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    And would you recommend it to anyone else? This topic by suggestion...


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  • Parkas4Kids
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    The Complete Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Vol. 1
    The Barnes & Noble Classics edition, that is. 893 pages packed with many of the wild and crazy adventure of the wild and crazy detective. The little one seems to enjoy the stories, or perhaps it's the emphasis and enthusiasm with which I read them. It's hard to tell with a 6-month-old.
  • marye
    a true classic!
    I've still got my childhood copy. Sitting under the cork trees and smelling the flowers, words to live by.
  • sherbear
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    THE STORY of FERDINAND by MUNRO LEAF Drawings by ROBERT LAWSON One for the all the children this day, xo! A perfect little story, xo!
  • sherbear
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    Oh My Baby, Little One By -KATHI APPELT Pictures by -JANE DYER A blessing to anyone wanting a book to describe the unfailing, infinite and darling love a parent has for their young child. A Mother's love, comfort and assured place in her heart is a guaranteed by this story's end. A perfect gift, to be sure. A bit from the middle... "It might hide inside my desk drawer or slip inside my shoe, but still, it's always with me- it stays the whole day through. It curls around my coffee cup and perches on my chair. It doesn't matter where I go, this love is everywhere."
  • Parkas4Kids
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    Re: marye
    Thanks for the suggestions! I'm always open to new books to read. The only problem I have is there not being enough hours in the day to get all the reading I want done!
  • marye
    since you're going for the classics, I would also recommend Asimov's Foundation Trilogy and Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land, if you haven't read 'em already.
  • Parkas4Kids
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    And So the Dominoes Began to Fall
    As strange as this may seem, I've been reading more since my daughter was born this past September than I have in probably two years...or more. So far I've managed to finish reading "The Iliad" (which I mentioned previously) and "The Hobbit" and have a little over a hundred pages left of Frank Herbert's "Dune." Not sure what to follow up with, but I have plenty to choose from. Probably going to move on to some Sherlock Holmes, then perhaps "The Odyssey." There's just so many great books to read!
  • Mike Edwards
    There's More to Life Than Being Happy
    Here's a link to a recent article in The Atlantic about the pursuit of happiness, power, and meaning, that explains a lot of what's wrong with the world today, I think: http://m.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2013/01/theres-more-to-life-than-being-happy/266805/
  • Anna rRxia
    Book Report: Sometimes A Great Notion by Ken Kesey
    "Sometimes I live in the country,Sometimes I live in the town; Sometimes I get a great notion To jump in the river ... an' drown." Good Night Irene --- Ledbetter & Lomax (Performed once by the Grateful Dead, 12/31/83) This quote from a song begins Kesey's classic and provides the title of his book. The central character in the work could be said to be the river the Wakonda Auga that flows down from the Cascades to meet the Pacific Ocean in Oregon. The setting is 1950s Oregon in a small logging town on the coast. It is said we write best about things we know and this is what Kesey knew best -- perhaps not this little fictional logging town but others like it and the detail he goes into makes this very evident, from the descriptions of native flora and fauna to the endless rain of Oregon winters to the honking of great masses of Canadian geese migrating south so loud they allow no sleep. Then again the central character could be Hank Stamper, Lee Stamper or the father of the whole Stamper brood, Henry. Or perhaps just the damn Stampers in general who have put the whole town out of the logging business with a strike-breaking contract that is to be fulfilled with only the Stamper clan. I first read this book when I was 18 and have just reread it at the age of 53. It is amazing what the perspective of age can bring to a work of this breadth and magnitude. Back then I knew this was a great work but I couldn't really appreciate what it was about. Now I have more of a handle but not one hundred percent comprehension. I think that would come from a college professor or serious NY Times literary critic. By no means is it a perfect work. It was only Kesey's second book and one wonders how the editors at Viking could have left such devices as Kesey's blatant recapping of the plot in the middle of the book,in case the reader has missed his very subtle hints of an incestuous relationship. Another annoying literary device is his switching between his characters first person point-of-view without even a double spacing between paragraphs. Yet these things do not take away from the greatness of this work. They merely lend it eccentric hints. There are several plot lines going on here. The one that makes this an American classic of the 1900s is that of the rugged individualist (Henry Stamper) and his "Never Give An Inch" attitude toward life. He works hard and plays hard and is larger than life and knows his business of logging, a very dangerous profession. This time period of the 1950s is when unions were perhaps at their peak strength and were striking for a six hour work day for eight hours of pay. Henry Stamper sees his opening and signs a contract to provide logs to the main West Coast timber industry corporation, fictionally named Wakonda Pacific instead of the great robber barron timber corporations that raped that part of the world. Anyone who has, as I have in Mendocino County, walked through a clear-cut knows how the land is trashed. This has the effect of putting all his neighbors and friends out of work and is creating some really harsh conditions for his family. His son Hank, the All-America athlete in everything in high school (and the strongest son-of-a-bitch in the county) sums up the the family attitude to a union official who challenges him on his ethics and relationships and loyalties to his friends and neighbors: "Listen... listen to me Mister. I'm just as concerned as the next guy, just as loyal. But if...the Woodworker's Union or anybody-- gets into it with me, then I'm for me! When the chips are down, I'm my own patriot. I don't give a goddam the other guy is my own brother..." Draeger (the union official) smiled sadly. "And what of self-sacrifice. If you really believed what you say about yourself... you would be in for some pretty selfish loyalty--" "Call it whatever you want, that's the way I intend to play it. You can tell my good friends and neighbors Hank Stamper is as heartless as a stone if you want. You can tell them I care just as much about them as they did about me..." This is a timeless theme and central to the core of our hearts and souls and Kesey has his finger right on the pulse of it all in this book. Another theme is brother against brother. Lee is the wayward son who left with his elitist mother who wanted no part of the Stamper mentality and wanted her son to be educated at an Ivy league school. As a child Lee has seen his mother being diddled by his half-brother Hank through a knothole between their rooms and has carried around his rage all these years. When the Stampers need another of their own to fulfill the contract they ask him to come help out. With thoughts of revenge, he readily accepts and works hard and eventually ends up diddling Hank's wife while his brother watches from a knothole in the adjacent room, the same one he used to use. So these are the three central themes. The suspense builds as various dramas leave the Stampers shorthanded and working against the winter rains to fulfill their contract. There are of course many other side characters of small-town life along the way and Kesey paints them in eloquently with his words. All through this drama the Wakonda Auga river runs through it. This is a great work of fiction by an American author who wrote too few books, much as Jerry Garcia sang too few songs. Put it on your list of books to read. You'll be glad you did.
  • Anna rRxia
    Sometimes A Great Notion
    Most people know this is Kesey's most critically acclaimed, seminal work. It is my holiday read but looks as if I'll finish it as quickly as the author of the forward did. A passage: "Look... Reality is greater than the sum of it's parts, also a damn site holier. And the lives of such stuff as dreams are made of may be rounded with a sleep but they are not tied neatly with a red bow. Truth doesn't run on time like a commuter train, though time may run on truth. And The Scenes Gone By an The Scenes To Come flow blending together in the sea-green deep while Now spreads in circles on the surface. So don't sweat it. For focus simply move a few inches back or forward. And once more...look" Awesome! Kesey wrote this in 1964, well after experimenting with acid. He didn't write another thing for 20 years and never achieved the greatness of this book. A cliche, I know, but this is one of the most important works of an American author in that century.
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And would you recommend it to anyone else? This topic by suggestion...
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17 years 9 months

