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Amazingly cool man! Keep'em
Amazingly cool man! Keep'em coming, Please.
Ripplechild1, have you
Ripplechild1, have you checked Comix, under Features on the Table of Contents? Lots of 'em!!
dead toons
Very cool, this was my favorite part of the almanac.
figured this would be a good
figured this would be a good thread...what ever happened to the almanac? no word, it just up and poof, gone!
...don't like the clowns, bus and uncle sam are cool.
Glad to be here!
Loved the Comics.. How about doing one for "Franklin's Tower" ?
fully connected
This is the art form of choice for me, I love it. Bertha isn't the only fan.
The Music Never Stopped
Welcome back, Old Friend
Free your mind.
Awesome, sets well for wallpaper. Please keep it coming man.
Just what I need in the Morning
Superb artwork, this needs to be brought out in book.
playing in the band comix is
playing in the band comix is neat but to up tight for the dead the dead r peace love and harmony this needs to ba angered down just a notch or two but its good dont get me wrong its just more like guns n roses
Bring Back Grateful Dead Comix!!!
I know Tim is probably really busy, but we need to bring back Grateful Dead Comix so we can be blessed with Tim's work the way it is supposed to be viewed!
The current format is WAY to small (especially the ones in the archive, you can't eve read the words), and WAY to short.
Come back to us Tim!! (Bringing back GrimJack would also be acceptable...)
Don't like the clowns
I'm with Phil W. Garcia on this one. The rest is real cool! One for DARK STAR would be so sweet.
Bears Instead
johnnyredI also agree with Phil W Garcia - lose the clowns, give us bears instead!