in Toronto, if anyone is going south for these shows. 416-709-7796.
Hi all,
I sure hope your tickets showed Chris.....:)
Sorry about your luck st1free. :(
Wholy Shyat am I so stressed!!!
Oh well two days off with a Dead show in the middle should hopefully put a smile back on my face. Sure it will. I need a miracle too, hopefully theres one in store for me.
Playing in the Tower with Eyes on Fire in El Paso with a Cat
P.S. I fell better all ready just taking the time to draft up this e-mail.
P.P.S. I will be away from my e-mail for a spell.
P.P.P.S. Richard my time is not really mine for the next couple of weeks, don't think I'll be able to share the pics from tomorrows show until May.
P.P.P.P.S. Peace to all.
See ya tommorrow....bring rain gear !!!!! party on the parking ramp !!!
A special wish for all of you who are heading up/down to Buffalo - safe travels, fun journeys, smooth crossings and a rockin good time!!! Get your groove on! I will be there in spirit.
Love, K
Well,Buffalo April 21st, 2009 - I'll try to be brief.
The show/my head space was perfect. I walked out of the hotel room only to be passed by a lovely lady with a basket full of brownies and cookies. Needless to say I had a great trip at the show. Incredible performace. So many highlights. Met many good people had many concerns washed away had many high moments thoughout the concert. Perhaps the best for me was sitting down overcome with joy and laughter through Eyes of the World while the entire arena took off and headed into space. Needless to say that does not happen at every concert I have ever been to. Anyway, the boys really lifted the spirit - they do that so well don't they. Anyway, already looking forward to next year's show (fingers crossed).
Playing in the Tower with Eyes on Fire in El Paso with a Cat
P.S. Richard I took only 2 pics but do have some video, if I can find the time I'll try to post some. Hope you had a great show too!
P.P.S. many of the performances from the buffalo show are on you tube.
Hey Playin', got pics and videos from both. Lots of work, hope to be with you soon.Share the Love! Richard.
Had a great time as well. I met lots of Canadian Heads but not you guys, mabey next time. We had 6th row center and danced the whole night. Super easy border crossing at Fort Erie. Empty Tim Horton cups on board are never questioned. Its like a passport and a good spot for goodies !!!! hahahahah
Salut Richard... hi everyone,
well I'm still trying to come down from the wonderful adventure high - NYC and a Nassau 2nd set bonus after coming off the road 11h - MSG was something to behold... I'm happy to have shared it with the incredibly loud grooving crowd. A real treat.
Some advice: when staying in NYC, the Chelsea Hotel is a must for any intrepid traveler.
Richard: Je regrette de te manquer- c'est difficile de faire tout ce qu'on veut dans un groupe de 5. J'ai oublié comment ça traîne! Cependant, j'imagine que vous avez eu un weekend formidable. Il faudra se rencontrer un de ces jours. Rends-tu à Rothbury?
For all you Can-heads - I hope you can make it down to Rothbury in Michigan for the 4th of July - we're gonna camp and jam our brains out..
Love, K
C'était effectivement formidable. Nous avons rencontré Monsieur Miracle à l'heure dite à Nassau. Le spectacle était très bon, malgré la fatigue d'une longue journée commencée à 5 heures du matin. Après une bonne nuit de sommeil, nous avons passé la journée à se promener à Union square, Canal Street et Little Italy avant de "participer" à un excellent spectacle le soir venu. ENCORE!J'espère que tu continueras de donner de tes nouvelles. A la prochaine, Richard.
to all canadians from quebec who speak french here's deadicated board to the dead
was just thinking the same thing myself. Would just like to be able to post in french occasionally**********************************
It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine
Richard and K, Tigerlilly and all those with the tenacity and or background for communicating in French please don't leave this site you are too much fun.
