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  • Gr8fulTed
    9/11 remebered and the return of regular season pro football
    Take a moment to remember those who perished 10 years ago. Thank goodness Al Qaeda has lost it's grip on effective destruction. On a much more mundane note, I think the Kansas City Chiefs suck big-time: can we send Pioli back to Boston and Haley back to Phoenix ??!! '9'rs looked good in a late afternoon game.
  • TigerLilly
    is safe and sound, riggsjr! Thanks!********************************** I am not young enough to know everything. Oscar Wilde
  • riggsjr
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    Been gone for a few days and just caught up with your traumas, glad everything worked out in the end. Trust your daughter is fine now?
  • gratefaldean
    For the update, Gonz and TL. I've PM'd johnman...if I don't hear back, I'll try the lamagonzo connection.
  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    ha ha!, bet that heart was a pumpin', eh?!!such good news though. and yes, some real nice food and a good herbal tea (oh, go on then, a damn fine glass of Burgundy!) and it will all seem like a dream! and thanks lamagonzo for the johnman info; i'll PM him and do what i can. September seems to be being particularly fruity this year!! let's hope, after 8 days in, it begins to calm down a wee bit, ha ha!
  • TigerLilly
    I hope
    that I took that particular karma hit for all of you, and that such a thing NEVER happens to you. "How to make your mother into a senior citizen in 2 and a half days" by Imi Peanut. She is home now, and as the panic adrenaline leaves my body, I am alternating between hysterical tears then giggles, and body feels like I am about 90 years old. This too will pass, after some real sleep and some real food. Thanks for caring-everyone who did helped the hanging on! Now back to directing ALL positive vibes and also financial aid to Johnman. I will ask him where to send a check. ********************************** I am not young enough to know everything. Oscar Wilde
  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    Update from Johnman
    I'll take it upon myself to report that Johnman is still in need and facing homelessness. He has given me an address to send mail to and I am dropping a check in the mail today. Since he has chosen not to post that address, I will not either. However you can PM him or myself for it and you will have the satisfaction of seeing 100% of the donation go to him. And I am also relieved that TL's daughter was found unhurt. Thank God! Perhaps she will learn something about a mother's love from this. In the US it seems like so few of these cases end up with happy endings and that is why in the last ten years first responders have moved up their mobilization to within a couple of hours and we have Amber Alerts. In these two cases please take a moment to reflect what you would have been going through if it was you... and as circumstances change all the time it could very well come to be though I hope it never does for anybody anywhere.
  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    Thank God for that!! Haven't been able to listen to music or anything.The little rascal ha ha!!!! i guess 13 is the new 17! well, certainly shows she has a sharp mind and is independent; i say good for her. Ya gotta test the waters sometimes! But real happy everyone is safe and well.
  • johnman
    Dang,Tiger...glad they are OK
    At least when the mouse took off, I had a fairly clear idea wherwe he was...and he came home for clean clothes....
  • marye
    so glad she's safe
    even if she is too smart for her own good, that one!
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17 years 9 months
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17 years 8 months

May God bless you and your family, BobbaLee. I'll keep the prayers coming!
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17 years 9 months

so sorry to hear things were that dire, but happy to hear Candy's on the mend. Many good vibes to all of you.
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17 years 9 months

and more +++++++++++ vibes on the way and spread all around. love & peace.
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17 years 8 months

More healing vibes sent your way this evening.
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16 years 1 month

hope and good vibes to you all. be patient, my friend. -kottonmouthjeff__
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17 years 9 months

Thanks for finding time to give us this good news. Maybe Deadhead power has helped just a little. I really hope Candy continues to get better and can be home soon.
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17 years 9 months

And it is my hope that the worst is behind you all. Take care, and hold tight. The Truth is realized in an instant, the act is practiced step by step.
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17 years 9 months

