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  • JackstrawfromC…
    cc eoj
    Zombie d Wulf has a list posted of all the songs. I just cant' remember which page/thread he posted it on???? "Escaping through the lily fields, I came across an empty space. It rainbow then exploded, left a bus stop in its place. The bus come by and I got on, thats when it all began. It was Cowboy Neal at the wheel of the bus to never ever land"
  • c_c
    anybody have a list of all the songs that they played this tour? it was something like 150 different songs. not the setlists, but you know, like an alphabetical list. or a website that listed them? please? peace.
  • hippyjameZ
    Sure do miss getting on
    Sure do miss getting on and checking the setlists and reviews.. All i gotta say is, "I wanna thank You, For a Real Good Time!."
  • bilee
    I just left the following on the “Shout Outs” page"Yo Godspal! You ever even been to a show with Jerry? Yea it was bigger and better..... after 25 years! Who cares about bigger and better, and the definition of cover band is a band that covers other peoples songs just the way they were done by the original. If you think that the Dead are a cover band then so is Van Halen (running with the devil and most of the songs on their 1st album are old 30s blues songs) and the Rolling Stones and Clapton and Led Zeppelin, and many other bands that take songs that they like or admire and redo them. So the Dead would have to be a tribute band.... but the core members are all in the band so it's a tribute to themselves! Like most people that claim to be Christians you sure are quick to judge. I see 2 to 3 hundred bands a year working. From the 29th of April to the 12th of May I worked Neil Young, James Taylor, Fleetwood Mac, Kenny Chesney and Billy Joel/Elton John. I took the time in all that to drive 7 hours to Chicago for the show on the 4th and to fly to Mountainview for the show on the 10th. The rest of the month will include Andre Rieu, Yani and Sugarland. Next month is a bunch of other national acts. I CHOOSE TO SEE THE DEAD BECAUSE THEY ARE STILL, HANDS DOWN, THE BEST BAND IN THE WORLD. i'LL TAKE TIME OUT OF MY LIFE ANYTIME THEY PLAY TO SEE THEM." I left it in response to someone calling this band a cover band. Sooo maybe I'm a little rabid but I am one loyal Motherf#%*er and I won't apologize for my response. I will say thank you to the band for lighting that space in my heart that has been dark for so long. Thanks for validating my conception of what the Dead means to me with my wife and my grown kids that have lived on the peripheral of my relationship with this huge part of my soul but now have experienced it. After Chicago my wife said “I Get It” she felt the magic. Same in Mountainview with my boys, 25 and 22 that have lived with this all their lives, listen to the music and now know the feeling. I meant what I said, this band, not the Grateful Dead, but the Dead is the best band in the world. If the Grateful Dead could be here then that might not be the case but that will never happen. It’s funny that the Grateful Dead went through what a handful of keyboard changes and there wasn’t a question of who they were. I hope that when other band members pass (you know… the wheel thing) that the band still plays the songs that I so want to hear and new ones that will reflect the band at that time with the same magic as in 69, 79, 89 or 09. I also hope when I’m gone that my children and my children’s children have the same opportunity to feel the magic.
  • Richard Vigeant
    Is there any chance we get the list of material they use for ligthts on tour?
  • Moye
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    Fall Tour?????
    Man, I can't wait till the morning I wake up and see the forum topic that says "THE DEAD TO TOUR IN FALL" :) I can almost say that this could definately happen:) The vibes on this site alone are offf the scales man. Everybodys reviews from the shows they attended seem fantastic. Special thanks to Charlie Miller for letting all us heads listen to some really great music off archives:) Everyone keep ur fingers crossed for the fall and I hope to see you all in the lots:)Peace- Moye
  • leshweirD
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    The end of Spring tour...
    Well, I feel a want for more, but know I am fortunate for the shows I was able to see (8 including Penn State). Then again, I need time to save up some money, as it sure wasn't cheap or without sacrifice (well worth it though, just saying...).The last show at the Gorge was fantastic for so many reasons. It turned out to be a 80 degree day, met some awesome Washington State folks, was center stage 7 rows back, and it was our 3rd wedding anniversary! Was a grate trip, we flew in to Seattle and picked up a rental vehicle in the pouring rain. Drove to Moses Lake to be closer to the venue so we wouldn't have to drive so far when they opened, and ended up driving through quite a snowstorm through the cascade mountains. It was surprising to see, as it was snowing so hard that it was accumulating on the roadway and we certainly didn't expect it. Fortunately, we drove out of that, and the weather improved. And as I mentioned, the day of the show was 80 and sunny! Back home on the east coast now and reading others viewpoints of the shows here. Love hearing about them. My take on the shows are that they definitely got better as the tour went on. Of particular note, I got to see the progression of Warren as he took