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    New year, new update. Tell us of your musical adventures in real time!


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  • Oroborous

    Continuing on end of 1980

    Indy 81, yes sir Mr BC definitely the best I’ve heard of the 6 or 7 I’ve listened to so far from that tour!

    Mr Sun? Feel like I must of seem them at Rocky Grass BITD?
    Nutcracker sounds interesting, definitely will have to check out.
    Can you recommend some of their more jazzy stuff? i.e., is there an album if such…believe I’ve heard them described as jazz grass?
    Of course that makes one think of Bela/Ftones or Dawg, but I’ve always really dug Strength In Numbers Telluride sessions!
    Need more of this but it has to be more jazzy than Grassy…both my preference and TOO can’t abide any “hillbilly twangy crap” LOL
    That’s ok Luv, I can’t stand that prepackaged Beat from hell shit you like lol

  • dmcvt
    Mr. Sun, Coig, Paul Winter

    Since our band is well covered here, a short report on a recent concert held at of all places, the National Gallery of Art in Washing Tundy Cee. Mr. Sun band developed their interpretation of the Ellington Strayhorn interpretation of the Nutcracker last year, was able to catch it then at the Chandler in Randolph, when I heard they would perform it at a location I have been fortunate to visit since childhood, no question. Went down for the 1 pm and managed to jump the line and get a front row seat, one of only four. Saying this being very glad anonymous here so methods not revealed, did get a chance to chat with guitarist Grant Gordy after on his way to see Da Vinci's Ginevra de Benci. What a location for music there in the West Garden Court, always a pleasure at the holidays when the central area is decorated. Admission was free, it being tax payer dollars. Coig this weekend for Celtic Christmas back at Chandler, then Paul Winter Consort's Solstice next week. Mr. Sun has a few more gigs in Wisconsin and Minnesota before they finish their seasonal concert at Nashville. Some of the best acoustic jazz flavored bluegrass you will ever. Probably don't need to tie it in, but Grant played with David Grisman for a while.

  • bluecrow
    Took a step back, and another step back

    12/5/81 Indy

    edit - oooh boy is this show a thing of beauty. there is a great sounding Miller sbd. highly recommend!!

  • Oroborous

    To start…
    I’ve heard this fine show via GOBC, but going in order so we’ll see how it. compares….very nice! And so is it’s mate
    12/14/80 and heading for a DHB with

  • uncle_tripel
    The Last...

    ...Night of Spring '77

    let's just mellow out abit

    may 28 1977
    inhartford @civiccenter

    on downloaded CD-R's
    not the
    "To Terrapin: Hartford '77"

    PEACE for ALL!

  • jonathan918@GD
    Dave's #20

    Another smash offering from DL and company. I didn't know of this show until it was released, and it knocked me off my feet!!!

    I remeber sitting my buddy down and saying, "get ready dude!" I played him China Cat through the encore....when it was done, he looked at me, and simply said, "fuck man"

    Fun times, only possible with GD, and some good smoke, preferably

    rock on, gang

  • bluecrow

    Obeah's tale, anniversary date, and fact that close (lived across the street) high school friend from Chi-town area was at this show has me listening to Hunter Seamon's matrix (on the road now so my copy of DaP 20 not available.) Back around Christmas '81 mailed some tapes to Chris. He replied with tapes and a letter that included him being at the Boulder show - spoiler - it was freaking great. Side note - youngest brother and some friends and I saw the Rosemont show 3 nights earlier. That show had some cool moments - like a Set II To Lay Me Down and a Pearl Harbor Space - but it also marked the end of the Uptown Theatre era in Chicago and I think Boulder (plus Indy) smoked it. My personal feeling was that acoustics in the Rosemont sucked and what we lost was the mighty Uptown Theatre. That same high school friend wrote that he had heard rumors that a final run at the Uptown had been planned but fell through and that the Dead even considered buying the Uptown (latter seems a bit out there but ??). As it turned out the final Uptown concert ever was a Jerry Band show 11/17/81 ~3 weeks before the Rosemont show. That was my first of four Jerry shows, with youngest brother and Bill and Laura - we were in the balcony, it was crazy fun. So back to the point - listening to Boulder - np a ripping China - Rider to end Set I.

    edit - i was mistaken that the 11/17/81 JGB show was the last concert in the Uptown. Zappa played 10 days later, there was also Rolling Stones simulcast from the Rosemont (of all places) in that span. J Geils Band w/ Southside Johnny and Asbury Jukes last show there{?} 12/19/81. A burst frozen water pipe in December '81 took the Uptown off line (so to speak). So my memory of the last days of the Uptown skewed by half baked memory and maybe rumor - but yeah it seems that for some reason the GD couldn't make it work/chose not to and that JGB show was sorta/maybe Jerry's farewell to what was a favorite venue for a few years.

