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  • Byrd
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    Locked, Cocked, Woodstock and Barrel
    "Truckin', we're all goin' home...whoa, whoa, baby, back where we belong..."
  • Byrd
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    Reading comprehension cures dain bramage
    Hey now, Mr Pid, Perhaps if you had read my entries a bit more carefully before commenting you might not have missed this most important point, and I quote: "If you first increase the font sizes relative to the Sun,. Moon and Earth, and then draw a few lines through the figures, you should see how that might work." The key word here being "relative" which accounts for the different radius of each body. The other thing you really have to do is to consider everything in two rather than three dimensions: Three-dimension based objections don't really work against two-dimension based models, or mobiles, as the case may be. Byrd
  • Mr. Pid
    Eclipse, or
    Brain Damage? No matter, it's all dark anyway. There are a couple of problems with you model here. First, the Sun, Moon and Earth have vastly different circumfrences, and different distances between them. During a total solar eclipse as seen from Earth, the relatively small Moon appears to be able to briefly but almost completely obscure the vastly larger Sun simply because it is so much closer to us. And that period of totallity does not occur everywhere on Earth simultaneously, simply because the Moon's shadow (specifically the umbra) is much smaller around than the circumfrence of the Earth. If someone was standing on the surface of the Sun observing Earth during one of those eclipses, they might notice the dark dot of the Moon crossing in front of the Earth, but they might not. The Moon is almost as far away from the Sun as the Earth. Of course, they'd first have to solve that whole avoiding being crushed by gravity while being incinerated thing. Jupiter has many more moons than Earth and is readily observable. It seems likely that there would be some sort of solar eclipse happening somewhere there almost constantly, but you don't hear much about them. It would seem a safer sandbox for testing out your "what does an eclipse look like from the other side" posit. Ditto Mars, although it only has two moons to test with. Guess I picked the wrong seven weeks to not have internet access. I'll have to keep that in mind if I ever decide to quit sniffing glue... *mollomed
  • Byrd
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    Final Thoughts...
    You know, if the Sun, the stars, the Moon and all of the planets really are just two-dimensional when it comes right down to it, then perhaps Dylan was right all along when he first observed that we may indeed be: Stuck Inside of (this) Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again. Sometimes you just have to look at things with the eyes of a child... Peace to everyone, Clay "Farin' thee well now Let your life proceed by its own designs Nothing to tell now Let the words be yours, I'm done with mine"
  • Byrd
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    Hubble, Hubble, Toil and Trouble...
    I've come to the conclusion that Hubble, though he was correct in noticing that the Universe appeared to be expanding infinitely, was wrong in using a Big Bang to explain the expansion: Hubble was partly wrong about the Universe's expansion, which has galaxies all racing away from each other. Instead of the entire Universe expanding, what is expanding is the Interplanetary Magnetic Field produced by this worm hole we call the Sun, which acts as a wide-angle gravitational magnifying lens. What we perceive as increasing separation is really nothing more than increased magnification. This is a much simpler explanation for the expansion Hubble observed, but it also means that we may have no idea how far away these galaxies really are until we're someday able to either observe from some point beyond the influence of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field, or grind the proper telescope lens to correct our presently compromised vision. This also means that the Big Bang is no longer necessary because the entire theory depends upon and was built upon the Universe expanding indefinitely such that at some point in Time all galaxies would essentially be alone with nothing but space and darkness in between. Not a pretty picture, but also, thankfully, false. The Wiki link below has an excellent artist's depiction of the IPMF, and also a nice animated display of the interaction of the Earth's magnetic field with that of the sun: We are looking through at least two of these fields, maybe more if you count the folds and ripples, whenever we view galaxies far, far away...and as the field grows like an evolving wide-angle lens, so is the distortion magnified. So what role does Earth's field play in all this? Perhaps that of a corrective lens which keeps the objects in our vision field in focus while the rest kinda fades off into the background. Works on the micro scale with my glasses and camera, so why not on the macro? So in conclusion, as I see it, my theory does these four basic things: 1. Removes the necessity for thermonuclear reactions inside the sun, or any other star for that matter, to explain the heat and light. 2. Explains why the sun's interior (because it really has no core) is cooler than the exterior as the heat is dissipated by the worm hole. 3. Removes any necessity for a Big Bang. 4. Explains the observed expansion of the Universe in terms not nearly so drastic or pessimistic. Anyway, it's something to think about! Thanks to all who read this stuff...and most especially, thank you, Grateful Dead, for giving me a forum to post it. Peace. Byrd
  • Byrd
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    Three Dimensional Time: Back to Where it All Began
