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    Anonymous (not verified)
    15 years 3 months ago
    halloween deadhead
    I have telepathically communicated to Phil your wish and he has waved me back, saying: Look for Furthur to do Werewolves next Halloween. He can't guarantee 2 things: 1) That he will be alive and 2) That the show will be in NYC. His wave concluded with -- "Are you an organ donor?"over'n'out
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    15 years 3 months ago
    could someone PLEASE communicate this to Phil & Friends for me?
    My Dearest Phil and Friends,I could start out by trying to butter-up you guys to bring your attention to something very close to my heart, while bogusly trying to.sway some level of influence as I try and garner support for a desperately hoped-for Halloween Dead Show on 10/31/10 at the Nokia Theater (or any other NYC venue, of course) in NEW YORK CITY. Instead, i'll just let the words speak for themselves. First, I'll come right out and admit my little selfishness: Halloween does happen to be my B'Day. Yep, it happened right here in Big Apple on 10/31/58. Surely, the happy couple had lovely, big dreams for their beautiful new baby. Never, would it have entered their minds in those first few years, that we as a family were on the verge of gaining a 'host' of extra, 'de facto' members to the family - from about 1971 through the immediate present. - unfamiliar, yet plentiful, and apparently even in irreversable trends.. They came in: in the intangible forms of the Grateful Dead, plus plenty of other associated & various heads, with whom or what and in some form that would be grouping and gaining momentum. The folks no longer recognized "home: and certainly, no longer the little halloweendeadhead that they had brought home from the hospital. Truly, it would not have been possible for them to grasp the vast spectrom of the long, strange trip they were about to accomodate (mostly financially,) attempt to understand, and be vicariously swept along for the ride with me: one of the most well-blossomed, teen Dead Heads that it seemed the world could create. They did what only came natural to them: they prayed, - hard, - straight to heaven. So what does any of this have to do with trying to Prompt Phil to play NYC next 10/31/10? Let's do it for my 83 year old mom. Of course, I was ticketed for the since dubbed "Annual NYC Philaton," during the 1st and 2nd years of Halloween Shows, 2007&2008, (This year, 2009, was skipped..) During the time period when we all hang-out before going to the Theatre - 1st Halloween show - 2007, I happened to be on the cell phone outside with my mother. I was describing to her what appeared to be bad vibes with the the tickets. I told her that, along with of the usual crowd, there was a proliferation of youngish-looking, Wall Street types in full business suits, jamming the street corners and waving enormous amounts of money for this Halloween show. It was truly repulsive. $500.; $1,000; $1,500., etc. Fast Forward to Halloween, 2008. AND, this time it's a very desirable Friday, (Now, I've Mentioned ,above, that my folks are religious.) The identical scene is going on, but this time there's even more Suits And Ties With specific instructions from Mom (and a huge wad of cash) I got to the scene 2-3 hours earlier. I was to buy up any and all tickets that I could Find, regardless of cost. There would be no inventory left for the Suits & Ties at any cost. Mom's instructions were clear: "WWJD" Any Deadhead with his finger up looking for a miracle, got a ticket discretely slipped to them by me (obviously, at no cost.) We all went in with a smile, smile, smile. "WWJD" has a religious significance, with which I don't subscribed to, but I know that 'MyJ' Jerry would have agreed with the plan. I CAN REMEMBER THAT IN HOUSE OF BLUES, MYRTLE BEACH in July, 2008, I WAS TALKING WITH JOHN MOLO AFTER THE SHOW AND HE SAID HE WAS WATCHING ME ALL NIGHT: HE SAID THAT HE JUST COULDN'T BELIEVE THAT THIS CHICK KNEW EVERY LYRIC TO EVERY SONG. Just a lot of practice, I guess. PHIL, PLEASE COME BACK TO NYC ON HOLLOWEEN NEXT YEAR!
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    17 years 8 months ago
    I met Phil Lesh a number of times
    I was driving a taxi cab for a while there (its an old Master Thespian Requirement), and I was telling this hip guy about how I used to know Bill and Phill of the Dead, and I turned around, and it was Phill Lesh, whom I have met many times (this was around 1990 or so, in Las Vegas, dropped him off at the Las Vegas Hilton) Used to chat with him (1970's in Kentfield) regarding the Deads Wall Of Sound, he was teaching me about speakers being In Phase (so you can hear everything, else, people say "it was loud, but I couldn't hear anything" which means out of phase speakers). And I am not positive, but I do think it was Phill that I met and jammed with at the Hollywood Teen Fair back around 1966? at the Paladeum in Hollywood, we jammed at the Accoustic Amp booth, and were playing around with these knobs on the amps that provide a single tone, so we got all the amps going around the same frequency, put em on stand by, turned up the volume, then turned em all on at the same time, and everyone came running to the booth, then we jammed. And, I think it was Cream in the big tent 50 feet away (they charged to get in), before they were famous, I think it was them. I was around 13 years old, and a good musician (classical guitar lessons at age 7). And one time Phill gave me a ride from Marin to Little River to see my grandparents, whom he met, and my grandfather being a top electrical engineer, they had a good chat. Phill knows his electronics. On the way, we were taling about validity of vegetarian karma, me being a vegetarian at the time, and he asked, if you ate meat and no one knew you did it, would it really affect your karma? or is it just a social thing? I insisted it was full out karma, and around that time a deer jumped in front of the car, Phill slammed on the brakes, and we came so close, but the deer was OK, but would not move, finally Phill agreed with me and the deer took off. It sort of tells you something. And having grown up in the redwoods in Mendocino, I was often around deer and birds, and they are often psychic, and I used to take my grandparents dogs Meeshka and Zhuchock (black bettle) into the woods for a walk, trancedence in the redwoods, the dogs loved it, then they would start digging holes and sniffing. Music for the New Millennium by ARCHURE reg tmrk www.archure.net