• 929 replies
    Was a student there at the time. Saw the JGB in Campbell Hall (76?),With collaboration from various kind folks in the Dead.net vining community, our own erickat prepared this handy guide explaining how vining works hereabouts. Many thanks to all involved, and vine on! --

    Dead.Net Vines - What It Is & How It Works

    (We're changing some things for 2009)

    BACKGROUND: The concept of a "vine" is music sharing through conventional means (e.g. mailing cd's or dvd's) with the sign-up list being on-line. The basic idea is that someone starts (seeds) a vine, made up of one or multiple shows,and sends it via mail to the first person who signs up. That person makes a copy for themselves and sends the ORIGINAL media on to the next person on the list. As more people sign up, it continues to grow and grow - hence the name "vine".

    MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Make sure you can deal with the media format. Many vines are


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  • That Nice Hippy Guy
    Nice work dstache
    Since Ive been active in the vineyard I dont think anything has ever bothered and confused me as much as this markinthedark thing. A few weeks ago I couldent even imagine him stalling a vine much less killing one. He must be going through some serious stuff or something. I hope that he gets it all straightened out. Peace and Love, Trevor "You know the one thing we need is a left handed monkey wrench....."
  • Arkdeadhead
    Not to be a dick, but he has stalled more than that. He stalled Winterland '74 for a long time and also RFK '73, which I get Oroboros to reseed. Both of these vines got sent to me by DHBen at the same time and it took me by surprise because I had no idea they were coming. I know that he does have Santa Fe '83. As far as I am concerned he is the biggest offender. So much for me not wanting to call people out, but this is info that needed to be shared.
  • dstache
    After an exhaustive, and
    After an exhaustive, and exhausting, perusal of all the Grateful Dead and JGB (and LOM, and Recon, etc) vines, but NOT vines for other bands or even the current incarnation of the boys, here is what I have: (1) For all the trouble we seem to be having, this is an AWESOME place. The MAJORITY of vines are either still alive or have died a natural death, i.e., the last person on the list received it and no one signed up after. My collection has grown by leaps and bounds because of the vineyard. Let's be grateful for what we have. It reminds me of the saying that democracy is the worst form of government, except for every other kind. Sure, we have problems, but all in all this may be the best place for Heads on the internet. (2) Communication is the key. Going through the vines, I noticed the lack of communication. It is difficult to figure out on some of them where the vine died. Post often, post when you receive the vine, post when you mail it out and to whom mailed it. (3) Although I initially disagreed with the recommendation, I now agree that we should PM the person after us, both to confirm they are still active and their address. (4) Emergencies happen. We need to be patient with that. Just let us know and we will be. As we all know, Hal has a family illness. He has a few vines and I am sure we all want him to take whatever time he needs. (5) As I said, sometimes it isn't clear, but when your name appears numerous times it is tough to give you the benefit of the doubt. For example, if 3 different people say they mailed you 3 different vines, and none of the vines turn up again, it is difficult to blame the mail (it DOES happen, but NOT to the same person that many times). (6) The bad guys. No doubt about these characters. They are the Bermuda Triangle of viners. DO NOT SEND THEM ANY MORE VINES UNTIL THEY CLEAR THINGS UP WITH THE COMMUNITY. Do not just send them a PM and ask if they are active; they have caused too many vines to disappear for that. They are vine killers. They have killed before, and they will kill again. (a) Chinacat503 appears to have killed at least 3 vines (Nov 72, Eurovines # 4 & # 5). (b) Markinthedark, once a great viner, appears to have absconded with at least 6 vines (KPFA, Maples 2/9/73, Flac Me Flac You, 12/27/77, Early Stuff Vol 1, 3 and Augusta 10/12/84); (c) gratefulmikes appears to have killed at least 8 vines (funiculi funicula, 93 by request, Legion of Mary, Winterland June 77, NYE 83, Summer 82, Greek 84 and LOM Mystery). NOTE THAT he is signed up to soon receive Europe 74 so heads up birdsong1969nj and Jimbo (unclear who has it right now)!!!! He may also have killed Red Rocks 9/8/83 (or Deadhead Ben never sent it to him) (d) Day Glo Louisville appears to have killed at least 4 vines (Eurovine Acoustic, Garcia/Saunders 73, March 28,31/73, Jerry solo 4/10/82). He is also an interesting person in the Garcia Party disappearance; (e) j.straw (NOT to be confused with jackstrawfromcolorado) seems to have disappeared with at least 5vines (Lewiston 9/6/80, Beacon 6/14/76, Fox 85, 3 from 82 and Hampton 89 reseed) (f) canyon critter seems to have killed at least 4 vines (Acid Test, 1985 vine, History Buffs, and Fillmore East 9/20/70); (g) PAPPYPGH appears to have killed at least 3 vines (Hampton/Harrisburg...84, 2/17/82, JGB 1977 Part 2, Silver Stadium 6/30/88), not to mention the Fall 79 Part 1.5 Rhino fiasco (either Pappy or Solix killed this one, tough to tell who). Pappy also should have recently received the Spring 88 parts 1 and 2 vines (Stephen in PA sent them on 5/28). Finally, he is up soon on More May 77 and JGB Keystone 12/21/79 (DON'T SEND THEM TO HIM!!!!) (7) Guys who have a little explaining to do. I am not sure here whether they have commited multiple vine slayings, or were just irepeatedly n the wrong place at the wrong time. These guys should explain to the community what happened before being welcomed back, but any old explanation will do. (a) Sakparadise is a suspect in at least 2 vine kills (Glen Falls 82, Fall 79 Part 2) and there are some questions about 2 other vines. Sakparadise posted on 4/29 that he would mail out the March 90 vine to Row Timmy. The vine has not been seen since. On 5/20 jackstrawfromcolorado, the good jack straw, posted the he would mail the Pink Floyd vine to sakparadise. That vine hasn't been seen since. It hasn't been that long for Pink Floyd (it was my vine, that is why I looked it up) so it may be ok, and Row Timmy has his issues so it may have been him on March 90. (b) Row Timmy was apparently involved in a couple of mysterious vine disappearances. March 90 discussed above and 3 from 75, which PKpotter said he mailed to Row Timmy on 9/12/08. (c) Brother Tom is suspected in 2 vine slayings. Solix said he mailed Cream Filling 73 to our holy friend. Brother Tom was the last person to receive Matrix Volume 1, and it wasn't until 2months later that anyone else signed up, but he doesn't seem to have passed it on. (d) Deadheadben seems to have slayed the infant Cleveland Convention Center 12/06/73, before it had much of a chance to travel the country. Either he or grateful mikes killed Red Rocks 9/8/83. And either he or Hard To Handle killed Sante Fe 83. (8) Guys who had minor hiccups [hopefully) (a) my friend Dave C was the last to have Early 69 (shoot, don’t know what volume this was, sorry) (posted 5/13) and should have received Early Stuff Vol 2 (unclejon posted on 5/20 that he mailed it out). Dave C posted that he had computer problems. I am sure he either sent these vines on and didn’t post (here, another call for communicating, post often) or is resolving his computer problems and will soon send them on. Ejjd is next on Early 69 and Jake R on Early Stuff Vol 2. (b) Darkstar1971 (aka Estimatedprophet 1971) rides the rails quite often. I think he is an engineer, the kind you think of when you are kid (a train engineer) but never meet. Hal posted on 3/19 that he mailed DarkStar1971 Fall 77 Part 2. No word since. DarkStar1971 was the last to have Orpheum 7/12/76, pisting on 4/20. Pomo1 is next for Orpheum. (9) Specific vines not mentioned above, many probably involved miscommunications. If you are involved here and can help resolve, please do. You don’t even need an excuse here, just a “I never got it” or “I sent it out” or even a “sorry” will suffice. (a) 3/28/81: Benny Jakes stalled this one for 3 months but eventually passed it on to On The Road Again, who apparently killed it. (b) Felt Forum 1971: greatfullygrateful was the last to post having it, said he had a family emergency, never posted having sent it on to Arkdeadhead. © Repatriation 1971: Fluffhead420 posted on 4/8/09. He was last in line. 3 weeks later Jake R and dpwstldeadfan signed up. No word on where this vine is. (d) Eurovine # 1: Dead Man Telling Tales posted on 4/20. He was last in line. Jake R and others signed up later. Now word on where this vine is. (e) Keith’s First Few Months: dpwstldeadfan posted on 5/6. Only Gr8tful Ted is signed up after. He may have received it and not posted. (f) Valentine’s Day: fluffhead420 posted on 3/9. He was last in line. Lord Monkey and Jake R signed up after. No word on where this vine is. (g) MSG 93 Part 2: Tommo posted on 3/24 that he sent it to Toddsnc. No word since. (h) Jai Alai 74: On 5/12 KingCargoJB posted that he mailed it to Emily J. Slimee is after her. No word since. (I) Northern New England Wish List: on 5/19 fluffhead420 said he would PM Tommo for his address. Estim8ed was after Tommo. No word. (j) 70 & 73: On ½ Estim8ed said he mailed it to Chasmo, who said he never received it. Probably lost in the mail. (k) BCT 86: on 4/13 ark deadhead posted that he would mail to Pkpotter. No word. (l) Little Bit of Jerry: on 4/14 Long Rifle posted that he had it. OneGratefulDad and Fleaflicker were next. No word. (m) 5 Garcia shows: on 5/21 cacthim hickory matt (or something like that) posted that he got them. Fleaflicker and Space Otter were next. No word. (n) Dead/NRPS 1970: on 5/5 birdsong1969nj said he would mail out to test4965. No word. (o) Pigpen Shotgun: on 5/8 Phat Moye said he would mail out to Jake R. Da roach was after that. No word. (p) Brent’s Last show video: lost in mail btwn gadeadhead and JimmyC (q) More May 77: on 5/28 Pomo1 posted he would reseed to Larry Here. PAPPY IS NEXT. LARRY HERE SKIP PAPPY!!!! ® More Mary: on 1/23, rambleinbearisgrateful posted that he mailed to Tommo. Stuman, then bearisgrateful were next. No word. Lost in mail? (s) Bill Graham Tribute: Playdead apparently killed. This vine was reseeded to the person after him. (t) Shoreline 91: on 12/24 Chasmo posted that he had it. ark deadhead was next. No word. Apparently Chasmo killed it. (u) merriweather 6/30/85: on 4/29 fluffhead420 posted that he PM’d OneGratefulDad for his address. No word. (v) Boston Tea Party 1969: on 5/11 Slimee posted having it. Dpwstldeadfan was next. No word. (10) I am too tired for final thoughts. All will be forgiven, except for that first group. I hope those that have disappeared with vines are ok, and are only AWOL here and not in reality. Others can figure out what to do next. I am not proofreading this so there are probably some spelling and grammatical mistakes. Vine on!!!
  • Arkdeadhead
    I've got patience brother!!
    Take your time. You are providing an invaluable service to this vineyard!!
  • dstache
    vine killers
    Soon, soon, another 1/2 hr
  • Arkdeadhead
    I hate to say it but we need to figure out who is stalling the vines and cut them out of the vining process until they begin to be more responsible. I am not sure what the exact issue is. Some new people bite off more than they can chew and sign up for everything (which is why you caused such a stir Fluff, but you have more than proven yourself), or they are people who have previously vined and for whatever reason decide to bow out in this manner. There is one particular individual who seemed to be moving along just fine and then all of a sudden he became a bottleneck and wouldn't respond to pm's. I don't know and my psychological analysis isn't solving the problem. We will have to wait and see. There are too many people who care so much for this vineyard, and I know that we collectively will solve this gordian knot.
  • Hal R
    not sure about that being an easy solution
    the problem is that people are not sending them out, sure they can give us their address and we can send it to them but they have to send it out Seems like we are addressing the front end for a rear end problem. But I have no solution to offer. It seems that we should hear from dstache first and see what he finds before we seek a solution. Where are the specific problems? If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
  • JackstrawfromC…
    fluffhead I agree!!!!!!
    Such an easy solution. "Escaping through the lily fields, I came across an empty space. It rainbow then exploded, left a bus stop in its place. The bus come by and I got on, thats when it all began. It was Cowboy Neal at the wheel of the bus to never ever land"
  • fluffhead042
    Default Avatar
    i second my emotion
    Instead of sending addresses to the person in front of you months prior to actually getting the vine why don't we contact the next person on the list for an addy request (via PM) after we recv the vine? We already go on to post we recvd it....it clearly shows who's next on the list...we can then send them a PM and if there's no response in 3-4 days they get bumped...that way if circumstances have changed the person can req they be skipped, not respond and be dropped from the list, or they send their addy if they still want the vine...no response in 4 days: you're bumped to the end...simple as that....problems solved....everybody's happy and our heads are being fed....am i wrong? "In a bed, in a bed, by the waterside I will lay my head. Listen to the river sing sweet songs, to rock my soul."
  • Oroboros
    Ladies and gentlemen, we do have a problem
    but the first step is admitting it. ;o}Hopefully we can take a look a the solutions for this issue. I will take a look back at the vines that I started and try to give them a jump (or is it bump?). I will also think about the solutions offered and what can be done to be part of helping out with this endeavor. Things do seem a bit scattered currently and quite a few vines are dropping away as a result. And the Vineyard has grown quite a bit which make this all more difficult to manage. It is good to hear of other ideas and methods to get the music to those who desire it. Maybe this is all a new 'evolution' of the Vineyard? We will see. The Truth is realized in an instant, the act is practiced step by step.
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Member for

