- Post reply Log in to post comments3,439 repliesmaryeJoined:New year, new update. Tell us of your musical adventures in real time!
- OroborousJoined:7/19/89
Short version: doesn’t hang with the big boys.
First sets good, and Box O, then as is often the case, FH is strained and ole JG has perhaps lost his edge? Flubs a bit of LLR which is not a top shelf version anyway, then Terrapin (I’m mind missing?)
TOO is ok but nothing special, wheel gets flubbed, but then, aaahhh, lol, like I told my Other one, “watch, he can stumble half the night, but if he nails this Dew, all will be forgotten, and the poor shlub who was miserable in the rain all night…40 years later, he’ll only remember that Dew”, and so sure as your born ….lol. Man I miss Jer!
So not a bad show, by the high standards of this tour, perhaps below the bar, certainly not RJ. Seemed like another last show of the tour, where like athletes, they just ran outta gas a bit.
Be interesting to see how this run shakes out?
Ok, mañana onto Cal X.
Onward! - ObeahJoined:Pigasus and the Daley Center - and 7/25/1974
Good catch on that detail, Bluecrow - you are quite right about the location of the Pigasus nomination. Not sure how I got that confused with the Int'l Amp, but I'm sure it's from going down wiki rabbit holes and losing track.
I've finally got a copy of 7/25/74, all ready for listening while I do some work tomorrow. At last! I'm excited. I had disc III of 5/14/74 still in my car's CD player when I picked up my brother yesterday. We got to our destination but we were 10 minutes early and he said, "ok, park, but don't turn this off... this is SO good." (It was the NFA->GDTRFB closer) If you do manage to track down the mystery taper for this one, I'm sure I'm not alone in saying I will eagerly be listening as you relay more details. Cheers.
- OroborousJoined:“Burgers, we don’t need no…
stinkin burgers” lol, yep, totally transported me right there lol.
Remember my “first”, folks older, experienced folks I was with took us to late night burrito place, used Togo late night all the time, like clockwork. That night, food? Couldn’t fathom it or why you’d want to? And the florescent lights and GIANT fish tanks almost freaked me out lol. Of course eventually I learned that food could be good too lol
Man, just looked up, what a ride!
Might as well travel the elegant way!Those were the daze my friend, we thought they’d never end…
- 1stshow70878Joined:Oro
Follow up:
And I was designated driver, lol. I guess I was the Capt. trips because it was well known I could keep it together no matter what. Tim's (CA Deadhead who got me on the bus in the dorm at Colo. State in 1975) '66 Mercedes 200 batwing no less. He trusted me on ski trips with that too. Likely my favorite car to drive of all time. I remember laughing hysterically with the people still in the car while the others were getting some food. We couldn't imagine why they would want to eat food. We don't need no stinking burgers! A good time was had by all. Appreciate the props bro.
Cheers - OroborousJoined:7/18&19/89
Gave the 18th a full sit down last night, which I hadn’t done in awhile.
Holy crap what a good show! My recollection was that the first night (has always been!) HOT. But that the next two nights were good, but maybe not RJ?
Maybe just set and setting, but boy I really dug the 18th last night, almost got up outta my seat a few times like Dave says lol
So once I’m awake enough lol, going to try for the 19th next…
I know PF and others don’t fully embrace these, and as I say, over the years I’ve not always felt the full eeeleck tricity, but it sure clicked last night.
I think there’s occasionally a looseness during this time that occasionally might lead certain types to head scratch. Like their not full on or something? I think it’s just their having fun, and are in such a good place that their relaxed and loose and just letting it flow? Who knows?I unfortunately don’t recall so much from being there except that it was good, and the new, steep hill to accommodate more people, but not the crazy oversold monsoon mob and our awesome DIY slip and slide down the hill lol.
And I’ve now seen the video so many times I can’t recall much specifically.But to me, the thing that makes this time so special is Garcia! He’s not only playing well, he’s really enjoying himself. You can literally see it!
I didn’t watch any of it last night (supposedly the 18th was a MUATM?) but I could just see him in my minds eye after watching DH the previous night.
All the vids from this time show how much fun he was having and it showed in his playing! (wish they’d give us more vids, legacy tech and all…)ISTSHOW: lol, synesthesia at prime proper upscale jazz show!
I bet THAT was interesting, yer a warrior!
The setting reminds me of a late eighties Metheny show, muggy, hot, with too much humidity, and excessive stealth bullet usage smack dab in the middle of upscale crowd etc…”dude, yer gonna get us kicked out or worse”, me= “it’s melting, so I HAVE to do it all” I should write a book lolGreat story 1stshow, and I bet that was an awesome show!
- DennisJoined:First Show & Cold Dead Hands
Cold dead hands indeed :-)
I buy this stuff and tell my wife, "but look they go up in value" "It's for our son someday"
In reality it doesn't matter what happens to the price,,, I'm not selling.
It wouldn't be a collection if you sold stuff. I've been collecting albums since I was 7. I still have all my "kids" albums.
Someday they will go to my son (unless my wife sells them all 5 minutes after I'm dead), what he will do with them, who knows.
Can there EVER be enough music? Of course not!
Music may not be life, but it's the reason for living. If the only thing we can take to the next stop in life is our memories, mine will be filled with music!