continuing the free-form from where we left it...
I think there is obviously some confusion here, maybe an example of someone taking over another's account and posting as them...
it was the Badger in them hot pink short shorts (his usual attire) shouting out Voulez-vous coucher avec moi?
can we really fault him for that? everyone needs to earn a living, 'specially if your marmalade business wasn't all that successful. walking from village to village, hawking his marmalade, he came to be know as: 'Lady Marmalade'
very glad you two had a nice time, and hope you gave each other a big hug from us.
( -;
Is this Franklins Tower?
Oh Wow....
.........Please more pictures. This is an amazing one. And along with Marye, I would like to know more about lunch, also. What a beautiful day!
kinda hilly
in your part of the world, badger! also rocky. Nice and green, too. And our TL is looking most fine.
Thanks for the pix Badger...
... of TigerLilly, and the beautiful castle, and the surrounding landscape. Of course we want to see a pic of you two together... Come on CB, you can do it. Thanks in advance!!
Who Is Cosmicbadger?
Only TL knows that he really does exist and is not just a virtual being existing on the internet.
Until that time he will remain painted as TL described him in the Bermuda shorts, black socks and loafers.
Oh and Buddy if you are asking CB to do it and show his face, well..................
That is such a cool castle and landscape, unreal to me really, just as the Rockies that I know must seem alien to others.
If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite.
William Blake
Why we have never seen a picture of cosmicbadger.
Because he is Buckystein! Go to YouTube and search Buckystein and watch the whole thing, every part, then you will understand the dark side of cosmicbadger that is Buckystein!
If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite.
William Blake
wiggle room
thanks Joe never seen that before, but Hal have run into Buckystein once or twice.
The pix of me are in the camera of TL so I am sure that all will be revealed when she is back from her French tour.
TL looks
absolutely silly BP!!! :) Travelogue of all amazing adventures, AND the requested giant lunch menu, PLUS CB/TL photo together, yet to come. Somebody tell me please how CB managed to post photos directly in this thread, so I can do it too!
Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.
Mark Twain
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Click on the text in that box, copy and then paste into your comment box in Deadnet
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hmmm I could be making a big mistake .....
Deadhead Housewives
gonna be a new reality TV show coming soon...
"Deadhead Housewives"
the usual, spats between husbands and wives about who smoked up the last of the stash... who forgot the tickets on the kitchen table after arriving at the show... how all the white 'Haynes' jockey shorts are now all pink because somebody mixed the loads with the tie dyes... you know, the usual stuff.
pffffffffffft cb!
who is it then? LOL. Think will have to ask marye to delete that post, and start over.**********************************
Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.
Mark Twain
castle peek a boo
Please Post Again
The view is out all over dead.netthat Badger's been seen and with TigerLilly yet!
I know all pics can be resized
what can I say Lil, can't believe my eyes!
This pic of youse is too big for my screen
I scroll and scroll just to take in the scene
I know some posts must be forgiven
what can I say Lil, please post again.
Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
ok Pid
here's 2nd attempt to post photographic evidence of cosmic badger's existance.
perhaps marye can delete the gigantic mistake one? Also the one called "dang" and cb et moi" while she's at it? :) ********************************** Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society. Mark Twain

perhaps marye can delete the gigantic mistake one? Also the one called "dang" and cb et moi" while she's at it? :) ********************************** Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society. Mark Twain
So it's true...
... the CosmicBadger actually exists !! Thank you for posting your pictures TL, they are most enlightening !!
Lunch menu
Since Docks had wanted to hear more about lunch, I will tell the full menu now.
But first I think I must mention the pizza I had on Saturday night in Toulouse. Pizza topped with slices of duck, potatos, creme fraîche, parsley, and cheese. I was sceptical, at first, of this southewestern French style of pizza, but boy was it good!!!!!!!!
Ok, now for Sunday lunch menu with Marc and CB:
I ate:
Course 1:soup morrocain-which was kind of like minestrone, but with chick peas in it. VERY yummy!
Course 2: OK OK know was NOT pc, and animal abuse, but went with the adventurous eating local thing, and ate foie gras, on slices of toast, with home made fig jam. GASP GASP-sorry abused ducks and all vegetarians reading this.
Course 3: was the big plate of crevettes that Badger was so kind to show you already. Were not as good as Spanish gambas, and I suspect they had been frozen. Marc at the confit de canard, (duck leg) and I am thinking perhaps I should have eaten that instead. Oh well-still finished my plate of shrimp.
Course 4: was the cheese plate, several different kinds. ate some chevre and don't remember what other kind.
Course 5: creme brulée. I was stuffed to the gills, by this point, and ate only bout half of the dessert. But boy was it good :)
Good thing we had a long walk through Najac after that meal!!!
Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.
Mark Twain
for the record
I did not eat the foie gras, but had walnut and roquefort salad instead. It was delicious as was the 'confit de canard'.
For the record
He tells the truth :)
I thought about that alternative, but don't like roquefort, so...
(excuses excuses) again sorry abused ducks.
Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.
Mark Twain
good idea ccjoe
i love that! deahead housewives-i'm sure it will be a huge hit!!!
nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile
hey that pic wasn't big enough, please re-size it to make it larger.
(ego issues, badger?)
no, I lost my reading glasses.
gotta get one of them librarian chain things to put around my neck and wear the glasses. which, I would like to add, are NOT granny glasses.
cool pic....
of the badger but i wanted to see the one of him in his lady marmalaude outfit..
I am glad you guys had so much fun
peace and hugs to all
i still wanna know
where's the lightening bolt that is supposed to be on yer head badger? tho i must say...that is a very nice flagpole. i'm glad you guys were able to get together finally. sliced duck on a pizza? i was just getting used to bbq chicken on a pizza, and now i have to deal with duck pie? or could all this be a..... "vile canard"?......ok ok...i'll stop....heeheehee
you got a bannana in your pocket or are you just glad to be with Tiger Lilly?
ooops, did that slip out?
no, I will not throw in yet another tired, OLD joke...
I'll keep using it till I lose it...
but seriously folks...
got a bum hip, and my 'break' shoulder (pool break) and wrist ache more and more -- that I have learned to deal with.
but when more and more of my body is covered with camphor, menthol, and methyl salicylate rub i get bummed out. (never could get used to using the well known brand name-- not that there is anything wrong with that)
( -:……
Peter Pain?
what Madison Avenue suit came up with that winner??
Peter Pain?
clap clap clap!
why do I get that burning sensation to make yet another triple entendre??
thanks marye
for removing poster sized badger LOL**********************************
Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.
Mark Twain
A brief break
From the continuing adventures of TL and CB (I love the pics).
I saw Elvis Costello on Sunday night, the country/bluegrass Elvis, whose band included at least a couple of guys I've run into before -- Jerry Douglas on dobro and Jim Lauderdale on guitar and harmony vox. Elvis and Jim duetted on "Friend of the Devil" to my delight and eliciting a rousing ovation from the crowd. Not to let the opportunity pass by, Elvis immediately commented that if we stuck around for the "late set, we'll be doing 'Dark Star.'"
Alas, it didn't happen, but it was one many very funny asides from the stage that night. Excellent show!
sweet somewhere bound...
sweet somewhere bound...
getting around that time, folks. gotta hit the road.
I'll try to check in if/when I can.
back in a few months.
love and peace,
"Where will you go now? where will you go now?
Where will you wander, where will you roam?
Where will you go when the sun goes sinkin',
And the morning brings a new day to be born?
I can't tell you, no I can't tell you
Which train I'm riding, which plane i'm on
But I can tell you, yes I can tell you
I'm standing right where I belong"
-- Jackie Greene
cc's gone
CC's been drinking, out on a binge
No reason why, but just on a whim
Now he is shitfaced, on a plane
Flying away, he's just insane
And now CC's gone
Now CC's gone, Lord he's gone
CC's gone
With an elbow bending, it's a binge in fact
CC's gone, gone, but someday he'll be back
CC's gone
A member of the club 'Mile High'
His old lady letting out a great big 'sigh'
Playing 9 ball, he can't lose
Nothing left to do but booze, booze, booze...
And now CC's gone
Now CC's gone, Lord he's gone
CC's gone
Going where the there is no rain at all
On a dry farm until fall
Dug one well, made a ditch
The muscles in his back are starting to bitch
CC's been drinking, out on a binge
No reason why, but just on a whim
Now he is shitfaced, on a plane
Flying away, he's just in-sane
And now CC's gone
Now CC's gone, Lord he's gone
CC's gone
Ooh, one day CC's gonna be back
Ooh, one day CC's gonna be back
Ooh, one day CC's gonna be back
Peace CC Joe..
He's gone, but he will be back!! :)Miss you friend!!
has this ever happened to you
it seems that when i meet new people...start jibber jabbering about this and that...and the conversations turns towards music i mention i am a deadhead... then they say ohhh that explains it..i am allways like what explains what? person said all those stickers on your car...or sometimes i get your laid back nature and your open mindedness.. one time i gotthat silly grin you get for no reason.....just wondering if i am the only one
peace and hugs to all
safe travels cc
i will miss your sense of humorpeace be with you
Safe Travels ~~
Joe :) Sure you'll come back with some insight to share, with a touch of CCJ humor ~ of course!
Hey Noonie ~ Oh yeah, I know "that look" he he he
so,........mass was over
and i asked the priest (father seamus lafferty, with an accent as thick as his name) for blessings as i'm gettin' my hip replaced on monday, so he does the full annointing with oils, and i caught a familiar scent........patchouli!!....who'd of thought. small world
Good luck on your surgery...nothing like a little patchouli to kick the blessing in the right direction. My wife's getting close to a knee replacement (it does suck to get old!) and if your hip works out well then we may give pre-op patchouli a try. Hang in there.
good luck johnman
healing vibes to you from the other side of the Cascades
If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite.
William Blake