17 years 9 months
Was a student there at the time. Saw the JGB in Campbell Hall (76?),With collaboration from various kind folks in the Dead.net vining community, our own erickat prepared this handy guide explaining how vining works hereabouts. Many thanks to all involved, and vine on! --

Dead.Net Vines - What It Is & How It Works

(We're changing some things for 2009)

BACKGROUND: The concept of a "vine" is music sharing through conventional means (e.g. mailing cd's or dvd's) with the sign-up list being on-line. The basic idea is that someone starts (seeds) a vine, made up of one or multiple shows,and sends it via mail to the first person who signs up. That person makes a copy for themselves and sends the ORIGINAL media on to the next person on the list. As more people sign up, it continues to grow and grow - hence the name "vine".

MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Make sure you can deal with the media format. Many vines are

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Member for

17 years 5 months

Here are 6 Very Good to Great shows from the early part of 1978. As everyone probably knows, the Dead performed 10 shows in California in January, stopped over in Eugene for a monster show, then hit the midwest for a 6 date run in late January/early February. Jerry lost his voice during the first show of the year (1/6), and Bobby took over vocals for the remainder of that show AND the two subsequent shows. Jerry began to sing again on 1/10. His voice remained raspy until the Chicago Uptown Theatre shows at the end of the month. His guitar was HOT all month long. 1/6, 1/7, 1/8 and 1/18 are on one the eurovines, and 1/22 is available on at least one other vine as well, so those shows won't be on this one. Initially, this vine was going to be 4 shows, but I listened to a few more shows from the run, was impressed, and since there was room on the DVDs, made it sixer. Both a MTX and SBD source are included for 1/10 and 1/11. Both are fine shows. 1/13 is amazing, the Dead at their rock n roll finest. 1/30 contains a great second set. 2/1 is a fine performance all around. Now we get to one of my all-time favorite shows, 1/31. The show starts off incredibly hot and the first set ends with a rip roaring Let It Grow. The second set contains my favorite Scarlet Begonias. Jerry jumps the gun a bit and neglects to sing the "there ain't nothing wrong with the way she moves" verse, opting instead to go straight into the guitar solo. It is here where the magic occurs. He only does 3 run throughs, each perfect. In the third run-through, he hits a note I have never heard him repeat. Pure ecstasy. Lachrymose eyes every time for me. When the solo ends, Jerry tries to sing the forgotten lyric (at least that is what I think) but instead repeats the "in the heat of the evening" verse, then goes immediately into the "wind in the willows" verse. The Fire, Terrapin and everything else that follows is great as well. This vine will be 2 DVD's of SHN/FLAC files. The sources included are: 78-01-10.mtx.mccabe.95134 78-01-10.sbd.cotsman.14523 78-01-11.mtx.sirmick.92086 78-01-11.sbd.cotsman 13190 78-01-13.sbd.clugston.4629 78-01-30.sbd.miller.32255 78-01-31.sbd.miller.32256 78-02-01.sbd.parillo.1017
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Ok, here's installment 4 for the Garcia Project 1974. I'll be sending this to Lopezz first as a favor for the many shows he has shared with us all. Just one installment to go here folks...and as always, I'll add some tasty bonus shows - maybe GD, maybe someone else, but certainly some high :-) quality music... jg74-11-05.jgms.early.aud.moore.minches.jjoops.16806.sbeok.shnf jg74-11-06.jgms.early.aud.moore.minches.jjoops.16807.sbeok.shnf jg74-11-07.jgms.early.aud.moore.48k.gems.34741.flac1647 jg74-11-07.jgms.early.aud.moore.weiner.jjoops.14306.sbeok.shnf jg74-11-08.jgms.aud.moore.9711.sbeok.shnf jg74-11-08.jgms.aud.moore.jjoops.16839.sbeok.shnf jg74-11-08.jgms.sonyecm.moskal.94547.sbeok.shnf jg74-11-09.jgms.late.slabicky.jjoops.8661.sbeok.shnf jg74-11-10.jgms.sbd.lemarre.18202.sbeok.shnf jg74-11-10.jgms.sbd.unknown.95767.sbeok.flac16 jg74-11-13.jgms.early.aud.uher.siniawski.merin.10128.sbeok.shnf jg74-11-14.jgms.early.aud.warburton.weiner.jjoops.16461.sbeok.shnf jg74-11-14.jgms.late.aud.uher.siniawski.merin.6383.sbeok.shnf Peace, Unclejon "when life looks like easy street, there is danger at your door"
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Ok, so thanks to the folks at MOTB (Derek especially), we now have another killer LZ show that is sooooo deserving of circulation out here - here it is: Led Zeppelin March 11, 1975 Long Beach Arena Long Beach, CA 16-bit/44.1 Matrix Sources: Mike Millard Audience Analog Cassette plus EV's "Californication" Soundboard CD ONE: 1. Introduction/Tuning 2. Rock And Roll 3. Sick Again 4. Over The Hills And Far Away 5. In My Time Of Dying 6. The Song Remains The Same 7. The Rain Song CD TWO: 1. Kashmir 2. No Quarter 3. Trampled Under Foot 4. Moby Dick CD THREE: 1. Dazed And Confused 2. Stairway To Heaven 3. Whole Lotta Love 4. The Crunge 5. Black Dog Comments: Matrix of 'remastered' and speed/pitch corrected AUD+SBD sources Tagged FLAC files. Matrixed by dmmcabe Mastered by dadgad a motb production Trust me, this show rocks - turn up the volume and let your whole neighborhood share in the joy of a live Led Zeppelin show!! "when life looks like easy street, there is danger at your door"
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Member for

