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  • MarkintheDark
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    Happy Anniversary, johnman!
    And many groovy more! ********************************************* I have a sigfile! --> *********************************************
  • johnman
    like 6 hours ago i was lookin' at my profile page, tryin' ta figure out when my actual aniv. as a member here is, and it said i had like, 52 weeks 18 hrs....i'm assuming this was a leap year as 52 weeks is a year, right? so i'm thinkin' 18 + 6 is 24....gotta be at 4PM right? 4 rolls around and i check my page and it says 1 year 2 hrs.....too make matters worse, yesterday mornin' it said 52 weeks.......and when i post it says my aniv. is the 26th.....i've always thought i never needed help being confused...apparently i have been mistaken all these years.....oh well...Merry Christmas everyone!!
  • MarkintheDark
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    Here is the smart-ass remark. Here is the smart-ass remark.
    A recent post to the site 12/24, categorized as a story (that will probably disappear before long): "Sale Info Here is the promo page. Here is the promo page. Here is the promo page. Here is the promo page. Here is the promo page. Here is the promo page. Here is the promo page. Here is the promo page. Here is the promo page. Here is the promo page." (repeated another 94 or so times) Looks like a placeholder for some webprogramming. Maybe the deadnetstore had as disappointing holiday sales season as most other stores did, but I can't help but think they'd have had better sales if they had things to sell. Actually I have solved this merchandise problem for them, using a tribal philosophy with a dash of corporate geekiness. needs to get out of the business of selling merchandise, except perhaps for actual music (CDs, downloads or whatever) and the limited edition tie-ins, and collectibles (posters, autographed things, fundraising stuff). They can't compete, either in selection or price, with about a bazillion small businesses that are on the 'net. I investigated this during the "Long Night of the Onesie", when I tried yet again to buy something at only to discover they were out of most of the items they showed on the initial webpages for that category. When I googled "Grateful Dead Onesie" I got those bazillion hits mentioned above, and these vendors had *wonderful* selections, all in stock, everything that had been available at the store (at some time in the past, I suppose). My admittedly brief survey suggested that these stores were overall cheaper, as well. So here's what the Dead Inc. people need to do: rather than waste a lot of time and effort trying to have a store of their own and keeping the applicable webpages current (or lose sales having somebody else manage the store for them, whichever it is), they need to go the Webring route, and direct potential customers to one of those other stores that do actually carry stuff, in stock. And these stores have a *huge* variety of things, too, that you never see at All the items that the deadstore has (excepting the Egypt '78 tie-ins, which I expect to be on sale soon) plus the usual hippy goodies, beaded curtains, incense, stickers etc etc. Lot of it appears to be licensed goods, anyway, so GDP must've gotten a little fee in there somewhere already. Deadcorp. just needs to approach these vendors and offer to link to their site for some small percentage of any sales generated by customers crossing over from Tracking the transaction is doable. The small (well-stocked & efficient) business gets to be a preferred vendor, customers increase as a result, doesn't need to worry about having a store, and people can easily have access to a wider variety of merchandise, clothes, jewelry, books, everything. I've gotten references to several sites through users here at, and spent several hundred dollars as a result jsut in the last few months. If I would've used a link through the website to get to these other vendors (since I always start at then DeadCorp would have gotten some little cut of the action, for no trouble at all. Viola! the problem is solved! And in a nice, communal fashion as well. There can be a nice group of pages here with links to other stores showing their logos or whatever, categorized or not. The site already does something vaguely similar, in the "Your Own Storefront" forum, this would just be bigger, centralized, flashier and more "professional". The Dead Mall. Lots of nice groovy names, too. "Dharma Rose", "SunshineJoy", like that. Brilliant. Ah, I'm a genius. You can send me a present, out of gratitude. Probably have an extra pyramid laying around, that'll be OK I guess, as long as I don't have to pay the shipping :^) (and look, here's one of those businesses to get ya started, and Beth sends the profits to Rex!) ********************************************* I have a sigfile! --> *********************************************
  • MarkintheDark
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    I ate all the peanut butter patties within days...
    ...of receiving my order. Samoas is (now=was) all I had left. Whole wheat muffins too! I didn't realize the NY Archive set had ever disappeared from amazon. I saw it when it was first posted, realized that it would set me back over five hundred bucks to enjoy (over $350 for the set, $150 for a blu-ray player) and couldn't look back. I have pretty low-def ears anyway. ********************************************* I have a sigfile! --> *********************************************
  • pkpotter
    Things are looking up
    markinthedark has moved to a much higher quality muffin meal and Neil's Archives are back up on amazon. I am sure it's just a coincedence.
  • johnman
    sounds good
    but ya'd hafta eat 'bout 9 of 'em...........ditch the samoa's tho...peanut butter patties, dude!
  • MarkintheDark
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    It's a little better tonight...
    English muffin pepperoni pizzas! (and leftover samoas) ********************************************* I have a sigfile! --> *********************************************
  • johnman
    the horror....the horror
  • pkpotter
    It's a sad day
    Sir markinthedark is relegated to eating frozen pot pies, and Neil Young's Archives have been pulled from amazon today, again. ;((
  • grdaed73
    hey johnman!
    i got an email this morning, scary shit dude! they are selling flying monkeys as stocking stuffers... must be some kinda devious plan abounding! 3 for $10, an army is amassing. be sure to cover all beer xmas day, they will be in the air!!
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17 years 9 months
continuing the free-form from where we left it...
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17 years 9 months