more of a stage presence as the tour went on. The gorge show was definitely a rock star Warren night IMO. He was on fire, first with the Allman's, and seemed to pick up steam with the Dead. My appreciation for him has definitely grown, and I now count myself as a huge Warren fan. LOVED his version of Althea that night, do I dare say even more then bobby's from earlier in the tour!? Anyway, thought I'd share just a bit now that the ride is over (for now). I am anxiously waiting for Rothbury, and at the same time glad that I have a little time to save up for it! Will probably end up having to skip a couple other shows I had planned on attending (DSO), but I do love those outdoor Dead shows! And as far as the Gorge goes, what a FANTASTIC venue! Would love to do that again if the opportunity arises. Now I feel the need to check out Red Rocks, as I have heard that setting is just as nice, but due to the distance, it would take The Dead to play there to really motivate me, thus the reason I am going to Rothbury. It was so nice to be part of the scene again, to be around so many newer, young folks intermingled with us older, still very much young at heart ones. Never would have thought that there would be another opportunity for a tour, never mind just a nostalgic show, but now I am thinking, how could they not do this again. I mean, it truly was a win-win. The band and all that are employed to stage the tour certainly made some money, but even more importantly, they all seemed to be having a most excellent time up there, and those of us that were fortunate enough to catch a show, know everyone else was digging it. So boys, if any of you actually find time to read any of these postings, lets do more together, as I for one will agree to do my part, which is attend show(s) that are feasible and be a part of the lovely deadhead community to welcome the next generation in with open arms. Speaking of this, at the Gorge show there was a 18 year old high schooler that convinced his dad to bring him, and that kid really got it! It was fun watching him react to the band and crowd. This is how it will never die. Musicians, sure, but the music will be passed on. Please bring on another tour! See ya at Rothbury!
  • rosa rugosa
    Spring Tour!
    We all had a real good time, didn't we? And I really enjoyed "meeting" and sharing the experience with you folks. I hope we have a chance to do it again soon, and I'm sure looking forward to RatDog this summer!
  • JackstrawfromC…
    Thanks Peggy O
    I totally agree with you. This is not the Grateful Dead it is The Dead. 2 pretty different bands really. Both grate in there own special ways (I know that sounds a little cheesy but hey it is true). It is impossible to replace Jerry and his unique guitar, vocals, perspective and soul are missed believe me. But if you went in to this tour with an open mind I just don't see how you could have been disappointed. I was not a Warren fan going in but coming out I am a huge fan. He made this tour folks just admit it. He brought his own style to the mix, he wasn't trying to be Jerry he wasn't trying to sound like him and he wasn't just sitting in filling space. There were times when he sounded hauntingly similar to Jerry (China Doll, Morning Dew for example), times when he sounded very soulful like Brent and times when he has just being Warren. He really moved me and not unlike what Jerry used to do for me. That is where I will disagree with Peggy-O, I was almost in tears several times. The same could be said for Jeff too. He brought his own style and it fit in beautifully. I love Ratdog and Phil and Friends and all but there is something special and kind of hard to explain when they are all together, then throw in Billy and Mickey and the raw power is back!! What also returned was the lot scene. Walking through the lots at Shoreline and Washington seriously made me feel like 20 years old again. I felt like I was back where I belong, and that is a very special feeling I will hold onto forever. They played this tour with emotion and power and they were as tight as I have ever heard them.. EVER. There were shows in the 90's with Jerry that didn't have a fraction of the power, emotion, magic or energy these guys are holding right now. Some of those shows felt like they were just going through the motions. NOT in 2009!! They hit this tour with a sense of "We are still the kings of the jam bands, and now we are going to show you". Sure some shows were better than others that is how it always was, is and will be. That's why I always suggest to catch as many Dead shows as possible because that one magical show that touches your soul and changes your life is out there. Although I haven't heard any of the shows from this tour that I would consider to be "bad". All I can say is "When can we do this again??" Seriously!! "Escaping through the lily fields, I came across an empty space. It rainbow then exploded, left a bus stop in its place. The bus come by and I got on, thats when it all began. It was Cowboy Neal at the wheel of the bus to never ever land"
  • southerntam
    Great reflections PeggyO, GD GRW and JackStrawfromCO...
    I just loved reading them, I think we all share the same sentiments only you guys know how to verbalize it better than I. But everytime I read one of your reflections or thoughts, I keep thinking "yeah, that's what I feel like"! Anyway, just wanted to throw it out there. ~Tam
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15 years 9 months

