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  • johnman
    think i like yer plan
    i have always considered hate to be a waste of energy, anyway...couldn't we use that energy to power my cd player?...oh yeah...and the fridge....jus' for my beer ya unnerstan. cuz, ya know....ain't no time to hate
  • starsleeper
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    I vote for a Planet of Love
    Are we just delaying the inevitable? Has the beast gotten out of control? How long can a system based on mass consumption at the expense of the environment we depend on and were given for free go on? As long as people hate each other we'll be in a world of hurt. Do you believe in miracles? Everything's gonna be all-right,someday.
  • johnman
    i too am no fan of our president
    but he was duly elected by a majority of the people, as close as the election actually was. i am concerned how ever about what appears on the surface. apparently the government now controls most banking, most of the auto industry and soon, possibly, health care. i am all for comprehensive health for all citizens but at what price?...i'm still adhering to my "wait and see" philosophy, hoping taxes won't be raised...i can't afford it.
  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    Ted: Obama is no savior
    While I admire Barak Obama for his great skill in oratory (certainly the best speech maker since Lincoln), I think it would be unfortunate to see him as some kind of savior. Yes, yes and yes he is moving forward in some important areas such as health care but when crunch time came on the economy he chose to bail out AIG and investment banks 100 cents on the dollar rather than to cut some type of deal. 32 billion will be paid out to executives in the largest banks for bonuses this year. He has sent more than 20,000 more troops to Afghanistan where there is no clear route to "victory". Iraq remains problematic. This year is the dealiest for US forces of the entire war. It is clearly business as usual for our country with a few flourishes in such areas as health care and the green economy. It is indeed unfortunate to see how the great unwashed and eneducated masses can be whipped up into a foaming-at-the-mouth hysteria regarding all things Barak by these moping maggots of mendacity, but it is only economic fear and racism that is driving them. ~ The rich man in his summer home saying just leave well enough alone ~
  • Mr. Pid
    I'm not sure that's the right way to describe it. Perhaps overly optimistic? Facts and information are only required to form an informed opinion. There are no rules prohibiting uninformed opinions or their dissemination. It is up to each individual to bother to inform themselves. And that's probably for the best in the end. I certainly wouldn't want to be subjected to a regime where only "official" opinions were allowed. Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
  • TigerLilly
    Just now saw my jet-lagged typo. Meant to type " even if parents DISaggree". Thanks Ted! I certainly heard plenty of illogical disrespect while I was over there! For example it is impossible that Obama has "ruined" the country in his 9 months in office-and I heard that statement a couple of times. Am I utterly naive, or are not facts and information required to be able to form an opinion? ********************************** Education: that which reveals to the wise, and conceals from the stupid, the vast limits of their knowledge. Mark Twain
  • Gr8fulTed
    Free speech and obstruction
    Good morning Tiger Lilly from deep in the heart of the USA, in red state Kansas. In November of 2008, US voters gave a majority of votes to Barack Obama indicating acceptance of a need for change here in America. Finally, a return to honesty, a cleaner environment, alternative energy prospects and access to health care for all! A very noble and ambitious agenda, indeed.As you've seen and heard, there is a voice of discontent bent on disabling President Obama's agenda to bring about change. Rather than working with the Democratic majority in Congress, the Republicans have chosen not to cooperate, nor contribute, to any successful endeavor. At risk are millions of people without health insurance, including my 2 young adult sons and their lady friends. Fueling this obstruction is a right-wing attack machine using the various media to discredit and weave fabrications to derail any effort to bring progress to this country. Too many people listen to the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Pat Robertson and Glenn Beck. These few have been able to bring disrespect and discord, daily, to the American public, many of whom actually indicate belief that Obama may be forcing some evil socialist agenda upon us. It's very discouraging to see this negativity receiving so much attention, rather than focusing on the real needs of the American people. It is therefore difficult for the Obama administration to rise above this wave of negativity and to maintain a positive structured approach to bringing about any change. Next year we'll have a congressional election where new candidates will be elected and, hopefully, many of the non-productive obstructionists will be booted out!
  • TigerLilly
    Can someone please explain?
    When I was in the States, I was reading the newspaper articles about parents objecting to Obama speaking to schoolchildren. What is wrong with this plan? Even if parents agree with Obama's political agenda, is it not a perfect platform for home discussion? It is incomprehensible to me that there are parents over there who would not want their children to hear what their president has to say.********************************** Education: that which reveals to the wise, and conceals from the stupid, the vast limits of their knowledge. Mark Twain
  • gratefaldean
    The 9's
    Just a couple of hours on the East Coast before we hit 09:09:09 am EDT on 09/09/09. Since today seems to be Beatles day, I'd crank up a short playlist including: One after 909 Revolution #9 #9 Dream Cloud 9 But I'm at work, will be in a meeting, so that just won't happen.
  • GratefulGigi
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    Same here...
    Every time I try to upload a pic it comes up a question mark, it takes me like 10 times to finally be able to pre view it then post :( Can someone help us here please :)
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17 years 9 months
continuing the free-form from where we left it...
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I'm not one of them, I just pointed out that they ALL aren'tracist right wingnuts.
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17 years 8 months