It seems like one just leads to the next! I'm considering Scully's next but I'm just now putting the wraps on A Long Strange Trip: The Inside History of the Grateful Dead by Dennis McNally. A must read for the serious dead freak. I only found one editing mistake, weird is spelled 'wierd' once about 3/4 of the way though. Forgivable, as I've made that boo boo myself in the past. Now I just remember it as my favorite rhythm guitarist's last name with a 'd' at the end.
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Im reading "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams.
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17 years 9 months

a good choice!
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16 years

On the Dead front, trying to catch up with this past Spring's releases: "So Many Roads" (Browne), Billy's "Deal", "No Simple Highway" (Richardson). Golden age of Dead history books, eh?! And I'm always trying to fill in the collection with books I've missed over the years. Just got "Growing Up Dead", and Sam Cutler's "Can't Always Get What You Want". Took me a while to find the original Australian printing... Oh- and I loved Richard Loren's "High Notes"! On the non-Dead music front, I'm enjoying "Stiffed" (Knoedelseder), the investigative story of MCA and their mob influences in the Eighties, and Clive Davis' autobiography. Very little on the Dead in that one, but some. I'm a sucker for record company books, and his is a very good one. Looking forward to Blair Jackson and David Gans' "This Is All A Dream We Dreamed" and Bill Walton's (!) book this fall.
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It's unwieldy at almost 1K pages. Why not use OCR software to replicate the lists from DeadBase XI and correct them? Marye, I thought you were going to contribute to the forward. I frankly am mildly disappointed with the final product, but not unhappy to support the great folks that put it out. Please don't murder me.
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First I've heard that I was supposed to write a foreword (like that nightmare when it's suddenly the final exam of the class you didn't know you were taking), but it seems like they have quite a few others. A magnum opus for sure. Kudos to Stu et al.
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17 years 8 months