16 years 2 months

Show on my 5th birthday!!! How cool is that!! "I've stayed in every blue-light cheap hotel. Can't win for tryin. Dust off those rusty strings just one more time. Gonna make em shine."
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Member for

17 years 7 months

I saw that there weren’t any Garcia/Grisman shows offered here for some reason so here are a couple the I just downloaded. The first is an audience recording of the very first Garcia/Grisman show and the second is a very nice Charlie Miller SBD. I will include both Flac/Shn and audio files for these. Thanks to all the seeders at bt.etree.org for these. Hope you all enjoy them. Jerry Garcia and David Grisman The Sweetwater, Mill Valley, CA 12/17/90 AUD:D > DAT > CD The first Garcia/Grisman performance. Extraction using EAC, re-tracking using WavMergeand CDWave, and .shn encoding using mkwACT. Proper sector boundaries verified using shntool. Single Disc (51:35) 1. The Thrill is Gone 2. When First Unto This Country 3. Grateful Dawg 4. Spring In California 5. Off To Sea Once More 6. So What? 7. Two Soldiers 8. Dawg's Waltz 9. Russian Lullaby Jerry Garcia and David Grisman Warfield Theater- San Francisco, CA Recording Info: Set One: SBD -> Dat -> Cassette Master -> ? -> Cass -> Dat -> Samplitude -> SHN Set Two: SBD -> Dat -> Cassette Master -> Dat -> SHN (2 Discs Audio / 2 Discs SHN) Transfered By Charlie Miller charliemiller87@earthlink.net 1/19/04 Notes: --Set One Cassette provided By Ben wirth (I did the A>D Transfer) --Set Two is listed on GDLive as a DSBD, they are wrong. Set One: d1t01 - Walkin' Boss d1t02 - Instrumental d1t03 - When First Unto This Country d1t04 - Handsome Cabin Boy d1t05 - I Truly Understand d1t06 - Poison Glass Of Wine d1t07 - Man Of Constant Sorrow d1t08 - Sweet Sunny South d1t09 - Two Soldiers d1t10 - Spring In California d1t11 - Grateful Dawg Set Two: d2t01 - Thrill Is Gone d2t02 - Old Rocking Chair d2t03 - So What? d2t04 - Off To Sea Once More d2t05 - Friend Of The Devil d2t06 - Dawg's Waltz d2t07 - Russian Lullaby d2t08 - Arabia Encore: d2t09 - Ripple "You know the one thing we need is a left handed monkey wrench....."
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Member for

17 years 8 months

I’ve been looking for a copy of this for awhile now and I finally found it. There’s less than 20 minutes of music here but I think it’s something that everyone should hear. I’ll be adding a couple bonus shows though. I’ll post those after the vine has a home. Warlocks Autumn Record Demo – “The Emergency Crew” Golden Gate Studios San Francisco, CA 11/3/65 Set 1: Can't Come Down, Mindbender, The Only Time Is Now, Caution (Do Not Stop On The Tracks), I Know You Rider, Early Morning Rain "You know the one thing we need is a left handed monkey wrench....."
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Member for

17 years

Nice find Hippy Guy
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Member for

17 years 7 months

The Dead only played 9 shows in August of 1971. 8/6 has already been vined here and 8/7 and 8/24 are Dicks Picks 35. This vine will be in 2 parts and include everything else. Part one will include – gd71-08-04.95308.sbd.miller.sbeok.t-flac16 gd71-08-05.96540.sbd-aud.miller.sbeok.t-flac16 gd71-08-14.21268.sbd.ladner.sbeok.t-flac16 gd71-08-15.21780.sbd.ladner.sbeok.t-flac16 Im only going to include the flac files on 7 cd-r’s. You guys can convert them and add the audio disc’s to the vine if you would like to. Thanks to all of the seeders on bt.etree.org for all of these. Grateful Dead August 4, 1971 Terminal Island Correctional Facility San Pedro, CA gd71-08-04.sbd.miller.95308.sbdok.flac16 Recording Info: SBD -> Master Reel -> CD Transfer Info: CD -> Samplitude Professional v10.02 -> FLAC (2 Discs Audio / 2 Discs FLAC) All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller charliemiller87@earthlink.net May 22, 2008 Notes: -- Disc change is seamless -- Master Reel transferred to CD at the Mastering Plant in L.A. _______________________________________________________________________ --Setlist-- 101-d1t01 - Truckin' 102-d1t02 - Yellow Dog Story 103-d1t03 - Bertha 104-d1t04 - Me & Bobby McGee 105-d1t05 - Hard to Handle 106-d1t06 - China Cat Sunflower -> 107-d1t07 - I Know You Rider 108-d1t08 - Loser 109-d1t09 - Playing in the Band 110-d1t10 - Next Time You See Me 111-d1t11 - Me & My Uncle 112-d1t12 - Casey Jones 113-d2t01 - Cumberland Blues 114-d2t02 - Big Boss Man 115-d2t03 - Sugaree 116-d2t04 - El Paso 117-d2t05 - Mr. Charlie 118-d2t06 - Not Fade Away -> 119-d2t07 - Going Down the Road Feeling Bad -> 120-d2t08 - Turn On Your Lovelight Grateful Dead August 5, 1971 Hollywood Palladium Hollywood, CA gd71-08-05.sbd-aud.miller.96540.sbeok.flac16 Recording Info: SBD -> Master Reel -> CD Transfer Info: CD -> Samplitude Professional v10.02 -> FLAC (2 Discs Audio / 1 Disc FLAC) All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller charliemiller87@earthlink.net July 30, 2008 Patch Info: (FOB) Sony ECM-22P -> Master Reel -> Reel -> Dat -> CD (shnid=88859) supplies: That's It For The Other One (11:53 - 12:10) Sugar Magnolia through end of show Notes: -- Master Reel transferred to CD at the Mastering Plant in L.A. -- Sugar Magnolia suffers from severe pitch issues ________________________________________________________________________ --Set 1-- 101-d1t01 - Introduction 102-d1t02 - Bertha 103-d1t03 - Me & My Uncle 104-d1t04 - Mr. Charlie 105-d1t05 - Sugaree 106-d1t06 - El Paso 107-d1t07 - That's It For The Other One -> 108-d1t08 - Wharf Rat 109-d1t09 - Me & Bobby McGee 110-d1t10 - Casey Jones --Set 2-- 201-d2t01 - Truckin' 202-d2t02 - Loser 203-d2t03 - Sugar Magnolia (missing) - Bird Song (missing) - Not Fade Away 206-d2t04 - //Goin' Down the Road Feeling Bad -> 207-d2t05 - Not Fade Away 208-d2t06 - Johnny B. Goode Grateful Dead 08-14-71 Berkeley Community Theater Berkeley, CA gd71-08-14.sbd.ladner.21268.sbeok.flac16 Source: SBD:MR->1 cassette gen.->DAT->SHN->CDR originally via M. Woyczynski. _______________________________________________________________________ --Set 1-- 101-d1t01 - Bertha [6:00] 102-d1t02 - Me & My Uncle [3:18] 103-d1t03 - Mr. Charlie [3:23] 104-d1t04 - Sugaree [6:23] 105-d1t05 - El Paso [5:22] 106-d1t06 - Big Railroad Blues [3:26] 107-d1t07 - Big Boss Man [5:10] 108-d1t08 - Brokedown Palace [5:30] 109-d1t09 - Playing in the Band [4:39] 110-d1t10 - Hard to Handle [7:30] 111-d1t11 - Cumberland Blues [5:38] 112-d1t12 - Loser [7:00] 113-d1t13 - The Promised Land [2:56] --Set 2-- 201-d2t01 - //Truckin' -> [3:53] 202-d2t02 - Drums -> [3:40] 203-d2t03 - The Other One -> [5:14] 204-d2t04 - Jam -> [7:47] 205-d2t05 - The Other One [4:08] 206-d2t06 - Me & Bobby McGee [6:56] 207-d2t07 - Sugar Magnolia [7:58] 208-d2t08 - Not Fade Away -> [5:53] 209-d2t09 - Going Down the Road Feeling Bad -> [9:54] 210-d2t10 - Not Fade Away [3:33] --Encores-- 211-d2t11 - Happy Birthday David Crosby [1:07] 212-d2t12 - Johnny B. Goode* [3:43] 213-d2t13 - // Uncle John's Band* [6:20] --disc 1 total time--66:11-- --disc 2 total time--70:06-- Comments: * With David Crosby Grateful Dead 08-15-71 Berkeley Community Theater Berkeley, CA gd71-08-15.sbd.ladner.21780.sbeok.flac16 Source: SBD:MR->1 cassette gen.->DAT->SHN->CDR originally via M. Woyczynski. _______________________________________________________________________________ --Set 1-- 101-d1t01 - Big Railroad Blues [5:43] 102-d1t02 - Playin' in the Band [5:43] 103-d1t03 - Mr. Charlie [4:15] 104-d1t04 - Cumberland Blues [5:44] 105-d1t05 - Sugaree [7:47] 106-d1t06 - The Promised Land [3:28] 107-d1t07 - Big Boss Man [5:30] 108-d1t08 - China Cat Sunflower -> [4:48] 109-d1t09 - I Know You Rider [7:38] 110-d1t10 - Me & Bobby McGee [6:31] 111-d1t11 - Casey Jones [5:08] --Set 2-- 201-d2t01 - Tuning and Noodling [0:23] 202-d2t02 - Truckin' -> [7:29] 203-d2t03 - Drums -> [3:15] 204-d2t04 - The Other One -> [5:54] 205-d2t05 - Jam -> [5:23] 206-d2t06 - Me & My Uncle -> [3:14] 207-d2t07 - The Other One -> [5:44] 208-d2t08 - Wharf Rat [9:54] 209-d2t09 - /Turn on Your Lovelight [15:48] --Encores-- 210-d2t10 - Bill Graham speaks [0:19] 211-d2t11 - Johnny B. Goode -> [3:58] 212-d2t12 - And We Bid You Goodnight [3:23] --disc 1 total time--62:14-- --disc 2 total time--64:44-- "You know the one thing we need is a left handed monkey wrench....."
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17 years 9 months

