- Post reply Log in to post comments3,441 repliesmaryeJoined:New year, new update. Tell us of your musical adventures in real time!
- daverockJoined:Smokie
Dennis - in my admittedly small circle of acquaintances Smokie weren't considered too cool. They might well have had hidden qualities. We were quite snobby, although we didn't see it that way at the time.
I recently bought a great box set by the Welsh band Man, called "On The Air 1972-1983". It features BBC recordings in that timespan and includes 4 cds and 2 dvds. Great sound quality - it's not a grey area bootleg or anything like that. I don't know if they were known about in the States, but they were sometimes considered as the Welsh equivalent of Quicksilver for their great guitar sound, willingness to jam and stoned good humour.
Check out Renee Berg strutting her stuff with them on stage on the first dvd. She can be seen dancing to Quicksilver online at a live show circa 1970 and also joined Stacia with the mighty Hawkwind for the Space Ritual tour in 1972.
- bluecrowJoined:11/20/73
We finished our project a bit quicker than anticipated so back at home with a few extra free days. Finally getting around to jam section released as filler on Disc 3 of RT Vol. 4 No.3. 11/21 got the spotlight on that release but all of 11/20 needs to released. Great show front to back.
PF - I picked up the The Basement Tapes RAW (Bootleg Serties Vol 11) for a buck at a local yard sale. Haven't really cracked it but now I've got to see whats up. Also got Tom Petty's Highway Companion for $1 - that's a disc I spun a whole lot.
- proudfootJoined:did they really remove "End Racism" in the end zones?
fuck the NFL.
I have many other ways to spend 2/9 than watching that shyte.
I hereby declare this coming Sunday "Grateful Dead at Maples Pavillion Day."
every day this country gets worse and worse. just simply unbelievable.
- OroborousJoined:11/5&6/70
11/5: another SWEET DS!
Yeah PF, wonder if anyone has tapes?Uncle T, Doin it proper!
Go Birds!
Hope the league doesn’t just reduce them to another hurdle for the “threepeat” marketing bonanza BS!
Think we’re going to boycott for the above, plus the politicizing, including the league caving into removing “End Racism” from the end zones! Greedy Koonts!