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  • Mike Edwards
    Artist Nails His Testicles to Ground in Red Square
  • unkle sam
    wow, it's a pretty tall statement to call someone greedy and wanting people to die just because you don't want to pay for their healthcare, don't you think? Some are in this position like a lot of people who have never had healthcare insurance and never needed it, ever. If those people could afford the cost of insurance, don't you think that they would have it? A lot of people can't afford one more dime coming out of their take home pay, especially if there is nothing wrong with them. When ever they needed a medical service they went to the doctor or specialist and paid for it right then, yes it was a financial hit, but never did they not pay, and this worked for most of those people. Now all, even the healthy, are being forced to participate with the people who desperately need insurance because they are unhealthy. The key word here is "forced". I know many veterans who never used their va benefits, but now, they all will as to not have to pay a "fine" (tax) for not having insurance, this will burden an all ready overtaxed situation. Soon, the same ones that fought and were injured keeping this country safe will have to wait in line to get what they were promised when they signed their life away to protect everyone who lives in this country's lifestyle. I feel sorry for the uninsured, the preexisting conditions, the under insured, all of the poor people who can not afford anything, but because one can not afford to take care of all of them, does that make them greedy? Or not caring? Or wanting them all to die? Those are some pretty harsh words my brothers and sisters.
  • Anna rRxia
    Getting suckered by the media on the ACA (Obamacare)
    If you want the media to explain the new health care law to you, go ahead and be misled. It is better to think for yourself. Think it through. Who stands to benefit? People without insurance and people with "junk" insurance plans that had to be scrapped after the new law passed. Who stands to lose? The upper middle-class and above who want super good insurance plans. They will pay more in premiums without subsidies and without being subsidized by the suckers who bought from slick-talking insurance salesmen. The insurance companies will have to adjust to make their policies more fair and correspondingly charge a higher rate. There is a line out there, based on type of coverage, where those with less income will get a helping hand with a better plan subsidized by people with greater incomes. You want to call this socialism and bellyache about it? Think of how greedy you are. Not only do you not care about your brother and sister but you also you wish them dead asap from disease, Consciously or unconsciously. Wake up! (I am not addressing Trailbird only here). The new law may not be perfect and the roll-out was a far site from unblemished but these are steps on the road to catch up with the other industrialized countries where there is universal health care. If only we could reign in the drug companies along with the insurance companies and medical professionals and those among them who make the whole industry a "for profit" business we would be a truly progressive country. We would half the current jail population and and ten times the current number of beds for psych. patients would become available. We would be awash in cash to treat the poor. Like in Canada, there could be low-cost trauma centers on every other block in the big cities, It is as obvious as the nose on your face. Why would you ever look at a plagiarizing republican (Rand Paul) for an answer to any question regarding the health and welfare of the masses? For that matter, the democrats either. Better to draw a line from Finland to Spain and examine how people are cared for in these places. I am so sick of how people are led blindly down the path by a non-reporting press. At least one deadhead actually read the law on this site. And it wasn't me!
  • trailbird
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    tell your reps...
    I think our country needs a law that says than Congress and the Senate may not pass a law unless it has at least one vote from the other major party. Our President went all in on pushing a flawed health-care bill, that even he doesn't understand, down our throats without one vote from the other side and has spent the ensuing years wondering why the Republicans won't work with him on anything. It has not been good for our country. Work together ! peace to all
  • Anna rRxia
    Military Calls on it's Patrons to Avoid Sequester Cuts
    The sequester, to the Republican's collective glee, was supposed to hit all government agencies equally with a 2.5% cut. But then along came reality and complaints from constituents to Republicans saying they wanted safe airline travel and tours of the White House and countless other "stuff". After hearings on the Hill in which the top General-Domos have complained about the draconian nature of these cuts and how they will effect a certain percentage of their units readiness to fight at a moment's notice, their Patron Saints McCain and Graham are riding to the rescue. What is it with these two? They are "hawks" and fronting hacks for the Mil/Ind/Complx. In the end, if their is a reckoning before some higher power, their should be a representative of the poor who reads Eisenhower's quote: "Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron." Based on this, John McCain and Lindsey Graham are the ringleaders of a gang of thieves who steal on a staggering scale from the most needy and least able to defend themselves. There are other Republicans and Democrats who are part of the Posse, but these two are the head honchos. How do they live with themselves? It is truly Dread, Mon. Dread, dread, dreadful!
  • Anna rRxia