The band says Happy New Year with an announcement of almost twenty shows in April and May.  More details to come!

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17 years

patiently waiting your 'review' of that show and any photos you have to share... also, not sure if it is 'cricket' to mention it here,but really glad you got to see that other thing yesterday, too!! I seen your above post, that it was only about 20 minutes before I sent you the email and private message. Glad it worked out! timing is everything!! peace my brother, cc
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Heynow-Instead of a review, here are my opinions and random thoughts after roadtripping back from that Denver Dead show. Although I loved hearing Crazy Fingers and several of the acoustic set (MAMU, Weight,etc), yet I left not feeling quite satisfied. The Dead had me going in, but it is like going to a restaurant that you love and they don't have the dish you want and the 'special' that get substituted, just does not hit the spot. IMO, the Dead saved the 'beef' for the coastal shows (apology to you vegetarians), no real song that was a 'jam vehicle' ala Other One or Eyes (which I desired) to link and pull the whole show around it. More disparate songs that were loosely "grouped' together. It was weird to me that the segues in the first half sounded more smoothly executed than those in the second half. I have seen this before (speaking as a former 'disgruntled' midwestern deadhead who didn't get to see the show that I wanted to see) and knowing that 'my show' would then be played down the line. But actually I am not disgruntled anymore and I do truly appreciate the show that I was lucky enough to witness. More review, Phil is the Maestro there. Bobby is the eccentric whimsical who struggles at times, (NOT with his exquisite shimmering rhythm but what about those mutton chops! ;o}), Warren was great both on vocals (Easy Wind & China Doll!) and his lead & slide guitar work, he is such a talent and needs to propel the boys along with him. Mickey and Billy were simply tremendous and amazingly, I wish there would have been more drums that night (on Billy's birthday no less) at least King Solomon's Marbles gave them a chance to stretch the drumming a bit. Chimenti is very versatile but he has potential to be more of a force with the band. There were times when his keys could have hammered the boys ahead, to shake them a bit, like some of the keyboardists of old. At times I wondered if they all could hear each other as well, to cue off of, hint another tune, etc. I did hear many 'teases' and wondered several times if the band did as well. That said, these guys rock! They just need a little more playing time to weave it together. On balance, their vocals sounded improved from show I heard on the radio on 5/2. I would like to hear Warren sing more esp. the Garcia/Hunter tunes, as Warren does nail the phrasing of those tunes much better than Bobby does AND he can remember the words (which helps ;o}). It seemed like the Dead were playing and playing well however their pace or ability to accelerate like with the GD or even the prior versions of the Dead that I have seen, were just not the same. At this point anyway. Denver was just not the 'mind-meld' that I was hoping for, or maybe it was just the song selection for me. Maybe it is I just wanted to be able to hear a Jack Straw, or Wheel or Eyes of the World or Brown Eyed Women or a fine 1/2 Step. I am old school, you know. However, I recall "one man gathers what another man spills" and consequently the coastal shows will be classics. Maybe when I give Denver another listen and get these pesky synapses to refire, I may think differently and reevaluate. That said, I learned long ago, to not attend too much to what I didn't hear. I am so happy I went and glad for what I did hear. The boys do look energized. Billy was grinning ear to ear and nodding enthusiastically to Phil and Bobby at the conclusion of their acoustic take of Me & My Uncle. That was a treat seeing them like that and reminded me of 'the old daze'. I am spoiled rotten by the wonderful shows that I was lucky enough to attend, and often I am an incurable critic/cynic, so I do have to give myself a reality check (or my wife or friends will.) This band will only get better and I wish I was able to take in a couple more shows from this tour to witness it happening. BUT I am so excited that Heads who have not seen the Grateful Dead or other versions of the Dead, will have this tour to see & be the dance. At the end Bobby pointed out to the audience and said "It was you that got us back together." If I win the lottery, I will head out to the show at the Gorge. Without any doubt. The Dead will be hitting their stride. I just wish they were meeting me at 10KLF! The Truth is realized in an instant, the act is practiced step by step.
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17 years 1 month

and, as I've said elsewhere, last night was a stunner. Um, have they had the fire dancers for the whole tour? One of many interesting things to me was that it seems they're doing fewer songs and jamming more on them. And jamming with power, telepathy, and fun. This is all quite promising, I think.
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far as I know, the fire dancers were only yesterday in La La land. certainly not at any of the shows I saw back east. many thanks for the details, Oroboros. much appreciated, man. always interesting to hear your take on things. peace.
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15 years 5 months

