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  • marye
    fast-healing beams
    to Ted!
  • iknowurider
    Positive Beams ~
    to you Gr8fulTed, give the nurses Hell! PEACE
  • Oroboros
    Ted, I will send out some beams for 'steady hands' to
    your surgeon, AND some healing vibes out to you, my friend. ;o} The Truth is realized in an instant, the act is practiced step by step.
  • MarkintheDark
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    Best wishes, Gr8fulTed
    I have to be careful in sending out the beams, afraid some of my innate negativity will leak out. That said, hope things work out for the best, Ted. Be looking for you on the vines, bro' Even if you are holding back IPAs ;^D ************************************************ I have a sigfile! --> ************************************************
  • c_c
    Ted. all the best wishes and positive vibes during your hospital surgary. peace.
  • Gr8fulTed
    Under the knife tomorrow
    I'd like to thank all of you for being assertive, innovative and expressive within this forum over the past couple of years. Tomorrow, I'll be in surgery and hope that I return to your flavorful posts, even if you're Republican. David, if you're out there somewhere, see if you can find a recording from New Orleans > 10/18-19/80. If the anesthesia isn't too strong and the slicer isn't hungover, expect my return. If not, grdaed73 can have my double imperial IPA,s downstairs in the fridge. Good luck, God bless, and long live the Grateful Dead~!!
  • c_c
    lots of good advice above, and.... "when you get confused, listen to the music play"
  • Canyon Critter
    Thank you for you're post, it shows we all have stuff that sucks and we can't deal with. I used to be a regular at a chat place called Haven't posted or chatted in awhile. The funny thing is that we all need our time and space to figure it all out. What I do know is that the spark that was kindled in your heart for what most call "Dead" is acutally alive. I've never been through what you are speaking, have heard alot of indepent contractors that have gone there, but what you are going through is not irregular. Don't stay at home, don't be reclusive, and please let your light SHINE! Most people don't know of the Grateful Dead and what's known is either Jerry died or it's a Hippy Community. I know this...I wasn't born in the 60's, nor in a commune, nor did I waste my youth....You are a part of something bigger than that, which is what you know is to be true! There is more love in this place of existance than you know. I've been in the deepest darkest of holes, yet I knew I was meant for more, why? Not because of me but because there are truly people in the world that care. You are one of the few light that beacons from every spectrum of the just LET IT SHINE. Being a youngin I only understand a little, but I'm sure that all the love you find in this place WILL NOT FADE AWAY! Scotty _________________________________________________________ Will you come with me? Once in awhile you can get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right!
  • Good ol GD
    Alrighty then chubs
    Well first off positive vibes Look man get out of the house, don't lock yourself into a cell and shut others out. Find others with your same experience and talk about it. If no counseling is available to you. You need to vent holding stuff in only creates anger and self sorrow. Don't feel sorry for yourself. Get out go to a show seems like there is alot of the scene out there get away for a few days. I know we alllike to have our higher conciousness or altered whatever. But please my brother don't drink yourself into a cave. Now that that is said. I know the experience and am sure have been in much worse situations than any KBR personnel. Please don't take that as a personal strike against you. It's not. I'm sure the thing is something you wish to contend with. death is a daily deal contractors are not exempt from the horrors and are targets as well. So with all that said and you start thinking who the fuck is this guy to tell me. My name is SFC Dwight R. Laporte am on my 3rd tour in Iraq. My job is combat engineer. I parachuted in Bashur Iraq in 03. returned in 06 to Mosul and am again currently in Mosul. I could go into great detail of war but don't think this is tjhe place. War sucks but is a reality we all have to deal with. everyone is affected either directly or indirectly. Have friends or family members who have been here etc. Maybe for me I've just kinda built of an internal defense. Sometimes nothing seems to matter, I always say if no body's dead it ain't that serious. I've been posting on here alot for the last couple month's cause we are getting ready to go home and have toned down some. Have made some grate friends here and hope to meet them somewhere one day. It helps me cause I a freakin deadhead and we all relate. And like you off the bus for a long time. I catch a fest when I can but won't be able to be completly free for 3 more years. I've gotten so much recent info about what is going on these days here. And like you when Jerry passed I kinda just lost touch with it all. Still listened of course but stayed in the Army. Anyway what did you do with all those big dollars KBR paid you, ha ha. Look man write me anytime. I look forward each day hoping some of my friends dropped me a line or responde to a post in a goofy way is alot of fun and is a release for me. So to all of you thanks. And chubs you can get past the bad but doing it alone is not the way to go believe me
  • GratefulGigi
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    Sending you lots of LOVE & POSITIVE vibes.......and some tunes....... Help on the way, well, I know only this, I've got you today. Don't fly away, cause I love what I love and I want it that way. I will stay one more day, like I say, honey it's you. Making it too, without love in a dream it will never come true. Peace.Gigi
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good thoughts for u, johnman! have a speedy recovery and i second what buddy wished for u : ) thinkin of u too TL! strengh beams for u and yer kids. peacen'love2all!!
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17 years 4 months