    The US Practising Torture With Music
    One can reach no other conclusion after hearing the 60 Minutes story last Sunday. At Abu Ghraib, at GitMo, at Waco and countless other places of rendition. Apparently the worst form of this torture, the most terrifying, the most effective is to hit the Muslim Hater ideological zealots with Barney The Purple Dinosaur's "I Love You, You Love Me" played for hours on end. Other forms of music include Nancy Sinatra singing "These Boots Are Made For Walking" for hours on end toward the final climax with Koresh & his Davidians in Waco. Earlier in the siege the FBI had been using Tibetan monks chanting their prayers (popular recordings during the mid-90s) until the Dalai Lama of Tibet called and complained to them to stop. Eminems rapping for something like 25 straight days at Abu Ghraib drove grown men to break down like old women who have labored to long picking fruit in the fields. If only the Grateful Dead had played a 48 day Playin'>Dark Star>Playin' they could have been among America's greatest patriots in this regard!
  • Anna rRxia
    Dow Drunkenly Hits 33rd High of the Year
    The markets are lurching forward to new highs on a regular basis. Don't be deceived. This is not the result of goods and services being produced in the US. Many corps. have found ways of profiting from the "Great Recession" (I hate that term - It should be the Great Investment Bank Swindle of 1999-2008). The markets are drunk on 85 Billion dollars of Fed printed money per month. There is so much money sloshing around in corporate coffers and banks continue to give at most, 1% on your basic 2-year CD. Meanwhile, more than 45 million people in the US have fallen into poverty, about 1/6th of the population. Who is speaking and advocating for the poor? In my community, the local foodbank and homeless shelter, who act like arrogant Gods suffering the giving of a boon. Genuflect and kiss their ring before you fill out the app.. Inflation is coming. End the stimulus or use it to provide infrastructure for the homeless (small block apartment houses). A good percentage of the retiring baby-boomers is going to need them.
  • Anna rRxia
    Tearful Toronto mayor admits crack use
    Rob Ford, mayor of one of the largest, most diverse cities in NA, admitted that he smoked crack in one of his drunken stupors but did not resign. He has big, fat cojones that are just hanging out there waiting to get whacked right now. What is it about politicians who appear in scandals to act like deer jack-lighted by car headlights. It makes you want to cry or jump up and slap them in the face. Alas, it is the human condition. It takes time for powerful human beings to go from being a "Master Of The Universe" to the realization that they need to check into rehab.. One can only imagine Ford's advisors running around in circles, barking advice at the Mayor while all the time sending out resumes on their I-Phones and tweeting about their hopeless situation, the boss is an irrational drunkard. I don't know whether to laugh or cry... Smile for the camera as you inhale!
  • Anna rRxia
    A Great Weekend For Boston Sports
    Saturday hundreds of thousands shared the cheer and confetti Boston style as Baseball World Series champion Red Sox paraded their trophy around Boston in the city's fabled amphibious duckboats. On Sunday the NFL's New England Patriots (playing at home just south of Boston) set a franchise record for points scored, destroying the Steelers 55-38. It was a flashback to the glory days as QB Brady was razor sharp with his 4 TDs and 432 passing yards. The Pats move to 7-2 on the year, but it still is a rebuilding year It don't get much better than that if you're a hometown fan.
  • Anna rRxia
    Kentucky gets Obamacare Right
    I just saw an interview with the Governor of Kentucky at his exchange call center blow away his Congressional delegation (nitwits Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul) with sound reasoning about Obamacare that will further shove the Republicans underground. Kentuckians are signing up like crazy in the seemingly one state in the country that got their website right. I live in Vermont and they were another state to set up their exchange early and got the website wrong. Let people peruse the plans first and then have them register later and get their subsidy figured out seems to be the dealio. When the websites get set up right and millions of people who had junk insurance get properly insured Americans will be far better off. The insurance companies are evil and had to have this shoved down their throat. They remain evil and lurking, trying as hard as they can to maintain their 20% profit margin. Their most egregious errors have now been outlawed. This was long overdue. The last thing the governor said is that in one year, when everything is fixed, people will be further pissed at the deception of the Republicans like Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell. They are so far from the reality of their constituency that they are tripping-out, Washington style. I foresee a wholesale slaughter of Republicans in the mid-term based on this issue and their never-ending obstructionism during the Obama years. One further note: The Republicans are blocking the appointment of the next Fed Governor and have probably engineered the government shutdown to get the Fed to continue the faux stimulus that has the government pumping 85 Billion dollars of freshly printed currency into the marketplace every month. This should have stopped 18 months ago. It effects you and your retirement. Printed paper can only lead to inflation. You can thank the Republicans for this gift.
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17 years 4 months
What's happening out in the world? Did it matter, does it now?
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17 years 3 months