I saw this cool thing on a bag of chips,Thought i'd share it-"Gratefulness" Even though I clutch my blanket and growl when the alarm clock rings-I am Grateful that I can hear.There are many who are deaf. Even though I keep my eyes closed against the morning sun as long as possible,I am Grateful,That I can see.Many are blind. Even though I linger in my bed and put off rising,I am Grateful,that I have the strength to rise.There are many who are bedridden. Even though the first hour of my day is hectic,when socks are lost,toast is burned and my children are loud and messy and tempers are short,I am Grateful,for my family,there are many who are lonely. Even though the routine of my job often is monotonous,I am Grateful,for the opportunity to work.There are many who have no job. Even though we dont eat at fine restaraunts every night,I am Grateful,for the food we have,many are hungry. Even though I grumble and bemoan my fate from day to day,I am Grateful.....For life! When was the last time you were Grateful for the air you breathe?What about the sunshine?Are you thankful for it? GRATEFULNESS Here are simple things to help you to remember Gratefulness in everyday life: I Will: *Show others that I appreciate them* *Write thank-you notes* *Take care of my things* *Be content with what I have* *Count my benefits rather than my burdens* That was on a bag of "Uncle ray's" potato chips-thought it was kinda cool.
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Uncle Ray!! cool! muchas garcias!
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Gratefultwinz- That is pretty kewl man. Hey, has anyone heard from JackstrawfromCO??? I'm sure hes having a great time at the shows:) Was interested on his outlook at the shows.Peace- Moye
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15 years 5 months

Does anyone know if they used one set which was broken down and moved to each show - or two that were "leap-froged" like they did sometimes back in "the day"? BTW - I felt Jeff was great on keyboards. They are still The Dead - and we are all Grateful!
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16 years 11 months

way cool thanks for sharing that....i love potato chips i eat about a bag a day favorite is wise but i think i might halfto switch to unle rays
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15 years 3 months

leaving Chicago I got on my United flight to denver and sat 2 seats behind Phil Lesh!!! When the plane landed the jetway got stuck and I took the oppurtunity to muster up some courage and ask Phil to sign(witness) my donar card -- he smiled that incredible smile and said yes!! Excited I could not hold back I yelled across first class and said "Jeff....Warren... YOU ROCK!" the door opened and we began to get off. once off the plane Warren (with I believe his mother) and Jeff were standind at the gate so I asked Warren "can I get a pic?" he agreed . Phil , Warren and Jeff THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! With all of this going on I knew I made the right decision to see more shows. The day of the denver show my buddy had 3rd row tix behind the third base dugout to the rockies game. As we were sitting and talking he says "that looks like Phil Lesh" after telling him my story of the trip out I thought he was joking so I'm like --Ya right-- he says again it looks like him. So to let him have his joke I looked to home plate and son of a bitch it was Warren, Bobby and Phil getting ready to sing the national anthem!!! I stepped over directly behind them and gave them big 'ol welcome they turned and gave a nod and a wave. So if your you-tubin check it out I am the only guy in a dye standing right behind them. By the way they preformed beautifully. I had 5th row center for the show that night and the Pepsi center rocked. Last note I did go to the shoreline 5/10 show and I have to say everything up to that point seemed to be just practice for the west coast shows. This show was absolutely mind blowing beginning to end when the crowd could not get in the band announced they would start late but Mickey said don�t worry we got permission to break curfew and it was up for grabs from there. Great music,fire dancers and 3 song encor all I can say is WOW
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15 years 3 months

Awesome serendipity, Dan. Glad you were in the right place at the RIGHT time! That's one donor card to be framed on the wall... K
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17 years

Set 1:Jack Straw US Blues > Mason's Children Ship Of Fools Friend Of The Devil > Standing On The Moon > Lady With A Fan > Terrapin Station > Standing On The Moon Set 2: Esitmated Prophet The Truth is realized in an instant, the act is practiced step by step.
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Set 2: Esitmated Prophet > New Potato Caboose > Born Cross-Eyed > Dear Mr. Fantasy > Drums > Space > Morning Dew > China Cat Sunflower > I Know You Rider Donor Rap Scarlet Begonias > Fire On The Mountain Deal ( -;
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completely gruntled.And I was right ccJoe. My show got played, but in California. ;o} More power to them! The Truth is realized in an instant, the act is practiced step by step.
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16 years 11 months

Am glad you're gruntled!********************************** Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society. Mark Twain
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15 years 5 months

Sounds like an amazing show, we had Terrapin on our wish list for the Forum. Wonder who will water all the children of the garden When they sigh about the barren lack of rain and droop so hungry 'neath the sky.
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15 years 4 months

Hey I'm looking for bad with names good with faces Chris? From North Carolina...with all the awesome jokes. What were they again?
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15 years 5 months