    Time, in this solar system we perceive, begins, began and continues from the essentially dimension-less, point-less plane of the event horizon of the worm hole we call the sun and spreads out just like an expanding bubble. And since we here on Earth are also inside of that 3D bubble with our own magnetic force field or shielding, we are like a bubble within a bubble – another 3D layer or distance - that Time must both cross and go through – hence the tic, followed by the toc. The heartbeat of Time as we know it begins at the two-dimensional drumhead of the event horizon, which reverberates through Earth’s magnetic shield like a sonar ping: tic. Passing through Earth’s shield after being warped a bit here and there, it encounters and reverberates through what is possibly the most formidable barrier in existence: our own incredibly thick skulls: toc. The event horizon before us continues its daily bombardment of our planet with the constant tic of the solar wind, but what we hear is the toc. Our atmosphere effectively keeps us one toc behind Universal Worn Hole Time, something like two men facing each other endlessly trading slaps, until you put one of the guys on a box and the slaps, executed along the exact same trajectories as before, become a handshake. I suspect it’s more like a flexible balloon bubble than a fragile soap bubble, because Time expands exponentially from the observer’s perspective, as evidenced by our observation that all galaxies are racing away from each other as knots on a stretched elastic cord. Time, as such, collapses if this bubble breaks; if you leave the bubble somehow or it is just snatched away as it deflates while flying across the room; or if the bubble someday collapses in upon itself while giving us all a giant slam-the-door, this-book-is-history, collective, swift kick from behind! So the clock as we know it strikes zero when crossing through the worm hole – essentially stripped of all matter right down to your Higgs boson designer jeans as you pass first through two dimensions and are finally squeezed through the infamously fabled needle’s eye of one dimension, if you get the point, where even your fancy new jeans are left behind! And where do we end up? Who knows? Another Time completely, depending upon! And will there be another big bang as this song ends? Again, who knows, because by then we'll already be well on our way into a new Song, and it's in a different key... I suspect it works something like that… I think I just gave Mickey Hart the two biggest drumheads in the neighborhood to play with! Probably need some tuning though... Wonder what would happen if someone were able to organize and synchronize the biggest drum circle ever to the same harmonic resonance of something like the aurora borealis - a planet drum, so to speak. That might be pretty cool. It's kinda like establishing a handshake with the universal clock... Don't suppose anyone has something like a planet drum laying around anywhere? Maybe even some recording stuff… I pretty much stick to acoustic guitar…. But to answer your primary question, our music absolutely goes with us because this quality called Mind is a really big, often ignored, yet absolutely integral part of this whole equation: It's a Mind over matter thing. :)
  • Byrd
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    Solar Dynamics = Twinkle, twinkle, little star...
    Letters between myself and SDO have proved absolutely useless. The head of the show there only asks stupid, pointless question such as: Why would we need a worm hole ( to explain what we already think we know)? And this from a PhD - probably from Grenada, with apologies to Grenada. Love, The Pi-eyed Piper
  • slo lettuce
    "Marmalade.........I like marmalade" from Alan's Psychedelic Breakfast ..............Atom Heart Mother. Byrd and early Floyd; there's a time warp for ya.
  • Byrd
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    Goes to show you never can tell...
    Well, what do you know?! I have a nearly pristine, absolutely reasonable facsimile of a Planet Drum right here in my cd files. Who would a'thunk it! Think I'll play it with the doors open - maybe do my own little photon double-slit experiment, but with sound. Just knew those French doors would come in handy someday ..once I adjust the stereo balance correctly...for the time. I’ve never seen a night so long When time goes crawling by The moon just went behind a cloud To hide it's face and cry The silence of a falling star Lights up a purple sky And as I wonder where you are I'm so lonesome I could cry Hank Williams And as I wonder.... Byrd
  • Byrd
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    Standing on the Moon: Reflections of My Life in Marmalade
    Perhaps this might explain the jam we're in: Good song, by the way, and the graphics on this old analog, black and white video give excellent representations of my ideas: If you think of optics in two dimensions, something like a contact lens, with due consideration for curved space, reflection- which apparently shows us the exact opposite of whatever stands before it - and refraction which distorts, you might see how Earth could easily be hidden in a blind spot as viewed from the Sun, and as you can see if you count each concave and convex curvature, there's an unbalanced 3 to 4 ratio between the object and the perceiver. Nice place for a problem to hide unnoticed, by everyone except maybe Jimmy Buffett, because apparently, we're all - Livin' and Dyin' in 3/4 Time: ()-------------()---------------((--------------() Sun............Moon.............Earth........Our eyes The moon looks smaller because we're looking both through and into what essentially is a telescope's eyepiece. With our smaller moon in relation to both however, the curvature of the lens is more pronounced than either the Earth's or the sun's. As such, the moon's convex curvature facing Earth might well effectively both block us completely from view from the sun's perspective and, also convex on the side facing the sun, distort the sun's perception of Earth. Remember that all three bodies are two-dimensional convex lenses, so the light we perceive is always in some form of convection, contraction and refraction, while the stuff we never see is either directly reflected or absorbed into the opaque. If you first increase the font sizes relative to the Sun. Moon and Earth, and then draw a few lines through the figures, you should see how that might work. Another way to consider this in two dimensions is to add a third blip to one side of a Pong game which always covers the blip behind it. The light from other blip would never reach the one left behind, who is now little more than a spectator. I don't know if there's a rhythm to this process, but on the quantum level we know that conditions exists where electrons exchange orbits, so I don't see any reason that same principle can't be applied to the macro level I'm working on here. This might explain why we have both solar and lunar eclipses: There may be a quantum shift occurring between the Earth and the Moon that we've somehow failed to notice., so that their orbits through space in unison look like the numeral 8 - which if turned on its side, is also the symbol for infinity. Peace, Byrd So now, marye, I'll join you in saying: To infinity and beyond!
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an open space.
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12 years 7 months
Permalink know how I feel about roaches: waste not, want not ;-) Thanks, Wilfred; hope this winter is finding you and the Mrs. well.
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12 years 7 months

