- Post reply Log in to post comments515 repliesmaryeJoined:Trivia questions, who wrote that song, when was the last time the Dead played Deer Creek, etc.
- gr8fulgal77Joined:Lost Show
Hey y’all
I have a cassette of a show that doesn’t have a date on it. Brent is singing, so it’s in the ‘80s and the crowd cheered loudly when Memphis was mentioned…maybe held in Memphis, TN??? Can anyone help me ID the show for my collection? Set list is below:
Set 1
Touch of Grey
Walkin Blues
Candy man
Queen Jane Approximately
It’s All over Now
Far From Me
Don’t Ease Me InSet 2
Feel Like a Stranger
Franklin’s Tower
Box of Rain - coyoteben_73Joined:Hey Friends,
My brother was…Hey Friends,
My brother was born on 8/18/67. I hear tale of a small show at an American Legion Hall (I think) somewhere in Nevada (I think). Does anyone know if that show exists out there? Trying to gift it to him for his 55th next year.
Many Thanks! - unkljohnJoined:RFK Stadium 6/25/95
I know this is a long shot....but during Truckin' in the second set, the big screens were showing lots of license plates swirling around and lots of tie dye graphics and such. We heard later that the videographer had been out in the lot and came upon someone who had one of those Unbroken Chain posters of all the Dead related plates. Well, they swirled my plate up there about 6 times and I didn't have a camera or a phone to get a photo. My plate in a North Carolina plate with GARCIA on it. If you have a photo or video, please let me know! I can make a good trade with you! Unk