OMG I am still spinning around ... what an experience last night. The whole show was off the hook, but to end with dew>china>rider>scarlet>fire>deal ??? Come on! REALLY?? Warren you are the man ... not a dry eye in the house during Dew. I cant forget to mention the standing>terrapin(out of no where)>standing!! Freaking excellent! Sure made the 1300 mile drive out here well worth it!! Heading to the Gorge here in a few minutes... "Escaping through the lily fields, I came across an empty space. It rainbow then exploded, left a bus stop in its place. The bus come by and I got on, thats when it all began. It was Cowboy Neal at the wheel of the bus to never ever land"
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16 years 7 months

Glad to hear you're having a good time - you've had some great setlists! We folks back East have been thinking about you :)Hard to believe, for so long it seemed like the tour would never start, and now it's almost over - where does the time go?
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that was a pretty cool set list, and I dug the second set (vicariously, wasn't there) I have to make a spread sheet with the shows and the set lists I saw and didn't see to take a poke around the entire canon of what they did. glad to hear you are gruntled, my brother!! odd thing, I'm really, andd especially dissapointed I didn't hear an "Into the Mystic" in any of the 8 shows I saw, and that might make people think I am feckless, but I am, in fact, full of feck. ( -; peace.
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17 years

Sounds like you're having a blast, can't wait to hear abou the Gorge, I jsut know it's going to go off. I'm so jealous, wish I could be there!!!! Have fun, be safe and let us know how it goes!!!~Tam
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15 years 5 months

Moye, tam, twinz, rosa I wish you were all here! :) man I love the iPhone!I can only imagine what the gorge will be like... I predict a dark star>eyes. And I'm feeling an acoustic set.. Peaceful journey friends! "Escaping through the lily fields, I came across an empty space. It rainbow then exploded, left a bus stop in its place. The bus come by and I got on, thats when it all began. It was Cowboy Neal at the wheel of the bus to never ever land"
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17 years 1 month

have the most amazing time and return with many tales, all good.
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15 years 5 months

I look at the setlist from last night, the more jealouse I get. Happy for those that experianced it, but really sad my husband and I missed it. I know I've already said it HAVE FUN at GORGE Wonder who will water all the children of the garden When they sigh about the barren lack of rain and droop so hungry 'neath the sky.
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17 years

marye - I'm having problems getting my downloads from the two Chicago shows. It's going on two weeks now. I've sent messages thru Cusomer Services (no reply) and have made two phone calls, one to a supervisor. It's like calling another country. They are no help whatsoever! Any suggestions? I don't know what to do anymore.
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i have a few problems but oh well. I order the same show twice and i asked customer service to help me out I received no feed back at all. Oh well the philly show were awsome so I guess I keep the down load in my que until i need to down load again. I have to say the drum/space segments have been awsome. hey i wish joan showed up a few times during the tour,that would have been nice. I loved her touch on some of the song. i actually have a best of joan CD that i put together...
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I'm gonna make a prediction that they will release the recent The Dead show with the fire dancers in the not too distant future. I am not sure if that was the only venue that had screens, but the shows we was at didn't have screens and i didn't see no cameras. a couple of those shows we was right down in the third row, KIND miracles from an old friend who got those cool seats at a bit more than cost through the Rex auctions!! he just sent me a very cool, signed by all members of the band, poster which was included in that charity tix package!!! oh, and dead promoters, next time there is a tour, DO THE CHARITY AUCTION FIRST!! then the people with deep pockects will help the charity rather than the asshole scalpers or the consideritDung vip thing.
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15 years 5 months

Thanks for thinking of me(us) Wish we were there,too!! You need to pm me the juicy details(if you would be so kind) Gonna HAVE to ask phatmoye to send me that show.....Killer List! Cant believe the last show of the tour is tonight.... =-( ....Think they'll play ...And we bid you Goodnight? Im callin' it...Id bet money(If I had any! =-) FALL TOUR HERE WE COME!!♪♪"Dust off those rusty strings just one more time.....Gonna make 'em shine.....SHINE!!!!!!" ♪♪
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15 years 8 months

I'm not lucky enough to be there,but aleast we get to hear it on the Dead Channel. the show starts 10:30et. Peace Tina
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16 years 11 months

tonight's will be one of the best shows, enjoy the view and positive happy good vibes to everyone who goes and to everyone who is waiting for the next tour.
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15 years 5 months

