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  • fluffanutter
    Keep this thread going Mary, please. There aren't enough open space topics and this is one of them. Thank you!
  • marye
    if you check the My Recent Posts
    rather than All Recent Posts, it tends to have fewer product-oriented updates, fwiw.
  • cosmicbadger
    You can check out any time you like, but.....
    Please reconsider TL..many have felt like you do at times, and then just felt like asses when they come sneaking back ;-) Sure, it ain't like the old days, and a lot of the forums are dead. Even if you post on recipes, great adventures, gardening, pets etc nobody normally picks it up, but I guess most of the socialising happens on facebook these days . It is a shame they let the chatroom die and that the recent posts gets clogged with store updates, but you can filter that stuff. And there are some good times to be had on Blairs blogs where a lot of nice folks gather and the trolls get short shrift. A few old friends have vanished, but I am here, Hal pops in sometimes, Mr Pid and others. You gonna just abandon us? So please don't jump, just step aside for a bit if you need. .
  • fluffanutter
    looks like yer still here, Lilley
    I understand completely your sentiment. Very commercial and very few people around regularly. I think, this being the "official" site of the Grateful Dead, you cannot speak your mind freely. You can, but you can't -- if you know what I mean. Nobody will delete your post but there is a silent seething in the shadows if it is not deemed appropriate. Not that I ever cared a whit 'bout the party line. There is more interesting conversation about the GD on other sites. Whatever, it's all good. If you stick around more people will show up, eventually.
  • TigerLilly
    Ciao and Adieu!!
    marye please delete my account. I have thought about it and I am sure. Product product product product...bah!! Search for "spinning spinning free" topic didn't find the thread I wanted, and after searching back 25 pages and still not finding it...enough is enough. Seems like chat will never be back, and with topics so buried in sales, I have no use for this site anymore. That's too bad, because I had enjoyed it here very much, and "met" some great folks; but I feel like the community spirit is gone, thus so am I. Be well all! Some of you know how to find me elsewhere.
  • Mr. Pid
    So much
    for softspikes, eh? I don't know which I miss more, the "crunch-crunch" sound or the Actual Grip On The Ground you get with metal spikes. I'll gladly put up with the Tiger Tracks on the greens instead, even though I was always very conscientious and know how to tread lightly. Don't let your flatstick get rusty either if you have a practice green nearby. There really is truth to that Show/Dough thing.
  • fluffanutter
    Mr. Pid, wasn't in a cart
    Just reread the post and see how it might be confusing. The old cart-path (7% grade) was still open. I was walking. I used the freshly cut cart-path without the steep grade, but muddy slope. As I was walking down I slipped and fell. Another irony: I had arthroscopic surgery on my knee last year and used a cart all year. Me knee is much better and I vowed to walk all year this year. Looks like I'm back to the cart again starting in June for the rest of the season. Good advice, though, about the short game. Plenty of room in the backyard to practice with the wedges.
  • Mr. Pid
    Not for nothing
    but that's one of the reasons I always walk when I play unless carts are required. There are very few courses where carts actually speed instead of slow the pace of play, but the courses make a lot more off carts then they did with caddies. And not to make light of your misfortune, fluffanutter (or should we call you duffanutter?) I am truly sorry to hear about it. It's going to be quite a while before you can fully load that leg again, but you should at least be able to chip and putt before too long. Maybe a good opportunity to hone your short game if you have ready access to a practice facility. At least try to get something positive out of the situation. In any event I hope you recover quickly. In the meantime, crank the tunes and enjoy!
  • fluffanutter
    Sounds like a scene from Caddyshack!
    Oh dear, the merlot all over Chevy Chase's white tux? Those poor golfers in the morning -- if the grounds crew hadn't raked the traps they might have fainted at the sight of all that perfectly good wine dyeing those white grains of sand! (As you can see, med. time has come and gone and I feel fine! Thanks ever'body for your well wishes and care)
  • gratefaldean
    Not fun at all! Incredible how completely unhelpful the staff was -- usually if someone gets hurt on a commercial property they're all over you hoping not to get sued. Idiots! On an almost-related note, I was at a nighttime picnic/party/concert on a golf course once. With no moon in the night sky, the only light coming from the stage, and walking around with and drinking from open bottles of merlot, I tumbled into sandtraps twice that warning that they were there until I was eating sand. No injuries, thankfully, but the red wine all over my white clothes (long story) made a very scary sight. "Hey, are you ok? Are you bleeding? Are you sure you're ok?" Get well soon...
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an open space.
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12 years 7 months
Permalink know how I feel about roaches: waste not, want not ;-) Thanks, Wilfred; hope this winter is finding you and the Mrs. well.
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12 years 7 months