and Lilly, you didn't really expect a "straight" answer to your question, didja?? these days I might be feeling a bit "bent" but my old lady is helping me `getting it all straightened out' ( -: hey now GIGI!! been missing you and everyone, time I should be heading back into David's VDO land... missing riding with you and the Bus et al. see ya on the other side of the rabbit hole, my sister. hope to catch up sooner rather than later. one day at a tiime, keep on keeping on. p.s. RIO 2016!!! capoeira y samba mucho gusto! the kids they dance and shake their..... love & peace.
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17 years 7 months

Rider and Bus sightings here few and far between nowadays. Iknow the lady has her hands full nowadays. Bus parks only over yonder now.********************************** Education: that which reveals to the wise, and conceals from the stupid, the vast limits of their knowledge. Mark Twain
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17 years 8 months

thanks for the potato song again - Dark HalR, just had some great ones for supper. Just shared the song with my wife. But actually I live in Washington which is now the onion state. Am about 30 miles from the Idaho border. But we do grow yummy potatoes here. Ate my Washington potato with Washington onions. The Walla Walla sweet onion was designated our state vegetable in 2007. The potato growers wanted it to be the potato and the potato and onion farmer's lobbies each lobbied at the state house to have their vegetables made the official state vegetable. It was a close call but the Walla Walla sweet won. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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the thought of potato farmers and onion farmers duking it out in the state house for the right to be state vegetable. So funny it brings tears to my eyes! heheh
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17 years 8 months

that our state dance is the square dance. I can just see it now, next time at the Gorge when the Dead play, thousands of Washington Deadheads square dancing away. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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17 years 8 months

that our state fossil is the Columbian Mammoth? banana slug, lol If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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that our state saint is Jimi Hendrix? If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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17 years 8 months

bytheby, hal. giving credit where it is due, the title, "Dark Hal R" was an original idea come up by the Badger. hope your wife dug it. meanwhile, since i only got re-runs left inside of me here, I'll do a bit of one-up-manship with the badger: Cosmic Badger Cosmic Badger what's up with you You travel so far, that's what you do To 'WhereverthefuckitisStan' you flew Go on home, Mrs Badger's calling you Cooking up a pot of badger stew Light the fire -- put it under you Out the window a Great Tit flew Go on home, Mrs Badger's calling you Now you have just one more chance We all wanna see the Badger dance Trippin out and in a trance Poke my eyes, with a lance Meeting you in an airport bar Looking at the sky we see Dark Star Drinking beers all during the day My ears are clogged, 'what did you say?' You said you're a badger or are you a skunk Don't really know but there's a funk Is it you or is it me? Don't know, but CC's gotta pee CC Joe, the cops are on to you You are taking so damn long in the loo What you got there in your hand? What comes out is dry like sand You're feeling that 'itch' aren't you? Your old lady knows what you wanna do Poor old CC, please don't feel blue Turning her back she's just stalling you Stalling you Stalling you Stalling you Stalling you Maybe later, she says with a sigh Old CC is starting to cry No worries, mate. She's joking with you Get in bed, she says to you Get in bed, she'll be kind to you Get in bed, she'll be kind to you Get in bed, she'll be kind to you KIND TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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17 years 8 months

I love a good food fight during Farm Aid.
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17 years 7 months

And so castles made of sand fall in the sea, eventually Gee, I didn't know Jimi received Washington sainthood? Everyday I eat my favorite apple, the Gala, your state fruit. My habanerro chili contains your state vegetable: a Walla Walla onion. Odds say that the goldfinch will fly over the banana slug, though.
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16 years 11 months