For the majority of us, the recent let-up in prices at the pump have certainly helped ease the monthly budget. It cost me $20 to fill up yesterday. I remember talking to someone last year, and he told me that he hasn't filled his tank in years. Of course, his workhorse is a diesel and diesel hasn't been impacted as much as gasoline with the recent lowering in oil prices. For those of us that like to delve deeper into the economics, it's interesting to observe the way the Saudis are increasing output, and keeping it high, in order to put the squeeze on newer technologies like shale drilling and the Canadian tar sands which require higher prices per bbl to be cost effective. The economics here are intriguing, and so far the consumer is coming out the winner. How long will this last?
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15 years 2 months

What the Ottawa Senators/Andrew Hammond have been able to do in the last two months of the NHL season is nothing short of incredible. Five Canadian teams in this year. Let the real season begin.
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9 years 5 months

Probably talking out of turn. And not in any loop at all so other than what the website shows not sure where the project is. But, if these really are the last shows. Hope they never stop. Shouldn't something be done for the furtherdowntheroad project to save and preserve the bus. If not only for Neal and Kesey but to preserve our history. A future with no bus to get on would stink. NFA
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17 years 2 months

Rough day up in Toronto. Blue Jays are being a bit too hot-headed as KC comes back!
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Member for

15 years 2 months

Sure I guess...but rightly so. Personally i blame the incompetent boob calling the plays at the plate. To give a warning in the first and than NOT back it up throughout the game was disgraceful. Then to throw out Sanchez on a 2/0 pitch for grazing the batters knee? Anyways...the good guys won. Hopefully they meet again in October.
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17 years 2 months

I'm still befuddled that the Yankees are in first : Toronto with Price will be a real contender.
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17 years 2 months

How was the event at the Giants game last night? I saw a video clip of Annabelle throwing a pitch and also singing with Bill Walton. Was the 8/13/75 40th celebration after the game at GAMH? List of musicians sure looked impressive. Sounds like a busy and hectic evening!
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15 years 2 months

Gonna be a fun race to the finish between the Yanks and Jays. Both teams seem to be firing on all cylinders. Lets go Jays!!
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15 years 2 months

Going to my first CRB show tonight in Buffalo. Its been a very long time since I've travelled a long distance to hear great music. Can't wait for this.
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Member for

12 years 1 month

I am a born and raised New England guy love my teams Red Sox don't do it for me this year though nor last for that matter. I am routing for the Mets which is rather unusual for me seeing as we are almost against teams from New York. There is something about the Mets magic this year though. Just my 2 cents worth
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15 years 2 months

What a chill night that was. Great band, great crowd, great venue and no hassles at the border. Neal Casal took a photo of the crowd after the encore and posted it on their facebook page. Im the bald dude in front. I'll never forget it.
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17 years 3 months

Can we have a sports section for this paper?
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17 years 4 months

one moment...
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17 years 3 months

Justice Scalia (RIP) anyone? It's a great time to be a political junkie. There is plenty of intrigue and subterfuge on the horizon to be sure...
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17 years 3 months

I can't imagine what Jason Callahan's family have been through in the last 20 years. I'm sure they "knew" but now they know precisely. That has to be a smidgen of comfort.
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Member for

9 years 4 months

I'll bite... you wanna discuss politics let me know. The Universe said times up for Antonin...karma is comin' round for those in the political sphere...and the rest of us for sure. Sure to be a fight to the end on both sides... But please, for the love of all that's holy...NO President Trump!
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17 years 3 months

I don't see why we cannot discuss, it's free to live. Please, discuss away...I'll be happy to chime in! :-)
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Member for

9 years 4 months

Well alrighty then...for now...Im just gonna say, GO BERNIE!!!
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17 years 4 months

respect, civility, and recognition that a person of good will and intellect can look at the same thing you're looking at and come to a different conclusion--essential. Discuss on!
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8 years 7 months