It's past The Eleven and the The Other Ones are finally Playing In The Band. Going to be a High Time at the Gorge for One More Saturday Night. No one noticed but the band has packed and gone Were they ever hear at all But we kept on dancing "Oh if a man tried To take his time on earth And prove before he died What one man's life could be worth I wonder what would happen To this world."
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16 years 11 months

for a real good time...i just want to thank the boys for all the fun that was had on this tour....i hope this will not be the last tour...dancing in the hallway with my sonwas the greates high i ever had at any show....i can't make rothbury so i wish all who go have the best time ever.......THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!
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15 years 5 months

The Dead shall rise again....Im sure of it..."Everybodys dancin in a ring around the sun...Nobodys finished,We aint even begun!" =-)
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17 years

Great tour! I haven't heard much from the boys since Jerry passed that made me want to hit the road but this tour made me want to get back truckin' on! Warren really found a great balance of playing in his own style and adding a bit more Jerry and Dead style to his chops. I think he really 'got it' this time and grew into it more than in the past. He really found his singing voice too. I think their vocal stylings are the best they have been since Brent died. The way they played some of their vintage stuff was great as Born Cross Eyed etc-that was terrific!! The 'core four' as Chimenti calls them (he played great keys of course as well as adding some vocal harmonies) are definitely one of a kind (or is that four?).....I never get tired of hearing their unique and powerful, transcendent interplay. Some people can't get past the chaos that sometimes ensues from their unconventional approach but I have loved it and found it incomparable since I fell into it back in the early eighties. How unique and enjoyable. I wonder if they will write some new stuff..??? That would be cool.....maybe if they wrote some new stuff exploring the weird stylings of the sixties in the vein of Born Cross Eyed etc as it seems they really found a way to bring back those vintage sounds that are at once new and old...?... LOVE IT!
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15 years 5 months

Well said, I agree that they really started tapping into that old exploritory spirit. (Letter I sent to Bobby)Dear Mr.Weir,It would be foolish to stop now..We're not done discovering...the mission is not yet complete!!! see ya in the fall!!!! "all FALL down tour 09" Thank-you for Many smiles for many years....Many more to come,peace-George
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15 years 5 months

Well, found myself tismorning listening to the last show on this tour.(sigh) The boys have definately outdone theirselves on this tour. I hate to see it come to an end. Im keeping my fingers crossed for a fall tour. Listening to the last show, I found some tears running down my face. (tears of joy) I just want to say thank you Mickey, Bill, Bobby, Phil, Warren, and Jeff for all the joy and happyness you guys gave us on this tour. Made alot of new friends here on and in the Philly lot. Thank you and thank you Marye for your knowledge and trouble shooting on this site. I hope to see all of you on a fall tour:) God Bless you all and God Bless The Grateful Dead!!!! Peace- Moye
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15 years 5 months

Well, found myself tismorning listening to the last show on this tour.(sigh) The boys have definately outdone theirselves on this tour. I hate to see it come to an end. Im keeping my fingers crossed for a fall tour. Listening to the last show, I found some tears running down my face. (tears of joy) I just want to say thank you Mickey, Bill, Bobby, Phil, Warren, and Jeff for all the joy and happyness you guys gave us on this tour. Made alot of new friends here on and in the Philly lot. Thank you and thank you Marye for your knowledge and trouble shooting on this site. I hope to see all of you on a fall tour:) God Bless you all and God Bless The Grateful Dead!!!! Peace- Moye
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15 years 5 months

Well, found myself tismorning listening to the last show on this tour.(sigh) The boys have definately outdone theirselves on this tour. I hate to see it come to an end. Im keeping my fingers crossed for a fall tour. Listening to the last show, I found some tears running down my face. (tears of joy) I just want to say thank you Mickey, Bill, Bobby, Phil, Warren, and Jeff for all the joy and happyness you guys gave us on this tour. Made alot of new friends here on and in the Philly lot. Thank you and thank you Marye for your knowledge and trouble shooting on this site. I hope to see all of you on a fall tour:) God Bless you all and God Bless The Grateful Dead!!!! Peace- Moye
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15 years 5 months

Well, found myself tismorning listening to the last show on this tour.(sigh) The boys have definately outdone theirselves on this tour. I hate to see it come to an end. Im keeping my fingers crossed for a fall tour. Listening to the last show, I found some tears running down my face. (tears of joy) I just want to say thank you Mickey, Bill, Bobby, Phil, Warren, and Jeff for all the joy and happyness you guys gave us on this tour. Made alot of new friends here on and in the Philly lot. Thank you and thank you Marye for your knowledge and trouble shooting on this site. I hope to see all of you on a fall tour:) God Bless you all and God Bless The Grateful Dead!!!! Peace- Moye
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16 years 11 months