I've been occupied smiting spammers. I'll get to these shortly.
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15 years 3 months

that nice Hippie guy, I belive that the "emegancy crew" demos have been released on the 2 disc set "birth of the dead" along with many other studio and live early cuts At least I'm enjoying the ride
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17 years 8 months

you are doing the rest of us a favor if you eliminate a spammer or two... "when life looks like easy street, there is danger at your door"
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17 years 7 months

Well I asked marye and she said that it would be fine, so Im going to leave it up to her. Peace, Trevor "You know the one thing we need is a left handed monkey wrench....."
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17 years 7 months

I belive that "birth of the dead" has been out of print for awhile now. "You know the one thing we need is a left handed monkey wrench....."
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17 years 9 months

thanks for the heads up. I think for the moment I'll let this vine be, since the release in question in long out of print. If it comes back to life we can reevaluate.
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17 years 8 months

Well I already have this one ready so I thought that I would just go ahead and post it. As I explained in part one of this vine, I was going to include 8/23 but had problems with it. If anyone has a decent copy of that show please feel free to add it. There were only 2 shows left from august 71’ so I found some very cool bonus shows to add to them. This will be flac files on 6 CD-R’s and you guys can convert them and add audio cd’s to the vine if you’d like to. Thanks again to all of the seeders on bt.etree.org for all of these. It will include – gd71-08-21.83307.aud.38f.sbeok.t-flac16 (Mickey’s Barn Jams) gd71-08-26.32351.sbd.miller.sbeok.t-flac16 the + more gd71-03-14.06115.sbd.cole.sbeok.t-flac16 gd71-09-29.16891.studio.cousinit.sbeok.t-flac16 (Keith Rehearsal's) gd71-09-30.18109.studio.cousinit.sbeok.t-flac16 (Keith Rehearsal's) gd71-10-01.16896.studio.cousinit.sbeok.t-flac16 (Keith Rehearsal's) HISTORY AND TRACK LIST: 1971/08/21 Mickey's Barn, Novato CA Source: Recorded on a Sony TC-24 with supplied Sony stereo mic** Lineage: AUDMC > Nakamichi Dragon (no Dolby) > Sony D7 DAT > optical digital cable (DTC-700 was the playback unit) through a Zefiro ZA2 soundcard, tracked and normalized in Sound Forge and burned to 2 cdrs (61:47 and 42:41) using CD Architect. Nothing from the original tapes was omitted; one or two quick fades were done to make cuts less abrupt. Quality: **** _____________________________________________________________________________ --Setlist-- 101-d1t01 - //Jam #1 102-d1t02 - Wall Song -> Jam -> Wall Song// * 103-d1t03 - Jam #2 104-d1t04 - tuning Part 1 105-d2t01 - //tuning Part 2 106-d2t02 - Jam #3 107-d2t03 - Jam #4 108-d2t04 - Tuning Jam #1 109-d2t05 - Stars & Stripes Forever tuning 110-d2t06 - Ghost Riders In The Sky Jam 111-d2t07 - Whinin' Boy Blues 112-d2t08 - Tuning Jam #2 113-d2t09 - Tore Down * tape flip? at 29:18. Grateful Dead August 26, 1971 Gaelic Park New York, NY gd71-08-26.sbd.miller.32351.sbeok.flac16 Recording Info: SBD -> Master Reel (7in @ 7.5ips 1/2 Track) -> Cassette (Tascam 122mkII) -> Dat (48k) Transfer Info: Dat (Sony R500)-> SEK'D Prodif Plus-> Samplitude Professional 8.01-> Cool Edit Pro v2.0 -> FLAC (3 Discs Audio / 2 Discs FLAC) Transferred and Edited By Charlie Miller charliemiller87@earthlink.net February 10, 2006 Patch Info: Notes: -- I 'tried' to fix the levels with Cool Edit Pro v2.0 -- d1t12 static in one channel in the last second on the song that was fixed -- I cleaned this up as best as I could without going crazy! -- It's not perfect, but it's better -- Thanks to Steve Rolfe for the source Dat ______________________________________________________________________ --Set 1-- 101-d1t01 - Bertha 102-d1t02 - Playing in the Band 103-d1t03 - Mr. Charlie 104-d1t04 - Sugaree 105-d1t05 - El Paso 106-d1t06 - Big Boss Man 107-d1t07 - Big Railroad Blues 108-d1t08 - Hard Tt Handle 109-d1t09 - Beat It on Down the Line 110-d1t10 - Loser 111-d1t11 - Sugar Magnolia 112-d1t12 - Empty Pages 113-d1t13 - Good Lovin' 114-d2t01 - Casey Jones --Set 2-- 201-d2t02 - //Me & My Uncle 202-d2t03 - China Cat Sunflower -> 203-d2t04 - I Know You Rider 204-d2t05 - Deal 205-d2t06 - Cumberland Blues 206-d2t07 - Truckin' -> 207-d2t08 - Drums -> 208-d2t09 - The Other One 209-d2t10 - Next Time You See Me 210-d2t11 - Me & Bobby McGee 211-d2t12 - Uncle John's Band 212-d3t01 - Saint Stephen -> 213-d3t02 - Not Fade Away -> 214-d3t03 - Goin' Down the Road Feeling Bad -> 215-d3t04 - Not Fade Away --Encore-- 216-d3t05 - Johnny B. Goode "You know the one thing we need is a left handed monkey wrench....."
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17 years 8 months

Here are the 3 Dylan/Dead shows that I have been able to find up to this point. The 3 shows will be flac files on 6 CD-R’s plus the audience recording of the Dylan set for 7/10 for anyone that’s interested in that. As always you guys can decode and add the audio discs if you would like to. Includes – gd87-07-04.sbd.miller.101650.sbeok.flac16 gd87-07-10.sbd.miller.101651.flac16 gd87-07-10.aud.rob. Nak 300 Mics > Sony D-5 (Dylan Set) gd87-07-12.sbd-pcm.miller.xxxxx.sbeok.flac16 Grateful Dead - July 4, 1987 Sullivan Stadium - Foxboro, MA Recording Info: SBD -> Cassette Master -> CD Transfer Info: CD -> Samplitude Professional v10.02 -> FLAC (3 Discs Audio / 2 Discs FLAC) All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller charliemiller87@earthlink.net July 24, 2008 Patch Info: Sennheiser ME80 -> Cassette Master -> CD (shnid=3858) supplies: Space (1:24 - 1:42) Notes: -- Set 1 is seamless -- Set 2 with Bob Dylan Set 1: d1t01 - Touch Of Grey d1t02 - Hell In A Bucket d1t03 - West L.A. Fadeaway d1t04 - Tons Of Steel d1t05 - Little Red Rooster d1t06 - Box Of Rain d1t07 - Althea d2t01 - Uncle John's Band -> d2t02 - Playing In The Band -> d2t03 - Drums -> d2t04 - Space -> d2t05 - Truckin' -> d2t06 - The Other One -> d2t07 - Wharf Rat -> d2t08 - Throwing Stones Set 2: d3t01 - Tuning d3t02 - The Times They Are A-Changin' d3t03 - Man Of Peace d3t04 - I'll Be Your Baby Tonight d3t05 - John Brown d3t06 - I Want You d3t07 - Ballad Of A Thin Man d3t08 - Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again d3t09 - Queen Jane Approximately d3t10 - Chimes Of Freedom d3t11 - Slow Train d3t12 - Joey d3t13 - All Along The Watchtower Encore: d3t14 - Knockin' On Heaven's Door Grateful Dead - July 10, 1987 JFK Stadium - Philadelphia, PA Recording Info: SBD -> Cassette Master -> CD Transfer Info: CD -> Samplitude Professional v10.02 -> FLAC (3 Discs Audio / 2 Discs FLAC) All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller charliemiller87@earthlink.net July 30, 2008 Patch Info: Sennheiser ME80 -> Cassette Master -> CD (shnid=3859) supplies: Terrapin Station (0:11 - 0:23) Notes: -- Set 1 is seamless -- Set 2 with Bob Dylan Set 1: d1t01 - Tuning d1t02 - Iko Iko d1t03 - Jack Straw d1t04 - Sugaree d1t05 - New Minglewood Blues d1t06 - Althea d1t07 - My Brother Esau d1t08 - Take A Step Back / Mexican Hat Dance Tuning d1t09 - When Push Comes To Shove d1t10 - Cassidy d1t11 - China Cat Sunflower -> d1t12 - I Know You Rider d2t01 - Looks Like Rain -> d2t02 - Terrapin Station -> d2t03 - Drums -> d2t04 - Space -> d2t05 - I Need A Miracle -> d2t06 - Black Peter -> d2t07 - Around And Around -> d2t08 - One More Saturday Night Set 2: d3t01 - Tangled Up In Blue d3t02 - I'll Be Your Baby Tonight d3t03 - Man Of Peace d3t04 - The Ballad Of Frankie Lee And Judas Priest d3t05 - John Brown d3t06 - Simple Twist Of Fate d3t07 - Ballad Of A Thin Man d3t08 - Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again d3t09 - Chimes Of Freedom d3t10 - Queen Jane Approximately d3t11 - Gotta Serve Somebody d3t12 - Joey d3t13 - All Along The Watchtower Encore: d3t14 - Touch Of Grey Grateful Dead - July 12, 1987 Giants Stadium - East Rutherford, NJ Recording Info: Sets 1 & 2: SBD -> PCM -> Dat -> CD Set 3: (FOB) Schoeps -> PCM -> Dat -> CD Transfer Info: CD -> Samplitude Professional v9.02 -> FLAC (3 Discs audio / 2 Discs FLAC) All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller charliemiller87@earthlink.net April 14, 2007 Notes: -- Set 3 with Bob Dylan -- Encores on end of Set 2 to keep each set on one disc -- I did the Dat -> CD transfers back in 2000 -- The SBD is an UltraMatrix with a lot of AUD Set 1: d1t01 - Hell In A Bucket d1t02 - West L.A. Fadeaway d1t03 - Greatest Story Ever Told d1t04 - Loser d1t05 - Tons Of Steel d1t06 - Take A Step Back d1t07 - Ramble On Rose d1t08 - When I Paint My Masterpiece d1t09 - When Push Comes To Shove d1t10 - The Promised Land -> d1t11 - Bertha Set 2: d2t01 - Take A Step Back d2t02 - Morning Dew -> d2t03 - Playing In The Band -> d2t04 - Drums -> d2t05 - Space -> d2t06 - The Other One -> d2t07 - Stella Blue -> d2t08 - Throwing Stones -> d2t09 - Not Fade Away Set 3: d3t01 - Tuning d3t02 - Slow Train d3t03 - Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again d3t04 - Tomorrow Is A Long Time d3t05 - Highway 61 Revisited d3t06 - It's All Over Now, Baby Blue d3t07 - Ballad Of A Thin Man d3t08 - John Brown d3t09 - The Wicked Messenger d3t10 - Queen Jane Approximately d3t11 - Chimes Of Freedom d3t12 - Joey d3t13 - All Along The Watchtower d3t14 - The Times They Are A-Changin' Encore: d2t10 - Touch Of Grey -> d2t11 - Knockin' On Heaven's Door "You know the one thing we need is a left handed monkey wrench....."
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17 years

