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  • Randall Lard
    Song Title of the Day
    "A Lot Of Money For Something You Don't Want"
  • Forensicdoceleven
    Good morning rockers!!!! As many of you may or may not know, I am a bit of a “1971 Dead fanatic”. I have taken on a slightly ambitious project, documenting all 1971 Dead shows, the end result of which I hope will combine numerous “facts/factoids” about shows with recollections of folks who actually attended Dead shows in 1971. In order to accomplish this, I need the help of the Dead fan community. ALL contributions will be properly and specifically credited. If you attended ANY shows in 1971 and have ANY recollections to share, PLEASE consider participating. Please PM me for details. While of course I’m happy to hear from anybody who attended “classic 71 shows” such as Port Chester, Fillmore East, Harding Theater, Felt Forum, etc., I’m particularly interested in hearing from folks who may have attended lesser known, “out of the way” shows, such as: 1/21/71 Davis 1/22/71 Lane Community College 3/5/71 Oakland 4/14/71 Bucknell 4/18/71 Cortland 6/21/71 Chateau d’Herouville 8/4/71 Terminal Island 10/19/71 Northrop Auditorium 11/11/71 Atlanta 11/17/71 Albuquerque In addition, if ANYBODY out there has “paper ephemera” related to 1971 shows, Please consider participating. I’m looking especially for: Newspaper/print media articles Show posters/handbills Ticket stubs Photographs Thanks in advance to all who participate and contribute! Rock on, Doc Gillespie
  • phlowerpower93
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    up to no good : (
    My parents are trying to have me sent away instead of being with the man I love. I am 36 years old. I just want what everyone else wants to be married and have a family of my own. My Mother and Father and mentally ill and should be locked up in a mental health facilty until they can learn how to treat their (grown-up) children. thanks.
  • Randall Lard
    the television picture is a man made ghost
    Testosterone hoses. How wise you avoid such thread. Navigating cock forest terrain is a tedious exercise. Recline instead amongst the artisan mould. Auscultate. Are you sitting comfortably? Then i'll begin. "So young it knows no maturing. So fresh it's yet to be born." RL
  • Kate_C.
    ...not on the UPS My Choice radar..."and the waaaaiiiiting is the hardest part..."/K
  • liketohike
    @ Byrd
    Interesting thoughts, what is your take on the next election?
  • Kate_C.
    Dead. So Dead.
    Shame such an eclectic collection of healthy paranoia, amour pour le fromage, cryptic wisdom, and intermittent flow of Randall's illuminative consciousness should suffer this lengthy lapse! As the usual suspects hose down the new release thread with testosterone, the backwater offers welcome reprieve. Though all in for 30 Trips, and show #31 via DaP 16, I confess to not having listened to a note-o'-Dead since early August. But, "new" discoveries have been plentiful: As mentioned on The Eleven, I've become aware of this obscure group called The Beatles. Huh. Who knew? After acquiring the '09 stereo box - and listening thrice longitudinally with numerous additional visits to Abbey Rd., Revolver & MMT - I am increasingly struck by not only the prodigious work product over such a (relatively) short period, but the quantum evolution of musicianship, lyricism, and production; I begin to appreciate the profound attachment those who matured alongside the band during their formative (impressionable) years now feel. Enough for now, yet I've not even touched on billionaires, the undead, Citizens United or their potential collective impact on the 2016 election cycle! "Fresh. So Fresh." (just for you RL!)/peace, K
  • Randall Lard
    somewhere a fox is getting married
    Enjoying that dragging the cursor over the site's section headers makes the number of days wiggle. Little things...
  • Byrd
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    Zombie Apocalypse Election 101
    So how exactly does one go about engineering a complete shift in political mindset resulting in a swath of otherwise sensible people across an entire nation voting and acting directly counter to their own self-interests and better judgment? Well, let's see...You begin by introducing a new virus into the genome and let it do its nasty work. Something like Ebola: everyone now has it, but it's only toxic to some whose systems, like a computer, can't handle the upgrade, in which case it's deadly as the body's systems all crash. They then, most insidiously, become the basis for the fear campaign, leaving everyone susceptible literally seeing nothing but red. It's social engineering on the genetic level, coupled with psychological manipulation via things like radio, television and internet sites like Facebook to broadcast incessant repetition combined with color saturation, resulting in the complete suspension of reason which they purposely short-circuit and replace with irrational fear. Zuckerwhateverthefuck has been running the tests via Facebook for the Pentagon for a couple of years and you now see the results: The map turned from blue to red in a viral fashion...exactly as planned...just like a military operation. This election, as such, represents not the free will of the people, but rather the planting, extraction and exploitation of programmed responses on both national and state levels, employing American military electronic, biological and psychological warfare tactics and assets against the American people. The election was never in doubt for the PsyOps guys with the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the National Military Command Center - Election Ops Central - as the tables are now set with all the maniacal warhawk players required for the ground war they so desperately desire in the Middle East. And that's how it's done: Zombie Apocalypse Election 101 – and yes, there will be a test. Perhaps one of those Koch suckers will tell me if I left anything out, considering they financed the entire operation and publicly spread all their green around for no other reason than to leave even diehard liberals seeing red too. And after the election, all the colors, even on FOX, return to blue and the tension levels diminish as the lower frequencies of the final blue wave soothes the beast that has just been unknowingly savaged; the major networks are now running all blue scenes and news; FOX has ceased its incessant red and yellow NEWS PANIC ALERT, keeping their brain-and-soul-dead viewers in a constant red state of panic and paranoia, and has switched from red to blue body suits for the hookers and pimps it calls commentators; victims issues are being resolved rather than created, and even Mother Jones is running all blue. Finally, and every-day-miraculously I might add, the last Ebola victim has been cleared and you're not going to die in your beds (per Sen. Lindsey Graham) from ISIS because our children are going to die fighting the enemy they've created for themselves of ISIS in the Middle East. Hell, like Bush, they might even get to try their hands completing construction on the new Babylon we've been promised will usher in either a new era of peace for all mankind or a slew of non-competitive contracts for Halliburton. Hell of a choice. So there you have it folks. Welcome to Bullshit Amerika. (Never Trust a Clown on a Bike) Byrd
  • Kate_C.
    A conscientious and creative effort like this...
    ...reminds me how little I contribute to humanity. /K
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17 years 9 months
an open space.
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12 years 7 months
Permalink know how I feel about roaches: waste not, want not ;-) Thanks, Wilfred; hope this winter is finding you and the Mrs. well.
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12 years 7 months