Attention all Dead Heads! We’re working on Vol 2 of an art history book focusing on the culture & history of STICKERS. Please let us know if you have, or know of any fan created Dead stickers! We would like to feature them alongside official stickers from the band throughout the years. If have anything at all, please contact us at Thank you!  Lauren 
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Member for

17 years 3 months

Or, is that an effin' toy truck in your hand!?! Quick, on your belly and do a crab walk! I said last week! wtf?
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Member for

9 years 4 months

the best/worst part of the story is that when the victim asked the officer why he shot him, the officer replied "I dont know"...Houston we have a problem.
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Member for

12 years 8 months

Any Deadheads in either North or South Dakota have any news about what's going on with the oil pipeline constructions going on in your neck of the woods? The only "news" coverage I've seen has been spread via Social Media, and it's being done by no one I know of that lives out that way. I live in Maryland and haven't heard a thing about it.
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Member for

15 years 8 months

A contemplative Veterans day message: Speak with those who have survived to take down walls. Remember those who were lost during WW1, or in any battle, with admiration and thanks. Respect the freedoms that sacrifice brought us. And now some opinions about the election. I know I know, this is very touchy shit, but I feel the message is important. So, why not, on a website so deadicated to the crimson-white-indigo, express my opinions. I dont go many other places on the internet is my other excuse. Maybe ill post something similar on NPR... The media seem to be trolling for hate, like the fact Trump wins means we go back to a segregated America, back to hate. That we forget about science, and environmental facts. All of my neighbors feel the opposite of this perceived hate. The eldest, most conservative of them, notice the change in the environment. In-fact, no matter who voted for who, we mostly see eye-to-eye. And some neighbors I have not talked with in so long, which is the point, communication, which is why we are where we are, or where we could be going. Maybe this hate is mostly media influence? I can not say, but just in-case: I am a patriotic person, and I believe this incoming government change needs a chance to prove themselves, but hardly any plans they say they want to do are on my lists, except of course supporting our troops, especially if that means bringing them home, and making a strong economy. Although nothing we really need, including money, is shipped here from mars, food grows on trees, love grows in the heart. I do like the idea of infrastructure fixes, who does not like nice roads for trips, but not at the expense of quality of life for all, not at the expense of the Earth herself. Im pro-life, but even i cant find a fair way to force people...ok, ok, going to far, sorry. Very polarizing world. Debates everyone should have a voice in, people way smarter than myself. But then the weight falls on us all to seek the best path. I believe we cannot sit by and complain about what Trump does in office AFTER he does it. We have to be ready to stop actions we all know will not benefit a future and freedom. We cant live in a world that reacts more like a tv show, like we are in a zombie apocalypse, more then a world that reacts of kindness and logic. Even the idea of race-color-creed, is just fabricated to keep us distracted. There is only one race, the human race. Social-cultural-religious differences are a challenge to break through and communicate or commune with, no doubt, but not an excuse to look the other way or grow hate. Until you drag yourself out from the depths of oppression, and poverty, you never know how hard that is. Compassion. Empathy. We can never afford to be naive, but we can always start with the good. We can start with trust. I find it easy to define hate acts of any kind, neo-nazi=isis, and beyond extremes of that ilk, i think we should be able to find a way to coexist, and write those ways down for all to attempt. "Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity."- Some Hippie “All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.” – Thomas Jefferson Remember who the government work for, the people, and a million more of us voted against new walls. This is a minority-minded government with what seems like all the power. An unfortunate reminder that we cannot sit by and watch choices be made for us. We must be ready to peacefully enforce our true ideals as a country. True equality. To protect each and everyone of us who believes in peaceful existence. I believe we needed the election to go this way to shake us out of our comfort zone, from behind screens, from behind doors. Im not truly freaking out, I dont put all my hopes-wishes-fears on the shoulders of one person/president. My neighbors, my local government, thats where to really start. But the grand stage will need many players to pull off this show, to make sure the ending is good enough for us and our children's children. That means putting all of our best-feet forward and being proactive. Petitions, peaceful protests, fighting internal and external fear. We have enough to worry about with corporations, oligarchies around the world, Monsanto, natural resources. Now the things we have all been opposed to have all the friends, in all the highest positions? If ever we needed the spirit of the 60s, we need that spirit now. Get out and show your face somewhere, maybe somewhere that takes you out of your own comfort zone, but shows you are with peace. This new "Not My President," movement isnt exactly my cup-of-tea. I support whoever is our president, hard as it is, even Trump-the-pizza-commercial-reality tv star, but with watchful eyes, my voice at the ready, my boots tied tight. I am going to a gathering to show my face. I may have to watch someone burn a flag, not a fan, but i can express my distaste for the act and still be there in support of freedom, be there to show my face, to say, hey, we are all in this together. I can be there for Black Lives Matter, because if those lives matter all lives do. I can be there for the LGBT, even if i can not completely understand those lives. I can stand for women's rights. I can stand with any group who demand equal rights if their views include themselves and all others. I can walk to say no to pipelines for oil when we have the brains to invent new, better, ways. Walk against money ruling all. Walk for universal healthcare. And many many other reasons that promote individuality without destroying any one unique group. I dont have many answers, just know how I feel inside, I know how wonderful life can be, I am privileged to be an American, and don't see why everyone who wants too, cant have that feeling. I now, gladly, hop down from the soap-box. Cheers, heres to love winning. "If a reckoning comes maybe we'll know what to do then." -Words by John Barlow, sung by Brent Mydland
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Member for