  • uncle_tripel

    ...and stayin' within' the groove...
    may 17 1977
    @ the memorial coliseum
    in tuscaloosa AL

    I've had this one on CD-R for a long as I can remember,
    and I can remember listening to it
    on a flight home from FLA in '98
    on a Sony DiscMan
    with huge white billowy clouds
    shimmering over the wing

    PEACE for ALL!

    edit: OBEAH a big time :)
    edit 2: read both howarth plangent process interviews; way outside of my digital processing :)

  • Obeah
    The Strange Odyssey of 12/9/81

    BITD, the days of USENet, I looked over my list of tapes and realized I was really hurting on '80-'81-'82. I had started trading with some guy in Canada, and I saw on his list that he had a bunch of early 80s boards. So I asked him to select some of the very best. I remember one was the '82 "Raven Space" show; the second escapes me entirely now; and the third was 12/9/81 Boulder, CO.

    Back then, tracking info wasn't what it was today, and in this case it was taking even longer since it wasn't a domestic mailpiece. I kept waiting for the tapes to arrive, but to no avail. Finally one morning a couple of neighborhood kids came to my porch as I was standing there looking at the day's mail delivery, a delivery that once again contained no packages. The kids said something like, "are you looking for your cassettes?" and with a sinking feeling I asked them how they could know that. Well, it came out that their sometime friend, a boy maybe 10-11 years old, had porch-pirated me and had stolen my package!

    So I walked down to his house, one of the first McMansions on our block, and knocked on the door. His parents were sympathetic, and the kid was made to confess and apologize, but for some of the tapes it was too late - he'd found the music uninspiring, apparently, and had set about destroying the tapes by unspooling them and throwing them around. One was actually visible hanging from a nearby utility line.

    The now-unremembered show was one of the casualties. So was tape II of the Raven Space show. I seem to recall that tape I survived with only minor damage (I was able to re-spool it). However, both sets of 12/9/81 were untouched. And what a show!

    There are some good shows from this date - the Fox in '71; Kiel 8 years later; the LA Forum in '89. But this is my go-to show on December 9th. Thanks, Dave, for releasing this one! (And thanks to those kids for ratting out their 'friend')

  • Oroborous

    Probably one of my top DaP and another neglected, underplayed show.
    Nothing like a proper matrix!

    Then fresh meat, 12/6/80!

    And another new for me: 12/12/80, Sshwinngg!

    Fun story OBEAH!

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New year, new update. Tell us of your musical adventures in real time!
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bringing it all back home.... https://youtu.be/MNwqV_HpMSE re Sam Price, would have had more credibility if the lead singer wasn't reading lyrics off a sheet of paper, that clip was made for radio.... ;-)
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Yabby You Track: Version Dub Label: Prophets Cat #: none
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Woke up this morning, heard the sad news and went right to my archives. I have one live Chuck Berry recording and listening to it right now... it just so happens to be 50 Years Ago TODAY...3/19/1967...FILLMORE WEST RIP Chuck Berry thanks for being the seed to this enormously beautiful tree! You and R&R will live forever iGrateful
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The Screws Track: Shake It, Baby Label: In The Red Recordings Cat #: ITR 080
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Honky Track: Love To Smoke Your Weed Label: Small Stone Records Cat #: SS-056
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https://youtu.be/HXrJGK-lTJw I just listened to the 12/4/71 show from Montreux Casino...aka the inspiration for "Smoke on the Water"... "Everyone calmly move towards the exit"...."calmly" Damn what a show!
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ZZ Top Track: Nasty Dogs And Funky Kings Label: London Records Cat #: PS 656
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Junior Brown Track: Long Walk Back To San Antone Label: Curb Records Cat #: D2-77897
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Cactus Track: Feel So Good Label: ATCO Records Cat #: SD 33-340
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Wino Track: Release Me / Wild Blue Yonder Label: Roadburn Records Cat #: RBR019LP