- Post reply Log in to post comments3,437 repliesmaryeJoined:New year, new update. Tell us of your musical adventures in real time!
- icecrmcnkdJoined:10-9,10-76 vinyl
Sounds grate!!!
Phil sounds awesome on vinyl.
It helps that I got new Klipsch speakers and 12-inch subwoofer a few months ago.I had 10-9 set 2 on cassette, but never had set 1 or 10-10 on cassette. Was quite happy when both shows were announced as a DP.
Was glad I was able to score a vinyl copy when it came out.
- bluecrowJoined:American Beauty
The Mickey Hart remix released as a DVD-A ca 2001. I was straightening up the music collection and after that task was done this release said pick me. Many a year since I listened to this one!! For those unfamiliar with it, this is very much Mickey's vision and all sorts of alternate vocal and instrumental threads are brought forward and woven into it.
edit - not without frustration (I was tech challenged) but still a very cool listen. Was playing this through an external disc drive on my Mac. The disc can "in theory" be played 3 ways - Advanced Resolution Stereo, Adv. Res. 6 channel surround sound, DVD Video Compatible Dolby Digital, but I was unable to bring up any menu to choose one or another. Which of these it played I'm not sure. Everything present but the sound stage didn't seem balanced. Still all those crazy musical threads that Mickey brought in or brought up seemed to be there and I loved that. There also are interviews with Mickey and Bob - audio portion would play but the video was messed up. Oh well. Not sure if this mix is available for streaming (I don't subscribe to any streaming service right now) but if so highly recommend.
edit 2 - taking a look at that clunky interface again this morning and realized that this time when the disc first loaded it brought up a surround sound playback, but after clicking back through the main menu it brought up the Dolby playback and now its just stuck on Dolby with no apparent way to choose (sure thing boomer).
edit 3: looks like the DaP 52 comments page got taken down around noon. Curious.