- Post reply Log in to post comments3,439 repliesmaryeJoined:New year, new update. Tell us of your musical adventures in real time!
- uncle_tripelJoined:as The Sun Continues in it's path...
and the tide mounts,
and the people grow,
and the voices are heard,
and the sun goes down,
The Music Will Go On!august 28 1982 set 2 @ the oregon country fair
well, as you know...
...a celebration is a CELEBRATION!ty BIRDS!
uncle_tripel - strat-wolf-beanJoined:I would have to think it's Kezar then ...
since, when looking up the Lindley Meadows pics, Jerry has his first (more compact) Travis Bean, longer hair and much more of a Phineas Freak vibe going - if you know what I mean.
Damn, I really want that SNAC Benefit to get a re-release this year with BfA 50th, plus the Bob Fried Benefit show is coming for sure - at some point soon - hopefully in the 60th Anniversary box.
Bring it, DL!
- strat-wolf-beanJoined:OK, so guess we got crossed up
on exactly which picture (of the aforementioned Renee Berg) was in question. The one I saw, which clearly must be from '73 or '74, was of her, behind Jerry - who is playing Wolf and wearing a leather jacket (outdoors show, clearly not the Family Dog).
Apples to Oranges, apparently ... But all good.
Cheers! - daverockJoined:Strat cat
Yes, Jerry's playing a strat on my dvd on 2/4/70. Just going off photos, he seemed to alternate between this one and a red Gibson SG during 1970, and then those odd shaped guitars seemed to make an appearance in 1971. I actually prefer the sound of the Gibson on shows from 1970.
- dmcvtJoined:Manx, Fris, Hiatt
Last night concert with Harry Manx... long heard his recordings, first time live. Solo on several instruments, including a guitar with a sympathetic twelve string section, a sitar effect foot pedal, foot actuated percussion (left foot snare, right foot kick drum). He has a number of recordings which can be found on the u, glad to see him to Voodoo Child, Slight Return. Mostly slide blues but lots of stuff, kept trying to tag his voice like a Tom Waits drizzled Springsteen, he finished with Van Morrisons Crazy love and had Van down. This past week four concerts in seven days, a new record. Frisell program seen down in Florence, MA was performed in Brooklyn twice over this weekend and can be streamed now,
search on Roulette. And I had to return to some of the most best slide (besides Derek) , Sonny Landreth, found playing with John Hiatt on Riding with the King at the AVO Session, Basel, also on the tube. Have a great Superb Owl, everyone.