13 years 7 months

Amen brother.... give peace a chance....
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Member for

15 years 8 months

So, my wife, a friend, and I, took to the streets in Philadelphia. Third night of protests. Some of the chants we skipped. Some we joined in on. The youth running things were fairly competent. They did a good job of getting rid of trouble makers. A lot of people spoke, some of them harder to listen to then others, but some really excellent young speakers mixed in. Completely peaceful interaction between the many many police officers and the crowd of about 300-400 people. A few police officers dressed all in black with red-arm bands did there best to intimidate, they didnt. Bicycles are a much better choice to follow the march then horses and hoses. Bicycles say, hey, we are here for the protestors and non-protestors. Traffic was briefly stopped, news crews blinded us with camera lights. People looked from the sidewalks, people stared motionless from windows. All in all this was a positive experience. I felt better just getting out there, showing the masses that we are watching, that we expect the best from the incoming administration, that we will be back if need be to petition those expectations. My protest offended a few friends and family members, I dont see it that way, but i try to be understanding. History tells me that we have to be ready, and getting out there is indeed the very thing democracy demands. America has been different for me after 9/11. People seem quieter, reserved. At shows, out on the streets. I think finding our voice is a good thing. That voice is almost a caricature of the sixties at-this-point. The shy sibling of the sixties trying to grow-up, and we will. We will get our protest-legs under us, peacefully, eventually, defiantly. Removing the media influence, being with a true mix of people on the train, through the protests, and back is a much better litmus for how America really is, who America really is, and that alone was helpful. We will get by, we will survive. Chin-up America.
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Member for

17 years 3 months

Hey, I am glad to hear that you are out there, and joined by at least a few hundred supporters. Numbers in Indiana were rather low, but that's not unexpected. You mentioned not having the voice of the 60's. I have been giving the 60's a lot of thought since this. Maybe I am being overly dramatic, but to me, this feels like the establishment's final push to undo the progresses that the 60's brought us. If I was to categorize the things the 60's brought forth, I would say: civil rights, women's rights, anti-war, and environmentalism. Since the 60's movement faded out, the right has been pushing towards reversing all of those things. With the new administration, further armed with congress and the Supreme Court, I fear a 4 years assault on all of that. I feel let down by the Democratic Party who chose to not listen to so many (on both sides) crying for a change in the normal political structure. I think HRC would have done a good job as President, but this was not the election for career politicians. We (progressives, lefties, hippies) need to rebuild the movement. Things are very much stacked against us. As much now as back in the day. We should have the numbers, but we need to organize, fight them as best we can these 2-4 years, and be prepared to do true political battle. Well, OK, I was going to just write a "good for you!" message but apparently I had more to get off my chest. Sorry for the soap box. Peace, -Dave
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Member for

17 years 3 months

Hello fellow hippies! I have a question... Where online are the best sites/blogs/reddits/etc. to read or subscribe to? I obviously am on here each day, but where else? I am looking for communities of like minded folks to hopefully join in with. Peace, -Dave