• 3,441 replies
    New year, new update. Tell us of your musical adventures in real time!


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  • Oroborous

    Lol, just a wee bit more throttle than earlier!

  • daverock
    Almost Acoustic

    Credited to the Jerry Garcia Acoustic Band. Originally released in 1988. Nice album.

  • proudfoot
    Virgin listens to Shrine 76s?

    You'll be....very satisfied.

  • Oroborous
    Finally, 10/2/76

    Can they keep the drive alive?
    Been a Hellava stretch, they may have peaked slightly already?
    As always, it’ll be fun/interesting to find out…

    Edit: (same review as DaP 53 page)

    Finally worked into the rotation.
    As a representative example of the tour/year, this is a fine show.
    I can totally appreciate why Dave went with this one.
    You have to think there is some professional considerations involved in his processes that we civilian nuts might not consider?
    The audio is nice, the playing solid, nearly flawless, good selection of tunes to compliment other releases etc. So why am I not shouting “RJ”?
    I can see how some might find it a tad subdued, especially the JG tunes, depending on how your pleasure tends, but I think that’s kinda on purpose, and perhaps not as exciting, certainly not a fault?
    But I’m struggling for the right word to describe how it made me feel? I thorough enjoyed it, but perhaps it didn’t hit me as much as, imho, the peak sweet spot of this tour, the four from 9/24 through 9/28. Fortunately, we’ve been blessed with 3 outta the four (so far 🤞)…
    The next four are also quite good, but perhaps that’s it, too “good”, like some of 77 for me personally, their too shiny clean and sparkly good?
    Jimmy’s “super model” analogy?
    They’ve been on the road just long enough to get jiggy with it via those spicy unusual jams and sequences, work out the kinks, and by Ohio evolved into a smooth, velvety goodness? So all good, but personally, I think those four or five, “worts and all” were more up my alley? Ya know, more dirty but daring? Obviously subjective conjecture certainly influenced by bias…
    Fortunately, David himself discusses some of this in his notes, which to me intimates promise for more of this tours awesome, underrated goodness!

    Actually listening to 10/3 as we speak and this one’s even better than I recall, though admittedly I haven’t given it a good shake yet?
    8/2 was perhaps a practice gig, and 9/4 takes a little time to get up to speed, but then, oh boy! I felt 9/23 was good, but comparatively the “warm up gig” for the tour. But from there onward, mighty fine indeed!
    Next up will be those awesome Oakland shows, then the 2 shrines for the first time. It will be interesting to compare them all upon completion!

  • proudfoot
    During Disneyland visit

    Waiting for wife to get done with a ride I didn't want to go on

    Listened on little ear buds to 1983 (a merman I should turn to be)


  • Oroborous

    Wow, this stretch just seems to keep getting better…
    Gonna try and sneak 10/1 in today so hopefully I can get DaP 53 proper treatment mañana!

    Hope that’s just a cold PF…not “quademic”…chicken soup and zinc time!

    Did Disneyworld? (Fla) at night on veggies once, big fun!

  • proudfoot
    Just got back from a trip to Disneyland

    Besides good times and good memories, I also brought back a cold. I escaped it for weeks, and it caught me.


    Disneyland was a very welcome bubble from current events.

    When I get back to normal I will be doing more El Monte stuff.

    The best way to experience Disneyland is by having a specialty snack.

  • Oroborous

    Why, 9/27&28/76 of course!
    Good sheet Mon!
    Why is 9/27 not out?
    Oh yeah, that’s going in the Rochester Box ; )

  • Oroborous
    When the going gets weird…

    4/21 is a beauty, but as good as it is, I preferred the 2 or 3 proceeding, and perhaps the next night as good or better, Duke they seemed burnt, which is understandable…But hey, that’s just me lol, but what a stretch there!

    9/25/76 to start today…
    Just don’t tell ‘em ya know me!

    If I get any weirder,..well, they have places for us…

  • Forensicdoceleven
    I'm just gonna be more weird and unique as possible......

    Mornin', rockers!

    Right now? Providence April 21 1971. Because CRUNCHY. Plus it rocks a tiny bit. And there's some good Pigpen. And it's going to be in the first April 1971 box set. Did I mention it's a rocker????

    The more you embrace the weird crazy things about you, the more you find your tribe......

    Rock on!

    Embrace your differences and the qualities about you that you think are weird, eventually, they're going to be the only things separating you from everyone else.....

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Member for

17 years 9 months
New year, new update. Tell us of your musical adventures in real time!
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Member for

12 years 7 months

American Blues Track: All I Saw Was You Label: Karma Cat #: KLP-1001
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12 years 7 months

Blue Cheer Track: Second Time Around Label: Philips Cat #: PHS 600-264
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Member for

16 years 7 months

Big Moon Ritual is a solid record, front to back.If you haven't heard their stuff, you should definitely check them out. Also, any live material you can find is worth a look.
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Member for

12 years 7 months

Paul Leary Track: How Much Longer Label: Rough Trade Cat #: R263-1
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12 years 7 months

Helios Creed Track: XL-35 Label: Amphetamine Reptile Records Cat #: AMREP 010
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12 years 7 months

Scratch Acid Track: She Said Label: Rabid Cat Records Cat #: RAB.004.SA
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12 years 7 months

The Cramps Track: Bikini Girls With Machine Guns Label: Enigma Records Cat #: ENV 17
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12 years 7 months

JackOfficers Track: L.A. Mama Peanut Butter Label: Rough Trade Cat #: RUS 100-1
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12 years 7 months

Chrome Track: All Data Lost Label: Cleopatra Cat #: CLP 2075
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12 years 7 months

Beme Seed Track: All Souls Growing In Glory Label: No. 6 Records Cat #: KAR 012-1
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17 years 9 months

Row Jimmy playing now... sweetGreat footage with Pyramids and Sphinx in backdrop.
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12 years 7 months

Gordon Lightfoot Track: The Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald Label: Reprise Records Cat #: MS 2246
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12 years 7 months

Crispy Ambulance Track: From The Cradle To The Grave Label: Aural Assault Records Cat #: ASSAULT ONE, AAR-001
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12 years 7 months

The Middle Class Track: Out Of Vogue Label: Joke Records Cat #: 19831A, 09831