This will be an all Flac vine, Kind of styled after UncleJon's Garcia Installments. The installments will consist of 3 dvd's(or 4 at the most) with flac files. They will be the best quality shows around for each artist, usually soundboards or pre-FM. This is the first installment, two of my favorites: Fleetwood Mac and Jefferson Airplane. FleetwoodMac_05_03_75_CapitolTheatre_NJ FleetwoodMac_09_23_75_Wallingford_CT FleetwoodMac_10_17_75_CapitolTheatre_NJ FleetwoodMac_05_18_77_FairGrounds_OK FleetwoodMac_05_21_77_Nashville FleetwoodMac_08_30_78_LSUTigerStadium FleetwoodMac_11_06_79_STLouisMO FleetwoodMac_10_12_82_MemphisTenn JeffersonAirplane_03_04_67_CafeAGoGo JeffersonAirplane_10_26_68_StudioRehearsals JeffersonAirplane_10_26_69_Winterland JeffersonAirplane_04_02_70_Wally Heider's Studios JeffersonAirplane_04_11_70_Winterland JeffersonAirplane_06_26_70_Kralingen Festival JeffersonAirplane_12_XX_70_Wally Heider's Studios
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17 years

Rock & Roll Hall of Fame 01_15_1993 Featuring reunion performances by:The Cream, Creedence Clearwater Revival and The Doors featuring Eddie Vedder. 01. Acceptance Speech 02. Sunshine of Your Love 03. Born Under A Bad Sign 04. Crossroads 05. Who'll Stop The Rain 06. Green River 07. Born on The Bayou, feat. Bruce Springsteen 08. Roadhouse Blues, feat. Eddie Vedder 09. Break on Through, feat. Eddie Vedder 10. Light My Fire, feat. Eddie Vedder This is just something that I have been listening to, and I thought I would share. I will probably add a show or two from the same artists. This will be 3 audio cd's with 1 dvd with flac file for those who use them.
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15 years 11 months

Glad I can finally contribute something! These shows are all Hunter Seamons' Matrix shows, which are SBD/ AUD mixes. All are excellent quality from my first years of touring. The SPAC show includes Bobby and Phil repremanding those hanging off the balcony.... and the Red Rocks includes Bobby's "Frozen Logger" amongst some other weirdness to start the show. This will be either one or two dvd's of FLAC files. Many thanks to the original seeders and to Hunter Seamons for all of his efforts! Sources are as follows: gd84-04-26.mtx.seamons.ht04.92297.flac16 Providence Civic Center gd85-06-27.mtx.seamons.ht13.92963.flac16 Satatoga Performing Arts Center gd85-09-07.mtx.seamons.ht08.92521.flac16 Red Rocks gd85-11-11.mtx.seamons.ht36.95966.flac16 Brendan Byrne Arena, Meadowlands Setlists below according to DeadBase 4/26/84 Providence Civic Center, Providence, Rhode Island Set 1: Shakedown Street [12:51]; C.C. Rider [7:50]; Loser [7:07]; Hell In A Bucket [6:25]; Brown-Eyed Women [5:08]; Lazy Lightnin' [3:28] > Supplication [6:45] > Deal [9:46] Set 2: Scarlet Begonias [12:19] > Fire On The Mountain [15:06]; Estimated Prophet [12:00] > Eyes Of The World [7:48] > Space [2:04] > Never Trust A Woman (1) [4:16] > Drums [6:#17] > Space [9:33] > Morning Dew [11:31] > Throwing Stones [8:49] > Not Fade Away [8:42] Encore: It's All Over Now, Baby Blue [6:57] 6/27/85 Saratoga Performing Arts Center, Saratoga Springs, New York Set 1: In The Midnight Hour; Bertha; Little Red Rooster; Stagger Lee; El Paso; Crazy Fingers > Supplication > High Time; Hell In A Bucket > Don't Ease Me In Set 2: Feel Like A Stranger > Eyes Of The World > Goin' Down The Road Feelin' Bad > Man Smart, Woman Smarter > Drums > Space > Truckin' > Spoonful > Black Peter > Turn On Your Love Light Encore: Johnny B. Goode; It's All Over Now Baby Blue 9/7/85 Red Rocks Amphitheater, Morrison, Colorado Set 1: The Frozen Logger; Mississippi Half-Step; New Minglewood Blues; Brown Eyed Women; My Brother Esau; Loser; Dupree's Diamond Blues; One More Saturday Night Set 2: Shakedown Street > Crazy Fingers > Samson And Delilah; Uncle John's Band > Playin' In The Band > Drums > Space > Dear Mr. Fantasy > Hey Jude Reprise > Dear Mr. Fantasy > Truckin' > Comes A Time > Turn On Your Lovelight Encore: Johnny B. Goode; It's All Over Now Baby Blue 11/11/85 Brendan Byrne Arena, East Rutherford, New Jersey Set 1: [1:01] Walkin' The Dog; Deal; New Minglewood Blues; Althea; Me And My Uncle > Big River; Bird Song; Looks Like Rain > Don't Ease Me In Set 2: [1:24] Scarlet Begonias > Fire On The Mountain > Estimated Prophet > Eyes Of The World > Drums > Space > Dear Mr. Fantasy > Goin' Down The Road Feelin' Bad > Throwin' Stones > Turn On Your Love Light Encore: Brokedown Palace First to sign up please PM me after Marye gives it a proper home in the Vineyard. Thanks! Raymond
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Member for

17 years 7 months

Hey I can add 4/23/84 and maybe 7/4/84 to that vine. They are SBD's though. Peace, Trevor "You know the one thing we need is a left handed monkey wrench....."
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Member for

16 years 2 months

Really looking forward to some more 84 "I've stayed in every blue-light cheap hotel. Can't win for tryin. Dust off those rusty strings just one more time. Gonna make em shine."
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15 years 11 months

To keep the vine consistent...I will add some other '84 Seamons' Matrix shows... to make it two full dvd's of FLAC files.... will repost here with the sources after I get home later today. Thanks!Raymond
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15 years 11 months

going to keep it as listed originally.... will also get an '89 Matrix vine together in a day or so.... will be Oct 20, 22-23 along with the 12-31 show of 89.... More info on that soon. Thanks. Raymond
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17 years 8 months