Farm Aid? Fans or musicians? I'll bet Willie was pissed, or maybe laughing. love the one your with
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as in drunk, or pissed as in perturbed?********************************** Education: that which reveals to the wise, and conceals from the stupid, the vast limits of their knowledge. Mark Twain
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I was just referring to the virtual food fight occuring in this blog. Oh and by the way, I prefer the term "referring" as in you get high through the kindness of a stranger rather than the one where you point at someone. What would Willie Do?
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between the farmers at Farm Aid. I would want to have apples, peaches and corn on the cob, maybe a few melons. Would be very hard for the rice and wheat farmers to win in a food fight with their grains. But maybe then the wheat farmers would start chasing everyone around with those giant tractors and combines. What Would Wille Do? If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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Willie? he'd smoke and chuckle me thinks. this is actually a prettygood interview, enjoy: peace.
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16 years 11 months

I meant pissed as in perturbed that people would be fighting at his show, I doubt Willie gets "pissed" as in drunk anymore. Hal R,'s post really cracked me up. All you really need...
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17 years 7 months

That was irony!********************************** Education: that which reveals to the wise, and conceals from the stupid, the vast limits of their knowledge. Mark Twain
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17 years 6 months

everyone seems to be asking "what would Willie do?" I believe he would just light up another & keep on puffing.......
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17 years 1 month

write a song about it
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17 years 8 months

*** "I had a hard run" back when I was about 14/15, I ran the NYC marathon... way too hung over from partying the night before, got to the Staten Island side of the Verrazzano Narrows Bridge really late, sparking up to take the edge off... anyways, immediately after the race started I was the last of the runners. It was frigging embarrassing, I was literally fucking LAST coming off the 59th Street bridge, heading up First Ave, all through the Bronx, back down, and into Central Park, I was frigging last. Most of the crowd was actually cheering me on really loudly and supportively, yelling 'yo tie dye go!!' This guy in front of me, second to last, was making fun of me the whole way through the last few miles. With the finish line in sight, this mook says to me: "Hey kid, how does it feel to be last?" . I says: "You want to know?" and I dropped out. ( -; peace. (jojo the fish era)
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that is sweet. really sweet nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile
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17 years 1 month

right on cc!!
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a tale in the category of: don't mess with the hippies freaks. ( -: peace.
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Your president got the Nobel price for Peace. S.V.P. Give him time.From "un voisin du Québec". Richard.
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Happy Birthday to the memory of John Lennon, 9 October 1940 – 8 December 1980. You changed my life and woke me up. Imagine. Give Peace a Chance. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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17 years 8 months

Thanks Hal for the your post. And thank you, cc for the clips. I never thought that this evening I would be sitting here honoring the memory of John Lennon. Thank you, again.
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Knock Knock . Who's there? . Anita . Anita who ? . . Anita miracle everyday! . ( -: ©2009 cc joe; AKA: CC Giuseppe; AKA: CC Zeppe; AKA: CC Jose; AKA: Jose Carlos Calio Hernandez Leal Delgado Sanz Fernández Luna Galván Los Muertos Agradecidos Pesce Bienvenuto; AKA: Joe Pesce; AKA:Jojo the Fish; AKA:Joey Fish; AKA: Joe Bienvenuto; AKA: Joe Welcome.
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Knock Knock . Who's there? . Al Most . Al Most who ? . . Al Most 100 pages in this thread! . ( -: ©2009 cc joe; AKA: CC Giuseppe; AKA: CC Zeppe; AKA: CC Jose; AKA: Jose Carlos Calio Hernandez Leal Delgado Sanz Fernández Luna Galván Los Muertos Agradecidos Pesce Bienvenuto; AKA: Joe Pesce; AKA:Jojo the Fish; AKA:Joey Fish; AKA: Joe Bienvenuto; AKA: Joe Welcome.
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Knock Knock . Who's there? . Anita . Anita who ? . . Anita some new jokes. ) -; . . ©2009 cc joe; AKA: CC Giuseppe; AKA: CC Zeppe; AKA: CC Jose; AKA: Jose Carlos Calio Hernandez Leal Delgado Sanz Fernández Luna Galván Los Muertos Agradecidos Pesce Bienvenuto; AKA: Joe Pesce; AKA:Jojo the Fish; AKA:Joey Fish; AKA: Joe Bienvenuto; AKA: Joe Welcome.
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17 years 7 months

Hi! I miss you!! So good to see your funny posts!! :) Keep sharing the LOVE! Peace xo