for you johnman... you'll still be a HIPpie though,right? best thoughts for all...peace
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17 years 7 months

Healing vibes heading your way!!A little patchouli always helps!! :) Keep in touch xoxoxoxo Peace,Gigi
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17 years 2 months

now i feel like a heel..........AND i STILL have my tonsils
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Hey folks,I am heading out tomorrow to go raft the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon for 16 days. Time to shift into the geological time zone. Back in mid July. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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17 years 8 months

Wishing you a wonderful and happy Summer Solstice Birthday. Hugs! XOXOXOXOXOXOXO GC! Have a good trip Hal, am looking forward to photos when you get back. ********************************** Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society. Mark Twain
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17 years 9 months

happy birthday to our own GC!
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17 years 4 months

Happy Birthday GC :) from one Whipper Snapper to Another..... Take it easy Johnman, Healing Vibes headed your way !! Sounds like quite an adventure Hal :) Have a groovy time :)!! PEACE
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17 years 8 months

Happy Trails to you! If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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17 years 9 months

Happy B-day, Cowgirl. love and peace.
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17 years 8 months

Happy Birthday to the little Golden Gate Park girl, Gypsy and a grate adventure to you Hal.
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Member for

17 years 6 months

Thanks, TL & all-I had no idea so many wished me a Happy Birthday! Makes me smile, even after 3 days..... Hal have a great trip, Johnman, get well! Cosmic Badger-where is that bolt on your head? CC Joe great vids as usual......cracks me up.....-Happy Summer to all!
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Member for

16 years

Hal R The river so white, the mountain so red...happy rafting on the great Colorado. There's an Arapahoe Indian saying..."you'll always come back" so no need to be sad once you've returned :) Johnman DEFINITELY sending galaxies of healing light and warmth to you...and to Johnman and CCS geez I know you hate the sesame oil idea (Jman) BUT organic sesame oil -cosmetic/not to eat doesn't really smell/can get at a Whole Foods (bronze cap). It really helps sore shoulders, joints.rub in affected area w/ knuckles towards the heart.Camphor, menthol etc STUFF can be too heating/organic sesame oil is neutral and calming/honest ;) Big thanks to the May 11th link to the LA show, petewilgoren (grate interview, behind the scenes, opener etc) I'm in LA...didn't go but listened and threaded online and what a moment! Wharf Rat ..the excitement you could feel...all of LA in an octopus garden with Wharf Rat tentacles LOL L
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17 years

I saw Michael Jackson in concert 25 years ago at Dodger Stadium in L.A., 30th row. Had a real good time. R.I.P.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

i hope you have a real fine Day Bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spanish Jam
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to Youuuuu, Happy Birthday Dearest Buddy, and a new funky hat for you too! xoxoxoxoxoxo! Wishing you all the best on your special day! ********************************** Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society. Mark Twain
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17 years 3 months

Buddy !! Hope you have a super day !! May peace and sunshine be with you on this day of your birth !
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17 years 7 months

Birthday wishes for you Buddy!! Hope it was happy!!Peace & Love ,Gigi
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Member for

17 years 9 months

to gypsy cowgirl... sorry i didn't get around to it : ) .... and to you also mr buddy plant, hope you had a grate day!!peacen'love2all
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Member for

17 years 2 months

to you buddy! And many more! If you plant buds, you're gonna harvest friends. Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.