my favourite slo quote was the expletive driven ranting a couple years back involving the cloak and dagger tactics from narcotics officers invading his email inbox. there may have been african brides attached as well. the memory falters. sadly deleted. still priceless.
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12 years 7 months

lol....your memory serves you well, RL. There was most certainly a picture of a very attractive African woman tastelessly connected to a poorly executed fishing expedition.Dipshits. I don't think Antiques Roadshow would be interested though:-)
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I Cannot Feel You As The Dogs Are Laughing And I Am Blind
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"Hey Dad, What Do Poets Eat For Tea? Pork And Opium, Son, Pork And Opium"
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7 years 4 months

Who else listens on Spotify? My friend and I have been noticing something very strange over the past couple of months. From time to time, a random track or two off of a certain show will be replaced by a track of the same song from a completely different show and usually era. The quality will be much less, the track is unmixed, or suddenly Brent joins the band in 1977. The switched track usually goes away within a day and goes back to normal. On one occasion the same track switched to two different versions in the same day. I've noticed that the switch usually only takes place on the computer app. On my phone I was able to pull up the original at the same time. The switch only happened on my phone one time. Has anyone else noticed this? It is becoming more and more frequent. I am enjoying listening to the replacement versions knowing that some sneaky Spotify employee must have chosen them.
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17 years 8 months

Hey! I do listen to Spotify also, on the computer all day at work. I have not noticed it myself. But, I will keep a listen and report back if I also see songs swap. Might be that I'm zoning on work and just not picking it up. That is certainly odd behavior. I could see a theory of it being "close enough" but computers don't do close enough unless explicitly programmed to do so. Anyways, not much help for you, but if I do see it, I'll be sure to hop back on and at least give you some support! Peace, -Dave
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7 years 4 months

I forgot to mention in my original post: What makes it even weirder is that the replaced versions are usually always from shows that are not on Spotify, shows that have not been professionally mastered. On a few occasions they were versions that I instantly recognized from shows that I have downloaded from The tracks are often similar in length but not always. My theory is that a Spotify employee that has access to their file system (must be someone high up) is switching them. But this idea becomes tricky because of the timeliness of the switches. The songs often go back to normal within a day. This person would have to be doing this all the time, unless they somehow have it automatically programmed. There is ONE track that has been switched for a while and IS switched for me RIGHT NOW if anyone wants to check: The album '30 trips around the sun', Shakedown Street from Cornell 5/16/81 is playing as Shakedown Street from 12/31/81, a version I know well. The labels still say Cornell 5/16/81. This is starting to drive me crazy, as the switches often happen at very timely times..... I have searched the internet and found no posts or articles about such phenomena so I finally decided to make some posts on Whatever this plot is I commend you because it is working.. Thanks, Josh
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Spotify is under some heat for other "weird" things employees are doing, like uploading their own music as a bunch of different artists nobody has heard of to flesh out the product. They don't exist, at all, except in Spotify. Or using computer generated music to do the same so they don't even have to make the songs. This was in the early days when they were still growing but the truth of it is coming out. I don't guess it hurts anything but it's deceptive.