- Post reply Log in to post comments3,443 repliesmaryeJoined:New year, new update. Tell us of your musical adventures in real time!
- OroborousJoined:4/4&5/95
Yeah the 4th is an aud, but luckily no chatter.
Shows not bad at all? Can’t believe how many “reviews” call this worst ever…FFS. I’m so over the internet in that every idiot can just regurgitate some BS they read online…so it must be true! This is why our country is phucked: no critical thinking at all, just monkey see, monkey do. Is it FW 69, of course not their 26 years older and have constantly progressed/changed, but it’s far from worst ever! In fact, both these Bama shows so far (5th End of first) are far more consistent than the Atlanta shows, though not as “on” perhaps as the Mid?
I mean if I would have saw the 5th, (either really)I would have enjoyed it, though probably grumbled about not catching DS, Unbroken etc lol (picky ass DH).
I’m just so perplexed by folks “opinions”…and I blame all this tech and more specifically the misuse of it. It’s not supposed to replace thinking, but that seems to be what’s happened in the last thirty years…how bout, just listen to a show WITHOUT reading reviews etc, and actually critically listen, not get hung up on what year it is, the recording quality, or what some dipshit says online…if ya get confused just LISTEN to the music play!…ok, sorry, rant over lol
Hey kid, git off my lawn! ; )
Yep, GD 101, nothing is usually as awesome or horrible as the sheep say!4/1&2: These we’re back on track after Atlanta, with the first night decent, not a ripper, but more consistent etc. The second night was very nice, I’d say in the ballpark with 2/21, 3/18, and 3/23. Conekid scores!
- uncle_tripelJoined:yeah ...
... '95, well...
at the spectrum (3/17 & 3/18)
we got our 1st glimpse of
mr garcia and the teleprompters
which we promtly scuffed at
but then it was brought to
our attention that
mr jagger had used
one as well on
the stones tourafter "visions"
we all agreed
use it!but as you can hear
confusion and lose
of concentration
plagues '95today moving right into
march 9th 1992
@ cap center landover
thanks mr hornsbyPEACE for ALL!
uncle_tripel - OroborousJoined:3/30/95
Followed by Bill Evans Box: Everybody Still Digs Bill Evans
Usually wait until I’m finished with the tour to compare, but since y’all been having a nice convo…
Knew nothing of early 95 going in. Hadn’t even hit the Boxilla show.
Have heard plenty of negative hype, but one thing I’ve learned chasing all these shows is usually, nothing is as good or bad as the hype declares…
So mostly, been pleasantly surprised, until Omni shows, where unfortunately the weird, glitch like inconsistency’s have started to be a regular phenomenon.
We only saw the cool Pittsburgh “rain” show, and the last 2 in chi town.
Same phenomenon, only more pronounced and often, but same reactive feelings: WTF? Like how could he do a pretty fine job here on the 30 of Visions, then be so bad on LSD? Just one example, but with no viewing, listening only, it’s so weird, one minute he’s fully there, five minutes later he’s not, sad….still breaks my heart : (
But besides a couple good vocal flubs during one of the Oakland or Philly shows, (sorry, forgot to note them?) not much out of the ordinary percentage wise, as far as blunders. On the other hand, been lots of well played and even big moments on the tour so far. The first Salt Lakes were decent, followed by a very enjoyable show that David used for Boxilla, including a nice Visions of Johanna, first one since the two in 86. By some weird cosmic swirl we were fortunate to have witnessed the first on 3/19/86 and the last one on 7/8/9.
But lots of other highlights, and overall I’d say good batting average.
Standouts so far, have been 2/21, 3/18, and the very fine outing on 3/23!
Also enjoyed were the first nights from Oakland, Philly, and Charlotte. The rest, decent, but…
But by Atlanta, things have clearly changed. Again, not as horrible or phenomenal as some reviews out there, but the WTF? to well played ratio is most definitely going south…I could list more examples of both, but I think ya get the drift, and folks need to listen and form their own thoughts…
Promising to hear there’s still some positive vibes to be had, (thanks for recommendations guys) so, if I don’t get JD 🤞mañana, we’ll be off to the Mid!