Thanks so much.I print out your comments and read them to her. Hopefully today she will be awake when I read them. She is doing a little better. They began to lower the amount of sedatives and hope to have her awake today. They may try to remove the tube going down her throat Tuesday morning. We got official notice from the CDC she has been H1N1 free for 96 hours. The experimental drug that saved her life was Relenza. It was previously only used as an inhalent. Doctor Levine had to move mountains to get the FDA to release it in liquid form. So if a loved one is in the hospital tell the doctor about it. It really stopped the H1N1 from reproducing. I can't believe it has been over three weeks since she started getting real sick. We are lucky to have such good caring friends like you to help out. Bob and Candy And the road goes on forever.... BobbaLee
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17 years 9 months

Thanks so much.I print out your comments and read them to her. Hopefully today she will be awake when I read them. She is doing a little better. They began to lower the amount of sedatives and hope to have her awake today. They may try to remove the tube going down her throat Tuesday morning. We got official notice from the CDC she has been H1N1 free for 96 hours. The experimental drug that saved her life was Relenza. It was previously only used as an inhalent. Doctor Levine had to move mountains to get the FDA to release it in liquid form. So if a loved one is in the hospital tell the doctor about it. It really stopped the H1N1 from reproducing. I can't believe it has been over three weeks since she started getting real sick. We are lucky to have such good caring friends like you to help out. Bob and Candy And the road goes on forever.... BobbaLee
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16 years 7 months

Continuing constant prayers and good thoughtsto all in need. BobbaLee, thanks for sharing the news. Increasing health and happiness is just so much the right idea, arguing this point is my prayer and reflection.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Candy is dandy and here is to a quicker recovery... love&peace ++++++++++++++ beams on the way and all around. peace&love!
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17 years 2 months

it should have been a vapor, which is nothing but atomized liquid, why did they have a problem releasing that? my prayers, still!!..healing vibes to the max!!!
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17 years 9 months

Thanks everyoneShe is awake very weak breathing on her own -she squeezed my hand 3 times which is our secret signal for "I Love You"-- when I told her she had been asleep for 17 days her eyes got really really big.. One of my friends is taking me to see the ABB tonite at the Hard Rock. And the road goes on forever.... BobbaLee
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17 years 8 months

BobbaLee! Am so very glad that Candy is awake and on the mend. Please give her best wishes for a speedy recovery. And enjoy yourself tonight, so you can go back and tell her about it.********************************** Education: that which reveals to the wise, and conceals from the stupid, the vast limits of their knowledge. Mark Twain
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17 years 9 months

that candy is feeling more dandy! while i haven't posted any good vibes, i have been sending them out for her. peacen'love
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17 years 9 months

so glad to hear this!
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17 years 9 months

What can I say? Let a therapist sleep for 17 days and first thing she has to be on her cell phone with her "Froggy" voice checking with her patients. The nurses had to take it away from her after a few hours.The Allman Bros were simply amazing damn they sure can rock sounded as good as they did 20- years ago. I don't have too many memories of the 60's shows I saw of them. Best part went into the casino spent 6 bucks on the slots won $46 and promptly left. Enough for Double Jack Daniels and Coca Cola for my friend and I. We want to thank you again for all of the well wishes and kind words and prayers. The Mihm family And the road goes on forever.... BobbaLee
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17 years 9 months

to all of our friendsCandy was released on Sunday from Doctors Hospital -she walks with a walker and is eating and resting. Physical rehab is very very important. She was called the Miracle of Doctors Hospital 6o minutes had a great piece about the H1N1 virus and how devastating it can be , Please get your vaccines. And the road goes on forever.... BobbaLee
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17 years 9 months

hope Candy continues to heal up well now that she's back with her loving family!
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17 years 9 months

welcome home Candy. That's one very special miracle!
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17 years 9 months

Cool! glad to hear Candy is home, back where she belongs. love and peace. ********* ++++++++ vibes to family and friends of the victims at Ft. Hood.
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Member for

17 years 2 months

bad enough that they were preparing to ship out to the gulf. it appears they were murdered by one (or more) of their own.............please pray or whatever you wish..for the families and friends of the wounded and lost...........and glad to hear candy is home!!
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16 years 7 months

nice to hear you are doing better!! thoughts and prayers for all in need
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17 years 3 months

Big warm hugs to ya Candy , bet it`s nice to be home . And warm healing wishes to the familly`s of the murdered and wounded soldiers of FT.Hood. no place is safe . what a shame.
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17 years 9 months