Wish you the best. Share the LOVE! Richard.
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17 years 3 months

Warm thoughts to you.
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17 years 2 months

good vibes to you and warm cookie hugs
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17 years 4 months

Good luck, hope everything goes well. My bro had hip surgery a few months ago. He's doing grate!Peace
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15 years 3 months

Hanzi the univers smiles here and now1
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17 years 4 months

+++ vibes for Lilly, her family and everyone. more +++++ vibes for johnman and hip. love and peace.
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16 years 10 months

So sorry for that folks .. Warm positive vibes to all who are in need !!
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15 years 9 months

Positive healing vibes for your hip brother. My uncle had the same thing a few years back. Take care and we will have lots of cookies and cake when you recover.Peace- Moye
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16 years 11 months

to all of ya, johnman, my hip is very distressed as well (terrible genetics) so my heart go out to ya.Peace, The Kid
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17 years 4 months

wondering the same thing. Good vibes to Johnman this sunny morning.
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17 years 4 months

Love and hope beams to you johnman. Think of you often. That is a reflection of your spirit and its effect on people. Will be wishing you all the happiness you send to others.A sign of a grate brother. peace and thoughts of healing and love,pk
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15 years 11 months

Sounds like you need some cookies and beer. Delicious coookies dipped in beer, yeah that was your idea. But most of all you really need some Kind cake! Goood vibes going to you brother _____________________________________________ Will you come with me? Once in awhile you can get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right!
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17 years 4 months

and take advantage of your downtime. Pace yourself and follow the therapist's orders! The Truth is realized in an instant, the act is practiced step by step.
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17 years 4 months

heal fast beams for you my friend! what i want to know is can you still do the hippie hippie shake?cookies to you!! and cake! oh, and beer : )
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15 years 7 months

Thinking of you, and healing rays/HOPE it's all going smoothly!
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17 years 2 months

Aplington-Parkersburg head football coach Ed Thomas was murdered by a former player last Wednesday morning. Our good friend here Deadhead hawkeye was a friend of his and needs our vibes guys...send em out please!!! Hugs Hawkeye!!!Peace & Love, Gigi Johnman hang in there man I miss you!! arf arf!! Cookies anyone??
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16 years 2 months

Serene and blissful thoughts to all johnman, move in Spirit, buddy let Love walk you
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16 years 11 months

Well I never! ha ha ha Hope your feeling spry today :) Sorry to hear about Hawks' friend. Healing vibes to the family.... PEACE rider
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17 years 3 months

Mona spoke to him. He is doing physical therapy, and walking a bit even, though with a walker. If I understood correctly, Mona also said that his physical therapist is a member of this site, amazing coincidence, eh? ********************************** Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society. Mark Twain
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17 years 4 months

of course I am just returned from my annual checkup and my doctor is a Deadhead, but this has been the case for eons. Glad to hear Johnman is progressing well!
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17 years 3 months

i've been in and out and just read of your surgery, etc. i hope you are recovering well and that this makes your life better in innumerable ways! thinking of you and prayers to you, my good man- caroline
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17 years 4 months

Johnman-I hope all is well and improving- I hope we all celebrate July 4th and remember how good our country can be and how great we can make it. May every burst of light and sound this holiday be a prayer of hope and good vibes. And the road goes on forever.... BobbaLee
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15 years 3 months

New to the site but in need of good vibes. Not hav ing the best year. But hello anyway and good vibes to all (like me) in need of good vibes. ......
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16 years 10 months

First welcome aboard mrhead , and best wishes to you . I think times are tough for a lot of folks these days including myself . Best wishes and positive thoughts to ya !! Second , johnman. I hope your surgery went well and that you are back up and moving around real soon ! Am thinking about you brother !! Third, Hawkeye. I hope your pysical therapy is going well .. Listen to what those folks have to say , they know what they`r doing.. Best of wishes to ya my freind in Dead.. Fourth , Best of wishes and positive beams to everyone else who needs them !! Maybe we can all pull together and help each other out .. ready everyone ? Pull all you positive energy all at once and we`ll try to cosmicly give the whole world a good boost !!! Peace and sunshine for all !! Stu..
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15 years 3 months

Thank you. And I hope all is well with everyone goin thru physical,spiritual,or mental stress right now.I have a close friend who is in need of some positive 2005 her and her husband (one of my best friends)were diagnosed with 2006 we lost rob her husband and its been rough everysince to say the least I knew them both for a very long time I moved in with them after further fest 97 and we did further 98 the following year.I'm want my freind vickie to join this site so she can get positve feedback from some likeminded heads.thank you for yoiur good vibes and I wish everone a wonderful day and a speedy recovery to all who arte love Jerome
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16 years 2 months

Welcome mrhead-Jerome warm gentle supportive thoughts to all in need Andy
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17 years 3 months

and warm good vibes to you and yours. Everybody else while I'm at it Johnman, how're you doing buddy? ********************************** Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society. Mark Twain
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15 years 11 months

May your days be shining bright with all the beaming love of everyone of us! Hawk, I hope you're doing well. Johnman, keep on getting better and mrhead good place to find kind people that love you! _____________________________________________ Will you come with me? Once in awhile you can get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right!
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15 years 2 months