my favourite slo quote was the expletive driven ranting a couple years back involving the cloak and dagger tactics from narcotics officers invading his email inbox. there may have been african brides attached as well. the memory falters. sadly deleted. still priceless.
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12 years 7 months

lol....your memory serves you well, RL. There was most certainly a picture of a very attractive African woman tastelessly connected to a poorly executed fishing expedition.Dipshits. I don't think Antiques Roadshow would be interested though:-)
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I Cannot Feel You As The Dogs Are Laughing And I Am Blind
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"Hey Dad, What Do Poets Eat For Tea? Pork And Opium, Son, Pork And Opium"
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7 years 4 months

Who else listens on Spotify? My friend and I have been noticing something very strange over the past couple of months. From time to time, a random track or two off of a certain show will be replaced by a track of the same song from a completely different show and usually era. The quality will be much less, the track is unmixed, or suddenly Brent joins the band in 1977. The switched track usually goes away within a day and goes back to normal. On one occasion the same track switched to two different versions in the same day. I've noticed that the switch usually only takes place on the computer app. On my phone I was able to pull up the original at the same time. The switch only happened on my phone one time. Has anyone else noticed this? It is becoming more and more frequent. I am enjoying listening to the replacement versions knowing that some sneaky Spotify employee must have chosen them.
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17 years 8 months

Hey! I do listen to Spotify also, on the computer all day at work. I have not noticed it myself. But, I will keep a listen and report back if I also see songs swap. Might be that I'm zoning on work and just not picking it up. That is certainly odd behavior. I could see a theory of it being "close enough" but computers don't do close enough unless explicitly programmed to do so. Anyways, not much help for you, but if I do see it, I'll be sure to hop back on and at least give you some support! Peace, -Dave
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7 years 4 months

I forgot to mention in my original post: What makes it even weirder is that the replaced versions are usually always from shows that are not on Spotify, shows that have not been professionally mastered. On a few occasions they were versions that I instantly recognized from shows that I have downloaded from The tracks are often similar in length but not always. My theory is that a Spotify employee that has access to their file system (must be someone high up) is switching them. But this idea becomes tricky because of the timeliness of the switches. The songs often go back to normal within a day. This person would have to be doing this all the time, unless they somehow have it automatically programmed. There is ONE track that has been switched for a while and IS switched for me RIGHT NOW if anyone wants to check: The album '30 trips around the sun', Shakedown Street from Cornell 5/16/81 is playing as Shakedown Street from 12/31/81, a version I know well. The labels still say Cornell 5/16/81. This is starting to drive me crazy, as the switches often happen at very timely times..... I have searched the internet and found no posts or articles about such phenomena so I finally decided to make some posts on Whatever this plot is I commend you because it is working.. Thanks, Josh
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7 years 3 months

Spotify is under some heat for other "weird" things employees are doing, like uploading their own music as a bunch of different artists nobody has heard of to flesh out the product. They don't exist, at all, except in Spotify. Or using computer generated music to do the same so they don't even have to make the songs. This was in the early days when they were still growing but the truth of it is coming out. I don't guess it hurts anything but it's deceptive.