Rothbury looks like so much fun too, I hope to be heading down with a couple of cousins and a friend or two......:)
Jamming your brains out....sounds good......I'll bring my guitar.....was just jamming yesterday to my new GD playlist (586 live GD tracks that I listen too on random - love my new playlist - also heard an awesome version of Brokendown Palace from 95' with Bruce Hornsby). Had much fun jamming along with a 77' version of Fire on the Mountain.. bum bum-bum ba-bum bum bum, bum bum-bum ba bumpa bumpa bumpa bum....
Playing in the Tower with Eyes on Fire in El Paso with a Cat
shure won't leave the place 'till the end of time. Seem's that everybody had a lot of fun on tour. Let spead the good vibrations and share the Love my Brothers and sisters!Richard.
I'm feeling the ((((LOVE))))
Thanks Playin
You know our Amour will not fade away
This is my first time participating in an online community and I really love how much fun you guys and gals all are. It's been a fun tour so far - looking forward to meeting some of you at Rothbury. I'll be flying a Canadian flag so we'll be visible - gotta come by and PARTAY!!!
Hi K (and all),
This is also my first engagement in an online community.
Flying the Canadian Flag - Wave that flag - excellent, (if we do make it - feeling pretty good about it - hope to be buying tickets tomorrow) I will keep an eye out for the flag and work my way to your group.
Peace and smiles,
Playing in the Tower with Eyes on Fire in El Paso with a Cat
Well K and others going to Rothbury,
Playing in the Tower with Eyes on Fire in El Paso with a Cat, will not be joining in the festivities at Rothbury this year (and what a line-up), anyway it promises to be amazing, I would have loved to be there to hear and see Dylan play with the Dead (undoubtedly you will be treated to that). I would have loved to see the Yonder Mountain String Band, The Cheese String Incident, Gov't Mule and Willie Nelson and his band too, oh well we can't win em' all!
I look forward (kind of) to reading the highlights at this forum.......
Aw, Playin,
I know how sometimes we can't work it all out. Not so bad though, you did make it to SPRING TOUR 2009! I'll play some songs for you at Rothbury.
Here's to all the friends we've made on the journey so far - peace and love! Keep posting.
pas mal de francophone ici c est sympa et ca fait plaisir a lire
richard , j attends avec impatience ta revue de concert
Ha! C'est un grand compliment -
Je crois que Richard et toi sont les seuls francos - moi j'ai appris mon français en écoooole..+)
Soyez le bienvenue ici - et merci pour ton invitation au forum qc.
As-tu eu la chance d'assister à un de ces fameux spectacles?
It's starting out in traditional style here in Ontario - rainy! Ha... everyone always tries to camp this weekend. I still can't figure out why it's not next weekend, being Sunday the 24th and all... anyway, Happy early Birthday, Queenie Vic, Bobby Dylan, Miles Davis, my brother Phil and me!!! Gotta love how they always have fireworks on our birthday - set me up for a self-centred life for sure!
Love, K
nan , pas vu le groupe , je pense qu un show en europe , londres a la rigueur est utopique
Hi K,
I've heard the May "2-4" holiday is always the Monday before the 24th (unless the 24th is itself a Monday).
Hey Richard,
It paid off. I could actually understand most of your message and a cool translation option turned it into this:
Hey Kirsten, Playin', Frenchdead and brothers and sisters DH. I finally put some photographs of my family on my profile. You will be able to now recognize us if you to cross us on (Shakedown) the street.
Let us share the LOVE! Richard.
I did I like those pics especially the one of you and Marjelaine. (Her shirt is awesome too!)
Thanks for sharing, I hope to do the same someday soon.
Playing in the Tower with Eyes on Fire in El Paso with a Cat
I don't know about you guys, but I'm still BUZZING from the shows I saw in April - they really kicked off a killer spring season for me - breaking from the routine and opening up many new possibilities. The magic is still with me and the friends I've met this spring are really solid. I'd like to thank you all in this forum for being present, kind and sparklingly-fun. I really hope to meet you someday soon. Lake Huron and Montreal aren't really that far away....
May the magic and power of this springtime bring renewed energy to all your adventures.
Love, K