Have listened to the dead for four or five years, never had a chance to see them back in the day. But i made sure i got up to rothbury fest to see them...That shit blew my mind and rocked my world. Hope to see some more of them. - I am a radio, you are a radio. Even if we break down, our stations keep on playing. Peace
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16 years 2 months

Heya, just popping my head up out of the rainforest that isVermont this summer, and saying hey to all. How fortunate we? Bestest shiniing golden bright positive thoughts in all directions. Andy, One Love Street, Heaven "blisters on my fingers and ferns on my shoes"
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17 years 4 months

all those vibes you've been outpouring will come back to you many times over... find strength and love galore in these tough times. as the blind man said, can't you see.... quack!peacen'love and : ) : ) : )
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17 years 4 months

Here's some more good news; my sister-in-law is doing well and firmly on the road to recovery. She still has some surgery ahead but my wife and I spent some time with her today and things are going very well after some early perils that were too unbelievable to describe. Hopefully we'll all be able to laugh about it one day. I hope everyone is doing well and for those struggling; my prayers are with you. Hello to TL and welcome mrhead. Thanks again everyone! "Truth is something you stumble into when you think you're going someplace else." ~ Jerry Garcia
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17 years 3 months

My dear friend and ex boss in Spain just called me this morning with the devastating news that his father died last Wednesday. I had the pleasure of knowing Senor Rey, and am truly saddened by this news. He was such a cheerful, peaceful man, with kind smiling eyes. I used to run into him in the street in Sevilla, from time to time, and he always had a kind word, or would insist on carrying my groceries home with me. Jose, his mother, and younger brother are devastated; and Jose told me that his father died in his arms. He said that the loss has not fully sunk in yet-for example he almost phoned to check on his father this morning. Jose and I spoke for a very long time today, and his deep sadness was striking me very hard. I have a very clear visual image of Senor Rey, and am feeling very fortunate that I had the opportunity to know such a fine person. Jose's younger brother has MS, his mother is devastated, and Jose is assuming the role of head of the family now. He needs our love and support vibes, in order to be able to handle processing his father's death, managing the details of the estate, running his business, and getting through his loss. He told me that his family has been somewhat comforted by the outpouring of support from friends, aquaintances, and former co-workers, and that there were nearly 500 people at the funeral, from all over Spain. Friends, please help me with sending strength and peace and recovery vibes to my beloved friend and his family. It is very strange, as working for him down in Spain was sometimes very very tough, but the fact that Jose had been trying to reach me here in the States, (he tried to call my cell phone several times) so soon after his father's death has reminded me of what is really important-our personal bond is deeper than any professional stress. And to have heard the loss in his voice is breaking my heart. Adios y paz Senor Rey, una persona muy especial. Te vayas nos falta. ********************************** Education: that which reveals to the wise, and conceals from the stupid, the vast limits of their knowledge. Mark Twain
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16 years 2 months

Strong prayers to you, Lily, I know you willbe a great help and support to Jose and his family. Love will cut through the personal stuff, and show you what is really important, often at the most difficult times. We shall go on, perhaps with broken hearts, but we shall endure. Andy
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15 years 3 months

Hey thanx everybody glad to hear about your sis grtud. Sorry to hear about your friends father muy. Positive vibes go out to all. Thanx for the warm welcome. Things looking a little better and I needed the positive outlook. Thanx again
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15 years 7 months

to us all...Always good to stop by this forum and feel and beam back the love and hope. Extra blanket hugs and beams to anyone who's really sad!
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17 years 3 months

"We have the technology"....don't know why this flashes me back to the Bionic Man/Woman tv daze (well of course I know why), but my wife is about to have knee replacement surgery. I think that I'm freaking more about it than she is -- can't shake the idea that they are going to CUT THE "OLD" KNEE (which is to say, her real one) OUT...and if something doesn't go quite right, it's not like they can put the old one back in, can they? Her recovery will be tougher than it could be -- she's had to stop taking the meds that have been keeping her arthritis at bay, won't be able to re-start for a month after the surgery. This will make the re-habbing on the knee all that more difficult, but she's stubborn and tougher than she looks, so I'm confident all will go well. Extra healing vibes request to help through this...thanks all!
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16 years 9 months

they're doin' amazing things these days. i just had a hip replaced and they tell me knees are a cinch. recovery time of about 6 weeks......positive healing vibes out to yer honey!!
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17 years 2 months

going out to all who need them
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17 years 3 months

This message was posted today on the Eurotraders list 'David was taken ill yesterday and wound up in hospital in Carson City with suspected Pericarditis'. Sending David all good wishes for a rapid recovery.
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16 years 10 months

And positive vibes to all who need em !! wishing peace and sunshine for all !!
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17 years 4 months

+++ vibes for Gans.
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17 years 3 months

To Mr Gans The knee surgery went well for my lovely wife, she was pretty unhappy with the pain yesterday but things are looking better today! Didn't Johnman's hip cure have something to do with patchouli? Thanks all!!