Ok, this is it. Installment 5 of the complete Garcia Project from 1974. This vine will once again be in FLAC/SHN format and will include the following shows: jg74-11-15.jgms.late.sbd.lai.4487.sbefail.shnf jg74-11-15.jgms.sbd.late.misshn.8071.sbeok.shnf jg74-11-16.jgms.aud.early.moore.minches.jjoops.16808.sbeok.shnf jg74-11-16.jgms.aud.late.moore.minches.jjoops.16809.sbeok.shnf jg74-11-27.jgms.GEMS.sdb.xxxxx.flac16 jg74-11-27.jgms.sbd.gems.91343.sbeok.flac16 jg74-11-27.jgms.sbd.partial.gems.89216.sbeok.flac16 jg74-11-28.jgms.sbd.gmb.85987.sbeok.flac16 jg74-11-28.jgms.sbd.lai.4486.sbefail.shnf jg74-12-15.jgms.sbd.jjoops.8177.sbeok.shnf jg74-12-28.jgms.aud.misshn.24317.sbeok.shnf jg74-12-29.jgms.early.aud.disalvo.taperpat.93978.sbeok.flac16 jg74-12-29.jgms.late.shure.disalvo.jjoops.8643.sbeok.shnf jg74-12-29.jgms.shure.cbass.17019.sbeok.shnf As usual, I will throw in some bonus material. Thanks, Unclejon
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15 years 11 months

Here is another Hunter Seamon's Matrix vine, this time from three consecutive shows in October of '89 along with a New Year's matrix from a separate source. Again, all are excellent sounding SBD/AUD mixes, the first from the Spectrum in Philly on Oct. 20, two from the Charlotte run on the 22-23, and the New Years show from the Oakland Colisueum Arena on 12/31 (matrixed by Hansokolow). This vine also includes both versions of California Earthquake.... the only two ever performed. This will be a DVD vine with .FLAC files... but if anyone would like me to start a .WAV vine on CDR's just let me know. Sources are as follows... Setlists are from DeadBase. Spectrum gd89-10-20.mtx.seamons.102200.sbeok.flac16 Charlotte gd89-10-22.mtx.seamons.102399.sbeok.flac16 Charlotte gd89-10-23.mtx.seamons.102771.sbeok.flac16 Oakland gd89-12-31.dmtx.hansokolow.96560.flac16 10/20/89 The Spectrum, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Set 1: Touch Of Gray [6:19] ~ Greatest Story Ever Told [4:10]; Candyman [6:44]; Picasso Moon [7:26]; Just A Little Light [4:44] % Tennessee Jed; Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again [8:56]; Stagger Lee [5:39]; The Promised Land [4:27]; California Earthquake [5:50] Set 2: Hey Pocky Way [6:48]; Scarlet Begonias [10:03] > Fire On The Mountain [13:44]; Truckin' [7:07] > The Other One Jam [14:33] (1) > Drums [10:#35] > Space [11:00] > I Will Take You Home [5:06] > The Other One [11:11] (2) > Wharf Rat [10:26]; Sugar Magnolia [5:52#] Encore: Brokedown Palace 10/22/89 Charlotte Coliseum, Charlotte, North Carolina Set 1: Foolish Heart [8:03]; New Minglewood Blues [7:28]; Mississippi Half-Step Uptown Toodeloo [5:56]; Queen Jane Approximately [6:00]; Ramble On Rose [6:47]; Beat It On Down The Line [3:13]; Bird Song [14:12]; Johnny B. Goode [3:55] Set 2: Blow Away [10:00]; Samson And Delilah [6:20]; Help On The Way [3:44] > Slipknot! [6:33] > Franklin's Tower [9:40] > Jam [7:#17] > Drums [5:55] > Space [8:43] > I Need A Miracle [4:04] > Stella Blue [8:36] > Throwing Stones [9:11] > Not Fade Away [7:51#] Encore: Black Muddy River [5:53] 10/23/89 Charlotte Coliseum, Charlotte, North Carolina Set 1: California Earthquake [5:05]; Feel Like A Stranger [7:19]; Loser [6:42]; Walkin' Blues [5:24]; Bertha [6:21] > When I Paint My Masterpiece [5:05] % Tennessee Jed [7:15]; Let It Grow [12:09] Set 2: Touch Of Gray [6:10]; Looks Like Rain [7:58]; We Can Run [6:28]; Crazy Fingers [7:47] > Terrapin Station [13:55] % Drums [#4:53] > Space [6:19] > I Will Take You Home [4:42] > Goin' Down The Road Feeling Bad [7:13] > Standing On The Moon [8:29] > Turn On Your Lovelight [6:33] Encore: Attics Of My Life [5:18] 12/31/89 Oakland Coliseum Arena, Oakland, California Set 1: Sugar Magnolia [4:43]; Touch Of Gray [6:31]; Man Smart (Woman Smarter) [8:41]; Big Boss Man [5:00] (1); Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again [8:24]; Shakedown Street [11:00] Set 2: Iko Iko [6:28]; Victim Or The Crime [8:40] > Dark Star [13:07] (2) > Drums [12:16] > Space [6:16] > Dear Mr. Fantasy [6:34] > Hey Jude Reprise [3:36] > Goin' Down The Road Feeling Bad [5:06] > Throwing Stones [9:06] ~ Not Fade Away [7:13] Encore: Brokedown Palace [4:42] ~ Sunshine Daydream [3:32]; In The Midnight Hour [4:53] Comments: (1) With Bonnie Rait After Marye gives this one a home, I would ask that the first person to sign up please send me a text message and I will get this out immediately. Thanks and enjoy! Raymond
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17 years 3 months

Neil Young, Ryman Auditorium, Nashville, TN August 18, 2005 World Premiere “Prairie Wind”(Jonathan Demme Directs “Neil Young In Concert – Prairie Wind Live Filming”) Source:??? > Audio-CD > EAC > FLAC Frontend > Audio CD Tracklist: CD 1 01. The Painter 02. No Wonder 03. Falling Off The Face Of The Earth 04. Far From Home 05. It’s A Dream 06. Prairie Wind 07. Here For You 08. This Old Guitar 09. He Was The King 10. When God Made Me CD 2 01. I Am A Child 02. Heart Of Gold 03. Old Man 04. The Needle And The Damage Done 05. Comes A Time 06. Band Introduction 07. Four Strong Winds 08. Old King 09. Harvest Moon 10. One Of These Days Band : Neil Young - guitar, grand piano, vocals Ben Keith - pedal steel, lap steel, background vocals Spooner Oldham - keyboards, marimba Rick Rosas - bass Chad Cromwell - drums Karl Himmel - drums, percussion Emmylou Harris - background vocals, guitar Grant Boatwright - guitar Anthony Crawford - fiddle, guitar, background vocals Clinton Gregory - fiddle Larry Cragg - banjo, broom Diana DeWitt - background vocals, guitar, autoharp Gary Pigg - background vocals, guitar Pegi Young - background vocals, guitar Wayne Jackson - trumpet Tom McGinley - sax Jimmy Sharp - trombone The Fisk University Jubilee Singers - background vocals The Nashville String Machine - strings Huge thanks to Neil Young and everyone involved ! Enjoy folks ! Stu
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17 years 9 months

I may sign up later though after the holiday wackiness...thanks!
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17 years 7 months