my favourite slo quote was the expletive driven ranting a couple years back involving the cloak and dagger tactics from narcotics officers invading his email inbox. there may have been african brides attached as well. the memory falters. sadly deleted. still priceless.
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12 years 7 months

lol....your memory serves you well, RL. There was most certainly a picture of a very attractive African woman tastelessly connected to a poorly executed fishing expedition.Dipshits. I don't think Antiques Roadshow would be interested though:-)
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I Cannot Feel You As The Dogs Are Laughing And I Am Blind
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"Hey Dad, What Do Poets Eat For Tea? Pork And Opium, Son, Pork And Opium"
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7 years 4 months

Who else listens on Spotify? My friend and I have been noticing something very strange over the past couple of months. From time to time, a random track or two off of a certain show will be replaced by a track of the same song from a completely different show and usually era. The quality will be much less, the track is unmixed, or suddenly Brent joins the band in 1977. The switched track usually goes away within a day and goes back to normal. On one occasion the same track switched to two different versions in the same day. I've noticed that the switch usually only takes place on the computer app. On my phone I was able to pull up the original at the same time. The switch only happened on my phone one time. Has anyone else noticed this? It is becoming more and more frequent. I am enjoying listening to the replacement versions knowing that some sneaky Spotify employee must have chosen them.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Hey! I do listen to Spotify also, on the computer all day at work. I have not noticed it myself. But, I will keep a listen and report back if I also see songs swap. Might be that I'm zoning on work and just not picking it up. That is certainly odd behavior. I could see a theory of it being "close enough" but computers don't do close enough unless explicitly programmed to do so. Anyways, not much help for you, but if I do see it, I'll be sure to hop back on and at least give you some support! Peace, -Dave
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7 years 4 months

I forgot to mention in my original post: What makes it even weirder is that the replaced versions are usually always from shows that are not on Spotify, shows that have not been professionally mastered. On a few occasions they were versions that I instantly recognized from shows that I have downloaded from The tracks are often similar in length but not always. My theory is that a Spotify employee that has access to their file system (must be someone high up) is switching them. But this idea becomes tricky because of the timeliness of the switches. The songs often go back to normal within a day. This person would have to be doing this all the time, unless they somehow have it automatically programmed. There is ONE track that has been switched for a while and IS switched for me RIGHT NOW if anyone wants to check: The album '30 trips around the sun', Shakedown Street from Cornell 5/16/81 is playing as Shakedown Street from 12/31/81, a version I know well. The labels still say Cornell 5/16/81. This is starting to drive me crazy, as the switches often happen at very timely times..... I have searched the internet and found no posts or articles about such phenomena so I finally decided to make some posts on Whatever this plot is I commend you because it is working.. Thanks, Josh
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7 years 3 months

Spotify is under some heat for other "weird" things employees are doing, like uploading their own music as a bunch of different artists nobody has heard of to flesh out the product. They don't exist, at all, except in Spotify. Or using computer generated music to do the same so they don't even have to make the songs. This was in the early days when they were still growing but the truth of it is coming out. I don't guess it hurts anything but it's deceptive.