We hope all of the families that have a loved one protecting us feel the appreciation we have for their tough job. Postive vibes for all involved. And the road goes on forever.... BobbaLee
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17 years 8 months

Frankly needs our positive vibes right now, to help him recover from a grave and dramatic illness. Am grateful you're still with us, Frankly. Heal and rock on! ********************************** Education: that which reveals to the wise, and conceals from the stupid, the vast limits of their knowledge. Mark Twain
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17 years 9 months

Sorry to hear that you have been unwell. Here's sending you the very best wishes for a speedy recovery CB
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17 years 8 months

out to Frankly If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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17 years 9 months

the problem seems to be at the chat site, so for the moment we're waiting it out, but we're keeping an eye on the situation. Thanks.
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17 years 8 months

Hey everyone...I've been completely remiss about signing on and spreading positive vibes, and for that I apologize. I miss you guys. Anyway, school is going well for Marjie and I both, however we have hit a point of diminishing returns living were we are, so it's back to Alabama for us. We are excited as all get out to be moving back home. One thing is that we have friends who are not like family but are indeed family to us in Mobile, and that is something we've missed since we started our wagon train up to the mountains. We've seen and learned and experienced and now it is time to go. Our projected moving date is the second week of February. This of course breaks from my own personal norm of giving myself 24 or 36 hours of preparation to move. Usually I decide to move, rent a truck, and while I'm loading it I decide where to go...this time we are doing our homework and whatnot first. Guess we be growing up. I did my first professional photography job. I photographed candles for a local soy candle company to use on their website. Unfortunately they decided not to pay me citing that I am in school and was working there as a student. Sucks...especially when they initially promised to pay me to do the job. It's a bunch of nonsense, but needless to say our leaving here isn't going to be as difficult as it once would have been. It is good experience though. I sent my first "cease from using my copyrighted work" letter. Still don't know what is going to happen. Either they have to pay me or they have to figure out how to shoot a couple thousand photos of candles real quick. On the up side...we have a friend in Mobile who is a working photographer too busy to handle her work load. She has been looking for someone to partner with. On a side note, she is actually the person who bought our house in Mobile, so when we go visit we hang out on our old deck. With any luck we'll be able to find a place walking distance between us. In the meantime, I've been saving up and investing in things like cameras and flashes and printers and computers and software, so we should be set to hit the ground running when we get back down to the gulf coast. Sorry for the long note, I haven't been around in a while...but I wanted to send out good vibes to a friend who is out hitchhiking right now. She went from here to Mobile with us, then hitched out to Cali, up the coast...Oregon, and then over to Jersey. I saw her yesterday for five minutes and she was off like a flash. I think she is headed down to Florida. Anyway, we expect to see her down in Alabama after we move, so she's gonna remain on the road this whole time. She's really got it in her, and she's a hell of a writer too. Okay, time to go...I love you guys...Happy Holidays, and all you travelers keep it between the lines in this ice. Later Gators
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17 years 2 months

but if you can find a moment, please send healing vibes to the philippines. my mother-in-law was in an explosion and may lose an arm. i don't know the whole story yet, i just know we can't afford to send her money, let alone go see her...please please send all the vibes and prayers you can....thank you for your time
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17 years 3 months

Positive beams to your mother-in-law !! crap man an explostion ? please keep us imformed on that . Hope everything goes well with her . man it`s hard for me to imagine loosing an arm. Really hope that does`nt happen to her . +++++++++++ beams her way brother !!! And Hozomeen , Peacefull and safe travle moving beams to you and your familly !! I hope it all works out for you guy`s !!
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17 years 9 months

so sorry to hear this! many healing vibes to your mother in law!
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17 years 8 months

peace through musicYou're not bothering anyone! We Love to send positive vibes and healing prayers. It is the best thing we can do for the world. I hope that your mom- in- law has a speedy recovery. Keep us updated. Much Love and peace to you and your family.
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17 years 8 months

Johnman. Warm vibes to our loving cake-man brother, your wife, and her mother Do we know anyone in the Philippines, who might be closer? to check on the situation? ********************************** By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean. Mark Twain