Poetic, heartfelt, and multiple times; as usual!!!!!!!!! Love you bro! ********************************** Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society. Mark Twain
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15 years 8 months

Closing thoughts on the Spring Tour I am 45 now. Up until 04 I had not been to a “Dead” show or derivative of since 90 or 91. I was 27, 28’ish in 91. I caught on at age 18-19 at City Island in Harrisburg in 82 but didn’t get going until 83. Back then I was still wondering around aimlessly not even understanding that I had not found my niche in life yet. I knew I was not confident within certain groups or types of people and in certain situations but beyond that was just a punk kid. I was going to lots of different types of conerts back then and none hit me like a Grateful Dead show. The reason was that this was one place I could go where I felt I was not being judged by anyone and had no expectation to live up to. Of course I did not realize that then, but that was really the thing for me that made it a great place to go. I gre up during that period and carried on until 91. i took in 100+ plus shows in the time. Fast forward to 04. I went to see The Dead at Montage Mountain for Nostalgic purposes. They were 20 minutes from my house so it was low maintenance. It was great fun and the music was good. If I had to go further I would have said fuck it. I didn’t go there with the high expectations or expecting it to be like it used to be. I had a great time, got home to bed, and was asleep by 11:30. I listened to Jack Johnson the next day. Fast forward to 08. A good bud works at the Bryce Jordan in State College and emails me way ahead of public knowledge telling me the Dead are doing an Obama benefit. I figured fuck it I’ll go. I got tickets, then totally realized the historic significance of the show among the community, but it wasn’t that big a deal to me. I get to the show and am blown away. November 08 – The Kirby Center in Wilkes-Barre is a small and beautiful theater in WB. They are my client. Bob Weir is doing a show there and my phone rings that morning. It’s the promoter, he is having computer problems and needs help. I say “Let me grab my hat and I’ll be right there” They are across the street from my office so I am onsite in 4 minutes. I casually let him know I was at the Bryce Jordan show and he smiles and says let me put two comps at Will Call for you tonight. I had no plans on going. My wife goes with me and the show is killer. Fast forward to Spring 09 The economy is in the shitter, I know of 5 or 6 people who have lost their jobs who are extremely talented. There is little good news and everyone is stressed to the max. The Tour is announced and The Dead books Wilkes-Barre. That’s my building, I do ALL the tech work there so of course I gotta go. WB has no idea what they are in for and don’t open the lot until 4. It’s a full fledge spring tour so the busses were dusted off, tuned up and the caravan is in high gear. The community sets up in the Walmart parking lot up the street. The scene is small but cool. Same ole, same ole, but has a really different feel than the 04 show. The 04 show felt like a reunion show for nostalgic purposes only. This was different. The show itself was good, not great, but good enough for me to check out some other shows online. As it turns out the WB set list was my least favorite of the tour so far. I start to get the itch to go to Philly where I didn't miss a show through the 80's Fuck me. We get in town at 2:00 and it’s just going off. I find myself saying stuff and hearing stuff that hasn’t entered even my most remote thoughts in 20 years. As soon as we pull in I looked at my bro-in-law and said “Lets pour a beer and head over to Shakedown Street for some eats” I am immediately floored because I haven’t thought about Shakedown in that wqay forever. I talked to too many people to count. Many now corporate guys with old shirts on and many hippies, some that came in community busses just like the old days. No one is talking about the economy, Iraq, school shootings, swine flu, the crime rate, the financial crisis, GM, Chrysler, housing, none of it. Everyone is smiling, speculating on the final Set List for the Spectrum. There is much talk of the first “Dew” on the tour. Much talk of the first "Samson and Delilah” on the tour. I had my Hershey 85 shirt on. No less than 20 people stopped me to talk about Terrapin in the rain. There was tie dye, crystals, falafel, burritos, balloons, curry, BO, Patchoulie, much sweet smelling smoky stuff etc. All the symbolic stuff was point on. The vibe was just incredible. If they tour again I will be there. At 45 what I got out of it was every bit as fun as it used to be. I was not there to cut loose without fear of judgment like back in the old days. My life is well defined now and I am comfortable in my skin. But it was soul cleansing and therapeutic to rinse off the stress of everything going on in my 45 year old world. There was this total sense of release from everyone there who was doing the same thing. After just one afternoon and evening . . . (Got home and 3:00 a.m., shower was mandatory) asleep at 3:30 and still woke up Sunday morning feeling more relaxed and fresh than after a week’s vacation and I still feel that today. I haven't listened to anything but the Dead since May 2nd. I DL'ed every show on this tour, stayed up way too late checking out the streams, met tons of new peeps online and have just had a blast. I think we get so caught up in our lives, families, children, responsibilities, and the expectations everyone around us sets for us, that it’s hard to do stuff like this without feeling irresponsible. I am fortunate in that I have a wife who urges me to go have some fun and blow off some steam. I pick and choose very carefully where I use these opportunities and only use the hall pass once or maybe twice a year. He'll I don't even golf. She knows this, so when I bring something up she knows it’s for real. It’s so nice to be able to do something you know, really puts your wife out for a day and she is still supportive and encouraging. There is still nothing like a Dead Show. If several circumstances did not happen that made it easy or convenient for me to get re-acquainted I never I would have. I am not sorry there are more shows on this tour I can’t go too, but truly appreciate the ones I did. I am back in the daily grind now, and the grind is rolling off me like water on a well waxed car. It is so amazing to me that this scene evolved the way it did, and survived. If you look at the era in which we live, it is one of the most unusual occurrences going and I am honored and blessed to have had the opportunity to particpate. God bless the Grateful Dead and everyone that is a part of it. You people are as much responsible for this as the music. I will miss this tour, can't wait for the news of another, and am off to have another grate day!
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Member for