I'm reading "The Irish Troubles, a Generation of Violence 1967 - 1992", by J. Bower Bell, and listening to an audiobook 6-volume set of "Edward Gibbon's "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire". As you can see, I have more fun than most people, but I'll be a grown-up some day. But seriously, this is serious. I can't shake the feeling we've been sliding into fascism, and that it is speeding up. That is why I'm reading these two books right at this time. 800 FEMA 'containment' camps, military gear sold to our police for riot control. I'm not saying the worst will happen, just saying we're ripe for the pluckin'. Hang on folks. As Bob Dylan says, "Things are going to get interesting right about now." GD will ease the pain and love for my kids will see me through.
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17 years 9 months

It's so great to hear Jerry in his own voice. I love the reflections on Cassady. Especially the 'directing' the bus into the pole part in Chapter 5, pt. 2. I laughed out loud! P.S. The item might be in your local library if you are lucky!
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I need to order that. I went to the booksigning at the Fillmore the other night and bought the book. But there's no substitute for Jerry's own voice.
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17 years 5 months

I recently read Resurrection. It took me a while to get going, but worth it. I love Tolstoy...
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But now I'm onto to The Insulted and the Humiliated. I don't know why I'm into reading their less famous works. It seems to take me a while to get going, then the book flies to the finish. I just love the way they write. I while back I started Thomas Wolfe's O Lost, the complete text of Look Homeward, Angel, and Kerouac's scroll of On The Road. It just something about how all these guys put words together. Like I can't read much Stephen King, for example. I love his mind, but not his writing...
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Now I really like his writing. He's an incredible craftsman. It's his subject matter I have trouble with. I don't like spending time on the dark side. Shawshank Redemption is one of the most satisfying stories ever, though.
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marye, If you like King's writing but not his subject matter, you might enjoy "The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon" by King. It's a well written psychological horror novel that isn't as dark or gruesome as many of King's novels. I read it a few years ago and gave it to my daughter to read after I read it.
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I've got huge respect for the guy, but I just don't like the dark stuff. I'm partial to the Different Seasons collection (three of the four of which became movies), which includes Shawshank and The Body (aka Stand By Me), but even that isn't exactly sunny.
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I've been wanting to read that, especially because The Body and Shawshank. Just been waiting to see it on the cheap at a used bookstore. I went thru a phase where I really wanted to read books of movies I like. The Green Mile for example. Loved the movie. The book, not so much. I, personally, don't think King is that good of a writer, but his stories, they can sometimes really captivate me....
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Just finished Jorma's "Been So Long." I love it a lot. You might also. What I especially like because it's such a nice change from so many memoir-type things I've read lately that are all about bad-mouthing other people, is that even as he's describing pretty dark stuff, theirs and his, he's quite candid about his own self. Even in the case of people that it's pretty much a cliche to talk bad about, he doesn't do it. There's much heart and sweetness as a result. Also an impressive array of misadventures that make you really happy he's still there to tell the tale. And a nice afterword by Jack. Gearheads, whether guitars, cars, or bikes, will be in heaven, as he's a bit inclined to geek out over that stuff, but I like that too.
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I just finished Enlightenment Now: The Case For Reason, Science, Humanism and Progress by Steven Pinker Viking Press After so many "eons" of the current embarrassment in Washington DC, I needed to read something containing good news. The anthropologist Steven Pinker, has been researching how humanity is progressing over the years since the Enlightenment (1780's AD) It asked the questions What is going badly? and how can we make changes so the bad thing are lessened? Pinker has some amazing findings. On just about every aspect of life, humans are doing much better than ever before. It may not seem that way living in the current mass media environment, but he will give you the straight history of just what people have been experiencing and doing since the Enlightenment began. And it is a global situation. Mind you, I do not read light-hearted novels. I like hardcore non-fiction, that is not so easy to read and comprehend. I guess Noam Chomsky warped my perception of reading way back in the '80's. He was the first author I read after I finished all the Hobbits and Universal Hitchhiking and etc stories. Fiction is still great, but I mostly read non-fiction now. I find reality to be vastly weirder than anything imagined. This book was a lot of history. It got dry at times. I trudged thru it. Mr Pinker has outlined huge improvements to the human experience, but all that can go away rather quickly. What I got out of this book was a way to be confident humanity is making huge leaps forward. Despite all the groups that want to pull us backwards, the mass of humanity is moving rather quickly towards a situation in which things like war, famine, disease and pestilence will disappear from our lives. It is happening. We can look at history and see how far we have come at ending these things. We have to be steadfast in not letting go of the one idea that has been so effective at helping people to live better lives. The universe will not provide nervana quickly. The Enlightenment has afforded us a means to make progress. Don't let the naysayers sway you away from progress. The finish line won't be achieved in our lifetimes. We can evolve over hundreds of generations. It will be better that way. It was a good book for me to read. It did not give any answers, it only showed how the ideas of the Enlightenment are still alive and solving problems. There is no indication it is not going to lead us astray very far because within rational thought is the constant asking is this the best answer? We make corrections and making these corrections are expected. Hnett