2 SBD’s and 3 AUD’s. I tried to pick the most unique shows that I could find, and represent a few years. Flac files on 5 CD-R’s. Includes – jg91-08-25.sbd.hudson.28843.sbeok.flac16 jg91-12-08.sbd.harris.29549.sbeok.shnf jg92-05-08.aud.unknown.13349.sbeok.shnf jg94-01-12.aud.loy.30691.sbeok.flac16 jg94-01-13.neumann.unknown.82760.sbeok.flac16 Garcia Grisman Gold Coast Concert Bowl Squaw Valley CA 8.25.91 SBD Taper: Unknown Transfer: Adam Hudson Email: adhud8572@adelphia.net SBD DAT > TASCAM DA-20 MKII > Tascam CD-RW5000 > CDR Extracted Sony Sound Forge 7.0 > CDWAV > Flac > To You Jack A Row Spring in California Grateful Dawg Louis Collins Off To Sea Friend of The Devil Two Soldiers So What Russian Lullaby Dawg Waltz Thrill Is Gone Old Rockin' Chair Arabia (A) Arabia (B) Eat My Dust W/ Bela Fleck Ripple W/ Bela Fleck Garcia / Grisman 12.8.91 Warfield Theater - San Francisco, CA Jerry Garcia - Vocals, Guitar, Banjo David Grisman - Mandolin, Vocals, Banjo Jim Kerwin - Bass Joe Craven - Percussion, Fiddle -DISC/SET ONE- (63:13) 01 Shady Grove 02 Sitting In Limbo 03 Rosa Lee McFall 04 So What 05 I Ain't Never Seen Nobody Like You 06 The Thrill Is Gone 07 Dawg's Waltz 08 Dreadful Wind and Rain 09 Arabia -DISC/SET TWO- (64:43) 01 Red Rockin' Chair* 02 Trouble In Mind* 03 Sweet Sunny South** 04 Walkin' Boss* 05 Jack-A-Roe 06 Friend Of The Devil 07 Louis Collins 08 Grateful Dawg 09 Russian Lullaby 10 God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen (E) 11 Ripple *Garcia/Grisman duet **Garcia & Grisman Duet on Banjo Garcia & Grisman Warfield Theater San Francisco, CA 5/8/92 MAD (unknown taper, location, gear) > unknown DAT gens > unknown CD gens > HP 9350i extraction using EAC (v0.9 beta 4) > slight editing using Sound Forge Studio 6.0 > tracking using CD Wave (v1.6) > sector boundary verification using shntool (v1.01) > .shn encoding using mkwACT (v0.97 beta 1). EAC >> SHN by Joe Jupille. Disc One (9) 56:56 --Set I-- 01. ... Jack-A-Roe [#5:44] [0:47] 02. Long Black Veil [5:57] [0:38] 03. Louis Collins [5:31] [0:50] 04. 16x16 [4:49] [1:08] 05. Fields Have Turned Brown [4:53] [0:15] 06. Russian Lullaby/ [6:41#] [0:04] 07. Red Rockin' Chair Blues [4:04] [0:13] 08. She Belongs To Me [6:06] [0:26] 09. Bag's Groove [8:42] [0:03] Disc Two (10) 57:57 --Set II-- 01. /When First Unto This Country [#4:44] [0:31] 02. I'm Troubled [4:08] [0:20] 03. Tell It To Me [3:13] [1:43] 04. Off To Sea Once More [5:49] [1:01] 05. Stealin' [4:08] [0:59] 06. Eat My Dust [7:26] [0:51] 07. Down Where The River Bends [5:01] [0:11] 08. Wind and Rain [5:18] [0:19] 09. So What? [7:56] [0:10] --Encore-- 10. Ripple [4:06] Garcia & Grisman Warfield Theater; San Francisco, CA 1/12/94 MAD (unknown taper, location, & equipment) > DATs > playback on Tascam DA-30 > HHB-800 master CD > 2CD > HP 9350i extraction using EAC > tracking using CD Wave > .shn encoding using mkwACT. D > CD by David Minches, EAC > SHN by Joe Jupille>AU@96000 hz 32 bit float digitally remastered by Bob Loy(The Other One)>16 bit signed pcm wav @ 44100 hz >tracked@16bit>FLAC MAD>DATs>CD(David Minches)>EAC(jjoops)>SHn>AU@96k32bit(loy)>16bitWAV@44100 hz>FLAC Disc One (7) 42:29 --Set I-- 1. Teddy Bear's Picnic [4:48] [0:55] 5:43 2. Jack-A-Roe [4:31] [1:10] 5:41 3. Dark As A Dungeon [7:12] -> 7:12 4. Bow Wow [5:31] [1:35] 7:06 5. Two Soldiers [4:18] -> 4:18 6. Friend Of The Devil [7:02] -> 7:02 7. Louis Collins [5:22] [0:24] 5:27 Disc Two (11) 66:06 --Set II-- 1. Tuning & Stage Talk [0:51] :51 2. Stealin'* [4:05] [0:56] 5:01 5:01 3. Jenny Jenkins* [4:55] -> 4:55 4. Walkin' Boss [7:17] -> 7:17 5. When First Unto This Country [4:33] [0:24] 4:50 6. Milestones [8:42] -> 8:42 7. Sitting In Limbo> [9:22] [1:01] 10:23 8. Russian Lullaby [6:38] -> 6:38 9. I Ain't Never Seen Nobody Like You [3:07] [0:30] 3:37 10. Bag's Groove [9:24] -> 9:27 11. Ripple [4:11] [0:16] 4:25 Notes: • = Garcia & Grisman duet Jerry Garcia & David Grisman Warfield Theatre San Francisco, CA January 13, 1994 Source: FOB DAUD Nuemann km 54's > Teac > DAT x ? Transfer: Panasonic SV-3700 > M-Audio 24/96 > Wavelab 5.0 (L3 multimaximizer) > CD WAVE > FLAC Transfers, Remastering and Seeded to bt.etree.org February 21, 2007 by Bill Koucky Disc 1 35:45 1st Set: 1. //Shady Grove 2. Long Black Veil 3. Rosalie McFall 4. Dawg's Waltz 5. Freight Train 6. Hot Corn, Cold Corn 7. Red Rockin' Chair 8. Grateful Dawg Disc 2 64:24 2nd Set: 1. Troubled In Mind* 2. Ballad Of Casey Jones* 3. There Ain't No Bugs On Me* 4. Band Introductions 5. So What? 6. Old Rockin' Chair 7. Stealin' 8. Poison Glass Of Wine 9. Drink Up And Go Home 10. Arabia "You know the one thing we need is a left handed monkey wrench....."
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17 years

This will cover two artist that there is not a lot of on this site, Bob Dylan and Janis Joplin. There will be approximately 12 gigs of Bob and 6 of Janis. Again these are Soundboards, Pre FM or better. Also there are obviously more shows than I am listing here. Many of these shows are very obscure without reliable dates. ( two shows, on the east & west coast on the same date) I will try to fit all of this on 4 dvd's in shn/flac format. Enjoy... and share! BoB_Dylan_11_04_61_CarniegieHall BoB_Dylan_07_24_64_NewportFolkFestival BoB_Dylan_05_06_65_Newcastle BoB_Dylan_06_15_65_StudioOuttakes BoB_Dylan_07_25_65_NewportFolkFestival BoB_Dylan_10_03_65_HollywoodBowl BoB_Dylan_01_17_69_Cash_StudioOuttakes BoB_Dylan_05_01_70_GeorgeHarrison BoB_Dylan_XX_XX_86_WindmillLaneSessions BoB_Dylan_01_24_86_TomPetty BoB_Dylan_XX-XX-87_GESmithrehearsals BoB_Dylan_XX_XX_88_WilburysOuttakes BoB_Dylan_XX_XX_89_StudioOuttakes BoB_Dylan_11_16_93_New York_early BoB_Dylan_11_16_93_New York_late BoB_Dylan_12_08_97_NewYork Janis_Joplin_01_18_63_KPFAStudios Janis_Joplin_06-_25_64_Jorma'sHouse Janis_Joplin_02_12_67_CaliforniaHall Janis_Joplin_03_XX_68_CheapThrillsOuttakes Janis_Joplin_03_01_68_TheGrandeBallroom Janis_Joplin_06_23_68_CarouselBallroom Janis_Joplin_08_XX_68_NewportFestival Janis_Joplin_10_26_68_HollywoodPalaceShow Janis_Joplin_02_12_69_FillmoreEast Janis_Joplin_03_21_69_Winterland Janis_Joplin_04_01_69_Amsterdam Janis_Joplin_06_XX_69_KozmicBluesOuttakes Janis_Joplin_07_XX_69_DickCavettShow Janis_Joplin_08_30_69_InternationalPopFestival Janis_Joplin_12_XX_69_TomJonesShow Janis_Joplin_04_04_70_FilmoreWest Janis_Joplin_06_25_70_DickCavettShow Janis_Joplin_07_06_70_Honolulu
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17 years 3 months

Brent Mydland unreleased solo album 1982 Source: SBD (just enough hiss to suggest an analog gen. SBD>C>CDR>EAC>SHN>CDR This is a studio album remastered to cd . (54:40) 1- Inlay It In Your Heart 2- Tons Of Steel 3- Dreams 4- Maybe You Know 5- Nobody's 6- See The Other Side 7- Long Way To Go 8- Take One FILLER: Built To Last Outtakes: 9- Start Your Engines 10- Blow Away 11- Take You Home FILLER: Silver 12- Instrumental 13- Climbing Mydland recorded and mastered a solo album, but it was never released. Intended for this album were "Tons Of Steel with Monty Byron on guitar, "Maybe You Know , "Nobody's", "Long Way To Go", and "Dreams". Possibly the sessions discussed with Betty Cantor-Jackson in "The DeadHeads Taping Compendium Vol 2" . TDHTC: "You recorded music for a Brent Mydland solo album that was never released, correct?" Cantor-Jackson: "Yeah, we worked on it for a year, between everything else. Phil used to come into the studio every night and sit down and listen with a big grin on his face. He loved it. That was great stuff. It's the best of Brent and the best of me. Someday I'd really like to put it out. You can definitely hang out inside those mixes" Other info here: http://www3.clearlight.com/~acsa/mydland.htm Enjoy ! Stu
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16 years 2 months

