- Post reply Log in to post comments88 repliesmaryeJoined:Here's a place to talk about the words that really grabbed you. That remain a touchstone of your life to this day. That are especially meaningful to you. Etc.
- General GauJoined:Rings Like Fire, a Cash Tribute?
I always enjoyed the song “Franklin’s Tower” even though I didn’t know who Franklin is or why he/she has a tower! When I heard it was Ben Franklin I thought, how clever and appropriate (and potentially lucrative, too ;-) that purveyors of Americana recorded a song about a founding father one year before the bicentennial. We know it’s about a lot more than bell manufacturing, but are other meanings in Hunter’s cryptic lyrics necessarily deeper meanings? Like the phrase “rings like fire.” What does that even sound like? Then I thought of Johnny Cash’s “Ring of Fire.” The latter is a metaphor for love while the former is a simile for…urgency? Volume? Or is Hunter referencing, consciously or unconsciously, the iconic country song? Certainly he was hip enough to know Johnny’s work. Your thoughts?
- DelilahJonessJoined:The meaning behind Morning…
The meaning behind Morning Dew always gets me. Such a horribly depressing yet beautiful song. “I can’t walk you out in the morning dew today.” Post apocalypse this song tells of how he is the only one left. There is no baby crying it’s all in his head. The kind of acceptance of the end jerry sings this song with gets me every time. Love this song.
- zozoe29Joined:Let's start off simple. 🕉 PAGING DAVID DODD!
For the scoop on what this is all about,visit MY G.D. FRIENDS PORTAL on FB, take a poke around, & take in all the riddles & rhymes that Hunter/Garcia have covertly laced, at last count, in 36 songs,,,that's 18 pairings of songs that will change everything you thought you knew about some of your favourite tunes~~ it undoubtedly uncovers where several tunes grew out of...both musically & lyrically. Sure, there are many sites that cover this topic, DAVID DODDS ANNOTATED LYRICS, but no one seems to touch on what I'm getting into, & what Hunter has confirmed to me as being 'real'~ Truly bookworthy!!
kenny (moto) @ kslewitt@gmail.com
As a guitar player, it was obvious to me that these two songs, though in different keys, are the same song, same changes, & you can pretty much sing/play them side by side....play one & sing the other...beginning to end.......it works!! Then Hunter spreads his words & images, dead on cue~~ And the song titles alone tell the story!!
Here goes:"Come all you pretty women
with your hair hanging DOWN""When they come to take you DOWN
When they bring that wagon round,"Open up your windows 'cause
the Candyman's in TOWN""When they come to call on you
and drag your poor body DOWN"
"Hand me my old guitar" >>>
"Just one thing I ask of you"
"Pass the whiskey round" >>>
"Just one thing for me"
"Want you to tell everybody you meet
the Candyman's in town" >>>
"Please forget you knew my name
My darlin' Sugaree"
"LOOK OUT, LOOK OUT the Candyman"
"SHAKE IT, SHAKE IT Sugaree""Here he comes & he's gone again"
"Just don't tell them that you know me"
"I come in from Memphis
where I learned to talk the jive" >>>
"You thought you was the cool fool
Never could do no wrong"
So, won't you tell everyone you know that the Candyman's Sugaree?!
kslewitt@gmail.com with your reactions or thoughts or just a smile~~
moto 🕉
================================ - sisterearthJoined:you are so rightI used to drive my friend crazy by blurting out some Grateful Dead lyrics that fit the moment. Of course friend was not a deadhead so just looked at me confused until I said its a GD song. It is grate fun to do this with someone who knows what you are talking about....what I want to know is are you kind!
- ElectricBoogalooBlueJoined:Scarlet BegoniasI was talking to a girlfriend I hadn't seen in 2 years and she was telling me the story of how she finally got clean. The person who ended up being the one to help her was a 20 year old kid who spent his whole life on the street, hustling on his bike, and didn't really have anything. He was given some money for Christmas and spent it on helping her. She said of all her big money family she found it odd that he was the one with the least to give whom helped her the most. At which time I could not help but say mama it's true and started singing "Once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right..." We both laughed and smiled and thanked the Dead for all their inspiration.
- cbenJoined:for me...it's...what do you want me to do for you, to watch for you while you are sleeping....and, once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right... I have so many that have impacted me, today I would say the entire song Black Throated Wind has had the most profound impact on me.