- Post reply Log in to post comments1,247 repliesmaryeJoined:No scalping please!
- ColoradoSeanJoined:4 tix Dead and Company Dec 28 LA forum under face value
My wife and I decided on going to see the shows in San Fran instead. We bought the 3-D collector tickets at $190 a piece after fees. Willing to let go for $170 a piece. Section 207 row 3 We have too much money in tickets. Feel free to call me at 970-222-3580. Or email me at seanrisatti@yahoo.com Thank you, Sean
- PatolaJoined:Dead & Company @ MSG 10/31/19
I have a pair of tickets to the Dead & Company show at MSG on Halloween 10/31/19, Section-227; Row-5; Seats 18-19.
I'm looking to trade them for two tickets to the Dead & Company show at MSG on 11/1/19.
These tickets are from Ticketmaster and can be electronically transferred.
If interested please get in touch with me at plcl1002@verizon.net - PatPocJoined:DEAD AND CO. tickets for 6/18/19 Saratoga Performing Arts Centre
2 LAWN GA tickets - $40.00 USD each plus cost of shipping.
These are actual ticket stubs and will be shipping from Ontario, Canada. Tickets are in hand and can be shipped at any time.
I had a road trip planned down to Saratoga Springs for the show but plans fell through and I need to sell these tickets. Kinda hard when you live in a different country. I've accepted the fact I will be taking a huge loss here. After the fees, taxes, and conversion rate it came to over $70 USD per ticket.
Any feedback from the community will be much appreciated.
Thank you,
- rhythmNwineJoined:SOLD - Please, no more emails or messages
Lost my companion for this show so cannot attend...
Have two tickets for 11/18 at the Beacon Theatre
Row V
Aisle Seat and Companion
(Disability Patron Seating)
Selling at actual cost - $160 (for both)
Please message me at rhythmNwine@live.com if interested - PatolaJoined:Bobby and Wolf Bros 11/19/18 Beacon Theatre
I have one ticket for the 11/19 show located in the UPBALC, Row J, Seat 104 that I was looking to trade for a ticket for the 11/18 show the night before at the Beacon. If interested please text me at 917-941-0559 and lets make this Deal go down :)