Happy Holidays! I am going to shift gears a little and since it's that time of the year I would like to share a New Years party with you all. Yonder Mountain String Band opening for Widespread Panic at the Pepsi Center Denver, Colorado 12/30 an 12/31 2008. Many great moments these 2 nights. Notably on NYE WP opening the show by nearly playing their entire first album Space Wrangler and then Jeff Austin and Dave Johnston getting on stage and playing with them for a few songs. What a way to ring in the new year and we had a fantastic time! These will be Flac files on a DVD. Cheers! PS If there is interest I can seed more Panic shows. Yonder Mountain String Band Pepsi Center Denver, Colorado 12/30/2008 Source: Schoeps CCM4V'S(din)>Lunatec V2>Sound Devices 722 (24/48) Location: FOB/DFC/KFC/ZFC/AARP 42' From Stage, 6' High DSP: Sound Devices 722>Sound Forge 7.0>CD Wave>flac(16) Recorded By: Z-Man Seeded By: Z-Man Disc I 01 Banter 02 Side Shopw Blues 03 40 Miles From Denver 04 Idaho 05 Maid of the Canyon 06 Belle Parker 07 Yes She Do (No She Don't) 08 Catch Me A Criminal 09 No Expectations > 10 If You're Ever In Oklahoma Disc II 01 Banter - Thanks 02 My Gal > 03 If I Live 04 Spanish Harlem Incident 05 Snow On The Pines > 06 Girlfriend Better > 07 Snow On The Pines 08 Dance Boatman Widespread Panic December 30, 2008 Pepsi Center Denver, CO Source:Neumann KM184's(din)>V3>722 @ 24/48 Location: FOB/DFC 42'From Stage,6'High Transfer: 722>CD Wave>Wavelab(resample/fades)>flac Recorded By: Jamie Scott Seeded By: Jamie Scott disc 1, set 1 01 crowd/tuning 02 Fishwater 03 Walkin' 04 Wonderin' 05 You Should Be Glad 06 Blight > 07 Climb To Safety 08 Gimme 09 Little Kin' 10 Action Man disc 2, set 2 01 crowd/tuning 02 B of D 03 Time Zones > 04 Genesis 05 Flicker > 06 Pigeons > 07 Maggot Brain > 08 Other One Jam > 09 Drums > 10 Jam > 11 Maggot Brain > 12 Pigeons disc 3, set 2 cont. 01 Christmas Katie > 02 Radio Child > 03 Immitation Leather Shoes Encore: 04 crowd 05 Tickle The Truth Into Submission > 06 Cream Puff War Yonder Mountain String Band December 31st, 2008 Pepsi Center Denver, CO ***16 BIT*** Source: Schoeps mk4v's(ORTF)>kc5>m222>nt222>744 Location: FOB/ DFC, 50' from stage, stand @ 6' Transfer: 744t>CD Wave>Wavelab 5>Flac Taped and Transferred by Derek Davis Disc 1 01 Intro 02 Out Of The Blue 03 Don't You Lean On Me 04 How 'Bout You 05 Another Day 06 Steep Grade Sharp Curves 07 Casualty 08 Kentucky Mandolin~> 09 Sidewalk Stars 10 Death Trip 11 If There's Still Ramblin' In The Rambler (Let Him Go)~> 12 Angel~>Riverside~>Angel 13 Ramblin' Reprise Widespread Panic Wednesday, December 31st, 2008 The Pepsi Center - Denver, CO Sourse: Josephson c42mp > Busman Tmod R-4 + Avenson STO-2 > Busman Tmod R-4 Transfer: R-4 > PC > Sound Forge 9.0 > CD Wave > flac Location: OTS, directly behind the SBD, 5' ROC, 9' high Taped and transferred by Bob Fager - bob_at_bobfager_dot_com Set 1 / disc 1: 01 Chilly Water 02 Travelin' Light 03 Space Wrangler 04 Coconuts 05 The Take Out 06 Porch Song 07 Stop/Go 08 Driving Song Set 2 / disc 2: 01 highlights of 2008 / countdown to the new year 02 Auld Lang Syne 03 As Time Goes By 04 Tall Boy 05 Walk On The Flood 06 Ain't life Grand* > 07 Who Do You Belong To?* 08 Fixin' To Die* 09 Vacation 10 Clinic Cynic 11 Weak Brain, Narrow Mind 12 Don't Be Denied Disc 3 (2nd set cont'd): 01 Angels On High 02 Arleen > 03 Papa's Home 04 Give Encore: 05 Up All Night > 06 Disco > 07 Love Tractor * With Jeff Austin on Mandolin and Dave Johnston on Banjo "I've stayed in every blue-light cheap hotel. Can't win for tryin. Dust off those rusty strings just one more time. Gonna make em shine."
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16 years 10 months

On December 8th, 2009 That Nice Hippy Guy said:2 SBD’s and 3 AUD’s. I tried to pick the most unique shows that I could find, and represent a few years. Flac files on 5 CD-R’s. Includes – jg91-08-25.sbd.hudson.28843.sbeok.flac16 jg91-12-08.sbd.harris.29549.sbeok.shnf jg92-05-08.aud.unknown.13349.sbeok.shnf jg94-01-12.aud.loy.30691.sbeok.flac16 jg94-01-13.neumann.unknown.82760.sbeok.flac16 Garcia Grisman Gold Coast Concert Bowl Squaw Valley CA 8.25.91 SBD Taper: Unknown Transfer: Adam Hudson Email: adhud8572@adelphia.net SBD DAT > TASCAM DA-20 MKII > Tascam CD-RW5000 > CDR Extracted Sony Sound Forge 7.0 > CDWAV > Flac > To You Jack A Row Spring in California Grateful Dawg Louis Collins Off To Sea Friend of The Devil Two Soldiers So What Russian Lullaby Dawg Waltz Thrill Is Gone Old Rockin' Chair Arabia (A) Arabia (B) Eat My Dust W/ Bela Fleck Ripple W/ Bela Fleck Garcia / Grisman 12.8.91 Warfield Theater - San Francisco, CA Jerry Garcia - Vocals, Guitar, Banjo David Grisman - Mandolin, Vocals, Banjo Jim Kerwin - Bass Joe Craven - Percussion, Fiddle -DISC/SET ONE- (63:13) 01 Shady Grove 02 Sitting In Limbo 03 Rosa Lee McFall 04 So What 05 I Ain't Never Seen Nobody Like You 06 The Thrill Is Gone 07 Dawg's Waltz 08 Dreadful Wind and Rain 09 Arabia -DISC/SET TWO- (64:43) 01 Red Rockin' Chair* 02 Trouble In Mind* 03 Sweet Sunny South** 04 Walkin' Boss* 05 Jack-A-Roe 06 Friend Of The Devil 07 Louis Collins 08 Grateful Dawg 09 Russian Lullaby 10 God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen (E) 11 Ripple *Garcia/Grisman duet **Garcia & Grisman Duet on Banjo Garcia & Grisman Warfield Theater San Francisco, CA 5/8/92 MAD (unknown taper, location, gear) > unknown DAT gens > unknown CD gens > HP 9350i extraction using EAC (v0.9 beta 4) > slight editing using Sound Forge Studio 6.0 > tracking using CD Wave (v1.6) > sector boundary verification using shntool (v1.01) > .shn encoding using mkwACT (v0.97 beta 1). EAC >> SHN by Joe Jupille. Disc One (9) 56:56 --Set I-- 01. ... Jack-A-Roe [#5:44] [0:47] 02. Long Black Veil [5:57] [0:38] 03. Louis Collins [5:31] [0:50] 04. 16x16 [4:49] [1:08] 05. Fields Have Turned Brown [4:53] [0:15] 06. Russian Lullaby/ [6:41#] [0:04] 07. Red Rockin' Chair Blues [4:04] [0:13] 08. She Belongs To Me [6:06] [0:26] 09. Bag's Groove [8:42] [0:03] Disc Two (10) 57:57 --Set II-- 01. /When First Unto This Country [#4:44] [0:31] 02. I'm Troubled [4:08] [0:20] 03. Tell It To Me [3:13] [1:43] 04. Off To Sea Once More [5:49] [1:01] 05. Stealin' [4:08] [0:59] 06. Eat My Dust [7:26] [0:51] 07. Down Where The River Bends [5:01] [0:11] 08. Wind and Rain [5:18] [0:19] 09. So What? [7:56] [0:10] --Encore-- 10. Ripple [4:06] Garcia & Grisman Warfield Theater; San Francisco, CA 1/12/94 MAD (unknown taper, location, & equipment) > DATs > playback on Tascam DA-30 > HHB-800 master CD > 2CD > HP 9350i extraction using EAC > tracking using CD Wave > .shn encoding using mkwACT. D > CD by David Minches, EAC > SHN by Joe Jupille>AU@96000 hz 32 bit float digitally remastered by Bob Loy(The Other One)>16 bit signed pcm wav @ 44100 hz >tracked@16bit>FLAC MAD>DATs>CD(David Minches)>EAC(jjoops)>SHn>AU@96k32bit(loy)>16bitWAV@44100 hz>FLAC Disc One (7) 42:29 --Set I-- 1. Teddy Bear's Picnic [4:48] [0:55] 5:43 2. Jack-A-Roe [4:31] [1:10] 5:41 3. Dark As A Dungeon [7:12] -> 7:12 4. Bow Wow [5:31] [1:35] 7:06 5. Two Soldiers [4:18] -> 4:18 6. Friend Of The Devil [7:02] -> 7:02 7. Louis Collins [5:22] [0:24] 5:27 Disc Two (11) 66:06 --Set II-- 1. Tuning & Stage Talk [0:51] :51 2. Stealin'* [4:05] [0:56] 5:01 5:01 3. Jenny Jenkins* [4:55] -> 4:55 4. Walkin' Boss [7:17] -> 7:17 5. When First Unto This Country [4:33] [0:24] 4:50 6. Milestones [8:42] -> 8:42 7. Sitting In Limbo> [9:22] [1:01] 10:23 8. Russian Lullaby [6:38] -> 6:38 9. I Ain't Never Seen Nobody Like You [3:07] [0:30] 3:37 10. Bag's Groove [9:24] -> 9:27 11. Ripple [4:11] [0:16] 4:25 Notes: • = Garcia & Grisman duet Jerry Garcia & David Grisman Warfield Theatre San Francisco, CA January 13, 1994 Source: FOB DAUD Nuemann km 54's > Teac > DAT x ? Transfer: Panasonic SV-3700 > M-Audio 24/96 > Wavelab 5.0 (L3 multimaximizer) > CD WAVE > FLAC Transfers, Remastering and Seeded to bt.etree.org February 21, 2007 by Bill Koucky Disc 1 35:45 1st Set: 1. //Shady Grove 2. Long Black Veil 3. Rosalie McFall 4. Dawg's Waltz 5. Freight Train 6. Hot Corn, Cold Corn 7. Red Rockin' Chair 8. Grateful Dawg Disc 2 64:24 2nd Set: 1. Troubled In Mind* 2. Ballad Of Casey Jones* 3. There Ain't No Bugs On Me* 4. Band Introductions 5. So What? 6. Old Rockin' Chair 7. Stealin' 8. Poison Glass Of Wine 9. Drink Up And Go Home 10. Arabia "You know the one thing we need is a left handed monkey wrench....." joneb Peace