Member for

17 years 8 months

For the birthday wishes !! It was a real fun time, we went up to Tahoe to spend some time with some old friends. Couldn't refuse an invitation that included shrooms, a hot tub, and lots of GOGD !!! I need to move up there, except in the winter. LOL
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17 years 8 months

I wish you a Happy Birthday, too.
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17 years 9 months

The drive from Yosemite to Tahoe is spectacular-I was there once in early June and it snowed really heavy in the mountains. Being from miami it was kind of freaky and cold !!!Saw the String Cheese Incident at Harrahs And the road goes on forever.... BobbaLee
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17 years 9 months

happy forth of july everybody!i can feel it in my feet now listen, here it comes again.. There's a band out on the highway They're high-stepping into town It's a rainbow full of sound It's fireworks, calliopes and clowns Everybody's dancing enjoy ; )
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17 years 2 months

Hippie forth in July, everyone! I call Jack Straw opener today. Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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17 years 8 months

have a grate 4th of july to all my Unitedstaters brothers and sisters!
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17 years 9 months

Happy Independence Day to all the brothers and sisters out there. Love to you all. peace,pk
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17 years 9 months

Happy 4th. for the Rothbury show, I call Sugar Magnolia... didn't leave no Texas before getting to Michigan...
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17 years 8 months

Just received "The complete annotated GD lyrics" from my daughter Sarah. GRATE! Share the LOVE! Richard.
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17 years 8 months

Get rid of an earworm song? Yesterday, YESTERDAY I listened to Diana Krall's "Quiet Nights", and hanging in there near the end of the album, catching me unawares, was a cover the of BeeGees' "How Can You Mend a Broken Heart." I've never liked the BeeGees, grew to loathe them during the disco era, but Krall does this very nice cover and suddenly I've got the BeeGee's version in my head and it won't go away!! ARRRGHH!!
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17 years 9 months

now i do too : ( !! ..... aaahhhhhhhh!!!
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17 years 8 months

But I have to admit that I hoped if I infected someone else I might get cured. But NOOOOO!!
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17 years 8 months

not only are you infecting others (me 3 now), but you could seriously be starting an epidemic. We need a vaccine!!!!!!!!********************************** Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society. Mark Twain
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17 years 8 months

What have I done??? TL, you're probably in big trouble, because I've read that these things infect women more than men, and music lovers more than the general populace. Two strikes against you. So sorry!!

Member for

17 years 8 months

... Dick's Picks #24, get you a dose of the Playin'>UJB>Dew>UJB>Playin', and that should take that nasty bit of disco right outta yer system. Doctor bill to follow...
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Way better advice than I got from one of my "friends": I got a message to get to you on this. I think the way to get the song out of your head will happen when all the lights go out in Massachusetts… and I’m not just starting a joke here. Perhaps this is just jive talking. But this one seems to be be like antibiotic-resistant staph, no killing the sucker. Right now I'm stuck at work, no streaming allowed on my computer, no music to listen to, just trapped inside my head with frakkin' song. Does DP 24 come in pill form?
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17 years 2 months

Focus, my man, focus! Just keep chanting to yourself: Some folks trust to reason, others trust to might. I don't trust to nothing, but I know it come out right." That should cure you of your current bout of Saturday Night Disease. Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

but i believe in heavily in self medication, i opted for old and in the way 7-23-73! but also a believer in too much is just enough, i will follow up with your suggestion, what show is that! oh nevermind i'll look it up!
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Member for

17 years 8 months

You've talked me down, the demon song has vanished. Or at least given way to Joe Cocker's "Hitchcock Railway." Don't know why it was that song, just glad it was something I like. Happy Friday!
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16 years 6 months

Hey...does anyone have a coppy of Saturdays show in Rothbury?
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Run for your Stones collection and play "Shattered" real loud.
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Member for

17 years 6 months

you 2 are cracking me up........hey grdaed73 & gratefaldean....hope you're all well now-with the vaccine xoxoxox Gypsy Cowgirl
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17 years 8 months

Ripple is my ultimate antidote for any stupid beat that follow me. DA DADA DA DA ...Share the LOVE! Richard.
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17 years 8 months

What is that Kaka! Bout shirts, n, stuff? Is in the Awards and Honors thread tooooooooo. Phooey!********************************** Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society. Mark Twain
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Hurry home, Johnman. We be missing you. And Hal, welcome back from the Grand Canyon! How was it to be traveling those grate waters? Is there a photo or two to share?
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Member for

17 years 2 months

back home on the 13th....sore and tired.......thanx everyone for the goodvibes and well wishes!! i know it helped treMENdously!.......have barely graduated from walker to cane. can't drive for another 3 weeks....