15 years 5 months

Nice story Supertacks! As I sit in a hotel in Montana, 500 miles from home I am still dazed. We had so much fun and I felt like I did 20 years ago. Being stuck in the rat race I really needed this tour for many reasons and on many levels beyond just seeing a concert. Here are some of my highlights of my 10 days of craziness: * Walking into the Pepsi Center and everyone is just going nuts - hooting and hollering, we weren't even inside yet!! * The Denver acoustic set and especially Deep Elem Blues was so so good * Taking my daughter and wife to Shoreline for the 20 anniversary of my first show at ... Shoreline!! What a feeling dancing with my little girl in the same place I first danced 20 years ago * Help Slip Franklin opener ... St Stephen the 11 encore * SHOOT!! Couldn't make it to LA but from what I heard from folks in the lots it was super sick. * Now on to Shoreline May 14. This show folks was so good. The best post-Jerry show by faaaaaar. And I would say maybe one of the top 10 Grateful Dead /The Dead shows ever. Seriously I will stand here and defend that statement that it was was one of the best shows I have EVER seen. You can read my earlier review but when they were playing Fire all of Shoreline was in one wave of cosmic trippy dancing it was so beautiful and it reminded me of back in the day * Getting a 70 year old super cool lady high for her first time at Shoreline * The fire dancers doing their thing to Mickey's thunder * Seeing the Gorge *Hearing Dire Wolf and Althea and Eyes * I will say this about the Gorge though - it was like the boys finished shoreline and were like "oh shit we still have to play the gorge" * I am a new huge fan of Warren he had me in tears several times this tour. Just as one girl was shouting as she marched through the campground at the Gorge - "Warren - Motherfucking - Haynes!!! ORDER OF MY FAV SHOWS: 1.2ND SHORELINE 2. DENVER 3. 1ST SHORELINE 4. GORGE Thanks for a real good time and please come on tour again!! Can't wait for Ratdog this summer! Thank you all for your wonderful vibes!!! I felt them!! "Escaping through the lily fields, I came across an empty space. It rainbow then exploded, left a bus stop in its place. The bus come by and I got on, thats when it all began. It was Cowboy Neal at the wheel of the bus to never ever land"
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15 years 1 month

i had an event AFTER the show, that ruined it for me, i held off ofr 5 days, to get it resolved, but.... my wife got sick at shoreline, RockMed, the heros they are, got my wife to ambulance, right after the encore, i bought wristband, picked up CD in time, b4 ambulance left, well... the 3rd disc dont play, i missed the 2nd half of 2nd set 2x sofar. the CD only has listed as contact info, they tell me on phone they dont FIX venue sold items. WHO DOES?? how do i get the 1/3rd of this show i paid for, and the recording wont play? why does it take 5 days for to still not have answers for me on how to replkace this disc, other then REBUYING the download for $15 more!! this is what the opperator told me, at i didnt buy a download, i bought a concert bought, pressed CD. i spent good cash for it, all i want is what i paid for, thank you. if not, return my $25 for this half a show, and i will stop going to shows alltogether. me and my wife collectively have over 200 shows behind us, this is the ONLY bad exp i got from 20+ years of going to your shows. is it so hard to step up, and give a bit of service to those who pay your bills, lines your pocket, the fans.
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17 years

Just have to say I loved reading your post, just loved it! I read it and re-read it twice. That's what it's all about, and I love how you only got a few hours of sleep and woke up the next morning feeling more relaxed than you had in some time. Great post!!!!~Tam